water expressions expresiones con agua. fish out of water pez afuera del agua he felt like a fish...

Water Expressions Expresiones con Agua

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Water Expressions

Expresiones con Agua

Fish out of waterPez afuera del agua

He felt like a fish out of water.

He feels uncomfortable or out of place.Siente incómodo o fuera de lugar.

In hot waterEn agua caliente

You’re in hot water!

You’re in trouble!¡Estás en apuros! - ¡Estás en problemas!

Water under the bridgeAgua bajo el puente

Forget that, it’s water under the bridge now.

Let it go - it doesn’t matter.Suéltalo; olvídalo – no importa.

Doesn’t hold waterNo reteine el agua

Your idea doesn’t hold water

It won’t work! – It’s not a good idea¡No funcionará! – No es una buena idea

What we did…

• This was used with students to explain some different expressions that we use with water, after doing a unit about water. This gives our ELLs further insight into the English language while relating it to what they learned.

• We did this is small groups, first asking students to guess what the expression means using a literal picture, then showing them the definition with a picture that explains the meaning behind the expression.