war in heaven derek prince

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  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince



  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince





    D E R E K P R I N C E

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    2003 by Derek Prince

    Published by Chosen ooks! di"ision o# !ker ook House Co$%!nyP& '& o( )2*+, -r!nd R!%ids, .I /1))2*+

    www. bakerbooks. com

    Prin4ed in 4he 5ni4ed 64!4es o# A$eric!

    All ri7h4s reser"ed& No %!r4 o# 4his %ublic!4ion $!y be re%roduced, s4ored in ! re4rie"!l sys4e$, or

    4r!ns$i44ed in !ny #or$ or by !ny $e!ns8#or e(!$%le, elec4ronic, %ho4oco%y, recordin789i4hou4 4he%rior 9ri44en %er$ission o# 4he %ublisher& :he only e(ce%4ion is brie# ;uo4!4ions in %rin4ed re"ie9s&

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    or more ta! two "ears# w$%e work$!& o! t$sbook# I a'e e()er$e!ce* a! o!&o$!& batt%ea&a$!st ma!" +orms o+ s$ck!ess a!* $!+$rm$t".

    Some o+ te e!em$es I a'e e!co,!tere* a'e bee!

    two +orms o+ ca!cer# )o%"m"a%&$a re,mat$ca# *o,b%e)!e,mo!$a# co!&est$'e eart +a$%,re# e"e s,r&er"#two o,rs o+ s,r&er" o! m" sca%)# a &a%%sto!e attack.


    At o!e )o$!t $! t$me# I was *e%$r$o,s +or moreta! a week *,e to a! $!+ect$o!. Tw$ce I a* tee()er$e!ce o+ &o$!& to be* $! o!e )%ace a!* wak$!&,) $! a os)$ta% be* $! a!oter )%ace.

    Tro,& a%% t$s# I a'e bee! co!t$!,o,s%",)e%* b" te %o'e a!* te )ra"ers o+ to,sa!*s o+Cr$st$a!s $! ma!" )arts o+ te &%obe. I !e'er k!ewtere was so m,c %o'e a'a$%ab%e to me-

    To a%% "o, wo a'e )ra"e*# I !ow &rate+,%%"*e*$cate t$s book.

    But thanks be to God, who gives us thevictory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1 Corinthians 15:57

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince




    / Wat Is 0o,r P$ct,re o+ Hea'e!1 2

    3 L$+e Is a Batt%e- /

    4 A Pre5A*am$c Wor%* 46

    7 L,c$+er Ca%%e!&es Go* 6/

    6Te A*am$c Race8 O,r Or$&$! 94

    9Te A*am$c Race8 O,r Dest$!" :/

    O!e ;a! a!* H$s Pra"er 24

    : A!&e%$c Be$!&s /

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince



    t $s ob'$o,s tat %$+e $s +,%% o+ co!+%$ct a!* war.W" $s t$s so1 Does Scr$)t,re &$'e ,s a!"

    e()%a!at$o! +or te ca,se1

    II A%to,& te B$b%e te%%s ,s e'er"t$!& we !ee* tok!ow +or o,r s)$r$t,a% be!e+$t# $t %ea'es ma!"?,est$o!s o)e! to $!ter)retat$o!. O! some o+ te$ss,es we w$%% *$sc,ss $! t$s book# $ss,es o! w$csco%ars a'e a*'a!ce* !,mero,s $!ter)retat$o!s#Scr$)t,re *oes !ot )ro'$*e ,s w$t s,++$c$e!t

    e'$*e!ce to s)eak w$t certa$!t".Te a!swers a!* $m)ress$o!s I br$!& "o, are te

    res,%t o+ st,*"# me*$tat$o!# )ra"er a!* )ract$ca%e()er$e!ce. I certa$!%" *o !ot c%a$m to a'e a!swere*a%% te ?,est$o!s tat ar$se. Tere $s !o %$m$t to s,c?,est$o!s- B,t we so,%* !e'er a%%ow te t$!&s we*o !ot ,!*ersta!* to obsc,re +or ,s te areas o+tr,t $! w$c Go* as )ro'$*e* c%ear


    Wat we k!ow +or certa$! $s tat# co!+ro!te* w$tte rebe%%$o! o+ A*am a!* E'e# Go* set $! mot$o! asecret )%a! co!ce$'e* $! eter!$t". H$stor$ca%%" t$s)%a! was ,!+o%*e* $! te %$+e# *eat a!* res,rrect$o!o+ @es,s Cr$st. Tro,& wat He accom)%$se* o!te cross# we are e!ab%e* to a'e a s)ec$a%

    re%at$o!s$) w$t Go*.A%% ea'e! $s wa$t$!& +or te +,%% ma!$+estat$o! o+

    H$s '$ctor".

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince




    at $s "o,r '$ew o+ ea'e!1 Do "o, be%$e'e tattere $s s,c a )%ace1 I+ so# $s $t a )%ace o+

    eterea% %$&t a!* m,s$c w$t co$rswors$)$!& Go* $! sett$!&s o+ awe5$!s)$r$!& bea,t"a!* e%aborate arc$tect,re1 Do "o, e!'$sa&e*a%$!& *$s)%a"s o+ &o%* a!* s$%'er w$t a! arra" o+$!!,merab%e )rec$o,s sto!es1 Do,bt%ess t$s $s tr,e$! a meas,re# b,t $t $s !ot te com)%ete )$ct,re.

    WWPera)s "o, see ea'e! as te $!!er s,r+ace o+ a

    'ast# co!ca'e *ome tat stretces o,t o'er te wo%e

    eart. As te e*&e o+ te *ome a))roaces teor$o!# $t some t$mes &$'es te $m)ress$o! tat $tw$%% +a%% sort. B,t $t !e'er *oes- It a%wa"s co'ers teeart be!eat $t.


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    A%most a%% o+ earts $!ab$ta!ts a'e some$m)ress$o! o+ ea'e!. As we co!tem)%ate te 'ast

    )oss$b$%$t$es# we !ee* to bear $! m$!* tat 'ar$o,sterms are ,se* to *escr$be ea'e!. Tere $s tes$!&%e !o,!# heaven# w$c em)as$es $ts o'era%%,!$t" oter e()ress$o!s a))are!t%" re+er to $ts*$++ere!t as)ects or )arts. >or $!sta!ce# te termsheavenlies or heavenly placess,&&est a !,mber o+*$++ere!t %ocat$o!s a%% comb$!e* ,!*er te ea*$!&heaven. Tese )%aces ma" be &$'e! o'er at 'ar$o,s

    t$mes to *$++ere!t be$!&s a!* *$++ere!t act$'$t$es.

    I! 3 Cor$!t$a!s /38357 Pa,% wr$tes8

    ! know a "an in Christ who #ourteen yearsago$whether in the body ! do not know, orwhether out o# the body ! do not know, Godknows$such a one was caught u% to the thirdheaven. &nd ! know such a "an$whether in the

    body or out o# the body ! do not know, Godknows$how he was caught u% into 'aradise andheard ine(%ressib)e words, which it is not )aw#u)*or not %ossib)e+ #or a "an to utter.

    T$s )assa&e $!*$cates tat tere are a%to&etertree ea'e!s# o!e $mme*$ate%" abo'e te oter. Teto)most $s wat Pa,% *escr$bes as te t$r*

    ea'e!. It $s te %ocat$o! o+ Para*$se a!* te )%aceo+ Go*s )erso!a% *we%%$! te most sacre* )%ace $!te ,!$'erse. It $s )assa&es s,c as t$s o!e tat&$'e ,s te co!ce)t o+te! assoc$ate* w$t ea'e!F),r$t" or o%$!ess. Te wor*s s)oke! tere are sosacre* tat te" ma" !ot be re)eate* o,ts$*e.

    Paradeisos )ara*$se $s te Greek wor* +or a&ar*e!. It *escr$bes Go*s &ar*e! $! ea'e!.

    Para*$se $s te ,%t$mate *est$!at$o! o+ a%% s$!!erswo a'e tr,%" re)e!te* a!* wo a'e )erse'ere* $!te %$+e o+ +a$t. O! te cross# @es,s )rom$se* te)e!$te!t t$e+ tat te two o+ tem wo,%* be to&eter


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    What !s our 'icture o# eaven-

    tat *a" $! Para*$se8 &nd Jesus said to hi",&ssured)y, ! say to you, today you wi)) be with /e

    in Paradise0L,ke 34874# em)as$s a**e*.

    Almost all of earth's inhabitantsAlmost all of earth's inhabitantshave some impression ofhave some impression of


    Te book o+ Re'e%at$o! $!tro*,ces ,s to a! areare+erre* to as te m$*5ea'e! or te m$*st o+ea'e!. To m" ,!*ersta!*$! t$s *escr$bes somek$!* o+ %ar&e e()a!se w$t *$++ere!t t")es o+ be$!&scom$!& a!* &o$!&. Te +o%%ow$!& 'erses *escr$be'ar$o,s )ower+,% be$!&s wo make )roc%amat$o!s

    +rom te m$*5ea'e!.&nd ! )ooked, and ! heard an ange) #)ying

    through the "idst o# heaven *)itera))y, mid-heaven+, saying with a )oud voice, Woe, woe,woe to the inhabitants o# the earth, because o#the re"aining b)asts o# the tru"%et o# the threeange)s who are about to sound0

    2eve)ation 3:14

    hen ! saw another ange) #)ying in the "idsto# heaven *)itera))y, mid-heaven+, having theever)asting gos%e) to %reach to those who dwe))on the earth$to every nation, tribe, tongue,and %eo%)e.

    2eve)ation 16:

    hen ! saw an ange) standing in the sun8 andhe cried with a )oud voice, saying to a)) thebirds that #)y in the "idst o# heaven *)itera))y,mid-heaven+, Co"e and gather together #or thesu%%er o# the great God.0


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    2eve)ation 19:17

    Te Greek wor* ,se* +or te m$*5ea'e! $smesour-anema# w$c mea!s )rec$se%" tat# te m$*5ea'e!. T$s co,%* be te seco!* ea'e!.

    We m$&t ass,me# +$!a%%"# tat te '$s$b%e ea'e!Fte ea'e! tat $s '$s$b%e to o,r !at,ra% e"es$&tF$s te +$rst ea'e!. A%% earts $!ab$ta!ts are +am$%$arto some *e&ree w$t t$s ea'e!.

    Wat abo,t te *e!$e!s o+ ea'e!1 Wat k$!* o+creat,res are te"1 Te !ame most commo!%" &$'e!to tem $s angels. Te wor* angel$s *er$'e* +rom teGreek !o,! angelos# w$c $s te sta!*ar* wor* +ormesse!&er. A!&e%s# tere+ore# are '$ewe* asmesse!&ers se!t +rom ea'e!.

    Not a%% a!&e%s# owe'er# are messe!&ers. Te"a'e 'ar$o,s oter )ote!t$a% +,!ct$o!s. Wate'er

    te$r tasks# te" are se!t +ort b" Go* +or H$s),r)oses. B,t Scr$)t,re makes $t c%ear tat tere area%so e'$% a!&e%s se!t +ort b" Sata! +or $s ),r)oses.At t$mes# o))os$t$o! or co!+%$cts ma" occ,r betwee!te a!&e%s o+ Go* a!* te a!&e%s o+ Sata!. Some o+tese co!+%$cts are *e)$cte* $! Scr$)t,re# )art$c,%ar%"$! te book o+ Da!$e%.

    We are t,s co!+ro!te* b" te $!esca)ab%e +acttat o,r wor%* as we k!ow $t to*a" $s a sce!e o+co!+%$ct. >,rtermore# t$s co!+%$ct $s !ot restr$cte*to eart. It $s a%so a '$ta% +actor $! a%% tat takes )%ace$! ea'e!.

    Te a!&e%s se!t +ort b" Go* a'e tree ma$!tasks. >$rst# as a%rea*" state*# te" are Go*smesse!&ers. Seco!*%"# te" are Go*s a&e!ts se!t

    +ort to )rotect tose wo ma" be $! *a!&er. Teseare !orma%%" *escr$be* as &,ar*$a! a!&e%s. I!;attew /:8/< @es,s s)eaks abo,t c$%*re! woa'e a!&e%s $! ea'e! wo co!t$!,a%%" see te +ace


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    What !s our 'icture o# eaven-

    o+ te >ater. B" $m)%$cat$o!# te >aters watc+,%e"e *$rects tose a!&e%s to )ote!t$a%%" ',%!erab%e

    c$%*re!. I! te t$r* cate&or" are warr$or a!&e%swo are e!&a&e* $! co!+%$ct w$t o))os$!& a!&e%s.

    Many Christians assume thatMany Christians assume thatheaven is a place of unbrokenheaven is a place of unbrokenpeace and harmony, beautypeace and harmony, beauty

    and worship.and worship.

    ;a!" Cr$st$a!s ass,me tat ea'e! $s a )%ace o+,!broke! )eace a!* armo!"# bea,t" a!* wors$).T$s ma" we%% be tr,e o+ te t$r* ea'e!# b,t $t *oes!ot a))%" to te +$rst a!* seco!* ea'e!s. Some

    Scr$)t,res )a$!t a 'er" *$++ere!t )$ct,re o+ wat $sc,rre!t%" &o$!& o! $! te seco!* ea'e!. As a%rea*"state*# $t $s at t$mes te sce!e o+ &reat co!+%$ctbetwee! warr$!& a!&e%sFsome ser'$!& Go* a!*oters ser'$!& Sata!. It $s )r$mar$%" $! te ea'e!%"re&$o!s tat s,c co!+%$ct takes )%ace.

    It $s ere# too# tat Sata! )o,rs o,t a stream o+

    s%a!*ero,s acc,sat$o!s a&a$!st te Cr$st$a!s o!eart wo are ser'$!& te Lor*. I! Re'e%at$o! /38/

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    $!ab$ta!ts as to wat te" ma" e()ect we! te*e'$% $s ,%t$mate%" cast *ow! +rom ea'e! to eart:

    Woe to the inhabitants o# the earth and the seaor the devi) has co"e down to you, having greatwrath, because he knows that he has a shortti"e0Re'e%at$o! /38/3.

    Tese 'erses %ook +orwar* to a )er$o* we! Sata!as b,t a short ti"e.0Te" ma" we%% be c%ose ata!*# b,t te" a'e !ot "et bee! +,%+$%%e*. Certa$!%"

    te e'e!ts *escr$be* a'e !ot bee! +,%+$%%e* b"a!"t$!& tat as a))e!e* $! ea'e! ,) to t$st$me.

    We !ee*# tere+ore# to be rea%$st$c abo,t Sata!sc,rre!t act$'$t$es. ;a!" Cr$st$a!s ab$t,a%%" s)eakas $+ Sata! were co!+$!e* $! e%%# b,t t$s $s !ot tr,e.Tere are two sata!$c )r$!ces ca%%e* Deat a!*Ha*es tat r,%e $! e%% see Re'e%at$o! 3

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    What !s our 'icture o# eaven-

    Many Christians habituallyMany Christians habitually

    speak as if atan were confinedspeak as if atan were confinedin hell, but this is not true.in hell, but this is not true.

    I! te !e(t ca)ter we w$%% be&$! to a!a%"e owt$s co!+%$ct $! te ea'e!%$es a++ects o,r *a$%" %$'es.


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince



    !e t$!& tat becomes &%ar$!&%" a))are!t ear%"o! +or most o+ ,s $s tat %$+e $s +,%% o+ co!+%$ct#str,&&%e a!* war. ;a!" o+ ,s s$m)%" acce)t t$s

    as +act w$to,t ra$s$!& a!" ?,est$o!s. Some "earsa&o# owe'er# I be&a! to me*$tate o! t$s a!* Iaske* m"se%+8

    '' !hat is the reason for all the conflict in our


    #ave we accepted as normal something that isabnormal"

    !hy are there wars"

    !hy are there struggles, strife and disputes"

    $oes cripture give us any clear e%planation ofa real cause for all this conflict"

    $id it have a beginning and will it always be so"


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    Tese are ?,est$o!s I a'e t,r!e* o'er $! m" ow!m$!* +or ma!" "ears. Wat I br$!& "o, $! t$s book

    w$%% be te +r,$t o+ m,c me*$tat$o!# )ra"er a!*st,*" a!* a%so o+ )ract$ca% e()er$e!ce.

    We! we %ook at te New Testame!t# we +$!* tatco!+%$ct# war a!* embrac$!& te att$t,*e o+ as)$r$t,a% so%*$er are a%% acce)te* as a !orma% )arto+ Cr$st$a! %$'$!&. T$s co!+%$ct $s !ot somet$!&e(ce)t$o!a% tat a +ew Cr$st$a!s ma" e!co,!ter.Te B$b%e teaces tat a%% Cr$st$a!s m,st be)re)are* to e!co,!ter co!+%$ct a!* war+are $! tes)$r$t,a% rea%m.

    >$rst# we w$%% %ook at se'era% Scr$)t,res tat*e)$ct co!+%$ct a!* war+are as a !orma% )art o+Cr$st$a! %$'$!&. Te! we w$%% searc te Scr$)t,resto see ow $t a%% be&a!.

    he Christian

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    Li#e !s a Batt)e

    captives.Tese are a! esse!t$a% a!* $!e'$tab%e )arto+ te Cr$st$a! %$+e.

    Not$ce +rom te start tat te New Testame!t*oes !ot )%ace Cr$st$a!s o! te *e+e!s$'e b,t o!te offensive. T$s $s o!e o+ te b$&&est m$stakes o+co!tem)orar" Cr$ste!*om8 We '$ew o,rse%'es asbe$!& o! te *e+e!s$'e. Take# +or $!sta!ce# te we%%5k!ow! book b" @esse Pe!!5Lew$s e!t$t%e* !ar on theaints. Te 'er" t$t%e ass,mes tat te $!$t$at$'e $s

    take! b" o,r e!em". T$s $s a! error. &t is weChristians who should be making war on our enemy.We so,%* !ot be wa$t$!& to see wat te e!em" w$%%*o to ,s.

    he (ible teaches that allhe (ible teaches that all

    Christians must be prepared toChristians must be prepared toencounter conflict and warfareencounter conflict and warfare

    in the spiritual realm.in the spiritual realm.

    I! ;attew /98/:# @es,s makes a )rom$seco!cer!$!& H$s C,rc8 =n this rock ! wi)) bui)d

    /y church, and the gates o# ades sha)) not%revai) against it.0

    I! te war+are o+ tose *a"s# te &ate o+ a c$t"was te )%ace o+ weak!ess o! w$c a! $!'a*$!&arm" wo,%* +oc,s $ts ma$! attacks. @es,s $stere+ore )rom$s$!& ,s tat we te C,rc w$%% betak$!& te o++e!s$'e a&a$!st sata!$c stro!&o%*s a!*)e!etrat$!& te$r &ates a!* tat te" w$%% !ot be ab%eto kee) ,s o,t. It $s we wo so,%* be kee)$!& tee!em" $! a! att$t,*e o+ s,s)e!se8 Wat are teseCr$st$a!s &o$!& to *o to me !e(t- Part o+ te,%t$mate ),r)ose o+ t$s book $s to restore te


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    $!$t$at$'e to Go*s )eo)%e.

    I! / T$mot" /8/: we +$!* wor*s s)oke! b" Pa,%to T$mot" as a m$!$ster o+ te Gos)e%8 his charge! co""it to you, son i"othy, according to the%ro%hecies %revious)y "ade concerning you, thatby the" you "ay wage the good war#are.0

    T$mot" was a "o,!& ma! wo a* bee! ca%%e*ear%" $! %$+e to te m$!$str" o+ te Gos)e%. Pro)ec$esa* bee! &$'e! o'er $m o,t%$!$!& te t")e o+

    m$!$str" to w$c Go* was ca%%$!& $m. Tesewar!e* $m o+ co!+%$ct# o))os$t$o! a!* e'e! *a!&er.Pa,% $s sa"$! I wa!t "o, to remember tese)ro)ec$es tat "o, a'e rece$'e*# a!* $! te %$&t o+tem to wa&e &oo* war+are. 0o, m,st ser'ewo%eearte*%"# w$t co,ra&e a!* *e*$cat$o! $! tes)$r$t,a% war+are tat $s a *$rect res,%t o+ "o,rcomm$tme!t to ser'e @es,s Cr$st. A&a$!# we see

    te wor* warfare.I! 3 T$mot" 38457 Pa,% ret,r!s to te same

    teme# a))%"$!& te wor* soldier to T$mot" to*escr$be $s Cr$st$a! ser'$ce8

    ou there#ore "ust endure hardshi% as agood so)dier o# Jesus Christ. ;o one engaged inwar#are entang)es hi"se)# with the a##airs o#

    this )i#e, that he "ay %)ease hi" who en)istedhi" as a so)dier.

    Pa,% ass,mes tat T$mot" $s a so%*$er# e!&a&e*$! s)$r$t,a% war+are# cose! +or t$s war+are b" teLor* @es,s Cr$st. He m,st# tere+ore# co!*,ct$mse%+ $! a wa" tat $s a))ro)r$ate to $s )os$t$o!as a so%*$er. Ha'$!& ser'e* as a so%*$er +$'e a!* a

    a%+ "ears $! te Br$t$s Arm"# I k!ow wat aso%*$ers %$+e $s %$ke. It $s e!t$re%" *$++ere!t +rom te%$+e o+ a c$'$%$a!. A so%*$er as to reco&!$e te +acttat e ca!!ot %$'e %$ke a c$'$%$a!- Pa,% $s br$!&$!&ome t$s %esso! to T$mot" as a m$!$ster o+ te


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    Li#e !s a Batt)e

    Gos)e%8 0o, ca!!ot %$'e %$ke oter )eo)%e. 0o, a'ea s)ec$a% ca%%$!&. 0o, a'e s)ec$a% res)o!s$b$%$t$es.

    0o, are set a)art# ,st as a so%*$er $s set a)art to as)ec$a% wa" o+ %$+e. A&a$! we !ot$ce te ass,m)t$o!tat te Cr$st$a! %$+e $!'o%'es war+are.

    T,r!$!& to E)es$a!s 98/3# we +$!* a!oter '$'$*)$ct,re o+ te Cr$st$a! %$+e8

    or we do not wrest)e against #)esh andb)ood, but against %rinci%a)ities, against %owers,

    against the ru)ers o# the darkness o# this age,against s%iritua) hosts o# wickedness in theheaven)y %)aces.

    Pa,% ere $%%,strates te Cr$st$a! %$+e b" ameta)or +rom te O%"m)$c Games8 te wrest%$!&matc. He sa"s tat as Cr$st$a!s we are $!'o%'e* $!a wrest%$!& matc. Wrest%$!& $!'o%'es te e!t$re

    )erso!. It $s te most tota% bo*$%" +orm o+ co!+%$ct $!s)ort. T$s $s te )art$c,%ar t")e o+ co!test tat Pa,%,ses to $%%,strate te Cr$st$a! %$+e.

    A%%ow me to &$'e "o, a more %$tera% re!*er$!& o+t$s 'erse8

    >or o,r wrest%$!& matc $s !ot a&a$!st +%esa!* b%oo*Fwe are !ot wrest%$!& a&a$!st mere,ma! )erso!a%$t$esFb,t a&a$!st )r$!c$)a%$t$es orr,%ers$)s# a&a$!st a,tor$t$es# a&a$!st te wor%**om$!ators o+ t$s )rese!t *ark!ess# a&a$!sts)$r$ts o+ w$cke*!ess $! te ea'e!%$es.

    Tese stateme!ts )rom)t ma!" ?,est$o!s. Ast$s book ,!+o%*s# we w$%% seek to *ea% w$t tem.B,t !ot$ce wat a remarkab%e )$ct,re co!+ro!ts ,s8Cr$st$a!s $!'o%'e* $! a wrest%$!& matc# !ot a&a$!st

    ,ma! )erso!s b,t a&a$!st s)$r$t,a% be$!&s# !ot%$m$te* to te eart b,t e(te!*$!& a%so to teea'e!%$es.

    Te Cr$st$a! %$+e $s !ot ,st sweet!ess a!* ar)


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    War in eaven

    m,s$c e'er" comm$tte* Cr$st$a! w$%% +$!* war+are tobe )art o+ $s tota% e()er$e!ce. Beca,se o,r

    &o'er!me!t $! ea'e! $s at war# we o! eart area,tomat$ca%%" at war a%so.

    Let me $%%,strate t$s b" a! e(am)%e +rom)erso!a% e()er$e!ce. I! /242# I was a Br$t$s c$t$e!res$*e!t $! Br$ta$!. O! te t$r* o+ Se)tember# teBr$t$s &o'er!me!t o++$c$a%%" *ec%are* war o! Na$Germa!". Beca,se m" &o'er!me!t a* %e&a%%"*ec%are* war# I was a,tomat$ca%%" $!'o%'e*. I *$* !ota'e to make a! $!*$'$*,a% )erso!a% *ec$s$o!. I wasat war w$t Germa!". I+ I re+,se* to acce)t tat# Iwo,%* a'e bee! *e%$!?,e!t $! m" ob%$&at$o!s as aBr$t$s c$t$e!. I *$* !ot a'e a co$ce to make. Ita* bee! ma*e +or me.

    I was# owe'er# &$'e! te +ree*om to coose abra!c o+ te +orces $! w$c I wo,%* ser'e. I

    'o%,!teere* +or !o!5combata!t me*$ca% *,t$es. As ares,%t# I s)e!t +$'e a!* a a%+ "ears $! Br$ta$!s Ro"a%Arm" ;e*$ca% Cor)s.

    Te same )r$!c$)%e a))%$es $! te s)$r$t,a% rea%m.O,r ea'e!%" &o'er!me!t $s at war w$t tek$!&*om o+ Sata!. Tere+ore# we are re?,$re* to takeo,r )%aces as so%*$ers $! t$s war. As $! m" ow!

    case# we ma" be &$'e! +ree*om to coose te +$e%* o+ser'$ce# b,t we ca!!ot o)t o,t o+ te war.

    T$s tr,t abo,t s)$r$t,a% war+are $s e!+orce* b"te wa" te B$b%e s)eaks abo,t Go* H$mse%+ as am$%$tar" comma!*er. T$s %a!&,a&e *oes !ot occ,r,st o!ce or tw$ce b,t $s +o,!* tro,&o,t Scr$)t,re.>or e(am)%e# E(o*,s /684 recor*s a so!& tat ;osesa!* te c$%*re! o+ Israe% sa!& a+ter )ass$!& tro,&

    te waters o+ te Re* Sea. See$!& Go*s ,*&me!t $!te a!!$$%at$o! o+ te e!t$re E&")t$a! arm"# teIsrae%$tes &$'e e()ress$o! to te$r &rat$t,*e a!* tote$r se!se o+ tr$,m) a!* '$ctor" $! t$s so!&8 he


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    Li#e !s a Batt)e

    Lord is a "an o# war8 the Lord is is na"e.0

    he Christian life is not )usthe Christian life is not )ustsweetness and harp music*sweetness and harp music*

    every committed Christian willevery committed Christian willfind warfare to be part of hisfind warfare to be part of his

    total e%perience.total e%perience.

    I! te or$&$!a% Hebrew# te wor* +ord# we!ca)$ta%$e*# re)rese!ts te sacre* !ame o+ +o,r%etters re!*ere* @eo'a or 0awe. ;o*er!sco%ars te!* to ,se 0awe. So we m$&t re!*ertat 'erse8 he Lordis a "an o# war8 ahweh isis na"e.0Te 'erse tat +o%%ows rea*s8 'haraoh?schariots and his ar"y e has cast into the sea8his chosen ca%tains a)so are drowned in the 2ed

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    adversaries-0 ater b,t te So!.

    T$s $s o!e o+ ma!" O%* Testame!t Scr$)t,res $!

    w$c He was ma!$+este* to ,ma! be$!&s#$!c%,*$!& Abraam# @acob# ;oses a!* @os,a. TeLor* *ec%are* H$mse%+ to be a m$%$tar" comma!*era!* He a* a *raw! swor* $! H$s a!*- T$s $s )arto+ te B$b%es tota% )$ct,re o+ Go*.

    A s$m$%ar )rese!tat$o! o+ te Lor* as a warr$orocc,rs $! Psa%m 378:8 Who is this Aing o# g)ory-he Lord strong and "ighty, the Lord "ighty inbatt)e.0

    Tose wor*s are so '$'$* +or me beca,se $! Wor%*War II I ser'e* w$t te Br$t$s E$&t Arm" $! teNort A+r$ca! *esert. O,r +orces s,++ere* a ser$es o+re'erses# a!*# $! +act# I took )art $! te %o!&estretreat recor*e* $! te $stor" o+ te Br$t$s Arm"8abo,t se'e! ,!*re* m$%es o+ co!t$!,o,s retreat$!&-

    We &ot to te 'er" &ates o+ Ca$ro# to a )%ace ca%%e* E%A%ame$!# a!* te! te Br$t$s &o'er!me!t# ,!*erW$!sto! C,rc$%%# a))o$!te* a !ew comma!*er#wose !ame was ;o!t&omer". We certa$!%" !ee*e*a !ew comma!*er# beca,se te *$sc$)%$!e# te


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    War in eaven

    he noise o# a "u)titude in the "ountains,)ike that o# "any %eo%)e & tu"u)tuous noise o#

    the kingdo"s o# nations gathered together heLord o# hosts *tsava+ "usters the ar"y #orbatt)e.

    Te Hebrew wor* ,se* ere +or hosts# tsa'a# $ste mo*er! Hebrew wor* +or te arm" o+ Israe%. Tewor* as !e'er ca!&e* $ts mea!$!&. Go* $s st$%% teLor* o+ arm$es to*a" a!* He ca!Fa!* *oesFst$%%m,ster H$s +orces +or batt%e.

    ow War Began

    >or ma!" "ears# I a'e )o!*ere* te back&ro,!*o+ te co!+%$ct $! o,r wor%*. Wat $s te root ca,se o+te war+are a!* ,!rest o! e'er" a!*1 Wo are teo))os$!& +orces $!'o%'e*1 We a'e see! tat Go* $s

    a m$%$tar" comma!*er# a!* we are )art o+ a! arm",!*er H$s comma!*. B,t watFa!* womF$s He+$&t$!& a&a$!st1

    Let me seek to a!swer te +$rst ?,est$o!. Teback&ro,!*Fte root ca,seFo+ a%% ,!rest# co!+%$cta!* war ca! be s,mme* ,) $! a s$!&%e wor*8rebellion. T$s $s te root )rob%em o+ te ,!$'erse8rebe%%$o! a&a$!st te r$&teo,s &o'er!me!t o+ Go*.

    O,r wor%* to*a" $s +,%% o+ rebe%s.We m$&t t$!k o+ $t %$ke t$s. H,ma! )rob%ems

    ca! be *e)$cte* b" te tree ma$! )arts o+ a tree8bra!ces# tr,!k a!* roots. I +$!* tat most )eo)%eare )reocc,)$e* w$t te bra!ces. I+ "o, are o)$!&to remo'e a tree# b,t ,st c,t o++ a +ew bra!ces# "o,a'e !ot rea%%" ca!&e* t$!&s 'er" m,c. It $s te

    tr,!k tat carr$es te bra!ces a!* te roots tat+ee* te tr,!k.

    Co!s$*er te woma! wo becomes a! a%coo%$c.Te a**$ct$o! to a%coo% $s ,st te s"m)tom or


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    bra!c. We !ee* to &et be%ow tat to te tr,!k a!*te rootsFtat $s# er att$t,*e a!* er re%at$o!s$)

    to er ,sba!*. Pera)s e as bee! ,!+a$t+,%#s)e!*s te mo!e" $! a wa" se *oes !ot a))ro'e o+a!* emot$o!a%%" ab,ses te c$%*re!. Te b$tter!essa!* rese!tme!t se as b,$%t ,) a&a$!st er,sba!* are te tr,!k a!* roots. We w$%% !e'er so%'eer )rob%em b" mere%" *ea%$!& w$t er a%coo%$sm.We m,st *ea% w$t er att$t,*e a!* re%at$o!s$)towar* er ,sba!*. Is se w$%%$!& to +or&$'e $m

    a!* rece$'e $m1 I+ !ot# e'e! $+ se &ets r$* o+a%coo%$sm# $t w$%% be +o%%owe* b" a!oter a**$ct$o!or s$m$%ar )rob%em.

    Te C,rc $! &e!era% $s &ra))%$!& most o+ tet$me w$t bra!ces. It *oes !ot !orma%%" &et be%owtat %e'e% a!* *ea% w$t te tr,!k# m,c %ess teroots. We m,st *$& *ow! to te root problem,a!* te

    root )rob%em $s rebe%%$o!.I! $!tro*,c$!& to ,ma!$t" te messa&e o+ @es,s

    a!* te Gos)e%# @o! te Ba)t$st makes a *e+$!$t$'estateme!t8

    &nd even now the a( is )aid to the root o#the trees. here#ore every tree which does notbear good #ruit is cut down and thrown into the

    #ire. /atthew 4:1, e"%hasis added

    Te messa&e o+ te Gos)e% $s radical tat $s# $t*ea%s w$t te root. Go* $s sa"$! $! e++ect# I am !o%o!&er co!te!t w$t mere%" c,tt$!& o++ te bra!cesor e'e! c,tt$!& *ow! te tr,!k. I am *ea%$!& w$tte root# w$c $s te w$%% set $! $!*e)e!*e!ce +rom;e. I!*e)e!*e!ce $! $ts t,r! $!e'$tab%" becomes*e+$a!ce.

    ;ost co!tem)orar" )rese!tat$o!s o+ te Gos)e%*o !ot &o *ee) e!o,&. Te" *o !ot *ea% w$t te s$!o+ rebe%%$o! a&a$!st Go*. We wo,%* be s,r)r$se* to


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    *$sco'er ow ma!" &oo* c,rc members a%% aro,!*,s a'e !e'er ma*e a tr,e s,bm$ss$o! to Go*.

    Look at te Lor*s Pra"er# a 'er" +am$%$ar )assa&eo+ Scr$)t,re. Not$ce te o)e!$!& )rases o+ t$s)atter! )ra"er +o,!* $! ;attew 9825/ater. Tere are oter )eo)%ebes$*es o,rse%'es $!'o%'e* $! t$s re%at$o!s$) w$tGo*. O!e o+ te &reatest )rob%ems )eo)%e a'e $st$!k$!& tat !o o!e e%se as s,++ere* wat te" ares,++er$!&- I ear $t a%% te t$me8 Nobo*" e%se as e'ers,++ere* %$ke t$s# Broter Pr$!ce. 0o, *o!t k!owwat I a'e &o!e tro,&- So ma!" )eo)%e a'eto%* me e(act%" te same t$!&-

    ne of the greatest problemsne of the greatest problemspeople have is thinking that nopeople have is thinking that noone else has suffered what theyone else has suffered what they

    are sufferingare suffering

    Te B$b%e teaces ,s to re&ar* o,rse%'es asmembers to&eter o+ o!e Bo*". Te wor* our$s 'er"


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    $m)orta!t8 O,r >ater. We are rem$!*e* tat weare so!s a!* *a,&ters o+ Go*. We a'e te r$&t to

    come to H$m as a >ater# b,t we m,st !ot +or&ettat we a'e broters a!* s$sters $! o,r ea'e!%"+am$%".

    Te! we a'e to %ear! re'ere!ce a!* res)ect8a))owed be our na"e.0 >ew sect$o!s o+ tec,rc to*a" a'e &e!,$!e re'ere!ce +or Go*. Wema" *ema!* a! o,twar* co!+orm$t" o+ bea'$or# b,ttat $s 'er" *$++ere!t +rom o!or$! res)ect$!& a!*+ear$!& A%m$&t" Go*. a))owed be our na"e.0

    Te !e(t )rase $s our kingdo" co"e.0Go*as a =$!&*om a!* H$s ,%t$mate ),r)ose $! t$s*$s)e!sat$o! $s to br$!& H$s =$!&*om $!to be$!& o!eart. We! I sa"# our kingdo" co"e,0 I am%$!$!& m"se%+ ,) w$t Go*s ),r)oses. It $s !ot ,st a!$ce re%$&$o,s )rase. I am sa"$! Go*# ma" 0o,r

    =$!&*om comeFa!* ere I am# rea*" to )%a" m")art $! te com$!& o+ 0o,r =$!&*om. Tat $s w" Iam sa"$!& $t. I am $*e!t$+"$!& m"se%+ w$t te),r)ose o+ Go*.

    Te! I sa"# our wi)) be done on earth as it isin heaven.0How $s Go*s w$%% *o!e $! ea'e!1 As I,!*ersta!* $t# $t $s *o!e )er+ect%". Tere are !o

    $tces# !o +r,strat$o!s a!* !o *e%a"s. Go*s w$%%&oes tro,& )er+ect%" $! ea'e!. @es,s ta,&t ,s to)ra" tat $t so,%* &o te same wa" o! eart. I+@es,s ta,&t ,s to )ra" tat# te! I be%$e'e $t $s a)oss$b$%$t". I *o !ot be%$e'e tat @es,s wo,%* teac,s to )ra" +or somet$!& abso%,te%" $m)oss$b%e. B,twe! I )ra" our wi)) be done on earth,0 "o,k!ow were $t as to be&$!1 W$t me- I a'e to

    s,bm$t m"se%+ w$to,t reser'at$o! to te w$%% o+ Go*.I t$!k o+ te co!'ers$o! o+ Car%es >$!!e". He

    was o!e o+ te &reatest )reacers tat te C,rcas e'er k!ow! a!* a ma! w$t a! o,tsta!*$!&


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    w$t $m )ower+,%%"# break$!& $m *ow! $!to a stateo+ tota% s,bm$ss$o!.

    Sort%" a+terwar* Go* ba)t$e* $m $! te Ho%"S)$r$t. Tere $s !o ?,est$o! abo,t wat a))e!e* to>$!!e". He sa$*# I rece$'e* a m$&t" ba)t$sm o+ teHo%" S)$r$t# a!* te! e co!t$!,e*# I %$tera%%"be%%owe* o,t te ,!,tterab%e &,s$!&s o+ m" so,%.He &a'e +ort a! ,ttera!ce $! wat we wo,%* ca%%to*a" a! ,!k!ow! to!&,e. Here $s te rea% secret8>$rst o+ a%%# te *ee) co!'$ct$o!# a!* seco!*%"# am$&t" a!o$!t$!& o+ te Ho%" S)$r$t.

    Ret,r!$!& to o,r te(t# our wi)) be done,0 we+$!* tat $t mea!s# Lor*# I am !ot &o$!& to be a rebe%a!" %o!&er. 0et ma!" )eo)%e wo re&,%ar%" sa" teLor*s Pra"er a'e !e'er rea%$e* to wat te" arecomm$tt$!& temse%'es. I a'e +o,!* tat )eo)%e w$%%!e'er a'e a *ee)# sett%e*# )erma!e!t $!war* )eace

    ,!t$% te" make a tota% s,bm$ss$o! to A%m$&t" Go*.T$s $s te messa&e o+ Isa$a 68/253/8 ! createthe #ruit o# the )i%s: 'eace, %eace to hi" who is#ar o## and to hi" who is near,? says the L=2D, and! wi)) hea) hi"?0'erse /2.

    Go* $s o++er$!& )eace a!* ea%$!& to a%% me!. ohim who is far off$s ,s,a%%" a +orm o+ s)eec +or te

    Ge!t$%es. o him who is nearre+ers to Israe%. Go* $so++er$!& )eace a!* ea%$!& to a%% )eo)%e# b,t someca! !e'er rece$'e )eace beca,se te" w$%% !e'er %a"*ow! te$r arms o+ rebe%%$o!. Tere+ore# Go* &oes o!to sa"8 But the wicked are )ike the troub)ed sea,when it cannot rest, whose waters cast u% "ireand dirt. here is no %eace,? says "y God, #orthe wickedE0'erses 3

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


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    rest- Look a&a$! at tese wor*s8 he wicked *therebe))ious+ are )ike the troub)ed sea, when it

    cannot rest.... here is no %eace... #or thewicked.0?Te most co!'$!c$!& e'$*e!ce tat "o, are%$'$!& a r$&teo,s %$+e $s tat "o, a'e *ee)# sett%e*#ab$*$!& $!war* )eace. >ew )eo)%e to*a" are tr,%" atrest.

    /od is offering peace and/od is offering peace andhealing to all men.healing to all men.

    I was m$!$ster$!& $! New Jea%a!* w$t someBa)t$st +r$e!*s wo were ta%k$!& abo,t te$r co%%e&e5a&e S,!*a" scoo% c%ass. Te" *escr$be* ow a

    "o,!& woma! wo was a tra$!e* !,rse came $!tote c%ass. Se *$* !ot )ro+ess to be a Cr$st$a! b,twa!te* to st,*" te B$b%e. O!e *a" t$s "o,!&woma! ca%%e!&e* te teacer abo,t te o" a!*)eace tat are te +r,$t o+ te Ho%" S)$r$t. Se sa$*#I w$%% be%$e'e tat we! I am !ot co!t$!,a%%" &$'$!&se*at$o! a!* tra!?,$%$ers to te members o+ "o,rc,rc tat I a'e to '$s$t $! te$r omes- I+ "o,

    a'e o" a!* )eace# w" a%% te se*at$o!1 W" a%%te tra!?,$%$ers1 It *oes!t &o to&eter-

    Tat $s te tr,t- Tat $s w" I sa" tat +ew)eo)%e $! o,r co!tem)orar" soc$et" a'e rea%# *ee)#sett%e* $!war* )eace. W"1 Beca,se we are a wor%*o+ rebe%s- ;a!" t$mes we are re%$&$o,s rebe%s# b,trebe%s ,st te same. I be%$e'e tat a co!+ro!tat$o! $scom$! a sow*ow! betwee! Go* a!* te )eo)%e o+

    te Wester! c,%t,re. I e!'$sa&e t$s $! m" s)$r$t# a!*I )ra$se Go* +or $t. Te rea% $ss,e w$%% be t$s8 tota%s,bm$ss$o!- &f Almighty /od is willing to come into mylife, there is only one logical place & can offer #im0


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    Li#e !s a Batt)e

    total supremacy, complete +ordship.A!"t$!& sort o+tat $s a sam.

    We +$!* o,rse%'es co!+ro!te* w$t t$s +act o+rebe%%$o!8 rebe%%$o! $!s$*e ,s# rebe%%$o! $! te wor%*aro,!* ,s# rebe%%$o! a&a$!st &o'er!me!t# rebe%%$o!a&a$!st Go*# rebe%%$o! $! c$%*re! a&a$!st )are!ts#rebe%%$o! $! st,*e!ts a&a$!st teacers a!* so o!.E'er"were we see rebe%%$o! b,r&eo!$!& a!*$!creas$!&. We! *$* rebe%%$o! be&$!1 Wo was te+$rst rebe%1


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    44A PRE5ADA;IC


    co%ars a'e a*'a!ce* !,mero,s $!ter)retat$o!sre&ar*$!& te )oss$b%e e($ste!ce o+ a )re5A*am$crace. No!ete%ess Scr$)t,re *oes !ot )ro'$*e ,s

    w$t s,++$c$e!t e'$*e!ce to s)eak w$t certa$!t". Te

    a!swers a!* $m)ress$o!s I br$!& "o, are te res,%to+ st,*"# me*$tat$o!# )ra"er a!* )ract$ca%e()er$e!ce. I certa$!%" *o !ot c%a$m to a'e a!swere*a%% te ?,est$o!s tat ar$se# a!* $t $s $m)orta!t tatwe !e'er a%%ow te t$!&s we *o !ot +,%%" ,!*ersta!*to obsc,re +or ,s te areas o+ tr,t $! w$c Go*as )ro'$*e* c%ear ,!*ersta!*$!&.


    As I me!t$o!e* $! te )re+ace o+ t$s book# tereare certa$! $ss,es tat s,r+ace tro,& te st,*" o+Scr$)t,re tat ra$se ma!" ?,est$o!s. A+ter *eca*eso+ me*$tat$o! o! te +$rst +ew 'erses o+ te Book o+Ge!es$s# I a'e come to te co!c%,s$o! tat Go*s


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    & 're@&da"ic Wor)d

    T$s $s te +$rst $!sta!ce $! Scr$)t,re o+ *$rect)re*$ct$'e )ro)ec" co!cer!$!& +,t,re e'e!ts. It

    +oc,se* o! two )erso!s8 te *esce!*a!t o+ teser)e!t a!* te *esce!*a!t o+ te woma!. It)re*$cte* wat wo,%* become a! o!&o$!& co!+%$ctbetwee! tem# w$t te res,%t tat te ee% o+ tewoma!s *esce!*a!t wo,%* be br,$se* b,t te ea*o+ te ser)e!t wo,%* be cr,se*. W$%e te br,$s$!&o+ te ee% wo,%* !ot be a +$!a% *e+eat# te cr,s$!&o+ te ea* wo,%* be. A ser)e!t w$t a cr,se* ea*

    as bee! ),t o,t o+ act$o!.A*am a!* E'e a* +a%%e! $!to Sata!s tra). It

    wo,%* seem tat Go*s )re*eterm$!e* ),r)ose a*bee! +r,strate*. S$m$%ar s$t,at$o!s occ,r $! %ater)ro)et$c re'e%at$o!s. B,t $t $s caracter$st$c o+ Go*$! s,c cases tat He as a secret )%a!. I! +act#Go* a%wa"s a!t$c$)ates te cr$s$s a!* as H$s ow!

    res)o!se )re)are* $! H$s m$!*Fo+te! a %o!& t$mebe+orea!*. I! t$s case# te woma!s *esce!*a!twas re'ea%e* $! $stor" as 0es,a Be! Da'$*F@es,s# So! o+ Da'$*. Te )ro)ec" co!cer!$!& tebr,$s$!& o+ te ee% o+ te woma!s *esce!*a!t was+,%+$%%e* $! te s,++er$!& tat @es,s e!*,re* +or o,rre*em)t$o!. Its +$!a% o,twork$!& ma*e sa%'at$o!a'a$%ab%e to e'er" *esce!*a!t o+ A*am wo wo,%*

    +,%+$%% te re?,$re* co!*$t$o!s.It $s a commo! m$stake +or )eo)%e a))roac$!&

    te B$b%e to ass,me tat $t $s a co!*e!se* $stor" o+te ,!$'erse# b,t t$s $s !ot so. It $s te $stor" o+ acerta$! ma! !ame* A*am a!* $s *esce!*a!ts.Oter as)ects o+ $stor" are $!c%,*e* o!%" beca,sete" e%) ,s to ,!*ersta!* Go*s *ea%$!&s w$tA*am.

    >a$%,re to ,!*ersta!* t$s s)ec$a% ),r)ose +orw$c te B$b%e was wr$tte! as bee! a so,rce o+ma!"Fb,t !ot a%%Fa))are!t co!+%$cts betwee! terecor* o+ Scr$)t,re a!* sec,%ar sc$e!ce. Te +oc,s o+


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    sc$e!ce $s &e!era%. It $!c%,*es te e!t$re $stor" o+te ,!$'erse. Te +oc,s o+ Scr$)t,re# o! te oter

    a!*# $s %$m$te* a!* s)ec$+$c. It *ea%s w$t o!e ma!#A*am# a!* $s *esce!*a!ts. It as !ot$!& to sa"abo,t a!" oter races tat ma" a'e e($ste*. It *oes!ot *e!" te$r e($ste!ce# b,t $t as %$tt%e or !ot$!&to sa" abo,t tem.

    W" so,%* t$s o!e ma!# A*am# be so$m)orta!t1 Beca,se Go*# $! H$s eter!a% co,!se%# a**eterm$!e* tat tro,& A*ams *esce!*a!ts Hewo,%* se!* to eart H$s ,!$?,e a!* o!%" be&otte!So!Fte Lor* @es,s. T$s makes te *est$!" o+ teA*am$c race *$++ere!t +rom tat o+ a%% oter racestat a'e e'er e($ste*.

    Remember tat A*am $s a )ro)er !ame.Were'er we rea* $! te O%* Testame!t te so!s o+me!# $t act,a%%" sa"s te so!s o+ A*am. Te

    ce!tra% teme o+ te B$b%e $s t$s o!e ma! A*am a!*$s *esce!*a!ts. I be%$e'e tat te meto* o+ A*amscreat$o! a!* $s re%at$o!s$) w$t Go* tat*e'e%o)e* o,t o+ $t were ,!$?,e.

    Howe'er# I k!ow o+ !ot$!& $! Scr$)t,re tat$m)%$es tat A*am was te +$rst or te o!%" be$!& o+ at")e s$m$%ar to ,ma! wo e'er %$'e* o! te eart. I

    t$!k $t $s e!t$re%" )oss$b%e tat tere were o!e ormore oter races be+ore A*am# b,t te B$b%e *oes!ot *ea% w$t tem. Te B$b%e $s )r$mar$%" are'e%at$o! &$'e! to ,s as members o+ te A*am$crace to te%% ,s t$!&s tat we !ee* to k!ow +or o,rs)$r$t,a% be!e+$t.

    Oter $m)orta!t +acts are co!ta$!e* $! t$sre'e%at$o!# b,t te" are rea%%" %$ke te +rame aro,!*

    a )$ct,re. Te )$ct,re $tse%+ $s A*am a!* $s*esce!*a!ts a!* Go*s *ea%$!&s w$t tem. Teoter t$!&s tat are re'ea%e* are !ot so m,c )arto+ te )$ct,re as o+ te +rame. To see te )$ct,re


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    c%ear%"# we a'e to &et te +rame r$&t. B,t bear t$s$! m$!*8 Te B$b%e $s s)eak$!& )r$mar$%" o+ A*am

    a!* $s *esce!*a!ts.

    he (ible is primarily ahe (ible is primarily arevelation given to us asrevelation given to us as

    members of the Adamic race tomembers of the Adamic race to

    tell us things that we need totell us things that we need toknow for our spiritual benefit.know for our spiritual benefit.

    O!e o+ te ma$! t$t%es &$'e! to @es,s $! te NewTestame!t $s te So! o+ ;a!. T$s t$t%e $s a *$recttra!s%at$o! +rom te Hebrew )rase (en AdamFtat$s# So! o+ A*am. Act,a%%"# @es,s H$mse%+ ,se* t$st$t%e more ta! e$&t" t$mes $! te &os)e%s. He*e%$berate%" *ec%are* H$mse%+ to be te So! o+ A*am.

    Later o!# $! / Cor$!t$a!s /6876# te a)ost%e Pa,%ca%%s @es,s te %ast A*am. I! b$o%o&$ca% *esce!t#@es,s was b" !o mea!s te +$!a% re)rese!tat$'e o+te A*am$c race. ;a!" to,sa!*s o+ *esce!*a!ts o+A*am a'e bee! bor! s$!ce H$s t$me. B,t He was

    te %ast $! te se!se tat He +,%%" a!* +$!a%%"e(a,ste* te e'$% tat a* bee! bro,&t ,)o! H$srace.

    &f there were only one verse in&f there were only one verse inthe (ible, and it was /enesisthe (ible, and it was /enesis

    202, & personally would202, & personally wouldacknowledge that it wasacknowledge that it was



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    Co!+ro!te* w$t te rebe%%$o! o+ bot A*am a!*E'e# Go* set $! mot$o! H$s secret )%a! co!ce$'e* $!

    eter!$t". H$stor$ca%%" t$s )%a! was ,!+o%*e* $! te%$+e# *eat a!* res,rrect$o! o+ @es,s. @es,s# te So!o+ A*am# was Go*s secret wea)o!.

    I k!ow o+ !o wa" to &$'e a! e(act cro!o%o&$ca%*ate +or te s$( *a"s tat c,%m$!ate* $! te creat$o!o+ A*am.

    I! te se'e!tee!t ce!t,r"# Arcb$so) sser o+

    te A!&%$ca! C,rc ),b%$se* a work e!t$t%e*A!!a%s o+ te O%* a!* New Testame!t. Work$!&+rom te =$!& @ames Vers$o!# e ca%c,%ate* tat te*ate o+ te creat$o! *escr$be* $! Ge!es$s was 7or m" )art#I k!ow o+ !ot$!& tat )rec%,*es te )oss$b$%$t" o+s,ccess$'e )er$o*s o+ *$'$!e act$'$t" )r$or to tecreat$o! o+ A*am. I wo,%* re+er to t$s as a )re5A*am$c )er$o*. Be+ore we A*am a!* $s*esce!*a!ts came o! te sce!e tere are

    $!*$cat$o!s tat somet$!& a* bee! &o$!& o! +or a'er" %o!& t$me. I+ we co,%* see tat )er$o* as Go*sees $t# we m$&t c%ass$+" $t# s,b*$'$*e $t a!*reco&!$e 'ar$o,s *$++ere!t )er$o*s or a&es.


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    I wa!t to +oc,s o!%" o! o!e as)ect o+ tescr$)t,ra% acco,!t8 te creat$o! o+ te ea'e!s a!*

    te! te eart.I! te o)e!$!& 'erse o+ Scr$)t,re# we e!co,!ter

    o!e o+ tose treme!*o,s stateme!ts tat !e'er %osete$r $m)act. I+ tere were o!%" o!e 'erse $! teB$b%e# a!* $t was Ge!es$s /8/# I )erso!a%%" wo,%*ack!ow%e*&e tat $t was $!s)$re*. To me $t s)eaksw$t a,tor$t". E'e! as a! ,!be%$e'er a!* a ske)t$c#I !e'er co,%* &et awa" +rom te +act tat tere wasa,tor$t" ere tat I wo,%* a'e to +ace ,) to. A!*$! *,e co,rse# I *$*-

    Here $s te stateme!t tat co!+ro!ts ,s8 &n thebeginning /od created the heavens and the earth. Let,s +oc,s +or a mome!t o! te or*er o+ e'e!ts$!*$cate* ere.

    When the &nge)s

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    o# the earth- e)) /e, i# you haveunderstanding. Who deter"ined its

    "easure"ents- ... =r who stretched the )ine*the architect?s )ine+ u%on it- o what were its#oundations #astened- =r who )aid itscornerstone, when the "orning stars sangtogether, and a)) the sons o# God shouted #or

    Foy-0Job 43:6@7

    We see tat we! te Lor* %a$* te +o,!*at$o!s

    o+ te eart# the "orning stars sang0 a!* thesons o# God shouted #or Foy0!*o,bte*%"# $! t$sco!te(t# te so!s o+ Go* are te a!&e%s. We! Go*%a$* te +o,!*at$o!s o+ te eart# te a!&e%s were a%%watc$!&. Hea'e! a!* $ts osts were a%rea*"com)%ete# a!* te" a%% e!o"e* te wo!*er+,%s)ectac%e o+ te Lor* br$!&$!& te eart $!to be$!&.

    Later# $! *e*$cat$!& $s Tem)%e# So%omo! sa$* tote Lor*8 But wi)) God indeed dwe)) with "en onthe earth- Beho)d, heaven and the heaven o#heavens cannot contain ou. ow "uch )ess thiste"%)e which ! have bui)t0 3 Cro!$c%es 98/:.We! So%omo! s)eaks abo,t te heaven o#heavens,0e *e)$cts a ea'e! tat $s $& abo'ete ea'e! tat we see.

    I! a )ara%%e% )assa&e $! Neem$a 289# Neem$atakes ,) t$s teme8

    ou a)one are the Lord8 ou have "adeheaven, the heaven o# heavens, with a)) theirhost, the earth and everything on it, the seasand a)) that is in the", and ou %reserve the"a)). he host o# heaven worshi%s ou.0

    Neem$a# %$ke So%omo!# s)eaks abo,t ea'e!a!* a%so te heaven o# heavens.0 T$s co!+$rmstat tere $s a ea'e! tat $s as +ar abo'e te o!e wesee as te ea'e! tat we see $s abo'e eart-


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    /ysteries n#o)ded in Gra""ar

    I! te o)e!$!& ca)ters o+ Ge!es$s# certa$!s$&!$+$ca!t wor*s are )%,ra% $! +orm# b,t are !oteas$%" $*e!t$+$e* we! tra!s%ate* $!to E!&%$s ora!oter %a!&,a&e. I! te E!&%$s %a!&,a&e to make a!o,! )%,ra%# we !orma%%" a** s. >or e(am)%e# tewor* bookbecomes books# )obbecomes)obsa!* soo!. I! te Hebrew %a!&,a&e# o!e )r$mar" wa" to+orm te )%,ra% $s b" a**$!& two %etters# im# w$care )ro!o,!ce* eem. T$s e!*$! im# $s a !orma%)%,ra% +orm $! Hebrew. I! t$s 'er" +$rst 'erse o+Scr$)t,re# we a'e two wor*s e!*$!& $! im. Te wor*+or /od3lohim a!* te wor* +or heavensshamaimare bot )%,ra% $! +orm.

    4/od5 is not an 6e%perimenter,74/od5 is not an 6e%perimenter,7#e is a Creator.#e is a Creator.

    >,rtermore# Hebrew 'erbs a%so a'e a s$!&,%ara!* )%,ra% +orm# w$c so,%* a&ree w$t te !o,!sor )ro!o,!s to w$c te" a))%". 0et ere $!

    Ge!es$s /8/ we a'e a! $mme*$ate co!+%$ct o+&rammar# beca,se te Hebrew 'erb created $ss$!&,%ar $! +orm w$%e te wor* +or /od# as a%rea*"$!*$cate*# $s )%,ra%- Here te! $s te m"ster" o+ teTr$,!e Go* ,!+o%*e* $! te o)e!$!& 'erse o+Scr$)t,re8&n /od there is both plurality and unity.

    As me!t$o!e*# heaven $s a%so )%,ra%Fheavens

    shamaim# !ot ea'e!. Te B$b%e c%ear%" $!*$catesas we a'e see! a!* w$%% see $! s,bse?,e!t sect$o!so+ t$s book tat tere $s more ta! o!e ea'e!. O!te oter a!*# te wor* +or earth$s s$!&,%ar. T,swe +$!* tat two wor*s# /oda!* heaven# are )%,ra%


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    $! +orm.

    Two oter wor*s tat a%so occ,r $! Ge!es$s are)%,ra% $! +orm. >$rst $s te wor* life chaim8 &ndthe Lord God #or"ed "an o# the dust o# theground, and breathed into his nostri)s the breatho# life8 and "an beca"e a )iving being0 Ge!es$s38# em)as$s a**e*.

    Go* breate* $!to A*am te breat o+ lives. We+$!*# as we &o o! tro,&o,t Scr$)t,re# tat tere

    are 'ar$o,s +orms o+ %$+e8 s)$r$t,a% %$+e a!* )"s$ca%%$+e# morta% %$+e a!* $mmorta% %$+e. A%% tese co!ce)tsare co!ta$!e* $! see* +orm $! t$s ca)ter o+ Ge!es$sa!* *e'e%o)e* $! te s,bse?,e!t ,!+o%*$!& o+Scr$)t,re.

    A!oter s$&!$+$ca!t Hebrew wor* tat occ,rsear%" $! Ge!es$s a!* tat $s )%,ra% $! +orm $s te

    wor* +or water maim8 &nd the

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    create* b" Go* $! 'erse / a!* $ts co!*$t$o! as*escr$be* $! 'erse 38

    1. !n the beginning God created the heavensand the earth.

    H. he earth was without #or", and void8 anddarkness was on the #ace o# the dee%.

    Te eart as *escr$be* $! 'erse 3 a* become a*ark# +orm%ess# water" waste. E'er"t$!& I rea* $!te B$b%e +rom tat 'erse o!war* co!'$!ces me tatt$s $s !ot a *escr$)t$o! o+ te eart as or$&$!a%%"create* b" Go*. He $s !ot a! e()er$me!ter# He $s aCreator. E'er" oter creat$'e act o+ Go* *escr$be* $!t$s sect$o! o+ Scr$)t,re )ro*,ce* somet$!& )er+ect.It *$* !ot !ee* to be $m)ro'e* o! or re)a$re*.

    It becomes a))are!t# tere+ore# tat t$s*escr$)t$o! o+ te eart &$'e! $! 'erse 3 *oes !ot

    *e)$ct te eart $! te state $! w$c Go* or$&$!a%%"create* $t as *escr$be* $! 'erse /. O! te co!trar"# $t$s a *escr$)t$o! o+ te eart $! a state $!to w$c $twas )%,!&e* as a res,%t o+ t$!&s tat a))e!e*betwee! 'erses / a!* 3. It co,%* $!*$cate tatsomet$!& catac%"sm$c a))e!e*# w$c ca!&e*te or*er a!* bea,t" o+ te eart tat Go* or$&$!a%%"bro,&t +ort# a!*# as a res,%t# $t became a +orm%ess

    'o$*. Te wor* tra!s%ate* $! t$s 'erse wasw$to,t+orm co,%* e?,a%%" we%% be tra!s%ate* becamew$to,t +orm.

    Te %a!&,a&e ,se* $! te Hebrew $s str$k$!&.Without #or", and void0 tra!s%ates te Hebrew)rase tohu va-bohu. Tese two r"m$!& wor*s are*es$&!e* to &o to&eter8 tohu a!* bohu. Var$o,s

    oter %a!&,a&es co!ta$! wor*s tat are )a$re* %$ket$s. I! E!&%$s# +or e(am)%e# we a'e te )raseharem-scarem. I! R,ss$a! tere $s a )rase +or,)s$*e5*ow!8 shiverit naviverit. Te r"m$!& )rases$! tese E!&%$s a!* R,ss$a! e(am)%es are s$m$%ar


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    to te Hebrew )rase tohu va-bohu. It *escr$bes a*$sor*er%" co!*$t$o!. I! +act# te wor*s temse%'es

    co!ta$! te se!se or +ee%$!& o+ te s$t,at$o! te"*escr$be.

    Now %et ,s e(am$!e te oter )%aces $! te O%*Testame!t were tese same Hebrew wor*s are ,se*Ftohua!* bohu. Tere are o!%" two oter )assa&eswere bot wor*s are ,se* to&eter. Te +$rst $s $!Isa$a 47. T$s ca)ter *e)$cts a +,t,re ,*&me!t o+

    Go* o! te terr$tor" o+ E*om# w$c $s te !ame&$'e! to @acobs tw$! broter# Esa,# a!* $s*esce!*a!ts. E*om $s te co,!tr" east o+ te Dea*Sea. Te Scr$)t,re $!*$cates tat at te c%ose o+ t$sa&e tere w$%% be a terr$b%e# *eso%at$! )erma!e!t,*&me!t o+ Go* ,)o! te area. E*om w$%% be ,*&e*$! s,c a wa" as to be a )er)et,a% mo!,me!t o+Go*s ,*&me!t +or a%% s,ccess$'e &e!erat$o!s. Te

    *escr$)t$o! $s 'er" '$'$*8or it is the day o# the Lord?s vengeance, the

    year o# reco"%ense #or the cause o# Iion. !tsstrea"s sha)) be turned into %itch, and its dustinto bri"stone8 its )and sha)) beco"e burning%itch. !t sha)) not be uenched night or day8 itss"oke sha)) ascend #orever. ro" generation togeneration it sha)) )ie waste8 no one sha)) %ass

    through it #orever and ever.!saiah 46:3@1

    It $s te +o%%ow$!& 'erse tat co!ta$!s te )rasetohu va-bohu8

    But the %e)ican and the %orcu%ine sha))%ossess it, a)so the ow) and the raven sha)) dwe))in it. &nd e sha)) stretch out over it the )ine o#

    con#usion *tohu+ and the stones o# e"%tiness*bohu+, K.

    verse 11

    T$s $s a meta)or +rom te arc$tects


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    w$t tese oter two )assa&es $+ we $!ter)ret $t a%soto be a )$ct,re o+ Go*s ,*&me!t o! acts o+

    w$cke*!ess tat $! t$s 'erse are !ot *escr$be* $!*eta$%.

    Now %et ,s e(am$!e some o+ te )assa&es weretohu$s ,se* w$to,t bohu. De,tero!om" 438/< sa"ste Lor* +o,!* @acob in a desert )and and in thewaste)and, a how)ing wi)derness.0Te wor* waste$s tohu. Te wo%e )$ct,re $s o!e o+ *eso%at$o!.

    I! @ob 98/: we rea* o+ streams $! te *esert tat*r" ,) a!* r,! o,t o!to te sa!* w$t !ot$!& too++er a!"bo*"8

    he %aths o# their way turn aside, they gonowhere and %erish.0Te wor* perish $s tohu. A%%tat $s %e+t $s sa!*.

    I! @ob /3837 a!* Psa%m /

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    we arr$'e at o!e co!c%,s$o! tat a))%$es to tem a%%8Te" *escr$be te res,%t o+ a ,*&me!t o+ Go*. T$s

    co,%* be a))%$e* as m,c to Ge!es$s /83 as to teoter )assa&es.

    We ca! a%so %ook at a !,mber o+ $!sta!ces $!Isa$a tat *e)$ct Go*s ,*&me!t o! te wo%eeart8 Beho)d, the Lord "akes the earth e"%tyand "akes it waste, distorts its sur#ace andscatters abroad its inhabitants0Isa$a 378/.

    As )art o+ t$s tota% ,*&me!t# Isa$a &oes o! tosa"8 he city o# con#usion *tohu+ is broken down0'erse /

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    Ge!es$s /83 sa"s tat te eart was tohu. Isa$a768/: sa"s tat Go* *$* !ot create $t tohu. Te

    $m)%$cat$o! $s c%ear8 Te eart as *escr$be* $!Ge!es$s /83 $s !ot $! te co!*$t$o! $! w$c $t wasor$&$!a%%" create*. Go* *$* !ot create a! eart tatwas tohua!* bohu# b,t He create* $t to be $!ab$te*.H$s a$m was to make a b%esse*# )%easa!t# wo!*er+,%)%ace +or H$s creat,res to *we%% $!.

    Te +act tat te eart became tohu a!* bohu

    $!*$cates tat a ,*&me!t o+ Go* a* )asse* o'er $tbetwee! $ts creat$o! as recor*e* $! Ge!es$s /8/ a!*te sce!e *e)$cte* $! Ge!es$s /83. I! o,r !e(tca)ter# we w$%% a!a%"e te b$b%$ca% recor* o+ arebe%%$o! o+ a!&e%s tat )ro'oke* Go*s ,*&me!t.T$s co,%* we%% a'e take! )%ace $! te )er$o*betwee! Ge!es$s /8/ a!* Ge!es$s /83.

    Co!+ro!te* w$t t$s )$ct,re o+ tohua!* bohu# we

    m$&t ask8 Co,%* t$s )era)s $! some wa" beco!!ecte* w$t wat sc$e!t$sts a'e come to$!ter)ret as te B$& Ba!&1 T$s wo,%* '$ew $t !ot)r$mar$%" as a! act o+ creat$o!# b,t as a! act o+,*&me!t.

    I certa$!%" *o !ot c%a$m to a'e a!swere* a%% te?,est$o!s tat ar$se abo,t creat$o!. I! +act# tere $s

    !o %$m$t to s,c ?,est$o!s. B,t we so,%* !e'era%%ow te t$!&s we *o !ot ,!*ersta!* to obsc,re +or,s te areas o+ tr,t were Go* as )ro'$*e* c%ear,!*ersta!*$!&.

    I! c%os$!& t$s ca)ter# %et me sare w$t "o,somet$!& I a'e )ro'e* o'er te "ears. Go* *oes!ot !ecessar$%" comm$t H$mse%+ to scratc e'er"$!te%%ect tat $tces# b,t He w$%% a%wa"s res)o!* to a

    s$!cere a!* ,!&er$!& eart.

    We w$%% !ow &o o! to e(am$!e te co!+ro!tat$o!betwee! Go* a!* L,c$+er tat bro,&t ,*&me!t,)o! Go*s or$&$!a% creat$o!.


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    turuoise, and e"era)d with go)d. hework"anshi% o# your ti"bre)s and %i%es was

    %re%ared #or you on the day you were created.ou were the anointed cherub who covers8 !estab)ished you8 you were on the ho)y "ountaino# God8 you wa)ked back and #orth in the "idsto# #iery stones. ou were %er#ect in your ways#ro" the day you were created, ti)) iniuity was#ound in you.0

    NOekie) H3:1H@15

    T$s acco,!t ra$ses two )oss$b%e ?,est$o!s. >$rst#+rom wat area o+ ea'e! was L,c$+er cast o,t1Seco!*# to wat area was e cast *ow!1

    Perso!a%%"# I *o !ot be%$e'e tat L,c$+er a*access to te t$r* ea'e! or co,%* e'er a'eco!ce$'e* $s rebe%%$o! tere. ;" $m)ress$o! o+ tet$r* ea'e! $s tat $t $s a )%ace o+ s,c tota%

    o%$!ess tat !o k$!* o+ s$! co,%* e'er be&$! to e($sttere. B,t tat $s ,st a )erso!a% $m)ress$o!-

    I a'e !ot +o,!* a!" )assa&e $! Scr$)t,re tat*escr$bes te s)ec$+$c %ocat$o! to w$c L,c$+er a!*$s a!&e%s were ba!$se*# b,t a))are!t%" te" set ,)te$r r$'a% k$!&*om $! a!oter area o+ te ea'e!%$es#)robab%" somewere $! te m$*5ea'e!.

    As I )o$!te* o,t $! ca)ter /# $! Scr$)t,re at%east tree *$++ere!t areas are ca%%e* ea'e!. >$rstte '$s$b%e ea'e! abo'e ,s. Ne(t comes te m$*5ea'e! *escr$be* $! Re'e%at$o! :8/4 /789 a!*/28/. >$!a%%"# te t$r* ea'e! $s te $&est o+ a%%a!* $s te sacre* )%ace o+ Go*s *we%%$! te )%acetat So%omo! re+ers to $! 3 Cro!$c%es 389 as teea'e! o+ ea'e!s8 But who is ab)e to bui)d i"

    a te"%)e, since heaven and the heaven o#heavens cannot contain i"-0

    I! Eek$e% 3:8/7# L,c$+er $s *escr$be* as teanointed cherub who covers.0 It seems tat


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    Luci#er Cha))enges God

    L,c$+er a* co'ere* w$t $s w$!&s te )%ace o+ tema!$+estat$o! o+ Go*s &%or" $! H$s ea'e!%" tem)%e#

    ,st as te cer,bs $! te taber!ac%e o+ ;osesco'ere* te merc" seat a!* te )%ace were te'$s$b%e &%or" o+ Go* a))eare*. T$s $s *escr$be* $!E(o*,s 4828

    he cherubi" s%read out their wings above,and covered the "ercy seat with their wings.hey #aced one another8 the #aces o# thecherubi" were toward the "ercy seat.

    L,c$+er was )er+ect $! bea,t"# b,t e was acreate* be$!&. Pr$*e mot$'ate* $m to ca%%e!&e Go*a!* to c%a$m a )%ace o+ e?,a%$t" w$t Go*. A))are!t%"L,c$+er a* a,tor$t" o'er a com)a!" o+ a!&e%s# a!*e a* s,ccee*e* $! a%$e!at$!& some o+ tose ,!*er$m +rom te$r %o"a%t" to Go*. He %e* tem to o$!$m $! $s rebe%%$o! a&a$!st Go*. I! res)o!se# Go*

    cast L,c$+er a!* $s )art!ers $! rebe%%$o! +rom H$s)rese!ce.

    To *escr$be L,c$+ers act$'$t" $! t,r!$!& somea!&e%s a&a$!st Go*# Scr$)t,re ,ses te wor* trading#w$c co,%* a%so a))%" topersistent plotting0

    By the abundance o# your trading youbeca"e #i))ed with vio)ence within, and you

    sinned.... ou de#i)ed your sanctuaries by the"u)titude o# your iniuities, by the iniuity o#your trading.0

    NOekie) H3:1, 13, e"%hasis added

    T$s wor* trading$s a%so a))%$e* to someo!e wo&oes abo,t as a talebearer or a slanderer. I! oterwor*s# $t co,%* *escr$be someo!e wo )e**%es bot

    &oo*s a!* &oss$). I! 'ar$o,s oter books o+ te B$b%eFe. &.# Le'$t$c,s# Pro'erbs# @erem$aFt$s wor* $stra!s%ate* as e$ter a talebearer or a slanderer.>or e(am)%e# Le'$t$c,s /28/9 sa"s8 ou sha)) not


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    go about as a ta)ebearer a"ong your %eo%)e.0

    I! Pro'erbs 3

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    Luci#er Cha))enges God

    the stars o# heaven and threw the" to the earth0em)as$s a**e*. It $!ter)rets te )rase the stars

    of heaven as re+err$!& to te wo%e com)a!" o+a!&e%s. B,t t$s $!ter)retat$o! co,%* be ?,est$o!e*.

    Pera)s "o, a'e !e'er e!'$sa&e* bea'$or %$ket$s amo!& a!&e%s $! ea'e!. As I me!t$o!e* ear%$er#owe'er# te rebe%%$o,s acts tat $t )ro*,ce*or$&$!ate* $! ea'e! a!* !ot o! eart. >,rtermore#te *e'$% as !e'er a* to ca!&e $s tact$cs e$ter

    $! ea'e! or o! eart +or o!e s$m)%e reaso!8 becausethey still work- As a master o+ s%a!*er or ta%ebear$!e co!t$!,es to seek to ,!*erm$!e 'ar$o,s +orms o+a,tor$t" tat Go* as estab%$se* bot $! teC,rc a!* $! te wor%*.

    We! L,c$+er was cast o,t o+ ea'e!# e *$* !otterm$!ate $s rebe%%$o!# b,t e co!t$!,e* $t b"sett$!& ,) a k$!&*om o+ $s ow! $! o))os$t$o! to

    Go*s =$!&*om. I! L,ke //8/5/:# @es,s re'ea%s tatSata! as a k$!&*om o+ $s ow!8Nvery kingdo"divided against itse)# is brought to deso)ation,and a house divided against a house #a))s. !#

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    Dom$!$o!s %or*s$)s

    Pr$!c$)a%$t$es r,%ers$)s

    Powers a,tor$t$es

    O!e maor +eat,re o+ L,c$+ers rebe%%$o! was totake o'er te or$&$!a% &o'er!me!ta% str,ct,re o+ Go*tat e was +am$%$ar w$t a!* to ,se $t a&a$!st Go*.I! E)es$a!s 98/3# Pa,% %$sts te ma$! &o'er!me!ta%str,ct,re o+ Sata!s rebe%%$o,s k$!&*om8

    or we do not wrest)e against #)esh andb)ood, but against %rinci%a)ities, against %owers,against the ru)ers o# the darkness o# this age,against s%iritua) hosts o# wickedness in theheaven)y %)aces.

    I! t$s %$st Pa,% makes !o me!t$o! o+ tro!es or

    *om$!$o!s. Te $m)%$cat$o! $s tat tese two$&est ra!ks *$* !ot assoc$ate temse%'es w$tL,c$+er $! $s rebe%%$o!. Rebe%%$o! $s *e)$cte* asbe&$!!$!& at te %e'e% o+ )r$!c$)a%$t$es r,%ers$)sa!* )owers a,tor$t$es.

    'ride: he =rigina)

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    Luci#er Cha))enges God

    o+ w$c Go* H$mse%+ was te A,tor.

    & believe it is vitally important& believe it is vitally importantfor all of us to reali8e that thefor all of us to reali8e that the

    first sin in the universe was notfirst sin in the universe was notmurder, nor adultery, but rathermurder, nor adultery, but rather


    It was Go* wo &a'e L,c$+er $s )ower# $sa,tor$t"# $s bea,t"# $s w$s*omFa%% tose were&$+ts +rom Go*. 0et L,c$+ers wro!& att$t,*e t,r!e*tem $!to $!str,me!ts +or $s ow! *estr,ct$o!.

    I %ook back !ow o'er more ta! s$(t" "ears $!

    Cr$st$a! ser'$ce a!* I am socke* to rea%$e tatme! a!* wome! ca%%e* a!* e?,$))e* b" Go* are st$%%to*a" mak$!& te same tra&$c error tat L,c$+erma*e. I am rem$!*e* co!t$!,a%%" o+ a C$!ese )astorwo s)e!t more ta! twe!t" "ears $! )r$so! +or $s+a$t. He sa$*# I'e see! ma!" Cr$st$a!s a'e a&oo* be&$!!$! b,t +ew a'e a &oo* e!*$!&. How?,$ck%" a!* eas$%"# as Go*s ser'a!ts# we te!* to

    +or&et tat e'er" s,ccess $! o,r m$!$str" so,%*)rom)t ,s to se%+5,mb%$!& $! res)o!se to Go*s,!mer$te* +a'or-

    I! Isa$a /78/35/6# te )ro)et a!a%"es temot$'e be$!* L,c$+ers rebe%%$o!. It was a! amb$t$o!to be e?,a% w$t Go*8

    ow you are #a))en #ro" heaven, = Luci#er,

    son o# the "orning ow you are cut down tothe ground, you who weakened the nations oryou have said in your heart: ! wi)) ascend intoheaven, ! wi)) e(a)t "y throne above the stars o#God8 ! wi)) a)so sit on the "ount o# the


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    congregation on the #arthest sides o# the north8! wi)) ascend above the heights o# the c)ouds, !

    wi)) be )ike *or eua) to+ the /ost igh.? et yousha)) be brought down to

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    Luci#er Cha))enges God

    consider it robbery to be eua) with God0 wo,%*be ... did not count eua)ity with God a thing to

    be seiOed.0Tese 'erses o,t%$!e +or ,s se'e! &reat *ow!war*

    ste)s tat @es,s took +rom ea'e!s &%or" to H$s*eat o! te cross8

    #e made #imself of no reputation.L$tera%%"# Heem)t$e* H$mse%+. As Car%es Wes%e" sa"s $!o!e o+ $s "m!s# KCr$st em)t$e* H$mse%+ o+

    a%% b,t %o'e. #e took upon #imself the form of a servant. He

    was te Lor* o+ &%or"# b,t He ste))e* *ow! tobecome a ser'a!t.

    #e was made in the likeness of men.He becamea member o+ te A*am$c race# ma*e a %$tt%e%ower ta! te a!&e%s.

    #e was found in fashion 9appearance1 as aman.He %ooke* ,st %$ke a !orma% ma! o+ H$sow! *a". Tere was !ot$!& e(ter!a% to*$st$!&,$s H$m +rom te )eo)%e He %$'e*amo!&.

    #e humbled #imself.He was a ,mb%e ma!. Hewas !ot a )r$est or a r,%er# b,t a car)e!ters

    so!. #e became obedient unto death. H$s )er+ect

    obe*$e!ce bro,&t H$m ,%t$mate%" to H$sato!$!& *eat +or s$!+,% ,ma!$t".

    #e became obedient to the death of a criminal onthe cross.Cr,c$+$($o! was te a&o!$$!& )e!a%t"+or te worst )erso! wo a* comm$tte* te

    most e$!o,s cr$me.Tose are te se'e! &reat *ow!war* ste)s tat

    te Lor* @es,s took. B,t te se'e! &reat *ow!war*ste)s %e* to te se'e! &reat ,)war* ste)s tat are


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    *escr$be* $! 'erses 25//8

    here#ore God a)so has high)y e(a)ted i"and given i" the na"e which is above everyna"e, that at the na"e o# Jesus every kneeshou)d bow, o# those in heaven, and o# those onearth, and o# those under the earth, and thatevery tongue shou)d con#ess that Jesus Christ isLord, to the g)ory o# God the ather.

    Here we a'e te se'e! ,)war* ste)s o+ te

    e(a%tat$o! o+ @es,s8 /od has highly e%alted #im.

    /od has given #im a name that is above everyname.

    At the name of :esus, every knee shall bow.

    6f those in heaven7Ftat $s# a%% te create*

    osts wo ser'e Go* $! H$s ea'e!. 6f those on earth.7T$s mea!s tat ,%t$mate%"

    e'er" creat,re o! eart w$%% s,bm$t to tea,tor$t" o+ Cr$st.

    6f those under the earth.7 T$s re+ers toSata!s rea%m $! Ha*es. It $!c%,*es *eat# e%%#te &ra'e a!* a%so te ,!r$&teo,s *ea* wo

    a* )re'$o,s%" reecte* Go*s merc". 3very tongue shall confess that :esus Christ is

    +ord.Te Lor*s$) o+ @es,s w$%% be )roc%a$me*$! e'er" area o+ te ,!$'erse.

    I! a%% o+ t$s# te )er+ect )atter! set be+ore ,s $s@es,s. Pa,% e!co,ra&es ,s as +o%%owers o+ @es,s to,mb%e o,rse%'es8

    Let nothing be done through se)#isha"bition or conceit, but in )ow)iness o# "ind )eteach estee" others better than hi"se)#. Leteach o# you )ook out not on)y #or his owninterests, but a)so #or the interests o# others.


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    elf-humbling is an issue of theelf-humbling is an issue of the

    will, not of the emotions.will, not of the emotions.

    I! res)o!se "o, ma" +ee% )rom)te* to )ra"#Lor*# I !ee* ,m$%$t". P%ease make me ,mb%e.S,r)r$s$!&%"# owe'er# Go*s a!swer w$%% be# Ica!!ot *o tat. O!%" "o, ca! ,mb%e "o,rse%+.

    Se%+5,mb%$!& $s a! $ss,e o+ te w$%%# !ot o+ teemot$o!s. It $s a *ec$s$o! eac o+ ,s as to make +or$mse%+8 Lor*# I coose to ,mb%e m"se%+ be+ore0o,. I re!o,!ce )r$*e# arro&a!ce a!* )erso!a%amb$t$o! be+ore 0o, a!* be+ore m" +e%%ow be%$e'ers.

    To &$'e a )ract$ca% e(am)%e o+ se%+5,mb%$!@es,s s)oke abo,t &,ests $!'$te* to a we**$!& +east8

    When you are invited by anyone to awedding #east, do not sit down in the best %)ace,)est one "ore honorab)e than you be invited byhi"8 and he who invited you and hi" co"e andsay to you, Give %)ace to this "an,? and thenyou begin with sha"e to take the )owest %)ace.But when you are invited, go and sit down inthe )owest %)ace, so that when he who invited

    you co"es he "ay say to you, riend, go u%higher.? hen you wi)) have g)ory in the%resence o# those who sit at the tab)e with you.For whoever exalts himself will be humbled,and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

    Luke 16:3@11, e"%hasis added

    At t$s )o$!t# eac o+ ,s $s co!+ro!te* b" te!ee* to make a )erso!a% *ec$s$o!. I ca!!ot make te

    *ec$s$o! +or "o, a!* "o, ca!!ot make te *ec$s$o!+or me. B,t %et me te%% "o,# m" *ec$s$o! as a%rea*"bee! ma*e.

    How abo,t "o,1


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    o* a* bee! co!+ro!te* b" rebe%%$o! amo!&sta!&e%$c be$!&sFbe$!&s o+ ama$!& bea,t" a!*

    stre!&t a!* $!te%%$&e!ce.

    --How *$* Go* res)o!*1 D$* He br$!& $!to be$!&st$%% more maest$c ea'e!%" ostsFcreat,res o+ e'e!&reater bea,t" a!* stre!&t a!* $!te%%$&e!ce1Certa$!%" He co,%* a'e *o!e so a* He *es$re*.B,t# $! +act# He *$* te 'er" o))os$te. He reace**ow! a!* !ot ,).

    He create* a !ew race +rom te %ow%$est so,rcea'a$%ab%eF+rom te eart. Te !ame o+ te be$!& Hecreate* was A*am. T$s !ame $s *er$'e* *$rect%"+rom te Hebrew wor* adamah# mea!$!& eart.Te A*am$c race $s te earthyrace. 0et te ,!+o%*$!&


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    re'e%at$o! o+ Scr$)t,re makes $t c%ear tat Go* a*$! m$!* +or te A*am$c race a *est$!" $&er ta!

    tat o+ te a!&e%s.It $s $m)orta!t to rea%$e tat te creat$o! o+

    A*am a!* te A*am$c race was )art o+ Go*sres)o!se to Sata!s rebe%%$o!. I! a certa$! se!se# t$s!ew race was *es$&!e* to +,%+$%% te *est$!" +romw$c Sata! a* +a%%e! a!* e'e! to &o be"o!* tat.T$s $s o!e ma$! reaso! w" Sata! o))oses o,r racew$t s,c $!te!se atre*. He sees ,s as tose wow$%% s,))%a!t $m a!* e!ter $!to a *est$!" tat e+a$%e* to ac$e'e. Wat $s tat *est$!"1

    To ,!*ersta!* o,r destiny# w$c we w$%% e()%ore$! te !e(t ca)ter# we m,st +$rst ,!*ersta!* o,rorigin;how and why mankind was created. Bot o,ror$&$! a!* o,r *est$!" are re'ea%e* $! te o)e!$!&ca)ters o+ te book o+ Ge!es$s.

    Te o)e!$!& 'erse o+ te book o+ Ge!es$s states8!n the beginning God created the heavens andthe earth0 Ge!es$s /8/. >,rter o! $! Ge!es$s/83953 $t *escr$bes te creat$o! o+ ma!8

    hen God said, Let s "ake "an in =uri"age, according to =ur )ikeness....?

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    he &da"ic 2ace: =ur =rigin

    $! Hebrews 28398 ... but now, once at the end ofthe ages, e has a%%eared to %ut away sin by the

    sacri#ice o# i"se)#0 em)as$s a**e*. T$s$!*$cates tat te com$!& o+ @es,s to eart $s tec,%m$!at$o! o+ a )ro&ram tat Go* as bee!+o%%ow$!& o'er a )er$o* *escr$be* as te a&es. I! /Cor$!t$a!s /

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    earth was without #or", and void8 and darknesswas on the #ace o# the dee%.0

    I! ca)ter 4 o+ t$s book# I a'e e()%a$!e* w" Ibe%$e'e t$s 'o$* was !ot te co!*$t$o! o+ te eartas or$&$!a%%" create*# b,t rater te res,%t o+ atreme!*o,s ,*&me!t o+ Go* tat was bro,&t ,)o!te )re5A*am$c eart# )robab%" as a res,%t o+ Sata!srebe%%$o!. T$s was a ,*&me!t o! te w$cke*!ess o+te )re5A*am$c race or races te! ,)o! te eart

    wo a* bee! %e* b" Sata! $! rebe%%$o! a!* $!to'ar$o,s +orms o+ w$cke*!ess.

    6herefore, if anyone is in6herefore, if anyone is inChrist, he is a new creation* oldChrist, he is a new creation* old

    things have passed away*things have passed away*

    behold, all things have becomebehold, all things have becomenew.7new.7

    It wo,%* a))ear tat te ma$! $!str,me!t o+,*&me!t $! t$s $!sta!ce was water. Te eartbecame a *eso%ate# +orm%ess# water" waste# a!*

    *ark!ess was ,)o! te +ace o+ te waters. Te! teseco!* )art o+ 'erse 3 sa"s8 &nd the

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    he &da"ic 2ace: =ur =rigin

    !ot a ma$! +eat,re.

    As$*e +rom te re5creat$o! )rocess tat +$%%e* teeart w$t sea creat,res a!* oter %$'$!& t$!&s# wem,st !ot m$ss te a))%$cat$o! o+ t$s creat$'e)rocess +or ,s as Cr$st$a!s. I! 3 Cor$!t$a!s 68/#Pa,% sa"s8 here#ore, i# anyone is in Christ, he isa new creation8 o)d things have %assed away8beho)d, a)) things have beco"e new0 em)as$sa**e*.

    I! a certa$! se!se# t$s !ew creat$o! $! Cr$st $sa work o+ restoration. We! I come to Cr$st as as$!!er# m" wo%e )erso!a%$t" $s !ot ob%$terate*. Go**oes !ot br$!& somet$!& tota%%" !ew $!to be$! b,tHe sets $! o)erat$o! +orces tat w$%% restore me#re!ew me a!* ,%t$mate%" br$!& +ort o,t o+ mesomet$!& com)%ete%" !ew. Tere+ore# te work o+restorat$o! *escr$be* $! Ge!es$s / a!* 3 $s

    e(treme%" re%e'a!t a!* a))%$cab%e to te !ewcreat$o! $! Cr$st. Tat $s o!e reaso! tat Scr$)t,rerecor*s $t $! some *eta$%.

    Se'era% as)ects o+ te creat$o! $! Ge!es$s /83 arere)ro*,ce* $! te restorat$o! o+ a s$!!er we! ecomes to Cr$st. Te wor%* or te eart as*escr$be* $! Ge!es$s /83 was $! a mess. L$kew$se#

    we! "o, or I come to @es,s Cr$st as s$!!ers# wema" or ma" !ot k!ow $t# b,t we too are $! a mess.Not o!%" are we $! a mess# b,t %$ke te eart $!Ge!es$s /83# we are $! te *ark. W$%e we are $! te*ark# we ca!!ot see t$!&s as te" rea%%" are. T$swas te co!*$t$o! o+ te eart a!* $t $s a%so teco!*$t$o! o+ te $!*$'$*,a% s$!!er.

    Tere are two &reat a&e!ts o+ restorat$o! $! te

    !ew creat$o!. I! Ge!es$s /83# te pirito+ Go* waso'er$!&. I! Ge!es$s /84# Go* s)oke a!* H$s !ord#we!t +ort. It $s b" te ,!$o! o+ te Wor* a!* teS)$r$t o+ Go* tat creat$o! a!* re5creat$o! take


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    )%ace. Wat a))e!s we! a s$!!er comes tore)e!ta!ce1 Te S)$r$t o+ Go* be&$!s to mo'e o!

    tat s$!!ers eart a!* e rece$'es te )roc%a$me*Wor* o+ Go*. B" te S)$r$t a!* te Wor* te )rocesso+ re5creat$o! or restorat$o! $! Cr$st $s set $!mot$o!.

    !hile we are in the dark, we!hile we are in the dark, we

    cannot see things as they reallycannot see things as they reallyare. his was the condition ofare. his was the condition of

    the earth and it is also thethe earth and it is also thecondition of the individualcondition of the individual


    Te +$rst )ro*,ct o+ te ,!$o! o+ te S)$r$t a!*te Wor* work$!& to&eter was light. Terea+ter# Go*worke* $! te %$&t. Te +$rst t$!& tat a))e!swe! a s$!!er comes to Cr$st $s tat e be&$!s tosee t$!&sFa!* $mse%+Fte wa" te" rea%%" are.>rom tat )o$!t o! Go* co!t$!,es to work $! $s %$+e$! te %$&t.

    Tere +o%%ows a )rocess o+ se)arat$o! a!*re+$!eme!t# *$st$!ct$o! a!* m,%t$)%$cat$o!. ;a!"*$++ere!t areas are *ea%t w$t $! a s,ccess$'e or*er.Somet$mes we reac a sta&e were we t$!k#

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    +$ses# te b$r*s# te! te beasts a!* so o!. >$!a%%"#we come to te c%$ma( o+ te creat$'e )rocess8 te

    creat$o! o+ ma!.>$rst# %et me sa" tat te creat$o! o+ ma! &$'es ,s

    t$s +,rter asto!$s$!& re'e%at$o! abo,t Go*8 Tere$s plurality $! Go*8 hen God said, Let Us"ake"an in ur i"age, according to ur )ikeness?0Ge!es$s /839# em)as$s a**e*.

    I a'e a%rea*" )o$!te* o,t tat te wor* +or /od

    K3lohim $s )%,ra% $! +orm. T$s a&rees w$t te%a!&,a&e tat Go* ,ses ere abo,t H$mse%+# Let Us"ake "an in ur i"age.0Some )eo)%e sa" tatt$s $s ,st te re&a% +orm were te k$!& s)eaks o+$mse%+ $! te )%,ra%# b,t t$s $s r,%e* o,t b" te +acttat %ater o!# we! s)eak$!& abo,t ma!s >a%%# Go*sa"s8 hen the Lord God said, Beho)d, the "anhas beco"e )ike one o# Us, to know good andevi)?0Ge!es$s 4833# em)as$s a**e*.

    Go* $s )%,ra%# b,t He $s a%so o!e. Te Hebrewwor* +or one,se* ere a!* a))%$e* to Go* $s echad.It *e!otes a ,!$t" w$t com)o!e!t e%eme!ts. I!Ge!es$s 3837# te same wor*# echad# $s ,se* a&a$!8here#ore a "an sha)) )eave his #ather and"other and be Foined to his wi#e, and they *two+

    sha)) beco"e one*echad+ #)esh.0

    Te wor* ,se* ere# echad# $s !ot te wor* +orabso%,te $!*$'$s$b%e ,!$t"# w$c $s yachid. TeHebrew wor* ,se* $! t$s 'erse# echad# $s a))%$e* tomarr$a&e. It *escr$bes a o!e!ess tat $s ma*e ,) o+two *$st$!ct )erso!s ,!$te*. I! te b$b%$ca% re'e%at$o!o+ Go*# owe'er# tere are !ot two# b,t tree

    Perso!s ,!$te* to )ro*,ce o!e!ess. Not a! abso%,teo!e!ess# b,t a o!e!ess $! w$c tere $s a%so)%,ra%$t".

    Some )eo)%e obect to te co!ce)t o+ a Tr$,!e


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    Go*# b,t I see $t c%ear%" re'ea%e* $! Scr$)t,re. Ibe%$e'e $! Go* te >ater# I be%$e'e $! Go* te So!

    a!* I be%$e'e $! Go* te Ho%" S)$r$t. Wat $s more$m)orta!t# !ot mere%" *o I be%$e'e $! tem# b,t Ik!ow eac o+ tem tro,& *$rect# )erso!a%e()er$e!ce. I k!ow wat $t $s to a'e a re%at$o!s$)w$t te >ater# I k!ow wat $t $s to a'e are%at$o!s$) w$t te So!# a!* I k!ow wat $t $s toa'e a re%at$o!s$) w$t te Ho%" S)$r$t.

    he C)i"a(: !n is =wn !"age

    Ge!es$s /83 *escr$bes te c%$ma( o+ te )rocessb" w$c Go* create* ma!.

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    Tere are +,rter ,!$?,e +eat,res o+ A*am tata))are!t%" *$st$!&,$s $m +rom a!" oter creat,re

    o+ Go*. Te most s$&!$+$ca!t $s te meto* o+ A*amscreat$o!. he L=2D God *ahweh0+ formed"ano# the dust o# the ground0Ge!es$s 38# em)as$sa**e*.

    Te wor* form $s !orma%%" ,se* o+ a )ottermo%*$!& a c%a" 'esse%. Te acco,!t *e)$cts a 'esse%o+ c%a" be$!& sk$%%+,%%" mo%*e* $!to te most )er+ect

    )$ece o+ stat,ar" tat eart a* e'er see!. 0et $t wasmere%" a %$+e%ess form o+ c%a" ,!t$% Go* $m)arte*H$mse%+ to $t8 ... *ahweh God0+ breathedinto hisnostri)s the breath o# )i#e8 and "an beca"e a)iving being *sou)+0Ge!es$s 38# em)as$s a**e*.

    I! te or$&$!a% Hebrew# Ge!es$s 38 $streme!*o,s%" '$'$* a!* *ramat$c. I! te Hebrew%a!&,a&e# te so,!* o+ a wor* o+te! *e)$cts wat te

    wor* *escr$bes. >or $!sta!ce# te Hebrew wor* +or abottle $s bakbuk# w$c re)ro*,ces te &,r&%e o+water be$!& )o,re* o,t o+ a bott%e.

    S$m$%ar%"# were te Scr$)t,re sa"s# ebreathed into his nostri)s,0 te Hebrew wor* +orbreathed $s yipach. Po!et$ca%%"# tepso,!* $! tem$**%e $s ca%%e* a )%os$'e. I! oter wor*s# $t $s

    )ro*,ce* b" a m$!$at,re e()%os$o!Fa sar)o,t&o$!& breat.

    O! te oter a!*# te Hebrew &,tt,ra% so,!*chet# te ch at te e!* o+ yi-pach# co!s$sts o+ aco!t$!,$!& o,t&o$!& breat e()e%%e* +rom te troat.Te tota% )rase yi-pach$!*$cates tere was a sar)e(),%s$o! o+ breat +o%%owe* b" a co!t$!,$!& o,t+%ow

    o+ a$r. It was !ot a &e!t%e s$&. It was a sar)#a,tor$tat$'e e(),%s$o! o+ *$'$!e breat $!to te!ostr$%s a!* mo,t o+ tat c%a". It )ro*,ce* a %$'$!&)erso!Fa ,ma! be$!&Fa %$'$!& so,%.


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    o+ wa"s# b,t He cose to *o $t tat wa". W"1 We%%#te ma! was bor! b%$!*. H$s e"es a* !e'er a*

    s$&t. I $ma&$!e ma"be te" were sr$'e%e* a!*waste* awa". It was !ot ,st ea%$!& o+ a *$sease $twas rea%%" a creat$'e act. @es,s ser'e* !ot$ce o! H$s&e!erat$o!8 I am st$%% te same O!e wo ma*e tec%a" $! te Gar*e! a!* breate* $!to $t. We! I mo%*c%a" a!* I breate $!to $t# creat$o! takes )%ace.

    We! Go* stoo)e* *ow! $! te Gar*e! a!* ),tH$s !ostr$%s a&a$!st tose !ostr$%s o+ c%a"# H$s %$)sa&a$!st te %$)s o+ c%a"# a!* e()e%%e* H$s breat# ma!became a %$'$!& so,%.

    "he #reath of Lives

    Te o)e!$!& ca)ters o+ Ge!es$s re'ea% %$+e o!two *$++ere!t %e'e%s8 te s)$r$t a!* te so,%. Eac $s'$'$*%" $%%,strate* b" te Hebrew wor* ,se*. TeHebrew wor* +or spirit$s ruach$! w$c te term$!a%%etter# chet,*e)$cts a co!t$!,$!& o,t+%ow *e)e!*e!to! !o e(ter!a% so,rce. O! te oter a!*# teHebrew wor* +or soul $s nefesh. T$s *e)$cts %$+e#w$c m,st rece$'e be+ore $t ca! &$'e.

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    ne of the most ama8ing thingsne of the most ama8ing things

    to me in cripture is how muchto me in cripture is how much/od concerns #imself with/od concerns #imself with


    Te meto* o+ ma!s creat$o! was ,!$?,e. I am!ot ta%k$!& !ow abo,t te +orm$!& o+ $s bo*" +rom

    c%a"# b,t abo,t te +act tat Go* breate* %$+e*$rect%" $!to $m. I! t$s wa"# Go* a!* ma! came$!to *$rect co!+ro!tat$o!# +ace to +ace.

    I be%$e'e t$s *emo!strates tat ma!# o,t o+ a%%creat,res $! te ,!$'erse# as a ,!$?,e ca)ac$t" +or*$rect access to te )rese!ce o+ Go* a!* +or o!&o$!&+e%%ows$) w$t Go*. T$s mea!s tat tere $s

    somet$!& $! ma! tat ,!$?,e%" corres)o!*s tosomet$!& $! Go*. It +$!*s e()ress$o! $! o!e wor*8fellowship.Te s,)reme ),r)ose o+ te Gos)e% $s tobr$!& ma! back $!to +e%%ows$) w$t Go*.

    T$s br$!&s o,t a ,!$?,e corres)o!*e!cebetwee! te o)e!$!& a!* te c%os$!& ca)ters o+ teB$b%e. Te c%$ma( o+ te re%at$o!s$) tat be&a! $!Ge!es$s ca)ters / a!* 3 $s *e)$cte* $! Re'e%at$o!

    338457# w$c $s te %ast *escr$)t$o! $! Scr$)t,re o+Go*s re*eeme* )eo)%e8 is servants sha)) servei". hey sha)) see is #ace, and is na"e sha))be on their #oreheads.0

    ;a! at t$s )o$!t as bee! bro,&t back $!totat *$rect# +ace5to5+ace +e%%ows$) w$t A%m$&t" Go*+or w$c e was create*. Te ),r)oses o+ Go* tat

    were tem)orar$%" +r,strate* b" Sata! are $! te e!*)er+ect%" +,%+$%%e* tro,& @es,s Cr$st a!* H$sre*em)t$'e work. T$s makes ma!s re%at$o!s$)w$t Go* ,!$?,e a!* *ec$s$'e. He as a ca)ac$t" +or+e%%ows$) w$t Go* ,!e?,a%e* e'e! b" te a!&e%s.


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    I! eter!$t"# te re*eeme* $! Cr$st are &o$!& to bec%oser to Go* ta! te a!&e%s.

    O!e o+ te most ama$!& t$!&s to me $!Scr$)t,re $s ow m,c Go* co!cer!s H$mse%+ w$tma!. I ca!!ot e%) b,t sa" w$t te )sa%m$st8 Whatis "an that ou are "ind#u) o# hi", and the sono# "an that ou visit hi"-0Psa%m :87.

    I! oter wor*s# W" *o 0o, s)e!* so m,ctro,b%e o! ,s ,ma! be$!&s1 0et# as I ,!*ersta!*

    Scr$)t,re obect$'e%"# we are te ce!ter o+ Go*satte!t$o!. We are te a))%e o+ H$s e"e. I! /Cor$!t$a!s 483/# Pa,% sa"s to te Cr$st$a!s8 orall things are yours0 =@V# em)as$s a**e*.E'er"t$! $! ea'e! a!* o! eart# be%o!&s to ,s.E'er"t$!& $s at o,r *$s)osa%.

    Perso!a%%"# !ot$!& &r$e'es me more ta! to

    e!co,!ter Cr$st$a!s ta%k$!& a!* act$!& as $+ te"are ,!$m)orta!t. S,c ta%k ma" so,!* ,mb%e# b,t$t $s act,a%%" ,!be%$e+. We are te most $m)orta!t)eo)%e $! te ,!$'erse. Not beca,se o+ wat we are$! o,rse%'es# b,t beca,se o+ Cr$sts re*em)t$'ework o! o,r bea%+. I! H$m we are create* +or as)ec$a% re%at$o!s$) w$t Go*.

    $od%s Image and $od%s LikenessGe!es$s /839 re'ea%s tat tere are two *$++ere!t

    as)ects o+ te s$m$%ar$t" betwee! Go* a!* ma!.>$rst# e was ma*e $! Go*s image 9tselem1 a!*seco!*# e was ma*e $! Go*s likeness9dmut1.

    Te wor* image 9tselem1*escr$bes e(ter!a% +orm.It $s te !orma% Hebrew wor* +or shadow,a!* $t $s

    tra!s%ate* sa*e or sa*ow ma!" t$mes $! teO%* Testame!t. I!terest$!&%" e!o, $! a 'erba%+orm $t rec,rs $! te mo*er! Hebrew wor* +or toa'e "o,r )oto&ra) take!. Tro,& more ta!


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    "o,!& ma! a!* carr$e* $s )oto&ra) $! er ),rse.O!e *a" se &ot a %etter +rom er +$a!ce sa"$!& e

    a* +o,!* someo!e e%se wom e $!te!*e* to marr".We! se &ot te !ews se took o,t $s )oto&ra)a!* tore $t $!to )$eces a!* stam)e* o! $t. Se co,%*!ot to,c $m# b,t se co,%* to,c $s $ma&e.

    Tat $s ,st ow te *e'$% reacts. Norma%%" eca!!ot to,c Go*# so wat *oes e *o1 He takes te$ma&e o+ Go*Fma!Fa!* tears $t ,) a!* stam)s o!$t. E'er" t$me a *r,!ke! ma! %,rces *ow! testreet# sta&&er$!& $! te &,tter a!* 'om$t$! tat $ste *e'$% stam)$!& o! te $ma&e o+ Go*. I! a certa$!se!se# e sa"s# Tere 0o, are# Go*. See wat 0o,r$ma&e $s %ook$!& %$ke !ow1 Tat $s wat I +ee% abo,t0o,. I ca!!ot to,c 0o,# b,t I ca! certa$!%" *e+$%e0o,r $ma&e.

    Tere was a br$e+ )er$o* we! Sata! co,%* to,c

    Go*. Tat was we! @es,s came $! ,ma! +orm a!*s,bm$tte* H$mse%+ to P$%ates ,*&me!t. Te! Sata!was ab%e to *o wat e rea%%" wa!te* to *oFto Go*F$! te Perso! o+ @es,s. Te res,%t was tecr,c$+$($o!. B,t at a%% oter t$mes Sata! $s %$m$te* to*o$!& te worst e ca! to ,ma! be$!&s ma*e tosow +ort te $ma&e o+ Go*.

    Now %et ,s e(am$!e dmut,te oter Hebrew wor*,se* $! Ge!es$s /839 to *escr$be ma!s resemb%a!ceto Go*. $mut$s a more &e!era% term ta! tselem.It*oes !ot re+er )r$mar$%" to o,twar* a))eara!ce# b,tto ma!s wo%e )erso!.

    I a'e a%rea*" )o$!te* o,t tat tere $s a tr$5,!$t"$! Go*. Tere $s a corres)o!*$!& tr$5,!$t" $! ma!.Te tree e%eme!ts o+ $s be$!& are s)$r$t# so,% a!*

    bo*". I! / Tessa%o!$a!s 6834# Pa,% )ra"s +or teTessa%o!$a! Cr$st$a!s8

    ;ow "ay the God o# %eace i"se)# sancti#yyou co"%)ete)y8 and "ay your who)e s%irit,

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    sou), and body be %reserved b)a"e)ess at theco"ing o# our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Com)%ete sa!ct$+$cat$o! com)r$ses a%% treee%eme!ts8 s)$r$t# so,% a!* bo*".

    alvation comes to the soul thatalvation comes to the soul thatmakes the right decision inmakes the right decision in

    response to the /ospel andresponse to the /ospel andfollows it through with anfollows it through with an

    appropriate lifestyle.appropriate lifestyle.

    Te s)$r$t was breate* $!to ma! at creat$o! b"te Creator. H$s bo*" was +orme* o+ c%a" +rom te

    &ro,!*. Te ,!$o! o+ S)$r$t +rom abo'e a!* c%a" +rombe!eat )ro*,ce* a soul.

    Te so,% $s te $!*$'$*,a% e&o $! eac o!e o+ ,s.Te so,% ca! sa" I w$%% or I w$%% !ot. It $s te*ec$s$o!5mak$!& e%eme!t $! o,r )erso!a%$t$es. Teso,% o)erates te r,**er b" w$c we steer o,rwa" tro,& %$+e. I! @ames 48/56# $t $s re'ea%e* tatte r,**er $s te to!&,e.

    Sa%'at$o! comes to te so,% tat makes te r$&t*ec$s$o! $! res)o!se to te Gos)e% a!* +o%%ows $ttro,& w$t a! a))ro)r$ate %$+est"%e.

    Te ,!$o! o+ Go* te Creator w$t a bo*" o+ +%es)ro*,ces te !ew ma!. T$s !ew ma! $s a mora%be$!&. !%$ke a! a!$ma%# e k!ows te *$++ere!cebetwee! r$&t a!* wro! betwee! &oo* a!* e'$%.

    0o, ca! tra$! a *o& to *o certa$! t$!&s a!* !ot to*o oter t$!&s. I+ te *o& *oes o!e o+ te t$!&s eas bee! tra$!e* !ot to *o a!* "o, *$sco'er $t# ew$%% ),t $s ta$% betwee! $s %e&s a!* %ook &,$%t". B,t


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    tat $s !ot e'$*e!ce o+ a co!sc$e!ce tat *$scer!sbetwee! r$&t a!* wro!&. Tat $s mere%"

    co!*$t$o!$!& tat *eterm$!es bea'$or $! certa$!s$t,at$o!s. B,t ma! $s create* w$t a co!sc$e!cetat te%%s $m tat certa$! t$!&s are r$&t a!*certa$! t$!&s are wro!&.

    Some )eo)%e to*a" are embrac$!& a !ewmora%$t"# w$c $s act,a%%" as o%* as te Gar*e! o+E*e!. I! e'er" &e!erat$o!# Sata! seeks to b%,r te*$st$!ct$o! betwee! r$&t a!* wro! betwee! &oo*a!* e'$%. Te +act rema$!s tat ma! *oes a'e amora% se!se. He ca!!ot &et awa" +rom $t. He ca!*r$!k $mse%+ *r,!k e ca! st,)e+" $mse%+ w$t*r,&s. B,t wate'er e *oes# e ca!!ot esca)e te+act tat e k!ows tere $s r$&t a!* e k!ows tere$s wro!&.

    A!oter *$st$!ct$'e +eat,re o+ ma! $s tat e as

    a %$m$te* ab$%$t" to create# w$c e as rece$'e*+rom Go*. T$s $s *emo!strate* $! ma!" wa"s. ;a!ca! )%a! a!* assemb%e a!* e(ec,te. >or $!sta!ce# $+e wa!ts to cross te sea# e ca! *es$&! a!* te!co!str,ct a s$). He ca! see wat $tems are !ee*e*e ca! see ow to assemb%e a!* +$t tem to&eter.He ca! co!ce$'e a!* carr" o,t a ),r)ose.

    I! oter wor*s# ma! as a certa$! creat$'e ab$%$t"#w$c te %ower a!$ma%s *o !ot a'e. A rabb$t ca!b,$%* a b,rrow# a b$r* ca! b,$%* a !est# b,t te"!e'er ca!&e. Te" !e'er *e'e%o). Tere $s !o)ro&ress$o!. Te ab$%$t" to ca!&e a!* *e'e%o) $sco!+$!e* to ma!.

    I! a%% tree areas o+ $s )erso!a%$t"Fs)$r$t,a%#mora% a!* $!te%%ect,a%Fe%eme!ts $! ma! corres)o!*

    ,!$?,e%" to e%eme!ts $! Go*.


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    ook$!& be"o!* o,r or$&$!# wat $s o,r *est$!"1We be&$! w$t te purpose +or w$c ma! was


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    creat,res tat $!ab$t tese areas. A*am was to beGo*s '$s$b%e re)rese!tat$'e e(erc$s$!& Go*5&$'e!

    a,tor$t" o'er a%% te eart. We! te otercreat,res o! eart e!co,!tere* A*am# te" wo,%*reco&!$e $! $m te %$ke!ess o+ te Creator as ee(erc$se* o'er tem te *om$!$o! tat te Creatora* $m)arte* to $m.

    T$s $s bro,&t o,t c%ear%" $! Psa%m :875:em)as$s a**e*8

    What is "an that ou are "ind#u) o# hi",and the son o# "an that ou visit hi"- or ouhave "ade hi" a )itt)e )ower than the ange)s,and ou have crowned hi" with g)ory andhonor.

    ou have "ade hi" to have dominion overthe works o# our hands8 ou have %ut a))things under his #eet, a)) shee% and o(en$even

    the beasts o# the #ie)d, the birds o# the air, andthe #ish o# the sea that %ass through the %athso# the seas.

    Tese wor*s are ?,ote* $! Hebrews 3895: a!*a))%$e* to @es,s# b,t te" are a))%$e* to H$m as teea* o+ te A*am$c race. A%% as bee! ),t ,!*er te*om$!$o! o+ te A*am$c race. I! @es,s# te A*am$c

    race +o,!* te +,%+$%%me!t o+ $ts ),r)ose. Pr$or totat# te ),r)ose was state* b,t was !ot +,%+$%%e*.Tere $s somet$!& e'e! $! +a%%e! ma! tat st$%%k!ows e was create* to r,%e. B,t $s ca)ac$t" tor,%e $s $m)a$re* beca,se o+ te work o+ s$! $! $m.

    It $s !ot s,r)r$s$!& tat ma! as e()%ore* tee!t$re &%obe a!* e'e! &o!e to te moo!. It $s a!e()ress$o! o+ te !at,re w$t$! $m. He was ma*e to

    e()%ore# ma*e to *om$!ate# ma*e to co!tro%. B,t e%acks *$'$!e a,tor$at$o! ,!t$% e $mse%+ $s ,!*erte co!tro% o+ Go*.

    Te !e(t ,!$?,e +eat,re o+ A*am $s wat I ca%%


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    he &da"ic 2ace: =ur Destiny

    intelligent partnership with /od. I! t$s ca)ac$t"#A*am was ma*e res)o!s$b%e +or te c%ass$+$cat$o! o+

    te e!t$re a!$ma% k$!&*om. T$s $s recor*e* $!Ge!es$s 38/253

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    War in eaven

    tat P%ato was most co!cer!e* w$t was te )rocesso+ *e+$!$t$o!. I wrote m" *$ssertat$o! o! Te

    E'o%,t$o! o+ P%atos ;eto* o+ De+$!$t$o! a!* +ort$s I was e%ecte* $!to a >e%%ows$) $! =$!&s Co%%e&e#Cambr$*&e. P%ato *$sco'ere* tat we ca!!otsat$s+actor$%" *e+$!e t$!&s b" mo'$!& ,) +rom be%ow#tat $s# +rom &reater to %esser m,%t$)%$c$t". We ca!!ottake a mass o+ *$++ere!t t$!&s a!* )$ck o,t a%% tes$m$%ar +eat,res $! tem a!* e'e!t,a%%" arr$'e at a!e(c%,s$'e %$st o+ t$!&s common and peculiarto tat

    w$c we are seek$!& to *e+$!e. No sat$s+actor"*e+$!$t$o! ca! e'er be ac$e'e* $! tat wa". It $s!e'er a*e?,ate.

    %t$mate%" P%ato arr$'e* at a co!c%,s$o!# w$cmakes $m rea%%" te +ater o+ te meto* o+*e+$!$t$o! b" &e!,s a!* s)ec$es as $t $s ,se* $!mo*er! sc$e!ce. S$m)%" state*# we ca!!ot be&$!

    +rom te bottom a!* work ,)war*. We m,st be&$!+rom te to) a!* work *ow!war*. We be&$! b"estab%$s$!& te +am$%"# te! te &e!,s# te! tes)ec$es a!* so o!.

    B,t ow *o we &et te +$rst sta&eFte a%%5$!c%,s$'e c%ass$+$cat$o!1 P%atos a!swer wo,%* be8 b"intuition,!ot b" obser'at$o!. T$s $s a! area werema! as &ot to &o abo'e mere se!se )erce)t$o!.

    A*am $! $s $!$t$a% re%at$o!s$) w$t Go* a* )er+ect$!t,$t$o!. He co,%* see $!t,$t$'e%" e'er" re%at$o!s$)$! te a!$ma% k$!&*om a!* te! e()ress $t $! te!ames tat e &a'e.

    Te +$!a% ,!$?,e +eat,re o+ A*am $! o,r st,*"was the provision of a mate.Rea*$!& o! $! Ge!es$s383

  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    he &da"ic 2ace: =ur Destiny

    '$ewe* a%% te a!$ma%s# tere was !o!e to w$c eco,%* re%ate $! tat )erso!a% wa". To take $m

    +,rter# Go* a* to ),t $m to s%ee).A!* te Lor* Go* ca,se* a *ee) s%ee) to +a%% o!

    A*am# a!* e s%e)t a!* He took o!e o+ $s r$bs# a!*c%ose* ,) te +%es $! $ts )%ace. Te! te r$b w$cte Lor* Go* a* take! +rom ma! He ma*e $!to awoma!# a!* He bro,&t er to te ma!.

    &nd &da" said: his is now bone o# "y

    bones and #)esh o# "y #)esh8 she sha)) be ca))edWo"an *which in ebrew is ishah+, because shewas taken out o# /an *which in ebrew is ish.here is a %)ay on words+.0 here#ore a "ansha)) )eave his #ather and "other and be Foinedto his wi#e, and they sha)) beco"e one #)esh.

    verses H1@H6

    A*am a* bee! )r$'$%e&e* to e!o" a ,!$?,e)rese!tat$o! o+ te m,%t$+acete* or*er a!* )er+ect$o!o+ Go*s creat$o!. A!* "et tere was st$%% somet$!&m$ss$!&. Tere was !ot a!" creat,re w$t w$cA*am co,%* re%ate o! $s ow! %e'e% a!* sare *ee)%"a%% e was e()er$e!c$!&.

    O!e o+ te most ta!ta%$$!& t$!&s abo,t sce!eso+ e(treme bea,t" $s tat $t $s *$++$c,%t to e!o" tem

    a%o!e. Tere $s somet$!& abo,t rea% &ra!*e,r tat"o, ,st ca!!ot +,%%" a))rec$ate o! "o,r ow!. As ast,*e!t at Cambr$*&e# I a* a +r$e!* wo ,se* to &owa%k$!& w$t me $! te mo,!ta$!s o+ Greece. B,tsomet$mes e wo,%* &o o++ o! $s ow!. He)art$c,%ar%" e!o"e* te mo,!ta$!s o+ !ortwestGreece. He wo,%* ,st wa%k o,t w$t !ot$!& b,t as%ee)$!& ba&. We! !$&t came# e wo,%* &et $!s$*e

    $s s%ee)$!& ba& a!* %$e tere ,!t$% te s,! to,ce*te mo,!ta$!s at *aw! !e(t *a". Te! e wo,%*come back a!* te%% me# It was so &ra!*# $t was sobea,t$+,%# b,t I ,st co,%* !ot absorb $t w$to,t


  • 8/12/2019 War in Heaven Derek Prince


    War in eaven

    somebo*" to sare $t w$t me.

    he Church is