warnings, punishments, & judgments

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  • 8/13/2019 Warnings, Punishments, & Judgments


    24-Hour Houses of Prayer






  • 8/13/2019 Warnings, Punishments, & Judgments


  • 8/13/2019 Warnings, Punishments, & Judgments


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    AND TURN TO GODby Prophet Vincent Selvakumar

    April 11, 2013, 24th

    NPG, Cuneta Astrodome

    THE NATION, CHURCH MUST REPENT AND TURN TOWARDS GOD . The churches must turn towards the ways

    of God. In whatever way the church is, so is the nation. A nations blessings and curses are in the hands of the

    believers. God has kept good blessings for the Philippines, but we need to cooperate with Him. If you dont

    and go away from the ways of God, and do not mend your ways, your way will be very disastrous. There willbe no one to save the Philippines.

    If you dont repent and pray God has planned much destruction all over the Philippines which are

    very disastrous

    If you dont repent and pray God has planned much destruction all over the Philippines which are very

    disastrous. The cup of Gods wrath over the Philippines is very verydisastrous. There will be much disaster all

    over the land. The Lord will give you over to flood and waters. The Lord will torture your land with typhoons

    and hurricanes. The Lord will plague the land with diseases. The Lord will punish your land with famine and


    Your sins are very grievous

    YOUR SINS ARE VERY GRIEVOUS. The Lord is waiting graciously for your repentance. The Lord is waiting for

    you to repent. Your sins are reaching up high to heaven. The sins of blood are being shed on your streets.

    Therefore the Lord is also very angry towards the nation. The Lord is also waiting to execute His judgments

    because of His righteousness. The Lord has kept a short time for your repentance.


    If you will be callous about repentance, a great disaster will come upon this nation

    If you will be callous about repentance, a great disaster will come upon this nation. The typhoons and the

    hurricanes and the sea waves are waiting to come and crush the land.

    There is a place called MINDANAO, and below that strait is a place called Compostela. The Lord saidthat there is an appointed typhoon to come upon that area. It will surround a place called Tagum.

    Then the foundations will be shaken; many people will die. It will be a big lesson and a fear to the rest

    of the world. A huge number of people will be scattered. You may have to depend on the nations of

    the world to help you.

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    The Lord has kept in reserve for a mighty typhoon to rise up against 6 lands. Gods anger will come upon the islands of SAMAR and LEYTE. A huge typhoon is planned to come over

    there. There will be disasters through flood.

    The Lord showed me a place called PALAWAN; a great flood and a great typhoon will come uponPalawan. Many people will die there. A great grievous death is coming to Palawan.

    There are hundreds of places waiting to be flooded in the Philippines. There are the smell of waters inmany places in your land. The Lord says death is coming by waters.

    Grievous death is going to come to MINDANAO.The Lord is going to pour His bowl of wrath upon these places.

    There is a smell of waters in many places in your land. Many people will be drowned. Maybe you havefaced many times such dangers, but these coming dangers will be great in the eyes of the world.

    Hundreds and thousands of people will be scattered. Many houses will be ravaged. Many people will be refugees in their own land. A very pitiful state will come upon you when you will have to depend on other people to help you. Children will die of hunger, of pain and of waters. Many childrens bodies will be thrown in the streets. Many areas will become muddy and swampy. Many great dangers will surround your nation. The Lord says your rivers will come upon the land. The Lord says there is a place called PANGASINAN. The Lord says it is in the northernmost part in your

    land. From there a grievous disease will spread all over the world. That will consume the flesh of men;

    all their upper (outer) skin will begin to decay. It will pierce through the bones. The fear of this

    disease will spread all over the world. The Lord said that this (disease) will begin from the Philippines.

    This will then spread to CEBU. Another new disease will spring forth from Cebu. The Lord said another disease will come from BOHOL. It will be a challenge to your nation. This

    disease will spread very wildly so that every people will fear. It will spread all over the land, and then it

    will spread into many nations of the world. When this disease strikes a man, it will cause the mans

    body to turn black. Many old peoples bodies will burst. Their bodies will decay and rot. People will

    be afraid to bury such people. The Lord said that such plagues will come to surround your land.

    Theres going to come mighty floods in LUZON and CEBU. It will come as a result of the winds and thewaters. All these dangers will come that history has never seen before.

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    All your irrigatable lands will be destroyed. At that time youll stretch forth your begging hands forfood from other nations. Your children are going to die of famine and hunger.

    70 islands of your nation are waiting to disappear under water. The waters will rise up against them.The shouts and the cries of the people will be terrible.

    The waters around the COASTAL CITIES will pass the coastal cities and enter into the land. Manypeople will lose their property; many people will fade away in sunlight and land.

    Earthquakes will come in your land. Volcanoes will erupt in many places. There will be cries and troubles in the land.

    These are all the grievous dangers that God has against your land.

    Your young people will become captive. The hunters and the captors will increase in your land. Wicked people will walk on the streets in your land. They will kill many people in broad daylight and

    throw their bodies in the streets.

    There will even come a dangerous time when people will kill each other for food. The Lord says many buildings will catch fire. God will set many buildings with fire and shakenings. God will cause dangers to come through lightnings and thunders.

    These are all the dangers, disasters that God has planned for this nation.

    Consider Me during these days of grace


    If you will consider Me during these days of grace, if you will turn your ways and repent towards Me, if you will

    rise up from the sleep of callousness, nothing of this danger will come upon your land. I will bind them; I will

    turn the winds away; I will scatter the diseases; I will cause your irrigation land to be fertile; I will cause a

    hundred-fold harvest in your fruits.

    Therefore My beloved nation, these days of grace that I have given to you, it is important for you to make aquick decision. These are the good things I have kept for your land. You must choose between the good things

    I have kept for you or the wrath that I have kept for you. I have given a short time for you. I am calling the

    churches to repent.

    O Philippines, O Philippines, I have stretched forth My wings and Im waiting for you. As a hen will gather his

    chickens, I am waiting to hide you under My wings. If you pay heed to My voice, I will cause rains of goodness

    to come upon you. There will be help in His raindrops; your nation will be blessed in the eyes of the world. You

    will bear My words to the rest of the world; you will be called by My Name as My people. I will bear you up by

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    My hand; I will lift up your young people.

    Therefore, remember these days that I have given to you. How long must I continually speak to you? O My

    ministers, how many times must I tell you to repent? Repent towards Me. There is grace and peace with Me. I

    am calling you to bind your wounds; Im calling you to lift you up; Im calling you to protect you from the

    dangers to come. Even because of that, Ive come with burden in this place.

    I see the Lord standing in your midst. Hes wearing a long robe with yellow, white color. His beard and

    moustache are like the color of grapes. There is some kind of sadness in His eyes. Hes standing before you

    with two outstretched hands, Oh My beloved nation, how can I see your destruction? How can I see your flesh

    being consumed? How can I see your children begging for bread? If you will be careless (callous) to pay heed

    to the blessings I have for you, just think for a moment who else is in this world to save you? Which nation shall

    weep for you? Which nation will share bread with you? Which nation will open its doors for you? There is


    Therefore I desire that today you will repent. Im standing in your midst. O Church listen to My voice, enough,

    enough of bandelling in the affairs of the world, enough of running after useless things, enough of wasting your

    precious time and strength on needless things. I have forgotten the days of your ignorance, but now I expect

    you to know. Therefore nation, I have sent My prophets in your midst. It is I Who spoke through them; it is notthe voice of a man. It is My message that I will give.

    Therefore Churches, all you people who shepherd the flock, today is the day of salvation; today is the day of

    salvation. Oh, you do not close your doors. Turn away from your wicked ways; know that the Lord is God. Only

    then you shall be saved. Your nation shall be saved. Your people will be saved. I, the Lord, am not carelessly

    talking to you.

    If wicked things will begin to pass upon your land, it will be talked about to the uttermost part of the world. As

    the famine came upon Somalia, as plagues came upon many nations in Africa, as the whole world saw that and

    wept for them, the whole world will sorrow over the wicked things that will come upon this land.

    But you are wise, you will know how to escape from all these when the day comes. You will inherit all the good

    blessings I have for you. I am speaking to you knowing that you are a wise person. The Lord says, I am

    standing near you.

    I am able to see the Lord. I am able to see the Presence of the Lord hovering in our midst. Im able to see

    angels walking in our midst. Many angels have come down; the Presence of the Lord has come down. Even

    though I close or open my eyes, Im able to see that. The angels are 1 times taller than you. They are

    standing on my right and my left and are standing all over this auditorium. Im able to see more than hundreds

    of angels. The Lord is standing near you. His hands are stretched towards you. His eyes are looking at you and

    your heart.

    The Lord asks, This is a time appointed for you; this is an opportunity appointed for you. The Lord is speaking

    to every person in this place. Come to Me, talk to Me. What do you want Me to do for you? Before the bowl

    of wrath will be poured out, before My righteousness and judgment shall be executed in the land, behold come

    and hide under My wings. The Lord looks at me and says, He turns and looks at me and He says, My son, ask

    My people to talk to Me, you keep quiet; for a few minutes let them talk to Me. Let them tear their hearts and

    commit themselves to Me. Let there arise from them tears and mourning like the tears and mournings in the

    house of a dead person. I am willing to be moved with compassion for them.

    I want to touch many; I want to touch many church leaders; I want to touch the small and big pastors; I want to

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    touch the young people. But let them speak to Me; they must commit their heart to Me; they must repent

    today, right now. The Lord says, This is your time now. Speak to your God; whatever you like, you speak to

    Him. Dont hide your sins and repent. Confess the sins of your churches; confess your carelessness


    [Prayer of Bro. Vincent] Lord, please take our prayers. We dont want these disasters. We dont want these

    diseases. We dont want plagues or deaths. We dont want famine..

    The eyes of the Lord are upon you. He is seeking for those WHO WILL WEEP FOR THE LAND. Is there anyone

    who will stand in the gap? The Lord is looking at you. Open your mouth and pray. [prayers of people not

    passionate enough] This will not change, My beloved. Sin is very grievous in the land; YOU MUST CRY AND

    WEEP; this is not enough. Just like a mother will weep when a child is about to die, let your tears flow like

    rivers[prayers, crying of the people] Lord, we dont want these destructions.

    I see bowls of censers in the hands of the angels. They are round and silver. Theyre walking in your midst;

    they are hovering in your midst. I am seeing them with my eyes. YOU MUST CRY THE MORE till you see the

    mercy of God; dont give upTEAR YOUR HEART UNTO THE LORD; tear, pour your heart unto the Lord. Have

    mercy O Lord. God, save the Philippines. God, have mercy on the Philippines. O weep and mourn like a

    mother who has lost a child; weep like a wife who has lost her husband. If the nation perish, where will yougo? If you lose the great blessings that God has prepared for you, what a pity you are.

    [Message in tongues by Bro. Vincent] REPENT, O Bride, repent! My Bride, repent. You select husbands for

    yourselves. You selected different husbands for yourselves. You committed adultery before My eyes. You went

    after lustful men. Therefore My people, I, your Bridegroom is waiting to receive you back to Myself, O My

    Bride. I am willing to wash away all your shame. I desire that even from now onwards, you will be faithful to

    your Bridegroom. If you will do that, you shall live, says the Lord. If you will go after other lovers, they will strip

    you naked; they will strip you of all your clothes; they will remove all your ornaments; they will make you lie on

    the street naked. You will be like a prostitute, and like a prostitute for sale. Your eyes will be sunken. Your skin

    will sag. All your beauty will be turned into corruption; that everyone who likes at you will scorn at you. O My

    Bride, I am not willing that you be shameful. One more time, Im asking you to repent; Im calling you torepent; Im calling you to come back to your beauty; Im calling you to return back to your place. The Lord says,

    Behold, I am your Bridegroom. CRY FOR YOUR SINS. GIVE YOUR TEARS AS YOUR OFFERING. Look at the

    company of angels who have come down. They have bottles of tears in their hands. O Philippine nation, let

    your tears be offered as offering into the bottles. The angles have come to bring them to heaven, your tears

    and your prayers and your mourning. Truly, truly I say unto you, it will protect your nation. Open your mouth,

    and cry out loud for your sins. Put away your shame, turn away from your wicked ways.

    O MY YOUNG GENERATION, there are many wonderful plans I have for you. But you have set your heart on

    useless things. You are turning your eyes to imaginative pictures. Youre selling your body to sin; you are

    selecting for yourself unclean things. O young generation, let your feet now turn, inherit the blessings I have for

    you in this nation, this very nation.

    I will raise up 7 prominent ministers; I will raise up 5 prominent prophets. The 7 ministers I will raise up, the 4

    persons will become world-renowned; they will lift up the name of your nation among the people. I will use

    them to teach the world many things. These are the good blessings that I have for your nation. I desire to fulfil


    Tear the veil of your hearts, unturn those stones, let the body of Lazarus come forth, let this binding be

    unbound. Let the dead rise up; let the dead churches rise up; let the dead believers rise up. TIME WILL DELAY

    NO LONGER. This is the right time for you to repent. I am not speaking to you in a callous (careless) manner.

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    MADE. Based on the decisions you will make, the future of your nation will rest upon it. The Lord says this to

    you, I am the Lord who calls you.

    I see the presence of the Lord like a CONSUMING FIRE. The Lords presence is filling this place. The Lord wants

    to touch His people, the young people. The Lord wants to sanctify the young people; the Lord wants to give

    His power to the young people.

    The Lord tells me, I want you to pray for the young people for a moment . We are going to commit them to

    the hands of the Lord and pray. [Bro. Sadhu and the congregation pray for the young peopleO our gracious

    Father, we lift up our young sons and daughtersplease forgive them for their sins.their eyes are being used

    to commit sinfor the sins of their mouth; their mouths that should be praising You are singing worldly

    songstheir bodies that should be the temple of the Holy Ghost has become the temple of prostitutes.

    Forgive them O Father, for You have promised that You will raise up our young generation. You have promised

    that in the last days Your Spirit will come upon our sons and daughtersSend forth Your cleansing; forgive

    them for their wicked ways. Let Your waters be upon them. Let their souls be cleansed; let their bodies be

    washed. Sprinkle Your blood upon them, Lord. Lord, we stand in the gap and give account on behalf of our

    sons and daughters. We commit them into Your hands O Lord our God as the last days Army. Lord, put Your

    seal upon them. From this day onwards they will not walk upon the ways of the world, not use their hands forevil ways but they will bear the sword of the Lord for You Lord, that their bodies will become the temple of the

    Living God, that their eyes will become like the eyes of the Lion of Judah. Crown their head Lord, that their

    head will look like the head of the Lion of Judah. Make them Lord as Your fiery Army. In the Name of the Lord

    Jesus, we commit them into Your holy hands. Amen.]

    The words that God spoke is not to discourage you; it is for us TO BE CAREFUL

    The words that God spoke is not to discourage you; it is for us TO BE CAREFUL. If we begin to seek the ways of

    God, He has kept big blessings for us. If we go away from the ways of God, He has kept for us great disasters.

    God said that you are wise people; you are prudent people; you will QUICKLY SELECT GOOD THINGS.

    The next time when we come to this land, we want to rejoice and see all the good blessings that will take place

    in this land. We want to see the big blessings of God come completely upon the 7 cities and magnify the Lord.

    We are simple people; because we cried the Lord came down in our midst, His angels came down to collect

    our tears in silver bottles. Just consider how great a love God has for us. We are going to praise God for His

    goodness and mercy He has extended to us. HOW GREAT THOU ART!

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    VINCENT SELVAKUMARApril 12, 2013, Cuneta Astrodome


    God has specific blessings for each nation

    Gods planned blessings for the Philippines

    But when this nation begins to go astray from God, God will bring great wrath and judgment upon

    this nation

    God is showing two paths for the Philippines, just like for the Israelites; He is calling us to

    repentance and to turn back to Him


    1) The first thing that we need to do: WE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR NATION ANDPRAY.

    Therefore you must raise up 2 kinds of Prayer groups:

    a) You should stand in the gap, weep and pray day and night so that the judgments will notcome upon the land.

    b) You must raise up the 2ndPrayer Group. that prayer group should pray that the peopleshall inherit the promises of God.



    d) YOU MUST SHOW THEM WAYS TO ESCAPE FROM THE WRATH TO COME;M give counsel tothose who will repent

    Bring all these to your nation

    Whatever God says will happen, only believe

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    April 12, 2013, Cuneta Astrodome

    Today we are going to say some very important things. Yesterday the Lord spoke to us veryclearly. The Lord has two thoughts concerning every nation. When He gathered the Israelites togetherand formed them as a nation, He revealed to them His two thoughts and His two plans. He revealed tothem the blessings they shall get if they would walk with God with a perfect heart. He also showed tothem the dangers that would come upon them if they walk away from God. Therefore you should seekGod when you should seek Him.

    God has specific blessings for each nation

    God has specific plans for each nation. We must not think that the blessings God has for Israel are thesame blessings He has for the Philippines. God has specific blessings for the Philippines. God loves theborders of the Philippines. He is very compassionate towards the Philippines to do good for her. He hasrevealed His good plans for you. He also revealed to us that He is going to cause you to prosperabundantly in the spiritual life. The Lord has given the promise that through you it will be carried to allover the world. He has promised that the last days anointing will come upon this nation completely.And for that purpose, for His glory to be manifested He has chosen 7 cities; not only the 7 cities, but Hebegins in the 7 cities and from there it will spread all over the nation. Please do not be mistaken that Godloves only the 7 cities. He will begin His glorious work from the 7 cities. From there the glory, the fireand the power of God will spread all over the nation.

    Gods planned blessings for the Philippines

    The blessings that God has for your nation are very glorious and wonderful.

    He is going to raise up a Prophetic Generation. Your young people will rise up as prophets;your churches will become prophetic churches; your children will prophesy.

    Your ministers will become renowned ministers and will do renowned works around theworld.

    The Lord will sanctify the foundations of your churches. He will fill your land with good things. God will raise up mighty men who will demonstrate the power of God. A Prophetic Anointing will cover the whole land. The last days evangelistic message will go all over the world through you.

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    The last days angels will manifest themselves continually to you, ascending and descending inthis nation.

    Gods counsels will continually come upon this land. God will continually meet His people. There will be signs that will appear in the skies above this nation. The Lord will tangibly speak to this nation. Even during your church services He will

    tangibly and audibly hear the voice of God.

    God will show you changes in the natural order. God will speak to you through signs in the heavens. A huge group of people will tangibly see angels coming down in the heavens. God will bring, command a Revival upon children. Wherever the children gather, God willsuddenly manifest His power. Many children will be taken in the spirit to heaven and see

    glorious things.

    A mighty Revival will come upon your nation, and it will be a sign to other nations.These are all the spiritual blessings that God is going to give you.

    And He has kept many PHYSICAL BLESSINGS for you.

    God will prevent the many natural disasters that come upon your land. God will establish thefoundation of your nation. God will give command to the winds and the seas and bind them.

    He will look at the waves that come roaring and say, Thus far you can come, but not farther.He will establish all the lands foundations.

    God will enlarge your irrigation. God will increase your harvest. God will lift up your economy. All the hidden treasures that are under your feet that you do not know yet, God will bring

    them to the forefront.

    The many people who have overseas to work will now come back to your own land. Many people will develop industries and companies in this land. Many wealthy industrialists

    will come to the Philippines and will begin to open up new industries.

    You will give work to many people from abroad. God will increase the economic situation of the country.

    These are all the physical blessings that God has kept in store for you.

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    And He has promised us a third blessing, the work of your hands.

    Everything of the work of your hands will be prosperous. There is a word in the Word ofGod that talks about Isaac. There was famine all around him. There was no rains, and theland dried up. Every irrigatable lands became dried. But in the midst of famine, Isaac sowed.God blessed his seed. In that year he reaped a hundred-fold harvest. How is it possible?

    How could it be done? There was no rain, the rivers were not flowing, even all the land havebeen dried up. In what faith he sowed in the land? How did the seeds grow? That is theseed of the people of God. We do not trust the rains and sow. We do not sow just on dryland. We believe on God who gives the harvest. Therefore we shall receive a hundred-foldharvest. We dont need the rain. We do not need a good irrigatable land. We just need aGod who blesses us. God will bless the works of your hands. Whatever you sow will beprosperous. The business that you do will be prosperous. God will not cause any dryness tocome to the works of your hands.

    Many inventors will rise up from your land. God will use your wisdom and intelligence.

    These are all the good thoughts that God has for your land. God says that whenever you obey Him,you will inherit all these blessings. God is a God who is not a respecter of persons over this land.

    But when this nation begins to go astray from God, God will bring great wrath and judgment upon

    this nation

    But at the same time, He is a righteous judge. But when this nation forgets the word of God, whenthis nation begins to go astray from God, if they are not careful to inherit what God has promised, if theycommit their flesh to corruption and commit their blood to adultery, God will bring great wrath and

    judgment upon this nation. Many dangerous things will come upon the land. Just like when how theblessings come and the world talks you, likewise when the curses come upon the land it will also be talkedabout abroad.

    God will shake the foundations of the land. God will cause a famine to come to your irrigatable land. He will cause the land to be


    Wicked people will rise up in the land. Crying and moaning will rise up from the land. 3 kinds of worst diseases will come upon the land. It will begin in the Philippines and spread

    all over the world. Everybody in the world will be afraid of this disease. The flesh of menwill corrupt and decay and rot within him. The bones will dash against each other and willrot. Boils will come on the skin and will rot. The eyes will be sunken and rot. God will causeblindness to come upon the land because of all these.

    God will pull down the economy of the land to the very bottom. Because of the natural disasters that come upon the land, a situation will arise where you will

    have to look to the foreign nations for help. God will give command for the winds and the

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    seas to come over the land. God will pull down many islands. Their cries and mournings willbe great. Many dead bodies will lie on the streets. Hundreds of places will be flooded withwaters. Hundreds and thousands of people will die and their bodies will be thrown on thestreets.

    God is going to cause a very frightening thing to come upon SAMAR and LEYTE. Last night,the Lord revealed to us many things by prophecy. Many evil things have been put there to

    come upon the land.

    But God says, Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of reckoning. But if today you will choosethe good things for your land, your land will be blessed. All the promises that God made for you, you willinherit them.

    God is showing two paths for the Philippines, just like for the Israelites; He is calling us to

    repentance and to turn back to Him

    God has shown us two paths. God gathered the Israelites together and shared to them the samethings in the first manner. But they Israelites did not seek God. They went astray, far away from God.

    They sinned in their hearts. Then God began to pour judgments upon the land. It was a called nation. Itis a nation that God said, They are My own people. It is a nation that the Lord came down Himself and ledthem. For 40 years the Lords presence was there like a pillar of fir and a pillar of cloud by day and dweltamong them. It was a land fed by God with manna that angels ate. He protected the land through signsand wonders.

    But when the nation that God loves sinned against Him, He did not turn away from Hisrighteousness. He lifted up His sceptre of judgment, and he took out His chastening rod and He scatteredthe nation. And He made them destitute and naked. They were sold as slaves to many nations. Theywere scattered to many nations.

    Please think for a moment if such a fate comes to a nation that is called by Gods own Name, if this

    can happen to a nation that is called as Gods own people, what shall bethe greater fate of the Philippines?Please consider for a moment. DO NOT DESPISE THE GRACE OF GOD. The Spirit of God will not strivewith the flesh of men for all. God is speaking to you by His grace. By His grace he is lengthening the timefor you. He desires that we repent and turn back to Him. The Lord has told us that we repent and turnback to Him, the blessings that we will get are great. If we dont turn back to God, dont be fooled to thinkthat Gods grace is everlasting. He will not delay His judgments. He is a God who raises up kings andpulls down the kings.

    Therefore we should realize what we should do during these days.


    What should we do so that these tragedies will not come upon the nation? What should we do toinherit the promises? What should we do so that all these evils should not come upon the nation? I desireto share a few things with you:

    1) The first thing that we need to do: WE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR NATION ANDPRAY.

    Ezek 22:30 says, I sought for a man who will stand in the gap so that I will not judge the land. Ourchurchesmust be like that man who stands in the gap. A group of people should rise up and stand in the gap to

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    prevent these judgments from coming.

    Gods word says, If My people who are called by My Name, if they shall humble themselves, if they shallconfess their sins, when they pray I will hear their prayer. Then I will command peace and health to their land. TheBible does not say if your politicians repent; the Bible does not say good politicians should come to theland. Gods word says that Gods servants and Gods people and Gods believers should pray. Theyshould confess their sins before God. God is expecting this responsibility from His own people.

    Therefore you must raise up 2 kinds of Prayer groups : one prayer group will pray for two differentthings.

    a) You should stand in the gap, WEEP AND PRAY DAY AND NIGHT SO THAT THE JUDGMENTSWILL NOT COME UPON THE LAND. Pray unto the Lord that these plagues and diseasesshould not come into our land. Pray that the winds and the seas will not come interland. Praythat the bodies will not be dead and lie on the streets. Pray that bodies will not die and decay androt on the streets. Raise up a prayer group.

    Yesterday, the Lord spoke to us many things concerning India. The Lord spoke to us that manyevil things are going to come. You may know about India. It is a land full of idols; it is a land fullof witchcraft. It is a nation full of wickedness. Christian population is only 2% in India. Andeven among the 2% the people who pray are very little. In our nation you can find more idolsthan the sand in the beaches. Therefore our nation has been appointed unto wrath and curse.There a lot of witches in our land. There are a lot of natural resources in our land, but yet there alot of people living in poverty in our nation. There is a great curse lying on our land. The reasonis because God hates idolatry, and idolatry fills India.

    The Lord spoke to me at the end of 2011, My wrath is going to burn against your nation. The peopleare going to lose their homes and stand on the streets. Evil things are going to come upon your land. Yourleaders and your government are going to wonder what to do. Your nations future is darkened. Some ofus fell on our faces before the Lord and asked Him what we should do. Lord, what should we do for

    us to be saved from this curse?

    The Lord gave us a plan. He said, Cover the land with prayer, cover the land with prayer. So wegathered a few people together and discussed this plan. We invited people to our state TamilNadu to pray for 12 hours. We organized a district-wide Prayer Campaign and prayedcontinuously for 12 hours. We waited before God for 12 hours with fasting. There are nointervals in that meeting. It begins at 9 in the morning and ends at 9 at night. We invited thepeople to come and pray for the land. When we invited the people to come, there was a doubt inour hearts, How can these people pray continuously in one place for 12 hours? If we invite people just for

    prayer, will they come? The first meeting was organized in a city called Nagar Koil. Surprisingly

    and amazingly God brought 40,000 people to that meeting. There were little children in themeeting. No one moved away from the meeting. They waited on God for 12 hours for prayer.

    We went to every capital city in the district of our state . An average of 20 to 25,000 peoplegathered in each meeting. The climax of those meetings was organized in the month of Januarythis year in our capital Chennai. We invited all the believers in Tamil Nadu state to come to thatmeeting. Everybody must pray for 12 hours. They must pray against the curses that are going tocome upon the land. When the people heard the invitation, 250,000 people came to the meetings.They prayed for 12 hours.

    LIKEWISE, A GREAT PRAYER WAVE SHOULD RISE UP IN MANILA. We must tell theLord, You search for one man who will stand in the gap for the land. I want to be that one man.

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    You must say, Lord, raise me up. Lord, look how many people have risen up in our land. Fill your heartwith prayer. You must raise up a group of people who will cry and weep against the curses thatwill come upon the land. Ask the Holy Spirit, Fill me with the spirit of prayer. Let tears continuallyroll down from my eyes.

    There are so many saints who prayed in the Bible. A man called Jeremiah prayed unto God, OLord how good it will be if my head is waters and my eyes are fountains? Then I will pray for my nation.

    He prayed with great mourning until his bones were knocking against one another. God expectssuch prayer warriors from Manila. God expects such prayer warriors from the Philippines. Ohyou young generation, you ask the Lord, Let my head be like waters, let my eyes be fountains. I must

    pray for my Philippines. How can I permit curse to come to my Philippines? How can I allow the bodies ofmy children to be cast into the streets? How can I see my own people begging for bread in the streets?Lord, I will stand in the gap. Fill my head with waters, make my eyes like fountains. I cannot stand thedeath even of one person in our land. I cannot bear that even one city shall perish. Even if my knees willdisperse, even if my bones can be joined together, even if my organs will rot, my Philippines shall be saved. God expects for such people. God expects such Prayer Groups. God expects such churches. Godexpects such young people. God expects a young Army that will say, Lord, raise me up.

    BEFORE A REVIVAL COMES YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO PAY A PRICE. Before you canstop a disaster you must pay a price. It is your sacrificial prayer. It is not of flowery words. It isthe prayer that comes from the innermost of your heart. It is a prayer that will come withoutanyone encouraging you. Oh ask the Lord, Give me a burden for my nation.

    You may not know how to pray. The Lord says, When you do not know how you ought to pray, I willpray through you with groanings and with unutterable speech. Ask the Lord, Lord, fill me with the spiritof prayer. He is powerful enough to fill you right now. Teach your children how to pray. Voicesof mourning should be heard in your churches. The Bible says those who sow in tears shall reapwith joy. But I say unto you, not just sow with tears, but sow your tears. Sow your tears. TheLord says your reward will be great.


    You must raise up the 2nd

    Prayer Group. THAT PRAYER GROUP SHOULD PRAY THAT THEPEOPLE SHALL INHERIT THE PROMISES OF GOD. It should pray that your borders will beopen to the promises of God to come. A prayer group that will be responsible to God that willname all the promises of God and pray for that.

    2) FOR THOSE CITIES APPOINTED FOR REVIVAL & THOSE APPOINTED FOR WRATHWe did something in India. In whichever places God promised us, WE DO A PRAYERWALK ALL

    AROUND THOSE CITIES. We gather a small group of Prayer Warriors and we walk around the cities.They pray and they walk around the cities. They say Lord we inherit these cities. They say we bind all thedarkness in the city. They say we commit this city to God.

    God gave a promise to Abraham, Abraham, you get up and walk, walk till you see far. God promised thatevery place that his soles touch upon, I will give you that land. Wherever Abraham walked, God gave himas an inheritance. Abraham is not a man who went out for a morning walk. God did not give him thoseinheritance where he just goes for a morning walk. God made him walk about like a pilgrim. From oneplace to another place he walked and set up his tent. He did not know why God was making him walkabout. Abraham did not know that day why he is going from place to place. But God had a plan.Wherever Abraham walked, all those places belonged to Abraham. That is why God made Abraham towalk.

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    That is why we walk all over our cities to reclaim an inheritance. When Gods peoples blessed feettouch the land, those places will be filled with Gods blessings, because you are bearing the Lord in yourheart. Gods covenant is within you. You are Gods ark of the covenant. Before they inherited a city, theycarried the ark of the covenant, they walked about the city. Today we dont have a physical ark of thecovenant with us, but God has kept you as the ark of the covenant. He has written by His blood an ark ofthe covenant within you. When you begin to walk around, you are bearing the ark of the covenantwalking round. You shall inherit your land.

    a) DO PRAYERWALKSGod has promised us 7 CITIES. The Lord has revealed that from there His 7 KINDS OFBLESSINGS WILL FLOW FORTH. Gather your Prayer groups and walk around the cities.Prayerfully inherit the cities. Say, Lord, whatever You promised let it come to pass in this city. Fillyour land with prayer.

    In whichever city the Lord said DISASTER WILL COME, another Prayer Group should go tothose cities and strengthen those borders in the Name of the Lord . When you pray and walkaround, pray against all the curses that will come upon the city. If it is a large city that youcannot walk around, you can travel by car and pray. The car should be filled with prayer as itgoes around the city. When you walk around in prayer, you are not alone. The angels of God areaccompanying you. God is accompanying you. The Holy Spirit within you is coming together.Let Them fill the nation, and let the presence of God cover the land. Inherit the promises of God.Prepare your land for God.

    b) PUBLISH BLESSINGS & WRATH, DISASTERS TO COME; MEET THEM REGULARLYSecondly, doing one more thing, Satan is one that desires that disaster will come upon a nation. Iexplained this very clearly last night. Satan cannot kill a person directly. If he wants to destroy anation, he will make the nation sin against God. He will sow sin into their hearts. He sowswickedness into their hearts. When people give their hearts towards wickedness, then Gods

    wrath will come upon them. Satan will sow tares in good land.

    As Satan plans to sow tares in the land, you plant good things in the land. Sow good worksamong people. Sow the Word of God among people. PUBLISH THE GOOD BLESSINGSTHAT GOD HAS PROMISED FOR THE LANDto all people. Make something like a bookletor some kind of printer form and circulate TO ALL THE CITIES WHERE GOD HAS PROMISEDHIS MIGHTY BLESSINGS TO COME. Everyone in the city should know that these are theblessings God has promised for the city.

    You must not be weary of sowing such good things. You must not think whether this will besuccessful or not. Even if it is on thorny ground or on stones you just sow. When you keep onsowing goodness, you will see it sprouting out. Let this word go forth in those various cities.

    Oh, God has these good thoughts for this particular city. God has kept this kind of promises for thisparticular city. Not only you and I should know about all these, but everyone in those cities mustknow this. Whether they believe or not, everyone should know. Whether they will receive it orcriticise it, everyone should know. Therefore, MEET THESE CITIES REGULARLY. Sow theseeds in the cities.

    And likewise there are CITIES THAT GOD HAS APPOINTED FOR WRATH. It is not enoughfor you and me to know that God has planned to bring such wrath upon those cities, but thepeople in those cities should also know that. When God wanted to destroy Nineveh, it was not

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    good enough for only Jonah to know. It was necessary for everyone in Nineveh to know that.Therefore note all those cities; let everybody know that they are appointed unto wrath. Teachthem ways how to repent. Before wrath comes we must prevent it. As Satan sows the tares, letthe people of God sow good things. Wherever God said destruction will come, raise uprighteous people in those cities.


    Gods word tells us a 3rdthing: 2Pet. 2:5, the Bible mentions about one thing that Noah did. Godrevealed to Noah concerning a judgment to come. But Noah found favour in the eyes of God.God told Noah one thing: Im going to destroy the world; make an ark so that you and your family canbe saved. But Noah did not stop there. Noahs heart was moved with compassion for the people.All these people are walking in wickedness not knowing a great destruction is coming. 2Pet. 2:5says, and he went among the people and was a preacher of righteousness. On one moment he was

    building the ark; and another moment he needed to save his family; and another moment he hadto gather all the animals. These are the things that God specifically told him. But he didsomething else that God did not tell him. He went among the people and was a preacher ofrighteousness. He said, The time has come for God to manifest His righteousness. He said, Thisnation is going to be destroyed. He said, A big flood is coming to cover the world. He talked to themabout the flood. The people made mockery of him; the people did not believe him; maybe peopleinsulted him. But Noah was not discouraged.

    AS NOAH DID, YOU MUST ALSO DO LIKEWISE TO PREACH RIGHTEOUSNESS IN THECITIES. You must make known to the Filipinos the devastation that is going to come upon thePhilippines. God did not reveal all these things just for you and I to know. It must be preachedto every person in the Philippines. Maybe they will repent; maybe they will seek the Lord;maybe like Nineveh every person in the Philippines will wear sackcloth and repent unto God.Who knows? The Lord told Jonah, Go to Nineveh, tell them about the judgment to come. And Jonahhad a personal opinion in his heart, The people of Nineveh are very wicked; they will not listen to

    Gods word; they will not repent. Even if I warn them, they will punish me. They will not spare my life.Therefore I will not go there, he said. But when Jonah went there, something unexpectedhappened. The people were not angry with Jonah, but they repented from their sins. Theyprotected their nation.

    Therefore you preach righteousness. Tell the word to Gods people. Do not corrupt Gods word.Tell the people openly the dangers that are before them. Do not sugar-coat your messages.Preach to the people that they tear their hearts. Preach righteousness to them that they willrepent. Teach them about the coming danger and warn them. This is what is said of John theBaptist in Lk. 3:5. He was one who was not a respecter of persons. If you invite me to a meeting,in the beginning I will look at you and say, My brothers, my sisters. Ill look at you and say, Mybeloved. But the way John the Baptist addressed the people is different. He said, O you brood of

    vipers, brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? When John the Baptist calledthem brood of vipers, they were not angry, but they repented to him. They confessed their sins

    and took baptism. You must strictly preach righteousness to your nation. Then theres room forpeople to repent.

    d) Do another thing, just like what John did in Lk. 3, YOU MUST SHOW THEM WAYS TOESCAPE FROM THE WRATH TO COME. The people came to John and asked him a question,What must we do to flee from the wrath to come? What must we do to be saved? Then he gave them acounsel. When they asked him, What should we do? and he told them very simply, He who has

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    two robes, give to him who has none. And he who has no food, do likewise. And the priests and thePharisees came to him and asked him, What should we do? And he told them, Do not take morethan what is appointed for you. And likewise the soldiers asked him, What should we do? And hesaid, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely and be content with your pay. TEACH YOURPEOPLE THE WAYS THAT YOU SHOULD WALK. Teach your church members the way theyshould walk. Turn their hearts towards God. Dont think that you must turn God towards yourchurch, but your church must turn towards God. The church members must turn towards God.

    Cry and repent before God.


    Then there will be healing and health to your nation speedily.

    1) Let praying people rise up in your land. Before you shall be a people who prophesy, youmust be a people who pray. Before you shall be the people who demonstrate the power ofGod to the world, you must be a people who pray. These are the times for you to pray. Raiseup Prayer Groups in your midst. Take away all those things that are entertainment and theyare very social in nature. Tear your clothes and weep for your nation.

    2) Go around the cities to inherit the promises of God.3) And go around the cities appointed unto wrath and pray for their protection.4) Make the people know the good thoughts that God has for them. Tell everybody in the land

    of the Philippines the plans that God has and the things that are appointed unto wrath.

    5) Give counsel to those who will repent.When you begin to do all these things, whatever God promised good for you nothing will fall short.

    God will remove far away His anger and His wrath. God will be compassionate towards you like a

    mother would be moved with compassion for her child. The special blessings that God has kept aside foryou will cause them to come to fruition one by one.

    Whatever God says will happen, only believe

    You may wonder, Will all these happen? You may wonder, Will it really happen like that? Is there reallya possibility for the Philippines to rise up as a TOPMOST NATION IN THE WORLD? Whatever the Lord saidwill always come to pass. God has the power to raise up or to pull down. God created the world out ofnothing.

    There was a king called Nebuchadnezzar; he built Babylon wonderfully. He made all the walls andthe borders to be made so beautiful. He strengthened the foundations very mightily. He thought tohimself, Nobody can shake Babylon. And when he was walking round the borders of the palace, he thoughtin his heart, This is the great Babylon that I made to show forth my glory. But today theres no Babylon; buttoday the city of Babylon is ruins; it is a barren wilderness. Nebuchadnezzar never thought it will happenlike these. He never thought that one day Babylon will be destroyed and become waste. But God knowshow to lift up and pull down.

    Whatever God says will happen. IT ONLY TAKES GOD ONE SECOND TO LIFT UP A NATION. Inone night God can overturn your famine. It happened like that in Israel. He said, Tomorrow there will be no

    famine in your land. And the two great men in the city asked the question, How is it possible? Even if God

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    opens the windows of heaven it will not be like that. An answer was given to him, Your eyes will see what Godwill do, but your mouth will not experience it. The very next day God overruled the famine in the land. All ittakes God is one second to overturn anything; one minute is all that is necessary. Hes able to lift up oneand pull down the other. We should not put our faith in men. We dont put faith in our strength. We putfaith in God who called us. Our faith will not shame us.

    Maybe if God raises up a prophet from the Philippines and say this kind of things, you may doubt. I

    am not a Filipino; Im from somewhere far away in the corner of the world. I do not know very muchabout geography and the history of the world. I am living in a small place in India. But the Lord sent meto this place; but the Lord brought me to this nation. He said, You speak these words to them. Theres noreason for you to doubt the words. Before I came to the Philippines, I know nothing about the Philippines.But the Lord opened my eyes and opened my mouth. He says, Speak these words to these people. For Godto warn Nineveh, he did not raise up a prophet from Nineveh. He raised up from somewhere a mancalled Jonah and sent him there. Therefore today the Lord told me to tell you these words.

    Besides this, only you now should plan what to do next. We do not have much time. You knowvery well that we are living in the last days. Your blessings are all last days blessings. They are theblessings of the last days anointing. Therefore you must speedily work.

    We do not know what part or role we will play in your vision. I feel that I have fulfilled myresponsibility. God asked me to speak, I have spoken. He has asked me to warn, I have warned. Besidesthis, I do not know what else I should do. Likewise, my brother does not even know what we should do.We do not know what else you expect that we should do for you.

    God has spoken about the churches in the Philippines. He has spoken about the youths of this nation.He has spoken about the blessings of this nation. He has spoken about the wrath on this nation. Youshould not be a people who just listen and then walk away . GOD EXPECTS US TO DO SOMETHINGABOUT ALL THESE. We must decide what we are going to do. We are at the threshold of our nationsdestiny. Salamat po.