washingborough ‘receive the holy spirit’ pentecost service

Washingborough ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’ Pentecost Service

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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‘Receive the Holy Spirit’

Pentecost Service


Psalm 148‘Praise God’


Faithful God

Faithful God, faithful God,

All sufficient One, I worship You.

Shalom my peace,

My strong Deliverer,I lift You up, faithful God.

The work of the Holy Spirit.

Faith in a balloon.

Faith in Chinese whispers.


L: Loving God

R: Touch us with your Holy Spirit.


H&P 281 Come down

O Love Divine

Come down, O Love divine,

Seek thou this soul of mine,

And visit it with thine own ardour glowing;

O Comforter, draw near,

Within my heart appear,

And kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing

O let it freely burn,

Till earthly passions turn

To dust and ashes, in its heat consuming;

And let thy glorious light

Shine ever on my sight,

And clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

Let Holy charity

Mine outward vesture be,

And lowliness become my inner clothing;

True lowliness of heart,

Which takes the humbler part,

And o’er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.

And so the yearning strong,

With which the soul will long,

Shall far outpass the power of human telling;

For none can guess its grace,

Till he become the place

Wherein the Holy Spirit makes his dwelling

Acts 2:1-21

1 Corinthians 12

Verses 3b-13


Send the Fire

O God of burning, cleansing flame:

Send the fire!

Your blood-bought gift today we claim:

Send the fire today!

Look down and see this waiting host,

And send the promised Holy Ghost;

We need another Pentecost!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

God of Elijah, hear our cry:

Send the fire!

And make us fit to live or die:

Send the fire today!

To burn up every trace of sin,

To bring the light and glory in,

The revolution now begin!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

It’s fire we want, for fire we plead:

Send the fire!

The fire will meet our every need:

Send the fire today!

For strength to always do what’s right,

For grace to conquer in the fight,

For power to walk the world in white:

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

To make our weak hearts strong and brave:

Send the fire!

To live, a dying world to save:

Send the fire today!

Oh, see us on Your altar lay,

We give our lives to you today,

So crown the offering now we pray:

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

The Holy Spirit:

What and who?

The Holy Spirit:

Giving us joy

The Holy Spirit:

Convicting us

The Holy Spirit:

Strengthening us

The Holy Spirit:

Shaping and empowering us

Prayer that the Holy Spirit would be at work in our lives.


In my life Lord, (Lord be glorified)

IN MY LIFE, LORD, be glorified, be glorified.

In my life, Lord, be glorified today.


In Your church, Lord, be glorified, be glorified.

In Your church, Lord, be glorified today.

Prayers of Intercession

Loving Father:

Keep us safe


O Breath of life


Revive Thy church with life and power.

O Breath of Life, come, cleanse, renew us,

And fit Thy church to meet this hour.

O Wind of God, come, bend us, break us,

Till humbly we confess our need;

Then in Thy tenderness remake us,

Revive, restore; for this we plead.

O Breath of Love, come, breathe within us,

Renewing thought and will and heart:

Come, love of Christ, afresh to win us,

Revive Thy church in every part.

Revive us, Lord! is zeal abating

While harvest fields are vast and white?

Revive us, Lord, the world is waiting,

Equip Thy church to spread the light.
