waterpark operations manual

Clarion Resort and Waterpark – Water Safety Staff - Operations manual TABLE OF CONTENTS SERVICE & SAFETY page 2 ATTENDANCE - T ime clock, Schedule, Absences, Break areas and break time page 3 GUEST SERVICE - S ervice, Service standards, Lost and found and Radio call signs page 4 Severe weather and thunderstorms page 5 PRESENTATION U niforms and grooming, Sun care and Hydration page 6 Posture, Professionalism, Use of cell phones and personal calls page 7 JOB SKILLS – SAFETY- Training, In Service training, Certifications and Drills page 8 Recognize – Safety checks, Safety Survey page 9 Reduce – Rescue Ready, Changing positions / Bump, Eliminate distraction, Safety Instructions page 10 Rules and unsafe behaviors page 11 Rules and unsafe behaviors and Security and access page 12 June 9, 2022 1

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Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manualTABLE OF CONTENTSSER!CE " SAFET# pa$e %ATTEN&ANCE -T ime clock, Schedule, Absences, Break areas and break time pa$e '()EST SER!CE- S ervice, Service standards, Lost and found and Radio call signs pa$e *Severe weather and thunderstorms pa$e +,RESENTAT!ONU niforms and grooming, Sun care and Hydrationpa$e -osture, rofessionalism, Use of cell !hones and !ersonal callspa$e ./OB S0!LLS SAFET#- Training, "n Service training, #ertifications and $rills pa$e 1Re2o$ni3e% Safety checks, Safety Surveypa$e 4Redu2e% Rescue Ready, #hanging !ositions & Bum!, 'liminate distraction, Safety "nstructionspa$e 56Rules and unsafe behaviorspa$e 55Rules and unsafe behaviors and Security and access pa$e 5%Respond ( )n deck, Roving, "f you do not know then go and '*ui!ment and communication devices pa$e 5'ACT!!T!ES7RETA!Lpa$e'mergency whistle res!onse pa$e 5''mergency res!onse, 'mergency Action !lan and S!inal in+ury management on land or in water pa$e 5*ool & Ride malfunction, ,ecal accident res!onse, '-!osure control !lanpa$e 5+,irst Aid kits and "ncident re!ortspa$e 5-TEA8WOR0-)!ening and closing !rocedures, '*ui!ment and chemical usepa$e 5.A,,EN&!9Slide $is!atch pa$e 51La.y River & /ids !ools pa$e 540ater!ark )!erations 1U"2 pa$e %6Safety ins!ection form pa$e %',irst Aid Logpa$e %*,irst Aid Re!ortpa$e %+SER!CE " SAFET# August 34, 56373Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual0elcome to the #larion Resort and 0ater!ark8 The water safety staff is the cornerstone ofSER!CE " SAFET# at the 0ater!ark 9 Resort !ools8)ur goal is to create a safe and welcome feeling amongst our guests as they en+oy our !ool facilities8"t is necessaryto be not only well trained and !re!ared for an emergency, but also dis!lay that we are alert and ready to res!ond ina !rofessional manner8"n essence, we must look the !art, as well as !lay itService means seeking out o!!ortunities to assist guests as well as maintaining decks, chairs and hel!ing guests toe-!erience a clean and safe facility8 Safety includes many as!ects, the biggest being, Re2o$ni3e Redu2e Respond:ou may be involved in direct surveillance of swimmers or ;on de2k< at one of the !ool areas8#ontainedinthismanual aresectionsontraining, o!eningandclosingduties, safety!rocedures, !rofessionalconduct, and rules for the water facilities8 lease read the following manual carefully and attentively8 ,eel free to ask any *uestions you may have8:ou will be e-!ected to be familiar with all the information that follows,ATTEN&ANCE()EST SER!CE,RESENTAT!ONSAFET# TEA8WOR0 ATTEN&ANCETime clockTo All 'm!loyees with a time card it is 8AN&ATOR# that you !erform * daily !unches8 #ou may not use anot:er person;s 2ard8 ScheduleSchedules will be !osted byam&!m, bydayRe*uests for time off must be made in =ritin$ at least days !rior to the re*uested date8Absences 'very scheduled workday is im!ortant8"n order to maintain a !roductive work environment, we e-!ect all em!loyees to be reliable and !unctual when he&she is scheduled to work8 'ach day you are not at work causes an increase in your fellow em!loyee?s workloads8'ach un!lanned absence will be handled according to the guidelines listed below resulting in corrective action8 3 @o(call no(show 3 Absence on holiday&mandatory training A Absenceswithin a A6(day rolling !eriod 7 Lates within a A6(day rolling !eriod '-cessive missed !unches '-cessive re*uests for 'arly Releases :ou must contact a member of the management team at least :our>s?!rior tothe start time ofyourscheduled shift8 0hen calling in,if you cannot s!eak with a member of the management team directly, youshould leave a voicemail at the following number8 *6. 1*- %%%5 e@t 5+-. #alling two or more hours after your scheduled work time will result in a @o(#all @o(Show "f you are absent for three consecutive days or more, you maybe asked to bring a doctor?s note to return to work8 "f you are absent for three or more days without calling into the de!artment, it will be considered a voluntary resignation8 Tardiesarenotedat 7minutesormore!ast yourschedulestart time8 #allinginlatewillnot e-cludetheoccurrence from being counted as a tardy8 '-cessive miss(!unches are not acce!table8 '-cessive is defined as 5 or more occurrences !er !ay !eriod8 At times, youwill bere*uiredtoattendmandatorytrainingsessions8 :ouwill be!rovidedwithtrainingtime&dates at least 3 week in advance8Break Areas and break times Bust be taken in designated em!loyee break areas< The 0ater Safety Staff break system works on a fi-ed time system8 Some !ositions may be grou!ed together in the form of a rotation8 :ou are e-!ected to move !rom!tly between !ositions8 The break time begins when you leave the last !osition and ends u!on your return to the first !osition of that rotation8 'ach !erson is e-!ected to return to the beginning of the rotation on or before the fi-ed time8()EST SER!CEServiceService encom!asses all as!ects of what our 0ater!ark staff does8 )ur +ob is not what we do but =:o =e do it for80e, Activelyseeko!!ortunitiesto!rovidee-cellent guest serviceand!rovideinformationbeneficial toguestsatisfaction by u! selling resort facilities and services8August 34, 5637AClarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual 0e give a guest our full attention when they have a *uestion and need our hel!8 "f you don?t know the answer or if you are involved in other duties then refer the guest with a *uestion to yoursu!ervisor, manager on duty or ,ront desk staff8 Are an ambassador !romoting safety but also !roviding friendly service, answering *uestions and offering hel!, as well as !resenting a clean facility8 "f something goes wrong then we make it right *uickly8 A su!erb recovery makes a lasting good im!ression8Service standardsThese are the guest service standards that include, S-SerAi2e T- Take :ospitality to t:e $uest A- Attention to detail R- Respe2t ot:ers SerAi2e 38 Be !re!ared to deliver service8 :ou?re on stage and your in costume at all times8 58 Always dis!lays a !ositive attitude, our actions s!eak louder than words8 Send the right signal8A8 Take ride and ownershi! in everything you do8 Cive your best, do your best, and be your best848 Be a starDBe a role model878 Smile, acknowledge and greet everyone, make your smile !art of your uniform8 #ourtesy begins with a smile8Take Bospitality to t:e $uest38 'scort Rather than oint, take the time for each Cuest58 /ee! :our romises 0alk your talk8A8 Strive to say yes, offer alternatives or make suggestionsE the word FNo; is not an o!tion8 48 Be thorough ( "f you don?t know an answer to a *uestion, research and communicate that to the guest878 $emonstrate a sense of urgency8 Take ownershi! of each re*uest8 8 "t may not be your fault but it is your !roblem8 Attention to detail38Listen, don?t assume,ask *uestions to clarify and learn what the guest really needs8 The little things add u! toBig Things858 #leanliness is everyone?s +ob8A8 ,ollow u! and check on guests you?ve hel!ed every so often8 Show that you care848 0e are committed everyday to e-ceeding the e-!ectations of our guests878 Understand and fulfill your role in the service chain8 :ou make a difference8Respe2t38 Say lease and Thank :ou ( Thank guests for their !atronage8 58 Turn #om!laints into #om!liments8 Listen, 'm!athi.e, and take Res!onsibilityA8 Use names whenever !ossible the sweetest sound to anyone is his or her own name8 48 ersonali.e the e-!erience when !ossible look for o!!ortunities to make a !rofessional connection878 rom!tly recogni.e and a!!reciate others8Reward others for their contributions 8 Service RecoveryThe reason for service recovery is to satisfy an u!set guest and make a recovery out of the situation8 Learning to be !atient and understanding and seeing were the guest is coming from is the only way you will make a recovery8 Hereare some reasons why a guest might be u!set about a certain situation8 3> They are confused or overwhelmed5> They feel ignoredA> They are defending their ego4> They were treated !oorly in the !ast

Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual7> They waited an e-tended !eriod of time for service0hen situations like these occur, you must be ready for the out come8 Satisfy the guest in any way you can, listen and don?t interru!t them8 After delivering your full attention then res!ond, e-!lain to the guest what?s going on, offer discounts =authori.ed by your manager> hel! and try to avoid conflict8 "f not able to hel! the guest, take them to someone that can answer their *uestions, like a manager or the front desk clerk8 $ifficult guests feel like we have let them down or do not care about them8 To deal with difficult guests we need to focus on healing the hurt relationship is ordered8 Since no one storm is e-actly the same, monitor the count of time between the sight of lightning and the sound ofthunder to determine the !ro-imity of the storm8 The goal of the safety staff is to ensure all guests are under safeshelter !rior to the storm arriving$o not o!en or close a !ool without !ermission8 The 0ater!ark staff is e-!ected to control crowds and kee! their !rofessionalism throughout the entire storm and shutdown !rocess8 :ou may be assigned a s!ecific area to clear and monitor until the storm !asses8,RESENTAT!ON

Use the following !rocedures for each area,re!aration38 #heck weather re!orts daily58 Utili.e u! to the minute weather alerts and radar8 #losing38 0hen the !otential for lightning is sighted or heard the Attendant must notify theirsu!ervisor858 Begin securing umbrellas and other loose items including towels8A8 As a !recautionary measure, the tower entrance at the la.y river bridges andslidesshouldbeclosedoffsoonlyriders currentlyinlinewill beallowedtoride8 "flightning is close then all riders will be evacuated off the tower stairs848 0hen the decision is made to close the !ool area,make a closing announcementvia A system or mega!hone878 #lear all !ersons from the !ools and decks8H8 Cuests can return to their villas or cars if safe to do so8I8 Baintain crowd control8 revent guests from walking across the decks during thestormJ8 The following are safe shelters at listed locations, Cuest rooms Crounded shelters )n$roundedDuildin$sC CaDanasC ,ool DarsC taDleumDrellasarenotsafe s:elters durin$ a li$:tnin$ stormEA,?8edi2al7res2ue on land or in =ater38 0ater safety staff recogni.es need for immediate action858 Activation of emergency action !lan by whistle, !hone or radio to alert other staff members andsu!ervisors8 Activate 'A before entering the water8 Remove radio before entering the water8A8 0ater safety staff arrives on scene8 Cain consent or determine im!lied consent8 erform a!!ro!riate rescue Sto! slide dis!atch Remove victim to safety =if necessary> erform !rimary survey erform care if needed erform secondary survey48 Security, #hain of command notified and determination of 'BS made8 78 #rowdcontrol8 $etermination of'vacuation or restrictionofmovement ofguests made bymanagement8 H8 "f no life threatening conditions are !resent then remove victim to most comfortable area8I8 'BS arrives greeted by designated staff member8J8 Transfer of care given to 'BS8K8 0itnesses interviewed and re!orts com!leted8368 '*ui!ment checked and returned8338 Staff debriefing8 #orrective action taken8358 #ritical incident stress debriefing offered if necessary8Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manualLost child !rocedure"f you find a child that a!!ears to be lost or you are a!!roached by members of a family missing a child, use the following !roceduresL38 "mmediately notify a su!ervisor in !erson, by whistle or radio858 Su!ervisor relays a message by radio to water!ark !ersonnel and security channel the following informationESi$nal 1 ! am lookin$ for or ! :aAe =it: me 0ho is missing =name, age, race, height, hair color and distinguishing features 0hat distinguishing clothes they are wearing 0here they were last seen and the direction they were headed 0hen they were last seen :our location or where the child was foundA8 Security may monitor and restrict guests leaving !ro!erty or the !ool deck areas848 Reassure the !arent or lost child878 "f more than one adult is !resent then direct one to remain in the last area that the guest was seen8H8 "f !arent&child is not found within 37(56 minutes then law enforcement may be called8I8 After adult&child are found then verify that the adult is in fact the correct !arent& caregiver8J8 @otify both security and water!ark !ersonnel that the lost !erson has been found8ool & Ride BalfunctionShouldarideelement malfunction, suchasbreakageorwaterflowsto!!ingE yoursu!ervisorshouldbecalledimmediately8 :our su!ervisor will then notify the ool techs, engineering and the Banager on $uty8 lease sto! alldis!atch of riders until you have received the all clear from your su!ervisor8 "n case of a long delay, your hel! willbe needed to escort riders off the attraction8 :ou may then be !laced at the attraction entrance to e-!lain to gueststhe situation and suggest alternate attractions until the slide or !ool is ready to o!en8,ecal accident res!onse 0hen a fecal accident occurs, 38 Alert your su!ervisor immediately8 They will make a determination on !ool closure time8 58 "nstruct all !ool users to clear the area until asked to e-it8A8 ool closure times will de!end on,a> Removal of Solid stool or diarrheab> #hlorine chemical levels at the time of incident and additions neededc> er#$#guidelinesthe!oolwillbesaniti.edandclosedforat leastanhourforsolidstool,bloodorvomit8 $iarrhea will re*uire longer !ool closure times848 $o not allow anyone to enter the contaminated !ool=s> until all the ste!s are com!leted878 An announcement will be made !rior to the !ool reo!ening8lease noteL "f you are suffering from an u!set stomach or diarrheaE you must notify your su!ervisor, who may e-clude you fromworking in a water !osition8

Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual'-!osure control !lan:our duties may bring you directly or indirectly in contact with bodily fluids, through a rescueE a bleeding in+ured!erson, or fecal materials8ABloodborne!athogenisadiseasecausingagent suchas, meningitis, tuberculosis, he!atitis andH"G&aids8ractice universal !recautions, which mean that you !rotect yourself from receiving and transmitting blood borne!athogens in every situation8 The following should be adhered to at all times, regardless of the a!!earance or age of a !ersonL Avoid direct contact and always use a !rotective barrier i8e8 gloves, gau.e, a towel8 "solate the !otentially infectious materials8 "mmediately wash e-!osed areas with soa! and water, even if you don?t think you have been e-!osed8 $is!ose of contaminated e*ui!ment and materials in a bioha.ard container8 $isinfect all other items8Task&isposaDle$loAesFirstaidsuppliesCpr mask Eye prote2tion Bio:a3ard disposalBleeding control minor #es #es @o @o #esBleeding control ma+or #es #es @o #es #eserforming rescue breathing #es @o #es @o #eserforming c!r #es @o #es @o #esS!inal care on land #es @o @o @o @o#lean u! of bodily fluids #es @o @o @o #es$is!osal of soiled materials #es @o @o @o #es"f you feel you have been e-!osed wash the area as *uickly as !ossible, then tell your su!ervisor within 54 hoursand write down what ha!!ened immediately8 An e-!osure would deem to have occurred if,38 A !athogen is !resent58 'nough of the !athogen is !resent to cause diseaseA8 "mmunity to the !athogen48 How the !athogen enters the body,irst aid kits'ach attendant will be e-!ected to carry a fanny !ack at all times stocked with minimum su!!lies including, 5 !airs of gloves Cau.e Band(aids #!r mask"ncident re!orts"fanaccident hasoccurred, it will benecessaryfortheem!loyeeinvolvedtofill outwitnessstatement8 Thisstatement should be filled out at that time, if !ossible, or on the ne-t available break8 :our su!ervisor or security!ersonnel will inform you when it is necessary to com!lete a statement8The witness statement should be legible, factual, and to the !ointL 0rite down what you did, what you saw and heard8 $o not include your o!inion8 'nsure that the statement includes your name, address, and !hone number8TEA8WOR0August 34, 56373IClarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual)!ening and #losing rocedures'very water safety staff member must contribute in kee!ing the !ool area clean at all times8 "t is im!ortant to !resent a clean facility to our guests and maintain it throughout the day8 TuDes - rental tubes left out are returned8 :ou may be re*uired to fill any deflating tubes with air8 lease do notthrow or drag the tubes ,i2kin$ ( this duty involves the removal of litter throughout the !ark8 :ou may be assigned to !ick an area with a butt !an and broom, or gloves and a garbage bag8 C:airs ( Broken chairs or those missing stra!s must be removed to the designated area8 #hairs must be straightened in rows and returned to the !ro!er area during the day whenpossible and at the end of the day8 :ou may be re*uired to wi!e down the chairs to remove dirt and water8 lease refer to a seating !lan8 #leaning is !erformed daily8 )mDrellas % umbrellas must be !ut u!8 Take down umbrellas !rior to a storm arriving8 Trays ( collects trays from around the !ools and return them to the food areas8NoteE please don;t =alk Dy tras:'*ui!ment and chemical use'ach bottle should be labeled with the !ro!er label and !ro!er chemical in the bottle8@ever mi- chemicals8$onot enter a mechanical area unless you are with a !ool technician or manager8 #leaning e*ui!ment must be storedsafely in their correct areas8 0ear gloves when handling chemicals and !icking u! towels and trash8Task &isposaDle $loAes Eye prote2tion Ear prote2tion Safe liftin$ pra2ti2es#hemical cleaning #es @o @o @oTowel !ick u! #es @o @o @oTrash !ick u! #es @o @o @outting u! Umbrellas @o @o @o #esositioning chairs @o @o @o #es

Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manualAppendi@AreaE Slide dispat2:$escri!tion %perating 0rocedures5< 0ater safety staff must remain standing at all times8%< 0ater safety staff must be !ositioned where riders can be seen'< )nly one !erson will be allowed on the slide entrance !latform at one time8 *< Riders should only be dis!atched when attendant signals verbally8 +< $o not allow another rider onto the slide entran2e platform until you have seen the !revious rider safely e-it8 -< Before allowing another rider to make sure the !revious rider is FstaDle;< .< Slide dis!atch is e-!ected to call in by radio to their su!ervisor the location of any whistles blown by 0ater safety staff8 1< The dis!atch acknowledges the ride is clear by raising their arm to signal a rider is on the way 4< The guard at the run out signals that the slide is clear for the ne-t riders by clearly raising their arm=s> and thumbs856< #ommunicate to other 0ater safety staff that you are sto!!ing dis!atch then use the following hand signal8afety InstructionsAugust 34, 56373KClarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual;,eet first, sit down or lay back8 #ross your arms and legs and remain in that !osition throughout the entire ride8'-it *uickly when you come to a com!lete sto! Amember ofmanagement may allow additional riders during this time8La3y riAer7 0ids pools $escri!tion %perating 0rocedures38 ,ull surveillance is re*uired during the time the slides and the river are o!en 858 $uring full surveillance 0ater safety staff must remain standing or roving at all times8A8 $o not allow any riders to remain at the end of the slide8 Riders should e-it *uickly at the ladder848 "fyouneedtocommunicatetoanotherstaff memberthat youaresto!!ingdis!atchthenusethefollowinghand signal8 78 0henrotatingfrom slide or!ool !ositionsyouaree-!ectedtocheck the!oolareas forguestsafetywhilemoving from your last to ne-t !ositions8afety instructions Ceneral rule enforcement andafety area coverageThe water safety staff !ositions are res!onsible for scanning all areas of River "sland, s!ecifically,

Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manualArea 5 Area % Spa areas 0osition names .rea 1- 2 and 3WATER,AR0 O,ERAT!ONS Iui338 0ater safety staff are res!onsible for !roviding the best level of,a> Service and Safety b> #ash handling and guest servicec> Cuest recovery and friendlinessd> U! selling and revenue58 "f a situation !resents itself,a> :ell your instructionsb> 0alk over to a guest and s!eak in a friendly tone8c> Sit a child down when they are breaking rulesd> Blow your whistle at a guestA8 "f a guest is dis!laying behaviors that they may need emergency assistance in a !ool, but you are not sure then,a> Blow your whistleb> 0ait an e-tra minutec> Bake a decision on the side of over caution(!erform the a!!ro!riate rescued> #ontinue scanning the rest of your area48 0hen giving safety instructions at a slide,a> "nform every other guest of the rulesb> S!eak in several languagesc> Send slide riders at A6 second intervalsd> Creet each guest, instruct them in the correct riding !osition and let them !roceed on your signal78 0hen enforcing rules use the following guidelines,a> All the belowb> Use sim!le languagec> Be !olite and consistentd> Tell a guest how their behaviors may cause them in+uryH8 Use a !ositive a!!roach in rule enforcement such as,a> F/ids don?t belong in the s!a?b> FSlide down, feet first only !lease?c> FCet off the rocks?August 34, 563753Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manuald> FHey, move nowD?I8 Safety survey means,a> 0atching one swimmer for 3 minute eachb> Standing on both feet with your back straightc> #onstantly moving your head and eyes in a systematic manner across your aread> Listening for instructions by radioJ8 F)n deck? means,a> Rotating to the ne-t s!ot on rotationb> $is!atching riders on a slidec> Scanning your .one every 36 secondsd> Being available and !resent to reasonably !revent and res!ond to an emergencyK8 0hich of the following uniform guidelines do not a!!ly,a> ,lorida state sweatshirt and +acket b> Use two forms of sun !rotectionc> Resortissued uniform onlyd> 0hite sneakers or black sandals only368 "n the event of a late schedule re*uest or emergency, a> Ask a member of food and beverage to cover your shiftb> ,ind another em!loyee to switch shifts with and sign and document the e-changec> Have your !arent call in for youd> 0ork on your day off to make u! for it338 0hich of the following is true,a> Breaks can be taken at any timeb> Breaks can be taken during a rotationc> Breaks are on a fi-ed time systemd> Take a break when you feel hot358 Use the following !rocedures when dealing with blood stained materials,a> )nly wash your hands if you come in contact for more than 7 secondsb> 0ear Cloves if the !atient is over A6c> ut a wet floor sign by itd> Avoid direct contact, wear gloves, isolate the materials and wash thoroughly afterwards3A8 A guest informs you that there may be fecal material in the !ool8 :ou must,a> #ontact your su!ervisor or !ool tech, assist with the removal and document itb> Take your break firstc> #all front deskd> Cive the guest a net to remove it348 "n service training is,a> A test of your attentivenessb> ,re*uent mandatory meetings to test, !ractice and im!rove your +ob skillsc> #ritical incident stress debriefing

Clarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manuald> )!tional378 0hile working at slide dis!atch you hear a one whistle from another !ool attendant8 :ou must,a> 0ait for a su!ervisor to call you on the radiob> Hold u! a mega!honec> #all a su!ervisor on the radio to let them know the location of the one whistled> Leave your !osition to find a su!ervisor3H8 0hich of the following is a !art of the emergency action !lan,a> Recogni.e the need for immediate actionb> Activate assistance by !hone, whistle or radioc> erform the a!!ro!riate cared> All the above3I8 0hich of the following are not usual o!ening or closing dutiesa> #leaning units for housekee!ingb> Re!ositioning chairs at the end of the dayc> utting umbrellas down at the end of the dayd> Returning and stacking tubes to their designated area3J8 0hen !roviding first aid care, !icking trash and towels you must use,a> A butt !an and broomb> $is!osable gloves c> 'ye !rotectiond> Safe lifting !ractices3K8 )n a summer afternoon you notice dark clouds and hear distant thunder8 :ou are res!onsible for which of the following,a> @otifying your su!ervisor and securing umbrellas and other loose itemsb> Baking an announcement and clearing decks when a closing decision is madec> A and bd> Taking a break568 0hen dis!atching riders on a slide,a> 0ait 37 seconds before sending another riderb> Have each rider enter the slide as soon as the !revious rider leavesc> lace your crossed arms over your head to signal to the other attendant that a rider is coming downd> $o not allow another rider into the slide until you have seen the !revious rider safely e-it August 34, 56375AClarion Resort and Waterpark Water Safety Staff - Operations manual! understand t:at ! am to follo= all t:e poli2ies and pro2edures in t:e =ater park operations manual< ! :aAe readC understand and :aAe :ad opportunity to ask Huestions prior to si$nin$