walkthrough harvest moon animal parade

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Post on 14-Oct-2015




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WalkthroughStoryline Walkthrough

Lokasi umum dari 5 loncengDalam rangka untuk memanggil Harvest King, 5 lonceng ajaib harus dibunyikan. Lonceng hanya dapat terdengar pada hari-hari cerah 6 AM -6 PM! Setiap bel dilindungi oleh Harvest Sprite, yang membutuhkan Anda untuk melakukan semacam tugas sebelum bel bisa berpadu.

Tugas utama Anda dalam permainan ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan 5 lonceng yang hilang dan membuat mereka untuk berdering serempak. Setiap bel dan Harvest Sprite didasarkan dari elemen. Ketika Anda mengembalikan kekuatan elemen Anda akan menemukan fungsi kembali ke Castanet. Misalnya, mengembalikan kekuatan api akan memungkinkan Blacksmith untuk bekerja pada lebih tinggi tingkat alat upgrade.

Kuning - TanahMerah - ApiHijau - AnginBiru - AirPurple - Hati

Jika Anda tersesat dalam permainan dan tidak yakin di mana harus mencari berikutnya, tekan 1 tombol pada remote Wii Anda untuk membuka sistem bantuan. Fin biasanya akan berada di sana untuk memberikan petunjuk. Jika dia tidak banyak membantu, kunjungi Dewi di kolam dan dia akan memberi Anda ide umum di mana Anda dapat mencari untuk menemukan lima Harvest Sprite yang hilang.

The Beginning

Setelah menjadi turun oleh Kain, dan diberitahu oleh Hamilton Anda harus membayarnya 5000 G untuk lahan pertanian, bicara dan mengunjungi dengan orang-orang di Castanet. Anda akan menemukan bahwa hal-hal yang tidak melakukannya dengan baik. Tidak ada yang datang ke kota Harmonica lagi, jadi Jake dan Colleen cukup tertekan. Setiap kebakaran yang dibuat di pulau terlalu lemah untuk menjadi berguna. Tanpa ada api bisa dimasak, jadi Maya, Chase, dan Yolanda sedih. Tanaman tidak melakukan dengan baik, sehingga dampak Craig dan Ruth. Anda juga akan menemukan bahwa beberapa penduduk desa telah pergi untuk belajar.

Jika Anda mengunjungi Simon di rumahnya Harmonika Photography Studio, ia akan memberikan Camera gratis. Sekarang Anda dapat mengambil gambar dalam permainan Anda.

Juga, kunjungi gudang hewan di Horn Ranch. Kain akan berada di dalam dan memberikan sapi kecil gratis. Anda dapat memilih antara sapi hitam, hitam & putih berbintik, atau coklat.

Anda pendamping Harvest Sprite, Finn, ingin Anda untuk mengunjungi Dewi kolam sesegera mungkin. Kolam ini terletak mendaki gunung di Tambang Kabupaten Garmon, dan Anda dapat mengambil jalan belakang peternakan Anda untuk sampai ke sana.

Ketika Anda mengikuti jalan gunung Anda akan lari ke Bo, tukang kayu magang. Anak itu dihadapkan dengan tugas memperbaiki jembatan ke Mine District Garmon. Sayangnya dia tidak membawa kotak alat tukang kayu nya. Bo meminta Anda untuk berbicara dengan Walikota Hamilton untuk mengambilnya. Anda akan menemukan Hamilton di Balai Kota, hanya di sisi lain dari jembatan sebelah fotografi studio Simon.

Kembali di kota Harmonica, Hamilton akan meminta Anda berbicara dengan semua orang, jika Anda belum melakukannya, sebelum dia memberi Anda kotak alat. Sebagian besar orang dapat ditemukan di dalam toko-toko mereka, tetapi ada beberapa yang rumit:

Jake dan Colleen - Pada akhir dermaga di dermagaToby - Di bawah kincir air di Flute FieldsChase - Pergi ke Chelsta Gereja Grounds mencari titikBila Anda telah selesai bertemu semua orang, kembali ke Balai Kota dan Hamilton akan memberikan kotak alat.

Ambil tool box kembali ke Bo di jembatan. Sekarang dia bisa bekerja tapi dia benar-benar lapar! Bo meminta agar Anda membawanya Strawberry dan beberapa Milk.

Anda dapat membeli yang layak Susu di Horn peternakan untuk 340 G dan Strawberry yang layak di Marimba Farm untuk 360 G. Kedua toko ini di Flute Fields ditutup pada hari Rabu. Berikan Bo kedua item dan dia akan dapat mulai memperbaiki jembatan.

Perhatikan! "Hot Milk" Anda dapat membeli dari Horn Ranch adalah resep memasak dan TIDAK susu dapat Anda berikan kepada Bo.

Keesokan paginya Bo akan mengunjungi rumah Anda dan memberitahu Anda perbaikan selesai. Sekarang Anda dapat berjalan kaki ke Mine District Garmon.

Di antara Dale Kayu dan Barbara General Store adalah jalan yang mengarah ke Dewi Pond. Menyusuri jalan Anda akan menemukan bahwa jalan diblokir oleh binatang liar! Finn menyarankan Anda berbicara dengan seseorang yang tahu tentang binatang.

Kunjungi Dale di toko Pertukangan nya. Dia menjelaskan bahwa Anda perlu membuka hati untuk binatang, dan menunjukkan hubungan dia dengan anjingnya, Boss. Keduanya bergaul dengan baik! Dale mengatakan bahwa Whistle Animal akan membantu, tapi setelah mencari sakunya ia tampaknya telah menjatuhkannya. Dale mengatakan dia ketika dia berada di dekat toko Barbara.

Berbicara dengan Barbara di tokonya, tapi dia belum benih peluit. Dia menyarankan Anda berbicara dengan Julias.

Aksesori shop hanya melewati jembatan kaki kecil. Di dalam, Julias mengatakan bahwa ia mendapat peluit dari Simon (yang ditemukan di tanah), tapi kemudian ia memberikannya kepada Chloe. Julias juga menyebutkan toko tidak akan berjalan kecuali Mira mengambil alih dari almarhum suaminya, dan dia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di Gereja Chelsta. Bila Anda pernah punya waktu, berjalan kembali ke gereja dan berbicara dengan Mira. Dia akan menyadari dia mengabaikan toko aksesori dan kembali untuk membukanya.

Sebelah toko Accessories adalah toko Blacksmith. Ramsey mengatakan bahwa jika Chloe memiliki peluit oranye, dia akan dari ingin memamerkannya ke Owen. Dia menyarankan bahwa Anda pergi mencari Owen di dalam tambang.

Owen dapat ditemukan di dalam Garmon Bawah Tambang di lantai 10 ke bawah. Dia mengatakan bahwa Chloe memang memiliki peluit oranye, tapi ketika dia meniup di atasnya beruang dan babi muncul! Dia mengambil itu darinya karena ia takut untuk keselamatan dirinya. Owen akan mengambil peluit dari sakunya dan mempercayakan kepada Anda.

Kembali ke binatang liar menghalangi jalan ke Dewi 'Pond and menggunakan Whistle Hewan. Makhluk akan menjadi senang dan keluar dari cara Anda. Sekarang Anda dapat pergi dan mengunjungi Dewi Panen.

Di kolam, Dewi menjelaskan masalah dengan pohon ilahi. Kekuatan alam telah memudar, dan jika 5 lonceng tidak berbunyi, maka tanah akan segera dihuni. Dewi meminta untuk membunyikan lonceng Sprite mereka, tapi dia takut mereka telah menjadi terlalu lemah untuk melakukannya.

Lonceng akan menjadi sekitar pulau tapi Dewi tidak tahu lokasi yang tepat mereka. Anda selalu bisa kembali ke kolam dan dia akan memberikan sedikit informasi apa yang dia tahu.

Alan's Red BellJika Anda pernah mencapai bagian bawah Garmon Bawah Tambang, Anda akan menemukan Owen smashing jauh di sebuah batu besar. Kembali ke lantai 10 setelah Anda bertemu dengan Dewi dan Anda akan melihat bahwa Owen telah menghancurkan batu. Berjalan melalui jalan setapak untuk menemukan bell alas merah, tapi bel hilang!

Kembali ke atas tambang dan berbicara dengan Ramsey. Orang tua berpikir bahwa Chloe mungkin tahu sesuatu tentang hal itu.

Ketika Anda berjalan melewati toko umum Barbara pada hari yang cerah, Anda akan menemukan Bo menghitung sampai 10. Ia dan Chloe sedang bermain bersama di luar. Finn kemudian bintik merah Bell! Hal ini hanya duduk di tanah sedikit cara pergi. Ketika Anda menjalankan untuk mendapatkan bel, Chloe berjalan dan tendangan bel ke udara!

Chloe cukup kuat untuk seorang gadis kecil dan bel akhirnya mendarat, dan terjebak dalam cerobong asap toko Ramsey.

Kembali ke dalam toko Blacksmith, bel adalah wedges terlalu ketat untuk Ramsey untuk mendapatkannya kemandekan. Dia menunjukkan bahwa banyak bijih di atas api, selemah itu sudah, mungkin bisa membuat cukup asap untuk mendorong bel keluar dari cerobong asap. Ramsey dan Chloe meminta Anda untuk pergi mengumpulkan Iron Ore, Bijih Tembaga, Perak Ore, dan Gold Ore

Anda tidak harus meminta Mira untuk memproses bijih. Hanya menemukan bijih dengan menghancurkan batuan di Garmon Bawah Tambang dan menyerahkannya kepada Ramsey.

Setelah semua 4 buah bijih dikumpulkan, Ramsey menempatkan mereka di atas api. Jumlah asap yang keluar cukup untuk mengusir bel dan tunas ke udara. Setelah Anda menangkap bel, kembali ke lantai 10 dari tambang untuk menempatkannya di alas. Anda akan menemukan merah Harvest Sprite, Alan.

Setelah Alan cincin Red Bell, kekuatan api akan kembali ke Castanet. Dering Red Bell juga membuka bagian-bagian yang lebih dalam Garmon Bawah Mine, yang dapat Anda akses dengan pergi menuruni tangga yang muncul di balik alas bel di lantai 10. Anda juga sekarang bisa turun lorong gelap yang mengarah ke atas Garmon Mine, yang akan Anda temukan di sebelah kanan dari pintu masuk Tambang Bawah Garmon.

Sekarang bahwa api telah kembali ke tanah, Ramsey dapat meng-upgrade perangkat Anda, tetapi hanya jika Anda memiliki dana dan bijih yang tepat.

Anda juga dapat sekarang menggunakan air panas di peternakan Anda!

Collin's Yellow BellAnda dapat menemukan Yellow Bell jika Anda berjalan dari peternakan Anda ke pantai di Farmland Anda, tepat di sebelah selatan jembatan yang mengarah ke Flute Fields. Anda berdua melihat lonceng setengah terkubur di pasir. Sayangnya Collin sangat lemah sehingga dia tidak bisa banyak membantu, tapi berhasil membuat olok Finn sebelum ia menghilang.

Kembali ke Dewi kolam dan menunjukkan Yellow Bell kepada Dewi. Kekuatan Collin dapat dikembalikan jika Anda mandi bel dalam mengumpulkan cahaya bulan. Ada 3 tempat di tanah di mana sinar bulan bergabung bersama, dan jika Anda menempatkan bel dalam terang itu harus memulihkan tenaga Collin.

Cahaya bulan hanya akan muncul antara 6 PM dan tengah malam, tapi pertama-tama Anda harus menemukan batu cahaya bulan!

Berjalan kembali ke daerah Garmon Tambang dan berjalan menaiki tangga yang mengarah melewati toko Ramsey. Di bagian atas tangga Anda akan membuka Calvin, yang mengatakan dia mengeksplorasi batu aneh yang ia temukan tertulis tentang di sebuah litograf. Batu yang ditemukan di tanah adalah salah satu batu cahaya bulan yang Anda cari! Calvin memberi Anda litograf kuno untuk membantu Anda dengan pencarian Anda dan kemudian dia pergi.

Catatan: Pada titik ini Anda sudah bertemu Calvin, tetapi Anda belum resmi dibuka dia. Calvin akan mulai hidup di Orcarina Inn setelah Anda membunyikan Yellow Bell.

Untuk mengisi ulang bel dengan cahaya bulan, mengambil bel dari ransel Anda dan tekan A ketika Anda memegang bel di tengah cahaya bulan. Bel akan menyerap sinar dan Collin akan menjadi sedikit lebih kuat. Sekarang Anda harus menemukan yang lain 2 tempat.

Bintik-bintik cahaya bulan lainnya cukup mudah untuk menemukan. Salah satunya adalah di lereng bukit yang mengarah ke Horn Ranch di Flute Fields, dan yang lainnya berada di bawah mercusuar di kota Harmonica. Hanya mengambil Yellow Bell dan menempatkannya dalam terang. Setelah Anda memiliki semua 3 dilakukan, daya Collin akan diisi ulang.

Anda tidak dilakukan belum! Sekarang bahwa Anda memiliki bel perlu tergantung dari bell GWK di Flute Fields. Pintu gerbang menuju GWK adalah di sebelah kanan toko Marimba Pertanian. Sayangnya jalan ke alas terkunci oleh sebuah gerbang.

Masuk ke dalam Marimba Pertanian dan berbicara dengan Ruth. Dia mengeluh tentang suami tidak berguna, dan berharap bahwa mereka memiliki beberapa tanaman untuk kapal. Jika Anda dapat tumbuh beberapa tanaman untuknya, mungkin dia dapat dari beberapa bantuan.

Ruth memberitahu Anda bahwa dia membutuhkan Anda untuk tumbuh 10 dari salah satu tanaman berikut:

Musim semi - Baik SeladaMusim panas - Baik TomatJatuh - Baik LabuMusim Dingin - Baik Buckwheat

Anda tidak harus tumbuh 10 dari masing-masing tanaman, hanya 10 pernah dari mana yang Anda dapat tumbuh di musim yang saat ini Anda masuk Setiap kualitas yang baik, sempurna, atau bersinar akan dilakukan. Anda juga dapat mencampur dan mencocokkan tanaman, seperti membawanya 5 Baik Selada di Spring dan kemudian 5 Bagus Tomat di musim panas.

Bawa Ruth 10 sayuran dia diminta dan bertanya tentang alas lagi. Dia pikir mungkin ada satu di mana suami tidak berguna nya bekerja di lapangan. Dia akan membuka gerbang lapangan untuk Anda.

Pada ujung jalan Anda akan menemukan bingkai Yellow Bell. Tempatkan bel pada dudukannya dan meminta Collin untuk membunyikan itu. Sekarang kekuatan bumi telah kembali ke Castanet.

Jika Anda kembali ke Marimba Farm hari berikutnya, Anissa akan kembali dari perjalanannya. Kakaknya Taylor juga telah kembali dari perjalanan belanja benih pendek dan akan membiarkan Anda tahu dengan mengunjungi rumah Anda di pagi hari.

Ben's Blue Bell

Lantai atas di kincir angin di Horn Ranch Anda akan menemukan alas lain, tapi bel hijau hilang. Dimana Daren? Finn berpikir mungkin Penyihir mungkin punya ide tentang apa yang harus dilakukan selanjutnya. Dia tinggal di Fugue Forest.

Jika Anda pergi ke pintu masuk hutan Anda akan menemukan bahwa pintu gerbang terkunci! Kembali ke Horn Peternakan dan berbicara dengan Hanna. Dia tidak tahu mengapa pintu gerbang akan terkunci ketika tidak digunakan untuk dikunci, jadi dia mengirim suaminya untuk menyelidiki.

Kembali kembali ke pintu masuk hutan dan Anda akan menemukan Cain melihat kunci. Dia tidak memiliki kunci, tetapi dia yakin Dale memilikinya.

Berjalan ke toko pertukangan di Tambang Kabupaten Garmon dan berbicara dengan Dale. Dia memang mengunci pintu ke hutan dan menyerahkan kuncinya.

Gunakan tombol di pintu untuk melewati gerbang. Anda juga perlu memiliki Axe Anda di Rucksack Anda sebelum Anda dapat memasukkan hutan.

Jalur melalui hutan adalah serangkaian layar yang dihasilkan secara acak. Ada sekitar 12 daerah pohon acak Anda harus melewati. Saat Anda berjalan ke setiap daerah, mencari jalan kecil yang mengarah menjauh dari tempat Anda berada. Kadang-kadang jalan dapat tersembunyi di balik pohon di utara-sisi layar. Tidak ada buntu, sehingga tetap mencari jika Anda tidak melihat jalan segera.

Pada akhir hutan Anda akan menemukan rumah penyihir. Ketika Anda masuk ke dalam tidak ada ada tapi katak pink! Mungkin Wisaya tahu sesuatu tentang ini, jadi kembali ke kota Harmonica.

Wizard tahu semua tentang katak merah muda di Fugue Forest. Ini sebenarnya penyihir! Penyihir telah mencoba membaca mantra untuk mengembalikan pohon ilahi. Bahkan setelah Wisaya telah memperingatkan dia untuk tidak melakukannya, ia pergi ke depan dan memiliki beberapa hasil yang malang. Dia terjebak sebagai froggie kecil untuk saat ini. Wizard dapat mengembalikan, tapi ia membutuhkan beberapa bahan; bunga Hibiscus, Perfect Butter, dan Good Tepung jagung. The Hibiscus hanya dapat ditemukan di pulau di selatan, yang membutuhkan perahu untuk perjalanan di sana.

Pergi ke Perikanan dan berbicara dengan Ozzie. Kapal belum tiba di kota Harmonica untuk beberapa waktu, karena fakta bahwa Lighthouse rusak. Saluran air air yang mengalir melalui kota yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan cahaya di atas mercusuar. Ozzie menyarankan agar Anda pergi berbicara dengan Paolo, yang berada di dalam mercusuar.

Paolo akan memberitahu Anda tentang mercusuar. Dia juga akan memberikan kunci ke gerbang saluran air yang membuat Berair Gua dilindungi. Ada juga aneh, samar peta belakangnya di dinding:

Gerbang saluran air adalah pada tingkat antara rumah Wizard dan Choral Clinic. Gunakan tombol di pintu gerbang untuk membukanya. Di dalam Gua Berair Anda akan menemukan Blue Bell di GWK!

Mintalah Ben membunyikan bel, tapi tidak peduli berapa banyak ia mengaku, bel tidak berdering. Apakah itu lupa bagaimana suara? Finn berpikir Dewi mungkin tahu sesuatu.

Kembali di kolam, Dewi mengatakan seseorang yang tahu tentang Berair Gua mungkin orang yang dapat membantu dengan Blue Bell. Kembali ke Paolo, yang menyebutkan bahwa ia mendengar dari ayahnya bahwa kota itu sendiri dapat membantu lagu bel. Paolo akan menunjukkan peta yang aneh di dinding yang Anda lihat sebelumnya.

Oh, tapi ada sesuatu yang hilang ... Paolo melakukan beberapa gambar yang lebih dan sekarang peta lebih masuk akal:

Sepertinya kalian berdua akan menggunakan sistem saluran air kota untuk membantu menyempurnakan bel. Anda hanya perlu mengumpulkan beberapa potongan :Duck Egg:

Anda dapat membeli Bebek dari Horn peternakan untuk 800 G. The Duckling akan mengambil 7 hari untuk dewasa menjadi Duck. The Duck dewasa akan bertelur setiap 2 hari, dan kualitas telur bebek tidak akan peduli untuk tugas ini.

Horn Ranch tidak akan menjual telur itik di toko mereka sampai setelah Anda menelepon Green Bell, sehingga Anda harus menghasilkan telur dari peternakan Anda sendiri.

Black Pearl:

Dekat alas Blue Bell ada tangga turun ke Watery Cave mine. Pada tingkat 25 Anda mungkin melihat Black Pearl di tanah bagi Anda untuk mengambil. The Black Pearl bersinar, sehingga mudah untuk tempat di lantai gua yang gelap.

5 Fish:

Anda hanya perlu total 5 ikan. Setiap jenis ikan akan melakukan, dan mereka tidak harus semua dari spesies yang sama. Anda dapat membeli ikan dari toko Perikanan Ozzie atau menangkap mereka sendiri.

A Windy Day:

Tidak ada cara untuk mengendalikan satu ini, tetapi sebagian besar hari di Castanet memiliki semacam angin bertiup. Jika Anda ingin mengkonfirmasi, membeli satu set televisi dari Barbara di tokonya di Garmon Mine District dan kemudian menonton laporan cuaca harian Elli. Dia akan memberitahu Anda laporan sinar matahari dan angin hari berikutnya.

Setelah Anda memiliki semua komponen yang diperlukan, berbicara dengan Paolo ketika ia berdiri di luar mercusuar. Katakan padanya Anda memiliki semua bagian dan kemudian dia akan membekukan waktu (dari jenis) sehingga Anda dapat berjalan di sekitar kota dan menyiapkan alat itu.

The 5 ikan perlu pergi ke kolam air yang menaiki tangga ke kiri Orcarina Inn, Black Pearl perlu pergi pada skala di sisi kanan pintu penginapan, dan Telur Bebek perlu ditempatkan di atap rumah Hamilton. Anda akan melihat panah kecil berwarna hijau menunjukkan di mana hal-hal yang harus pergi.

Ketika menempatkan dalam 5 ikan ke dalam kolam, ingat Anda menempatkan mereka dalam satu waktu dan tidak seluruh tumpukan ikan sekaligus.

Setelah Anda memiliki potongan-potongan di tempat, berbicara dengan Paolo di mercusuar untuk memulai proses. Telur akan berguling menuruni atap Hamilton, terpental tenda, tanah di saluran air, menggulung ke skala, yang tunas mutiara ke udara dan dari kaus kaki angin. Mutiara akan mendarat di sekolah ikan, yang menjadi kaget dan berenang menyusuri saluran air, mendarat di serangkaian tuts piano yang memainkan lagu sedikit.

Sukses! Sekarang kembali turun ke Encer Cave, di mana bel berdering dan mengembalikan kekuatan air ke darat. Anda sekarang dapat menangkap jenis ikan baru dan perjalanan dengan perahu ke Toucan Island. Anda juga akan membuka putra walikota, Gill.

Daren's Green BellSekarang bel air telah dibunyikan, Anda dapat mulai mengumpulkan potongan-potongan yang diperlukan untuk mencari bel angin.Recap: Cari alas bel di lantai paling atas dari kincir angin di Horn Ranch Membuka Forest dengan berbicara dengan Hanna, Kain, dan kemudian Dale Kunjungi gubuk penyihir di Hutan Bicara dengan Wizard di kota, yang Anda ingin mengumpulkan 3 bahan3 bahan Wizard yang dibutuhkan untuk mantra nya adalah: Perfect Butter:Pertama Anda harus ada sapi, tapi karena Cain memberikan secara gratis pada awal permainan ini seharusnya tidak menjadi masalah. Jika Anda merawat sapi Anda, akhirnya Anda akan mendapatkan Perfect Milk dari itu. Untuk mengubah susu menjadi mentega, membeli Butter Maker dari Barbara General Store untuk 3800 G. pembuat akan berada di dalam gudang Anda. Anda hanya perlu menempatkan susu dalam pembuat untuk menghasilkan mentega.Anda juga dapat membeli Perfect Butter dari Festival Hewan pada tanggal Spring 28. Pergi ke booth Hanna untuk membelinya untuk 740 G. Good Cornmeal:Selama musim panas menanam Corn di pertanian Anda. Anda dapat membeli benih dari toko telepon Taylor untuk 200 G per kantong. Untuk membuka Taylor, membeli telepon dari toko Barbara dan menempatkannya di rumah Anda. Kualitas yang Good adalah hanya satu langkah dari Decent, sehingga Anda tidak akan benar-benar membutuhkan pupuk apapun.Setelah Corn tumbuh sepotong Good, Perfect, atau Shining Corn, pergi ke kincir air di Flute Fields. Roda tepat setelah jembatan, dan akan ada pintu di sisi kiri bangunan. Setelah masuk, Anda akan menemukan sebuah ember di mana Anda dapat menggiling berbagai item seperti Corn, Wheat, dan Buckwheat. Jika Anda menempatkan Good Corn di grinder Anda akan menciptakan Cornmeal. Pada hari-hari hujan kualitas barang yang dihasilkan akan menurun. Good Corn Anda dapat berubah menjadi Decent Cornmeal.Jika Anda telah mengupgrade Marimba Farm ke level 2 dengan pengiriman setidaknya 30.000 G senilai tanaman, Ruth akan memiliki Decent Corn untuk putaran dijual tahun untuk 320 G. Setelah toko upgrade-nya ke tingkat 3 (kapal setidaknya 80.000 G senilai tanaman) dia akan memiliki Good Corn untuk 380 G.Sejak menggunakan enegi pada hari-hari hujan akan menurunkan kualitas barang diproses, Anda dapat meningkatkan kualitas dengan menggunakan roda selama cuaca badai salju. Layak Jagung Anda membeli dari toko Ruth akan menjadi baik Tepung jagung selama hari-hari ini.

Wizard akan menerima Perfect atau Shining Corn juga. Hibiscus: Sebelum Anda dapat mengambil perahu untuk Toucan Island, Anda perlu membeli Boat Tiket dari Ozzie untuk 400 G. Berikan tiket untuk Pascal di dermaga. Kapten akan membawa Anda ke pulau.Di pulau Anda akan menemukan Pineapple Inn. pengelola kasir depan penginapan adalah Selena seorang. Dia cukup tertarik pada orang asing yang baru saja muncul dan mengakui bahwa dia ingin mengunjungi daratan yang Anda telah datang dari, tapi ibunya cepat tegur dia. Sue merasa bahwa putrinya masih terlalu muda untuk meninggalkan pulau. Sue dan Selena masuk ke sebuah argumen dan gadis muda badai keluar dari kafe. Samson meminta maaf kepada Anda untuk harus menonton perselisihan keluarganya. Dia gunakan untuk dapat menjual Hibiscus tapi ia tidak bisa dengan semua pertempuran ini terjadi.Berbicara dengan Selena di pantai. Dia memberitahu Anda mimpinya adalah menjadi seorang penari, dan dia memberikan pertunjukan kecil. Impressive! Anda tidak bisa menghabiskan sepanjang hari di Toucan Island, sehingga berbicara dengan Pascal untuk kembali ke kota Harmonica tanpa bunga diperlukan.Setelah Anda turun perahu Anda akan menemukan penumpang gelap! Selena telah menyelinap naik perahu dan senang akhirnya berada di tempat lain selain pulau kecilnya. Dia lari untuk menjelajahi kota Harmonica.Anda akan menemukan Selena di Hayden Kuningan Bar, di mana ia telah mendapat pekerjaan sebagai penari hiburan. Selena tidak merasa buruk tentang pertarungan dengan ibunya, dan memberikan Anda sebuah surat untuk mengambil kembali ke Sue.Beli 400 G tiket perahu lain dan kembali ke Toucan Island. Berikan surat tersebut kepada Sue dan Samson. Mereka lega bahwa putri mereka baik-baik saja dan bahwa dia akan mengunjungi pada hari-hari liburnya dari bekerja di bar. Samson akan membalas Anda dengan bunga Hibiscus, dan benih sekarang akan dijual di tokonya untuk 40 G per benih.

Bawa 3 bahan kembali ke Wizard. Kalian berdua melakukan perjalanan ke pondok penyihir dan setelah beberapa kata-kata ajaib, Penyihir diaktifkan kembali normal. Dia senang bisa kembali normal, tetapi kemudian tiba-tiba berubah pada Wizard! Penyihir marah bahwa ia telah diambil begitu lama untuk mengubahnya kembali dari katak. Wizard mencoba untuk menjelaskan bahwa ia memperingatkan dia tentang mantra, tapi dia masih menendang dia keluar dari rumahnya. Anda, Wiz, dan Finn semua lari dari rumah, tapi Finn ingat bahwa Anda kira untuk bertanya padanya tentang Green Bell.Setelah dia tahu bahwa Anda tidak benar-benar dengan Wizard, Penyihir adalah sedikit lebih mudah untuk diajak bicara. Dia berpikir sejenak, dan mengatakan dia tidak memiliki sesuatu yang hijau dalam koleksinya item. Penyihir mengambil melihat sekitar dan menarik keluar beberapa item hijau sampai dia menemukan bel.Kembali bel ke frame di dalam kincir angin di Horn Ranch, dan meminta Daren untuk membunyikan itu. Setelah Harvest Sprite membunyikan bel-nya kekuatan angin kembali ke Castanet.Setelah Daren daun untuk pergi ke Goddess 'Spring, Gill membuat sebuah tampilan. Dia terkejut bahwa Anda, bisa mendapatkan Green Bell berdering. Gill berterima kasih atas bantuannya, dan memberitahu Anda untuk menanyakan apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan.

Edge's Purple BellHarvest Goddess mengisyaratkan bahwa alas Purple Bell ada di suatu tempat yang tinggi. Kau tahu itu tidak dalam mercusuar, sehingga tempat tinggi lainnya di Castanet adalah Celesta Church.Pergi ke gereja dan meminta Perry apakah dia mendengar berita tentang gereja. Dia mengatakan bahwa sekitar 2 PM di malam hari ada suara aneh yang terdengar menangis di suatu tempat di dalam gedung.Kembali ke gereja sekitar pukul 2 pagi dan Anda akan bertemu Perry saat ia berjalan keluar dari gereja! Sesuatu telah takut dia pergi. Periksa pintu di sebelah kanan altar.

Sepertinya Anda telah menemukan Ujung dan Purple Bell! Suara aneh Perry bicarakan adalah Edge menangis. Tepi tidak bisa meminta bel berdering karena daya bell dijalankan oleh keinginan rakyat. Tidak ada yang pergi ke Shrine Wishing lagi, jadi bel tidak berdering. The dengan keinginan Strine dapat ditemukan melalui pintu di sisi kiri altar.Lukisan di dinding tampaknya tidak menjadi sesuatu yang istimewa. Finn mencoba untuk membuat keinginan sendiri tetapi fresco tidak muncul untuk benar-benar memberikan setiap keinginan. Yang terbaik untuk meminta Dewi.The Harvest Goddess mengatakan kuil adalah hadiah ke Edge untuk membantu dia dengan kesepiannya. Semangat bell adalah terkait dengan hati Edge, dan sehingga tidak akan berdering jika orang tidak kuil keinginan mereka. Karena setiap orang terlalu sibuk untuk pergi ke kuil itu sendiri, Dewi menyarankan Anda berbicara dengan semua orang di Castanet untuk mendengar keinginan mereka dan kemudian pergi berbicara ke Kuil Berharap untuk mereka.Dalam rangka untuk mendengar keinginan orang lain, Anda harus meningkatkan persahabatan mereka sampai setidaknya 3 hati. Ketika Anda berbicara dengan orang dia akan memberitahu Anda apa keinginan mereka. Setelah Anda pernah mendengar keinginan, kembali ke Kuil Berharap di gereja 6 AM dan 6 PM. Tekan A di depan gambar dan Anda akan mendapatkan daftar semua penduduk desa yang Anda tahu. Orang-orang yang telah memberitahu Anda keinginan mereka akan memiliki semanggi merah berwarna di samping nama mereka. Pilih orang tersebut, Anda akan mendapatkan tanda pada bagian atas setengah dari lukisan kuil, dan ikon semanggi akan berubah menjadi hijau sehingga Anda tidak bisa memilih mereka untuk kedua kalinya.Anda harus mengisi semua 10 tanda di dinding, sehingga Anda perlu untuk mendengarkan keinginan 10 orang.Setelah selesai mengisi titik-titik mural itu, kembali ke Edge dan berbicara dengan dia. Sekarang dia sangat senang bahwa ia masih menangis! Setelah Purple Bell cincin keluar, kembali ke Dewi 'Pond.Anda dapat terus mengumpulkan keinginan dari penduduk desa. Setelah Anda memiliki semua keinginan untuk setiap karakter dalam permainan Anda, Anda akan dihargai dengan piala keinginan untuk rumah Anda.

BachelorettesThere are 10 candidates available for marriage if you are playing as the male main character. In order to get married you have to raise the person up to at least 9 hearts, view the events that trigger as you increase the number of hearts with that person, own at least a level 2 house, and get the blue feather.Anissa|Candace|Harvest Goddess|Kathy|Luna|Maya|Phoebe|Renee|Selena|WitchAt the love confession event (at 7 hearts or so) your positive response to being told about the girl's love for you will lower affection with the other marriage candidates!Anissa

This lovely lady helps her parents Ruth and Craig over at Marimba Farm. She will not be available until after you have chimed theYellow Belland restored the power of earth to Castanet. After she returns, you can find her inside the farm shop most of the time.Birthday:Fall 16Best Gifts:Blue Herb, Pontata Root, Lavender, Hibiscus, Bluemist Flower, Hyacinth, Opal, Herb Tea, Strawberry Milk, Pickled Vegetables, Bajirikos Spaghetti, Cranberry Juice, Yogurt, Stamina Drink, Cold Medicine, Mint CandyGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Pansey, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Shining Turnip, Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Cucumber, salt, Blueberry, Raspberry, Sakura Seashell, Royal Jelly, Raspberry Juice, Coconut Juice, Blueberry Juice, Blackberry Juice, Remedy, Pineapple JuiceBad Gifts:Sushi, junk (cans, boots, etc.)Rival:JinChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Herb TeaGift:Blackberry PieDate:Flute Fields, 4pm


All dressed in blue, Candace is a very shy girl who works with her sister Luna and grandma Shelly at Flute Tailor. Most of her time is spent inside the shop. On Sundays when she is not working, you can find her in and around the Chelsta Church between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm.Birthday:Winter 7Best Gifts:Snowflake Flower, Shining Silk, Shining Flax Thread, Shining Silk Thread, Herb Tea, Green Tea, Mint Ice Cream, Mint Candy, Shining Perfume, Herb CookiesGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Bluemist Flower, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Perfect Strawberry, Shining Mayonnaise, Blue Herb, Black Pearl, Pearl, Sakura SeashellBad Gifts:Junk Ore, cocktail drinksRival:JuliusChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good Silk YarnGift:Blue MufflerDate:Harmonica Beach, 4 pm

Harvest Goddess

The Goddess watches over the divine tree at the Goddess Pond, but now the tree has wilted and she is in need of help to revive it. Once you finish the main plot of the game and revive the tree, you can give the Goddess gifts and eventually ask her to marry you.The Harvest Goddess only has events at 4 hearts and 7 hearts.Birthday:(unknown)Best Gifts:Royal Jelly, Shining HoneyGood Gifts:Moondrop Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulips, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Bluemist Flower, Snowflake Flower, Perfect Honey, Shining Apple, Shining Cherry, Shining Orange, Shining Olive, Shining Grape, Shining EggBad Gifts:Toadstool, failed dishesRival:NoneChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist4 Hearts7 Hearts

Gift:Shining HoneyConfession:Exit your house


Kathy helps her father, Hayden, with his Brass Bar in Harmonica Town. She waits tables and brings the customers the drinks they order. Since the bar does not open until 4:00 pm, you can usually find her outside the bar's doors or at Flute Tailor if the weather is bad.Birthday:Summer 03Best Gifts:Shining Coffee Beans, Shining Carrot, Shining Cheese, Cheese Risotto, Shining Olive Oil, Cheese Fondue, Carrot Juice, Grape Cocktail, Rice Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail, Cheese Omelette, Pizza, Vegetable Pizza, Seafood Pizza, PaellaGood Gifts:other cocktail drinks, Coconut, Hibiscus, Anemone, Perfect Grape, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Olive Oil, Perfect Cheese, Good Cheese, Perfect Carrot, Good Carrot, Sea Urchin, Mussells, Shining Perfume, Coconut Cocktail, Pineapple Juice, Perfect Flax YarnBad Gifts:Toadstool, Chocolate Banana, Mushroom dishes, pudding dishes, failed recipesRival:OwenChild Personalities:Fiery, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good CarrotGift:Cheese FondueDate:Harmonica Beach, 4pm


Candace's little sister, Luna, arrive on Castanet with their grandma after you complete theBlue Bell. She is much more outgoing than her sister and sometimes she may seem to be a little rude.Luna has grown quite a bit from Tree of Tranquility and is now the same height as all of the other girls.Birthday:Spring 25Best Gifts:Shining Strawberry, Shining Cocoa, Pinkcat Flower, Shining Flax Yarn, Diamond, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Croquette, Pumpkin Pudding, Boiled Pumpkin, Yam Cake, Raspberry Pie, Apple Pie, Blueberry Pie, Blackberry PieGood Gifts:Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Morning Glory, Bluemist Flower, Rose, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Perfect Pumpkin, Shining Pumpkin, Shining Wool Yarn, colored Flax Yarn, Chocolate, Sakura Seashell, Lavender, Snowflake Flower, Tulip, Rose, Perfect Cocoa, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Honey, Shining Wheat Flour, Good Flax Yarn, Shining Milk, CookiesBad Gifts:junk items (cans, boots, etc.), Fugue Mushroom, Seafood Curry, Buckwheat Curry, GlassRival:GillChild Personalities:Fiery, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good Flax YarnGift:Ear Muffler (green)Date:Sonata Tailoring, 4pm


Maya helps her parents, Jake and Colleen, run the Orcaria Inn in Harmonica Town. She loves to eat and always is asking if you've been eating enough. Unfortunately Maya isn't a very good cook herself, but her grandma Yolanda has been tutoring her in the culinary arts.Birthday:Fall 24Best Gifts:Baked Yam, Yam Cake, Yam Cake, Boiled Yam, Yam Ice Cream, Choco Banana, Shining Honey, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cherry Pie, Chocolate Pie, Blueberry Pie, Chestnut Pie, Raspberry Pie, Chestnut Rice, Pumpkin Cake, Chocolate CakeGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Pansey, Shining Tea Leaves, Chocolate, Shining Buckwheat Flour, Honeydew Juice, Coconut, Banana, Oyster, Mussell, Sea Urchin, Pineapple, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Orange Marmalade, Apple Jam, Raspberry Juice, Orange Juice, Pudding, Riceball, Blueberry Ice Cream, Hot Chocolate, Hot Coffee, Strawberry MilkBad Gifts:Toadstool, failed recipes, junk (cans, boots, etc.), Pie DoughRival:ChaseChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good ChestnutGift:Yam CakeDate:Brass Bar, 4pm


The daughter of Barbara and Simon, this inventor likes to spend time looking around the Garmon Upper Mine or in her room working on different projects. You have to chime theRed Bellbefore you can go into Garmon Upper Mine and unlock her on floor 5.Birthday:Spring 17Best Gifts:Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Rice, Shining Mayonnaise, Rare Ore, Rare Metal, Diamond, Royal Jelly, Tempura Buckwheat, Zaru Soba, Buckwheat Chaff, Buckwheat Pancakes, Super Stay AwakeGood Gifts:Pontata Root, Fugue Mushroom, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Perfect Mayonnaise, Jade, Perfect Tea Leaves, Yellow WonderfulBad Gifts:Sea Urchin, Sakura Seashell, Oyster, Clam Saute, Mussell Saute, Oyster Saute, Clams in ButterRival:CalvinChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Scholarly2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Gold (metal)Gift:DiamondDate:Chelsta Church Plaza, 4pm


Renee likes to work at her parent's Horn Ranch, where she takes care of the various animals they have. She also has an interest in fishing, and will spend her Wednesdays fishing off the bridge in Flute Fields.Birthday:Fall 5Best Gifts:Sunflower, Shining Strawberry, Shining Sugarcane, Shining Egg, Shining Ostrich Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Shining Goat Milk, Royal Jelly, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, Salmon Cream Stew, Salted King Salmon, Paella, Strawberry Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk, Yellow Perfume, Shining Perfume, Shining Sushi, Shining Sashimi, Seafood Stew, ShortcakeGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Morning Glory, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Moondrop Flower, Hibiscus, Bluemist Flower, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Shining Turnip, Shining Cherry, Yellow Herb, Sea Urchin, Sakura Seashell, Perfect Egg, Perfect Mayonnaise, Boiled Egg, Herb Tea, Bonito, Rock Lobster, CookiesBad Gifts:junk (cans, boots, etc.), Toadstool, Junk Ore, failed recipesRival:TobyChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good EggGift:StewDate:Flute FieldsIn front of waterwheel, 4pm


Once you ring theBlue Belland gain access to Pascal's boat, you can take it to Toucan Island where you'll meet Selena. She'll stow away on the boat when you return to Castanet and gets a job at Hayden's bar, where she becomes a dancer like she's always dreamed.Birthday:Summer 26Best Gifts:Coconut, Hibiscus, Lily, Black Pearl, Ruby, Olive Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail. Shining Perfume, South Sea Omelette Rice, South Sea Fried Rice, Shining Sushi, Steamed Clam with ButterGood Gifts:Rose, Pineapple, Banana, Sea Urchin, Oyster, Clam, Pearl, Sakura Seashell, Pineapple Juice, Coconut Juice, Shining Spicy PepperBad Gifts:junk (boots, cans, etc.), Crawfish, Toadstool, Junk Ore, JunkRival:LukeChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Black PearlGift:South Island Omelet RiceDate:Harmonica Beach, 4pm


The magic caster lives in the very depths of Fugue Forest. A wayward spell from the Wizard has trapped her in an unsightly form, and you have to restore her body during the task of chiming theGreen Bell. Witch is easy to befriend; on your way to her house you have to go through Fugue Forest, where you'll find a Fugue Mushroom each day to give to her.Birthday:(unknown)Best Gifts:Fugue Mushroom, Pontata Root, Blackberry Pie, Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Ice Cream, Blackberry Cocktail, Strawberry MilkGood Gifts:Blackberry, Blackberry Juice, Black Pearl, Chocolate Banana, Cherry Jam, Cherry Ice CreamBad Gifts:Carrot, junk (cans, boots, etc.), oresRival:NoneChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Romantist

When you have increased the number of hearts Witch has to 3 she will start making a seasonal request that results in a gift for you. Spring: Raspberry Juice. Reward is a Shining Silk Summer: Ice Cream (any flavor). Reward is 9 Honeydew Seeds and 9 Pumpkin Seeds Fall: Rice Ball and Vegetable Sandwich. Reward is 9 Morning Glory seeds and 1 Shining Wool Thread. Winter: Egg Soup. Reward is 1 Cherry Tree Sapling and 9 Watermelon seeds.She will only ask for the item(s)onceper season, so you need to know about her request ahead of time and have the item ready in your rucksack. If you triggered the seasonal request, leave to get the item, return, and then try to give it to her outside of the event, she will just accept it as a normal gift.The food that she requests can simply be purchased at the Oricana Inn or made using your own kitchen.4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Pumpkin PieDate:Flute Fields, 4:00 pm

BachelorsThere are 10 candidates available for marriage if you are playing as the female main character. In order to get married you have to raise the person up to at least 9 hearts, view the events that trigger as you increase the number of hearts with that person, own at least a level 2 house, and get the blue feather.Calvin|Chase|Gill|Harvest King|Jin|Julius|Luke|Owen|Toby|WizardAt the love confession event (at 7 hearts or so) your positive response to being told about the boy's love for you will lower affection with the other marriage candidates!Calvin

Calvin the archeologist can be unlocked as you are working your way to unlock theYellow Bell. Once unlocked and the Yellow Bell has been chimed, he lives at the Oricana Inn. In the mornings you may see him outside the inn playing his guitar, and in the afternoons he goes to the 5th floor of theGarmon Upper Mine.When you first meet Calvin he will give you an Ancient Tablet that refers to the story of the 5 bells. Rumor has it that if you sell/destroy the tablet, Calvin will not accept your marriage proposal.Birthday:Winter 14Best Gifts:Amber, Spinel, Diamond accessories, Goddess Pendant, Goddess Brooch, Hot Coffee, Blackberry Cocktail, Raspberry Cocktail, Apple Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Grape Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Remedy, Curry Bread, Curry Buckwheat NoodlesGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Cherry, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Egg, Shining Duck Egg, Royal Jelly, Rare Ore, Crystal, Sea Urchin, Mussel, Clam, Boiled Egg, Coconut Cocktail, Bodigizer XLBad Gifts:Chocolate Banana, failed recipes, Pumpkin Pudding, Chocolate Pudding, Banana Pudding, PuddingRival:PhoebeChild Personalities:Fiery, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:TopazGift:DiamondDate:Brass Bar, 4pm


Chase lives in the house next to Marimba Farm in Flute Fields. During the day he spends his time at home, but at night he goes to work at Hayden's Brass Bar. He will not work at the bar until you have restored the power of fire, for cooking and smithing, by chiming theRed Bell.Birthday:Spring 23Best Gifts:Shining Wheat, Shining Wheat Flour, Shining Olive Oil, Shining Goat Milk, Shining Goat Cheese, Shining Goat Butter, Shining Duck Egg, Shining Egg, Orange Juice, Orange Pie, Orange Cake, Marmalade, Orange Ice CreamGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Pansey, Shining Salt, Shining Cherry, Shining Turnip, Shining Cucumber, Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Potato, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Olive Oil, Green Tea, Herb Tea, Perfect Egg, Sea Urchin, Clam, Mussel, Oyster, Cookies, Strawberry MilkBad Gifts:failed recipes, Pontata Root, Toadstool, junk (boots, cans, etc.), Common MushroomRival:MayaChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good SaltGift:Orange CakeDate:Flute Fields, 4pm


This saucy-looking fellow is the son of Mayor Hamilton. He left Castanet to try and find a way to solve the island's problem. Gill will return to the island after you have chimed theBlue Bell, but you can't actually meet with him until after you have completedthe Green Bell. He lives at the mayor's house and spends most of his time there.Birthday:Winter 2Best Gifts:Gold, Royal Jelly, Gold accessories, Lapis Lazuil accessories, Saphire accessories, Emerald accessories, Tomato Risotto, Tomato Omelet, Tomato Juice, Ratotullie, Honeydew Ice Cream, Napolitan Spaghetti, Tomato and Sardine Stew, Tomato and Squid Stew, Tomato and Saury StewGood Gifts:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Morning Glory, Sunflower, Green Bell Flower, Hibiscus, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Cold Medicine, Bodigizer, Coconut, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Honey, Shining Salt, Lavender, Blue Herb, Black Pearl, Rare Metal, Shining Milk, RemedyBad Gifts:failed recipes, Green Pepper, junk (boots, cans, etc.)Rival:LunaChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Sakura SeashellGift:Green Ear MufflerDate:Sonata Tailoring, 4pm

Harvest King

The goal of the game is to chime the 5 bells in order to summon the mighty Harvest King. Once you have completed the main storyline of the game you can choose to marry the King.The Harvest King is not easy, as he lives on the 45th level of theGarmon Upper Mine. Even if you do choose to marry him, the King is very busy and will not live with you at the farm.After you finish themain storylineand visit the King, he will unlock a shortcut to his throne at the base of the mountain in Garmon Mine District. Touching the glowing words by the entrance to the mines will teleport you all the way to the top of the Garmon Upper Mine.Birthday:UnknownBest Gifts:Shining Apple, Shining Grape, Apple Cocktail, Grape Cocktail, Ruby accessoriesGood Gifts:Shining Milk, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Cherry, Shining Honey, Anemone, Olive CocktailBad Gifts:junk (boots, cans, etc.), failed recipes, Junk OreRival:NoneChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Scholarly4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Shining AppleDate:King's seat, 4pm


The town doctor works at Harp Clinic with his assistant Irene. He is not on Castanet until after you ring theBlue Belland restore the boat service to the land. Jin spends most of his time in the clinic.Jin is easy to befriend. At the clinic you can buy Remedy for 180 G, and it is one of the best gifts to give him. You just have to buy the potion from Irene and then walk to the other room to give it to the doctor.Birthday:Winter 26Best Gifts:Shining Honey, Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Buckwheat Flour, Pontata Root, Royal Jelly, Cold Medicine, Bodigizer XL, Remedy, Green Tea, Herb Tea, Herb Bread, Herb Cookies, Pickled Vegetables, Vegetable Juice, Mint Ice CreamGood Gifts:Hyacinth, Lavender, Fugue Mushroom, Blue Herb, Oyster, Perfect Honey, Perfect Tea Leaves, Strawberry MilkBad Gifts:Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, failed recipes, junk (cans, boots, algea, etc.)Rival:AnissaChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Scholarly2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Cold MedicineGift:RemedyDate:Brass Bar, 4pm


This high-fashion man works at Koto Accessories with Mira. You don't have to do anything special to unlock him, but he will mention how Mira isn't around to do any appraisals. You need to go down to Clesta Church and convince Mira to return to working at the shop.Birthday:Fall 21Best Gifts:Shining Pumpkin, Shining Strawberry, Rose, Ruby, Ruby accessories, Diamond, Diamond accessories, Sapphire, Sapphire accessories, Amethyst accessories, Purple Perfume, Pumpkin Stew, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Pie, Shining PerfumeGood Gifts:Perfect Milk, Shining Tea Leaves, Perfect Strawberry, Shining Cherry, Shining Tomato, Herb Tea, Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Begonia, Hibiscus, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Green Bell Flower, Anemone, Snowflake Flower, Raspberry Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Remedy, Royal Jelly, Sakura Seashell, Mussel, Pearl, Black Pearl, Peridot, Amber, Topaz, Crystal, Opal, Shining Honey, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Bodigizer XL, Coconut, Banana, Pineapple, Strawberry MilkBad Gifts:Butter, Junk Ore, Iron Ore, Iron, Copper Ore, Copper, Eel, junk (boots, etc.), Glass, failed recipesRival:CandaceChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:AmethystGift:Blue MufflerDate:Flute Fields, 4pm


Luke works at Cornet Carpentry in Garmon Mine District. The first time you meet him will be in the Fugue Forest. In the mornings he will be inside Dale's shop and in the later afternoon hours he'll be outside swinging his axe in the air.Birthday:Summer 8Best Gifts:Banana, Shining Mayonnaise, Ruby accessories, Chocolate Banana, Banana Pudding, Banana Ice Cream, Spinach Cake, Spinach Risotto, Coconut Cocktail, Seafood Curry, Vegetable Curry, Curry Buckwheat Noodles, Curry Bread, Chirashi SushiGood Gifts:Tulip, Perfect Mayonnaise, Silver, Gold, Rare Metal, Shining Honey, Pineapple, Coconut, Mussel, Vegetable Stirfry, Shining Honey, Shining Spicy PepperBad Gifts:junk, failed recipes, Yogurt, Yogurt Drink, Junk OreRival:SelenaChild Personalities:Quiet, Fiery, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Good HoneyGift:Vegetable CurryDate:Flute Fields, 4pm


To meet Owen for the first time, you need to go to the 10th floor of the Garmon Lower Mine, where he'll give you a free Old Hammer. Owen works at Ramsey's Cymbol Blacksmith shop. He acts like a big brother to his cousin Chloe. Owen is quite muscular and can be found lifting dumbells in his bedroom when he's not working at the shop.Birthday:Summer 18Best Gifts:Shining Rice, Copper, Silver, Gold, Rare Metal, Ruby, Coconut Cocktail, Apple Cocktail, Potato Cocktail, Grape Cocktail, Rice Cocktail, Buckwheat Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail, Boiled Egg, Seafood Fried Rice, Mushroom SoupGood Gifts:Sunflower, Shining Honey, Shining Cherry, Shining Lettuce, Fugue Mushroom, Clam, Oyster, Mussel, Sea Urchin, Royal Jelly, Iron, Copper Ore, Gold Ore, Raspberry Cocktail, Blackberry Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Cranberry CocktailBad Gifts:failed recipes, junk, Vegetable Juice, Junk Ore, Chocolate Banana, Raspberry Jam, CookiesRival:KathyChild Personalities:Fiery, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:GarnetGift:RubyDate:Chelsta Church Plaza, 4pm


Toby takes a very casual outlook at life, and spends most of his time fishing around Castanet. He lives at the Harmonica Fishery with Ozzie and Paolo, and can be found fishing off the dock in the afternoons.Birthday:Spring 9Best Gifts:Cosmos, Shining Onion, Shining Tea Leaves, Shining Buckwheat, Skull Jellyfish, Green Tea, Shining Sashimi, Shining Sushi, Grilled Tai, Grilled Eel, Grilled Swordfish, Grilled Rock Lobster, Butter Steamed Mussel, Butter Steamed Clam, Onion Bread, Tuna Donburi, Shining Bouillabaisse, Steamed Rice Bowl, Sardines in OilGood Gifts:Shining Cherry, Pansey, Lavender, Crysathamum, Morning Glory, Green Bell Flower, Snowflake Flower, Sea Urchin, Clam, Oyster, Mussel, Royal Jelly, fish (pretty much any kind), Sakura SeashellBad Gifts:junk, Coconut, Banana, Pineapple, failed recipesRival:ReneeChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist2 Hearts4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:ItouGift:Eel DonburiDate:Flute Fields, 4pm


The Wizard lives in Harmonica Town, where he researches magic spells and looks into the sky using his telescope. He doesn't say much and prefers to keep to himself. Wizard doesn't really leave his house so he's easy to find at all times.As you start unlocking theGreen Bell, you will be able to walk into the Wizard's house. Until you start the Green Bell you will find his house door is locked and you can not meet him unless you wait up until 2:00 am. During the Green Bell, Wizard gives you specific item requests that he needs to help the Witch. He will not acceptanygifts until after you have completed his request.Birthday:UnknownBest Gifts:Fugue Mushroom, Hot Coffee, Shining Coffee Beans, Shining Ground Coffee, Coffee Ice Cream, Shining Tea Leaves, Pontata Root, Crystal accessoriesGood Gifts:Green Tea, Herb Tea, Coffee Milk, Coffee Candy, Perfect Coffee Beans, Strawberry Ice Cream, Mint Ice Cream, Tea Ice Cream, Crystal, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Shining Cocoa Fruit, Shining MilkBad Gifts:junk, failed recipes, Octopus, Salted Octopus, SquidRival:NoneChild Personalities:Quiet, Scholarly, or Romantist4 Hearts5 Hearts

Gift:Vegetable JuiceDate:Chelsta Church Grounds, 4pm

Villagers of CastanetThe villagers of the land do not venture very far from their homes. Often their homesaretheir shops. On the days their shops are closed, you can often find them wandering around outside in front of their shops. If the weather is rainy, sometimes they won't come outside at all.Sunday is when the villagers of Harmonica Town go outside, Wednesdays are for the Flute Fields villagers, and Thursdays are when the Garmon Mine people close up their shops.Church Grounds VillagersPerry

Birthday:Spring 20Perry is the only inhabitant of the Chelsta Church Grounds, besides the graveyard on the south side of the plaza. He manages the church, although the only visitors are Hamilton, Candace, and Mira. In Perry's bedroom you'll find the fresco that is tied tothe Purple Belland the specialWish Trophyfor your house.Loves:Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Mushroom Rice, Green Tea, Herb Tea, Herb Bread, Mint Ice CreamLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Tulip, Anemone, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Shining Milk, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Honey, Blue Herb, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Bodigizer XLDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Clam Saute, Oyster Saute, Mussel Saute, Empty Can, AlgaeGarmon Mine District VillagersBarbara

Birthday:Summer 23Phoebe's mom is in charge of the general good store, where you can buy makers for your barns and cooking utensils. Her husband Simon works down in Harmonica Town at his own photography studio, leaving Barbara to manage the shop in the mountain area.Loves:Shining Cherry, Shining Green Pepper, Orange Juice, Vegetable JuiceLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Crysthanamum, Sunflower, Snowflake Flower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Royal Jelly, Shining Salt, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Bodigizer XL, Strawberry MilkDislikes:Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, Squid, OctopusBo

Birthday:Fall 2Bo is the quieter of Dale's two apprentices. He often has to apologize forLuke's antics. You will help Bo at the beginning of the game in order to access the mine district, and again later on when he wants to fix the mine cart that leads to Harmonica Town.Loves:Shining Honey, Green Bell Flower, Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Saute, Mushroom Rice, Mushroom DoriaLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tunlip, Anemone, Cosmos, Pansey, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Eel, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Honey, Strawberry MilkDislikes:Toadstool, Algae, Swim Trucks, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Choco Banana, Choco Fondue


Birthday:Summer 27Grandfather Ramsey andOwenare in charge of taking care of Chloe. This active girl seems to be always getting into some sort of mischief. She'll appear the first time as you are trying to locatethe Red Bell.Loves:Tulip, Sunflower, Choco Banana, Strawberry Ice Cream, Banana Ice Cream, Choco Ice Cream, Apple Ice Cream, Strawberry MilkLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Pineapple, Banana, Coconut Juice, Pineapple Juice, Blackberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Cranberry Juice, CookiesDislikes:Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, Toadstool


Birthday:Summer 14The carpenter willupgrade your houseif you collect the correct amount of stone material and lumber. He also will sell you furniture for your house. His two apprentices, Bo andLuke(yeeeehaaw!), are there to learn how to be carpenters themselves.Loves:Coconut Cocktail, Olive Cocktail, Wheat CocktailLikes:Anemone, Shining Egg, Remedy, Blueberry Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Raspberry Cocktail, Blackberry CocktailDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Banana Pudding, Pudding, Choco Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Toadstool, CookiesHarvest Sprites

The Harvest Sprites live at the Harvest Goddess' Pond. They will appear one at a time as you chime the bells, and will stay at the pond area until the summoning of the Harvest King. At that point you'll find them at the King's throne on top of Garmon Mine.The sprites like gifts that are the same color as they are. They like their matching colored herbs and high-quality jewels (i.e.. Ben loves Lapis Lazuli). All the sprites also like Shining-quality items that you've produced on your farm.Harvest Sprites don't have birthdays.General dislikes: Bodigizer XLMira

Birthday:Fall 10At the beginning of the game,Juliuswill express his concern over the accessory shop owner. He worries that she spends too much time at the church, morning her deceased husband. You have to travel to the church and convince her to return to the Garmon Mine shop. Mira can then process the gems and ores you find in the mines.Loves:Lavender, Bluemist Flower, Shining Turnip, Orange Juice, Orange Cake, Orange CandyLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Cranberry Juice, Raspberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Coconut Juice, Pineapple Juice, Cookies, Perfect Flax Yarn, Strawberry MilkDislikes:Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipesRamsey

Birthday:Spring 5The person who can upgrade your tools is Ramsey the blacksmith. His shop is in Garmon Mine District. Ramsey can't upgrade your tools until you return the power of fire by chimingthe Red Bell.Loves:Shining Turnip, Green Tea, Buckwheat Cocktail, Wheat Cocktail, Yam CocktailLikes:Pansey, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Perfect Turnip, Remedy, Gold, Rare Ore, Coconut Cocktail, Perfect Flax YarnDislikes:Spinach Saute, Clam Saute, Oyster Saute, Mussel Saute, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Bodigizer XL

Harmonica Town VillagersColleen

Birthday:Winter 12At the Ocarina Inn, Colleen runs the small food shop you can buy snacks and recipes from. Her husband Jake manages the inn's accommodations for its guests, and his mother, Yolanda, cooks back in the kitchen. Colleen isMaya's mother.Loves:Green Bell Flower, Rose, Shining Apple, Shining Honey, Apple Cocktail, Grape Cocktail, CookiesLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Lavender, Hyacinth, Sunflower, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Black Pearl, Yellow Herb, Perfect Carrot, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Raspberry Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Cranberry CocktailDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Junk Ore, Swim Trunks


Birthday:Spring 13The mayor, who runs Harmonica Town, lives with his sonGilland spends the days at the Town Hall. Hamilton also runs theseasonal festivalsand will visit your house to chat with you about each one.Loves:Moondrop Flower, Shining Potato, Boiled Potato, Mashed Potato, Potato PancakeLikes:Sunflower, Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Rose, Snowflake Flower, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Pearl, Gold, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Boiled Pumpkin, Boiled Yam, Cookies, RemedyDislikes:cocktail drinks, Fugue MushroomHayden

Birthday:Spring 21Armonica Bar is where you'll find this muscular fellow. Hayden isKathy'sfather, and opens his shop after 4:00 pm. He is easy to befriend because he sells cocktail drinks, which happens to be his favorite type of gift.Loves:Mussel, Clam, Sea Urchin, Oyster, cocktail drinks, pizzaLikes:Seaweed, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Perfect Coffee BeanDislikes:Empty Can, Toadstool, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Swim Trunks, Rubber Boot, CookiesIrene

Birthday:Fall 20Irene works at the Harp Clinic and helpsJinwith the clinic duties. She usually stays behind the counter, where you can buy medicines from her. During the New Years Eve Festival you'll find her selling colored herb seeds.Loves:Lavender, Pontata Root, Royal Jelly, Boiled Pumpkin, Herb CookiesLikes:Bluemist Flower, Lily, Purple Herb, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Salt, Herb Tea, Green Tea, other Cookies, RemedyDislikes:Junk Ore, Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipes, Fugue Mushroom, Pink MushroomJake

Birthday:Fall 28The innkeeper of the Ocarina Inn is Jake. He doesn't have anything for sale, but you can always find him behind the front desk counter. Colleen, Jake, Maya, and Yolanda all live together at the inn.Loves:fruit cocktails, Apple Pie, Apple Ice CreamLikes:Hyacinth, Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Snowflake Flower, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Perfect Apple, Perfect Grape, Cookies, Coconut CocktailDislikes:Empty Can, Algae, Rubber Boot, failed cooking recipes, Bodigizer XL, Swim TrunksOzzie

Birthday:Winter 23Down on the town's docks, you will find Ozzie and his Harmonica Fishery shop. He will sell different fish each season, plus the ship tickets you'll need to get to Toucan Island after you ringthe Blue Bell. Ozzie's shop is the only one that opens right at 6:00 am. He is Paolo's father.Loves:Oyster, Clam, Mussel, Sea Urchin, king fish roasted on a bonfireLikes:Seaweed, fishDislikes:Carrot (any quality), Carrot Juice, Carrot Cake, failed cooking recipes, Vegetable JuicePaolo

Birthday:Winter 20Paolo spends most of his time either inside his dad's Harmonica Fishery shop or out by Telmin Lighthouse. The boy will help you with ringingthe Blue Bell. Paolo and Chloe are close friends and you may find them playing together during events.Loves:Oyster, Clam, Mussel, king fish roasted on a bonfire, Banana Juice, Banana Milk, Choco Banana, Shining SashimiLikes:Sunflower, fish, Seaweed, Boiled EggDislikes:Toadstool, failed cooking recipes, Vegetable Juice, Cheese Omelet


Birthday:Winter 3The sea captain doesn't appear in Harmonica Town until afterthe Blue Bellis chimed and the power of water returns to the land. He lives in the back room of Harmonica Fishery, and spends his days at the boat dock. If you bring him a ship ticket from Ozzie's shop, Pascal will take you to Toucan Island.Loves:Cosmos, Oyster, Sea UrchinLikes:Hyacinth, Tulip, Sunflower, Hibiscus, Morning Glory, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Mussel, Clam, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Coconut, Boiled EggDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, Algae, Swim Trunks


Birthday:Winter 19Shelly runs the Flute Tailors clothing shop in Harmonica Town with her granddaughterCandace. Her other granddaughter,Luna, lives at the shop but doesn't seem to do much sewing. Shelly will upgrade your rucksack if you bring her requested items to the shop.Loves:Snowflake Flower, Shining Turnip, Green Tea, Honeydew PieLikes:Pincat Flower, Pansey, Lavender, Begonia, Hyacinth, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Milk, Blue Herb, Shining Salt, Herb Tea, CookiesDislikes:curry dishes, Algae, KimchiSimon

Birthday:Winter 8Next to the Town Hall, you'll find Simon's Harmonica Photography studio. You can get a free camera from him at the beginning of the game. Simon is married to Barbara, and their daughter isPhoebe. Barbara runs her own shop in Garmon Mine District, and Simon hangs out there on Sundays.Loves: Shining Coffee Beans, Rare Metal, Boiled Pumpkin, Boiled Yam, Yam Cake, CookiesLikes:Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Green Bell Flower, Remedy, Gold, Rare Ore, Shining Egg, Shining Milk, Herb Tea, Bodigizer XLDislikes:Junk Ore, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Wheat CocktailYolanda

Birthday:Summer 10Jake's mother andMaya's grandmother is the cook for the Ocarina Inn. You'll usually find her in the kitchen. She has tried to teach Maya how to cook but the young girl isn't a quick learner. She will find atreasure mapfor you if you befriend her to 5 hearts.Loves:Shining Egg, Herb Bread, Green Tea, Boiled Pumpkin, Shining Olive OilLikes:Perfect Egg, Shining Salt, Fugue Mushroom, Herb Tea, Perfect Olive Oil, Boiled Egg, CookiesDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Algae, Rubber Boots, Swim Trunks, Empty CanFlute Fields VillagersCain

Birthday:Summer 6Cain runs the Horn Ranch with his wife Hanna and his daughterRenee. He also manages the horse race mini game. Talk to Cain when he is out at the back gate of the ranch, near the windmill, and he'll let you go into the racetrack area to practice racing your horse.Loves:Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Shining Corn, Yogurt, Seafood Stew, Coconut CocktailLikes:Sunflower, Perfect Corn, Perfect Onion, Perfect Egg, Perfect Mayonnaise, Royal Jelly, Strawberry MilkDislikes:Toadstool, Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Algae, Swim Trunks, failed cooking recipesCraig

Birthday:Fall 6Down at Marimba Farm, Craig takes care of the crops out behind their farmhouse shop. His wife Ruth runs the shop where you can buy crop seeds, while his children Taylor andAnissahang around the house. Craig is a melancholy character since the land doesn't seem to be well, but once you ringthe Yellow Bell, Craig seems to cheer up.Loves:Shining Corn, Shining Yam, Shining Pumpkin, Shining Eggplant, Shining Wheat, StirfryLikes:Shining Egg, Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Blackberry Cocktail, Blueberry Cocktail, Common Mushroom, MusselsDislikes:Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty Can, failed cooking recipe, Swim Trunks, Strawberry MilkHanna

Birthday:Winter 4At Horn Ranch, Hanna manages the shops goods. She will sell animals, animal products, and cooking recipes. Hanna and her husband Cain have a daughter namedRenee, who spends time in front of the shop or inside the animal barn.Loves:Sunflower, Morning Glory, Shining Egg, Shining Mayonnaise, Omelet, Cheese Omelet, Strawberry MilkLikes:Pansey, Crysthanamum, Moondrop Flower, Pearl, Cherry Shell, CookiesDislikes:Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Rubber Boot, Algae, Empty Can, Swim TrunksRuth

Birthday:Spring 6Ruth runs the shop at Marimba Farm while her husband Craig goes out to the fields. At the beginning of the game, her daughterAnissahas left to try and find a solution to their land problem, but will return after you ringthe Yellow Bell. Her son Taylor also runs a seed shop, but you can only buy from him if you use a telephone inside of your house.Loves:Bluemist Flower, Shining Corn, Shining Eggplant, Shining Yam, Shining Pumpkin, Spinach Cake, Spinach RisottoLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Royal Jelly, Shining Egg, Shining Salt, Strawberry MilkDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Algae, Empty Can, Swim Trunks, Rubber BootTaylor

Birthday:Summer 19Taylor won't be around until after you ringthe Yellow Bellto return the land's strength. You can buy seeds from him that might not be available at Marimba Farm, but Taylor's prices are twice as what his mom Ruth charges for the same seeds. Use the telephone in your house to call Taylor and buy seeds.Loves:Fugue Mushroom, Shining Corn, Choco Banana, Choco Fondue, Choco CakeLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Hyacinth, Pansey, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Cosmos, Hibiscus, Snowflake Flower, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Royal Jelly, Boiled Egg, Strawberry MilkDislikes:Junk ore, Carrot (any quality), Carrot Juice, Carrot Cake, AlgaeToucan Island VillagersSamson

Birthday:Summer 21You can talk to the Toucan Island innkeeper by visiting him by boat, or by calling him with your telephone. Samson is a very relaxed character, but his wife Sue and daughterSelenadon't see eye-to-eye, which causes him some stress. He is always cheerful towards visitors.Loves:Hibiscus, Coconut, Raspberry Cocktail, Coconut Cocktail, Cranberry Cocktail, Blackberry CocktailLikes:Sunflower, Oyster, Mussel, Clam, Pineapple, Banana, Raspberry Juice, Coconut Juice, Cranberry JuiceDislikes:failed cooking recipes, Toadstool, Algae, Rubber Boot, Empty CanSue

Birthday:Spring 27Sue is a little protective of her daughterSelenaand doesn't want her moving away to be a dancer. When Selena hides away on the boat back to Harmonica Town, which you kind of helped out with, it is up to you to patch up the bad feelings between the two islanders.Loves:Hyacinth, Pansey, Hibiscus,Coconut, Pineapple Juice, Coconut Cocktail, Coconut Juice, Blackberry Cocktail, Raspberry Cocktail, Cranberry CocktailLikes:Pinkcat Flower, Lavender, Tulip, Sunflower, Morning Glory, Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Cherry Shell, Pineapple, Banana, Oyster, Clam, fishDislikes:Junk Ore, failed cooking recipes, Algae, Rubber Boot, Swim Trunks, Empty Can

Shops in Harmonica Town[Simon's Photos] [Town Hall] [Sonata Tailoring] [Choral Clinic] [Brass Bar] [Orcarina Inn] [Fishery]The main area of Castanet is located to the west of your farm. Most of the people live in town and either run or work at one of the local shops. The stores are usually open every day except for on Sundays or festival days.

Simon's PhotosHours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (17:00)Upgrade to Level 2:Ship 320,000 G of "other" itemsUpgrade to Level 3:Ship 540,000 G of "other" itemsSimon's photography studio is right next to the bridge that leads to your Clarinet district. It is a small shop built into the side of the hill. When you visit Simon for the first time, he will give you an Old Camera to take pictures with.The posters and frames he sells can be used to place your photographs on the walls of your house.The "other" category for your shipping list consists of the items you pick up when foraging around on the ground, the junk you catch when fishing, and the cooked recipes from your kitchen.ItemShop LvlCost

Old Camera1---

Gold Camera12400 G

Twin Lens Camera23000 G

Bellows Camera33600 G

Frame (S): Normal11000 G

Frame (S): Chic11000 G

Frame (S): Urban11000 G

Frame (M): Normal21500 G

Frame (M): Chic21500 G

Frame (M): Urban21500 G

Frame (L): Normal32250 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Frame (L): Chic32250 G

Frame (L): Urban32250 G

Poster (S): Country12000 G

Poster (S): Cute12000 G

Poster (S): Casual12000 G

Poster (M): Country23000 G

Poster (M): Cute23000 G

Poster (M): Casual23000 G

Poster (L): Country34000 G

Poster (L): Cute34000 G

Poster (L): Casual34000 G

Town HallHours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (17:00)Upgrade to Level 2:Ship 150,000 G worth of itemsUpgrade to Level 3:Ship 250,000 G worth of items and ring the Purple BellMayor Hamilton hangs out in the Town Hall, where he waits for you to pay him the 5000 G you owe him for the farm. After you give him the payment, he will make other lands available for purchase. There is a small plot of the land to the west of your farmhouse and a larger one just to the south of your own crop field.Hamilton also sells optionalvacation housesyou can buy if you have the excess funds to do so.ItemShop LvlCost

River Plot170,000 G

Farm Plot2150,000 G

Beach House1100,000 G

Mountain House2100,000 G

River House2100,000 G

Summertime House3200,000 G

Sonata TailoringHours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (17:00)Upgrade to Level 2:Ship 100,000 G worth of products and unlock LunaUpgrade to Level 3:Ship 200,000 G worth of productsThe tailor shop is run by Shelly and her two granddaughters, Luna and Candace. The shop sells clothes and beauty accessories for your head, neck, and eyes. You can buy clothing for yourself and clothing for your children, but you can't buy any special clothing to your spouse.Some outfits and accessories are only available for the male player, the female player, or both genders.Besides selling clothes, Shelly can upgrade your Rucksack if you bring her the items she requests: Rucksack Upgrade 1: 1 Wool (any quality), 10 Green Herb Rucksack Upgrade 2: 1 Wool (Perfect or Shining), 1 Honey, 5 BodigizerIf you go to the New Years eve festival in Harmonica Town, you'll find that Shelly will sell a lot ofdifferent itemsnot usually found at her shop. These clothing items areonlyfor sale during this festival.You can see all of the clothing outfits and accessories onclothing page.

Clothing OutfitsSpring and Summer seasons only

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Normal Green1Girl1000 G

Workwear1Girl1500 G

Sporty Shortsleeves2Girl1500 G

Safari3Girl3000 G

Black Victorian2Girl2000 G

Formal Dress3Girl3000 G

Work Clothes (blue)1Boy1000 G

Work Clothes (yellow)1Boy1500 G

Sporty2Boy2000 G

Safari (brown)3Boy3000 G

Punk2Boy2000 G

Chic3Boy3000 G

Fall and Winter seasons only

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Yellow Casual1Girl1000 G

Red Casual1Girl1500 G

Sporty2Girl2000 G

Western3Girl3000 G

Red Victorian2Girl2000 G

Pantsuit3Girl3000 G

Jacket (blue)1Boy1000 G

Parka (yellow)1Boy1500 G

Gorgie2Boy2000 G

Safari Jacket3Boy3000 G

Down Vest2Boy2000 G

Formal Jacket3Boy3000 G

Accessories: HatsAll year long

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Tan Cowboy Hat2Both2400 G

Brown Cowboy Hat3Both2400 G

Brown Hunting Cap2Both1700 G

Red Hunting Cap3Both1700 G

Fire Bandana1Both800 G

Paisley Bandana2Both800 G

Tropical Bandana3Both800 G

White Baseball Cap1Both1400 G

Camo Hat2Both1700 G

Yellow Baseball Cap3Both1200 G

Spring and Summer seasons only

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Blue Straw Hat1Both500 G

Red Straw Hat1Both500 G

Fall and Winter seasons only

Knit Cap (red)1Both1000 G

Knit Cap (blue)1Both1000 G

Ear-covered Knit Cap (purple)2Both1300 G

Ear-covered Knit Cap (black)3Both1300 G

Accessories: GlassesAll year long

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Big Round Glasses2Girl1700 G

Big Round Sunglasses3Girl1700 G

Lovely Sunglasses2Girl1800 G

Thick Round Glasses2Boy1700 G

Thick Round Sunglasses3Boy1700 G

Orange Sunglasses2Girl1800 G

Round Red Glasses1Both1000 G

Round Silver Glasses1Both1000 G

Round Sunglasses2Both1400 G

Square Glasses Black2Both1400 G

Cool Sunglasses3Both1700 G

All year long

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Thick Glasses1Both1200 G

Novelty Glasses2Both700 G

Monocle3Both1800 G

Heart Glasses2Both1600 G

Heart Sunglasses3Both1700 G

Star Glasses2Both1900 G

Star Sunglasses3Both1900 G

Granny Glasses2Both1500 G

3D Glasses3Both1200 G

Eyemask3Both2200 G

Accessories: NeckFall and Winter season only

ItemShop LvlGenderCost

Muffler (white)1Both1500 G

Muffler (red)2Both2000 G

Muffler (yellow)3Both2000 G

Choral ClinicHours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (20:00)Upgrade to Level 2:unlock Jin by ringing the Blue BellHarp Clinic is run by Doctor Jin and his grandmother, Irene. When you first start the game you'll find out that Jin has traveled abroad to do research, leaving Irene to manage the clinic by herself. When Jin returns to Harmonica Town, Irene will expand her shop inventory.Medicine

ItemShop LvlCost

Bodigizer1430 G

Bodigizer XL2570 G

Cold Medicine1260 G

Stay Awake11040 G

Super Stay Awake21140 G

Remedy2180 G


ItemShop LvlCost

Green Tea1180 G

Cold Medicine2110 G

Stay Awake2420 G

Remedy280 G

Brass BarHours: 4:00 pm (16:00) to 1:00 amUpgrade to Level 2:ship 100,000 G worth of itemsUpgrade to Level 3:ship 200,000 G worth of itemsUpgrade to Level 4:ship 350,000 G worth of itemsHayden and his daughter Kathy run the bar in Harmonica Town. They sell various food and drinks. Sometimes in the evening you'll see other villagers enjoying a drink there.Chase also works at the bar and prepares its food. If you talk to him while he is working, you might activate theCooking Schoolchain of events.Selena will also begin working at the bar as you proceed through the main storyline.Hayden won't start to sell drinks at the bar until after you have helped Selena get a job, and you then deliver her letter back to her parents on Toucan Island.

DrinksItemShop LvlCost

Grape Cocktail1600 G

Apple Cocktail1680 G

Cranberry Cocktail2240 G

Raspberry Cocktail3200 G

Blackberry Cocktail4240 G

Blueberry Cocktail3240 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Potato Cocktail1680 G

Buckwheat Cocktail2920 G

Coconut Cocktail3200 G

Rice Cocktail41080 G

Wheat Cocktail1640 G

Olive Cocktail2600 G

FoodItemShop LvlCost

Decent Marinated Fish2590 G

Good Marinated Fish31100 G

Perfect Marinated Fish41700 G

Decent Bouillabaisse21060 G

Good Bouillabaisse32220 G

Perfect Bouillabaisse42720 G

Iwashi Tomato Stew3440 G

Saury Tomato Stew2590 G

Squid Tomato Stew1510 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Decent Fish Meuniere2510 G

Good Meuniere31050 G

Perfect Meuniere41830 G

Stir Fry1490 G

Pancake21370 G

Shortcake32210 G

Yam Cake21670 G

Mashed Potato11610 G

Oil Sardine3540 G

Ocarina InnHours: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (22:00)Upgrade to Level 2:ship 60,000 G worth of items and ring the Red BellUpgrade to Level 3:ship 180,000 G worth of itemsUpgrade to Level 4:ship 400,000 G worth of itemsJake and Colleen run the only inn in town, along with their daughter Maya and Jake's mother Yolanda. Jake usually takes care of the guest accommodations while Colleen runs the small diner in their inn.Even though there are a lot of rooms at the inn, the only two guests you'll find are Calvin and Selena.FoodAll year long

ItemShop LvlCost

Riceball1710 G

Pie Crust1990 G

Vegetable Sandwich12600 G

Egg Sandwich22800 G

Mushroom Rice1660 G

Egg Rice4720 G

Tuna Bowl31180 G

Mushroom Soup1670 G

Veggie Curry32400 G

Seafood Curry41390 G

Cheese Fondue22960 G

Cheese Omelet31380 G

Fried Rice2840 G

Seafood Fried Rice21080 G

Salmon Fried Rice31280 G

Raspberry Pie41270 G

Blueberry Pie11290 G

Blackberry Pie21290 G

Pizza21590 G

Seafood Pizza21800 G

Seafood Gratin21960 G

Mushroom Gratin31860 G

Doria21810 G

Seafood Doria41940 G

Buckwheat Tempura31020 G

Curry Buckwheat41490 G

Spring Season only

Steamed Turnip4730 G

Curry Bread12250 G

Plain Omelet4780 G

Omelet Rice11320 G

Choco Pie31510 G

Cherry Pie31460 G

Potato Gratin22200 G

Buckwheat Chips1590 G

Fried Potato3960 G

Summer Season only

ItemShop LvlCost

Tomato Risotto21370 G

Conger Eel Rice2820 G

Corn Soup4950 G

Tomato Soup1950 G

Tomato Omelet21180 G

Apple Pie11510 G

Orange Pie41470 G

Zaru Soba1590 G

Fall Season only

Tuna Sandwich32810 G

Spinach Risotto41460 G

Yam Rice1880 G

Chestnut Rice3850 G

Eel Bowl1940 G

Savory Egg Custard21290 G

Rattotouie31570 G

Boiled Spinach1550 G

Pumpkin Croquette22340 G

Pumpkin Pie21560 G

Honeydew Pie21480 G

Egg Soba2750 G

Winter Season only

Cheese Risotto11570 G

Seafood Risotto31330 G

Tom Yum Goog21360 G

Egg Soup3730 G

Pot-au-feu22270 G

Choco Fondue32670 G

Paella41660 G

Croquette12410 G

DrinksItemShop LvlCost

Hot Choco2890 G

Hot Coffee2440 G

Carrot Juice1550 G

Tomato Juice2420 G

Veggie Juice31370 G

Orange Juice4320 G

Cranberry Juice1140 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Raspberry Juice2120 G

Blackberry Juice3140 G

Blueberry Juice4140 G

Apple Juice1360 G

Honeydew Juice3770 G

Grape Juice4320 G

Coconut Juice4120 G

Cooking RecipesItemShop LvlCost

Rice Ball1290 G

Pie Crust2400 G

Tuna Sandwich11130 G

Cheese Risotto2630 G

Spinach Risotto1590 G

Mushroom Rice2270 G

Egg Rice1290 G

Eel Bowl2380 G

Conger Eel Bowl3330 G

Corn Soup4380 G

Tomato Soup1380 G

Veggie Curry4960 G

Boiled Spinach1220 G

Plain Omelet1320 G

Fried Rice2340 G

Salmon Fried Rice3510 G

Croquette1970 G

Orange Pie4590 G

Cherry Pie4590 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Blackberry Pie3520 G

Pizza2640 G

Seafood Pizza2720 G

Potato Gratin4880 G

Mushroom Gratin2750 G

Zaru Soba1240 G

Buckwheat Chips1240 G

Fried Potato3390 G

Cocoa2360 G

Hot Cocoa2180 G

Tomato Juice2170 G

Orange Juice4130 G

Cranberry Juice160 G

Blackberry Juice460 G

Blueberry Juice260 G

Apple Juice1150 G

Honeydew Juice2310 G

Grape Juice3130 G

Coconut Juice450 G

FisheryHours: 6:00 am to 5:00 pm (17:00)Upgrade to Level 2:ring the Blue Bell and meet PascalThe fish shop can be found on the town's dock. Ozzie takes care of his shop while Paolo (his son) and Toby (his nephew) hang out around the area.Ozzie sells the Boat Tickets you'll need to travel to Toucan Island, but only after the Blue Bell has been chimed. It will always be listed at the bottom of his inventory and costs 400 G.

FishSpring Season only

ItemShop LvlCost

Goby130 G

Sardine140 G

Bonito2240 G

Rock Trout2240 G

Octopus2120 G

Summer Season only

Horse Mackerel1170 G

Sea Bream2300 G

Rockfish1160 G

Tuna2640 G

Rock Lobster2190 G

Fall Season only

ItemShop LvlCost

Rainbow Trout1120 G

Salmon1560 G

Saury2190 G

Conger Eel2280 G

Freshwater Prawn250 G

Winter Season only

Cod1170 G

Anglerfish2660 G

Yellowtail1310 G

Lobster2360 G

Herring2160 G

Shops in Flute Fields[Marimba Farm] [Horn Ranch] [Waterwheel] [Windmill]Flute Fields is just to the east of your farm land. The path south of your farm will take you there. Kaval is a wide area where the Horn Ranch and Marimba Farm exist. The entrance to Fugue Forest is here, as well as the Windmill and Waterwheel.The shops in Flute Fields are closed on Wednesdays and festival days.Marimba Farm

Hours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (20:00)Upgrade to Level 2:Ship 30,000 G worth of cropsUpgrade to Level 3:Ship 80,000 G worth of crops and unlock AnissaUpgrade to Level 4:Ship 160,000 G worth of cropsMarimba Farm is right down the path from the bridge. The farm's shop is run by Ruth, who sells a variety of items like seeds, fertilizer, food, and recipes.Craig and Ruth have two children; Taylor and Anissa. Taylor will return to the farm after you buy a telephone from Barbara, and Anissa will return once you have chimed the Yellow Bell.Next to Marimba Farm is Chase's house. He is there until the evening, when he goes to Hayden's bar to cook.

Crop SeedsSpring Season

CropShop LvlCost

Wheat Seeds280 G

Flax Seeds230 G

Turnip Seeds130 G

Potato Seeds330 G

Cabbage Seeds130 G

Strawberry Seeds1110 G

Grass Seeds120 G

Lavender Seeds320 G

Tulip Seeds120 G

Hyacinth Seeds220 G

Pinkcat Flower Seeds320 G

Pansy Seeds220 G

Spring Seed Mix230 G

Lettuce Seeds140 G

Summer Season

CropShop LvlCost

Corn Seeds2100 G

Tomato Seeds1100 G

Onion Seeds130 G

Honeydew Seeds440

Watermelon Seeds130 G

Grass Seeds120 G

Green Herb Seeds120 G

Blue Herb Seed120 G

Sunflower Seeds230 G

Lily Seeds120 G

Begonia Seeds320 G

Morning Glory Seeds420 G

Summer Seed Mix130 G

Cucumber Seeds130 G

Sugarcane Seeds140 G

Tea Seeds150 G

Fall Season

CropShop LvlCost

Rice Seeds330 G

Eggplant Seeds280 G

Pumpkin Seeds190 G

Yam Seeds290 G

Green Pepper Seeds3100 G

Carrot Seeds130 G

Spinach Seeds230 G

Grass Seeds120 G

Red Herb Seeds120 G

Purple Herb Seeds120 G

Bluemist Flower350 G

Cosmos Flower Seeds220 G

Rose Seeds430 G

Mum Seeds420 G

Fall Seed Mix130 G

Moondrop Seeds420 G

Grape Seeds230 G

Winter Season

CropShop LvlCost

Buckwheat Seeds130 G

Grass Seeds120 G

Yellow Herb Seeds120 G

Snowdrop Flower Seeds320 G

Anemone Seeds320 G

Tree Seeds

CropShop LvlCost

Apple Seedling1990 G

Orange Seedling1860 G

Chestnut Seedling2860 G

Cherry Seedling3860 G

Hali Seedling3350 G

Olive Seedling4860 G

Coffee Seedling4980 G

FertilizerCropShop LvlCost

Decent Fertilizer160 G

Good Fertilizer2120 G

Perfect Fertilizer3220 G

Shining Fertilizer4300 G

Cooking RecipesCropShop LvlCost

Marinated Fish1240 G

Vegetable Salad3340 G

Egg Salad1420 G

Potato Stew2210 G

Boiled Corn1190 G

Marmalade1240 G

Cherry Jam1240 G

Blueberry Jam1100 G

Apple Jam2280 G

Stir Fry1200 G

Mashed Potato3650 G

Cornbread4780 G

Roasted Chestnut3140 G

Roasted Yam4150 G

Olive Oil4110 G

CropsThe price of full-grown crops you can buy from Ruth are double the price you would of earned if you shipped it. For example, if you shipped a Decent Turnip you would earn 170 G, but if you purchased one from Ruth it would cost you 340 G (170 x 2).All Year Long

CropShop LvlCost

Decent Rice3420 G

Good Rice3500 G

Perfect Rice4580 G

Decent Wheat2260 G

Good Wheat2300 G

Perfect Wheat3340 G

Decent Flax2320 G

Good Flax2380 G

Perfect Flax3440 G

Decent Corn2320 G

Good Corn3380 G

Perfect Corn4420 G

Decent Onion2340 G

Good Onion2400 G

Perfect Onion3460 G

Decent Strawberry1360 G

Good Strawberry2440 G

Perfect Strawberry3540 G

Shining Strawberry4820 G

Decent Honeydew2500 G

Good Honeydew2600 G

Perfect Honeydew3900 G

Shining Honeydew41280 G

Decent Lettuce2440 G

Good Lettuce3500 G

Perfect Lettuce4560 G

Decent Grape2240 G

Good Grape3280 G

Perfect Grape4320 G

Decent Honey1100 G

Good Honey2200 G

Perfect Honey3300 G

Spring Season Only

CropShop LvlCost

Decent Turnip1340 G

Good Turnip2400 G

Perfect Turnip3460 G

Decent Potato3380 G

Good Potato3440 G

Perfect Potato4480 G

Decent Cabbage1380 G

Good Cabbage2440 G

Perfect Cabbage3500 G

Decent Cherry2240 G

Good Cherry3280 G

Perfect Cherry3300 G

Lavender3200 G

Tulip1220 G

Hyacinth2240 G

Pinkcat Flower3240 G

Pansy3180 G

Summer Season Only

CropShop LvlCost

Decent Tomato2320 G

Good Tomato3380 G

Perfect Tomato4420 G

Decent Watermelon1420 G

Good Watermelon2500 G

Perfect Watermelon3580 G

Shining Watermelon4820 G

Decent Cucumber1320 G

Good Cucumber2400 G

Perfect Cucumber3480 G

Decent Tea Leaves2340 G

Good Tea Leaves3400 G

Perfect Tea Leaves4460 G

Decent Sugarcane1360 G

Good Sugarcane2380 G

Perfect Sugarcane3440 G

Decent Orange1240 G

Good Orange2280 G

Perfect Orange3320 G

Decent Coffee Beans3280 G

Good Coffee Beans3320 G

Perfect Coffee Beans3360 G

Sunflower2320 G

Lily2280 G

Begonia3220 G

Morning Glory4240 G

Fall Season Only

CropShop LvlCost

Decent Eggplant1260 G

Good Eggplant2300 G

Perfect Eggplant3360 G

Decent Pumpkin2300

Good Pumpkin3360 G

Perfect Pumpkin4420 G

Decent Yam1260 G

Good Yam2320 G

Perfect Yam3360 G

Decent Green Pepper2320 G

Good Green Pepper3380 G

Perfect Green Pepper4440 G

Decent Carrot2360 G

Good Carrot3440 G

Perfect Carrot4520 G

Decent Spinach2360 G

Good Spinach3440 G

Perfect Spinach4540 G

Decent Apple1260 G

Good Apple3320 G

Perfect Apple4360 G

Decent Chestnut2240 G

Good Chestnut3280 G

Perfect Chestnut4340 G

Decent Olive2240 G

Good Olive3280 G

Perfect Olive4320 G

Bluemist Flower1780 G

Cosmos3200 G

Rose2440 G

Mum3180 G

Moondrop Flower2240 G

Winter Season Only

CropShop LvlCost

Decent Buckwheat2380 G

Good Buckwheat3440 G

Perfect Buckwheat4480 G

Snowdrop Flower3300 G

Amenome4200 G

Horn Ranch

Hours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (20:00)Upgrade to Level 2:Ship 10,000 G worth of animal productsUpgrade to Level 3:Ship 50,000 G worth of animal products and ring the Green BellUpgrade to Level 4:Ship 80,000 G worth of animal productsThe shop at Horn Ranch is run by Hannah. She sells a variety of products relating to the care of animals. When you buy an animal from her, she will ask you to give it a name and the creature automatically is transfered to your farm.When you visit the ranch for the first time, go into the barn and Cain will give you a free baby cow and a free Brush. You also can get the Sickle tool by talking to Hannah when she's inside the ranch shop.Renee is the daughter of Cain and Hannah, and a marriage candidate if you are playing as the boy gender. She typically can be found inside the shop or outside between the shop and the barn.

Tools:ItemShop LvlCost

Brush11600 G

Milker12000 G

Clippers11600 G

Cowbell11000 G

Animal Products:ItemShop LvlCost

Animal Medicine1800 G

Cow Miracle Potion1720 G

Horse Miracle Potion21200 G

Sheep Miracle Potion11080 G

Goat Miracle Potion3900 G

Decent Chicken Egg1100 G

Good Chicken Egg2160 G

Decent Ostrich Egg1700 G

Good Ostrich Egg41060 G

Decent Duck Egg3160 G

Good Duck Egg3240 G

Decent Milk1340 G

Good Milk2520 G

Decent Goat Milk2280 G

Good Goat Milk3460 G

Decent Sheep Milk3240 G

Good Sheep Milk4420 G

Decent Wool11240 G

Good Wool41840 G

Decent Silk21320 G

Good Silk41980 G

Decent Mayonnaise1160 G

Good Mayonnaise2200 G

Perfect Mayonnaise3260 G

Ostrichaise2900 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Duckaise2280 G

Decent Butter1380 G

Good Butter2560 G

Perfect Butter3740 G

Decent Goat Butter1300 G

Good Goat Butter2500 G

Perfect Goat Butter3680 G

Decent Sheep Butter2260 G

Good Sheep Butter3460 G

Perfect Sheep Butter4640 G

Decent Cheese1380 G

Good Cheese2560 G

Perfect Cheese3740 G

Decent Goat Cheese1300 G

Good Goat Cheese2500 G

Perfect Goat Cheese3680 G

Decent Sheep Cheese2260 G

Good Sheep Cheese3460 G

Perfect Sheep Cheese4640 G

Decent Wool Yarn11360 G

Good Wool Yarn22020 G

Perfect Wool Yarn42680 G

Decent Silk Yarn11460 G

Good Silk Yarn22180 G

Perfect Silk Yarn42900 G

Animal Feed:ItemShop LvlCost

Fodder120 G

Chicken Feed110 G

Cooking Recipes:ItemShop LvlCost

Boiled Egg1100 G

Duck Boiled Egg3140 G

Fried Egg1100 G

Baked Potato2430 G

Yogurt1230 G

Cheesecake3930 G

Strawberry Ice Cream2690 G

Honeydew Ice Cream4790 G

Orange Ice Cream4610 G

Mint Ice Cream4520 G

Coffee Ice Cream4660 G

Banana Ice Cream4530 G

ItemShop LvlCost

Apple Ice Cream4630 G

Cherry Ice Cream4610 G

Carrot Ice Cream4680 G

Cranberry Ice Cream4540 G

Raspberry Ice Cream4530 G

Blueberry Ice Cream4540 G

Blackberry Ice Cream4540 G

Cafe Au Lait2390 G

Hot Milk1230 G

Milk Tea2260 G

Yogurt Drink3330 G

Strawberry Milk3420 G

Animals:ItemShop LvlCost

Baby Cow11200 G

Adult Cow22400 G

Baby Horse22000 G

Adult Horse34000 G

Baby Sheep1