war on terror study 3-vulture culture-ultra leftist terror fronts

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  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts





  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    The worst ever massacre took place 450 Kms to theSouth of Raipur, its capital.

    The Maoists have virtually taken over vast swaths of

    hinterlands under their administration where the Statedoes not exist.

    The rabidly fanatical hardcore of Maoist persuasionbelieve in the overthrow of the State by launching Maosmobile warfare and are moving towards instigating anurban offensive very soon.

    The Maoists were misjudged because most of us easilyfall for their smoke screen propaganda- as though itwere a grass roots movement stemming from theoppression of Tribals, and exploitation of the haplessrural populace by the feudal State and landlords, andtherefore argued as a justifiable political reaction of theproletariat run by peripheralised youth.

    That it could be a part of the Chinese strategic

    encirclement of India and an Imperialist destabilisationforce designed from within, had largely been missedbecause of that.

    The professed hostility of the Maoist literature to theChinese communist Party is merely a smokescreen, afacade to avoid being reckoned readily as plainImperialist agent provocateurs and Quislings of the


    It is not just the ISI, but the Chinese who are behindMaoist usurpation and challenge of Indian forest lands,though they neatly achieved it by routing their logisticand financial support through the formers channels.

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    This fact is never acknowledged because the IndianGovernment is afraid of voicing it in the open, for theChinese have covered their tracks skilfully enough,thanks to the ISI.

    This failure to grasp the real brain and brawn behind,playing out this perilous game using tribals andmisguided youth to destabilise the Indian State anddrain its Armed Forces, has emboldened some to lendsome legitimacy and credibility, as though it were merelya disgruntled political movement- to what couldotherwise be seen as an Insurrectionist Quisling of

    Communist Imperial China.

    The Chinese hand

    There are enough grounds to suspect their activeparticipation and the hidden hand behind the maoistinsurrection.

    Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN, Apr 6, 2010, 08.40pm IST

    WASHINGTON: Chinese hackers have pilfered classified

    documents from the Indias security, defense, and diplomaticestablishment, including assessments of the Maoist and

    Naxalite movements, the security situation in the country's

    North East, and New Delhis ties with Russia and the Middle

    East, U.S and Canadian researchers who tracked the cyber-

    espionage have said.

    In a report titled ''Shadows in the Cloud'' issued on Monday,

    researchers based at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the

    University of Toronto said an India-focused spy operation

    seemingly based out of Chinas Sichuan province hacked intocomputers across India and in Indian missions abroad, stealing

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    sensitive data, including information on Indian missile systems

    gathered from independent analysts. They also obtained a

    years worth of Dalai Lamas personal e-mail messages.

    According to the researchers, the breaches involved Indian

    Embassy computers in Kabul, Moscow and Dubai, United ArabEmirates, and at the High Commission of India in Abuja,

    Nigeria. Also compromised were computers used by the Indian

    Military Engineer Services in Bengdubi, Calcutta, Bangalore and

    Jalandhar; the 21 Mountain Artillery Brigade in Assam andthree air force bases; and computers at two Indian military


    The report comes in the middle of External Affairs Minister

    S.M.Krishnas four-day visit to China to mark 60 years ofdiplomatic ties between the two countries. In Beijing yesterday,

    Krishna said China and India should shun a competitive

    approach and sought Chinas support for Indias bid for a UN

    Security Council seat in an effort to warm up ties the

    increasingly frosty ties between the Himalayan neighbors.

    The latest attack appeared for more India-specific than the onethe same research group identified last year as Ghostnet,

    which used computer servers based mostly on the island of

    Hainan to steal documents from corporations and governmentsin more than 103 countries, including India. Earlier this year,

    Google charged that it and dozens of other companies had

    been the victims of computer intrusions coming from China,

    leading to a spat with Beijing and Googles exit from China.

    The Munk School researchers, working with a U.S team from

    the Shadowserver Foundation and Indian experts who were not

    named for ''security reasons,'' said their investigation into

    Ghostnet led them to an eight-month long second countercyber-espionage operation to track a ring they called Shadow

    Network. The new report shows that the India-focused spy ring

    made extensive use of Internet services like Twitter, Yahoo

    Mail, Blogspot, and Google Groups to automate the control of

    computers once they had been infected.

    The report says the documents stolen included ''sensitive

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    information taken from a member of the National Security

    Council Secretariat concerning secret assessments of Indias

    security situation in the states of Assam, Manipur, Nagaland

    and Tripura, as well as concerning the Naxalites and Maoists.''

    Hackers also stole documents related to the travel of NATO

    forces in Afghanistan, the report said, suggesting that eventhough the Indian government was the primary target of the

    attacks, it could have compromised U.S and Nato operations.

    The report at one point qualified the disclosures saying whilethe documents pilfered were identified as belonging to the

    Indian government, the researchers had no direct evidence

    they were stolen from Indian government computers; they may

    well have been compromised as a result of being copied onto

    personal computers.

    According to the New York Times, which first reported the

    story, the researchers claimed they contacted intelligence

    officials in India and told them of the spy ring they had

    been tracking. They requested and were given instructions on

    how to dispose of the classified and restricted documents.

    Given the sophistication of the intruders and the targets

    of the operation, the researchers said it is possible that

    the Chinese government approved of the spying. AChinese official termed the suggestion ''ridiculous'' and told

    NYT that Beijing ''considers hacking a cancer to the whole


    Glossing over concessions made to theInsurrectionists based on presumptions

    In March 2007, the rebels had stormed an isolatedpolice post in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district and killed 55policemen.

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    The Bastar region of Iron ore-mines is the strong hold ofthis Extremism that fans out from such bastions toaround10 states.

    It is true that the standard instructions on conductingsuch counter-insurgency operations have been ignored,such as mobilising troopers in vehicles over a land thatis heavily mined.

    On July 12th 2009, a similar fate awaited the 29 CRPFmen and their IPS commander when they chose totravel in vehicles instead of as B.K.Ponwar puts it-

    Policemen are flouting warfare rules over and overagain... What was so urgent to ride on vehicles andenter the thick jungle roads planted with landmines allaround. It's great neglect of the basic guerrilla warfarerules which they have been briefed about before beingposted in red terror land,"

    At that time, they ran over a mine, and this time the

    vehicles ran into a booby trap.

    In an interview to IANS, the director of counter-terrorismappealed to fight insurgents as an insurgent would.

    "I have always stressed that policemen should neverride in vehicles on jungle roads and should always carryde-mining squads and sniffer dogs trained in detectingimprovised explosives devices (IEDs) while going onoperations."

    According to the sequence of events, after receivinginformation about Maoist presence, a small CRPF

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    search party was sent into the jungle. The trooperscame under attack from the rebels and a gunfightensued. Reinforcements were sent for, which compriseda 120-strong contingent that went in a vehicle and was

    ambushed by the rebels.

    It was the worst massacre since Maoists stormed anisolated police post in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district inMarch 2007 and killed 55 policemen.

    But such harsh words that are reserved for these fallen men, dont seem

    to get heard about the Policy maker and the Opinion maker, into whose

    Trap the former had run into, and the real booby trap was the

    concession that the Vulture Culture wrested from the Home Ministry that

    the State will imperil the lives of its men in uniform than deploy all means

    Air Power, Drones, Satellite surveillance, in short, all means of latest

    war machinery that are available at its disposal- resolutely with a

    singular purpose of minimising the loss of its men sworn to serve her

    and protect the lives and liberty of its citizens.

    Do they reflect for a minute

    - as to why these men had to rush to the scene using land

    vehicles, when helicopters could have transported them, after

    clearing such landingsusing airdropped commandos to demine the

    area, as well as would have given reconnaissance.

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    The Air- support could have decimated the insurgents holed up deep in

    the jungle lands, and contrary to the myth of Afghan Soviet insurgency

    as having proved the inefficacy of superior Air Power, the resounding

    success that Americans have been achieving with the Taliban and

    Jihadis in Pakistan employing the Drones remotely from a distance and

    backing up their covert incursions debunks such a claim.

    Air-support is crucial to the outcome as well to keep casualties down.

    This has been deliberately ignored so as to embark on cleaning up the

    Maoists from their jungle strongholds, with a foolishly proclaimed

    renunciation of this most important element, if not the only advantage in

    this otherwise asymmetrical war.

    Why were the soldiers pressed to rush do their duty using land

    vehicles and run into landmines and ambushes?-

    When India has the technological capacity to map the terrain of the

    moon and discover water that eluded even the American NASA ?

    Pray tell us why their children and women weep over the bodies of

    their gallant men, even as we hang ourheads and hold back our


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    When drones are used to cleanup Talibanis by pilots sitting in

    Seattle using the software developed by our IT companies, we send

    our men to be cannon fodder.

    Operation Trishul and Python that depleted Oil Reserves at Karachi

    in our 1971 war with Pakistan, and speedily concluded the conflict

    in the East by the adroit deployment of IAF- indicate the

    indispensible role of an effective Air support.

    In 1999Kargil insurgency too required Air-support to win.

    The Indo-Chinese war on the otherhand was a setback exactly

    because of Nehrus fear of escalation of the conflict, if we deployed

    the Air-Force.

    Though, our ground forces dissuaded the Chinese from further

    incursion due to the heavy losses inflicted on their men.

    Who planted the idea that Maoist insurgency is not a War- but a

    political movement?

    Who obtained the immunity from Air attacks for this highly

    motivated guerrilla force as a matter of State Policy enabling them

    to deal us these devastating blows?

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    Who is fighting an assymetrical war, the guerrillas of Mao- adept at

    jungle warfare mowing down at ease the jawan barely trained in

    this specialised combat and venturing into his unfamiliar landscape

    the nooks and crooks ofits forestland, every creek and boulder for

    them is home for decades?

    And without Aerial support?

    The lobbyists for denial of Air-


    Squeezing Home ministry with

    obscurantist pacifism

    The mindless elitist Pressure groups

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    Which- tied the hands of our commanders

    in this fight

    CNN-IBN: Whether it is intelligence or operation failure,

    the fact is that they walked right into a trap. Were the

    Naxals tipped off?

    G K Pillai: No. I think they had already gone, I don't

    think any villagers were there. My own hunch would be

    that the Maoists would be already sitting there when

    they (the forces) went. They possibly laid a trap on their

    way back. They should have been careful to avoid doing

    that. But we have to wait for the full report and

    investigation by the people at the spot.

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    Surprisingly, to the Indian Express the same Home

    Secretary admits the very same suggestion of insider

    help and even some renegade collaborators.

    Express news service Posted online: Saturday , Mar 06,

    2010 at 0321 hrs

    New Delhi : In a first of its kind statement, thegovernment on Friday suggested that Naxalite groups

    might be getting help from some ex-servicemen for

    training and planning of operations.

    The precision and the manner in which Naxalites carry

    out their operations and the way they carry out a post-

    mortem of their operations gives the impression that

    they might be getting support from some ex-

    servicemen, Home Secretary G K Pillai said here.

    The references to words like targets and positions in

    their literature are typical of the language that is used in

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    G K Pillai: Basically as a nation we need more

    patience. We will start to show the success in the days

    to come. We have restored civil admin in about 5000 sq

    kilometers in the last four months. Both in Rajnandgaon

    and Kanker district, we are seeing the success.

    Dantewada is an area where it is not in the second

    stage. We would be coming to Dantewada a little later.

    This is one of those unfortunate incidents where a

    variety of factors have come together to cause this huge

    loss which we believe it was quite unfortunate.

    The Chinese covert funding

    and game plan to create pockets of Marxistans, follows

    the same line as their grab of Nepal.

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    CNN-IBN: We are hearing about figures like a thousand

    Naxals surrounding the security forces. Can you


    G K Pillai: I don't think so, the figure of 1000 and all are

    highly exaggerated. For an ambush of this kind, it would

    be sufficient to have 100-200 people. The surprise

    element is always with you.

    CNN-IBN: You say you have best relations with

    Chhattisgarh yet the CAG reports says that it lacks

    proper equipment.

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    G K Pillai: I don't think so. We have no doubt. I don't

    think the police forces in the country are deficient in

    training and equipment. It is our top priority to bolster the

    training and provide them with best equipment. It is a

    slow process but we will do it in the days and months to


    What is preventing the Government from crushing this

    merciless brigands of a discredited and failed Ideology

    that is Communist Extremism?- if not the shrill and

    pathological voices of the crowd of Arundati Roys? In

    the name of Human Rights the floating around of fatal

    concepts such as they are our own people?

    What held back the full might of our Armed Forces

    from preventing the massacre of our young boys who

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    braved into the jungle caverns of a hideous brand of

    demon worshippers of Mao in our soil?

    If not the demented drove of human rights front

    organisations of the anti-national Arundati Roys and

    the sympathetic anti-national leftist press and media?

    Fighting a well entrenched guerrilla militia that

    terrorises the poor tribals and coerces them into its net

    to bear the weight of States security forces, and to

    make use of them as hostages- or human shields

    without any Air Power or back-up was not the strategic

    decision that was allowed to rest solely with our

    mission commanders but a compulsion worked upon

    them by the gnawing pressure of psychological

    warfare that its frontperson and lackeys undertook-

    ironically in the name of the very same besieged

    people, on behalf of the tyro-thugs in the Media and

    the complicity and failure of intelligence of this pack

    that aired their views inimical to the outcome of the

    fight on the ground.

    Not using Air-Power was a fatal and flawed decisionthat was imposed by these crusaders and advocates of

    anarchic violence- especially the Arundati Roys.

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    G K Pillai: I don't think so. I think we have our own

    sources of intelligence in many areas. In this particular

    area, we have had some successes in this area also.

    Look at the contradiction of his own words!

    The obfuscation of the muddled thinking-

    Earlier he says it was not an intelligence failure

    because they had no intelligence at all in the first place.

    Then he wraps up saying ..we have our own sources of

    intelligence in many areas.

    P.Chidambaram, must get himself another team.

    P.Chidambaram and his Congress can be assured the

    fullest support of the millions of patriots whose eyes

    now shed tears of blood looking at the bodies of the

    young men whose families now loudly lament and wail-

    even as the country watches with more passion the

    fortunes of the latest cricket score ticker.

    We will stand by you in a bipartisan spirit and we willtake to task these scumbags like Arundati Roys who

    have restrained your deployment of our full might

    against these agents of Red China.

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    Atrocities on tribals by Maoists were never

    highlighted- and when asked to comment on their

    complicity of silence regarding Maoist human

    rights violations Arundhati Roy walked out of a

    press-meet and called the reporters morons.

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    To enable them to grow unbridled in the countryside

    towards strategic encirclement of our urban centres

    and final conflageration and Communist Dicatatorship.

    Some gems from the pedlar of Maoist terror State

    Criticising Salwa Judum, noted writer Arundhati Roy

    said: "What has happened to Dr. Sen is what has been

    happening to the people of Chhattisgarh; people who

    are not heard, who have no voices. It all begins with

    the creation of Salwa Judum. Both the Congress and

    the Bharatiya Janata Party are colluding to create a

    people's militia and using unemployed people as special

    protection officers. This is a dangerous trend... which

    will result in the society becoming militarised."

    If that be truly her concern, who started building the militia?

    Where was she up till the time the democratic forces decided

    to empower the tribals with their own weapons and organise

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    them on the same lines of the Maoist to stand up to their

    bullying and terror.

    When the Maoists went on a rampage, was it any less a

    dangerous trend?

    Did she voice such a concern then?

    Where was this voice of hers for these people who have no

    voices? Did she miss hearing as well?

    Advocate Prashant Bhushan accused the Government

    of orchestrating "land grabbing" and repressing the

    Adivasis who raise their voice against this. Joining the

    PUCL in seeking the release of Dr. Sen were members

    of the PUDR, Medicos Friend Circle, the National

    Alliance for People's Movement, the Socialist Front,

    Saheli and the Delhi Solidarity Group.

    Stealing the line from Marx himself who said all wealth

    comes from the surplus labor that goes unpaid, the

    brilliant Roy explains to us-

    Ms. Roy said: We are in a situation wherein corporatisation of

    natural resources such as coal and iron ore has led to scandals galore

    and it is this money which can buy governments, elections, courts and

    media, making our democracy the best democracy that money can

    buy today. Despite a large number of farmer suicides and a majority

    of the population living below poverty line, we have the most

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    expensive elections in the world and the money for the same comes

    from the iron ores of Karnataka and Chhattisgarh and bauxite in

    Orissa which is then is used to cleverly subvert democracy and wage

    war against its own people.

    The Freudian free association runs amock here connecting

    unrelated things and make a string of accusations based on a

    sweeping summary.

    Why were the Iron ore and coal mines nationalised to begin

    with, and why were they controlled in a Permit Raj that gives

    room to scandals, instead of a free market and the freedomto own and exchange resources by the individuals?-if didnt

    arise from Leftist and Marxist ideation of state control, where


    Who is opposing the corporatisation that would freely confer

    tradable Shares to the tribals and could follow the example

    of complete ownership of the company by its workers

    including the management as in Tata Teas?

    Did this revolution require incessant carnages?

    Were not the mining sector left to rot under the spell of

    Marxist inspired Statist legislations?

    Have the Maoists come up with a more viable and workableeconomic model so far outside the framework of Marxist


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    (BJD) leaders in the Naxalite-affected areas in ganja

    cultivation and the cut given to ultras from this.

    The role played by the local police in this should also be

    probed, BJP State general secretary and spokesman

    Nayan Kishore Mohanty said in a statement here.

    Referring to the arrest of president of the Malkangiri

    district Biju Yuva Janata Dal (BYJD) and three others

    by the Uttar Pradesh Police at Lucknow with ganja

    worth over Rs 10 crore, Mohanty alleged that this has

    exposed the nexus between the Naxalites, local BJD

    leaders and the police.

    Only a probe by a central agency can unearth the

    truth, he said.

    Reiterating the allegation of the BJP that the BJD

    leaders have a clandestine understanding with the

    Leftwing extremists (LWEs), Mohanty said that theultras are running a parallel administration in


    Alleging that local BJD leaders and Naxalites are

    involved in illegal ganja cultivation, he said that a large

    share of the money from this goes to them for funding

    their activities in the State.

    The BJP leader criticised the district police for its lapse

    as a result of which ganja in such a huge amount could

    be smuggled out to Uttar Pradesh. He demanded a

    statement from the State Government and the police

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    liberated urban areas are to be spearheaded by front

    organisations and talking heads such as Arundhati Roys- and

    this subversion can be easily funded form the mine lands and

    timberlands of the Maoists?

    It could well be the case, when seen in the light of living

    styles of these free wheelers of peoples struggle living in

    star hotels and studios.

    What happened to the class conflict, and where should lie

    the loyalty of the Roys and the elite club, and what is the

    clever equation of profit in all this?

    Dont these Fronts person share Marxs own contemptuous

    evaluation of human worth-asks Bryan Kaplan

    Marx's hatred of the bourgeoisie is legendary; less well

    known is his hostility to the peasantry. "The lower middle

    class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan,

    the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to savefrom extinction their existence as factions of the middle

    class. They are therefore not revolutionary, but

    conservative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to

    roll back the wheel of history." (Manifesto of the

    Communist Party)

    It is important to understand that at the time Marx wrote, peasants

    made up a large majority of the population of the world, and were

    still a significant element in even the most industrialized nations.

    Indeed, in virtually every country to come under Communist control,

    the peasantry was initially the most numerous social class. Marx's

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    doctrine of class war thus ultimately implied not "total revolution"

    against a tiny bourgeois minority, but a war against the majority of

    the population.

    (James Mavor- an economic history of Russia)

    The Class label seems to stick only if it is a fellow member

    who dissents against Maoist usurpation?

    If not as demonstrated everywhere, Marxs fundamental

    division of humanity into two enemy camps was flawed tobegin with- since what should be the case with elitist and

    privileged Roys, their own class interest or the proleteriats

    cause, especially since it seeks to destroy and wipe out the

    entire class of Capitalist and petty bourgeoise?

    If people actually belonged strictly to their own Class, and

    could so be described and targeted?

    If idealism of Marx can transcend class affinity and loyalty,

    and turn the petty bourgeoise and the elite to side with the

    Proleterian class struggle- cant other ideals so persuade a

    similar taking sides beside the poor?

    On other grounds than the Marxian economic division of

    humanity into classes? Towards other resolutions outsideMarxist doctrine ?

    The Salwa Jhulum or civilian militias are just that.

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    Except in the hope of the Proleterian struggle recognising this

    benevolent gesture coming from the likes of Roy, what is

    there in their own interest to promote the very demise and

    doom of their existence solely on their belonging to such aclass?

    Unless it is expected that the Insurrection of the Proleteriat

    will succeed to its culmination, and at which time the Roys as

    a special category as collaborators be spared?

    Where is the objectivity then in their analysis of the Humans

    involved and caught in this cross fire of an ideologically

    mobilised militia and the para-militia of the State, and their

    plight and rights?

    Put simply- is not the Roys and her like labouring under

    delusional grandeur of outdated Marxist ideations and hence

    taken sides with the Maoists based on ideological grounds

    than mere right or wrong of the issue at hand?

    When it is juxtaposed to the unprovoked war declared by the

    Maoists based on the very same defunct Marxist class

    struggle, can anyone lend any credibility to her charges

    against the Class enemies who are their common enemy,

    not based on their deeds but on a doctrinal belief of Marxist


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    The Supreme Court and its devastating words of misplaced


    Ashok Bagriya


    NAXAL MENANCE: The Naxal gunned down 24 jawans of the

    Eastern Frontier Rifles on Monday.New Delhi: A day after 24 jawans of the Eastern Frontier Rifles

    (EFT) were gunned down brutally by the Naxals in West

    Bengal, Home Minister P Chidambaram is angry and has

    taunted the Left leaning intelligentsia which continues to lend

    moral support to the Naxal violence.

    I would like to hear the voices of condemnation of those who

    have, erroneously, extended intellectual and material support

    to the CPI (Maoist), said Chidambaram

    However, Chidambaram's angry outburst came when even

    Supreme Court joined the long civil rights chorus that the

    action against Naxals should not be treated as a full-fledged


    It's not a war. They are just citizens of this country. Some of

    the reports appearing in the media are disturbing. Over 2 lakh

    people have been displaced in this fight. Where will they go?

    What will they grow, asked The apex court.

    The court was hearing a petition on the alleged revenge killings

    of 12 tribals by security forces in Gompad village of Dantewada

    district last year.

    The apex court rued there has been very little development in

    the Naxal affected areas

    So much is said about the steps taken by the law enforcing

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    agency. But what about the other steps that are being taken,

    observed the court.

    The court's observation seems to have sharpened the attack on

    the government by its critics

    Human rights activist Colin Gonsalves said, Its like a generalmarching into battle with tanks and saying lets have peace.

    How can you go into battle saying that. You want to lead the

    country into war, do that. I am not part of that war from

    neither side.''

    They are our own people -

    The same crowd of human rights activism, when it comes to break

    down of Law and order and the duty of the State to quell violence by

    any political grouping takes an opposite stand when faced with need

    of a quick deployment of the Armed forces elsewhere.

    If that group happens to be ideologically in variance with theirMarxist inclination, or the people involved in acts of breaking down

    the Law were seen as acting under non-Marxist inspiration, such

    being the case in the Post-Godhra break down of Law and order and

    the riots that it triggered across Gujarat.

    Our own people was not voiced even once, nor the BJP though it fit

    to hesitate in calling in the Troops and deploying its fire power

    against the rioters.

    In fact, what was urged then was the States mobilisation of the

    Armed Forces and its deployment against its own citizens- which

    was done within 3 days of failure of to control the situation.

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    So it seems the restrain placed on the State from pressing in the

    Armed Forces against our own people does not apply if the people

    or groups concerned were of a different political persuasion.

    So, what else can this plea not to use the Armed forces to restore therule of the Law against the lawlessness of Maoists by our human

    rights activists be except that it is not out of real concern for the

    preservation of human rights but the cover to obtain certain tactical

    advantages those groups who have taken to the gun culture and the

    brazen breakdown of Law of the land.

    The self righteous sermonising that justifies the taking of law into

    ones own hand and its arbitrary dispensation through the barrel of

    the gun, inspired by chairman Maos preachings that Power flows

    through the barrels of the gun?

    Did this concept of Power flowing through the barrels of the gun,

    precede all such events on the ground in Maoist conflict zones- all

    that are incidental and cited in justification of the resort to restorethe balance of Power between the poor tribals and the much

    maligned Indian State?

    That the call to arms were not at all necessitated, nor be justified

    under the plea of any supposed spontaneous movement of the

    dispossessed and exploited against State repression, but undertaken

    as a certain mobilisation in a particular mode of mobile guerrilla

    warfare of its citizens against their own State, and its enforcementagencies, whom they see only as Class enemies and never for a

    minute as our own people.

    And this peculiar gathering of the recruits, not necessarily under

    subscription to this ideology, but if needs be by coercion and terror,

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  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    - the political and military guiding ideology in the Communist

    Party of China (CPC) from Mao's ascendancy to its leadership

    until the inception of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Chinese

    economic reforms in 1978.

    It is also applied internationally in contemporary times.

    Maoist parties and groups exist throughout the world, with

    notable groups in Peru, India, andNepal. Notably, in Nepal

    they won the elections in 2008.[1]

    The basic tenets of Maoism include revolutionary struggle of

    the vast majority of people against the exploiting classes and

    their state structures, termed a People's War. Usuallyinvolving peasants, its military strategies have involved

    guerrilla wartactics focused on surrounding the cities from

    the countryside, with a heavy emphasis on political

    transformation through the mass involvement of the lower

    classes of society.

    Maoism departs from conventional European-inspired

    Marxism in that its focus is on the agrarian countryside, rather

    than the industrial urban forces. This is known as Agrarian


    Notably, Maoist parties in Peru, Nepal and Philippines have

    adopted equal stresses on urban and rural areas, depending on

    the country's focus of economic activity. Maoism broke withthe state capitalist framework of the Soviet Union under

    Nikita Khrushchev and dismisses it as modern revisionism, a

    traditional pejorative term among communists referring to

    those who fight for capitalism in the name of socialism.

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    Now we can see clearly the genesis of our problem at hand, needing

    no further self flagellation about the much lamentable happenings

    since the advent of these few political activists, upon our peace

    loving tribals lands and habitations.

    The lack of development, the occurance of exploitation and the

    plight of these tribal and rural populace, were just the very grounds

    that this political doctrine seeks out to use as a means to obtain

    Power, and realise its own mission of re-engineering and rebuilding

    of the society in a rigid doctrinal framework and none other, and

    impose this rule upon all the citizens.

    We should rightly be so alarmed, that after obtaining these

    strongholds purchased with much blood letting, and the sympathy

    of well meaning but ill-informed sections of the society witnessing

    this sad and bloody events it had set in motion, unaware of its real

    Intents and purpose, and unwittingly acquiesce in facilitating its

    march, what it is steadily moving towards would be evident if we

    study its standard practice based on Maos On Practice-

    its military strategies have involvedguerrilla wartactics

    focused on surrounding the cities from the countryside, with a

    heavy emphasis on political transformation through the mass

    involvement of the lower classes of society.

    If we succumb to this propaganda that it is an Agrarian Socilaist

    movement justified by the exploitation the peasantry by a repressiveState, and that the immediate need is to understand them as our

    own people and refrain from meeting them with a superior Force to

    their challenge of the Law of the land, we are making a grave error.

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    It would only escalate the conflict, as we plainly see that their

    strategic aim is an encirclement of the Cities and the power centres

    from the countryside.

    It has nothing to do with doing jusitice to the peasant and the tribalfor it is not confined towards such goals.

    Mao is widely regarded in China as a brilliant military strategist even

    among those who oppose his political or economic ideas. His writings

    on guerrilla warfare, most notably in his groundbreaking primerOn

    Guerrilla Warfare,[8]

    and the notion ofpeople's warare now generally

    considered to be essential reading, both for those who wish to conduct

    irregular revolts and for those who oppose them.

    The inspiration of this armed insurrection are thus doctrinal

    and not at all on the supposed lapses on the part of the

    Social Order to do justice to its poor and deprived nor the

    excesses of a Constituitional mis-Governance.

    Our own people is to facilitate the Urban encirclement, from rural

    bases by its Guerilla units

    The absurdity of this propaganda device to disarm the State and

    force a pacifist complacence is transparent enough to see through-

    especially when the Maoists behead class enemies in their class

    conflict and mow down without a chance for a surrender scores of

    police and para-millitary personnel who cannot be described by any

    stretch of imagination to have ever lived even a single day in the air-

    conditioned confines of the Roys, and in this brutality the single

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    purpose being instilling terror in the hearts of the class enemy the

    Moaists never seem to have ever believed that they were after all

    earning their livelihood adorning the uniforms and very much our

    own people ?

    Our people are an euphemism for Maoist sympathisers?

    Why do the Maoists commit atrocities on our own people?

    Plight of the common man under our own people

    Published on : Saturday 06 Mar 2010 19:00 - by IANS

    Kolkata, March 6 : The family of an abducted school teacher in

    West Bengal Saturday appealed to the Maoists to show mercy

    and release him, even as police and joint forces launched

    search operations.

    "We request the abductors to release my father as he is

    the only earning member in our family. Earlier, we heard

    the Maoists had released a police officer. We hope they

    will listen to our appeal this time," school teacher Rajat

    Dule's son, Raunak, told reporters while breaking down in


    Dule, a former Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M)

    supporter, was abducted by a group of suspected Maoists in

    Bankura district's Sarenga village, 160 km west of here, Friday.

    Raunak said his father was not involved in any political

    activities in the village.

    "My father recently became the headmaster of Sarulia

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    Secondary School," he said.

    The Sidhu-Kanhu Gana militia, the armed wing of Maoist-

    backed People's Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA),

    has claimed responsibility for the abduction.

    They have demanded the immediate release of six people

    recently arrested from the same village for allegedly carrying

    out Maoist activities, local sources said.

    "We are probing the matter. We cannot say anything about the

    abduction now," Inspector General of Police (Western Range)

    Zulfiqar Husan told IANS.

    The Air Force chief too seems to have fallen for this propagandist line

    by ruling out any Air support in the on-going anti-maoist drive save

    perhaps surgical strikes, and said that it was not a good thing for us

    to use the Air Force against Maoists as they were our own people!

    Even the Supreme Court seems to have not applied its

    mind enough to see through this propaganda

    It uttered these most devastating words of misplaced-


    - mixing up of a group of people who have taken up the Law

    in their own hands, with the helpless tribal and the peasant,

    who are merely their hostages, bundling them up as these

    our own people and implying that the Government is

    considering its efforts to liberate them as War , while the

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    fact is that this very same militant groups original self given

    name was Peoples War.

    It could have uttered these words of caution pertaining to

    some particular excessive show of force, or collateral

    damage, but to make a general observation dont seem to

    fully do justice to all the facts of this matter at hand.

    Ashok Bagriya


    NAXAL MENANCE: The Naxal gunned down 24 jawans of the

    Eastern Frontier Rifles on Monday.

    New Delhi: A day after 24 jawans of the Eastern Frontier Rifles

    (EFT) were gunned down brutally by the Naxals in West

    Bengal, Home Minister P Chidambaram is angry and has

    taunted the Left leaning intelligentsia which continues to lend

    moral support to the Naxal violence.I would like to hear the voices of condemnation of those who

    have, erroneously, extended intellectual and material support

    to the CPI (Maoist), said Chidambaram

    However, Chidambaram's angry outburst came when even

    Supreme Court joined the long civil rights chorus that the

    action against Naxals should not be treated as a full-fledged


    It's not a war. They are just citizens of this country. Some of

    the reports appearing in the media are disturbing. Over 2 lakh

    people have been displaced in this fight. Where will they go?

    What will they grow, asked The apex court.

    The court was hearing a petition on the alleged revenge killings

    of 12 tribals by security forces in Gompad village of Dantewada

    district last year.

  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    The apex court rued there has been very little development in

    the Naxal affected areas

    So much is said about the steps taken by the law enforcing

    agency. But what about the other steps that are being taken,

    observed the court.The court's observation seems to have sharpened the attack on

    the government by its critics

    Human rights activist Colin Gonsalves said, Its like a general

    marching into battle with tanks and saying lets have peace.

    How can you go into battle saying that. You want to lead the

    country into war, do that. I am not part of that war from

    neither side.''

    The human rights violators and their fronts can abuse this

    genuine concern of the Highest court of Law to further the

    cause of its breakdown

    The Government is faced with this War declared upon it and

    its fellow citizens, born out of an ideology and not at all due

    to any actual fact of lack of development , for such

    bourgeoise developments are inimicable to the advancement

    of their cause and recruitment prospects, and blocked by

    these our very own people so misguided and held in ransom,

    and the psychological warfare is so effective in making eventhe highest and most sacred House of Law and Justice, to

    give credibility to this propaganda that the state upholding

    the Law is indeed the violator of its spirit, and the wrong

    doer, by attempting to describe to itself what it is facing,

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    towards that entity which is posing the menace of violation

    of every fundamental constituitional Law and its illegitimate

    and undemocratic replacement with the twisted values

    enshrined in the Red handbook as the sole Law in its place,and it is shocking our sense of proportion and justice to give

    credence to this band of misguided and perverted ideologues

    of social reengineering who had so waged that War which

    the Government is asked to refrain itself from believing so,

    even while it has not stopped calling nor called off its war

    on its side, declared upon the State and the Constituition and

    all of us Law abiding citizens.

    Whether not this displacement of people had anything to do

    with this lethal group quite unabashedly calling itself as the

    peoples War on the State, by the political groups that have

    chosen the doctrine of Class War and the late chairman

    Maos Path of mobile guerrilla war which is nothing short of

    an armed insurrection, by recruiting children as young as

    toddlers into indoctrination programs at Bala Sangas, and

    training them with non-lethal weapons to prepare the full

    initiation into a a cult of Lethal weapons and its usage, which

    is a gross violation of every common sense law, leave alone

    the real Indian penal Code, and whether this purposeful

    initiation of a vicious cycle and cult of violence and deathborn out of fundamental doctrines of a Political cult-head,

    namely Mao, are all questions the Supreme Court has failed

    adequately dwell into in its most ill considered, though well

    meaning advice to the State.

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  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    Ashok Bagriya


    NAXAL MENANCE: The Naxal gunned down 24 jawans of theEastern Frontier Rifles on Monday.

    New Delhi: A day after 24 jawans of the Eastern Frontier Rifles

    (EFT) were gunned down brutally by the Naxals in West

    Bengal, Home Minister P Chidambaram is angry and has

    taunted the Left leaning intelligentsia which continues to lend

    moral support to the Naxal violence.

    I would like to hear the voices of condemnation of those who

    have, erroneously, extended intellectual and material support

    to the CPI (Maoist), said Chidambaram

    However, Chidambaram's angry outburst came when even

    Supreme Court joined the long civil rights chorus that the

    action against Naxals should not be treated as a full-fledged


    It's not a war. They are just citizens of this country. Some of

    the reports appearing in the media are disturbing. Over 2 lakh

    people have been displaced in this fight. Where will they go?

    What will they grow, asked The apex court.

    The court was hearing a petition on the alleged revenge killings

    of 12 tribals by security forces in Gompad village of Dantewada

    district last year.

    The apex court rued there has been very little development in

    What awaits the Comrades ofour own people

    TNN, Mar 5, 2010, 07.52am IST

    KOLKATA: Maoist military commander in Bengal, Venkateswar

    Reddy alias Telugu Deepak, has confirmed that his men and

    not the CPM gunned down senior Trinamool Congress leader

  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    Nishikanta Mondal in Nandigram because he betrayed them.

    Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee had all along accused CPM of

    the killing, though Kishanji claimed responsibility for the

    murder. Deepaks statement indicates that no matter how closeone is to the Maoists, their friendship comes at a price.

    Deepak, who is learnt to be handling interrogators with ease,

    answering questions selectively, surprisingly opened up on the

    Nishikanta killing, say sources. We killed him because he was

    a friend turned enemy, he is reported to have said.

    According to police, Nishikanta, a CPM-turned-Trinamool

    leader, was hand in glove with the Maoists during the land

    agitation. Deepak was leading the Maoists there as Gouranga.

    They fought many battles together and Nishikanta earned the

    trust of the Maoists. While leaving Nandigram, the rebels left

    10 sophisticated arms and a huge amount of money in his


    Things started changing after Trinamool swept the 2008

    panchayat elections in Nandigram and neighbouring areas. As

    pradhan of Sonachura panchayat, Nishikanta started distancing

    himself from Maoists, stopped them from expanding their

    network and even blocked their activities in Haripur where the

    rebels want to stir opposition to the proposed nuclear plant,

    Deepak told the police.

    Also, Nishikanta denied any knowledge of the guns and money

    Deepak had left with him. The Maoists waited until the poor

    men in the area got angry with Nishikantas handling of NREGAfunds. The guerrillas started building up a movement along

    with some members of Bhumi Uchchhed Pratirodh Committee

    (BUPC). Deepak then chalked out a plan to kill Nishikanta after

    getting the go-ahead from his seniors, including Kishanji.

  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    The killing sent shockwaves in the Trinamool ranks, especially

    among grassroots activists who had at times come close to

    Maoists while fighting CPM gunmen. So, when Mamata

    Banerjee went hammer and tongs against the Maoists after the

    killing of two partymen in West Midnapore, some Trinamoolactivists in the area chose to quit politics

    fearing a retaliation from the Maoists.

    The Human Rights redfined by our own people

    Naxals shoot 19-year-old girl

    Alok Pandey, Thursday March 4, 2010, Latehar, Jharkhand

    Nineteen-year-old Anju Kumari was shot in the stomach by Naxals.

    The reason - she filed a police case against their leader Pappu Lohraalleging rape and assault.

    Latehar in Jharkhand is a district ravaged by Naxal violence for years.

    Their reign of terror is evident in Anju's case. Before the police could

    make a headway, the Naxals had extracted their revenge.

    ''The girl is in a serious condition. We have referred her to a better

    hospital in Ranchi,'' said Dr Hareshan Mahto, Deputy Superintendent,

    District Hospital, Latehar.

    March 2, Munger: A cop and were civilian beheaded because the

  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    police busted a Naxal camp.

    February 18, Jamui: Eleven villagers killed because Naxals though

    they were police informers.

    March 4, Latehar: And now they have shot Anju.

    From Latehar, the Naxal offer of peace talks and the 72-day ceasefire

    seems just a paper offer, far from the ground reality of these villages

    living in the shadow of everyday violence.

    Teen girl, who alleges rape by Maoist, shot at

    IANS, Mar 5, 2010, 12.04pm IST

    RANCHI: A teenage girl was shot by Maoist rebels in

    Jharkhand's Latehar district for slapping rape charges on a

    Maoist leader, police said Friday. The victim is struggling for life

    in a hospital here.

    Maoist guerrillas shot three bullets into 17-year-old Anju

    Kumari on Thursday. She was injured critically and has been

    admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Rajendra

    Institute of Medical Science (RIMS).

    "Anju sustained three bullets in her stomach. Her condition is

    critical," a doctor said.

    Anju was shot when she was riding her bicycle in an area close

    to Latehar railway station. She was stopped by three

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    motorcycle-borne Maoist rebels including the Maoist

    commander Pappu Lohra, who allegedly pumped three bullets

    into Anju's stomach and then fled, police said.

    According to police, Anju was shot because she was boldenough to lodge a first information report (FIR) against Lohra

    for abducting and raping her.

    "Anju was shot because she dared to raise a voice

    against Maoists. She had lodged an FIR against Pappu

    Lohra. Anju had accused Pappu of raping her for two

    days in a jungle after abducting her," a police official told


    According to local journalists, Maoist rebels alleged it was the

    handiwork of the police to lodge fake rape charges against


    What happens if you walk out on our own people

    HYDERABAD | MAR 18, 2010

    After a lull, the Maoists struck in Andhra Pradesh killing a

    villager even as a Maoist couple surrendered before police


    In Khammam district, Maoists gunned down a person branding

    him as a police informer this evening, they said.

    Three Maoists went to a Grocery shop under Venkatapuram

    Police Station limits and shot dead its owner Shaik Khaja, a

    senior police officer said.

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    One of the Maoists shot Khaja at point blank range killing him

    on the spot. While leaving the place, they left a letter alleging

    that Khaja worked as a police informer, they said.

    Earlier in the day, a Maoist couple Mallesh alias Vinod and his

    wife Chaya alias Kavitha, who were active in Maharashtra,

    surrendered before Warangal District Superintendent of Police

    (SP) Shah Nawaz Qasim.

    Mallesh was Gadchiroli District Division Committee

    member while his wife Chaya was Mahila dalam

    commander of Devuru dalam in Maharashtra. Thecouple worked in Maoists' arms transportation wing and

    travelled to different areas, including Nagpur and

    Nashik, the police officer said.

    They surrendered as they were disillusioned with Naxal

    ideology, the SP said.

    The mafia has that same code- if you walk out on us, you are a dead


    How our own people allege atrcoities

    Friday march 19 2010


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    Midnapore, March 18: Police allegedly fired teargas

    shells this afternoon to disperse about 1,500 Peoples

    Committee Against Police Atrocities activists who were

    marching towards a police outpost at Manikpara in

    West Midnapore to gherao it.

    Villagers said the police also fired four rounds in the

    air, a claim denied by the cops.

    The activists, mostly women, had gathered from

    neighbouring Bandhgora, Salboni and Manikpara gram

    panchayat areas. Many of them were armed with

    sticks, spears, and bows and arrows.

    A resident of Bandhgora village said the procession was

    brought out to protest police torture of villagers. The

    activists also demanded that the joint forces be


    The camp, which has about 100 CRPF and state police

    personnel, had been alerted about the procession.

    On December 10 last year, Maoists, who had mingled

    with committee activists in a procession, had fired at a

    police camp in Salbonis Satpati. A villager was killed

    when the police fired back.

    Today, as soon as we came to know that the villagers

    were approaching, we took position, a police officer


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    When the procession was about 300 metres from the

    outpost, the police lobbed around 10 tear-gas shells.

    A committee activist from Shirshi village alleged that

    police had also fired four rounds in the air. The cops

    also cane-charged the villagers, the activist said.

    Around 10 villagers have been detained. District

    superintendent of police Manoj Verma accused the

    Maoists of forcing the villagers to take out the


    Our liberty under Our own peoples democratic


    NDTV Correspondent, Thursday March 18, 2010, Jamui

    Twelve passengers have been injured in a bomb blastin a mini bus going from Barairpur to Jamui in Bihar on

    Thursday. Police say the bus might have been targeted

    for running during a bandh.

    As soon as the minibus carrying passengers from

    Sangrampur to Jamui reached a petrol pump near

    Lakshmipur, a crude bomb kept in the vehicle went off,

    police sources said.

    The attack they said might be an act of retaliation.

    Naxals had called for a bandh a few days ago, but this

    particular bus continued to ply in that area.

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    Four of the injured people were admitted to Sadar

    hospital here where their condition was stated to be

    critical while others were given first aid at the spot.

    Our own peoples contempt for NGO activism

    A must read for useful idiots and Roys

    Let us discover the utter contempt the Maoists have for the

    likes of NGOs whom they just use to manipulate public opinion

    in favour of their nefarious designs.

    Beyond this usefulness, NGO activists dont seem to carry

    much weight, in that, when they can successfully lobby to stall

    the striking arm of Law, they cant save even a dogs life when

    it comes in the way of the Maoist and quiet literally at that-

    Bombay News.Net

    Tuesday 16th March, 2010 (IANS)

    Maoist guerrillas continue to kill dogs in rural Bihar, ignoring

    the appeal of animal rights organisation People for Ethical

    Treatment of Animals (PETA), police said Tuesday.

    'We have received reports that Maoists continue to kill dogs at

    different places across the state. It appears that Maoists have

    simply ignored PETA's appeal,' a police officer told IANS.

    The officer said the dogs were killed because they barked and

    alerted villagers and security forces of Maoists' movement from

    one place to another.

    'Stray dogs are the best watchdogs for the police. They help

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    alet us,' said another police officer in Gaya district, a Maoist


    Earlier this month, the Indian chapter of US-based organisation

    PETA appealed to the Maoist guerrillas in Bihar, Jharkhand andWest Bengal not to kill dogs.

    In a signed appeal, PETA India senior campaign coordinator

    Nikunj Sharma said: 'Animals have no part in your battle and

    should not be made to suffer in the crossfire.'

    A few years ago, Maoists in Bihar issued a diktat to the

    villagers directing them to poison the dogs as they bark when

    the ultras visit the region, especially at night, alerting the

    security forces.

    So much for Activism to defend human rights-seems not to work

    with Maoists, leave alone the human right to life and liberty, not

    even a dogs life can be saved by your activist efforts.

    While you can imperil the lives of our jawans by putting pressure on

    the democratic mechanism.

    You cant make the Maoists spare even a dog if it comes in the way

    of their objectives.

    How the campaigners ofour own people were paid back?

    Jhargram (WB), Mar 17 (PTI) Suspected Maoists shot dead a

    local CPI-M leader for allegedly spying against the ultras near

    Lalgarh in West Midnapore district.

  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts


    Maoist guerrillas called a local CPI-M leader Tapan Dolui at his

    home at Dherua village and fired from close range late

    yesterday, the police said.

    He died on the spot and the ultras left the body on Dherua-

    Midnapore road.

    Maoist posters accusing Dolui to be a police informer was found

    from the spot, the police said.

    It should be remembered that the Leftists were always against anyeffective measures against Naxals and Maoists.

    They treated them with a kid glove and were the original writers of

    this script- our own people.

    What is in store for the peasant and the Poor labourer?

    Simdega (Jharkhand), Mar 19 (PTI) A supervisor and three

    labourers engaged in construction of a dam were

    abducted by the Naxalites of a breakaway faction in

    Simdega district.

    Superintendent of police Durga Oraon said the supervisor and

    labourers were forcibly taken away from Dobhaya village lastnight, where they were building Ramrekha dam, by 15 to 20

    actvists suspected to be members of Mangal Nagesia group.

    The group has recently separated from People's Liberation

    Front of India (PLFI).

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    After the abduction, the ultras escaped in a pick-up van of the

    private firm, which is constructing the dam, towards

    Chattisgarh border, sub divisional police officer Varun Kumar


    The ultras beat up two labourers of the company

    demanding levy, he said adding the naxals also took away

    rupees five lakh, a double-barrel gun and 18 mobile phones

    belonging to the employees.

    Recruiting child soldiers for the Peoples war

    Published on : Wednesday 17 Feb 2010 11:33 - by Sujeet


    Dornapal (Chhattisgarh), Feb 17 : By bombing hundreds of

    schools since 2005, Maoist militants have taken a heavy toll oneducation in Chhattisgarh, officials say.

    "Education and children's life have been severely hit in Bastar's

    interiors, militancy has virtually destroyed school education in

    vast areas where schools were either blown up or a majority of

    teachers refused to attend schools due to risks to their lives,"

    Raja Toram, a teacher based in this small town in Dantewada

    district, some 500 km south of capital Raipur, told IANS.

    The mineral-rich Bastar region spread over about 40,000 sq km

    in the south of the state has witnessed over 1,500 casualties in

    Maoist violence since 2005 and at least 440 school buildings

    have been bombed by Maoist rebels after the government

    started to use the buildings as temporary shelters for

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    Officials estimate that Maoist militancy has denied at least

    100,000 children access to primary education since 2005 in

    Bastar, especially after a government-backed controversial civilmilitia movement, Salwa Judum, started against the guerrillas

    in June 2005.

    Bastar -- termed the nerve centre of Maoist militancy in India -

    - has five districts, Bastar, Dantewada, Bijapur, Narayanpur

    and Kanker. After the birth of Salwa Judum, a large number of

    troopers occupied the school buildings for anti-Maoist drives

    and the rebels retaliated by targeting schools.

    School teacher Toram said that Maoists were making the most

    ofchildren's lack of access to education by forcibly recruitinginto their ranks those who had dropped out. The outlawed

    Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) has a children's

    unit called Bal Sangham.

    Dantewada district Superintendent of Police Amresh Mishra

    said: "Militancy has surely affected education. Dozens of

    schools based in forest areas were blown off by militants

    though schools that come under the 'war zone' are being

    relocated to Salwa Judum base camps or areas where schools

    can be protected by forces. But attendance has dropped


    Om Prakash, sub-divisional police officer at Dornapal -- an area

    which witnessed a string of deadly attacks by Maoists since

    2005 -- remarked: "Children's life and their education have

    been really the worst hit since 2005; the primary school

    students are not enjoying education at relief camps under

    security cover as they earlier were in their villages."

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    He added: "The whole educational system in interiors has been

    devastated; Maoists are taking advantage of the situation and

    persuading parents to send their kids to Bal Sangham for which

    recruitment age starts at six."

    The NGO Human Rights Watch released a book in July 2008,

    titled "Being Neutral Is Our Biggest Crime". It had two chapters

    - one called "Recruitment and Use of Children" and the other

    "Impact of the Conflict on Education".

    The book says: "Naxalites (Maoists) usually enlist children

    between ages six and 12 into Bal Sanghams, the village level

    children's association where children learn Maoist ideology.

    Most children who are part of Bal Sanghams also work as

    informers and are trained in the use of non-lethal weapons

    such as sticks..."

    "In some cases, Naxalites approach parents and pressure them

    to send their children to join the 'people's war'. In other cases,

    Naxalites visit schools and ask children to join them."

    Quoting a former Maoist leader, Subha Atish, the book said:"They go to school and ask children to join a dalam (unit). This

    has happened in the Jagargonda area."

    Jagargonda, in Dantewada district, is near Dornapal, where the

    state's most populous Salwa Judum camp houses over 10,000

    residents who have fled their villages, plus a Central Reserve

    Police Force company to guard them.

    Authorities deny that the presence of troopers is affecting

    studies. "At present, there are security forces staying in around

    40 schools. Of them, 18 are schools where classes are going on

    at the same time. The other 22 are school buildings that had

    already been damaged after being bombed by Maoists and no

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    Is the hostility of the Maoists towards the State and its

    security agencies, the organisations and individuals, arise out

    of real issues and genuine grievances or put simply facts onthe ground that warrant such irrecoincilable enemity, save

    under such terms set by the Maoists ?

    Or such a hostility issue out of a confirmed and implaccable

    faith on a said doctrine of Marx and Engles, and elaborated by

    luminaries like Lenin and worthies like Mao, who advocated

    such intangible conflict of interest that are permanent and

    inherent under any dispensation except under the idealScientific Socialist State and can be resolved successfully and

    permanently under the guidance of the Communist

    Proleterain Dictatorship ushered in by the Marxist Leninist


    In other words- does this hostility not an invention of the

    Communist long before even the current generation of forest

    dwellers wrere born?

    So what has it got to do with what the government did or did

    not do?

    Is it not a doctrine of permanent war till resolution under the

    aegis of the Marxists ?

    So what happens to all your accusation of the Indian

    Government and States declaration of war?

    Further, what happened to the people who so got misguided

    or were unfortunate enough to be made a field of experiment

    as the renegade Dictator much like Julian the Apostate

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    renounced the Communist Orthodoxy and eventually lead to

    historys most spectacular and stunning collapse and failure?

    Were they not full of labor camps and mass killings and

    deporations of entire populaces ?We have not yet heard a word about that from Roys, for

    whom this part of history never seem to have happened, or

    frozen in that part of a dysfunctional brain?

    Let us take a peep into that dark chapter of human history-

    The death count runs into Millions.

    o People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong's

    regime (1949-1975): 40 000 000


    o Agence France Press (25 Sept. 1999) citing at length from

    Courtois, Stephane, Le Livre Noir du Communism:

    Rural purges, 1946-49: 2-5 Million deaths

    Urban purges, 1950-57: 1 Million

    Great Leap Forward: 20-43 Million

    Cultural Revolution: 2-7 Million

    Labor Camps: 20 Million

    Tibet: 0.6-1.2 Million

    TOTAL: 44.5 to 72 Millions

    That is the Utopia that our human rights activist wants our

    Peasantry and Proletariat to reach under Maoist lead.

    o Jasper Becker, Hungry Ghosts : Mao's Secret Famine


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    Estimates of the death toll from the Great Leap

    Forward, 1959-61:

    Judith Banister, China's Changing Population

    (1984): 30M excess deaths (acc2 Becker: "the

    most reliable estimate we have") Wang Weizhi, Contemporary Chinese

    Population (1988): 19.5M deaths

    Jin Hui (1993): 40M population loss due to

    "abnormal deaths and reduced births"

    Chen Yizi of the System Reform Inst.: 43-46M


    o Brzezinski:

    Forcible collectivization: 27 million peasants Cultural Revolution: 1-2 million

    TOTAL: 29 million deaths under Mao

    o Daniel Chirot:

    Land reform, 1949-56

    According to Zhou Enlai: 830,000

    According to Mao Zedong: 2-3M

    Great Leap Forward: 20-40 million deaths.

    Cultural Revolution: 1-20 million

    o Jung Chang, Mao: the Unknown Story(2005)

    Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries, 1950-51: 3M

    by execution, mob or suicide

    Three-Anti Campaign, 1952-53: 200,000-300,000


    Great Leap Forward, 1958-61: 38M of starvation and


    Cultural Revolution, 1966-76: > 3M died violent

    deaths Laogai camp deaths, 1949-76: 27M

    TOTAL under Mao: 70M

    o Dictionary of 20CWorldHistory: around a half million died

    in Cultural Rev.

    o Eckhardt:

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    Govt executes landlords (1950-51): 1,000,000

    Cultural Revolution (1967-68): 50,000

    o Gilbert:

    1958-61 Famine: 30 million deaths.

    o Kurt Glaser and Stephan Possony, Victims of Politics(1979):

    They estimate the body count under Mao to be

    38,000,000 to 67,000,000.

    Cited by G & P:

    Walker Report (see below): 44.3M to 63.8M


    The Government Information Office of Taiwan

    (18 Sept. 1970): 37M deaths in the PRC. A Radio Moscow report (7 Apr. 1969): 26.4M

    people had been exterminated in China.

    (NOTE: Obviously the Soviets and Taiwanese

    would, as enemies, be strongly motivated to


    o Guinness Book ofWorld Records:

    Although nowadays they don't come right out and

    declare Mao to be the Top Dog in the Mass Killings

    category, earlier editions (such as 1978) did, and

    they cited sources which are similar, but not

    identical, to the Glaser & Possony sources:

    On 7 Apr. 1969 the Soviet government radio

    reported that 26,300,000 people were killed in

    China, 1949-65.

    In April 1971 the cabinet of the government of

    Taiwan reported 39,940,000 deaths for the

    years 1949-69. The Walker Report (see below): between

    32,2500,000 and 61,700,000.

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    The Maoist use of the Class conflict to solve political and

    economic problems is not new. The Maoist or for that matter

    all Communists have long since followed a policy of

    extermination against counter revolutionaries.

    But each time the counter revolution and democratic forces

    have come back stronger and better organised as it is not the

    people or any ideology but the human spirit under attack

    and this spirit of Truth-of freedom and liberty cannot be

    wiped out by attacking the tribals, the Policeman and the

    paratrooper, and the unarmed civilian, in the name of

    defeating the enemies of the working Class.

    The abject lesson is there for all to see, the land of Mao taking

    the Free Market road though clinging to its State oppression

    under the Red flag, - for it knows that cannot have a free run

    without the Communist flag-Communism, State Oppression,

    ruthless and genocidal extermination, and failing of which,

    the stifling of the individual and his exploitation as cheap

    labour in the sweat factories to swell the coffers of the Party

    Heads cannot be coerced smoothly without the bruteCommunist regime in place.

    While, there is no sign of any life about the corpse that

    inspired it- left to rot in the debris of the Communist edifice

    of Soviet union that collapsed two decades ago.

    While brain dead perverts like Roys, endeavour to see itsresurrection and reign in our land that escaped mostly its

    influence, through promoting this utterly depraved

    enterprise, among the most unfortunate and poorest of souls,

    while enjoying the good life among the elitist world that

    knows not their pain nor anguish nor have any need for

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    neither- truth nor freedom, save the twisted and tortured half

    truth at the service of Falsehood- and the freedom to spread

    Darkness as a hobby, and watch the blood and gore unroll

    which excites the senses like no snuff movie would.

    For all this so far removed, it could be watched like a surreal

    movie, and orchestrated from that distanced elite world of

    this Vulture Culture.

    Vulture Culture and their pernicious influencing ofPolicy

    Does the lot that parade around as the self appointed

    sentinel and activist of human rights for a minute

    seriously expect us to belive that they exert any such

    influence over the thought of Anti-National cultheads

    or could in same such way shape the course of

    diabolical and bloody acts perpetrated by its

    footsoldiers upon the fellow citizens ?

    The way they could influence through exercise of

    rights- to associate and disseminate ideas however

    injurious or critical to the Government, its Securityagencies, their lives and the common mans safety,

    with impunity under fancied notions of liberal

    utopianisms, could do so regarding the Maoists?

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    Instead a specious conspiracy of State-Corporate

    nexus against tribals is advanced and elaborated freely,

    with no threat of bodily injury or danger to their lives.

    While any such highly critical and ingenious conspiracy

    theories cannot be yarned out in those barbarous

    strongholds where the Maoist thugs run the defacto

    government terrorising the Tribals and the rural poor?

    Are there no possibility of a Chinese State-Corporate

    conspiracy to foment unrest in India, and break her up,

    and can Arundhati Roys have the guts to voice it

    eagerly from Maoist heartlands?

    Instead she struts around as though she were a valiant

    champion of rights and liberty, gleefully wishing that

    this State wither away to dust, even as she enjoys herliberties to voice this extreme dissent against the

    Nation -that very idea itself frowns upon with

    contempt, her Laws and her endeavour to secure the

    lives of her citizens and their liberty- pulling a face.

    Dont we all know she stands in no great danger in this

    vilification of this great nation and her democratic

    instituitions even while misusing these privileges to

    destroy these very values, while rallying to the defense

    and strengthening of every force and organistaion that

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    is avowed to the singular idea of imposing its unique

    political doctrine by the use of force ?

    She does all this while always carefully staying in the

    good books of every enemy of the Nation, its State,

    and its public, and the champion of the rights of the

    predator of the unarmed man respectful of the very

    same Law, under which she hides and works tirelessly

    to break up.

    Who is the moron here, the one who believes by

    destroying this howsoever much maligned and flawed

    democratic nation and her State that upholds to

    whatever appearance the rule of the Law, the freedom

    to freely voice dissent and work freely to bring through

    whatever political or social vision the positive change,

    or the likes of you who uphold the right of every

    enemy of freedom who seeks to impose his unique and

    toteletarian utopian regime, that meets dissent to this

    idea with death and does violence freely to those

    whom it deems as inimical to its priscriptions?

    Who is the moron, the one who sees your selectivetargeting of amenable and benign organisations who at

    best ignore your diatribe, or stomach its consequences

    with that very same despicable democratic spirit of the

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    and altruism- to let loose anarchy and chaos, and the

    collapse of thepracticaland the easy ushering in

    exchange of the patently tried andfailed impractical.

    The Kashmirs annexation with theocratic Pakistan that

    can work no more than East Pakistan did and so can

    only end up the same rut, which is what is the Afsal

    Gurus are all about, or else the Tribals held hostage by

    an ideology that failed as vastly as its Soviet Empire,

    and are being Long Marched to experience theperverse and barbarous ways of its demon idol, first

    hand instead of reading it from the library, who are the

    likes whose cause is yours.

    The lives and liberties of the already dispossessed are

    curiously made out to be better in the undisturbed

    custody of such maniacal misfits and intellectual

    bankrupts, that the States sacred obligation of

    removal of this coercion of the armed outfits is

    resented and sought to be defeated- through the

    threat of infamy- their offices employing all their

    energies- to frustrate its efforts by bringing upon it the

    unfavourable opinion of its most legitimate actions, as

    gross violations of human rights, and depriving thereby

    the tribal an equal access to this very environment, and

    rights that seem to exist- for how else are vultures such

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    as Arundathis could safely lambast the Government

    and scoff at the Supreme Court and keep freely airing

    her hostile views none of which the tribal under the

    Maoist gunsight can dream of doing with his Maoist

    liberators and his peoples courts?

    It is high time we realise the perfidy of this vulture

    culture that seeks to perpetuate the hold of the

    ruthless Maoist and the bomb laying drone on the trot

    after Jihadi paradise.

    For, it is not the fearless voice of the liberator-

    It is the cry of the Vultures circling above the littered

    corpses of the victims of the predators of a free


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  • 8/9/2019 War on Terror study 3-Vulture Culture-Ultra Leftist Terror Fronts



    Naxal Terror Watch




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    Dailies New Indian Express

