oregonnews.uoregon.edu · y wasted to best. uouks. responsible couple with daughter go--lng to...

Y WASTED TO BEST. UoUKS. RESPONSIBLE couple with daughter go- - lng to school would rent 5 or modern home from owner who appreci- ates first-clas- s care of property; will pay 64.1 reasonable rent and give references; Rose City, Irvlngton or Laurelhurst districts preferred. Phone E. 4552 8unday or Slain 308 weekdays. 14 TUNT to rent furnished house or fiat of about iv rooms: willing i pay up to KS a month lor first-clas- s place. Phone Broad- - . w,ay 22U5, ask lor Jir. i w HAVE responsible client. no children. for 6 to heated flat. ?!all information to J. J. McCarthy. Ab ngton bldg. Apartment. 'WANTED modern 3 or apt. or small house preferably on west side, for 9 months. 3 adults; references. Harris P. Allen. Portland hotel. Tel. Wednesday and Thursday. . WANTED by couple without children, two close In. on or three-mo- m apartment weet side preferred, am W ANTED To rent, on or about Septem- ber l.t4 or furnished apt. or flat, walking distance, west side. Main Srtoa. Rooms With Board. ANTED A good, quiet place to room and board In the country for a disabled man. Address In care of George D. Hoban, secretary oi .mi 311 Pine st. . WORKING mother, with boy 6 and : herself and desires room and board for children where children will be cared lor during day;- - reasonable. Address Mrs. Brooks. 1047 Corbett. city. . iOHNO woman with Bmall daughter wants tioard and warm room wifhln 8 lks. ot Rose City Park school; references, Ai ' 77S, Oregonlan. "ANTED Two rooms ad board In pri-va- te family for two adults and ne W S years old. by September 1- - Phone Sell-wo- 1798. WANTED By teacher, room and hoard in private family or two furnished or partly furnished rooms. vt" ,r Holladay addition preferred. East 4S1- -. S.OOM and board In a ed,E"glif to lng family for a boy fr Couch dis- trict Sunnyslde or room with son; preferred. A 588. Oregonlan. BOARD and room for mother and two boys in private home. E 80, Oregonlan. Housekeeping Rooms. 3UADY with two boys, ages 8 ana i De- sires housekepelng rooms in Private home, close to school and car line, call or address Mrs. Graham, 354 San Ra- fael st. 1 wr . t.. a , laa.t ft furnished H. K. rooms or flat on east side. East 5oi9. Miscellaneous. I WANT to rent small barn lor norse on. AB 77. Oregonlan. FOR BKNT. SOME good rooms. 208 17th. near Taylor; also one apt. , Furnished Rooms. BEST HEATED ROOMS IN THE CITY. Now Is the time to get a nice warm room for the winter; hot and coid water in every room; not an Inside room in the whole Tjullding; nice large parlor with piano; all conveniences. IF YOU ARE AWAY FROM HOME, come to the Haul and be .at.tome MABEL MARSHALL AND BERTHA W1KMEKS, proprietors. Main 7Q.'- -. n . TTTipni.I V furnished suite or Single rnoms. with or without baths., in high- - class apartment house, to reiinea gen tieman. Marshall 2830. ,nniT i In a modern home, ..,,..).:. for two gentlemen or ladies; hoard If tiesired: no children other , k,.in. nrK'UprM: 1 block from . Ankeny car Darn, ruunu .a.j. ANSON1A HOTEL. 124" 14th st., at Washington. Rates. T per week up. 1 day Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center. FOR REXT Large steam-heate- d front room, suitable for gentleman or man and i. nr Montcomery-War- d new building: C. S. preferred; references exchanged. AB 4B, oregonian. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Bast Morrison St., at East Sixth. 1' V. a nrlnclnnl MSt Side hotel; dighl flEd and refined: SI. 25 per day and up; $0 per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. ifth and Washington sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New. fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. Third and Main sts. Rates $3 a week up; large rooms, attractive lobby. t.arok front room with private bath, ret .rnr-s- t Main U06. 301 11th St., COmer Mill. OI.EVKXGISR HOTEL. 41AH WASH. ST. NEW MANAGEMENT. H. K. and single rooms, dally, weekly. l,, ,vw ti t, f'i Ml tier dav. S5 to tlO pe weak.' Savore Hotel. 131 V. 11th St., be tween Washington and Alder. ST PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth St.: clean modern, respectable. Transients 1 up. Permanent $5 up. . xiak-- "The Bushmark" your home clean, modern rooms. Washington st.. at 17th. - SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 271 V Grand ave. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th Bt. Nice modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. ROME desirable close-i- n housekeepin rooms will go Quick. 344 Salmon st. at Broadway. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth Rates 1 a day up: weekly, S3 up; free phone and baths. $1 DAY. $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel taaiiiac. mini, near jeneifiMU. OHIO HOTE1 4 Housekeeping and sleep lng rooms. 206 Front, corner Madison. BLEEPING room to let. Newhall Hotel. 402 E. Wash. st. Phone K. 8490. CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms, beds, near shipyards. 573 3d st. Unfurnished Rooms. FURNISHED or unfurnished room. Phone Marshall 3215. Furni'heri Rooms in Private Family. isICELY furnished room in private fam llv. modern, steam heat, west side: tw car lines; lady preferred. B 120, Orego nian. CHEERFUL furn. rms. in strictly mod em Hat; 5 min. walk to P. o., w . ! suitable for 1 or 2; reasonable. 092 Everett. X'lcK room and board in private famll near Irvlngton and Broadway car lines. Phone East 732S. TWO sleeoina rooms with home pnv leses: board close by. GS3 E. Salmon St. Phone East 7100. j IRV1NGTON Large front room near Irv lngton club; home privileges. o.o 2lst st. N. LARGE front room downstairs, with kite en privileges, for congenial working gir East 493. CLEAN. comfortable, finely furnishe room, large closet, steam heat, every - conve nlence. Knob Hill. Main IUU9. 269 14TH. near Jefferson Choice room walking distance; modern conveniences. Main 3893. FOR LADY One large bedroom In prlvi family: all conveniences: Nob Hill dis trlct. Marshall 35 iO. FURNISHED room In goad location. E. 24th st. N.. one block from Mont villa car line. Call Automatic 227-1- 3 FOR RENT Two very nice furnish rooms to gentlemen only. b31 East Co trt. Phone East 8509. LARGE, room, suitable business woman; walking distance. Mar-sha- ll 3400. PLEASANT, modern, weii furnished, "home privileges; reasonable. 1 or 2 ladies. Tabor 6950. TWO SLEEPING rooms, bath: men, wo-08- 7 men: three car lines; cheap rent. K. 20th. FOR RENT 2 rooms, unfurnished. Main 1152. LARGE nloely furnished room for rent, w eet side, walking distance. Mar. 1793 . HRlGHT, pleasant room for one or two young men. 160 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 20S7. is'ICELY furnished room and board for one or two. Wood'awn 4987. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, walk- ing distance. East 5534. NICK1.T furnished rooin, walking distance, breakfast If desired. East 41M52. MCELY furnished room. 738 Johnson, 22d and i!3d. Main 3796. HOOM 111 nice home for one or two gen- tlemen. S74 Park. Marshall 28. FOHJtEST. Furnished Room in Private Family. FRONT room with furnace heat and fire- place, well furnished, in nice Laurelhurst home, reasonable to one or two gentle- men with references. B 119, Oregonlan. E. STARK; modern room in private family, woman employed preferred; with kitchen privileges or board; walking distance. N. 22D ST. Second floor flat, suitable or for bachelor or traveling man; heat, hot water, bath, phone, walking distance; no other roomers. Main 6S7. ONE NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 2ftH Fifth at. NICE-L- furnished room, hot ana cold water, phone privileges. 741 Hoyt st. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, THE 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-know- n residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $5 $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. . NuHTONU HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-clas- s family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all ths comforts of a home, T1i"oo reasonable tfetec. AB? YOU tired. Ill and want a good HoS home to live In, with home privileges; aulet, refined atmosphere Call Auto TWO matic 317-6- 0. TH5 MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking aistance; $5 per week. AuL 4. 12 E. 7th s 2 2 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms TWO nd board; modern conveniences; waik- - lng distance. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board for two comfortable. modern home; family privileges. Auto- - matic 214-- ROOM In private family, 1108 Williams ave., near jellerson nign scnooi, a or -- ladles. Wdln 14, with or without board. ROOM and board for young lady attend ing Jefferson high in exchange mm service. Woodlawn A956. t VERY best of board and nice clean room. good neighborhood, near union anu Broadway. Call East 6393. ICELY furnished front room with board for two; fine location; walking dis- tance. East 5715. LARGE room for 2 gentlemen, phone, fur nace heat: no transients. .ast B44 3. LARGE room with board, suitable lor 2: running water. 7m Irving st. ROOM and board In Irvlngton .in private family. Phone ast -- si. 15 ROOMS with board, very reasonable. 302. '" "oaney. ROOM and board in private family: all home cooking, mast ai. .ou tti. 2 CARE AND board for boy or girl of school e. Tabor ouo. LITTLE GIRL to board, school age. one- - half block from scnooi. e.ast -- uui. CHILDREN to board; mother's care. Columbia !o. ROOM and board In private family. East 8HK3. 5U0 East Salmon st. Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLAS- S FOR 'APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished. 2 and 8 rooms, with sleeping porches: modern, outside, very light apta White enameled wood- work. Chinese rues. Available at once. Also a very large and sleeping porch. 18 windows. Very handsomely furnished. For Sept. i, Can be seen now. Marshall 2830. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod- ern, outside, with French doors and bal cony. Permanent and transient. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1KB VISTA AVENUE. $1 A newly furnished apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony. uall Main as&d. crice siu, adults only; will rent by week or month. NEW APT., large room, built-i- n furni ture, wall bed. dressing room. Data, kitchenette and hall, gas heat, private home. Lincoln road, near tt. jonn ferry, $25. Phone Columbia 9So. To STTRt.ET to couple, three-roo- m fur nished apartment for two montns; tnree blocks from Broadway and Morrison. Phone Main 2521. ALVARADO APIS.. 730 EVERETT. Fur., basement ant., with all modern conveniences, $53. See Mr. Ballis, Wake field, Fries ft Co., so tn si. ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. One beautifully-furnishe- mod cm apartment; walking distance, west fide. Main 6375. APT. CONSISTING 2 large, clean, attrac tively lurnisnea, ugin touiua, buiiajic iw 3 adults: gas range, running water; near shipyards. 573 3d St. - WANTED Refined young lady, employed, to share- - apartment, close in rent $23. Main 4351. ROOMS and sleeping porch, heat, fur niture. for sale or rent, walking dis tance. Phone Brodway 4138. furnished aDt.. close in. west side, too per montn. uail tain 2 morning. THREE large, rooms for housekeeping, close to vvasnington nign school. 20 E. loth St.. corner Ain. 123 PER MONTH. furnished apts. CiOse in. 14 f Lownsaaie, near aiorrison, GARFIELD $40. 361 E. Fail lng St.. 1 niQCKi west union. UNION AVE. and Killingswortn, $21.3 all complete; concrete mug. 3 AND apts., also single rooms. Leeds apts.. 2iu .Market Bt. TWO-ROO- apt., furnished, $30. Burnside. Auto. KKW YORK APARTMENT8. 7th and Bel mont. feiast .io. o rooms lurnisnea, ALBRET APT. 4 rms.. furnished; steam heat, private eatn. Mississippi ave. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th St., large .front two-roo- m apt., tree pnone, sou. FRONT room and kitchenette; adults. 21 11th St., cor. salmon, rnona warn wis. Unfurnished .Apartments. l.nRR'7,n apts. 427 Salmon st. Phon Main 8078. Large front room and kitcn C enette. basement, water, light, pnone adults. Flats. FOR RENT $45. TTnfnrnlshed. 029 Thurman. flat with sleeping " porch; hardwood floors, modern conveniences, near Mont- gomery Ward & Co. new bldg. See Mr. Ballis. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth St. FURNITURE for sale, modern corner flat, walking distance, west side. Marshall 334S. flat; key at Apt. 29. Nokomls Apts. Broadway -i- i Furnished Flate. OWNER leaving city will sacrifice fur- niture of 5 rooms and sleeping porch, rent $05, Including beat and hot water; people who want goad, clean place and square deal, phone Bdwy. 1710; others need not apply. MODERN furnished flat, sleeping porch : adults Woodlawn 1908. I ... .. ... - rrr v. T". pax. um--- i pe-- 1 wivsK-- m . v. . i jst i "The HOTe THE MORNING OREGON IAN,' MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1920 TOR RENT. Famished Flats. furnished flat. 709V4 Kearney st, 50 a month. Call Main 138. MODERN furnished flat: adults only. East 3236. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished one. two - and three-roo- housekeeping suites. with without private bath; hot water con- tinually, gas ranges, laundry, electricity. lse Sherman st. Mar. 39S3. LARGE and one small housekeeping luuui, wanting aistance. 2Si (Jolleee st Mala 3154. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down- town district for 25c. Auto servlc-- i -- ee storage for 15 days. Phone Bin,, -- 445. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms close to factories and school, prices reasonable. 1094 Corbett st. Phone Main 7262. BEAVER. 12th and Mar.Vrnished II. K. rooms. $15 up. Including gas rangs hot water, electric lights. launc".ry room.' WEEK, completely furnished house- keeping suites. Ths Cadillac 3d near Jefferson. LARGE suites furnished and unfurnished. Running water. 163 First, S. W. cor Morrison. m nl sleeping porch, Main 44o2. JiEEPI'G Idaho apartments, st. Easy walking. ROOMS: also rooms and hot water always. 655 Flanders st. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep- ing. 193 1 Second st. FURNISHED front H. K. rooms. Clean. Two adults. Phone Broadwav 2473 CLEAN housekeeping rooms for rent .y.j .caauilltmB. JJtf RUSSelL Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. at. "VM3' tnlrd or, front: uiot-rici- suitaoie for young ladies attending school or employed. 666 CLEAN, light, pleasant rooms for adults. y."a. ',cAt'oa- - 2 caf lines. 675 E. Main! i.A sleeping room, also desirable sleep ing or Housekeeping room for 2 .or 3 . sma. w i. ii in st. fjdwy. 2699. t 6 .SPPl'S for light housekeeping In oeauurui irvlngton home, 2 emp. Broad- - j cl HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. i.tri l. st. Alain Iu rushed H. K. room. 253 NICE suite furnished. H. K ,m. $4 week. 366 First, near Mill. PARTLY furnished rooms for house-keeping- : close jr.. 605 Hood st. FOR FOUR housekeeping rooms, prl vaioiaiiiiiy. ouu uranti ave. is. H. K. ; rent. Hg-h- t and gas furnished: ., lEmniii. mo cast outn FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, $22.50. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light berviue. Broadway 880. A 6747. FOR SALE OR RENT ON LEASE 7- - room house and sleeping porch, modern 2 blocks SS car; vacant Sept. 1. 918 ast layior. Tabor 5501. RENT house, bath, gas, elec tricity, one block from Sellwood car line. rnne eeiiwooa ao. FOR RENT modern house in Irv lngton, close In; furniture for sale, with or witnout garage. .ast 2o6o. LOCAL and long-distan- moving and naunng, iirst-cias- s equipment. Green Tr. jo., -- u. Aiaer st. Alain 1261, 672-6- 1. MOVING Piano, furniture and lonar-dl- s tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck service a st. pnone Bdwy. 5121 ROOM modern house nd garage for rent; furniture for sale. Call Main 3943. THREE-ROO- house, one block from carline. $7.50. Phone Wdln. 5210. WEST SIDE modern flat. 591 waanington. near latn, wanting aistance FOR house. 798 E. 28th st. Furnished Houses. SIX ROOMS In beautiful home, double par lors. amine room, kitchen. 2 bedroom: and bath, furnace heated, at 10:4 Will- iams ave. ; rent $85, or entire house. 8 rooms, $150; references ;. no telephone. D colonial bun galow in Rose City Park; lady with child reserves 2 rooms with private entrance; $60 a month. C. S. preferred. Tabor 873G. FOR RENT By September 1, completely furnished five-roo- bungalow. Call Ta- bor 703U. 70th and Powell Valley road. FURNISHED house for rent in Laurei- - hurst, near car line; references. Tabor 8701. nicely furnished brick bungalow, vacant Oct. a; win sell on terms. Co- lumbia 873. MODERN FURNISHED Irvlngton home; sleeping porch, garage; available Sept. 15. Phone East 2830. FURNISHED cottage for month of September, $30. 510 Flint st. East 5571. FOR RENT After Sept. 23. modern furnished house; west side. Mar- shall 350G. FURNISHED bungalow in Irvlngton; leas for year or will sell. Phone Main 8S03 OR 3 adults may share nice room, mod- ern home. SeHwood 836. CLEAN, well furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, rage; lea?e. 854 First st. tSammer tteHorta. TENT CITY AT OCEAN. VISIT COLUMBIA BKACH "By th Sea. Completely furnished box tents in beautiful grove, $10 per ween ; grocer store, restaurant, dancing, Just the plact to spend your vacation. COLUMBIA BEACH CO., 248 Stark street. Main 542 FOR RENT Seaside, Or., one and one house, week September 1 to 7, or for month, or all winter: reason- able. Phone MaIn-310- or call Miss Mar guerite OwinRB. Beacon hotel. Seaside. cottage, completely furnished running water, best location. Beach Cen ter. Wash., between Seaview and Lom Beach; rent $30 for Sept. Phone Mail 9209. or 5502 on Sunday. Mac LEAN'S CAMF. Oswego lake. Kurt . Onn Inn cottage can now be rented fo the rest of the season, furnished. O waterfront at Oswego lake. Phone 431 A KPERS, hikers, fishermen. The W a turn Lake pack train. trips a week frcm Cascade Locks. Berry season or Phono Glovers' store. MODERN Seaside cottage for rent, fui ntshed: bath, lights, etc. Call 605 Stev ens bldg. Phone Main 958 or Sell. 211S FOR RENT Cottages at Seaside at re- duced rates for September. Mrs. S Snyder, 315 3d ave.. Seaside, Or. (Stores. SPACE for tire sales and vulcanizing busi- ness, established In large downtown ga- rage. Sptedwell Garage, 14th and Coucn sts. Broadway 3974. .VERY desirable store on Broadway near Everett st. ; plate glass front. Inquire SO N. Broadway. TWO STORES for rent, suitable for any line: best location In town. White Pal- ace grocery, 21st and Gllsan. west side, good location, close in. Tabor 1114. FINE location, part of store, long lease, reasonable rent. 108 Four.th st. ys ' 1 vjimiv- - i urtuurvu i -. FOR RENT. Offices. SEVERAL desirable offices. Acorn bldg.. oth and Oak. Apply Stubbs Electric Co.; 75 Sixth at. VERY desirable room In Selling building. tacing aixtn street. inquire oosn FRONT office. modern, in Railway change bldg. A.pply room 312. BCSIN"E8S OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTLTNlTIEti. I RESTAURANTS. $ &50 West side, good lease; terms. $ 850 "West side, nine living rooms. $2500 buys Xi rt-cla- restaurant, close In on Th i rd street ; r e ceip ts $Hi to a aliy. GROCERIES AND COXTECTIOXERIES. 91100 fcuys good place doing good bus. nese. 4 I1250 Good side. place on Alder U Good place on "Washington street, west ride; good lease. $ 700 Neat place, good location, 1 living room, rent $10.50, including heat. $4000 buys one of the best in ihe city on west aide; com. and see this. $3OO0 buys one of the best confection- eries on west side, on Fourth at. POOLHALL, SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. $3600) Eight pool tabies and two billiard tables, in Al shape. $ JoO Cigar stand, right downtown on Third st Our auto at your set-ric- e; a pleasure to show any of the above. SEE BROWN & B'lDDt-B- . 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. 3d and Stark. MarshalJ 8331. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. NewiDlDer and lob orintinsr nlant In live town in Yakima valley. Washington. Present owner is clearing ' over $150 a month and is unable to handle all the work offered. Place can be made to pay $300 a month. This has been run as a one-ma- n proposition but there is plenty of work for two men. Present owner has other Interests but will work three or four days a week for buyer if oes.rea. Price for quick sal. $3500, about $2000 cash required. B 134. Orego- nlan. GROCERIES AT 20 DISCOUNT. 21 rolls wrapping paper, 30.0O0 paper bags, 3 cases lamp chimneys, 1500 car ry-a- ll bags. 5000 oyster pails. 2o0 lbs half-grou- salt, 3 cases egg packers. 40 dozen toothpicks, 7 cartons macaroni 800 pkgs. Gold Dust (small), IS cases toilet soap, 7 cases soap flakes, 3 cases Goblin soap, 1 case chill came; one case Mechanic soap, 1 case olive oil, 3 cases Douglas oil, etc., besides $400 on shelves; will sell all or any part. Call between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M, 723 y Powell st., near 21st. WANTED Office manager with from $10,000 to $25,000 to invest In growing business; character and ability must stand searching inquiry; money abso- lutely secured and guaranteed to pay better than 10 per cent; good salary to man who can take full charee of oifice and books; receive and disburse, all moneys. AO 776, Oregonlan. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store for sale. Polk county, in sawmill and farming community; about 3oo0 business per month; good opportunity for one or two hustlers; private electric light and wa- ter plant ; almost new buildings and clean stock. total about $12,oo0 or $14,000. Am leaving state, but would consider part trade. No better plant for same investment In the county. AV 804. Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE VALLEY 3AWM1LL. Mill complete in every detail, fully equipped; good shipping facilities, unlim- ited log capacity, rail and river; doing a good business; will bear fullest in- spection: price $12,000, $6000 cash, bal- ance $500 month. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165H 4th st. MAKE YOURSELF INDEPENDENT. A real estate business In a good valley town with a good farm listing, will be turned ovecto a reliable man for very little money; office has over four thousand dollars in the fluid ten months; an excellent opportun- ity. C. E. Cranfill, 2o3tt lat st. Main 4203. STORES. General merchandise $7000 Grocery and fountain 8200 Cash and carry grocery 24O0 Small west side grocery 750 COOVER & HOLM AN, ' 322-3-- 4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash. "We do not miereprefcient." Leases. Loans. Insurance. FOR SALE AT INVOICE General mer chandise, farm machinery and auto serv- ice station business. Stock about $10,000. Fixtures about $1700. Real estate 30uu. Sales, Jan. J to Aug. 1, this year, over $30,000. Established trading point for 35 years. Under present management 10 years. Location, southwest Washington. AV 310, Oregonlan.. INVOICE COUNTRY STORE. One acre of land, building 30x60. with 5 good living rooms overhead; doing $20,000 to $30,000 per year; on electric line ; terms, fcee BROWN A BIDDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. contract. 8.000.000 feet at $4.50 per thousand; 50.000 ties at 10c each: 444-mi- le haul; can work all weath er, good roads; will assign this contract to purchaser of 2 service trucks aud trailers. Call 227 Salmon st. GARAGE and machine shop for sale, good business and no opposition: shop Is well equipped; get lots of sawmill repair work as well as car work. Gray Bros., Philomath garage, Philomath. Oregon OH SALE Small store, 22x60, 30 miles from Portland, building, i acre of ground and fixtures. SloOO; stock at In voice, $t0 per day business. Address oox No. 1, Chapman, or. A H' bakery, doing ail cash business, retail only ; lots of room for exoansion: good Buck oven, heated with gas. For further particulars app.y 776 Williams ave. barber shop; west side; working 2 chairs; average $3 GO a month,--' free rent, light, heat, laundry and watter long lease; $1200 cash. M 001, Ore eronian. $375 CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY If sold by noon today; must leave to- morrow. Downtown location. worth double what I ask. Act quickly if yon want It. taw us za st. iKAUTY PARLORS, well established busi ness, good locality; will sacrifice for quick tale a. count illness. Call, except Sunday. Main 4i i. 4UST sell lunch and confectionery, doing good business, right down town, lease; sickness compels change. AC b4 Oregonlan. ARTNER wanted for soft drink and card room, best corner location In city lease. Inquire furniture store, 235 First St., corner Main. 'OR SALE Fine restaurant. 233 Burn side: leaving town, will sell very cheap must be sola by 'inursaay morning. CE CREAM, confectionery and light groc ery stock and fixtures; expenses only $ a aay. rnone - j.ux. RESTAURANT for sale, good location, new brick ouilding, well established. Call between 9:30 and 11 A. M. 42 IN. 3d st. OMFnCTIONERY and lunch stand i shipyard location; doing good business no agents. Inquire tt.il mooq st. G contract, $6 per thousand or winter's worn, can zzt fraimon st. BARBER chairc. mirrors, and supplies gieat sacr:nce. w jtn. near star. BAKERY for sale, complete, good oven: Fleishman i east Co. L p AND PA PAYS I' Oll THE HOMELIKE OPPORTUNITIES. PEPPERMINT growing and manufactur- ing, one of Oregon's most profitable and fastest growing Industlres. Company being formej to plant large acreage on rich, low-pric- land In Klamath county. Mint is growing now, distillery being built. Expected to pay 50 to 80 per cent dividends; possibility of 300 per cent profit yearly. Write for our folder, sent free. John N. Davies, ot Klamath Mint Co.. Klamath Falls. Or. - WANTED PATENTED INVENTIONS. HAVING FINISHED A HIGHLY SUC- CESSFUL. DEAL. IN FINANCING, MAN- UFACTURING AND..' MARKETING A PATENTED ART KJ !, 1 A .1 ww MADY FOR NEW UUSl.NKaS A.MJ rKEPARED TO HANDLE INVEN- TIONS OK MERIT. MUST BE PER- FECTED. PATENTED AND READY FOR AtARKET. GIVE FULL DESCR1P-TIO- B 563, OREGON IAN. A GOOD INVESTMENT. If vou can invest $10O0 in a wholesale distributing agency covering 3 states, it will pay you to investigate this proposi- tion; busniess (head- quarters Portland) ; large profits last year; will give full particulars If you can furnish satisfactory references. In answering give phone number if possi- ble. P 573, Oregonlan Ti!W TIRF1 SHOP. FOR SALE Vulcanising and retreading shop, located In one or tne nest suouroe of Portland, all new. ma- chinery; bought less than three months ago; good display windows for acces- sories; if buver Is not experienced will teach him the business. For sale by owner. Agents keep away; value $1200. G 852, Oregonlan. OROCERY and confectionery, will sell V interest to right party, who is able to conduct same and depend on help, or will sell all ; nice corner location, east side, doing fine business. per aay onah nnri r.rrv or will take clear rest dence for same; price $250O. Phone East 2374. Tin STORK M.1 Tan lap. Sherwln-William- s. New Comfort Dhonoeraoh agencies; fastest rrnwfnr Kiihnrh In Portland: nO COmpe titlon- - rnt. S2500 cash will handle it: in answering give phone number. AO 340, Oregonlan. A NICE home with $600 year income, cottage, 4 store buildings, all in fine condition, cement walks, paved sts electric lights: close to Portland; $3000 cain or trade ror a grocery or By owner. J. Fulton, 20d North Main st., xsewoerg, r. RF.STAURANT3. We have seveial established places for sale. Prices to eooo. COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-- 4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent Leases. Loans. 1 nsurance. Tvvnrr country store. One acre of land, building 30x60, with 5 good living rooms overhead ; doing $20,000 to $30,000 per year; on electric line; terms. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUDO. H2S0 LIGHT grouery and confectionery, fine location, rent $40. lease; receipts average $50; living apartment. Includ ing furniture. See Harper, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. . 2B4 Stark Street. EXCELLENT oDoortunlty to secure nrnf ita.b e office business. long Mtftb lished. reliable; ' price $3000. half cash wlU handle; public stenographer could handlte to advantage. AM 30, Orego nian. CAN SELL you a 3 -- ton second-han- d truck in good shape and give you months work. srravel hauling: uric i.r.O half cash, balance monthly pay ments. See King. Bdwy. 1572 Monday or Mar. 5567 between o ana o tr. m. BAKERY Investigate this one. It Is wortn while; Jiooo win nanaie, aoing a gooa srrowing business; rotary type; must sei this week; I'm leaving city. Call Tabo 1913 after 7 P. M., or address AN 6: Oregonian l WANT 4 men to buv trucks wit dump bodies for gravel worK; a montns work tms year; gooa joo ana gooa pay See King, Bawy. lotz, on juonaay Mar. 5567 between 6 and 8 P. M. TIRES and accessories business, estab lished in large garage in neart'Of city small investment. exceptional oppor tunity. Speedwell Garage. 14th and Couch sts. Broadway 3974. GOOD chance to buy w paying city dru store. Initial payment ol 2a0U will nan die. E U9, Oregonlan. SELLING real paying corner grocery, lo' cated noteis ana aepot district, no ae liverv or credits, stock turned eac month, nets better $50 dally; snap for you; no dealer. K ol. oregonlan. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of interest in estaousnea reai estate business, get advice of Port lan Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg.. Broad way 1902. WANTED Ar.y kind of merchandise stocks; best prices paid ; furnltu stocks preferred. Write or phone Mai 4633. 174 First St. iNE OF the best auttomoblle agencies o the Pactnc coast for sale or win trade for good Income-bearin- g property. BD 429, Oregonlan. flROCFRY and con feet loner v. doinar $76. oou per year. At location; win sacrifice on account of death; price $18.000; trial given if .desired. Ail 11, oregonlan CAriH AND CARRY GROCERY, up to da stock and improving business: cl white Ftore at a bargain; can prove bus ness. BD 819, Oregonian. TRANSFER and storage business for sa.li about 10,000 feet floor space, good lease, lots ot storage on nana, new equip ment; win se;i ngni. Appiy ,uy uaK s WILL pacriflce for quick sale, Magnus root beer barrel and a l. barrel of Magnus root beer syrup. $25. 313 Wash. st Vancouver, Wash. RESTAURANT Daily receipts $30; bus ne.s Increasing; $000 for quick sale. 3 Front. IF YOU WANT TO SELL or exchan your business see Morris, with Inte state Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 64 FOR SALE Store with living rooms ; cor ner location, on car line, east side 93x123. garages-Pho- ne Tabor 8586. BAKERY Rotary type for sale, reason able. Call and get particulars. Tabor 1913 GOOD truck with established route, clear- ing $25 daily, work too hard frtr owner. some terms. Phone Oswego 674. DELICATESSEN and groceries; good stock and doing good business. Phone Tabor 7112. t FOR SALE Confectionery. cigars and oda fountain. B 53. Oregonian. GROCERY store and fixtures for sale. Call East 5251. A SHOE repair shop for sale on account of sickness. 123 N. 21st st. FOR SALE OR TRADE Store and 4 lng rooms, modern. Tabor 6329. Stocks and I$onda. WANTED to secure bonds of Portland Realty Associates. C B. Martin. 203 Loeb bldg. Business Opportunities "Wanted. YOUNG woman, ambitious, knows the business world and can meet the public, has about $3000 she wants to invest in a good business with work- - lng Interest In same- - state all particu-lar- s In first reply. BC 822, Oregonian. A CASH BUYER. v To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity see or writs ALLISON &. BILLINGS. 401-40- 2 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904. CAPABLE business woman has few hnndrd to invest with services, What have you to offer? AE 335, Oregonian. i i Mil . . II 71 -- .V.V; POLLY AND HER PALS fi i i ATMOSPHERE BY CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. $3 RAFTING. BLUE PRINTING. ARCHI TECTURAL AND MACHlMfi 17 1 . . MAN WITH COMPLETE FACILITIES WISHES TO SECURE CONTRACT. P. RT-T- I ME WORK: SEVKN YKAKS' EXPERIENE. GOOD REFERENCfciS. PHONE A B16-0- Hotels and Rooming Houses. SM BUYS 8 -- room rooming house, rent J18O0 buys m apartment, rent $40, income $200; terms. iito buys hotel; wui taite food auto in exchange. buys m hotel, rent ou, lease ; good terms. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 32-- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MARSHALL 4KJ31. MONDAY SPECIAL. 28 housekeeping, modern, lease. 20 houeekeplng rooms, clears $150. 20 transient rooms, clears $200; lease. 15 furnished rooms, clears $115. 11 housekeeping rooms, clears $S0. 7 housekeeping rooms, clears $50. have clean flats. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO.. 170 10th st IF YOU WISH TO BUY, OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment ' house ot any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5- Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP. 31 modern apts.. now netting 50 on the Investment and there is good opportunity to increase rentals ana selling at a handsome profit. Call at 322 Falling bldg. HOTE3L SACRIFICE. Snap for hotel man and wife, lease and furnishings of hotel in 11 town, doing good business; muet be sold to close up partnership account. Write box 12o, SUverton, Or. 12 H. K. ROOMS, hot and cold water. modern furnishings; good rent, $40; price right; 17 rooms up to date every par- ticular; ideal location; clears $150; other first-cla- ss houses. Call 201 10th St. My auto at your service. OFFICE, dining room and kitchen. 20 bedrooms, doing good business, manu facturlng district, rent $35. Sickness, must sell, $1000 takes it. Also second hand furniture store. 621 Savler sC Bdwy. 5454. V BUY FROM OWNER AND SAVE COM MISSION. Come to 473 Washington st. and get a good restaurant tor siJoo. For appoint ment pnone aawy. 4j4i. FOR SALE rooming house. $1150; clearing $75 per month and 3 room apt. free for self; $750 will handle, bal. $40 per mo.; rent $40 per mo, J. W. Burrus, 320 Fourth street. MRS. M. E. LENT hotels, rooming and apartment houses. All sizes snd prices. S2&-4-- 5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560 for appointment. FOR SALE furnished rooming nouse. f or runner information writ to Lillian Ruas. Clyde Rooms, Astoria, or. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful modern 13 rooms; makes a lovely home. 34 College st. FOR best bargain In apartment houses see memoers oi me neany noara. xaiea Realty Co., 245 Fourth at. $60O BUYS MY furniture of 9 rooms for light housekeeping. 24 E. Morrison, East 1532. No agents. FURNITURE in an 1 house. 169 Park st. Bargain. bouse for sale, furnished; tw bathrooms, furnace, corner. East 1068, BIG SNAP In rooming house, housekeep lng, f750. Call at 444 E. Oak su SPECIAL NOTICES. Pro puna- - in v I ted. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received until the 20th day of SeptJmber, A. D. 1920, at the hou of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for th purchase ot Two Hundred Thousand Dot lars $200,000.1)0) worth of bonds of the Lan gen valley irrigation district Klamath county, Oregon. Said bonds to draw interest at trie rate ot mx per cen per annum, payable semi-annual- ly upo the lirst day of July and the first day ot January of each year until the ma- - i Said proposals will be received by the board ot directors of said irrigation dis- trict and should be directed to the sec- retary of tne Langell Valley Irrigation District, care of Ferguson, Fletcher & ' MilfJni, No. 16 Loom is building, Klam- ath Falls, Or. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or ail bids offered. A. L. W1SUAKD. Secretary of the board ot directors of Langell Valley Irrigation district. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of shoes of the inventory valuation $3277. OS, together with the fixtures used in and about the same, $75.50 ; located at b4 4 Unlon ave., Portland. Or.; up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, August 31, 1020, at my office, 740 Morgan bldg. Terms cus.i. and a certified check lor 10 per cent of the amount otfered must ac- company each bid. The inventory i.uy be saun at my office and the stock may be inspected at b44 Union ave. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. Miscellaueous. NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is hereby given that on Monday. Septem- ber 13, 1U20, the board of equalization of Multnomah county will attend at the office of the county assessor, at the court house in Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rolls tor the year 1U20, and correct all errors in val- uation, description or qualities of lands. lots or other property, assessed by the county assessor. And it shall be the duty of persons interested to, appear at the time and place appointed. If it snail appear to such board of equalixa tion that there are any lands or lots or other property assessed twice, or in correctly assessed as to description or quantity, ana in ths name of a person or persons not tne owner t Hereof. asse sed under or beyond the actual cash value thereof, said board may make proper correction of the same. If It shall appear to such board that anv land, lots or other property assessable oy tne assessor are not assessed, such board shall assess the same at the full casn value thereof. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor, COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes J" and "K," the same having been drawn upon the Road Fund, and that were presented and Indorsed, "Not paid for want of funds," from June 26, 1020, to July 1, 1020, both dates inclusive, will. If properly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon vceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Oregon. August 27. 1920. JOHN M. LEWIS, County Treasurer. HOME BUILDERS. I guarantee to save you fi to 20 per cent on the cost of building your borne; can render financial assistance. Call Marshall 2310. L. W. MURRAY. 210 STOCK EXCHAN OS E BL' LOST AND FOUND. BOSTON bull pup, about 2 months old, light brlndle with white collar, ecab over one eys, not ; lost or stolen Sunday morning nnar 471 Ainsworth; $.2 will be paid for his return. Phone Wood-law- n 4210. FOUND Auto license, Oregon 12509. Can j be found at 1176 Alblna avenue. rr'S JjJT IXST AI FOUND. REWARD for return of or intorma- - tion leading to recovery of nearly tuii-gro- Irish terrier, retldiph brown color; wore collar with old licenee tag and in- scription. "Bob." Answers to name. 'Shammy." Wdln. 6075, or call 67 6th. TRAY ED From Carlton hotel. black shepard dog with white ring around neck and tall, with slight msk brown on face. Receive $20 reward. Carlton Hotel. Pearce. LOST A Brunswick tire and rim, between Portland and oatneld road, Aug. Finder klndiy leave at Miiwaukie garage and receive reward. LOST Brown macklnaw left on Irvlng ton car, west side. Person who found same please return to 295 17th st.. Main 7853, for reward. - LOST ON the Base Line road, a sack con taining bedding and clothing. Reward offered. Return to H. W. Elliott. 964 Superior st., Portland. WILL party who took umbrella from Im perial hotel telephone booth kindly re- turn to owner. Call Tabor 1135; re- ward. LOST Pendent, necklace on fine gold chain, in Irvlngton, between 19 th and 2lst, and Thompson and Weid!er. Satur- day. Liberal reward. Eah t S940. LOST Saturday, brown leather bag con taining coin, wedding ring and keys, on Bluebird or Morrison dock. Reward. Main 6767. LOST By working girl. Saturdav after noon, at postoffice. 5th and Morrison, email leather purse containing between $5 and $6. Please phone Main 91S6. LOST Boy's heavy green sweater, along roaa oetween Oregon City and Viola, Sunday afternoon. Return 926 Hancock St., Portland, or East 7380. Reward. LOST 31x4 Federal tire, rim set. between Astoria and Portland. Aug. 24. BD 428, Oregonian. LOST 35x44 new red side Diamond tire. mounted on rim, on 54th. Belmont. 3!th or Hawthorne ave. Reward. Tabor 962. STRAYED Brlndle bull, spiked collar. Re- - ward. Tabor 2920. LOST Small purse in Yamhill market; tinaer can i, aoor Jti4. Kewara. FOUND Purse containing small money. Call Main 3429. LOST A. O. Pi sorority-Tabo- pin set pearls. Call 3o68. Reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle, sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. THE FORD Jersey dairy guarantees per cent to its investors, which is paid on or before the tenth of every month. b or further particulars write r ord Jer sey dairy, Vancouver. Wash. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E, Noble, 316 Lumbermens biug. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts, b . fc.. Bow man & Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan. See Lawyers' Title & Trust company. 2S5 Stark st., near 4th. Money to Ixian on Real Eetate. RESIDENCE LOANS. Vo , five-ye- period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, ly and reduce in terest on loans under $50O0. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 value house and lot at 7. iou pay one-ha- lf of 1 per cen account principal monthly. For exam pie. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege of paying ioo or any multiple thereof monthly interest reduced accordingly. No COM MISSION. - BUSINESS LOANS. Five-ye- ar period. 67c- - Excellent r payment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main S30S 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO. COMMISSION On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a ioan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for ttO montns, or $15.17 per month for i6 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in ame pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. J.Z starK St., --Portland, Or. $450,000 TO LOAN In Bums to suit on city. suouroan ana iarms.. --tunaiug loans specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-21- 6 FAILING BUILDING. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. I nsuranco company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette val lev farms, no commission, no aelavs. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, tit sixtn &t., roriiana, or. MON ICY to loan on reai estate and ne houses under construction ; intcres Bee R. It. WLMcK, ( 03 Uasco bldg., phone Main 3W75, MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 6 and 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSIO 83 4TH ST. HENRY BLDG. CITY AND FARM LOANS. First and 2d Mtgs. and Contracts. No Delay. No Delay. No Delay $1000. $1500. $2000. $3000 and UP. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OP COM. $400. $500, $6O0. $H0O. $1000, $1200, 1500, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action; pay off $1 00 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham-be- r of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. """ LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live- stock, notes, etc F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026 MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, favorable repaying priv- ilege; no commission or delay. t::.: Oregon mortgage co.. ltd.. 300 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate : favorable terms ; no no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg $1500, 7, ON $3250 residence property; In- come $25 per month. Herman Moeller 1U25 Gasco bldg. Main 14.SO. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security st going rate of- - interest. Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE Real estate contracts on Rose City property; will net 12 to 15. Call 325-2- MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 per cent Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Saloman A Co., 40S Selling bldg. $1000 OR $2000 TO LOAN private parties. Graves. Main 8199. in ii 77 . m 'mil FINANCIAI-- . Money to .Loan on Real F-- st ate. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm and city property. Prompt and heiptul service. Liberal repayment priv- ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGES CO 80 Fourth st., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly cloa Attractive repayment priviletres. A. H. H1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern iiun- - n i Marshall 4114. A 4118. Money to Loan Chattel s and Salarie PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER .CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR- ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA- MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. tJl YOU 'EED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? iOU CAN GET IT TODAY. MADE ON AL J9LOBILKd FURNITURE. PIANOS, ICTROLAS. REA L ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. t your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe- cialty of these loans and leave the se- curity in your possession and you can .us in smH monthlv payments. AE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. u. .s reasons ole. iHv t f f A II bus iness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. - 306-30- 7 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32fl. b. W . cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS rHATTF.i.a. WE LOAN MONEY, on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi- monthly or monthly payments. EacH transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture ' pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed. ) -- 1 FAILING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN, on diamonds. watches. Jewelry snd bonds, legal rates: all goods hld 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE, 114-11- 6 Third St.. Corner Washington. Main 66411. QUICK MONEY TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON NOTE WITHOUT INDORSERS OR S E CU R IT.'; INVESTIGATION COXFI-DENTIA- L. 316 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. MpNEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelrv. igal rates; articles held a year; estab-lishe- d laS. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash, GEO. HARVEV loans monev on houia. hold goods; legal rates. Tabor 3S06. Loans Wanted. WANT $2000, 7t, on first mortgage, new nve-roo- oungalow; also $150o on new, nifty four-roo- m bungalow. 50b Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. WANTED From private party, loan of $2500, first mortgage real estate, 7; will not pay bonus or commission. B YOUNG man going to college wants to borrow $400; good security. W -- 7 7, Ore- gonlan. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. I Cham, of Com.. Fourth and Stark. PERSONAL. STHEDRA NEW HEALTH BUILDER. Ephedra is a harmless herb used la treatment of alt kidney diseases, dropsy, stomach and Intestinal disorders. Ephedra is a germicide and tonic. Cleansing the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestinal organs. Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi- tions of digestive organs, has most won- derful effects on rheumatic conditions. 16 days' treatment, $2.50. EPHEDRA CO.. 202 ALlisK. Y BLDQ. M.ME. PATTENE AUDE'S School of Beauty Culture will open Sept. 13. Persons de- siring to tal.e advantage of class in- structions should register at once at Benson Imp.ovement Shop, mezzanine floor. Benson hotel. Oniy a limited number of applicants in each class. VAL SE1PEL Your father dying of can- cer In Ellwood City, Pa., keeps asking lor you. Please go home or wire It stranded. Any news regarding above party will be appreciated. Last heard of In Portland, lui.v Jack Dyke, Sacra- mento Hotel, Sacramento, Cai. RHEUMATISM and stomach trouba yield to Lang's Mineral Wonder when all else fails. A pure mineral, not a urug. Pack- age $1. Recommended by thousands. Portland Plat. Co.. 314 Stark, Portland. 1'AKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicidal and Invig- orating douche, a great aid in leucor-rhoe- a and female disorders ; Cue and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. runs FURS Every article reduced this month. Re modeling ana to order. THE FUR SHOP. 6Q6 Swetland Bldg. 5th at Washington. LEARN r beauty culture, night school. 7 to 9 o'cIock ; 5 expert special teachers; work day time, karn good trade evenings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, Marshall 17o2. FEB VET A H ANE BUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods, hairdresslng. manicuring, face and ecaip treatment. 319 Alder. Main 54G. MATHILDE A RNESEN, medical gymnast, graduate from Norway ; steam bath, scientific massage, electricity. 305 Co- - - lumbia bldg. Main 2330. Ladies only. 1 OETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, tne v n. i iv j t kj t io i. anu a v -l sls T., who doesn't hurt you; a yrs. here; exam. free. Gloue bldg., 11th A Wash. Bdw. 2S24. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic body massage and vibration. Dr. Margaret Haynie. Main 1765. U5 Swetland bidg. Open evenings; trained nurse assistant. DO YOUR feet hurt T See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry. Pedicuring and manicuring. Open evenings. 605 Raieigh bldg.. Mar. 3376 MEETINGS Sun.. Thurs., S P. M. Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schori for private help. 441 E. 12th st.. corSherman. Sellwood car. ETHEL ADAMS, scalp treatments for dan- druff and falling hair. 211 x Morrison st., office 24, 3d floor; hours, Jl to 8. NO CURE no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown on bald heads;., ladles or gents. ' 314 Macleay bldg. SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; improve your system. Mrs. Rol tins. i26 Clay. Main S359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. &L GiTaDUATE nurse treats lumbago etc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1049. Offices 3ub-- Third st. A. GENTLEMAN driving to Los Angeles alone would like company. P 551. Ore- - gonian. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. lr. Elna Sorensen, druff-le- ss phys.. 50S Panama bldg. Main GObd. PARTY going to Oakland, Cal., auto, take 4 or 5 passengers; leave Wed. A. Ialby. U -- 1st st. N. Main uja;l. SCALP treatment, facial massage, elec- - trical treatment, steam bath and maa-sa- e. Ethel Burke, 304 Dekum bidg. PILES can be permanently cured wtthouc operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. J34 ) Morrison St. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needless method; trial free. Joela Kinley. S14 Bush & Lane bldg. Main cans. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needl- e method. 504 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. IF VOU are tired and nervous, have a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovidia L.xt-so-n. 427 Morgan bldg. aiain lutia. (.OITKE, e.iiargeo. icittnCj; cure your.., X. R. btrachan. route 5. HillHOuro. or DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay youf See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. PR1MKDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist. 69 Buchanan bldp.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th st. M. 5076. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. LAWYER,' 435 for cases not oppoaedU Tel- ephone Main 628B. taiBLLA, pleuse hurry up; back foe Walter. aTi massage's! "" 41r buchanan bldq. main" 8368. LIDA JALh!)U. rate, ecaip treatment, superfluous hair. 322 FUedner bids;. JUNICIDE will cure rneumatism or money back. 408 Dekum bldg. BuDV massaie. violet ray, 10 A. M. to 8 p. M. dally. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 75TM. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 11 -. PATIENTS lo take cabinet baths "illi massage or hourly nursing. Tabor Slii EVE.S tested free; spectacles gua: antced. Dr. Be'.dlng. -- 45Vt Alder st. Main lO'.i-J- . PERKINS National Herbs. S5 Maricaa bldg. Phon' Main 5'.'.Vi. WILL ANNIE M. KKLI.EV Bend her ad-- , dress to Sara H. Mitchell, .Treiscott. Or.

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Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.edu · Y WASTED TO BEST. UoUKS. RESPONSIBLE couple with daughter go--lng to school would rent 5 or modern home from owner who appreci-ates first-clas- …



RESPONSIBLE couple with daughter go- -

lng to school would rent 5 ormodern home from owner who appreci-ates first-clas- s care of property; will pay 64.1reasonable rent and give references; RoseCity, Irvlngton or Laurelhurst districtspreferred. Phone E. 4552 8unday orSlain 308 weekdays. 14

TUNT to rent furnished house orfiat of about iv rooms: willingi pay up to KS a month lorfirst-clas- s place. Phone Broad- -

.w,ay 22U5, ask lor Jir. i w

HAVE responsible client. no children.for 6 to heated flat.

?!all information to J. J. McCarthy.A b ngton bldg.

Apartment.'WANTED modern 3 or

apt. or small housepreferably on west side, for 9 months.3 adults; references. Harris P. Allen.Portland hotel. Tel. Wednesday andThursday. .

WANTED by couple without children, twoclose In. onor three-mo- m apartment

weet side preferred, amW ANTED To rent, on or about Septem-

ber l.t4 or furnished apt. or flat,walking distance, west side. Main Srtoa.

Rooms With Board.ANTED A good, quiet place to roomand board In the country for a disabled

man. Address In care ofGeorge D. Hoban, secretary oi .mi

311 Pine st. .

WORKING mother, with boy 6 and :

herself anddesires room and board forchildren where children will be caredlor during day;- - reasonable. AddressMrs. Brooks. 1047 Corbett. city. .

iOHNO woman with Bmall daughter wantstioard and warm room wifhln 8 lks. otRose City Park school; references, Ai

' 77S, Oregonlan."ANTED Two rooms ad board In pri-va- te

family for two adults and ne WS years old. by September 1- - Phone Sell-wo-

1798.WANTED By teacher, room and hoard

in private family or two furnished orpartly furnished rooms. vt" ,rHolladay addition preferred. East 4S1- -.

S.OOM and board In a ed,E"glif tolng family for a boy frCouch dis-

trictSunnyslde orroom with son;

preferred. A 588. Oregonlan.

BOARD and room for mother and twoboys in private home. E 80, Oregonlan.

Housekeeping Rooms.3UADY with two boys, ages 8 ana i De-

sires housekepelng rooms in Privatehome, close to school and car line, callor address Mrs. Graham, 354 San Ra-

fael st. 1

wr . t.. a , laa.t ft furnished H. K.rooms or flat on east side. East 5oi9.

Miscellaneous.I WANT to rent small barn lor norse on.

AB 77. Oregonlan.

FOR BKNT.SOME good rooms. 208 17th. near Taylor;

also one apt. ,

Furnished Rooms.


Now Is the time to get a nice warmroom for the winter; hot and coid waterin every room; not an Inside room in thewhole Tjullding; nice large parlor withpiano; all conveniences.


W1KMEKS, proprietors. Main 7Q.'- -.

n . TTTipni.I V furnished suite or Singlernoms. with or without baths., in high- -

class apartment house, to reiinea gentieman. Marshall 2830.

,nniT i In a modern home,..,,..).:. for two gentlemen or ladies;hoard If tiesired: no children other

, k,.in. nrK'UprM: 1 block from.Ankeny car Darn, ruunu .a.j.

ANSON1A HOTEL.124" 14th st., at Washington.

Rates. T per week up. 1 day Fireproof, large attractive, spotless rooms.close to amusement and shopping center.

FOR REXT Large steam-heate- d frontroom, suitable for gentleman or man andi. nr Montcomery-War- d

new building: C. S. preferred; referencesexchanged. A B 4B, oregonian.

HOTEL CLIFFORD.Bast Morrison St., at East Sixth.1' V. a nrlnclnnl MSt Side hotel; dighl

flEd and refined: SI. 25 per day and up;$0 per week and up.

PERKINS HOTEL.ifth and Washington sts.

Attractive rates to permanent guests.Commodious suites for families.

RITZ HOTEL.Morrison and Park sts.New. fireproof and modern.Special rates to permanent guests.

Third and Main sts. Rates $3 a weekup; large rooms, attractive lobby.

t.arok front room with private bath, ret.rnr-s-t Main U06. 301 11th St., COmer


NEW MANAGEMENT.H. K. and single rooms, dally, weekly.

l,, ,vw ti t, f'i Ml tier dav. S5 to tlO peweak.' Savore Hotel. 131 V. 11th St., between Washington and Alder.

ST PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth St.: cleanmodern, respectable. Transients 1 up.Permanent $5 up. .

xiak-- "The Bushmark" your homeclean, modern rooms. Washington st.. at17th. -

SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping andsleeping rooms. Phone East 291. 271 V

Grand ave.HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th Bt. Nice

modern, clean rooms, at transient andpermanent rates.

ROME desirable close-i- n housekeepinrooms will go Quick. 344 Salmon st.at Broadway.

HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at TenthRates 1 a day up: weekly, S3 up; freephone and baths.

$1 DAY. $2.50 week up; clean, baths free.Hotel taaiiiac. mini, near jeneifiMU.

OHIO HOTE1 4 Housekeeping and sleeplng rooms. 206 Front, corner Madison.

BLEEPING room to let. Newhall Hotel.402 E. Wash. st. Phone K. 8490.

CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms,beds, near shipyards. 573 3d st.

Unfurnished Rooms.FURNISHED or unfurnished room. Phone

Marshall 3215.Furni'heri Rooms in Private Family.

isICELY furnished room in private famllv. modern, steam heat, west side: twcar lines; lady preferred. B 120, Oregonian.

CHEERFUL furn. rms. in strictly modem Hat; 5 min. walk to P. o., w . !

suitable for 1 or 2; reasonable. 092Everett.

X'lcK room and board in private famllnear Irvlngton and Broadway car lines.Phone East 732S.

TWO sleeoina rooms with home pnvleses: board close by. GS3 E. Salmon St.Phone East 7100. j

IRV1NGTON Large front room near Irvlngton club; home privileges. o.o2lst st. N.

LARGE front room downstairs, with kiteen privileges, for congenial working girEast 493.

CLEAN. comfortable, finely furnisheroom, large closet, steam heat, every

- conve nlence. Knob Hill. Main IUU9.

269 14TH. near Jefferson Choice roomwalking distance; modern conveniences.Main 3893.

FOR LADY One large bedroom In prlvifamily: all conveniences: Nob Hill distrlct. Marshall 35 iO.

FURNISHED room In goad location.E. 24th st. N.. one block from Montvilla car line. Call Automatic 227-1- 3

FOR RENT Two very nice furnishrooms to gentlemen only. b31 East Cotrt. Phone East 8509.

LARGE, room, suitablebusiness woman; walking distance. Mar-sha- ll

3400.PLEASANT, modern, weii furnished, "home

privileges; reasonable. 1 or 2 ladies.Tabor 6950.

TWO SLEEPING rooms, bath: men, wo-08- 7men: three car lines; cheap rent.K. 20th.

FOR RENT 2 rooms, unfurnished. Main1152.

LARGE nloely furnished room for rent,w eet side, walking distance. Mar. 1793 .

HRlGHT, pleasant room for one or twoyoung men. 160 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 20S7.

is'ICELY furnished room and board for oneor two. Wood'awn 4987.

LARGE front room, nicely furnished, walk-ing distance. East 5534.

NICK1.T furnished rooin, walking distance,breakfast If desired. East 41M52.

MCELY furnished room. 738 Johnson,22d and i!3d. Main 3796.

HOOM 111 nice home for one or two gen-tlemen. S74 Park. Marshall 28.

FOHJtEST.Furnished Room in Private Family.

FRONT room with furnace heat and fire-place, well furnished, in nice Laurelhursthome, reasonable to one or two gentle-men with references. B 119, Oregonlan.

E. STARK; modern room in privatefamily, woman employed preferred; withkitchen privileges or board; walkingdistance.

N. 22D ST. Second floor flat, suitable orfor bachelor or traveling man; heat, hotwater, bath, phone, walking distance;no other roomers. Main 6S7. ONE

NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot andcold water. 2ftH Fifth at.

NICE-L- furnished room, hot ana coldwater, phone privileges. 741 Hoyt st.

Rooms With Board.CAMPBELL HOTEL.


Two of the best-know- n residentialhotels on Pacific coast.

American plan, with or without bath. $5$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.Meals served to transients. .

NuHTONU HOTEL, Portland's downtownhigh-clas- s family hotel; rooms en suiteor single, with or without board, forfamilies and business men and women.We give you all ths comforts of a home, T1i"ooreasonable tfetec.

AB? YOU tired. Ill and want a good HoShome to live In, with home privileges;aulet, refined atmosphere Call Auto TWOmatic 317-6- 0.

TH5 MARTHA WASHINGTON.380 Tenth st. For business girls and

students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251.ROOM and board for business girls; all

modern conveniences: walking aistance;$5 per week. AuL 4. 12 E. 7th s 2

2 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms TWOnd board; modern conveniences; waik- -lng distance.Rooms With Board In Private Family.

ROOM and board for two comfortable.modern home; family privileges. Auto- -matic 214--

ROOM In private family, 1108 Williamsave., near jellerson nign scnooi, a or --

ladles. Wdln 14, with or without board.ROOM and board for young lady attend

ing Jefferson high in exchange mmservice. Woodlawn A956.


VERY best of board and nice clean room.good neighborhood, near union anuBroadway. Call East 6393.ICELY furnished front room with boardfor two; fine location; walking dis-tance. East 5715.

LARGE room for 2 gentlemen, phone, furnace heat: no transients. .ast B44 3.

LARGE room with board, suitable lor 2:running water. 7m Irving st.

ROOM and board In Irvlngton .in privatefamily. Phone ast -- si. 15

ROOMS with board, very reasonable.302. '" "oaney.

ROOM and board in private family: allhome cooking, mast ai. .ou tti.

2CARE AND board for boy or girl of schoole. Tabor ouo.

LITTLE GIRL to board, school age. one- -

half block from scnooi. e.ast -- uui.CHILDREN to board; mother's care.

Columbia !o.ROOM and board In private family. East

8HK3. 5U0 East Salmon st.Furnished Apartments.

HIGH-CLAS- S FOR'APARTMENTS.Elegantly furnished. 2 and 8 rooms,

with sleeping porches: modern, outside,very light apta White enameled wood-work. Chinese rues. Available at once.Also a very large and sleepingporch. 18 windows. Very handsomelyfurnished. For Sept. i, Can be seennow. Marshall 2830.

THE CROMWELL.Fifth and Columbia Streets.

Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank'sstore; good surroundings, strictly mod-ern, outside, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient.


A newly furnished apartmentwith 2 disappearing beds and outsidebalcony. uall Main as&d. crice siu,adults only; will rent by week or month.

NEW APT., large room, built-i- n furniture, wall bed. dressing room. Data,kitchenette and hall, gas heat, privatehome. Lincoln road, near tt. jonnferry, $25. Phone Columbia 9So.

To STTRt.ET to couple, three-roo- m furnished apartment for two montns; tnreeblocks from Broadway and Morrison.Phone Main 2521.ALVARADO APIS.. 730 EVERETT.

Fur., basement ant., with all modernconveniences, $53. See Mr. Ballis, Wakefield, Fries ft Co., so tn si.

ALTAMONT APARTMENTS.One beautifully-furnishe- mod

cm apartment; walking distance, westfide. Main 6375.

APT. CONSISTING 2 large, clean, attractively lurnisnea, ugin touiua, buiiajic iw3 adults: gas range, running water; nearshipyards. 573 3d St. -

WANTED Refined young lady, employed,to share- - apartment, close inrent $23. Main 4351.ROOMS and sleeping porch, heat, furniture. for sale or rent, walking distance. Phone Brodway 4138.

furnished aDt.. close in. west side,too per montn. uail tain 2morning.

THREE large, rooms forhousekeeping, close to vvasnington nignschool. 20 E. loth St.. corner Ain.

123 PER MONTH. furnished apts.CiOse in. 14 f Lownsaaie, near aiorrison,

GARFIELD $40. 361 E. Faillng St.. 1 niQCKi west union.

UNION AVE. and Killingswortn, $21.3all complete; concrete mug.

3 AND apts., also single rooms.Leeds apts.. 2iu .Market Bt.

TWO-ROO- apt., furnished, $30.Burnside. Auto.

KKW YORK APARTMENT8. 7th and Belmont. feiast .io. o rooms lurnisnea,

ALBRET APT. 4 rms.. furnished; steamheat, private eatn. Mississippi ave.

ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th St., large.front two-roo- m apt., tree pnone, sou.

FRONT room and kitchenette; adults. 2111th St., cor. salmon, rnona warn wis.

Unfurnished .Apartments.l.nRR'7,n apts. 427 Salmon st. Phon

Main 8078. Large front room and kitcn Cenette. basement, water, light, pnoneadults.

Flats.FOR RENT $45.

TTnfnrnlshed. 029 Thurman.flat with sleeping " porch; hardwoodfloors, modern conveniences, near Mont-gomery Ward & Co. new bldg. See Mr.Ballis.

WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO..85 Fourth St.

FURNITURE for sale, moderncorner flat, walking distance, west side.Marshall 334S.

flat; key at Apt. 29. NokomlsApts. Broadway

-i- iFurnished Flate.

OWNER leaving city will sacrifice fur-niture of 5 rooms and sleeping porch,rent $05, Including beat and hot water;people who want goad, clean place andsquare deal, phone Bdwy. 1710; othersneed not apply.

MODERN furnished flat, sleepingporch : adults Woodlawn 1908.

I ... .. ... - rrr v. T".pax. um--- i pe--

1 wivsK-- m

. v. . i jst i"The HOTe


TOR RENT.Famished Flats.

furnished flat. 709V4 Kearney st,50 a month. Call Main 138.MODERN furnished flat: adultsonly. East 3236.

Housekeeping Rooms.COMPLETELY furnished one. two - and

three-roo- housekeeping suites. withwithout private bath; hot water con-tinually, gas ranges, laundry, electricity.lse Sherman st. Mar. 39S3.LARGE and one small housekeeping

luuui, wanting aistance. 2Si (Jolleee stMala 3154.

TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down-town district for 25c. Auto servlc-- i -- eestorage for 15 days. Phone Bin,, -- 445.FURNISHED housekeeping rooms close tofactories and school, prices reasonable.1094 Corbett st. Phone Main 7262.

BEAVER. 12th and Mar.VrnishedII. K. rooms. $15 up. Including gas rangshot water, electric lights. launc".ry room.'

WEEK, completely furnished house-keeping suites. Ths Cadillac 3d nearJefferson.LARGE suites furnished and unfurnished.Running water. 163 First, S. W. corMorrison.

m nl sleeping porch,Main 44o2.

JiEEPI'G Idaho apartments,st. Easy walking.ROOMS: also rooms andhot water always. 655 Flanders st.

FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep-ing. 193 1 Second st.

FURNISHED front H. K. rooms. Clean.Two adults. Phone Broadwav 2473CLEAN housekeeping rooms for rent.y.j .caauilltmB. JJtf RUSSelL

Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.at. "VM3' tnlrd or, front:

uiot-rici- suitaoie for youngladies attending school or employed. 666

CLEAN, light, pleasant rooms for adults.y."a. ',cAt'oa- - 2 caf lines. 675 E. Main!

i.A sleeping room, also desirable sleeping or Housekeeping room for 2 .or 3. sma. w i. ii in st. fjdwy. 2699.t 6 .SPPl'S for light housekeeping Inoeauurui irvlngton home, 2 emp. Broad- -j clHOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent.i.tri l. st. Alain

I u rushed H. K. room. 253

NICE suite furnished. H. K ,m. $4week. 366 First, near Mill.PARTLY furnished rooms for house-keeping- :

close jr.. 605 Hood st.FOR FOUR housekeeping rooms, prlvaioiaiiiiiy. ouu uranti ave. is.

H. K. ; rent. Hg-h- t and gas furnished:., lEmniii. mo cast outnFURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, $22.50.


Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC lightberviue. Broadway 880. A 6747.


room house and sleeping porch, modern2 blocks SS car; vacant Sept. 1. 918

ast layior. Tabor 5501.RENT house, bath, gas, electricity, one block from Sellwood car line.rnne eeiiwooa ao.

FOR RENT modern house in Irvlngton, close In; furniture for sale, withor witnout garage. .ast 2o6o.

LOCAL and long-distan- moving andnaunng, iirst-cias- s equipment. Green Tr.jo., -- u. Aiaer st. Alain 1261, 672-6- 1.

MOVING Piano, furniture and lonar-dl- stance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truckservice a st. pnone Bdwy. 5121

ROOM modern house nd garage forrent; furniture for sale. Call Main 3943.THREE-ROO- house, one block from

carline. $7.50. Phone Wdln. 5210.WEST SIDE modern flat. 591

waanington. near latn, wanting aistanceFOR house. 798 E. 28th st.

Furnished Houses.SIX ROOMS In beautiful home, double par

lors. amine room, kitchen. 2 bedroom:and bath, furnace heated, at 10:4 Will-iams ave. ; rent $85, or entire house. 8rooms, $150; references ;. no telephone.

D colonial bungalow in Rose City Park; lady with

child reserves 2 rooms withprivate entrance; $60 a month. C. S.preferred. Tabor 873G.

FOR RENT By September 1, completelyfurnished five-roo- bungalow. Call Ta-bor 703U. 70th and Powell Valley road.

FURNISHED house for rent in Laurei- -hurst, near car line; references. Tabor8701.

nicely furnished brick bungalow,vacant Oct. a; win sell on terms. Co-lumbia 873.

MODERN FURNISHED Irvlngtonhome; sleeping porch, garage; availableSept. 15. Phone East 2830.

FURNISHED cottage for monthof September, $30. 510 Flint st. East5571.

FOR RENT After Sept. 23. modernfurnished house; west side. Mar-

shall 350G.

FURNISHED bungalow in Irvlngton; leasfor year or will sell. Phone Main 8S03OR 3 adults may share nice room, mod-ern home. SeHwood 836.

CLEAN, well furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms,rage; lea?e. 854 First st.tSammer tteHorta.


Sea. Completely furnished box tents inbeautiful grove, $10 per ween ; grocerstore, restaurant, dancing, Just the plactto spend your vacation.

COLUMBIA BEACH CO.,248 Stark street. Main 542

FOR RENT Seaside, Or., one andone house, week September 1 to7, or for month, or all winter: reason-able. Phone MaIn-310- or call Miss Marguerite OwinRB. Beacon hotel. Seaside.

cottage, completely furnishedrunning water, best location. Beach Center. Wash., between Seaview and LomBeach; rent $30 for Sept. Phone Mail9209. or 5502 on Sunday.

Mac LEAN'S CAMF. Oswego lake. Kurt. Onn Inn cottage can now be rented fo

the rest of the season, furnished. Owaterfront at Oswego lake. Phone

431A KPERS, hikers, fishermen. The W aturn Lake pack train. trips a weekfrcm Cascade Locks. Berry season orPhono Glovers' store.

MODERN Seaside cottage for rent, fuintshed: bath, lights, etc. Call 605 Stevens bldg. Phone Main 958 or Sell. 211S

FOR RENT Cottages at Seaside at re-duced rates for September. Mrs. SSnyder, 315 3d ave.. Seaside, Or.

(Stores.SPACE for tire sales and vulcanizing busi-

ness, established In large downtown ga-rage. Sptedwell Garage, 14th and Coucnsts. Broadway 3974.

.VERY desirable store on Broadway nearEverett st. ; plate glass front. InquireSO N. Broadway.

TWO STORES for rent, suitable for anyline: best location In town. White Pal-ace grocery, 21st and Gllsan.

west side, good location,close in. Tabor 1114.

FINE location, part of store, long lease,reasonable rent. 108 Four.th st.

ys ' 1vjimiv-- i

urtuurvu i- .

FOR RENT.Offices.

SEVERAL desirable offices. Acorn bldg..oth and Oak. Apply Stubbs ElectricCo.; 75 Sixth at.

VERY desirable room In Selling building.tacing aixtn street. inquire oosn

FRONT office. modern, in Railwaychange bldg. A.pply room 312.



RESTAURANTS.$ &50 West side, good lease; terms.$ 850 "West side, nine living rooms.$2500 buys Xi rt-cla- restaurant, close

In on Th i rd street ; re ceip ts $Hito a aliy.

GROCERIES AND COXTECTIOXERIES.91100 fcuys good place doing good bus.

nese. 4I1250 Goodside.

place on Alder UGood place on "Washington street,west ride; good lease.

$ 700 Neat place, good location, 1 livingroom, rent $10.50, including heat.

$4000 buys one of the best in ihe cityon west aide; com. and see this.

$3OO0 buys one of the best confection-eries on west side, on Fourth at.


$3600) Eight pool tabies and two billiardtables, in Al shape.

$ JoO Cigar stand, right downtown onThird stOur auto at your set-ric- e; a pleasure

to show any of the above.SEE BROWN & B'lDDt-B- .

324 Ry. Exch. Bldg. 3d and Stark.MarshalJ 8331.

COUNTRY NEWSPAPER.NewiDlDer and lob orintinsr nlant In

live town in Yakima valley. Washington.Present owner is clearing ' over $150 amonth and is unable to handle all thework offered. Place can be made topay $300 a month. This has been runas a one-ma- n proposition but there isplenty of work for two men. Presentowner has other Interests but will workthree or four days a week for buyer ifoes.rea. Price for quick sal. $3500,about $2000 cash required. B 134. Orego-nlan.

GROCERIES AT 20 DISCOUNT.21 rolls wrapping paper, 30.0O0 paper

bags, 3 cases lamp chimneys, 1500 carry-a- ll bags. 5000 oyster pails. 2o0 lbshalf-grou- salt, 3 cases egg packers. 40dozen toothpicks, 7 cartons macaroni800 pkgs. Gold Dust (small), IS casestoilet soap, 7 cases soap flakes, 3 casesGoblin soap, 1 case chill came; onecase Mechanic soap, 1 case olive oil, 3cases Douglas oil, etc., besides $400 onshelves; will sell all or any part. Callbetween 10 A. M. and 5 P. M, 723 yPowell st., near 21st.

WANTED Office manager with from$10,000 to $25,000 to invest In growingbusiness; character and ability muststand searching inquiry; money abso-lutely secured and guaranteed to paybetter than 10 per cent; good salary toman who can take full charee of oificeand books; receive and disburse, allmoneys. AO 776, Oregonlan.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE store for sale.Polk county, in sawmill and farmingcommunity; about 3oo0 business permonth; good opportunity for one or twohustlers; private electric light and wa-ter plant ; almost new buildings andclean stock. total about $12,oo0 or$14,000. Am leaving state, but wouldconsider part trade. No better plantfor same investment In the county. AV804. Oregonlan.


Mill complete in every detail, fullyequipped; good shipping facilities, unlim-ited log capacity, rail and river; doinga good business; will bear fullest in-spection: price $12,000, $6000 cash, bal-ance $500 month.R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165H 4th st.MAKE YOURSELF INDEPENDENT.

A real estate businessIn a good valley town with a good farmlisting, will be turned ovecto a reliableman for very little money; office has

over four thousand dollars in thefluid ten months; an excellent opportun-ity. C. E. Cranfill, 2o3tt lat st. Main4203.

STORES.General merchandise $7000Grocery and fountain 8200Cash and carry grocery 24O0Small west side grocery 750

COOVER & HOLM AN, '322-3-- 4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash.

"We do not miereprefcient."Leases. Loans. Insurance.

FOR SALE AT INVOICE General merchandise, farm machinery and auto serv-ice station business. Stock about $10,000.Fixtures about $1700. Real estate 30uu.Sales, Jan. J to Aug. 1, this year, over$30,000. Established trading point for 35years. Under present management 10years. Location, southwest Washington.AV 310, Oregonlan..

INVOICE COUNTRY STORE.One acre of land, building 30x60. with

5 good living rooms overhead; doing$20,000 to $30,000 per year; on electricline ; terms, fcee


contract. 8.000.000 feet at$4.50 per thousand; 50.000 ties at 10ceach: 444-mi- le haul; can work all weather, good roads; will assign this contractto purchaser of 2 service trucks audtrailers. Call 227 Salmon st.

GARAGE and machine shop for sale, goodbusiness and no opposition: shop Is wellequipped; get lots of sawmill repairwork as well as car work. Gray Bros.,Philomath garage, Philomath. Oregon

OH SALE Small store, 22x60, 30 milesfrom Portland, building, i acre ofground and fixtures. SloOO; stock at Invoice, $t0 per day business. Addressoox No. 1, Chapman, or.

A H' bakery, doing ail cashbusiness, retail only ; lots of room forexoansion: good Buck oven, heated withgas. For further particulars app.y 776Williams ave.

barber shop; west side; working2 chairs; average $3 GO a month,--' freerent, light, heat, laundry and watterlong lease; $1200 cash. M 001, Oreeronian.

$375 CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERYIf sold by noon today; must leave to-

morrow. Downtown location. worthdouble what I ask. Act quickly if yonwant It. taw us za st.

iKAUTY PARLORS, well established business, good locality; will sacrifice forquick tale a. count illness. Call, exceptSunday. Main 4i i .

4UST sell lunch and confectionery, doinggood business, right down town,lease; sickness compels change. AC b4Oregonlan.ARTNER wanted for soft drink andcard room, best corner location In city

lease. Inquire furniture store, 235First St., corner Main.

'OR SALE Fine restaurant. 233 Burnside: leaving town, will sell very cheapmust be sola by 'inursaay morning.

CE CREAM, confectionery and light grocery stock and fixtures; expenses only $a aay. rnone - j.ux.

RESTAURANT for sale, good location, newbrick ouilding, well established. Callbetween 9:30 and 11 A. M. 42 IN. 3d st.

OMFnCTIONERY and lunch stand ishipyard location; doing good businessno agents. Inquire tt.il mooq st.

G contract, $6 per thousandor winter's worn, can zzt fraimon st.

BARBER chairc. mirrors, and suppliesgieat sacr:nce. w jtn. near star.

BAKERY for sale, complete, good oven:Fleishman i east Co.





PEPPERMINT growing and manufactur-ing, one of Oregon's most profitable andfastest growing Industlres. Companybeing formej to plant large acreage onrich, low-pric- land In Klamath county.Mint is growing now, distillery beingbuilt. Expected to pay 50 to 80 per centdividends; possibility of 300 per centprofit yearly. Write for our folder, sentfree. John N. Davies, ot Klamath MintCo.. Klamath Falls. Or. -



If vou can invest $10O0 in a wholesaledistributing agency covering 3 states, itwill pay you to investigate this proposi-tion; busniess (head-quarters Portland) ; large profits lastyear; will give full particulars If youcan furnish satisfactory references. Inanswering give phone number if possi-ble. P 573, Oregonlan

Ti!W TIRF1 SHOP.FOR SALE Vulcanising and retreading

shop, located In one or tne nest suouroeof Portland, all new. ma-chinery; bought less than three monthsago; good display windows for acces-sories; if buver Is not experienced willteach him the business. For sale byowner. Agents keep away; value $1200.G 852, Oregonlan.

OROCERY and confectionery, will sell Vinterest to right party, who is able toconduct same and depend on help, orwill sell all ; nice corner location, eastside, doing fine business. per aayonah nnri r.rrv or will take clear restdence for same; price $250O. Phone East2374.

Tin STORKM.1 Tan lap. Sherwln-William- s. New

Comfort Dhonoeraoh agencies; fastestrrnwfnr Kiihnrh In Portland: nO COmpe

titlon- - rnt. S2500 cash will handleit: in answering give phone number.AO 340, Oregonlan.

A NICE home with $600 year income,cottage, 4 store buildings, all in

fine condition, cement walks, paved stselectric lights: close to Portland; $3000cain or trade ror a grocery or

By owner. J. Fulton, 20d NorthMain st., xsewoerg, r.

RF.STAURANT3.We have seveial established places for

sale. Prices to eooo.COOVER & HOLM AN,

322-3-- 4 Failing Bldg. 3d and Wash."We do not misrepresent

Leases. Loans. 1 nsurance.Tvvnrr country store.

One acre of land, building 30x60, with5 good living rooms overhead ; doing$20,000 to $30,000 per year; on electricline; terms.


H2S0 LIGHT grouery and confectionery,fine location, rent $40. lease; receiptsaverage $50; living apartment. Including furniture. See Harper,


2B4 Stark Street.EXCELLENT oDoortunlty to secure

nrnf ita.b e office business. long Mtftblished. reliable; ' price $3000. half cashwlU handle; public stenographer couldhandlte to advantage. AM 30, Oregonian.CAN SELL you a 3 -- ton second-han- d

truck in good shape and give youmonths work. srravel hauling: uric

i.r.O half cash, balance monthly payments. See King. Bdwy. 1572 Mondayor Mar. 5567 between o ana o tr. m.

BAKERY Investigate this one. It Is wortnwhile; Jiooo win nanaie, aoing a gooasrrowing business; rotary type; must seithis week; I'm leaving city. Call Tabo1913 after 7 P. M., or address AN 6:Oregonian

l WANT 4 men to buv trucks witdump bodies for gravel worK; a montnswork tms year; gooa joo ana gooa paySee King, Bawy. lotz, on juonaayMar. 5567 between 6 and 8 P. M.

TIRES and accessories business, established in large garage in neart'Of citysmall investment. exceptional opportunity. Speedwell Garage. 14th andCouch sts. Broadway 3974.

GOOD chance to buy w paying city drustore. Initial payment ol 2a0U will nandie. E U9, Oregonlan.

SELLING real paying corner grocery, lo'cated noteis ana aepot district, no aeliverv or credits, stock turned eacmonth, nets better $50 dally; snap foryou; no dealer. K ol. oregonlan.

CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing dealof interest in estaousnea reaiestate business, get advice of Port lanRealty Board, 421 Oregon bldg.. Broadway 1902.

WANTED Ar.y kind of merchandisestocks; best prices paid ; furnltustocks preferred. Write or phone Mai4633. 174 First St.

iNE OF the best auttomoblle agencies othe Pactnc coast for sale or win trade forgood Income-bearin- g property. BD 429,Oregonlan.

flROCFRY and con feet loner v. doinar $76.oou per year. At location; win sacrificeon account of death; price $18.000; trialgiven if .desired. Ail 11, oregonlan

CAriH AND CARRY GROCERY, up to dastock and improving business: clwhite Ftore at a bargain; can prove busness. BD 819, Oregonian.

TRANSFER and storage business for sa.liabout 10,000 feet floor space, good lease,lots ot storage on nana, new equipment; win se;i ngni. Appiy ,uy uaK s

WILL pacriflce for quick sale, Magnusroot beer barrel and a l. barrelof Magnus root beer syrup. $25. 313Wash. st Vancouver, Wash.

RESTAURANT Daily receipts $30; busne.s Increasing; $000 for quick sale. 3Front.

IF YOU WANT TO SELL or exchanyour business see Morris, with Intestate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 64

FOR SALE Store with living rooms ; corner location, on car line, east side93x123. garages-Pho- ne Tabor 8586.

BAKERY Rotary type for sale, reasonable. Call and get particulars. Tabor1913

GOOD truck with established route, clear-ing $25 daily, work too hard frtr owner.some terms. Phone Oswego 674.

DELICATESSEN and groceries; good stockand doing good business. Phone Tabor7112.


FOR SALE Confectionery. cigars andoda fountain. B 53. Oregonian.

GROCERY store and fixtures for sale. CallEast 5251.

A SHOE repair shop for sale on accountof sickness. 123 N. 21st st.

FOR SALE OR TRADE Store and 4lng rooms, modern. Tabor 6329.

Stocks and I$onda.WANTED to secure bonds of Portland

Realty Associates. C B. Martin. 203Loeb bldg.

Business Opportunities "Wanted.YOUNG woman, ambitious,

knows the business world and can meetthe public, has about $3000 she wantsto invest in a good business with work- -lng Interest In same- - state all particu-lar- s

In first reply. BC 822, Oregonian.A CASH BUYER. v

To sell your business quickly, quietlyand without publicity see or writs

ALLISON &. BILLINGS.401-40- 2 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904.

CAPABLE business woman has fewhnndrd to invest with services, Whathave you to offer? AE 335, Oregonian.

i iMil . . II 71 -- .V.V;




BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.Business Opportunities Wanted. $3



Hotels and Rooming Houses.SM BUYS 8 -- room rooming house, rent

J18O0 buys m apartment, rent$40, income $200; terms.iito buys hotel; wui taitefood auto in exchange.

buys m hotel, rent ou,lease ; good terms.



MONDAY SPECIAL.28 housekeeping, modern, lease.20 houeekeplng rooms, clears $150.20 transient rooms, clears $200; lease.15 furnished rooms, clears $115.11 housekeeping rooms, clears $S0.

7 housekeeping rooms, clears $50.have clean flats.

BARNEY JOHNSON & CO.. 170 10th stIF YOU WISH TO BUY, OR SELLbusiness, hotel, rooming or apartment 'house ot any kind, anywhere, see

F. Rlerdon.RITTER, LOWE CO..

201-3-5- Board of Trade Bldg.We write all kinds of insurance.

APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP.31 modern apts.. now netting 50

on the Investment and there is goodopportunity to increase rentals anaselling at a handsome profit. Call at322 Falling bldg.

HOTE3L SACRIFICE.Snap for hotel man and wife, leaseand furnishings of hotel in 11

town, doing good business; muet be soldto close up partnership account. Writebox 12o, SUverton, Or.

12 H. K. ROOMS, hot and cold water.modern furnishings; good rent, $40; priceright; 17 rooms up to date every par-ticular; ideal location; clears $150; otherfirst-cla- ss houses. Call 201 10th St. Myauto at your service.

OFFICE, dining room and kitchen. 20bedrooms, doing good business, manufacturlng district, rent $35. Sickness,must sell, $1000 takes it. Also secondhand furniture store. 621 Savler sCBdwy. 5454. V


Come to 473 Washington st. and get agood restaurant tor siJoo. For appointment pnone aawy. 4j4i.

FOR SALE rooming house.$1150; clearing $75 per month and 3room apt. free for self; $750 will handle,bal. $40 per mo.; rent $40 per mo,J. W. Burrus, 320 Fourth street.

MRS. M. E. LENThotels, rooming and apartment houses.

All sizes snd prices.S2&-4-- 5 Northwestern Bank Bldg.Phone Main 8560 for appointment.

FOR SALE furnished roomingnouse. f or runner information writto Lillian Ruas. Clyde Rooms, Astoria,or.

FOR SALE by owner, beautiful modern13 rooms; makes a lovely home. 34College st.

FOR best bargain In apartment houses seememoers oi me neany noara. xaieaRealty Co., 245 Fourth at.

$60O BUYS MY furniture of 9 rooms forlight housekeeping. 24 E. Morrison,East 1532. No agents.


house. 169 Park st. Bargain.bouse for sale, furnished; tw

bathrooms, furnace, corner. East 1068,

BIG SNAP In rooming house, housekeeplng, f750. Call at 444 E. Oak su

SPECIAL NOTICES.Pro puna- - in v I ted.


Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received until the 20thday of SeptJmber, A. D. 1920, at the houof 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for thpurchase ot Two Hundred Thousand Dotlars $200,000.1)0) worth of bonds of theLan gen valley irrigation districtKlamath county, Oregon. Said bonds todraw interest at trie rate ot mx per cenper annum, payable semi-annual- ly upothe lirst day of July and the first dayot January of each year until the ma- - i

Said proposals will be received by theboard ot directors of said irrigation dis-trict and should be directed to the sec-retary of tne Langell Valley IrrigationDistrict, care of Ferguson, Fletcher &

' MilfJni, No. 16 Loom is building, Klam-ath Falls, Or.

The board of directors reserve theright to reject any or ail bids offered.A. L. W1SUAKD.Secretary of the board ot directors of

Langell Valley Irrigation district.I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of

merchandise, consisting principally ofshoes of the inventory valuation $3277. OS,together with the fixtures used in andabout the same, $75.50 ; located at b4 4Unlon ave., Portland. Or.; up to 12o'clock noon of Tuesday, August 31, 1020,at my office, 740 Morgan bldg. Termscus.i. and a certified check lor 10 percent of the amount otfered must ac-company each bid. The inventory i.uybe saun at my office and the stock maybe inspected at b44 Union ave.

R. L. SABIN, Trustee.Miscellaueous.

NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTYBOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Ishereby given that on Monday. Septem-ber 13, 1U20, the board of equalizationof Multnomah county will attend at theoffice of the county assessor, at thecourt house in Portland, and publiclyexamine the assessment rolls tor theyear 1U20, and correct all errors in val-uation, description or qualities of lands.lots or other property, assessed by thecounty assessor. And it shall be theduty of persons interested to, appear atthe time and place appointed. If itsnail appear to such board of equalixation that there are any lands or lotsor other property assessed twice, or incorrectly assessed as to description orquantity, ana in ths name of a personor persons not tne owner t Hereof.asse sed under or beyond the actualcash value thereof, said board may makeproper correction of the same. If Itshall appear to such board that anvland, lots or other property assessableoy tne assessor are not assessed, suchboard shall assess the same at the fullcasn value thereof.

HENRY E. REED.County Assessor,COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby

given that Multnomah county warrants,classes J" and "K," the same havingbeen drawn upon the Road Fund, andthat were presented and Indorsed, "Notpaid for want of funds," from June 26,1020, to July 1, 1020, both dates inclusive,will. If properly indorsed, be paid onpresentation at the office of the CountyTreasurer. Interest thereon vceases onand after the date of this notice.Portland, Oregon. August 27. 1920.

JOHN M. LEWIS,County Treasurer.

HOME BUILDERS.I guarantee to save you fi to 20 per

cent on the cost of building your borne;can render financial assistance. CallMarshall 2310.


LOST AND FOUND.BOSTON bull pup, about 2 months old,

light brlndle with white collar, ecab overone eys, not ; lost or stolenSunday morning nnar 471 Ainsworth; $.2will be paid for his return. Phone Wood-law- n

4210.FOUND Auto license, Oregon 12509. Can j

be found at 1176 Alblna avenue.

rr'S JjJT

IXST AI FOUND.REWARD for return of or intorma- -

tion leading to recovery of nearly tuii-gro-

Irish terrier, retldiph brown color;wore collar with old licenee tag and in-scription. "Bob." Answers to name.'Shammy." Wdln. 6075, or call 67 6th.

TRAY ED From Carlton hotel. blackshepard dog with white ring aroundneck and tall, with slight msk brownon face. Receive $20 reward. CarltonHotel. Pearce.

LOST A Brunswick tire and rim, betweenPortland and oatneld road, Aug.Finder klndiy leave at Miiwaukie garageand receive reward.

LOST Brown macklnaw left on Irvlngton car, west side. Person who foundsame please return to 295 17th st.. Main7853, for reward. -

LOST ON the Base Line road, a sack containing bedding and clothing. Rewardoffered. Return to H. W. Elliott. 964Superior st., Portland.

WILL party who took umbrella from Imperial hotel telephone booth kindly re-turn to owner. Call Tabor 1135; re-ward.

LOST Pendent, necklace on fine goldchain, in Irvlngton, between 19 th and2lst, and Thompson and Weid!er. Satur-day. Liberal reward. Eah t S940.

LOST Saturday, brown leather bag containing coin, wedding ring and keys, onBluebird or Morrison dock. Reward.Main 6767.

LOST By working girl. Saturdav afternoon, at postoffice. 5th and Morrison,email leather purse containing between$5 and $6. Please phone Main 91S6.

LOST Boy's heavy green sweater, alongroaa oetween Oregon City and Viola,Sunday afternoon. Return 926 HancockSt., Portland, or East 7380. Reward.

LOST 31x4 Federal tire, rim set. betweenAstoria and Portland. Aug. 24. BD 428,Oregonian.

LOST 35x44 new red side Diamond tire.mounted on rim, on 54th. Belmont. 3!thor Hawthorne ave. Reward. Tabor 962.STRAYED Brlndle bull, spiked collar. Re- -

ward. Tabor 2920.LOST Small purse in Yamhill market;

tinaer can i, aoor Jti4. Kewara.FOUND Purse containing smallmoney. Call Main 3429.LOST A. O. Pi sorority-Tabo- pin setpearls. Call 3o68. Reward.






LIVESTOCK LOANS.We have money to loan on cattle,

sheep and hogs.F. E. BOWMAN A CO..

210 Chamber of Commerce.THE FORD Jersey dairy guarantees

per cent to its investors, which is paidon or before the tenth of every month.b or further particulars write r ord Jersey dairy, Vancouver. Wash.

CASH paid for mortgages and sellers contracts on real estate in Washington. Oregon. H. E, Noble, 316 Lumbermens biug.

WE BUY first and second mortgages andsellers contracts, b . fc.. Bow man & Co.210 Chamber of Commerce.

MONEY to loan. See Lawyers' Title &Trust company. 2S5 Stark st., near 4th.

Money to Ixian on Real Eetate.

RESIDENCE LOANS.Vo , five-ye- period. You may pay

$100 or any multiple thereof accountprincipal, ly and reduce interest on loans under $50O0.

INSTALLMENT LOANS.Will loan 60 value house and lot at7. iou pay one-ha- lf of 1 per cen

account principal monthly. For exampie. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly andinterest; you have privilege of paying

ioo or any multiple thereof monthlyinterest reduced accordingly. No COMMISSION.

- BUSINESS LOANS.Five-ye- ar period. 67c- - Excellent r

payment privileges.MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY.

Main S30S 407 Yeon Bldg.

CITY LOANS. NO. COMMISSIONOn improved property, or for improve

ment purposes.The best and easiest method of paying

a ioan is our monthly payment plan.$32.26 per month for 36 months, or$21.24 per month for ttO montns, or$15.17 per month for i6 monthspays a loan of $1000 and interest.Loans of other amounts in ame pro

portions.Repayment privileges.

EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.J.Z starK St., --Portland, Or.

$450,000 TO LOAN In Bums to suit on city.suouroan ana iarms.. --tunaiug loansspecialty.


FARM LOANS.I nsuranco company money to loan

lowest current rates on Willamette vallev farms, no commission, no aelavs.

DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY,tit sixtn &t., roriiana, or.

MON ICY to loan on reai estate and nehouses under construction ; intcresBee R. It. WLMcK, ( 03 Uasco bldg.,phone Main 3W75,




First and 2d Mtgs. and Contracts.No Delay. No Delay. No Delay$1000. $1500. $2000. $3000 and UP.

F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OP COM.$400. $500, $6O0. $H0O. $1000, $1200, 1500,

$2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action;pay off $1 00 or more at any Interestdate. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham-be- r

of Commerce bldg. Main 1370.""" LIBERAL LOANS.

We loan our money on real estate,1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live-stock, notes, etc F. E. Bowman A Co..210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026

MORTGAGE loans on improved farm andcity property, favorable repaying priv-ilege; no commission or delay.t::.: Oregon mortgage co.. ltd..300 Piatt bldg. Main 5371.$500. $1000 AND upward on improved realestate : favorable terms ; no no

brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg$1500, 7, ON $3250 residence property; In-

come $25 per month. Herman Moeller1U25 Gasco bldg. Main 14.SO.

$300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP; lowrates; quick action. Fred W. GermanCo., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445.

MONEY to loan on real estate security stgoing rate of-- interest. Otto A HarksonRealty Co.. 413 Chamber of Com.FOR SALE Real estate contracts on RoseCity property; will net 12 to 15. Call


MONEY to loan on real estate. 7 per centGeo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg.

SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark.

MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per centLouis Saloman A Co., 40S Selling bldg.$1000 OR $2000 TO LOAN private parties.

Graves. Main 8199.

in ii


. m 'mil

FINANCIAI-- .Money to .Loan on Real F--st ate.

MORTGAGE LOANS,on farm and city property. Prompt andheiptul service. Liberal repayment priv-ileges. Lowest rates.WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGES CO80 Fourth st., Portland. Or.

MORTGAGE LOANS.Any amount, low rates, promptly cloaAttractive repayment priviletres.A. H. H1RRELL CO.,

217 Northwestern iiun- - n iMarshall 4114. A 4118.

Money to Loan Chattel s and Salarie







ICTROLAS. REA L ESTATE.BONDS. ETC.t your payments are too large onyour automobile or furniture contracts,we will pay them up and advance youmore money if needed. We make a spe-cialty of these loans and leave the se-

curity in your possession and you can.us in smH monthlv payments.AE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANSto salaried people on their own notes.u. .s reasons ole. iHv t f f A II

bus iness strictly confidential.PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. -

306-30- 7 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32fl.b. W . cor. Third and Washington.SALARY LOANS rHATTF.i.a.WE LOAN MONEY,

on short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. EacHtransaction strictly confidential.NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER.ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY.We also loan on household furniture 'pianos, etc., without removal.CALL AND INVESTIGATE.


-- 1 FAILING BUILDING.MONEY TO LOAN,on diamonds. watches. Jewelry sndbonds, legal rates: all goods hld 1 year.

VINES JEWELRY STORE,114-11- 6 Third St.. Corner Washington.


316 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG.MpNEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelrv.igal rates; articles held a year; estab-lishe-dlaS. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash,GEO. HARVEV loans monev on houia.hold goods; legal rates. Tabor 3S06.

Loans Wanted.WANT $2000, 7t, on first mortgage, new

nve-roo- oungalow; also $150o on new,nifty four-roo- m bungalow. 50b Chamberof Commerce. Main 1063.WANTED From private party, loan of

$2500, first mortgage real estate, 7;will not pay bonus or commission. B

YOUNG man going to college wants toborrow $400; good security. W --7 7, Ore-gonlan.OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO..

I Cham, of Com.. Fourth and Stark.

PERSONAL.STHEDRA NEW HEALTH BUILDER.Ephedra is a harmless herb used latreatment of alt kidney diseases, dropsy,

stomach and Intestinal disorders.Ephedra is a germicide and tonic.Cleansing the stomach, liver, kidneysand intestinal organs.

Ephedra relieves gas and acid condi-tions of digestive organs, has most won-derful effects on rheumatic conditions.

16 days' treatment, $2.50.EPHEDRA CO.. 202 ALlisK. Y BLDQ.

M.ME. PATTENE AUDE'S School of BeautyCulture will open Sept. 13. Persons de-siring to tal.e advantage of class in-structions should register at once atBenson Imp.ovement Shop, mezzaninefloor. Benson hotel. Oniy a limitednumber of applicants in each class.

VAL SE1PEL Your father dying of can-cer In Ellwood City, Pa., keeps askinglor you. Please go home or wire Itstranded. Any news regarding aboveparty will be appreciated. Last heardof In Portland, lui.v Jack Dyke, Sacra-mento Hotel, Sacramento, Cai.

RHEUMATISM and stomach trouba yieldto Lang's Mineral Wonder when all elsefails. A pure mineral, not a urug. Pack-age $1. Recommended by thousands.Portland Plat. Co.. 314 Stark, Portland.

1'AKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is acleansing, healing germicidal and Invig-orating douche, a great aid in leucor-rhoe- a

and female disorders ; Cue and $1per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy.runs FURS

Every article reduced this month. Remodeling ana to order.

THE FUR SHOP.6Q6 Swetland Bldg. 5th at Washington.

LEARNr beauty culture, night school. 7 to 9o'cIock ; 5 expert special teachers; workday time, karn good trade evenings.Sanitary Beauty Parlors, Marshall 17o2.

FEB VET A H ANE BUT, leading wig andtoupe makers; finest stock human hairgoods, hairdresslng. manicuring, face andecaip treatment. 319 Alder. Main 54G.

MATHILDE A RNESEN, medical gymnast,graduate from Norway ; steam bath,scientific massage, electricity. 305 Co- -- lumbia bldg. Main 2330. Ladies only.

1 OETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's,tne v n. i iv j t kj t i o i. anu a v -l slsT.,who doesn't hurt you; a yrs. here; exam.free. Gloue bldg., 11th A Wash. Bdw. 2S24.

BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic bodymassage and vibration. Dr. MargaretHaynie. Main 1765. U5 Swetland bidg.Open evenings; trained nurse assistant.

DO YOUR feet hurt T See Dr. Ethel A.Sacry. Pedicuring and manicuring. Openevenings. 605 Raieigh bldg.. Mar. 3376

MEETINGS Sun.. Thurs., S P. M. Rev.Mrs. J. C. Schori for private help. 441E. 12th st.. corSherman. Sellwood car.

ETHEL ADAMS, scalp treatments for dan-druff and falling hair. 211 x Morrisonst., office 24, 3d floor; hours, Jl to 8.

NO CURE no pay; falling hair, dandruff;hair grown on bald heads;., ladles orgents. ' 314 Macleay bldg.

SULPHUR steam bath, violet ray; improveyour system. Mrs. Rol tins. i26 Clay.Main S359. 10 A. M. to 8 P. &L

GiTaDUATE nurse treats lumbago etcHours 2 to 5 or by appointment. PhoneMain 1049. Offices 3ub-- Third st.

A. GENTLEMAN driving to Los Angelesalone would like company. P 551. Ore- -gonian.

MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation,rheumatism. lr. Elna Sorensen, druff-le- ss

phys.. 50S Panama bldg. Main GObd.

PARTY going to Oakland, Cal.,auto, take 4 or 5 passengers; leave Wed.A. Ialby. U -- 1st st. N. Main uja;l.

SCALP treatment, facial massage, elec- -trical treatment, steam bath and maa-sa- e.

Ethel Burke, 304 Dekum bidg.PILES can be permanently cured wtthouc

operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. J34 )Morrison St.

SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removedby 10 needless method; trial free. JoelaKinley. S14 Bush & Lane bldg. Main cans.

SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever bymultiple-needl- e method. 504 Swetlandbldg.. Fifth and Washington sts.

IF VOU are tired and nervous, have ascientific body massage. Dr. Ovidia L.xt-so-n.

427 Morgan bldg. aiain lutia.(.OITKE, e.iiargeo. icittnCj; cure your..,

X. R. btrachan. route 5. HillHOuro. orDOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay youf

See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg.PR1MKDA BALM, formerly called Balm

of Figs. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings.ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist. 69 Buchanan

bldp.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th st. M. 5076.PILES CAN BE CURED without operation.

Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105.LAWYER,' 435 for cases not oppoaedU Tel-

ephone Main 628B.

taiBLLA, pleuse hurry up; back foeWalter.

aTi massage's! ""41r buchanan bldq. main" 8368.

LIDA JALh!)U. rate, ecaip treatment,superfluous hair. 322 FUedner bids;.

JUNICIDE will cure rneumatism or moneyback. 408 Dekum bldg.

BuDV massaie. violet ray, 10 A. M. to 8p. M. dally. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 75TM.

RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without anoperation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 11 -.

PATIENTS lo take cabinet baths "illimassage or hourly nursing. Tabor SliiEVE.S tested free; spectacles gua: antced.

Dr. Be'.dlng. -- 45Vt Alder st. Main lO'.i-J-.

PERKINS National Herbs. S5 Maricaabldg. Phon' Main 5'.'.Vi.

WILL ANNIE M. KKLI.EV Bend her ad-- ,dress to Sara H. Mitchell, .Treiscott. Or.