watt's up! issue 2

Issue 2 Welcome to Watt's Up, Kettlebell Wellness' monthly newsletter. Hopefully you will still get this letter before Christmas. On that theme: from Kettlebell Wellness' side, we wish all of you a blessed Christmas and also a fantastic, prosperous, dreams-do-come-true new year. We appreciate everyone who has given us their business this past year and we hope to keep building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with you all. We have been blessed with great friendships that started out as a transaction. How great is that! The aim of this newsletter is to inform all our regular customers and other interested people about what is happening in Kettlebell Wellness. We shall have news, interviews with clients and trainers, articles, product reviews, etc. Please let us know what you would like to be included, or not.

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Newsletter of Kettlebell Wellness, South Africa's premier kettlebell and nutrition training centre.


Page 1: Watt's Up! Issue 2

Issue 2

Welcome to Watt's Up, Kettlebell Wellness' monthly newsletter. Hopefully you will still get this letter before Christmas. On that theme: from Kettlebell Wellness' side, we wish all of you a blessed Christmas and also a fantastic, prosperous, dreams-do-come-true new year.We appreciate everyone who has given us their business this past year and we hope to keep building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with you all. We have been blessed with great friendships that started out as a transaction. How great is that!

The aim of this newsletter is to inform all our regular customers and other interested people about what is happening in Kettlebell Wellness. We shall have news, interviews with clients and trainers, articles, product reviews, etc. Please let us know what you would like to be included, or not.

Page 2: Watt's Up! Issue 2

Watt's News?

• This is just a reminder for some, or new information for others, but we have trainers and business partners in the following areas: Centurion, Pretoria East and also in Benoni. Early in the new year we shall hopefully open up another training venue in Hatfield. We are also looking at Rooihuiskraal area and our first venue in Joburg, around Northcliff.

You will be able to join group classes, focus groups, kettlebell workshops, nutritional seminars and fun camps. You may also receive personal training and get kettlebells and other resources at these partnerships. Please find out more about our range of services to help you get or stay fit, healthy and beautiful at www.kettlebellwellness.co.za.

• Kettlebell Wellness also have a facebook page now. Go there to see what is happening, look at some great video's of clients training and just to keep up to date at a glance. If you want more detailed information, also visit the website.

• Kettlebell Wellness hosted an information session and workshop on Saturday 20 November and another one on 18 December. The info session is aimed at people who have heard about kettlebells, but who would like to get more information before they splash out on their own kettlebells or attend a workshop. The workshop is for those who would like hands-on training in the basic kettlebell exercises so that they can train on their own with confidence and in safety. Both events were fun-filled (for the instructor at least) and everybody went home more confident with their abilities and ready to drastically change their health and fitness. Because of the fact that there are windows on two sides of the venue, it is really difficult to get good photo's or video. Here is at least an idea of what happened and some people involved. Well done, everybody!! we are looking forward to hearing your success stories.

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Watt people say

Every now and then we ask people what they think about us, about kettlebell training and about their experience with our service in general. Here is one more story:

Name: Sanet Cilliers

Age: 51

What do you do for a living?: IT Consultancy

Where did you hear about kettlebells?: The internet in general. About you (Corné) at a Nataniël show.

How long have you been training with kettlebells?: 7 months

Do you use kettlebells exclusively?: No, I also do spinning and Pilates

What benefits have you experienced with kettlebell training?: Overall strength improvement with the bonus of being integrated into a cardio workout as well

What is your experience/opinion of Kettlebell Wellness' personnel?: Knowledgeable, accommodating and friendly

Would you recommend kettlebell training and why?: Yes, because of the results and the overall improvement in fitness and strength

(Sorry for chirping in on someone else's answers here, but Sanet is sounding very modest about her fenominal achievements. She will put most females of any age to shame with her work capacity. Like most, she also started with a 8 kg kettlebell and she is now swinging a 16! All in a few months and with the fact that we can not do just any exercise because of a neck fusion. She really is one of those clients who makes it a joy to train people and her results are a testimony of what can happen with consistent effort and clever training. Corné)

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Watt's new ?

• Unfortunately the details will only be finalized early next year, but a new training venue will open up in Hatfield, Pretoria. If you are on the mailing list, you will receive the info on that shortly.

• Our all new, superior quality aluminium kettlebells are now available! We are really proud of them. The quality on these are unlike anything you have seen on a kettlebell up to now. The aluminium body is not just beautiful, it is also extremely strong. The good news for you is that we have kept our prices the same although the manufacturing cost is up by 30%. Yes, that is how much we believe in this product. It is also manufactured in an enviromentally friendly way. This might not matter to you, but it does to us and therefor we have another reason to be proud. We shall post a video of this process shorthy. There are still plenty available, so come and get yours!

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Watt's cooking?

Kettlebell Wellness is not just about kettlebells and body weight training. The word wellness has the following meaning:

1) the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind , especially as the result of deliberate effort

2) an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating disease. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary)

Do you know how important your diet is for body transformation results? VERY! A study at the University of Texas used a control group of sedentary participants who did nothing but show up for the measurement sessions. They averaged 35-40% body fat. The other group went on a 12 week intensive training program which consisted of 3 hours per week weight training under supervision, 2 or more hours per week of interval training, but no dietary changes. The idea was to see if exercise alone would lead to body composition changes. And, yes, it did. They lost a whole 1% of body fat in 12 weeks with an average of 0,5 kg fat loss and 1 kg of lean muscle gain. That's it. In 12 weeks. With 5 hours per week, supervised training. This is what is scientifically known as a bad result.

Training with kettlebells, or any kind of physical training, will get you fit, more healthy, etc, but if you are going for body transformation, you need to check out you diet.

One of the best ways for you to get help with both training and diet is to join a focus group early next year. We start again on the 3rd January 2011 and we suggest you look into joining such a focus group where you get serious personal attention in a group of only 4 people. There you will receive coaching on solid nutrition, your body stats will be measured every 2 weeks, you will receive specialized training for the goal of the group and you will have serious fun and serious results. All this for half the price of personal training!

From next year we shall be able to better serve you with your needs regarding dieting, whether for weight loss or performance. We are currently busy with the compilation of the Logical Diet booklet that will be available at all seminars, fun camps and obviously at all Kettlebell Wellness Partnerships.

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Watt's next?

In a nut shell, this is what will be happening shortly:

• A Kettlebell Wellness Instructor Certification 6-9 January 2011. Book now. This is the big daddy of kettlebell instructor certification courses. We offer the most comprehensive, value for money course to be found this side of the milky way. If you are a fitness professional looking to expand your business, you should definitely look into this.

Please visit our website or facebook page regularly to stay up to date with what's happening where.

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Watt about other people?

We are proud of our trainers because they are nice people as well as competent, knowledgeable trainers with years of experience in the fitness field. We always strive to be up to date with what's happening in the health and fitness industry. Kettlebell Wellness' MD and Chief Instructor, Corné Dannhauser, is also a writer of note and has published articles for various institutions. But, we don't want you to just take our word on all matters relating to health and fitness. There is a lot of bad stuff out there but luckily also a lot of excellent advice. Here we shall give you informative articles from other reputable authors. Below is this month's article. Enjoy!

Kettlebell training needs brain power tooLearning proper kettlebell technique, like any other skill, takes a lot more than muscle. Not only must your tendons and ligaments adapt to the new stresses, your brain and nervous system are heavily at work forging new mind-body connections or proprioceptions (body awareness or the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, where the various body parts are located in relation to each other, and including equilibrium and balance). As you can imagine, these are critical when throwing around a hunk of iron.In learning these new skills, it's important to give yourself (brain, nervous system, skeleton, muscle and soft tissues) sufficient time to develop the required connections so that you don't reinforce bad technique. A typical example of this is our seated posture. For someone who regularly slouches, sitting up straight can feel a bit forced, weird, maybe even uncomfortable. That's the body's proprioceptors telling them that they aren't in their normal alignment. Interestingly, 'normal' in this case is incorrect. Bad posture is a 'learned' state that can be undone by retraining our neurological pathways. Quick and easy - maybe not, but totally do-able. That's why it's important to learn and practice proper technique for kettlebells and all exercises (it's not the squats that hurt your knees, it's the way that you do/did squats that hurt your knees). Our bodies, under stress, revert to training. So by training them well, we protect ourselves from injury when we get tired, distracted or just lose focus.What does that have to do with mental fatigue? Lots. Learning to use our body as one unit needs tons of brain power to coordinate the tension/relaxation required to execute moves properly. Sometimes, when we just don't get it or can't do it, it's not our muscular system that's failing us, but our brains that recognize the need for additional processing time.What do you do about it? Understand and respect it. Like other physical arts - such as karate, tae kwon do, dance or yoga - we PRACTICE kettlebell training rather than DO it. Becoming skilled takes time and involves your whole system. You won't win any awards for being the first to the red light.

Martine Kerr is a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified instructor. With 15 years of experience transforming bodies with fitness and lifestyle coaching, having done so 3 times for herself following injury and pregnancies, Martine is passionate about living FIT. She is Canadian and lives in Dubai.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martine_Kerr

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Watt other resources do you suggest?

Kettlebell Wellness only started working on it's own products recently, but there are some fantastic resources that you may purchase over the internet. Here we shall feature two such products.

You know by now that kettlebell training will give you a lean, athletic, well conditioned body. But did you know that you can also add serious amounts of muscle mass with kettlebells? Go and get your copy of Kettlebell Muscle by Geoff Neupert, one of the kettlebell world's loudest voices. This is a very clever program, especially if you are tight on time.

"I am extremely pleased with my results using your kettlebell complex [Kettlebell

Muscle] workout. With your program working out 3 times per week I was able to shed 6%

bodyfat and add 7.5 lbs of lean muscle in only 4 weeks."

Kevin Hammons, Owner of Xpert Nutrition, Inc., Durham, NC

Lauren Brooks might be a female, but she trains a lot of hard bodies. She was also the person they contacted to write Kettlebell Training for Idiots, the famous book range. So she probably knows what she is talking about. So why not kick your body up to the next level with this DVD from Lauren, The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells. Results are sure to follow.

"Thank you so much for making the perfect, absolutely perfect 15 minute fat blaster.

Being I am just starting this was/is a great routine. I do not have to figure out what to do

when and how many and the order of progression. I am glad I bought this. I am so glad. I feel like I can achieve a goal because

I can do this."

Cheryl G. Brockton, MA

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Watt's to do?

Come and join in the fun if you have not done so yet! We would be honoured to help you look better, feel better and perform better.

If you are a regular client, we appreciate you for trusting us with your health and fitness and giving us your business. If there is anything that you think we should know about or consider, please do not hold back. Contact us immediately!

How can we help you?