washington herald.(washington d.c.) 1919-09-29 [p …...uated st the ««joutheast corner of...

TT.Wa^HINGTONHERALD "pahUsa-vl tetri aas la th« year Th» Wash· *ajarror Birald G???.?» .t t3-_» Eleven-b ttratt. WM'ilasjliB. D. C. .**- T«-»*oc· Kich.nro-C-n Mata la». aval ba Audi: Bore«· ef circulation. OASSIFIED RATES Wjatsd H*lp._.1 ONE Warnte*. St««tio_... | CENT ^WaTlIa.1 ¦"'*'. !"A W0RD p « ¦». j C-sarÎHe. Tan. Ha«· «t?«·, «w tfass, toc Sam. ad. 2**· <To«r«-uti»· rim», «a». Jteedal Nette«· ov Loeat Mration.la» par Un, "-sarca Notier«.Ut p«r Un. Aattlo· Noue»..-fe perils. AU, OTHER CLASSiriCATlOSS- pca li ?e¬ ? "aa...I cant» * tbaai r Lin «omt$.t cent» . Q">«» osraareati-riT.« eau» Csarraet Bat«» Oa Reoue«·, rsasssvSvl ytv. Linea FCÄEIGN B*£P»«-SENTAT1V_3. THI S. c BECKWITH SPECIAL AOEiCT. l»sw Tort Off!«.Trie»»». Bids jg»*»«v» OBc«.Trlbnn. BMs. -auutt otr.c».ta yorri mût ¦t Lorna Offlea..Thinl National San» Bids. LOST. I-Oer-BitOACH SET WITH SIX DIAMO.NI»«. tt. L-ldcH*. Putt or oa Teunw aia-oue. b**- twwan Corlsin street and Lincoln Park. FhwdAj/ MM ??ß?ß re-urn to «?. ???ß? AVENTKL Liberal rt-s»inl_ - > ? TUB UTTL* WONDKB IX TOWN, PDR ??ß iBMtt; the bett ¡Tactical r.o.r.ry io the eounr-r* ten kitcben too'* in ??t; dro;» ,·?»*G*?» Md will call G. M. 8risLIV.\X. Afltnt, IZ.S Sth at. nv. aeS>-2 WANTED.AGENTS. CA-N'DT-BI·. PAT: ADVEBTISK. ME.X, w«a-ao. 8-art cue of om Sr-wJaltj Candjr Fac¬ tories tn yortr höret*; an... 11 koto, Anyabere; tell bow and fjralafa »«rrrtii.rtc- fraad nppor- ttwtry. CANDY ??G?,?, 1-1· Barute-vd at., ??·a>?t?*?*. l'a a:jl»3k HELP WiUITED.MALE ACCOC.VTANTS CLARKE ? UVSCKs», Certifl*ít Pub-tc ArctMintanta, 33 Cotcrado Bide., are lorakios; for a few d.«nM·* jo>iDg men wbo wish to l.tm public scroaBtinc work danujg tfcrir ti* re time. Open until ê ? ra. s.-B-.t HELP WANTED.FEMALL WANTKD-A LADY WHO \G?G?«?> STTDY ts bt. Apply at acbool. ST? » ßt .?. W. ? |p m. Rívarri 57 fw2_*c>c3-*-S-_0. «âCTOCNTANTS CiaKKTs * »G????^ rertiácd Pu.!.. Atvficr-inta. 335 Colorado Bids am lwk.njt for a f-'-r desirable lidie· mho wish to Varia iwibtic arrouctinf work dnrinf their M*arf» tiro- oprn until 8 p.m. irSMt Help Wanted.Male and Feule. - WANTED.500 parents to . know that thev ar» making a serious mistake to let that boy or girl go to work before tak¬ ing at least three months' course at the Best Business College in Washington. Xo other investment can equal the small sum necessary to send them where they are ' sure to begin a successful ca¬ reer. Call, phone or write for full particulars. STEWARDS BUSINESS COLLEGE 1202 F St- N. W. phone Main 8S71 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. lT«jfC-?IKi-U BT. KW.-WELL KtKNIsHEl>. eomiiTtjbi«, bright room; nrar Irupeot «Irrle. taM a Unfurnished House for Rent. WANTKI»-r.\in IINISHKO HÖCi»l^'«lRfrl· »evt «reti.. «?» or «cirri room« «r.rl tratlr. ..«l*lho:;e Franklin «.75. Lret.»*ti ß and T. «r-3t REFRIGERATORS & ICE BOXES. Refrigerators. Ice Boxes THAT ARE SUPERIOR N'ELS«1N REFRIGERATOR CO. 611 F St. N. W. Franklin 2757 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN-S30 TO lî/??? ON D. C real estate. Scteral tra.t funda. All tcans- acrjoas conducted witrj e ontnii .1 consideration for borro, er. VA-M. p sArr.'DKits te co.. 1', atrathera Buiklli .. »** 15tb >t. fvìMt MONEY TO LOAN ON ???? ????. ?.»???8 ¦t enmrnt rate, of ???.*t-»?. TiL.FR it »CTBLlir»»!'. INC.. ?? !6lh «. n». «I~l JOt WATCH TUB l-LAb^IFIELP IOL-lMNä VOR evidences ol lb. ßt???? of Ihia city. Tlii· taal «eem like «n «xld suszeation-but it hai, rullìi Liberty Bond Prices We l*nl<l fnvr *M llond« >ntur-il:iy Victory 4% per cent, $50.43 1st 3«,á orr «r-if.S.VI.14 Is* 4 l».r .»at.»VI7.IM ze 4 tart rent.« 1 T.S.1 l.t 4", »>«·G rea».SITJI7 34 4", Mer real.«ir.«.. M ! prr reni.ÍIT.Iir, »th l'i per eeat.ai7.>0 Vlrtarr tr% per eeat.fôO. 13 In addition tr» thog» price» wo pay full »'alue for Liberty Bond coupon» dtii». We buy »lfiO. »5no and 1,1.00t» Liberty Bond» «^f all Issues. Wc a'so bay Part-paid Cards and War Savings Stamps Without Any Red Tape. Liberty Bond Exchange ¦j ? G?? r-.nt. **> *; ??.??. 915 Penna. Ate. N. W. PERSONALS. DO TOU LOT*- GOOD HSAIaTHT rOC OA» kan h. Call at ira 7th at. aw. OLD INDIAN BDIB BBalatDT SHOP. DR. REED * SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STREET OVER 30 YEARS ^?0??££ Nervo·»· «ad Special Dlae*·«· est ??« «nd Was» Means Health to You if You Suffer Proa Catarrh, olessitr. «s-»,n- Gonitlp·- tkm, Pil««, Throat. Lnn«a. Brain. Heart, Blood .ad Skla Diaraae«, Nerioua Debility, Kidnej Diseaiea, Bladder Trinjb;«. Sperili.- Blond Pol· ¦oning. Krnptton», Clcer» «od AU Prisât« Di> nn Curad far U!. Sai« Method» Charges Low. Medicine Furnished. CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Room for Ladies Office nnsir». H to 12. S «. Hondas». to 11 MADAM EDWARTSS. SCtESTltiC. E*OTP- tian rssbnist. ha« returned to the city and ia reati· to ae« all old frieud» and new patrona; ah« read» -.sir «.-Mire life, isset, present «nd fa- tar·. Sow located at at» Uth »t. nw. ae**·]* FOR SALE.SÜBURBAÑT" BOW TO BB Yom OWN LANDLORD AT l-tievs Chaae on «3DO «'.all »nd «9 a month. ALLAN \V. GIBSON, S1T-S1S Colorado Bnild- j In«. sr)S-aSt WANfED-MISClyLLAfsEOUS. Csredst.FKraata-re.Cash Special Discounts for Caah. SAVE IIONCT-BÜT AT _Hopwooiys t*μ? Spot c-ashTtSI» vssoì TTP-swrnT-raie: PudeTwood, Rovai. Monarch, L. C. Smith, R.inicr«»a. UBKRTÏ TYrEWRlTHK HJ> PAIR 00 . W 11 st. n». l'Iionea Main ««Ta, Col. 4«V«-W._»e3-9t_ FÖiTSALE.MISlCELlÜ^EOÜsT YOC CAN'T HIDE ÏOIR AD Hi TMS classified column».??« there isn't a hidlns atom there. Those at!» are READ ******·*" ???.?. CALL IN MY tfRa-aTTERIO) Aero¬ mobile, city or auburtian, and pay iou uisheat prii-es lor latlie«', gvntlemeo'». children'· dla- i-ardrd clothing, of «U description«. Address roatai or phone. 1 «ill call. **r RICE, US tth «t. nw. North ITB. te2 tf _SPECIAL NOTICE_ COMM1S.SIONEBS OK THE DISTRICT OF Oliurl'in. Washington. I>. C.» .Scptrrot"*er D, ! 1919. Apt lie» tion ß for pet*mistion to ilk«? the ex- Jui)iDati">r» for the aelectuH) of candidates to be *¦»>' minendi-d by the t'ummik-ion-T-» of the Di»· trict of CViumbia to take the examination· for «ftJoiwûoii to tbe UNITED RATEI MILITARY ACADEMY in June, VJBD, will be receifed at tl.id office not later than 3 o'clock p. m.» on Saturday. October IS, 1919. No i^-rson will be taei-mitted to apTpee>r at these eliminations who is not an «actual resident of the District of Co- lumbia. Applirations must be signed in the sd- | pÜcants handwriting rt: d be addr«>-a-*ed to the Cominiw'--*jwr· of the District of Columbia, Room 30?. District Building. \Wshu,gti>n. D. C. saust state the i-lacf and date oif the birth of tb· at> [wirant «and his ?«tj-rt office a.ldreaa. and «be ac- .**· iiiiian;-*! by a certificate from two reputable rettd 'n'l of the District of Columbia that tbe a, oc snt is a person et good moral character and that be an actual resident of the District of Cbltmibia. Applicants must not be teas than 17 or more than 2 years of ase on June 14, IMO. and not leas than 5 feet 4 Inches in height at tbe a-je of 17; nor less than 5 f«*-**t i inrbes in Wiafht at tbe age of 16 aud upward. They will be subjafc'ed a »rompetítiye mental examina- tion, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. on Monday, October 30. 1919, in the Franklin School Huild- ???, situated at tbe southeait corntrr of Thlr* te-enth and ? streets northwest, on the foUo-*·**· ing topica: Algebra (thmigh quadratic equations and arithmetical and get-metrical progressions), I ine geometry; English trammer; English com- position «snd literature; d«fscriptiTe geography; the elements of pfayrucad geos*rapi,j·. and United Mates and European history daring the period mentioned in the War DereJtm**nt n-gu la uros; al**o to a physical examination, -h-»çinn».l at 10 oYkx-fc a. m., on Friday, October 21, 1919, in the Fire «Oepartn-.-Tit Truck Houae No. 3, sit- uated st the ««joutheast corner of Fn'irteenth ¦trt-et and Ohio erenue northwest. A copy of a circular of information ivued by the War «De¬ partment re*»T***scting the requirements of candi¬ date» for admission to tbe United States Military Aciadenu ·**·*¦> obMined upon arplicario* therefor st thi* office. Blank application» will be fiirnish*-d upon spplicstion at thia office LOÜT8 BROWNLOW. W. GWYNN GARDI¬ NER. CHAS. W. KUTZ, Conimii-noneri- pf The {Matrici Columbia. *»<iS.M.3 »,!1T,3,3D 1 OMMISSIONKRS OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Waebii-ifton, D. C, Se-*tember 3. ¦? Applications for permiisiuD to take the examinatiotis for the select i'"-n of candidates, to be r<*---*t*«mmend»?d by tbe t'ommiwioner» of the District »>¦' CulumbiA ta take the ctamlnationa for admu-sion to the United States Natal ?-ad emy in June, 190D. will be i*eceifed at this office not later than 3 o'clock p. m.. on Ssturday, Oc¬ tober 2>. 1919. No r«i-*on will be peroitted to ap;«>*ar at these examinations who is not an ac¬ tual resident of the Disftrict of Columbia. Ap- p'.ication-. must be signed in the applicant's hsndwriting and be s>\ Ire--*ed to the Commi»- ! s*orei-M (-f th» District of (.«olumbia. Room 509. District Building. Wuhington. D. C must *Tate the i-Uce and date of birth of the ap- plicant and hia postoffice sddress, and be ac- core pan ied by a certificate of two reputable resi* dents of the District of Columbia thst the ap¬ plicant a permo of good moral character and that he is an actual reeMcnt of the District of Columbia. Applîcanta mu&t be between the age· of 16 and 30 on April 1. 1?C0, and not less than 5 feet C inches in height, between the «ages of 16 and 18 ytar-t. nor less than 5 feet 4 inches be¬ tween 13 «nd 20 yean, and must weight at least one hundred and ele*»en pounds at si*ttc**n -»ears of age. Thf-y will be subject to a «Mintiti1·. mental examination begiruiîng at 9 o'clock a. m. on Monday. Octi-*ber 2G. 1?19, ir, the Franklin Schr-nl Ruilding. «-situated at the r-nuthrast corner of Thirteenth and ? street· northwest, on the following topic»: Algebra (through quadratic equation*««", l'lane Geometry, Enff'.ish (irammer. I'unctna*ion. Geography, Arithmetic and United .«tatps fliitory. Also to a physical exam¿nation, beginning at 10 o'clock a, m.. on Friday. Octo¬ ber T.. 19Î9. in the Fire Department Tru*k Bouse No. 3. fiti-a-red at the *-outh«*i«at corner of Four¬ teenth atreet and Ohio arena« northw-sst. A copy <y a circular of information i*uued by the Naty Department respecting the irqiiii-einente at c»ndidstes for admis*»' «? to the I'nised States Natal Academy may be obtained on application therefor at this office. No persm srill be per-1 mit ted to isreeent himself for either pbyaical or! mental examination «ho shall not ha*e been notified in writing of the approval of his ap- plication by Cie Coi-fjani^ioTieri·. Blank apt lies- ti-os will be furnished uixìii application at this offic... LOUIS BROW.N'iy.**·, W. GWTN.? GARDINER, CRA9. W. KUTZ, r(»mmÍMÍoners ot the IHstrict of Colombia. t««a.2t,-i;,3S,r.Ä30 WORKI.NGME.N~ITS EA6Y TO «sssal A bunch of "dough" stick to your fingers, snd it's all "relict," but see to it that you find this .«Tore with the porch front, worth looking for if ca*h^ow-n sating is an oI"*jeet. e**en if i: is the buying of a i*ir of new pants at C up. ïmye to se* ua. ^STli'S OI«l> STAND. «9 D. »e2>it CLAIRVOYANTS. limn! ht th«'Pt-rtt-te ¡ Mrs. Boswell; PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. (lins adtice an business matter·, lot«, b-aalth and family affair·; telle If tbe on« you lo.« la tram «r (ala·, what put of th« country to lock· .est to yon, what to do to be eurriwsful la life, t.¡tea you datea and facts, teUa you what baa paaeed In life, and what happening, without aaJüni a ainsi· quration. Hhe doe« not tell to please, but rcada juat aa tb« band» indicata; tafia you tb· pianeti yon were boni ander, the lucky and unlucky planet·; when and whom yon will marry; seules and e.pliiru lor·, family trouble, marriage, di-Otre, health, lawsuits, it-eo ulationa, invt'strnenta. transact lorie of mil Und«. In fact, no matter what your bop·, fear or am¬ bition, cool· to thi· noted palmist and find help« Tbere ia no um for anyone to be uniucce»aful or unhappy. No matter what tbe cauac bee advice remo·«· all trouble. She fuai^ate«· aatiafactloo, HvM'iina-a. $1.00. TlO Tth it. nw., between (1 and H ata,_as-EavsVTt WHAT SHOULD 1 DO> How often In life we com· to a «tanaetUl, perplexed and la doubt oonceruinC which ateo to tab* for tbe beat, it la Juat at thia atep on tb« ladder of Ufe that the uiUtakca ar· made, ao don't derida your futur· on men turn work. Be adrlaad by on« who can properly adriae you. Advice on health, lote, marriaaw, bualneaa, inven· tioci, ripeculationa and all alfana of life. Satiifactioa fuaraottfed or no chargea. Hour·, 9 s. to 8 ? m. Studio BO tth aL nw. MADAM RUTH ralmlxt Phrenotofiat Clairroyant MADAME PARKER. GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM. If you are going to seek adtice or help, whj not conaolt one who well known, on« who ia her· permanently ? She can tell you if th· on« you lote la true or Calao and tell you bow to win and hold tbe on« of your rboioe; til!· you what hu-ânea» and what part of the world it moat lucky for you and adriaca you how to gain and hold a good poeitiiMi; ehe brines the iei> arated together;, make« happineaa between man and wif·» Can te.l yoo if anybody haa put bad luck or oril Influence on you and abe can tell you bow to take it off. Can tell you the cauae -.f your trouble· and bow to avoid them. Can adriae you in divorce caM·; when to apeculat« aud where to locate. Thia lady doea not tell to pleaae you, but gite· ouly truthful advice you can depend on. Do not becorne diacouraged it you hav» seen other*« and they have failed to help yoo. MADAM PARKER will aliow you a way. Satisfaction or no chargea. READING.-, $1.00. ;_B1 E at. nw.. between l2tb and IJth ata. Pp-rtalra, MME. JEANETl PAlaMIST. CLAIRVOYANT ffuaraateea to ie«d rour astir· life, peat, prea» rnt and tutor*. t.he*aak· bo quest, jo*, but be¬ fore you utter · word «Ue u-JLs what yon callad for, name· uf ine-ide. enemiea; 'ella bow ta gain avrcesa in H-ar-eas, hoaltb, coiirtabip, uiar- riaye, d.rwce tell· »ou what part gf tbe world will be .gg-at-w for row; adriaae hoir to gaia . nd hold a gocd petition; abe telle if the ou· too lore ia traa or faine. An yon la troubi«f Do you find tne one yon !.·*· baatowea yaw :ri.it and affection upon ».ting cool and in· difterer.: toward yon? Hhe will remote ail oh- ¦taclea ar 1 tell you bow to win and hold th« otra yon ueair«7 She reunite« tbe aepantad. lo» catea absent fr*.Ttda or relativen, Readings. fl.Nl 308 ß?G?'?.??? 13TRKET NOKTUWE8T. Prhaia Parlor««_Ofa> lake A Qx MADAME ALLEN WORLD'S GREATEST PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. Guaranteea to read your entire life. pest, r-ee*- ent and future; fives true advice on biii-inea«, lore, and b«aJth. and family affaira; telle tb« name of your future huahand or wife, aad what to do to be a luereae in lifer; tell« you what burine«· ia moat hicky for you and what part of th« world will be more aitcccMaful for jou; ad- Tiara l*ow to gain and bold a good j*«ition; she tella if th« one you lore la true or filar, and cauaaa apeedy marriage with the on· ot your choice; bring» the arparated together; make« happineaa between man and wife: ahe telle you the acereta of being happy and »ucrea&ful in any¬ thing you take in hartd; her advice will remore all obstarles and evil influence. Ouc visit to Madam Allen will repay >ou for diaapr-oint menta in a.1 otbera; aattafaction gtiaranteed or no charge. Special Readings, $1.00 812 t* at nw. *.415t MADAM D'ASKMAN t-yiwy Clairvoyant And card reader; adrice given c*a buatnaaa, ma-Tug« and Utcrce. Uua * »man baa read It many peopla tu mat.y counirtee. bar .¦redicuona are reJuMe. 1-SQi M at,, csvna· CI*.VIUVOYA.NT C-iUD REAPING, flnCRS. 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. MKS. BVOVUAKEB, S ¦» M »t. nw. N'Tth UU iel6-au.rio.tu-U "fVlADAiwE VICTORIA. The rf" l«lniiat and clairroyant. Can ad¬ vise iMaine-n. family affaire, lore and marr.age«. Can tell «cm tbe name of future husband or wiie. Can tell you tbe aecret of be:cg eur.·**«. ful, bow to avoid trouble and fc./w to arcid «-til ii .fluente Satiafactie-n »uajacteed or no cliaife. Kntranee 829 Tth at aut.« MOVING^ PACKING, ST0RAGL SMITH'S TRANSFKR AND STORAGE CO. NORTH S34Ï. N. IJ43. N. »44. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. SAFETY FIRS!. ABSOLUTE».. FlKLl-HUor «TOliOt Korvns. 13 «nd up. Moitr. snd Cacaln« UNITED bTATEs »TOKAl.E CO «¡JJ-aTlal» «- »w. tfecea Mam tea aad trtauailn na MOVING rc> furnish large padded ran« and caiwfa· mm to hanóüe jour gouda. PACKERS of furuitur·, piano«, china, talc-·· twac, etc. a-xperietsced men only. SHIPPING to all laaita of tbe wcrld. tSTORAGE .or furmiur*, puiio·. and towaa» hoid gooda. 1238 ? F.f. ff. W. W.j, arj KRIEG'S I.XPRESS Bl^INES^AIvÑOlWCEME Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! 20th Century Insecticide ..ill rid «our home of roache«. «iiu, «aterbiig» .ad brdbuo. Wi'.l eitermlnate roach«« in your borne. Sold by dniRgust« or A. il. c. I 941 N î. a»e Main ??. aul 90t CABINKT ~MAKKlC CABINET MAKER I can repair and re-flniab any piece of furni¬ ture you haie. IU condition doe* not matter. Color changing a apecialty. My pri,-* _«. reaaon- able and all work ia guaranteed. L)rop ijoetal and will rail, or phone ft. 45ßß. ABE MARcL'3 1015 New York eve nw. eel6-sun-ujoo tuee-tf atlRKOits" aîÎjPAlRKO. MIRKOUS RGI'AIRED Mirror· redlvcred equal to new. New miircrri to order. Drop card, will call. THE MIRROR SHOP ? ?. BROTHKV. Prop. 1125 F at. nw. PHRENOLOGISTS. MME.SHERA. rhrmiAcmmx »ad lUisl- nea« Adriastr. sive» trot«, flat «drlos oo «11 «Hairs of life. .ft»· waa liora with «trans« and remarla*»!· ¦. AMA not roaant to «ratify the idk cu- rioua, but to direct, ad¬ vise and help men «nd women who are In trouble «nd doubt «wocs-rnlas which «tesi to take In HI« better thamarlvas Belar« aaawaStaawaw*. «n-thln« of any lmpiaruuvoa. consult on« who caa ?p????t «¿«fa· job. Good adele«. In tins», often aa-ea much aoxletj aaa trouU». Conwlt ber tod» Tomorrow may too Ut». Adrice on Health, Lov«. Mirrias·, .«titln·«· «nd lllnlni Venture». Mo on« is trou¬ ble turned «war. ·!·«« ever» oasa nil 14th »L nw. Office hour«, ta. m. lo I p. MADAME VASTE, Phrenologii»* and Business «Adriser 1/ you wvuld be .Hiocaaaful and happy, "Urtm· yourself!" Thi-ouih tb« srienos tt I'brenoiogy 70a OUI bs-scotne atquainted with your better I usture, you eta «-now «bat yon «?* | best fitted .'or. «Standing far arid abois the st**· I staiti of I'hrei-iotofftsta le Msdaase 1 Vaste, who. from birth, bu b-wn pM.Û of very unuaual psychic power, and is tbe poaaeaaor off many I a mystic ecret of the «ncis-nta. Her Urn-»:y adfice bu prerented | msny fsi .tires1 featisfi-tion, or no charge. Uoi»i*s: 9 a. m. to S *.. m. «B l.th at. taw. PALMISTRY. Ucer.a»d by to» Dustrirt of Coli»«-*«a. MADAM EPPY. EGYPTIAN PAIMIST. Resa» your life from «rradl« to «erare, ber pi ere are wonderful; lndifsputa^le sd?íce; clear formation concernine lore, courtaiiip. marriags and floree; both rieb aod ???? lad eoctv-sH , q-ially b-meflcial and tctereetinf; 9011 ax» wiser stad bappier after consultine ber; mLXaMmcUQ* gi-a. antcci. ?-mnaneoUy locatoti; bous« t s. m to · %\ m*. 1 FA. AVE. WW. WÊÊÊ MADAM LENOm Gifted eUirrcyant end medi tun. caa bo eore lulted on ail affai» of lila. Where «hm fall. th» surceei*··*. Her adrice good, try ber. -Ito -rueaa work or q*ceotiaiis ssked; what the sees and tells cornea true. Satisfaction guaranteed. Of· flee ?? H'vb tt. nw., two doors north of Palais Boyal »tare, lft-xira, U t. ». to I p m Irt-wX _MADAM KASKO Mutuili *a?****?*? palmist; ttllsv l'AST. PRESENT AND pt?.'?*'; 8ATI8- FimOS CUARANTT-ED; HOURS. »AM. TO t P. M- FOnilBBLY «B Hh ST. NW. NOW LOCATED AT «Sii îth ST. NW. «sH-lf »¦.l-nustrj la * rj a recosnlaed svimi RIZPAHELDON. Is known sa ene of its greatest exponents. H«t> -»reda riait this resnsrkable woman dally; -*·»· plete readings with accurata òs»crtpti«T*-is off wbat ycur hand forrtslla only* |1. Becepüon parlar as. rorner of (tb and O tiw. «fevtMOi *b Boors. 10 s. m to I p. a»· prof, belmont!" Noted clairvoyant aod palmist. Gires on busiit*-*s matters, lore, health, and iami'-y af¬ fairs. t>1:j name of your futur* bus tan .1 or wife, te: Li i. one ycc lo-re la true or fa-ae Wbat part of ". - conntry Is luckiest to you. Wbat to do to be successful lo li/e. .21· New Tork are. nw. Next door to -Uaaonic Tamp!*. Read· biga. U-_ »riaVswt SPIRITUALISTS. .Washington's Favorite Advi«*er PROF. MARCUS LA MAR Most remarkable reader of human destine of tbe rresent age tells your name in full, also foil air.es of husband, wife or k**eeih»-art i-eeeala lour innermost secrets, help· you to gi your every desire, brine» about marriage with tbe cne you lore, and gives uever failing help and ¦ dvice on Iruaia-eas, law suits or any affair of Ufa, Call today, he will surprise yon. 1220 G St. N.W. SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY. LIGHT ON LIFE'S PROBlaEMS Frank Thtori·-*!**** All**n, Dirsctor, Aatrcloeical HcM-srch Society. Life readings, by appointment. Ji Typewritten forecat-ta. 16 t-p. Vocational *'¦ ;i !»: a «nd <'hi'.dreii*s II r<<*"'«r>p«'S s al-ecialty. l(f* ? nw. Fhone KranUm 6*J2. Astrology Reveals Root Causes. Liberty Bonds Bought for CASH We Paid for $50 Bonds Saturday Victory 3faj per cent. .$50.43 1st V/i per cent.$50.14 1 st 4 per cent.$47.94 2d 4 per cent.$47.55 1st 4>4 per cent.$47.97 2d 414 P" cent.$47.65 3d 4!4 per cent.$47.95 4th 4¡4 per cent.$47.80 Victory AY» per cent. .$50.43 In addition to these prices wc pay full valu« for Liberty Bond coupon» due. We buy $100, $500 and $1.000 Liberty Bond» of all lesue». We Also Buy Part Paid Liberty Bond Cards and War Savings Stamps Without gome throuch any red tape. No deductions from above prices, no commission charges of any kind- made. Liberty Investment Co. Phone Main 751* 920 F Street N. W. Open dally 1:10 a.m. to f :S0 p.m. Schools And Colleges ì GEORÜE WASHM6T0K ONiVERsmr law school CO-EDUCATlOiXAX. Bra-las Mth Taa·· fr-i. »4. 1 »1» M e inker A·.'· ia»a»lfaa Law »e»«at· Strict atandarda Instruction by mo»t »pprnved methods. Maximum credit by other law schools Forenoon classes. » to 11, »rill resumed. Afternoon class*· »19 to i:50 and optional early morning classes (or employed students. a.»«tatfT. Skamamtm SiBBi-a tt· Ottt Georgetown University The Law School Session ef 191.-13Î0 begin» October 1. lai», 'at 6 SO p. aa. Uw School office· open dally from < a tan. to 4-JO/p. m. for registration and consultation. HUGH J. KKGAN. ?. ?.. L.L. R Ph. P., Assistant Dean. Georgetown Law School Building. (0« E SL ?. W. Telephon· M. Itti '2193 Men and Women Last Year' ACCOÜNTANCT. Oldest s.fc..! la City. ne«ree-(;eanllrlK Power». Prepare· for C. G. A. III»«loe»» PREPARATORY. Accredited ??·?». Day aad Kre- nln«.Grade.Blah »ca..l. DRAFnNG. Arcaltrrtural.KM» per mon«*. Me«-.»nlrol.85.00 per month. COMMERCIAL- «.reas »aorthand. gSJM» per mosti«. BookkerplBs. Trpewrltlaa. Other Courses Bulletin Free 1736 G St. N. W.W U ? ? Main 8250 ? .???.?t.?. WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW CO-EDUCATIONAL. .rvrenty-'crorth year opeDe Se^emher S at 7 p.m. Tuition J75 Per Annum. Sarkm. «t Either (SO or (JO p.a. Office H (»ira. 10 te 5 M Uli He» Tork Aia. I'hr»oe Maia « LCOIA GALtt-rSARBEB SCHOOL. A J>AT , «chool of «11 regular cradca. Air- Sa* art» evening clan««, «n rbydirnlc training. XIAUY GAL'S DAVIS re M., l*rln.. UH Beitnoiit read. Phone Nonti 6TJ. atUrtaX Nstional Cathedral School for Girl» WtScoaai·» «ve. and Woodie» road ait«i«t-i «vitliin «he Cathedral clofle; reopen« for day pu¬ nii« October 1, 919 ilrsdea 5. », ? and S ?a- {.rrtaed study »nd outrlrtnr life; «narh fro·. lei pont Urei«. Telephon« 11. »eland »«. »ß*--« NATTONATTTCHÔÔTFÎNT AND APPLIED ART FKL.IX MAHOlYT. Ilirector 1505 Pennsylvania At e n ne Next to Ulf;·;« Bank ???"?·» OCTOIIFR 1 D»y end Kvenlng Classe« Realster Now Send for Catalogue. Hain 1T60 ACC»OÜÑTAÑ?3Yífp% Tb· hiirtwet r*-d pruf-wat-op taught thor-:-iic*.:j Id 4 few moo\ am ot bora« study by new 131 .era. tinier th·» c fidane*· ci .6 Ot p. A.*i. INTBHNATIONAJ.» ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY, FrmklKi 49?. US Colcnrlo FMf. George Washington University Chartered by Conrrres-.- 1821 Co-educational College Year Bccins Sept. 24 Art· and Sciences, Engineering, Education. Medicine. Dentistry, Law. Full day courses and late after¬ noon courses. Over one hundred cla»»e» In all college and engi¬ neering subjects meet at 5:10 and 6:00 P. M. Catalogues and other infor¬ mation at -023 G street. Tele¬ phone West i6«o- F1RST GKAUt CIVIL ?>??»??'*? EXAMINA- tioo for Cer>sia Offic«. October 1»; tuition for tbe entire rourae, t*. THE CH'IL SERVICE PHEPABATKRY SCHOOL, «e. corner IBA «nd F at» rw. Phone Franklin 20«% FUNERAL DESIGNS. Appropriate Funeral Token» Altullc.«.per»«!»«.inrxpenffii«. Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street ???p.; t «uto dí-liTi-ry serrios. mfaLVtf DIED. HEIDER-CHARLKS F. HE1UEK. «on of William J. and Anna K. Heider. Funeral from his lale residence. 4S5 New York avenue northwest. Tues- day, at lp.ro. FOR RESULTS TRY HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS Automobiles USED ü«J¿^^CESSORIES .REPAiraNCjr-TKES. 1918 FORD ROADSTER $400 CASH 1101 VERMONT AVE. Auto Repairing. $1.00 per Hoar. Ws repair «H a**·* of aa Gamatm a Ow «trrlt· tasa*. ?. H. BAUER CO. Samoa Mala UM «a G «t. »w. 5.000-MUe $| 0.65 Guaranteed Tires,.»Sa Sire 50*354 Ttat'a only oo« «-»ader bare. CHAS. E. iMHiER, Inc. SU lits «t. « tor» north ot H «t. A CAR TO SUIT YOUR TERMS. Buick Six, toarlas. Chandler, aeren {-ssr-s*-ns*cr Che*rolet, Ììts ranswmta WASHINGTON MOTOR EX. _WSÊ lltS OL nw._wIS**« EXPERT REPAIRING. AU make* of can. Reasonable Charges. AUTO MART. Mam 466. 466 Pa. Ave. N.W. TRY WILLCHER -tb» «later car diaart-oatleian au-s-ty-tlaj «ot«· on «a ««to repair »ora. im W «t Phon« North ßß. ???? ??G? AirOIIOBlLE LOOKED OVfai BY A DI'Al.lKIKIi AVIATION liti HAMli MX. EIGHT AND TWELVE CYLINDER MY SI'BriALTT; ALSO MOTOECTOLE RE¬ PAIRING. P. ?. WISE. BEAK «HI CYC ST. NW. · «rlM»t Come to the Largest Used Auto Dealers in the World. THE ROMAN AUTO CO. SH N. Broad «L. Phiaaia.pl-1·, Pa 1 «? rara to arlad trom-1*!!, HIT, lfl« ia all ssaaasa, *"30 up. CatUlosue fra« oa quest ««1.1.1.·.'· '.tii.tT.it.g.;i.».a ^FORDOWÑEtó- Mr sjpecialtr is cleaning earboa and grinding central'auto repair shop. Basar 101« Mi ist. ?. W l-ranllin AA asma births reported. WHITE. Hilly I and Asna Sbannoa. rrV flar«··«·. S. an* alMii. la. MoisjaJ«. boy. l>-.'» lï- «us* Ruth W. Ifsne«. boy. O-rttttsplirr O usa M«rr M. Ole. «hoy. \»i.li»j.-'.hT M and M»rj· K. OocTman, fill. Thomas an<l Jean»·««. L BaUcr, fui. COLORE-D. James H. and 171» TtUman, siri. Eli-hard ? aad Kditb fsaaad. bas; DEATHS REPORTED WHITE. Eathssr P. l*ulr>. « -ras» 1536 OH»« »s« a«. Ji-ratniah Suiti»·«. «. S r il ? , Ah. UcCarthj. 4S. IIS i:th et- «w. OOLOllF.D. Ann« tiara». «*.. Vrnr\ámc Hoar». Marl» K.:!rj. 13. 11B Bladmersarj raT 1 Josrpli n»ji«-rea»ld. A. Home for tb« taro. 3rd «nd H «ta Sal Navy Yard News Ben Tubman. th« T«t«ran cyclist of the east shop, looks fine on his new racer. Henry Ball, of the broadside mount shop. Is out for the Rex football team. Schwatsie Schaffer, of the tor¬ pedo tube ahop. has returned from an eleht-day vacation. W. H. Brown, of the radio shop. is the proud father of a baby srirl. Robert G. Johnson, df the tool ahop, haa purchased a new home. Fred Sciti, of the key division. Is ill with the influenza. John Bay, of th« boiler shop. pa»sed the week-end In Baltimore. Md. Harry Andrée, of the sitrht »hop, has purchased a new home on ? street southeast. J. Phillips, of the erecting- shop, had fine luck on his recent fishing trip. J. Stewart, of the east a-un car- ria-re »hop, ha» returned frt»m his extended vacation. C. H. Price, of the breech mech¬ anism shop, returned ta*«Vf**a** from his trip to Palm B«'ach. Fla. R. W. Wilson, of tlic torpedo tube te»t houae, has a new car. In which he la «roin-r to motor to California. T. C. Brown, of the west trun camas-e shop, leaves today for «vn extended stay tn New York City. H. N. Iaowery. of the miseella- neoti» ahop. »pent Sunday in Phila¬ delphia with his family. Japs Study Philippines. Manila. . HiKh government offi¬ cials of Japan have just paid a visit to the Philippine», making special studies of the coal and ship- pin«- business, rt<e Krowinc and other agriculture the financial aya- tom of the island» and the treat¬ ment of disease. CLANCY'S KIDS (Copyright. 1919, by tne McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) By PERCY L CROSBY L Her, ?<-?· MINT MCNTfONlNW/iMer, ? « But YOU TOLO a CCRTAlN coy who uves* narro ??? that iu/a? a dun-clc 't- fOtitv-? ·{ CON ? SeC THCiM PAS-TIN'/ STARS, in youfl COPY BOOKS.THC [¿ONLY REASON THEY KEEP YA IN »TCHöO- IS'CAUSC IT'S AGAINST THe CAW To POT ??. OUT ¡FYûofie so BRKSHrwH/ don tchashou YOUR 9.190RT CARO AROMO ONCTíN An-Hite? YA Got"it' in o.Poi?rMeNTAN'VAii-gNr ' HOM. I AN' TOCO'eM (TlM-ANT 'DeLeCHTTOc' Ytf</f?e Ivor onî.y a 5rof?yrecter? ,ß?t rue ßicciixr hinny?'tt/e biggcst DUM8eCC;fN Tr,**/ TOirCN- ifya eve-R OPeH ??????? AGAIN |'u.0OfNCCA BiVnch of Fjuer ?et???ee? yet·» campj- SO HARO THAT YOU'LL HhUCTO HAVC A QQ6 CCAP VA AROCWf) 0ÚYÜ «e no sooner opeNeo^-J HIS MOUTH THANIierHJNHAiye.r.'Q where ooYA ¿erthatstvff?'is6z 4 AN'ßEF_?l?e ÍIüAJ· THROUGH fHADr. H/M CAT/N* C/CtVNßiOürA MY HANO.^ Canadian Prices on Power Lower Than American Cost of Chippewa Falls Product Will Be $100 A H. P. Under That of Niagara Falls.Grow¬ ers in Western Canada Enter Politics. Toronto. Sept 2t_An undertak¬ ing involving the expenditure or . bout tl..000.000 li beine; launched In connection with th« development of the Chlppew· Palls In Ontario. The canal will havre a capacity of 15.000 second feet, and th· product of that water will be soo.ootj horse¬ power for peak load». At the be¬ ginning of the war the Hydro-Elec¬ tric Power Commission of Ontario wa· developing 49.004) horsepower, arid at present developing IÎ5.000 horsepower. Sir Adam Back, chairman of the commission, tn nf» speech here said that this waa not the limit since there waa th« 8t_ Lawrence, which U capable of supplying -.000.000 horsepower equal to 40.000.000 tons of coal or 1200.000.000. Ke hoped thet before another year work would heve commenced on the first dam on the St. Lawrence. This data will, among other thing·, assist greatly in making possible Toronto and Hamilton being placed on th« ocesn highway of the world. The merger of the waterpower rómpanles, now known as the Niagara Falls Development Com¬ pany, will have a total capacity of only 400,000 horsepower, whereas all told there will be available on the Canadian «ide JîS.Ono horsepower. The *D*nlted State« merger wa· cap¬ ita llaed. at |17*i.*S00.000, and the cap¬ ital cost of the power wa» list to $1S0 a horsepower, where·· the capital cost per horsepower when the Chippew· canal is finished will be ITS to $80. 3.T·» ».Idler. CI «e a Cravata. During the la»t twelve months land grants have been made to Ï.7SI returned soldiers in the four weit¬ em provinces of Canada The loan· by the Soldier Settlement Board up to the «-nd of Auguri amounted to about 130.000.000. Montreal to Herald Prlaee. Preparations are going on apace for the welcome of the Prince uf Wales when he visita Montreal late In October, »hortly before hi» return to England. The feativities will in¬ clude a ball by the city and the citizen», and a military ball. In ap¬ preciation of the dancing proclivi- tiis the Prince haa Inherited from his grandfather, the late King Ed¬ ward VII. Among other ceremonials will be the unveiling of a memori.1 to the men of the British mercantile marine who gave their live« in the great, cause during the long fight againat the submarine» and other forma of German fritrhtfulne»». The Hon. N. W. Howell, presi- Woman Repays By Openin Philadelphia. Pa. Sert. ».-Although handicapped by lack of funds for the fur-pose. Mr·. Laura J. Williams ha» given over the parlor of her home at H16 Eaat Clearfleld street to h»d boy» of the neighborhood for use · club. Ir. the hope of turninc them from their wilful ways. She is doing this in preference to »ending them to the House of Correction for their attempt to demoli»h a frame dwelling on the rear lot of her property. Mr». William» the representative of a publifblng house, for which »he work» thet »he may »upport an In¬ valid husband. She leave» her home e»rly each roornlnc. nnd le gone all day. During her absence the boy» have neon tearing down the fr»me dwelling in the rear, bit by bi: "They do not want to »teal the lumber." »»id Mm. William·. "They leave the wood in the front yard for me to rick up »hen I return home in the even- "What h»e borne me up In face ot opposition to my plan Irom many tide·.·· he »aid. "ha» been the thought of my own boy. that 1 lost ITALY WILL NEVER SEE FIUME TAKEN, D'ANNUNZIO'S DEFY CVSTIÏtTXD F*rV>M pao· ONE. triol» in the right and justice.an army composed by regular Italian troops, representative of the entire mother country. My Judgment proved sound, my vision clear. It waa the Italian Royal Army ahi-h cl««5«jd rank» in my wake as I marched to Flume. It Is the Italian Boyal Army that now holds the holy city of Flume under my command. In nance of all enemies. All know their leader will not fail them In the*hour of peril. All know I am ready to die at a moment's no¬ tice in the service of a great cause. Hope» for Death la Sea. What is d«'ath to me. who have already braved it two score and more times? What is the value of thi· poor crust, my body? When Fiume is definitely won I am going to fly from Rome to Tokio, hoping devoutly that · typhoon will end my life, far out in the Indian ocean. No. glory did not tempt me to come hither, nor did death deter me. Glory mine already, and death I know too well. Thi· same spirit imbues my herole follower» who have signed thetr live· into my hand» »nd confided their de«tinie« Into my keeping. We h»ve pledged our existence to thia »acred »oil.living or dead, this .oil our biding place. From Venice I hurried to Loach!, the home of the martyr who died In the «au»e of Italy thirty year· ago. There for a moment I despaired, for the auto truck» that had been prom¬ ised were not on hand. But courage flamed again My main force »elied »ufflclent truck·, .nd.forw»rd ag»ln! Even I my- .elf had not expected the expedition would be ·? easy. I had looked for resistance and feared bloodshed en route, particularly at the hand· of tbe allie·. God be thanked, we were not op¬ posed by our former brother· In arms. Army «ipr.Bg From asssaa The new· of our progress flew ahead of like wildr.re. I harangued troop· along the road, aad all Joined ray triumphal column. When we reached Thteste. a veritable army strode at my heels. In It I counted a regiment of infantry, two battalion· of arditi, «hock troop« of the Regina Brigade, batterle· of artillery, com¬ pletely equipped, and two squadrons of armored car». They had mlraculouily »prung up from th« ground aa though called forth by th· stamping of a magician's foot. Once a general barred our w«y. saying: "Who and what are you. whither are you going? I am your superior.·¦ "I am going to Flume, where today the chief command devolve· upon (." I responded "If you like, go to dent of the Council In th« adlaa «Cabin«·, declarea la th« 1 At Common» that th» that he conapired to »upplant tksa lat« Sir Wilfrid Laaurler. tha LaMv. eral leader. Is a falsehood1, that Iks had never slendered th« Catholk« church, and that he had atoaatad th« position of l«ad«r of th« nppn sitlon In the Provincial Par I lamenI of Ontario at a âaaaclal lassa. This waa In reply to the cbarsres mada against him In th« houas elghlee· moatha ago Cana»« í;i». Riesser Bassa«. The Hon. C. J. Doherty. mltilatar et Justice, speaking la tha Ceased I as House of Commons, statavi that ths government will Dot consider tha *-»***- tuity proposal put forward by retires. soldiers for a further bonus «st SASSI for eau-h man. unconditionally. Tb« pioposal d d not receive much sappon .from returned «soldier member« of ths house. The granting of this would entail an expenditur« of «rj.ee* <»'rala Heal la PoMlias. The grain growers of Western >T*aa> ada are helng perrojuiently otsgauitsed aa a political party. Th« first riarsimi of the federal constituency executlv« of the gran growers movement Is la progress here. Many M «««rían· rrom raised Sia«-»sv V«ncouv«r..During th« past Ao* months S.S2S automobile» entered Usa provine« of British Columbia trata tha State nf Washington via tbe Highway The number of pa totaled *4.***4. according to »-ova reports from the offloe at the Inter¬ national boundary. It is believed that when th« Rr-ja» link of th« national motor road aa-rosa the mountain« of Canada o*aar»rcta that hlchway with the magnificent BanfT-Windermere section of ths» Rockies the motor tourist trafflc the I'nited State« will be augmented. (...rr»«rit Bars P.r*A aWswtà, Two million bushels of ss«d wheat will ba bought by the Dominion gov¬ ernment as a gtiarantaa «gainst a> shortag« on the prairie« nest spring. Most fsrmers hold their own grain, first making sure by the ination test thst It Is rr.ua. but It «¦ expected that there will be such a vastly Increased acreage next spring. d*ie to the Incursion of American eat- llers and to the soldier» who are «settl¬ ing on the lends under the federal government's loan system, that thia .-...-urcfi supply ssill be required. Bad Boys g Home to Them sev«n yesr» a;·«, when he was year· old 1 d'.d net »ant to send tbe neigh¬ borhood hoys to tbe Houee of Cor¬ rection, for 1 know they com« oat aa better than they go in. 'The ritme» of *WD men prominent ta this vicinity hsve been tigned to the ? petition I sent around In behalf of my club. Two of my kindest supportera have been Coroner William ?. Knight and 11 Wellington Wood. Mrs B. J. l.ulie \'l»tu-d n~e recently and donate»! tb« nrst dollar toward the new club. "My plsn is to begin In the parlor with eia-ht or ten boya, and then gradually give them the other four rooms of the house, which will be i««r«n for them e»-ery evening and all day «Sunday. I want the poor boy» f.sr membership, this Is not to> be a rich lads' club. It 1s th« car·- le»« « rapsh-· -t- r who wrecks hta life loitering about corners that I want." It the belief of Mr» William« that »orne benefactor win erect «a one-story club bm'.d.ng on the sit· of the frame hou«-« In doe time, after hef work among the hoya shows results. the rear and take our duat, hut stand aside." That wa» all.forward again, untai. the starlit night was »uc**eeded by a glonoua dawn, we es-roe to a halt at the gale» of Flume. There Gen. Pittali·«», r mmandlng th« Italian | troops, was an suing us with an out- r-tied air. »1 Asa Master Herer "Whet.you who are so wl»e era 'doing thi»T" he asked. "Don't yo«m understand the gravity of the situa¬ tion?" "I am the master here, and 1 assi going to pass." I told him. di»dain- j ing the bandy of word». "Why, my troop» will Are on you."* he »aid. whereupon I and all who« heard him burst Into peals of laughter. "You hav»» five minutc-e fn which to let me pass." I replied. Tell your troop» If they want a target I want th« m to aim at my" wer wound, my medel or my gold, star for bravery." Five minutes» elapsed We ad· ¦ venced. N'ot a shot was heard. The entry Into Fiume was th« suprema moment of my life. Kot a woman or «hild wa» encountered In the vast welcoming throne; that did «not beer e laurel brench In token of honor end love and gratitude. Pepala««·» Ileltrte-aa. Through the delirious crowd« of In« habitent« we pushed on. then wa reached, surrounded and entered tha palace. There I at once undertook: the arduous task of distributing ms- troops and putting into action a piava of defense which I had' persotiallr devised. I'.y the 13th of September, nothlnar remained for to do but wait. All allied troops withdrew peacefully I summoned the Italian Admiral «'a·· ? anova, who Is an old friend of mina II asked him to surrender snd Im¬ prisoned him, later «ending him homo I with a safe conduct. He thanked me for this, saying: I "You have thus saved me frowt tha supreme anguish of having to fire oa my Italian brother»." Flume now ours. Nothing but death shall dislodge us The nropo- j sitlon recently made by the allias ta recognise Flume a «mall Inde- pendent State Is quite unacceptable. ?I will oppos« It «lth all fore« If the I situation warranta lt. I hav« only to appeel by proclama- tion and the «ntlre Italian army will flock to my standards. The world knows Free Italy repu- diate« tbe auaplcion of Imperialism, but Flume is hers, body and aouL She «111 keep It on her own respon¬ sibility and face an embattled world. UStAfiOS »titìsm in VsM*. Lsondon.Standing Industrial Coun¬ cil« of employers and employe« now number forty-one and represent the Interest, of nearly ??,?? work¬ ers, the ministry of labor reports. ¡The forty-seven-hour week Is the object most »ought. Pasat Fi*» Paper pulp from bamboo la ta> be produced aa g ooBunai*slal

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Page 1: Washington herald.(Washington D.C.) 1919-09-29 [p …...uated st the ««joutheast corner of Fn'irteenth trt-et and Ohio erenue northwest. A copy of a circular of information ivued

TT.Wa^HINGTONHERALD"pahUsa-vl tetri aas la th« year b» Th» Wash·

*ajarror Birald G???.?» .t t3-_» Eleven-b ttratt.WM'ilasjliB. D. C. .**-T«-»*oc· Kich.nro-C-n Mata la».aval ba Audi: Bore«· ef circulation.

OASSIFIED RATESWjatsd H*lp._.1 ONEWarnte*. St««tio_...| CENT^WaTlIa.1 ¦"'*'. !"A W0RDp « ¦». j C-sarÎHe.Tan. Ha«· «t?«·, «w tfass, toc Sam. ad.2**· <To«r«-uti»· rim», «a».Jteedal Nette«· ov Loeat Mration.la» par Un,"-sarca Notier«.Ut p«r Un.Aattlo· Noue»..-fe perils.

AU, OTHER CLASSiriCATlOSS-pca li ?e¬? "aa...I cant»* tbaai r Lin«omt$.t cent». Q">«» osraareati-riT.« eau»

Csarraet Bat«» Oa Reoue«·,rsasssvSvl ytv. Linea

FCÄEIGN B*£P»«-SENTAT1V_3.THI S. c BECKWITH SPECIAL AOEiCT.l»sw Tort Off!«.Trie»»». Bidsjg»*»«v» OBc«.Trlbnn. BMs.-auutt otr.c».ta yorri mût¦t Lorna Offlea..Thinl National San» Bids.


tt. L-ldcH*. Putt or oa Teunw aia-oue. b**-twwan Corlsin street and Lincoln Park. FhwdAj/MM ??ß?ß re-urn to «?. ???ß?AVENTKL Liberal rt-s»inl_ - > ?

TUB UTTL* WONDKB IX TOWN, PDR ??ßiBMtt; the bett ¡Tactical r.o.r.ry io theeounr-r* ten kitcben too'* in ??t; dro;» ,·?»*G*?»Md will call G. M. 8risLIV.\X. Afltnt, IZ.SSth at. nv. aeS>-2

WANTED.AGENTS.CA-N'DT-BI·. PAT: ADVEBTISK. ME.X,w«a-ao. 8-art cue of om Sr-wJaltj Candjr Fac¬

tories tn yortr höret*; an... 11 koto, Anyabere; w·tell bow and fjralafa »«rrrtii.rtc- fraad nppor-ttwtry. CANDY ??G?,?, 1-1· Barute-vd at.,??·a>?t?*?*. l'a a:jl»3k


Certifl*ít Pub-tc ArctMintanta, 33 CotcradoBide., are lorakios; for a few d.«nM·* jo>iDg menwbo wish to l.tm public scroaBtinc work danujgtfcrir ti*re time. Open until ê ? ra. s.-B-.t


ts bt. Apply at acbool. ST? » ßt .?. W. ?|p m. Rívarri 57 fw2_*c>c3-*-S-_0.«âCTOCNTANTS CiaKKTs * »G????^rertiácd Pu.!.. Atvficr-inta. 335 ColoradoBids am lwk.njt for a f-'-r desirable lidie·mho wish to Varia iwibtic arrouctinf work dnrinftheir M*arf» tiro- oprn until 8 p.m. irSMt

Help Wanted.Male and Feule.- WANTED.500 parents to. know that thev ar» making a

serious mistake to let that boyor girl go to work before tak¬ing at least three months'course at the Best BusinessCollege in Washington. Xoother investment can equalthe small sum necessary tosend them where they are'

sure to begin a successful ca¬reer. Call, phone or write forfull particulars.


FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT.lT«jfC-?IKi-U BT. KW.-WELL KtKNIsHEl>.eomiiTtjbi«, bright room; nrar Irupeot «Irrle.


a Unfurnished House for Rent.WANTKI»-r.\in IINISHKO HÖCi»l^'«lRfrl·»evt «reti.. «?» or «cirri room« «r.rl tratlr.

..«l*lho:;e Franklin «.75. Lret.»*ti ß and T.«r-3t


N'ELS«1N REFRIGERATOR CO.611 F St. N. W. Franklin 2757

MONEY TO LOAN.MONEY TO LOAN-S30 TO lî/??? ON D. Creal estate. Scteral tra.t funda. All tcans-

acrjoas conducted witrj e ontnii .1 considerationfor borro, er.

VA-M. p sArr.'DKits te co..1', atrathera Buiklli .. »** 15tb >t. e«fvìMt

MONEY TO LOAN ON ???? ????. ?.»???8¦t enmrnt rate, of ???.*t-»?. TiL.FR it

»CTBLlir»»!'. INC.. ?? !6lh «. n». «I~l JOt

WATCH TUB l-LAb^IFIELP IOL-lMNä VORevidences ol lb. ßt???? of Ihia city. Tlii·

taal «eem like «n «xld suszeation-but it hai,rullìi tí

Liberty BondPrices

We l*nl<l fnvr *M llond«>ntur-il:iy

Victory 4% per cent, $50.431st 3«,á orr «r-if.S.VI.14Is* 4 l».r .»at.»VI7.IMze 4 tart rent.« 1T.S.1l.t 4", »>«·G rea».SITJI734 4", Mer real.«ir.«..M 4« ! prr reni.ÍIT.Iir,»th l'i per eeat.ai7.>0Vlrtarr tr% per eeat.fôO. 13In addition tr» thog» price» wo

pay full »'alue for Liberty Bondcoupon» dtii».We buy »lfiO. »5no and 1,1.00t»

Liberty Bond» «^f all Issues.

Wc a'so bay Part-paid Cards and

War Savings StampsWithout Any Red Tape.

Liberty Bond Exchange¦j ? G?? r-.nt. **> *; ??.??.

915 Penna. Ate. N. W.




OVER 30 YEARS ^?0??££Nervo·»· «ad Special Dlae*·«· est ??« «nd Was»Means Health to You if You SufferProa Catarrh, olessitr. «s-»,n- Gonitlp·-tkm, Pil««, Throat. Lnn«a. Brain. Heart, Blood.ad Skla Diaraae«, Nerioua Debility, KidnejDiseaiea, Bladder Trinjb;«. Sperili.- Blond Pol·¦oning. Krnptton», Clcer» «od AU Prisât« Di>nn Curad far U!. b» Sai« Method»

Charges Low. Medicine Furnished.CONSULTATION FREE

Private Waiting Room for LadiesOffice nnsir». H to 12. S t» «. Hondas». 1» to 11

MADAM EDWARTSS. SCtESTltiC. E*OTP-tian rssbnist. ha« returned to the city and ia

reati· to ae« all old frieud» and new patrona;ah« read» -.sir «.-Mire life, isset, present «nd fa-tar·. Sow located at at» Uth »t. nw. ae**·]*


l-tievs Chaae on «3DO «'.all »nd «9 a month.ALLAN \V. GIBSON, S1T-S1S Colorado Bnild-

j In«. sr)S-aSt


Special Discounts for Caah.SAVE IIONCT-BÜT AT

_Hopwooiys t*µ?Spot c-ashTtSI» vssoì TTP-swrnT-raie:PudeTwood, Rovai. Monarch, L. C. Smith,

R.inicr«»a. UBKRTÏ TYrEWRlTHK HJ>PAIR 00 . W 11 st. n». l'Iionea Main ««Ta,Col. 4«V«-W._»e3-9t_FÖiTSALE.MISlCELlÜ^EOÜsTYOC CAN'T HIDE ÏOIR AD Hi TMSclassified column».??« there isn't a hidlns

atom there. Those at!» are READ ******·*"

???.?. CALL IN MY tfRa-aTTERIO) Aero¬mobile, city or auburtian, and pay iou uisheat

prii-es lor latlie«', gvntlemeo'». children'· dla-i-ardrd clothing, of «U description«. Addressroatai or phone. 1 «ill call. **r RICE, US tth«t. nw. North ITB. te2 tf

_SPECIAL NOTICE_COMM1S.SIONEBS OK THE DISTRICT OFOliurl'in. Washington. I>. C.» .Scptrrot"*er D,! 1919. Apt lie» tion ß for pet*mistion to ilk«? the ex-

Jui)iDati">r» for the aelectuH) of candidates to be*¦»>' minendi-d by the t'ummik-ion-T-» of the Di»·trict of CViumbia to take the examination· for«ftJoiwûoii to tbe UNITED RATEI MILITARYACADEMY in June, VJBD, will be receifed attl.id office not later than 3 o'clock p. m.» onSaturday. October IS, 1919. No i^-rson will betaei-mitted to apTpee>r at these eliminations whois not an «actual resident of the District of Co-lumbia. Applirations must be signed in the sd-

| pÜcants handwriting rt: d be addr«>-a-*ed to theCominiw'--*jwr· of the District of Columbia, Room30?. District Building. \Wshu,gti>n. D. C. sauststate the i-lacf and date oif the birth of tb· at>[wirant «and his ? «tj-rt office a.ldreaa. and «be ac-.**· iiiiian;-*! by a certificate from two reputablerettd 'n'l of the District of Columbia that tbea, oc snt is a person et good moral characterand that be ]» an actual resident of the Districtof Cbltmibia. Applicants must not be teas than17 or more than 2 years of ase on June 14, IMO.and not leas than 5 feet 4 Inches in height at tbea-je of 17; nor less than 5 f«*-**t i inrbes inWiafht at tbe age of 16 aud upward. They willbe subjafc'ed t» a »rompetítiye mental examina-tion, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. on Monday,October 30. 1919, in the Franklin School Huild-???, situated at tbe southeait corntrr of Thlr*te-enth and ? streets northwest, on the foUo-*·**·ing topica: Algebra (thmigh quadratic equationsand arithmetical and get-metrical progressions),I ine geometry; English trammer; English com-position «snd literature; d«fscriptiTe geography;the elements of pfayrucad geos*rapi,j·. and UnitedMates and European history daring the periodmentioned in the War DereJtm**nt n-gu la uros;al**o to a physical examination, -h-»çinn».l at 10oYkx-fc a. m., on Friday, October 21, 1919, inthe Fire «Oepartn-.-Tit Truck Houae No. 3, sit-uated st the ««joutheast corner of Fn'irteenth¦trt-et and Ohio erenue northwest. A copy of acircular of information ivued by the War «De¬partment re*»T***scting the requirements of candi¬date» for admission to tbe United States MilitaryAciadenu ·**·*¦> b· obMined upon arplicario*therefor st thi* office. Blank application» willbe fiirnish*-d upon spplicstion at thia officeLOÜT8 BROWNLOW. W. GWYNN GARDI¬NER. CHAS. W. KUTZ, Conimii-noneri- pf The{Matrici oí Columbia. *»<iS.M.3 »,!1T,3,3D1 OMMISSIONKRS OF THE DISTRICT OFColumbia. Waebii-ifton, D. C, Se-*tember 3.¦? Applications for permiisiuD to take theexaminatiotis for the select i'"-n of candidates, tobe r<*---*t*«mmend»?d by tbe t'ommiwioner» of theDistrict »>¦' CulumbiA ta take the ctamlnationafor admu-sion to the United States Natal ?-ademy in June, 190D. will be i*eceifed at this officenot later than 3 o'clock p. m.. on Ssturday, Oc¬tober 2>. 1919. No r«i-*on will be peroitted toap;«>*ar at these examinations who is not an ac¬tual resident of the Disftrict of Columbia. Ap-p'.ication-. must be signed in the applicant'shsndwriting and be s>\ Ire--*ed to the Commi»- !s*orei-M (-f th» District of (.«olumbia. Room 509.District Building. Wuhington. D. C must*Tate the i-Uce and date of birth of the ap-plicant and hia postoffice sddress, and be ac-corepan ied by a certificate of two reputable resi*dents of the District of Columbia thst the ap¬plicant iï a permo of good moral character andthat he is an actual reeMcnt of the District ofColumbia. Applîcanta mu&t be between the age·of 16 and 30 on April 1. 1?C0, and not less than5 feet C inches in height, between the «ages of16 and 18 ytar-t. nor less than 5 feet 4 inches be¬tween 13 «nd 20 yean, and must weight at leastone hundred and ele*»en pounds at si*ttc**n -»earsof age. Thf-y will be subject to a «Mintiti1·.mental examination begiruiîng at 9 o'clock a. m.on Monday. Octi-*ber 2G. 1?19, ir, the FranklinSchr-nl Ruilding. «-situated at the r-nuthrast cornerof Thirteenth and ? street· northwest, on thefollowing topic»: Algebra (through quadraticequation*««", l'lane Geometry, Enff'.ish (irammer.I'unctna*ion. Geography, Arithmetic and United.«tatps fliitory. Also to a physical exam¿nation,beginning at 10 o'clock a, m.. on Friday. Octo¬ber T.. 19Î9. in the Fire Department Tru*k BouseNo. 3. fiti-a-red at the *-outh«*i«at corner of Four¬teenth atreet and Ohio arena« northw-sst. Acopy <y a circular of information i*uued by theNaty Department respecting the irqiiii-einente atc»ndidstes for admis*»' «? to the I'nised StatesNatal Academy may be obtained on applicationtherefor at this office. No persm srill be per-1mit ted to isreeent himself for either pbyaical or!mental examination «ho shall not ha*e beennotified in writing of the approval of his ap-plication by Cie Coi-fjani^ioTieri·. Blank apt lies-ti-os will be furnished uixìii application at thisoffic... LOUIS BROW.N'iy.**·, W. GWTN.?GARDINER, CRA9. W. KUTZ, r(»mmÍMÍonersot the IHstrict of Colombia. t««a.2t,-i;,3S,r.Ä30WORKI.NGME.N~ITS EA6Y TO «sssal Abunch of "dough" stick to your fingers, snd

it's all "relict," but see to it that you findthis .«Tore with the porch front, worth lookingfor if ca*h^ow-n sating is an oI"*jeet. e**en ifi: is the buying of a i*ir of new pants at C up.ïmye to se* ua. ^STli'S OI«l> STAND. «9 D.


CLAIRVOYANTS.limn! ht th«'Pt-rtt-te ¡


(lins adtice an business matter·, lot«, b-aalthand family affair·; telle If tbe on« you lo.« latram «r (ala·, what put of th« country to lock·.est to yon, what to do to be eurriwsful la life,t.¡tea you datea and facts, teUa you what baapaaeed In life, and what 1« happening, withoutaaJüni a ainsi· quration. Hhe doe« not tell toplease, but rcada juat aa tb« band» indicata;tafia you tb· pianeti yon were boni ander, thelucky and unlucky planet·; when and whom yonwill marry; seules and e.pliiru lor·, familytrouble, marriage, di-Otre, health, lawsuits, it-eoulationa, invt'strnenta. transact lorie of mil Und«.In fact, no matter what your bop·, fear or am¬bition, cool· to thi· noted palmist and find help«Tbere ia no um for anyone to be uniucce»aful orunhappy. No matter what tbe cauac bee adviceremo·«· all trouble. She fuai^ate«· aatiafactloo,HvM'iina-a. $1.00. TlO Tth it. nw., between (1 and

H ata,_as-EavsVTtWHAT SHOULD 1 DO>

How often In life we com· toa «tanaetUl, perplexed and ladoubt oonceruinC which ateoto tab* for tbe beat, it la Juatat thia atep on tb« ladder of Ufethat the uiUtakca ar· made, aodon't derida your futur· on

men turn work. Be adrlaad by on« whocan properly adriae you. Advice onhealth, lote, marriaaw, bualneaa, inven·tioci, ripeculationa and all alfana of life.Satiifactioa fuaraottfed or no chargea.Hour·, 9 s. m» to 8 ? m. Studio BOtth aL nw.

MADAM RUTHralmlxt Phrenotofiat Clairroyant

MADAME PARKER.GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM.If you are going to seek adtice or help, whj

not conaolt one who i» well known, on« who iaher· permanently ? She can tell you if th· on«you lote la true or Calao and tell you bow towin and hold tbe on« of your rboioe; til!· youwhat hu-ânea» and what part of the world itmoat lucky for you and adriaca you how to gainand hold a good poeitiiMi; ehe brines the iei>arated together;, make« happineaa between manand wif·» Can te.l yoo if anybody haa put badluck or oril Influence on you and abe can tellyou bow to take it off. Can tell you the cauae-.f your trouble· and bow to avoid them. Canadriae you in divorce caM·; when to apeculat«aud where to locate. Thia lady doea not tellto pleaae you, but gite· ouly truthful advice youcan depend on. Do not becorne diacouraged ityou hav» seen other*« and they have failed tohelp yoo. MADAM PARKER will aliow you a

way. Satisfaction or no chargea.READING.-, $1.00.

;_B1 E at. nw.. between l2tb and IJth ata. Pp-rtalra,


ffuaraateea to ie«d rour astir· life, peat, prea»rnt and tutor*. t.he*aak· bo quest, jo*, but be¬fore you utter · word «Ue u-JLs what yon calladfor, name· uf ine-ide. enemiea; 'ella bow tagain avrcesa in H-ar-eas, hoaltb, coiirtabip, uiar-

riaye, d.rwce tell· »ou what part gf tbe worldwill be .gg-at-w for row; adriaae hoir to gaia. nd hold a gocd petition; abe telle if the ou·too lore ia traa or faine. An yon la troubi«fDo you find tne one yon !.·*· baatowea yaw:ri.it and affection upon ».ting cool and in·difterer.: toward yon? Hhe will remote ail oh-¦taclea ar 1 tell you bow to win and hold th«otra yon ueair«7 She reunite« tbe aepantad. lo»catea absent fr*.Ttda or relativen, Readings. fl.Nl

308 ß?G?'?.??? 13TRKET NOKTUWE8T.Prhaia Parlor««_Ofa> lake A Qx


CLAIRVOYANT.Guaranteea to read your entire life. pest, r-ee*-

ent and future; fives true advice on biii-inea«,lore, and b«aJth. and family affaira; telle tb«name of your future huahand or wife, aad whatto do to be a luereae in lifer; tell« you whatburine«· ia moat hicky for you and what part ofth« world will be more aitcccMaful for jou; ad-Tiara l*ow to gain and bold a good j*«ition; shetella if th« one you lore la true or filar, andcauaaa apeedy marriage with the on· ot yourchoice; bring» the arparated together; make«happineaa between man and wife: ahe telle youthe acereta of being happy and »ucrea&ful in any¬thing you take in hartd; her advice will remoreall obstarles and evil influence. Ouc visit toMadam Allen will repay >ou for diaapr-ointmentain a.1 otbera; aattafaction gtiaranteed or nocharge.

Special Readings, $1.00812 t* at nw. *.415t

MADAM D'ASKMANt-yiwy Clairvoyant

And card reader; adrice given c*a buatnaaa,ma-Tug« and Utcrce. Uua * »man baa readIt many peopla tu mat.y counirtee. bar.¦redicuona are reJuMe. 1-SQi M at,, csvna·

CI*.VIUVOYA.NT C-iUD REAPING, flnCRS.11 a. m. to 8 p. m. MKS. BVOVUAKEB,

S ¦» M »t. nw. N'Tth UU iel6-au.rio.tu-U

"fVlADAiwE VICTORIA.The rf" l«lniiat and clairroyant. Can ad¬

vise iMaine-n. family affaire, lore and marr.age«.Can tell «cm tbe name of future husband orwiie. Can tell you tbe aecret of be:cg eur.·**«.

ful, bow to avoid trouble and fc./w to arcid «-tilii .fluente Satiafactie-n »uajacteed or no cliaife.Kntranee 829 Tth at aut.«



ABSOLUTE».. FlKLl-HUor «TOliOtKorvns. 13 «nd up. Moitr. snd Cacaln«UNITED bTATEs »TOKAl.E CO «¡JJ-aTlal»«- »w. tfecea Mam tea aad trtauailn na tí

MOVINGrc> furnish large padded ran« and caiwfa· mmto hanóüe jour gouda.PACKERS of furuitur·, piano«, china, talc-··twac, etc. a-xperietsced men only.SHIPPING to all laaita of tbe wcrld.tSTORAGE .or furmiur*, puiio·. and towaa»

hoid gooda.1238 ? F.f. ff. W. W.j, arj


Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!20th Century Insecticide

..ill rid «our home of roache«. «iiu, «aterbiig».ad brdbuo. Wi'.l eitermlnate roach«« in yourborne. Sold by dniRgust« or A. il. c. C« I 941N î. a»e Main ??. aul 90tCABINKT ~MAKKlCCABINET MAKER

I can repair and re-flniab any piece of furni¬ture you haie. IU condition doe* not matter.Color changing a apecialty. My pri,-* _«. reaaon-able and all work ia guaranteed. L)rop ijoetaland will rail, or phone ft. 45ßß. ABE MARcL'31015 New York eve nw. eel6-sun-ujoo tuee-tf


Mirror· redlvcred equal to new. New miircrrito order. Drop card, will call.

THE MIRROR SHOP? ?. BROTHKV. Prop. 1125 F at. nw.


nea« Adriastr. sive» trot«,flat «drlos oo «11 «Hairsof life.

.ft»· waa liora with«trans« and remarla*»!·¦. AMA not roaantto «ratify the idk cu-rioua, but to direct, ad¬vise and help men «ndwomen who are In trouble «nd doubt «wocs-rnlaswhich «tesi to take In HI« t« better thamarlvasBelar« aaawaStaawaw*. «n-thln« of any lmpiaruuvoa.consult on« who caa ?p????t «¿«fa· job. Good

adele«. In tins», often aa-ea much aoxletj aaatrouU». Conwlt ber tod» Tomorrow may b«too Ut». Adrice on Health, Lov«. Mirrias·,.«titln·«· «nd lllnlni Venture». Mo on« is trou¬ble turned «war. ·!·«« ever» oasa nil 14th »Lnw. Office hour«, ta. m. lo I p.

MADAME VASTE,Phrenologii»* and Business «Adriser

1/ you wvuld be .Hiocaaaful andhappy, "Urtm· yourself!" Thi-ouihtb« srienos tt I'brenoiogy 70a OUIbs-scotne atquainted with your better Iusture, you eta «-now «bat yon «?* |best fitted .'or.«Standing far arid abois the st**· I

staiti of I'hrei-iotofftsta le Msdaase 1Vaste, who. from birth, bu b-wnpM.Û of very unuaual psychicpower, and is tbe poaaeaaor off many Ia mystic ecret of the «ncis-nta.Her Urn-»:y adfice bu prerented |

msny fsi .tires1featisfi-tion, or no charge.

Uoi»i*s: 9 a. m. to S *.. m.«B l.th at. taw.

PALMISTRY.Ucer.a»d by to» Dustrirt of Coli»«-*«a.


Resa» your life from «rradl« to «erare, ber piere are wonderful; lndifsputa^le sd?íce; clear t»formation concernine lore, courtaiiip. marriagsand floree; both rieb aod ???? lad eoctv-sH, q-ially b-meflcial and tctereetinf; 9011 ax» wiserstad bappier after consultine ber; mLXaMmcUQ*gi-a. antcci. ?-mnaneoUy locatoti; bous« t s. mto · %\ m*.


Gifted eUirrcyant end medi tun. caa bo eore

lulted on ail affai» of lila. Where «hm fall.th» surceei*··*. Her adrice I» good, try ber. -Ito-rueaa work or q*ceotiaiis ssked; what the sees andtells cornea true. Satisfaction guaranteed. Of·flee ?? H'vb tt. nw., two doors north of PalaisBoyal »tare, lft-xira, U t. ». to I p m Irt-wX

_MADAM KASKOMutuili *a?****?*? palmist; ttllsv


»¦.l-nustrj la *rj t« a recosnlaed svimi

RIZPAHELDON.Is known sa ene of its greatest exponents. H«t>-»reda riait this resnsrkable woman dally; -*·»·

plete readings with accurata òs»crtpti«T*-is off wbatycur hand forrtslla only* |1. Becepüon parlar as.rorner of (tb and O tiw. «fevtMOi *bBoors. 10 s. m to I p. a»·

prof, belmont!"Noted clairvoyant aod palmist. Gires

on busiit*-*s matters, lore, health, and iami'-y af¬fairs. t>1:j name of your futur* bustan .1 orwife, te: Li i. one ycc lo-re la true or fa-ae Wbatpart of ". - conntry Is luckiest to you. Wbat todo to be successful lo li/e. .21· New Tork are.nw. Next door to -Uaaonic Tamp!*. Read·biga. U-_ »riaVswt


.Washington's Favorite Advi«*erPROF. MARCUS LA MAR

Most remarkable reader of human destine oftbe rresent age tells your name in full, also foilair.es of husband, wife or k**eeih»-art i-eeeala

lour innermost secrets, help· you to giyour every desire, brine» about marriage with tbecne you lore, and gives uever failing help and¦ dvice on Iruaia-eas, law suits or any affair of Ufa,Call today, he will surprise yon.

1220 G St. N.W.

SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY.LIGHT ON LIFE'S PROBlaEMSFrank Thtori·-*!**** All**n, Dirsctor, Aatrcloeical

HcM-srch Society. Life readings, by appointment.Ji Typewritten forecat-ta. 16 t-p. Vocational*'¦ ;i !»: a «nd <'hi'.dreii*s II r<<*"'«r>p«'S s al-ecialty.l(f* ? nw. Fhone KranUm 6*J2.

Astrology Reveals Root Causes.

Liberty BondsBought for

CASHWe Paid for $50

Bonds SaturdayVictory 3faj per cent. .$50.431st V/i per cent.$50.141 st 4 per cent.$47.942d 4 per cent.$47.551st 4>4 per cent.$47.972d 414 P" cent.$47.653d 4!4 per cent.$47.954th 4¡4 per cent.$47.80Victory AY» per cent. .$50.43

In addition to these priceswc pay full valu« for LibertyBond coupon» due.We buy $100, $500 and $1.000

Liberty Bond» of all lesue».

We Also Buy Part PaidLiberty Bond Cards and

War SavingsStamps

Without gome throuch anyred tape.

No deductions from aboveprices, no commission chargesof any kind- made.

Liberty Investment Co.Phone Main 751*

920 F Street N. W.Open dally 1:10 a.m. to f :S0 p.m.



GEORÜE WASHM6T0KONiVERsmr law school

CO-EDUCATlOiXAX.Bra-las Mth Taa·· fr-i. »4. 1»1»

M einker A·.'· ia»a»lfaa Law »e»«at·Strict atandarda Instruction by

mo»t »pprnved methods. Maximumcredit by other law schoolsForenoon classes. » to 11, »rill b·

resumed.Afternoon class*· »19 to i:50 and

optional early morning classes (oremployed students.a.»«tatfT. Skamamtm SiBBi-a tt· Ottt

Georgetown UniversityThe Law School

Session ef 191.-13Î0 begin»October 1. lai», 'at 6 SO p. aa.

Uw School office· open dallyfrom < a tan. to 4-JO/p. m. forregistration and consultation.HUGH J. KKGAN. ?. ?.. L.L. R

Ph. P., Assistant Dean.Georgetown Law School Building.(0« E SL ?. W. Telephon· M. Itti

'2193 Men and Women Last Year'

ACCOÜNTANCT.Oldest s.fc..! la City.ne«ree-(;eanllrlK Power».Prepare· for C. G. A. o» III»«loe»»

PREPARATORY.Accredited ??·?». Day aad Kre-nln«.Grade.Blah »ca..l.

DRAFnNG.Arcaltrrtural.KM» per mon«*.Me«-.»nlrol.85.00 per month.

COMMERCIAL-«.reas »aorthand. gSJM» per mosti«.BookkerplBs. Trpewrltlaa.

Other Courses Bulletin Free

1736 G St. N. W.W U ? ?Main 8250 ? .???.?t.?.


.rvrenty-'crorth year opeDe Se^emher S at 7 p.m.Tuition J75 Per Annum.

Sarkm. «t Either (SO or (JO p.a.Office H (»ira. 10 te 5 M

Uli He» Tork Aia. I'hr»oe Maia «

LCOIA GALtt-rSARBEB SCHOOL. A J>AT, «chool of «11 regular cradca. Air- Sa* art»evening clan««, «n rbydirnlc training. XIAUYGAL'S DAVIS re M., l*rln.. UH Beitnoiitread. Phone Nonti 6TJ. atUrtaX

Nstional Cathedral School for Girl»WtScoaai·» «ve. and Woodie» road ait«i«t-i

«vitliin «he Cathedral clofle; reopen« for day pu¬nii« October 1, 919 ilrsdea 5. », ? and S ?a-{.rrtaed study »nd outrlrtnr life; «narh fro·. leipont Urei«. Telephon« 11. »eland »«. »ß*--«


FKL.IX MAHOlYT. Ilirector1505 Pennsylvania At enne

Next to Ulf;·;« Bank???"?·» OCTOIIFR 1

D»y end Kvenlng Classe«Realster Now

Send for Catalogue. Hain 1T60

ACC»OÜÑTAÑ?3Yífp%Tb· hiirtwet r*-d pruf-wat-op taught thor-:-iic*.:jId 4 few moo\ am ot bora« study by new 131 .era.tinier th·» c fidane*· ci .6 Ot p. A.*i.INTBHNATIONAJ.» ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY,FrmklKi 49?. US Colcnrlo FMf.

George WashingtonUniversity

Chartered by Conrrres-.- 1821Co-educational

College Year Bccins Sept. 24Art· and Sciences, Engineering,

Education. Medicine. Dentistry,Law.

Full day courses and late after¬noon courses. Over one hundredcla»»e» In all college and engi¬neering subjects meet at 5:10 and6:00 P. M.

Catalogues and other infor¬mation at -023 G street. Tele¬phone West i6«o-

F1RST GKAUt CIVIL ?>??»??'*? EXAMINA-tioo for Cer>sia Offic«. October 1»; tuition for

tbe entire rourae, t*. THE CH'IL SERVICEPHEPABATKRY SCHOOL, «e. corner IBA «ndF at» rw. Phone Franklin 20«%

FUNERAL DESIGNS.Appropriate Funeral Token»


Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street???p.; t «uto dí-liTi-ry serrios.



«on of William J. and Anna K.Heider.

Funeral from his lale residence. 4S5New York avenue northwest. Tues-day, at lp.ro.





Auto Repairing. $1.00 per Hoar.Ws repair «H a**·* of aa Gamatma

Ow «trrlt· I« tasa*.

?. H. BAUER CO.Samoa Mala UM «a G «t. »w.

5.000-MUe $| 0.65Guaranteed Tires,.»Sa

Sire 50*354Ttat'a only oo« «-»ader bare.

CHAS. E. iMHiER, Inc.SU lits «t. « tor» north ot H «t.

A CAR TO SUIT YOUR TERMS.Buick Six, toarlas.Chandler, aeren {-ssr-s*-ns*crChe*rolet, Ììts ranswmtaWASHINGTON MOTOR EX.

_WSÊ lltS OL nw._wIS**«EXPERT REPAIRING.AU make* of can.

Reasonable Charges.AUTO MART.

Mam 466. 466 Pa. Ave. N.W.

TRY WILLCHER-tb» «later car diaart-oatleian au-s-ty-tlaj«ot«· on «a ««to repair »ora. im W «tPhon« North ßß.



Come to the Largest Used AutoDealers in the World.

THE ROMAN AUTO CO.SH N. Broad «L.Phiaaia.pl-1·, Pa

1 «? rara to arlad trom-1*!!, HIT, lfl«ia all ssaaasa, *"30 up. CatUlosue fra« oa r»

quest ««1.1.1.·.'· '.tii.tT.it.g.;i.».a

^FORDOWÑEtó-Mr sjpecialtr is cleaning earboa and grinding

central'auto repair shop.Basar 101« Mi ist. ?. W l-ranllin AA


births reported.WHITE.

Hilly I and Asna Sbannoa. rrVflar«··«·. S. an* alMii. la. MoisjaJ«. boy.l>-.'» lï- «us* Ruth W. Ifsne«. boy.O-rttttsplirr O usa M«rr M. Ole. «hoy.\»i.li»j.-'.hT M and M»rj· K. OocTman, fill.Thomas an<l Jean»·««. L BaUcr, fui.

COLORE-D.James H. and 171» TtUman, siri.Eli-hard ? aad Kditb fsaaad. bas;


Eathssr P. l*ulr>. « -ras» 1536 OH»« »s« a«.Ji-ratniah Suiti»·«. «. S r il ? ,i· Ah. UcCarthj. 4S. IIS i:th et- «w.

OOLOllF.D.Ann« tiara». «*.. Vrnr\ámc Hoar».Marl» K.:!rj. 13. 11B Bladmersarj raT1 Josrpli n»ji«-rea»ld. A. Home for tb«

taro. 3rd «nd H «ta Sal

Navy Yard NewsBen Tubman. th« T«t«ran cyclist

of the east shop, looks fine on hisnew racer.

Henry Ball, of the broadsidemount shop. Is out for the Rexfootball team.Schwatsie Schaffer, of the tor¬

pedo tube ahop. has returned froman eleht-day vacation.W. H. Brown, of the radio shop.

is the proud father of a baby srirl.Robert G. Johnson, df the tool

ahop, haa purchased a new home.Fred Sciti, of the key division. Is

ill with the influenza.John Bay, of th« boiler shop.

pa»sed the week-end In Baltimore.Md.Harry Andrée, of the sitrht »hop,

has purchased a new home on ?street southeast.J. Phillips, of the erecting- shop,

had fine luck on his recent fishingtrip.

J. Stewart, of the east a-un car-ria-re »hop, ha» returned frt»m hisextended vacation.C. H. Price, of the breech mech¬

anism shop, returned ta*«Vf**a** fromhis trip to Palm B«'ach. Fla.

R. W. Wilson, of tlic torpedo tubete»t houae, has a new car. In whichhe la «roin-r to motor to California.

T. C. Brown, of the west truncamas-e shop, leaves today for «vnextended stay tn New York City.

H. N. Iaowery. of the miseella-neoti» ahop. »pent Sunday in Phila¬delphia with his family.

Japs Study Philippines.Manila. . HiKh government offi¬

cials of Japan have just paid a

visit to the Philippine», makingspecial studies of the coal and ship-pin«- business, rt<e Krowinc andother agriculture the financial aya-tom of the island» and the treat¬ment of disease.

CLANCY'S KIDS (Copyright. 1919, by tne McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) By PERCY L CROSBY

L Her, ?<-?· MINT MCNTfONlNW/iMer, ?« But YOU TOLO a CCRTAlN coy who uves*narro ??? that iu/a? a dun-clc

't- fOtitv-? ·{ CON ? SeC THCiM PAS-TIN'/STARS, in youfl COPY BOOKS.THC


¡FYûofie so BRKSHrwH/ don tchashouYOUR 9.190RT CARO AROMO ONCTíN An-Hite?YA Got"it' in o.Poi?rMeNTAN'VAii-gNr


HOM. I AN' TOCO'eM (TlM-ANT 'DeLeCHTTOc'Ytf</f?e Ivor onî.y a 5rof?yrecter? ,ß?true ßicciixr hinny?'tt/e biggcstDUM8eCC;fN Tr,**/ TOirCN- ifya eve-ROPeH ??????? AGAIN |'u.0OfNCCABiVnch of Fjuer ?et???ee? yet·» campj-SO HARO THAT YOU'LL HhUCTO HAVCA QQ6 CCAP VA AROCWf)

0ÚYÜ «e no sooner opeNeo^-JHIS MOUTH THANIierHJNHAiye.r.'Qwhere ooYA ¿erthatstvff?'is6z 4AN'ßEF_?l?e ÍIüAJ· THROUGH fHADr.H/M CAT/N* C/CtVNßiOürA MY HANO.^

Canadian Prices onPowerLower Than American

Cost of Chippewa Falls Product Will Be $100AH. P. Under That of Niagara Falls.Grow¬

ers in Western Canada Enter Politics.Toronto. Sept 2t_An undertak¬

ing involving the expenditure or.bout tl..000.000 li beine; launchedIn connection with th« developmentof the Chlppew· Palls In Ontario.The canal will havre a capacity of15.000 second feet, and th· productof that water will be soo.ootj horse¬power for peak load». At the be¬ginning of the war the Hydro-Elec¬tric Power Commission of Ontariowa· developing 49.004) horsepower,arid at present I· developing IÎ5.000horsepower.

Sir Adam Back, chairman of thecommission, tn nf» speech here saidthat this waa not the limit sincethere waa th« 8t_ Lawrence, whichU capable of supplying -.000.000horsepower equal to 40.000.000 tonsof coal or 1200.000.000. Ke hopedthet before another year workwould heve commenced on the firstdam on the St. Lawrence. This datawill, among other thing·, assistgreatly in making possible Torontoand Hamilton being placed on th«ocesn highway of the world.The merger of the waterpower

rómpanles, now known as theNiagara Falls Development Com¬pany, will have a total capacity ofonly 400,000 horsepower, whereas alltold there will be available on theCanadian «ide JîS.Ono horsepower.The *D*nlted State« merger wa· cap¬ita llaed. at |17*i.*S00.000, and the cap¬ital cost of the power wa» list to$1S0 a horsepower, where·· thecapital cost per horsepower whenthe Chippew· canal is finished willbe ITS to $80.

3.T·» ».Idler. CI«ea Cravata.During the la»t twelve months

land grants have been made to Ï.7SIreturned soldiers in the four weit¬em provinces of Canada The loan·by the Soldier Settlement Board upto the «-nd of Auguri amounted toabout 130.000.000.

Montreal to Herald Prlaee.Preparations are going on apace

for the welcome of the Prince ufWales when he visita Montreal lateIn October, »hortly before hi» returnto England. The feativities will in¬clude a ball by the city and thecitizen», and a military ball. In ap¬preciation of the dancing proclivi-tiis the Prince haa Inherited fromhis grandfather, the late King Ed¬ward VII. Among other ceremonialswill be the unveiling of a memori.1to the men of the British mercantilemarine who gave their live« in thegreat, cause during the long fightagainat the submarine» and otherforma of German fritrhtfulne»».The Hon. N. W. Howell, presi-

Woman RepaysBy Openin

Philadelphia. Pa. Sert. ».-Althoughhandicapped by lack of funds for thefur-pose. Mr·. Laura J. Williams ha»

given over the parlor of her home at

H16 Eaat Clearfleld street to h»d boy»of the neighborhood for use a» · club.Ir. the hope of turninc them from theirwilful ways. She is doing this inpreference to »ending them to theHouse of Correction for their attemptto demoli»h a frame dwelling on therear lot of her property.Mr». William» ?« the representative

of a publifblng house, for which »hework» thet »he may »upport an In¬valid husband. She leave» her homee»rly each roornlnc. nnd le gone allday. During her absence the boy»have neon tearing down the fr»medwelling in the rear, bit by bi: "Theydo not want to »teal the lumber." »»idMm. William·. "They leave thewood in the front yard for me to rickup »hen I return home in the even-

"What h»e borne me up In face ot

opposition to my plan Irom manytide·.·· he »aid. "ha» been the

thought of my own boy. that 1 lost



triol» in the right and justice.anarmy composed by regular Italiantroops, representative of the entiremother country.My Judgment proved sound, my

vision clear. It waa the Italian RoyalArmy ahi-h cl««5«jd rank» in my wakeas I marched to Flume. It Is theItalian Boyal Army that now holdsthe holy city of Flume under mycommand. In d« nance of all enemies.All know their leader will not fail

them In the*hour of peril. All knowI am ready to die at a moment's no¬tice in the service of a great cause.

Hope» for Death la Sea.What is d«'ath to me. who have

already braved it two score andmore times? What is the value ofthi· poor crust, my body?When Fiume is definitely won I

am going to fly from Rome to Tokio,hoping devoutly that · typhoon willend my life, far out in the Indianocean.

No. glory did not tempt me tocome hither, nor did death determe. Glory I· mine already, anddeath I know too well.Thi· same spirit imbues my herole

follower» who have signed thetrlive· into my hand» »nd confidedtheir de«tinie« Into my keeping.We h»ve pledged our existence to

thia »acred »oil.living or dead, this.oil I· our biding place.From Venice I hurried to Loach!,

the home of the martyr who died Inthe «au»e of Italy thirty year· ago.There for a moment I despaired, forthe auto truck» that had been prom¬ised were not on hand.But courage flamed again My

main force »elied »ufflclent truck·,.nd.forw»rd ag»ln! Even I my-.elf had not expected the expeditionwould be ·? easy. I had looked forresistance and feared bloodshed enroute, particularly at the hand· oftbe allie·.God be thanked, we were not op¬

posed by our former brother· Inarms.

Army «ipr.Bg From asssaa

The new· of our progress flew aheadof u» like wildr.re. I haranguedtroop· along the road, aad all Joinedray triumphal column. When wereached Thteste. a veritable armystrode at my heels. In It I counteda regiment of infantry, two battalion·of arditi, «hock troop« of the ReginaBrigade, batterle· of artillery, com¬pletely equipped, and two squadronsof armored car».They had mlraculouily »prung up

from th« ground aa though calledforth by th· stamping of a magician'sfoot.

Once a general barred our w«y.saying:"Who and what are you. whither are

you going? I am your superior.·¦"I am going to Flume, where today

the chief command devolve· upon(." I responded "If you like, go to

dent of the Council In th«adlaa «Cabin«·, declarea la th« 1At Common» that th»that he conapired to »upplant tksalat« Sir Wilfrid Laaurler. tha LaMv.eral leader. Is a falsehood1, that Ikshad never slendered th« Catholk«church, and that he had atoaatadth« position of l«ad«r of th« nppnsitlon In the Provincial Par I lamenIof Ontario at a âaaaclal lassa. Thiswaa In reply to the cbarsres madaagainst him In th« houas elghlee·moatha ago

Cana»« í;i». Riesser Bassa«.The Hon. C. J. Doherty. mltilatar et

Justice, speaking la tha Ceased IasHouse of Commons, statavi that thsgovernment will Dot consider tha *-»***-tuity proposal put forward by retires.soldiers for a further bonus «st SASSIfor eau-h man. unconditionally. Tb«pioposal d d not receive much sappon.from returned «soldier member« of thshouse. The granting of thiswould entail an expenditur« of«rj.ee*

<»'rala Heal la PoMlias.The grain growers of Western >T*aa>

ada are helng perrojuiently otsgauitsedaa a political party. Th« first riarsimiof the federal constituency executlv«of the gran growers movement Is laprogress here.

Many M«««rían· rrom raised Sia«-»svV«ncouv«r..During th« past Ao*

months S.S2S automobile» entered Usaprovine« of British Columbia trata thaState nf Washington via tbeHighway The number of patotaled *4.***4. according to »-ovareports from the offloe at the Inter¬national boundary.It is believed that when th« Rr-ja»

link of th« national motor road aa-rosathe mountain« of Canada o*aar»rctathat hlchway with the magnificentBanfT-Windermere section of ths»Rockies the motor tourist trafflcthe I'nited State« will beaugmented.

(...rr»«rit Bars P.r*A aWswtà,Two million bushels of ss«d wheat

will ba bought by the Dominion gov¬ernment as a gtiarantaa «gainst a>shortag« on the prairie« nest spring.Most fsrmers hold their owngrain, first making sure by theination test thst It Is rr.ua. but It «¦expected that there will be such avastly Increased acreage next spring.d*ie to the Incursion of American eat-llers and to the soldier» who are «settl¬ing on the lends under the federalgovernment's loan system, that thia.-...-urcfi supply ssill be required.

Bad Boysg Home to Themsev«n yesr» a;·«, when he was 1Ï year·old 1 d'.d net »ant to send tbe neigh¬borhood hoys to tbe Houee of Cor¬rection, for 1 know they com« oat aabetter than they go in.'The ritme» of *WD men prominent ta

this vicinity hsve been tigned to the? petition I sent around In behalf of myclub. Two of my kindest supporterahave been Coroner William ?. Knightand 11 Wellington Wood. Mrs B. J.l.ulie \'l»tu-d n~e recently and donate»!tb« nrst dollar toward the new club."My plsn is to begin In the parlor

with eia-ht or ten boya, and thengradually give them the other fourrooms of the house, which will be

i««r«n for them e»-ery evening andall day «Sunday. I want the poorboy» f.sr membership, this Is not to>be a rich lads' club. It 1s th« car·-le»« « rapsh-· -t- r who wrecks htalife loitering about corners that Iwant."

It i» the belief of Mr» William«that »orne benefactor win erect «aone-story club bm'.d.ng on the sit·of the frame hou«-« In doe time,after hef work among the hoyashows results.

the rear and take our duat, hutstand aside."That wa» all.forward again, untai.

a» the starlit night was »uc**eeded bya glonoua dawn, we es-roe to a haltat the gale» of Flume. There Gen.Pittali·«», r mmandlng th« Italian

| troops, was an suing us with an out-r-tied air.

»1 Asa Master Herer"Whet.you who are so wl»e era

'doing thi»T" he asked. "Don't yo«munderstand the gravity of the situa¬tion?"

"I am the master here, and 1 assigoing to pass." I told him. di»dain-

j ing the bandy of word»."Why, my troop» will Are on you."*

he »aid. whereupon I and all who«heard him burst Into peals oflaughter. "You hav»» five minutc-efn which to let me pass." I replied.Tell your troop» If they want atarget I want th« m to aim at my"wer wound, my medel or my gold,star for bravery."

Five minutes» elapsed We ad·¦ venced. N'ot a shot was heard. Theentry Into Fiume was th« supremamoment of my life. Kot a womanor «hild wa» encountered In the vastwelcoming throne; that did «not beere laurel brench In token of honorend love and gratitude.

Pepala««·» 1« Ileltrte-aa.Through the delirious crowd« of In«

habitent« we pushed on. then wareached, surrounded and entered thapalace. There I at once undertook:the arduous task of distributing ms-troops and putting into action a piavaof defense which I had' persotiallrdevised.

I'.y the 13th of September, nothlnarremained for u« to do but wait. Allallied troops withdrew peacefully Isummoned the Italian Admiral «'a··

? anova, who Is an old friend of minaII asked him to surrender snd Im¬prisoned him, later «ending him homo

I with a safe conduct.He thanked me for this, saying:I "You have thus saved me frowt tha

supreme anguish of having to fire oamy Italian brother»."Flume now ?» ours. Nothing but

death shall dislodge us The nropo-j sitlon recently made by the allias tarecognise Flume a» a «mall Inde-pendent State Is quite unacceptable.

?I will oppos« It «lth all fore« If theI situation warranta lt.

I hav« only to appeel by proclama-tion and the «ntlre Italian army willflock to my standards.The world knows Free Italy repu-

diate« tbe auaplcion of Imperialism,but Flume is hers, body and aouLShe «111 keep It on her own respon¬sibility and face an embattled world.

UStAfiOS »titìsm in VsM*.Lsondon.Standing Industrial Coun¬

cil« of employers and employe« nownumber forty-one and represent theInterest, of nearly ??,?? work¬ers, the ministry of labor reports.¡The forty-seven-hour week Is theobject most »ought.

Pasat Fi*» S»Paper pulp from bamboo la ta>

be produced aa g ooBunai*slal