way -,erald• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

" 'I' 'I .. _ .... • HOUSE, i I' WAY four a 'ound the fence saved' in 1 - ....... ,...ERALD',1,,: ' We will sJII or rent YQU tank so cheap that you'b'andot afford to without, .. ptices on Dips < .' I

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Page 1: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds






foura 'ound the

fencesaved' in



',1,,: ~'. '

We will sJII or rent YQU a·~~~i1.lg.tank so cheap that you'b'andot

afford to ~e without, o~~'hl,."F",..~n~get ptices on Dips a,ndii::f~~~~ < .'


Page 2: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds


Boys' Shoes


MusicPutman's Psychology

Chapter 13Chapter '14Chapter 15

:New School Laws and (Rules of Certification i

1:30 P. M.

~'or the wayn~C~~~e~~r~'.sociation,tobe held in Wayne, at the ijigh hool building,Saturday, April 27, 1907:

9:30 A. M. !, _ i-Selected

- I - -~ Ckrtie Bayes- A. R. Richardson

Ie Templeton

- A. E. Littell

IMusic I - SelectedSumming Up'the Year's Work Pearl SewellSchool Grounds and the Preserv tion of School

Property J. T. Estil, C rie falmintAli."Music - SelectledAddregs-Some Evils and their ies

'. J. M_ Pile

Every teacher who expects to ~~h, ,in': ,th~county next year should' he pr~se ~Ilt:th~ :~~t;ing. Matters pertaining to R. C~WOfk,teach­er's certi~cates: and the. eighth' "d~;~ft'lu~tfing exercl~s will be decIded; . r .YOUWaI>t avoice in the disposition of. these .q~ehtion&'i:lffl~resent at. th.e torenoo.n session.' ir~.'.,·.IP'~e~.'~~; discuss 'at least one poilit' of ':l!iiIIj~~:'''' '::

MA!}GIE CARROLL President•.ELLA GRIER, Se 'l<aJ'!:,. ,

, I· !

ThisLts PruniniSea~I This is the season of the yeart\> go thropgh your

orchards and trim off all the dead btancbes from fru.ittrees and bushes, so as to give app~ranceto the treesand make room for the new growt~. If you have Dot

alr~•...adY done this, g,O, at it at ~Dce. ~It will as!l\lre YO.uII better crop of frUlt the coming se son Some peo-ple do Dot quit pruning when they re through withth.e,.trees and .hrubbery, but start lin on their feettriqJming corns. ,

: Now th'lt, i-: (Jue part. of prunink which is abso-

lut~ly unnecAsR~ry, if y, (~u bU.Y YOU1Shoes right. Ifyoulr feet hurt andare tIred at mgt t, your shoes areundomfortahle. If you have cortl8' ndingrowing toe­nal's, your shoe, are not properly tied to you.

Have) o'u ever bought shoes fr ill us 1 This is avel' important quesl.ion,We are, expert shoemenan can give you satisfaction. Tt, shoe business i~at ade, and we have learned it fro A to Z, and un.les~ you are sure your shoes are te l?roper shape foryouir particularly shaped' foot you tannot hope to getsatisfaction, either in wear or comfort. Why trustyour feet to an inexperienced merc~aDt7 You wouldnot let an inexperienced man shoe ~our ,horse, Us~

the Bame horse sense when buyinj(shoeBfor yourself.Yon not only get the proper shoes· per~!.~ut you' IWtthem lor les8: m,9~Y .tb.~n at any ot~er8tl>rein Wayne,quality and workmans~lp taken into cOllsideration.Wei can fit yon with a plow shoe t~t win be as easyas )jour dress shoes '

Buy Mel!'s and Boys' shoes of qs and enjoy liCe.Every pair warrant6fl to give satisijiction.

Your egg's the same as cash with os., I I •

M<~~:'-~; I



I.M.STBAIIAII,Pre.ldent.. F. E.ATRAHAN, Vlc.·P" •• B,F.WILBON,Dasble...I H, 8. RI"BLAND, AJIo't Oubler.

:Capital and Surnlus, ,100,000.D181:01'01III:1-1 I. M. St.raban, F. E.Strab_o, B.~. RlD,laDd OeDrlre B,.a'"

____~~_K. Mellor, Jobn T~ 8re••ler and r=;:':::F:::'W=II:::80",'",":::'=====


and havefor your

f 0 I Th C' t I --- t1~rth-G;rlie1dews tom. ver . e 0"'0 1· Mrs. Bert Francis went tQ Omahatelest to Our Country Reader8 and Th08~ of Ne rby Town8 Monday. ,

011 News IWm, Bellows attende the town Mr, Ed! MorriB Bold InogB at

JIbt sale at Walthill Tu sday, He Carroll Mopday.

Pro. H tehins spent Sunday at ,*,ys the lots sotd high d he did Mr. Ber~ Francis shipped a car ofMagn t. opt invest. cattle to O~ahaMomJay.

Jac Mor an was up from Wayne _i The farmers adjoining arroll have Jlliin Frymcis shipped .a car ofTuesdfY. ~en .putting out a large number of catt'!!1 to 0raha Monday.

Mrsr Geo Philleo was ·in Wayne fruit and forest trees th s spring. It Miss Li~ie James visited at thelast Ftlday. i~ money well spent. L. J. Hug'¥=s' home Sunday,Mr~ L. Suers, wail a. Sioux City I The telephone 'excha ge building Mr. E1li~ I!endrick sold a horse

visito~ yes day. which is being erected on the lots Monday to la party f~om Randolph.ChrIs Pe rson left on Tuesnay for just of W. B. Hornby's tore, is rap- The mos~ of the farmers have fin-

a trip ito M ntana. i41y nearing com~letion ished putti~g in their small grain.. J";'jShan on went to Chicago with i The cold weather of t e past week A boy ca~e to brighten the home

cattle last S turday. hi'" put a sort of a dam ener on the of Mr. an Mrs. Everett Robert.,w.~. J es is confined to the b~se ball fever, W\hich as getting a Sunday. ,

house wl'th he mumps, pretty strong ho d on orne of our f R b' The infalIt son 0 0 crt JonesJnol Meli k is practicing on a new sports, has beelj q$ite sick but is better at

lypewtiter hese days. IW, H. James and U. D, Evans present """tmg.Rob rt J es had busI'nes at the went to Chicago Tuesday with two ,Work has begun on the new house

county seat esterday. car loads of hogs and two of cattle, of John Jo~es which will be a very, for the Farmers'elevator and John

Jas.Hand ockspentTresdayafter- Shannon. comfortabl~ dwelling when ~nished.

noon at the. ounty seat'l The'Methodist people are talking of The cboir is beginning to racticeF. sJ Bat y and son were passen- pptting a new, combination pipe and this week at the M. E. C urch in

gers for W' ne Tuesday. reed organ in the, church. They are preparatio* for the Sunda SchoolThe preci ct assessor is calling on considering a goodpro~sition which convention, to be held the e next

his friends ain this week. ,as made to the1ll the first of the June. -1------Mr~. J. A Jones and' son Gower v.;eek. ' , Welsh Settlemen

weref~ioux ity visitors Saturday. I Geo. LaCroix :received word theW.lt.. Ro inson made a business first of the week Ithat his father who Harry Hughes deplores he loss

trip WDak the first of the week. Was living in California, was dead. of a vlJluable colt.Misj< L!I.u~Perl'Y came up from Mr. and Mrs. LaCroix and Grandma Ton? Harners' fractured rib is

the ·l.foileg and' spent SIIl1day at LaCroix went to iwaynEl Wednesday making rapid stridell towatds re-home.' where the funeral services were held. covery. IFor~t an Frank Hughes, of the IThere seems td be quite a senti- Lizzie Williams o~ carrolll visited

Settlement ere Wayne visitors Sat- nient in and around Carroll that we at the EVl!n Jenkms home overurda1. cl!lebrate the Fqurth this year. It Sunday. ,

Mr . John R. Morris accompanied ~i11 either be a Jarnival later in the Rev. Vincent Jones will 'lecturefllll or a celebratIon: and if we are on "Missiofis in Japan" at the Con­by hltr ni e spent yesterday in

Way,n~. gping to .celebrate, . it· is high time gressional rurch next sundr.y even... d "'!me actIOn was bemg taken, Mrs. Joh R. Morris, B1on~'n Mor-

Lav~rn G wood of Wayne, VISlte 'visited ove Sunday with Gladys ,The date for holding the semi-an- ris of the S, r Stock Farm a d Kate

~al Sunday SChOOl. con.vention for Lloyd werd Wayne visitors ednes-Franc's. . .

Mra. Jno. R. Morris, KAte Lloyd t e westd,istrict has been set for day. I

and Blodwi Morris were in W~e ay 12. Arrangements are being Programs are well under way for~ adeforan inte~fstingmeeting.The District Suhday School Convention


l.sdGaeYtt· an and daughter Mary cqnvention will be held in the Welsh to be held ~t the Welsh Pres~yterian8 ~ethodist churcb west of Carroll. church, May, 12. County a~d State

were In Wa ne Tuesday to have some 'Dr. F. M. Siss~n, of Omaha, Supt, officers will partake in the m~tings.dental workidone. or the Childs' Saving Institute of I ,i

Mr j and rs. Arthur Tucker and tl)at city, occupied the pulpit at the Curf.d of Rheumati8\1\Mrs. Geo. P ileowere Sioux City M. E. church Stjnday morning and Mr. Wm.1 Henry of., Chattlmooga,visitors yest' 'rday: etening. In the ~orning he present- Ienn., had theumatis!1) in his left arm

Mr. Hou and .his family, from ed the work of the institute and took The strength seemedto of gone outDodge coun y. are visiti.ng this week ul-, a collection which amou ted t of the musdles so that lit was usel~ss

P,. n 0 for work,':' he says. "I apphedat the Sass an home. a\nounted to abq~t $50. Chamberlai[:'s pain Balm and wrapp-

Mrs; Art r Williams and Miss IThe First Nati~nalBank people are ed the .arm in flannel at nigh~,and toTheophilus, were Sholes passengers remodeling the 'iilterior of the bank my rehef I ound that:the pam grad-

i.. .I, • ually left m and the strength return-

for Wayne esterday. b Ildmg and now.have. aprlvate offic"" e.d. In th

fweeks t~e rheumatism

W. I. Por er went to Sioux City i the rear ~f t~r building. They had di~pp aed and hw. ~ot since re­Wednesday, ight with two cars of a e also gOlI1ll' ~o make some im- t!lrned. f troubl<;d "":Ith rheum!l­cattle of his own feeding. p ovements in t~e way of painting bsm try a ew apph~tlOns of Pam

h '.11 I Balm_ Yo arecertalh to be pleasedA special train consisting oi ten 0, .t ~ outsl"1e: II so. on the store with the re iefwhich it affords. For Sa 2 A Ex' .

car loads 0 stock passed through bl'ldmg occuPle1 by Beebe & Fran- sale by Ra:l\mond's Drhg Store. ve· /" 3, I' p~ns.. eCarrh,11 Ttie ay afternoon. c s. 1 L M I, . L ore than i saved in oil and time bY\llli1,1ll' the X-Ray

T.ID. JQn: s had a lively experience A large n~ber of cattle and ho~ St te Fair ces. Ineubator. One filling of I;P make.8 tlie.,entire ha~h.withl a kicki g broncho Monday, but h~ve been s~lpp~,d f.rom Carroll thiS The Sta~' Fair races. for the first Egg tray not removed during e hatch. Glass tQp, andn' k M ~d ht h thermometer in plain 8ight, IW1p need not be removedTomj"y c e out victorious. '1

ee . 01' ayl mg t ere were week in ptember have been an- durmg the hatch. Au~m~ Wi~.k trimm.er., chh1\De)'R.. E E C te h Id te I n~arly 400 head Qf hogs in the y/U'ds nounced asl follows: 11II11--....._..l'l" need not be removed. Fla s tllrned doWli automatjelt,l-

me-e-1.VI'n·gs·at Waarkefierld seundqaUya,~n' trhYe here to be.h,iPp1. The bulk of them Stakes, tt' close May 1st: 2-year-old Iy: ,!,hen hot. enough. E ai ed l\nd tUliled by simply., b h b h F EI 1I~~~~~j~bftl.g the hd. The x- a.Y. ~cubator is ..e.D.. tirelY d.i'fO. b J, f P .d' Eld were oug t y ,e armers eva- trot and 2 year-old pyce, each for I! ferent from other incupators. 'l{0\1 sho\ll4 "DOW about

a serce 0 e resl mg er. t6r Co. Six ,cents 'was about the aver'- $250; 3-year-old trot, 3-year-old pace, this before buying. Catalggu free. --Margner! e Hecke~tcame up .f~om age price paid, a~d this means quite 3-year-old 2:45 trot for Nebr.."ka THE X-R~ ,\..NI UlJATOR CO.

Wa~re FrI, ay evemng and VISIted aSUIll of money ~aid out to the far- bred colts, ia-year-old 2:40 pace for • !l!' S 'W:~Ylle, N"b~~ka\lnt~eMond morning with Bernice mers nearl/y Carr~lI. Nebraska ~red colts, each for $500;Bee ,e. ' . , , and 2:35tr~t; 2:24 trot, 2:30 pace and I""'===!'=========""'i==F~========

CI~ud H ncock and R, Cl0880n I LESLIE .2:24 pace, e/lCh for $1000. Entry feedrovb over , Laurel Tuesday even· ID 1 f ,!, " f' I. h' 'd . h to stakes, th.ree per cen.t.et e <)0.81 IS l)pcmg .IS yar WIting ~o atten a meeting of the r. O. "f Classes close Augnst 10th and areO F

alnew pic\\:.et fen" .. . enC!lm ment. each for a turfll! of $500, as follows:T" Herman Lear I shelled corn for 2 30 n 27 20 d 2 16. [I~ patro s of the newly consoli- Chas. Arp on M

Ol1day. : ,-..: , : an :: trot; 2:35,

dated schoo districts of Sholes !.lre 2:27, 2:21, ~:16 and fr~e-for-all pace.talking of p tting up a new $400() or' IMiss Anna Brocher spent Tuesday Entry fee t(J classes, ~ve per cent.$5000 school building. afternoon at Detlff Kai. .' The Nebrl"'ka Derby of one andG~ald P rter of Wayne, Wm, ., Little Alma Arp has been some- one-eighth juiles for $500 will close

Ass nheirne of Altona and a ge~t1e- what ill for the past few days. AUgust lOth. Entry.fce to Derby,man from P nder were transacting .Mr. Jno. Laws'io was seen in the $15. No entry fee to other runingbusi ess in arroll Tuesday. vicinity lflSt Friday afternoon. races. Among other conditions are


S' E. E Carter enjoyed a visit Miss Nellie Herner began her stalls free to starters, and one-halfthe rst of le week from her moth- si/ring term of sclloo! last Monday. entrance money returned to harnesscr ho lives at Beemer, and an 'uncle, Miss Meta Kai" i~ spending a few horses finiShing outside of theMr. Early, f Ft. Dodge, Iowa. days at the home o'f her uncle, Mr. money.

J hn and'i Bert Francis shipped H. LQng. Kills Catarrh Germs.two cars of tattle to Omaha Monday. .Mr. C, A. Killion is quite busy ,at Stomach idosing cannot kill theseBer FranCIS went dOwn with the present, discharging the duties 'of. . gewms; a direct local treatment is ab-cattle and ~rs'l Francis joined him assessor: in this PEt of the count~y. solutely necessary, and for this pur-therr Tuesd y. " Albert Killion inished. the lasting' pose nothintelse equals Hyomei.

County Sperintendent Littell was job of hauli g is corn to G. H. Breathed through the neat pocketin Cltrroll lednesdayon his way .to Albers, ~he p t week. inhaler tha comes with every outfitSholks wheie he was to attend a A church cial was held at the Hyomei re.tehes the most remote airmee~ing~.,el in regard to the'build- McQuistan h me Wednesday evE1O- cells in the Ino"'!, throat and lungs,ing f the n w school house at that ing...The p oCifCds amounted t.a givingim.. lJjediaterelief andeff.ectingplae . thirty t\J.ree ollllrs and fifty ce.n&. a perman~~t cure in the worst cases

Tllere is . hIe talk of a new Mrs. J .ICha be~s received the prize of catarrh, ,hotel buil erected in Car- which VVas . en .for the prettiest A complf,te Hyomei outfit cost butrollin the ture.. A company basket, 'altho g~ it was a ~ard mat- $1.00, and IE. J. Raymond will giveis being 0 ed to' put up the ter to decide which wasthe prettiest a guarantee with every outfit thatbUil~ing.,a ij s.eve.ra,'I go.Od., hote.. l men a;;' ther~ wer "1veral Close con~t- the treatmbnt will cost nothing ,un-are n sight who woul~ he glad to ants. I. ' less it cur~.r!lnt the bu ding., 'If~is is l/JI im- I ._' '.pro ement hich has.I0J,g been need- 160. Acre 0 Land for Sale. ., Hydraul c and cased wells~ Geo.ed iicarro :. 1 '. .' 3~ mlles,f m town; Thill is an Wadswort-l,-._----

Gi e hun red a~dni ety .cases .of extra good: n"jlJer, every foot 'If ,Rheums i.mCured in one Day.egg hav.e en shlPP~ out,' b~ the thelan~ ,.can. b~ Plowe.d. Will 111 "11;'.$10 Dre" for Rbe..ma$l.m IIIdC II mer ants in t'f past thirty this fau;m in sas at a bargain. Ne...a1P_ 10all;, oort's I.. 0". w threeda . The verage "9ce paid was • , ' D; H. E. EE!lls, . I '/Ia:fRo. 1M .lloD upoD&he .;,s18m II ...abo t 14 ce ts per dozen. In ,the I . Wayne, Neb.

J. .bble ....~,. ~;'.leriou.r h, !,"",~vs.

590 .cases .ere were 117,700 dozen .I i . . " ..~ the I~ IIId &h~ dile8ae 1m I.,.,======~ ...==-"""=="""'==~="":'====~==and t. 14 cuts nette.d the f.armers Havihg '.1 wOl . hydraulic w 11 "161, ,dl.""".The lIftt.· d"'; I '

$24 .00.. 0 wonder...••.. Ph.nKate has mac...hineS' wi I StIll on,.e.at a. bargaii·.. AM,." bll~elll•. 7~.oe..g 1II.... d .'1.00. Herald and Ne.braska Rar.JD.er,.,;';';;;'~~_~~~-+-_""'JfaIle' in 10. e wit\! the~,en.I.,,·· ',. 1.~qUire 0"fl" .1' Jf,,; LUCKY. -.III>t... :&4.,..• 3.]".,] Ba:r"",1IlIPlt\,•. I.'",., dmaIo1·•. :,..,I•.•.. :.:,.. ',..• Ii,·...'.t.,'·. ~ II . ' ';11· 'li,lil" :I"'Fi::I',:I,iil~il:llIJi'I!Jl!illlltl,!r .


IThe Sioux City Daily One

Year for Only 1.00The Sioux City Daily News is a

bright, snappy, cond nsed dallypaper-ab~lutelY indep ndent of allcorporation and politic I influence,An ideal daily paper f r the busyman and the family. Subscriberswill be received by liS an forwardedpromptly to the publi hers. Wewill selld you the WaYne Herald andThe Sioux Cit;: Daily N ws for oneyear upon payment of $ .00.

White Plymoth Roe Eggs.75c per setting. Lea orders at

Dan Harrington's, ph ne or callon, GEORGE M EACHEN.

House fOf R ntGood 6 room house with barn

for rent March 1st.GRANT. MEARS.

ltehing piles provoke profanity,butprofanity wont cure em. DoansOintment cures'itchin, bleedingor protruding piles 11ft r years ofsuffering. At any drug tore. ~

Hotel fllf S eIn a good, lively town First class

and completly furnished throughoutFor particulars, inqui e at theHerald office,

Seed Com.Have a lot of fine s d. corn' for

sale. W. O. Garobl . .

Pony and Outfit F r SaleChiidsPonyoutfit.-La gesizecart,russett leather harness ith pony, al­10 saddle and bridle.

G. A. Peterson, Wak field, Nebr.

Seed Cor~i.i,or; I ./y'lb. ,"Seed eorn for iiale 'at Palace

Overy \larn. S. • Auker.

~ardens PlowCall up' phone No.

Gtlo, Denkinger plowPtden.

New Vocal Stu io.I have secured the I. . O. F. hall

as a Studio for Voice Cu ture. termsmoderate. Aid also r ady to fillengagements for conce or church11010 work. MRS. H. A. Moler.


, C()rreeted every Thur ay..Wheat 64

'Corn .29Oats , .. , , ····,····3HFlax _ 96

IBarley , , , .5OiRye _ .49Hogs 6.00

A Woman Tells How 0 Relieve1 Rheumatic Pai s. '

I ha~ been a very gr at suffererfrom the dreadful dise ,rheuma­tism for a number of y ars. I havetried many medicines bu never g~tmuch relief from any of them untIltwo years ago, when I b ught a bot­tle of Chamberland's P in Balm. Ifound relief before I ha used all ofone bottle but kept on applying itand soon felt like a diffe ent woman.Through my advice any of myfriends have t,ied it and can tell you'how wonderful it has w .ked,-Mrs.SarahA. Cole, 140 S, Ne St" Dover,DEll. Chamberlain's Pa n Bal1Y\ is aliniment. The relief fro pain whichit atl'ords is alone worth many times

I· itS: cost. It makes res.t and sleep

possible. For sale' by Raymond's,. Drug Stor'e. '.

Page 3: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds

iS. Lew :s. Jr t

I·Manulaclurei rl.add dealer in 1

I . i

arneSS11andSaddl s

, Eve~ything first lass land


I~+e. Nebl+*44*44* .,



Over 01 Izens' Bank, Wayne. Nebr.


~Flr.'t Olass Work GuaranteedPhone 3 0 Wayne

• ,1++ -; .SHO.~INGISGOOD.I IftH_».ff1~~UUUUftUUUU"H~~

11- local N~",s)-: i ~r:~e~~~e~~~;~~~~eDnh~u~~;,~~~~I~ Th. "JONLY " H '. I ~.:.'. - - + IS delighted with the showmg he'" e ' g W t r'"

+++.'.'.i+++++++++++++ +J++t+++! foun,d. About. a week. ago .whilel!.,>., . . 0 a ere ~

I .. I makmg an upraise on .veln N<!J.2 a i~ i . ~4ljlrll 22.-Arbor Da . I streak of very nne ore carrying high:_. , •

Wklden Tucker, of [inS/d.e spent values in gold, silver and c.opp~.r was I!Mi. .. _,.

sun~aY at home, I uncovered. It is from six to ieight,I SIMPLE FOR HOOS, SHEEP AN ~M ss Hattie Weber, as a over inches wide where it was open~.d an.d i DURABLE ~.'

S j d h · I CALYES. MONEY REFUN· ,~un ay,visit?r at Lau eJ. I ,~ontinues to wi en o.ut as t e upraIse II.,J~dge Welch isatNe igHth\s week IS advanced. Old mmers who. have I' . RELlABLE BDfF NOT SATl5FACTO~Y Ml

---+-----------Iholdlng court for Antelpp~cojmty. prospected on J.t0y~1 mountaIn ~or j* I ~(j~;oj{( ~; It. WILBUR MIss Lela Tucker r turred from years ~re ~nthusJastlCover the,stTlke .liM It

B w II H II th tirS10f ,the wepk. declarmg It to be one of the biggest,= A JiIia.Attor ey and Counselor at Law rOr

nea, e •. things in the district, and a good in-' . Boo' to the' HR· ~

Cllas. Kate came ove from 1 SIOUX dication of what may be expected' . n og- aIser :"[st :Nat' Bank Bldi(. Wayne, Ncbr, City

t,Saturday, for a Ifew d,ays at when .the King SOI.omon Tunnel'_. j KI

hom . ~ I d' b' reaches and developes the largerllil We desire to call your attention to the above hog w:lterer, which is valua Ie It.r. J. LLJAMB, , 'M lIer & Jones have erecte 'a I.g veins at depth. I' IIPRY I0IAlij AND $URGEON flOr.,. house to the rt.ar of theIr The drift being driven on vein No. '. for you to inve~tilo(ate. It, has been a long felt want of every prosppctive farmer 0 II.

W..y"ne.Nebr...~... stor~. " 4 is also looking very promising, saYd own a hog waterer that will Not Ovprf!ow Nor FrpPzf.l in the cold of wint r. Irtho W..yne ]II,..tlon..l B..nk. THe Two Johns ha~e lad?e~ a tm Mr. Dinsmore. A large quantity of The "Only" will fulfill your wants in every way-We guarantee it to do so-if n t,

roM to apart of their .bUlldmg,the water is coming from this drift the !IIF. M THOMAS, p~t!,week. ~ last few days and the pay streak is 11M we will refund you the price paid for it. Come iu and see it, also get testimoni Is tift

OST PATHIO .PHr.SIOIAN tlssFlorence Wert tturnedfrom getting wider, The miners who are. and recommendations of our Wayne county farmers that are using the "Only" 0- ilPbOn~:t FI:'~6~~;:eNI~r ~ldg. ~si~'~~ r~l~~~:.wher Ishe had been ~o~~~:~ ~~t~hi:ndr~;~8:}y;:;Ya~X~~~. day. Space Joes not permit us to gi ve you but one of the many testimonials, s .

i ¥. J. Kirwan, accompanied by his time.' Work on the ne power plant 1M follows.

G'N 11 D V S wife ahd child returnea from their i8 being rU.Shed.and as... s. o.n. as it is !WI..·...' ea, . . visit at Coleridge, Mo~day. completed these veins ill be thor- ,

Grad ate K'o~'r:e~~IY Veterina~. tlavid Moler went tolAn*,lope and ougl!ly explored with p wer drills. I' r 1 ....A. '.Ianl Siaia Veterinarian an~ Holt county points M~nday, to ----- - :. . ~

Offloe al alROe Livery Phone 134 lodk after the deliver of nursery H,: F, Slaughter, the reoryeounty T Wh I M C ttlsttk. . banker, is comtemplati~g the ere.cc ~.. ' 0 . om . t ay oncern: I:

T ER, h L U M K 'c! I c tlOn of a handsome fe81dence m Ne . . c ee re I e~ ,e, near , , h "II "ItD~jf) AHH'l'RA01'OR' th court hou8e has be n 8lld to W. Gregory, S. D: 1 he ne .orne WI illE: I have be~n nBing two of the "Only" since last Novemb~r.and lit

1'1 F..tste and Loan.. S. tGOldie, who intends to ccupy it eo~t at least $6,000. A ,ch'tect .J. C. •. ,. I fixed them to run in winter and it never gave me a bit of tr.ouble. I •In••sno. snd OoUeotlonS. wi h his family, St,tt has been called 9~. to prepare Iif. . . ~" . I'

OpJloott. l,n,'. I/nt..L w.v"•. N.t . b the plans.---Norfolk Ne~s. ~ I'wottllf rdvise every hog or sheep raiser to buy one. I would not1> • W, Burke, of He rna , Ne r., W. 'd T'b ' t I r.w. be Withjut one for three times the price I especially recommend- vi1~ed with his daught~r, M.rs. R. A. . The. InSI e rl un.e IS con. empa- lIE.'.- . • l!fI

~'0, L ';iH~l!'l 1/[;-.1";. ~, II M)~achen, last wee~, returning tmg several Improvements m Its I\W I the "On y" for winter use. ~ ) J ttl

.' r~;d ~~~;~~;..:~~:~:~~¥~~O~tA:IlIC' hO¥;8,s~~:~a~~nningt!' ofI" MI

eadohw ~p;:~;~E~~£~E~~:0~:~~ u~~t::~ = l S. B. SCACE __II''. Off1o" 3 01)"'" W"'''lt of' Ol-lt ()ttln~ Grpve, Nebr., spent se era (ays t e" ",' - \tf....

. Wsyn•. Noh.... .. fir{t of (the week with er daughter crat and would al,o put m a 3 horse .~~~s. Uw Win~ol". ' power gaSOlineen.gine. ThiSWI.·]] C?-" ill.

' The stork made a visltat the r~v, able the Tribune to put .ou~ a 81X '* . !!IIamble, Osteopath 'c'h h WId column quarto paper. WmHfdemer-" I I .

I· _ erQtt .~ erman orne I t'( nps ay, I • . ...v • I'. At 11 d" ft "I . 't' challts are lIberal adve..rtlsers, and ,"It:..

Offioe Uf Htnirfl iL the iFl(~ij hnildlllloI p ), an l' a Ja Jy glr (): h ' I 'II ... I b ~h .b . 'h hI' I ,t ",mnl'f)vqmpn.s Wi eel' "un y e,~ V 'H d '

bone, om e 2M. Re8j(1j'nr' HI, n r ten t p wnw ('Ire P_. appl.'{ll·iHl~'d b\" thf'm. - t· ~,1'. and MI'~. C:ha."~ Cullel' and' l oge s ar ware ~

'.I!F:JAo~~~'-a·H~~T.·d-~):-,Ra··S--U';I>.II·~-lcON~I,~.j"··e-k·I'I-:--Y-a-n-(1 ,]('iI,,', Mioo Mahk Jo:l1io~t, W('I'<' Sal, ,.:1,,".".'(' B~'>:ht':l',ofl~ol'l:idJ(~,sp~~t ~ ••• ••• =:un ay pa~Hl'ng('r:-i III I )akola (,ily I : ~, \( r ,11 dd.~ ~ In \V <l~ nc the 1M. t week ,* INco Jr" for a' visit with :\11""';. Cullel"s 'gU(I,c.;t.:-; of IllS daught('r~ Mrs. Kate *' . \' ' "" \'. ,-< < ,

1"(1 ,'nts. '""d lVI.<. lJutfol'<L lJ" is county ~~~:W>M~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H J II t . I t I IjudJ(e of PII,,!p., county and a long 1'-

J. '.' ()~es [-;0 (_ W() )janu~ a l\ Y',' tinll' and tJnLhu:-.ia~lic Mason, LE'ingf".--,;,_"_.."-".......--:-"'-".-".--"'--"~"-".-"'-,,.-,,.."""-".-"'."'--"....+.."',.,...~-=.-,.-".-,.-;=,,--,.,-,.-,..-="""'~~--_. ---~--------~-------------".-,-~_.--,-f+==='-. : Windmill~. Onl,goll1g lI1to tlie Ho\ ard Whalen, J I' It th'r f' W' B Stambaugh Dii ' '-;:-.'_'0',_- [;l, hur\(' ~hile H. jJhillpo seCtll't's. (jne I rec~nt y Hl,VanC(}( 0 C P(~.sl IOn. 0 :,.~ .• , r· i, . '

..t..'.h9n~ ~ljJ.~." . • ...Way·ne f .Ih.' b f h J' I . J' t 'a (,rand Commander; whIch gIves Died William B. Stamba~gh on I • I~IWlt:S~~O t (' ngllJl'lce inS rU-)him the ri"ht, mId 'IJ!'ivilegro of a AnrilJ~1, ,1907, at his horne three' In~urance Agaln~t

~1f1rlS1S1f If'lflSlnns r~,' <,.'.' J" !"d~I('gatt.· to the annual g"at~('-t'Ing of miles'fio,utb and one. mIle west. of! '. . ~. ' :.~. JO NL. SO lE S ' ~~~ John ,~rew C'~. ~J(.,.~P~lIlg ~ :that o"I,'r to h,· h,'ld at Samtog'a, WaYfjo/ Ago 7(i yeUl's 1 monlh ami I .

e: ,peclal sleep", WIth two COJChlS fOI I.N. Y. (hi., sumIllP'·. 21 day~. "1'hc deceased was Ijornat. I


'.Ej;;., ,·A"UC~'t.y·To! O·C~ Etr~ R scer.ery

, went :I~lru ,Wa'I'n,

"'I' .ItI'''I' i 'I'll(' Init.iali"" and !t"r"l'endulil 01".- J3hli'l, ]'a.. , Feb., 22, 18:n. 11 1885 ! Wire-Cut Horses .- noOn pusseng'('1' Ut'S( <LV, )(' ng- II el , ., ' 'h' h' f'J d t f< ~ "f. ~ '. S' . C't . ',duHlII<'e ellTH',] at. Wayne hc,t ",.ern> "\le."W.l,t . IS .m.m y move ..<i aym.., I Ior an ~r!peaJ'ane(1 at ,101IX _,I Y In; almost UfH~llirn{)l1~lv, A P('l'sori' Co., ·Nqbr. 'where he reside until

t ' b th~ .. ,'v,'n,mg. " '.." \\'ou1d natlll'ilily ,:xped that it .his death. On JM.,I, I900h'had a

..~ flites, reasolla Ie ~ ,h,e .M. ,.,y,~'1" ,s ~.eo~d"I.,".'e. "I~ hiUrt.h I. ShO.Uld., Th,' p.eOPI" .. uf. Wa.,.'n..e WOUld. st.roke.. '.'f. pa.ralysi.s, f.ro.m..Whilh ~i.mel,· I~'..~.' Le'w,,,d,,," ," ,"I:" "" "Id "<11",, 8tl 'l I IS bung titted up an~ put In be hut a few d('j.(l'e,'s ('<'moved from hl8 ,lInes8 dated; he was a patient: Good sound horses are. seIling at. l1igher~ Box 39 , W yllO, Nob. 01:.' er for a new oCCUP'.lI1L .pr, W.K one of Goldi':'o "barn storms" it' suoff~rer., bearing his affliction in the! prices than ever before. You,l'can't.'l!l lLlUl.JUUl.~ a. eal we unde"otand Inf?d8 to they didn't 'have 8l'nse enough t'l spirit o~ his Master. He was highly: I

oC upy the place about the l hrst of Ivote favorably III thcmselve8 having esteeml'd by rill who knew him for; afford to risk losing that fine colt on'th month. :, a direct voic~ in their own publi~ hi$ int~grity, upright li..ing j'd your ba.r:b wire fence when American

ost maste.r McNeal has b<,rtainly. affairs. We think, from tlTe. results, ble Ch.i"!stiancharact.er. The un?ral ia good example m the I way he I that Bro. Goldie finally got" over his service WlloS. held on Monday pr,I15 Heavy, Woven Fencing is so cheap. Iimproved appearances', around Iprohibition nightmare and' '8miled a at the St. Paul's Lutheran C urch,home.. Several-big tr'te8 have .little for the lady."--'Coleridge of which he. wasatr.ueand consistent $10toOO Buys 300 Rods Americ~o

be n removed and the ol~ picket Blade, member; his pastor Rev. C. J. Ringer, .. .' . I.fe ce toT out. . W. F. Assenhcimer sold the C. E. officiating.. '. F I 'h

. E. Miller left for Alberta, Cane Hunter farm near Laporte in Wayne The servIces at the cemetery were Field Fence, 3 eel, 6 Inc~es H,igad ,TU.eSdaY., and Wil'l•. ikellbego.ne eounty to J. H. Heineman of Grant eon,dueted by the Masonic lod.,lte .Of....' ifo 80me t'me. Ill' has mvested township for $65 per acre .... The whICh he was an honored member., I ..,!he vily in land near a plac called sentence of AUgust H. Mueller, who Two sons and one datjghte,1' sur- . Best galvanized steelwire, N0'f', top IRe Deer, and the investme t prom- was convicted of a murderous as- vive him to mourn his lOss; Robert and bottom.) This Is The fenc That II

ise good returns, I sault upon' his father-in-law, F. ahd Adda of Wayne Nebr., an~ Mar·etters received by Wayn¢ friends Hohneke, Mrs.}I~hnekeandhis wife. tin Bloom, of Tacoma, Wash. . the 100 Per Cent farmers of the~oun~ I

of uy Strickland the past week, teU Mrs,. Mueller in Stanton county try are putting up. With oUr! barb- I. 1 first class second hand: New 1

of 'is securing a positi<in in a rail· about a year ago, has been reduced f ]J h wire over the top it make.s -a .ge,neral '. Ir6 d~urveying corps, under direction by the supreme eourt from fiftee!} Home sewing Machine or sa 1c eap ti Iof he Oregon Short Line. He is to years to three years. A. R. OlesOl) at FLEETWOOD & JOHNSON. , purpose farm fence that:will stop,Hogs, .--r.re ort at a place called Burns, in assisted J. A.' Ehrh'lrdt in the del . Dattle, Horses anlJ Sheep without in- :'Or gon. Guy has be~n iOending fense, and is well .pleased with their State of Ohio, city of Toledo, I'. I ss I" .. Lucas County. f • F j., d .so e tIme vi~iting relat ves at ':vork for ·their clienL-Wisnet Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Jury. ence nl'w all . msure your iLe iston, Idaho. Chronicle. he is sellior partner of the fi~m of stock against wi~e' cuts. .

. r'. French has di8posed of hi$ , The increased business of the F. J. C~eney & Co" doing b~siness I

ba l<andpropertyin.lere8tsatCraig Wayne post offlce for the first quarter' in the bty of Toledo; Coun~y and American Fencp. is Go~.d Fen,'.ciel

.,an~gave posses~ion th~ first of th~ 'of the prese*t year, e?,ceeds the State '4oresaid, and that sai~ firm, I'"" lm th.. Mr. French was in Wayn~ banner quarter of 1906 by $385. A will pa* the sum of One H~ndred' G d F . G d N . hb I Ilas week 100ki'1g up a house, and w~ CO?tinua.tion ~f such a volumn of re~ Dollars "for each and every cllSe of 00,',., ence Makes 00(:. elg . . 9"r':s.un erstand will occupy the Snodgrass ~e,pts would put the Wayne office ar Catarr~ that cannot b4'cured pythe _res dence for the summer at least: mong the seco~d class. The showinll" use of Nail's Catarrh Cure. '.In he, meantime he willloolj: up anJ reflects favorllb,ly upon Wayne bust ' . Frllllk J. Cheney., ' r-ot er location for a bank, llrobably iness activity J.J\d surely proves that Sworn to before me and subljCribed Ph-II & Sin o\lfh Dakota. we are still' growing. The X Ra:l[ in my Ipresence. this 6th day.of I eo on

'. Tncubator fact,oory, together with D b' A D 1886 ' Iarcus Kroger spent. Sunday at ~overal other minor industries have acem er, ., . ~

Scr'bner o~a visit with Fred Vo!pp. been .strong f~ctors in t"is increas~ (Seal) A. :~ta~~~~iiC, G I I " I. - I" - :,' I, 'On 'Monday Mrs. Kroger a?d Mrs., qf pdstal reckipts. Messers Kat~ Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken' inter- , , , 'Be~ t J,ohnson went to SCrlb~er to "nd .Porter, have sent' out thousands I,d. I d F d 'I'" I nallY, and acts directly on the bloodspe ,8ev~ra .ays. .:e eaves .of CIrculars ard catalogs, and the~ and mucous surfaces of the s stem. I jne. tweek m oompany WIth Nelson ,with their general 'correspondence" Send for testimonials free.Grl sley for a tour of Europe.' It ',in keeping up with the sale of infwil. require several months, as Mr. 'cllbators has not only swelled the F; J. CheJ}ey & C ., .

ddt' t Toledo, hio.V.Olppinten ~ to spen ,some' lme a , .postal.receipts, of the local office, but Sold by all Druggists, 75c.hIS ld ho",:e m~ermaiY' pas advertised: Wayne thruout the Take Hall's Family Pills fo

ne:of.hiS W.af:'ne .fri. nds r.. e... c.eived S.tat:es and co.uPtrie.S ov.e.r the s.ea lI'I stipation.a I tterfrom D. E. Ne ton; atCoro- well. The No~mal College has alJna Calif. this .we~k.The :family ~ays been a s~urce of a. gradu.alinj The quick' relief from pain aorded'ap' reJtl; are getting on well and f'reaSing post~1 revenue, and h"'1 by appl~ngCham~rlain:sPal' Balm II

~njy the Souther!) .c ifot;n~a Win-.i,ven w:a~e "a fa,:?rablE1 nam~ il\ make.s It a fav?rlte w~th.sp~r~~tel" , arid suggests that even better I early evl"TY. town for 50!> mlle~ from rheFatl~m, S~I!'tlea,. ~!U'll"."

tha . fiShing.' '., i.S.. · ~n". au O~09i!.e .rid.. e 1r.,.0,.u.n.d..... ~e ~.eIi~v. ~. ".,the.. "~Poace.,. 'w.ill. b•. ack, IU.m.1J.,.a~o. ,an.d. de.r....p.' .. ~ea.'. ~.'....~!l....d.,..bv their fine rpails. Mr. Newton~m!lmtalred~dthatne~tyearw~musc~lar Ilams. For lsale ~Y.,ltal::·

~; ~i~~~t~!.~~h~o~~uray:d..t.......•~.i...•.r.p.~:~e~~~~~c~e ~;:~~:.'.•.~:~~.'._.._Ij m.,•.O.,.~.:.o.d.Il'~:.:.~~.,;i:.;.~ ..~..~."..~..~.•,:,,:~~.:I..,'T=.i'.=':.''''lh.'='i.~'''''I,'''.I.:,.="H.'=•.'."'=:'=i~.':;;'.:~;::I.'.'=·' .=.==:'=::;:=====:'==:'==='I;'=='::~=~=;";'#fr#:;#"T:'j'I,:'(\'I\:I,,:" ' ','! I ,!i'i .:,:·:::<II'L;:.!'!I,(':I\,j'rC)!'li·,I:ill ;'::\l,!,!I.!1,,!:;:III!,li:l:i.!!!,',!ill:; .

. ,


A.. ~. T,uckcr, P~eslde11~ C. ,'Henney I Vlc~ res.

,D. C. Main. ,<uhf. l1i B. J,,"es, As • C"shier

?U . I

1: Capital o••d Un.IVI.. r.

$100,000. 0

! DIIl.S:OIl.S

, A.I\.. Welch H. C.f ,D. b: Main G. E.

, 'I ~,- A. L. '1;'ucker Jam

1..,;,·,f,·,'I..:,t.."I.i.,.I·!..·.";,..._i"·,' •.,:.'.•':.. '.'," !lil""~"!ltli~I~i>·I-"~·",,~, 1'." .... ,·.:,,·'111".

". ,I

Page 4: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds



Roosevelt (Writes to the ClfiNren.Ij:mph~sizingthe Natilln's

~eed of Trees.Publlsbed Ily "~RALO PRINTING COMPANYJ. W. Jobn!!oori, Ed\tor ami Bur.'nus Mgr.

E.. R.. \...ur-dbufll, weal BIUthf.



ber of pupils f~" V QLlN 'INST UCTION

BLACK··Closed Season

Journal Patterns•

We SeJJ LadiJ· HomeI :




I @~ifJre1\'sI . I

~eaJ\J=to'FiWear Dresses1 We have just re~ei~ed, direct from the largest manu­

fa~turer of Children's presses in the U. S., a large ship­ment of Children's Dresses made up in plain, check, plaidsa~stripe ginghams. The styles are such as Sailors, Bus­te· Brown, Russian and Blouse. You cannot afford toill e dresses .When you can. buy, ready to wear, such neata stylish dresses for less money than you can buy thego s, and make them yourselves. Ages 4 to 14 year~.

I '~~:.lY.>lJ.:.lY.>lJ.:.tJ~\1.I.l:.tJ:.tJ~:.tJ:.tJ~~~

~ 'Ladies' Home Journal Patterns'~~ ------- ~;

~ 1Oc . The Leading Patterns Sold 15c e~ ...••.• FOR. . . . . . . el;l\ 'lI>''lI>'~~'lI>''lI>''lI>''lI>'\"tI''lI>'>J'XJ':\"tI''lI>''''''''lI>'~''''it

WHIT -;,OpenSe,,~on

and Closed Seasons tn Nebraska, 1907 and 1908




W,tE i~ IL :tL


I N .J

i ~+ +

i R:t Ni S++++++


5 Birds or 21; FIB In one day. .. ..t' ..

~,0' Geese. and 50 )tltcr Game BIrds In possession ""....


f;""g .. , E , E,xcept It Is U lawful to Have More Than 10 !l


! -;: '".. &,1 .!l .. ..

.ra1rie Ohlckens ;)r Grouse In PossesIon At One lil " " Go . :- ..Go II ." :; " ' .. £ r!Ime During- MOl th of Septcmber. ... < ,. ., ., '" 'III

tlc.k Snille, \\'ihmn Snipe. 'Yellow .LegR, Dovceand Plover

Song and Insectljvorous Birds

',Prai rie Vh icken . nd Grouse


IAll Otber Fish

. ENALTIES .For killing or Ih ving in possession at any se~n. Deer or Antel~pe. $100 to $300.' .' •For killing or avirg in possession except d~rlng open season any of the Birds mentiorled. $5.00 eac4.

IFor dynamitin Fish, $100 to $500 fine or one year in the penitentiary. . .For fishing wit n~t or seine, $25, and $5 ad itiOJlal for each fish 80 caught.F~r shipping g m¢ or fish unaccompaniell. ~50 lind $5 for each bird ~r /i~h so shipped.

, Forhunting wi h~l'ut license, any sum no~ e ceeding $.50. ' . ". .. .For selling ga e t any season., $5 for e~h ird ·sold.· . . .

. I '

Whai I Always Unla~fu'.J'? sboot squirrels t ~ny season. I To ship game or fish ;~I'()m .on~ point to anotherTo shoot song~r in ctivorous birds.! within'ot without the state unaccompanied byTo shoot lipon 't~'e ublic highway. ,. the oWfier. ",To hunt upon th I nds of another without per- To pursue game in; any mallner during .closed

mission. . {I season.To fish Itj any mann!!r except with hook and ·line.

To hunt withou· Ii ense except in county of .actual To sell game in any manner oJ to sell fish takenresidence. 1.. 1 , ' . from pUblfc waters in the ~te. ,


The W~yne Herald Inland Waterways.Washington, Apr. 15th-It has

Entered at the po8toffice at Wayne, Nebr. just dawned on the country that thea••ec04d cIa•• mail matter I work cut out for Congressman Bur-

ton and his colleagues on the newlyappointed Inland Waterways Com­mission will be enormous. In all thediscussion of the navigable water- Washin~on, April15.-President

Of{iciat;~~~i:~l~~~~~~;l~'~l:~~~~COUtl.tYways of the United Sl-ates, littIe has Roosevelt :has addressed "To the----~---------,beelltsaid or ~ritten that would dis- School Children of the United States"__SU_b_""_'_'._tl_on~i_$_•._oo_._Y_'._'_'_O_A_d_v._n_co__ Iclose their vast reaches. The inland a message bn the significance at Ar-

strcams of the United States are in bor day. He advises them to cele-One of the pioneers of the county keeping with the wonderful dis, brat€; the iday thoughtfully. The

in the person of Geo. Buskirk. of tances of the country. As avenues message S>!ys:Leslie. is building a barn out of lum- of transportation they are a marvel- "Arbor tlay is now celebrated inber sawed frf,m trees planted by ,his .ous system in themselves. every stat~ in our Union, mainly inown hand l~ss than a quarter M a It is not generally known that tl-le the schooH. At various times youcentury ago., Lumber and fuel are total navigable distance of the Mis- ~ve a da:,1 or apart of a day to,spec-becoming more valuable every year, Ial . . dsissippi River extends over a space exerc,S!'". an perhapS to actualand Mr. Bus~irk's privileg~ reminds of 2,161 mil~ for the average ~ree Plan~·ng. inrecogina.:tio!1 Of.: theus of the adr,oantages of tree plant- steamers. and 2,237 miles for smaller Importan e of trees to usasa nationing and what it means to future gen- craft. Taking into consideration the and of wit they yield in adornmenterations. T~is is the season of the tributaries of the Father of Waters. comfort a,nd useful products.year to keep, this thot uppermost and these combined would make a river "It is ~ell that you should cele­to act UP0l1 it. April 22 is Arbor system 13.160 miles long. through brate your Arbor day thoughtfullyday, when WI' should follow the good: which a good-sixed steamer could for withir\ your life time the nation'~advice imd riespect the example of make its way. need of iree>; will become serious.the late dirtinguished J. Sterling Some idea of the distance these We of an lolder generatjon can getMorton, and! plant trees. Do it. i'nd figures.conyey can be gained only by along with what we h~ve. t1)oughfuture yeanj will count you a public comparison. It is astonishing to find with groWing hardship. but in yourbenefactor. No dahger of ever hav- that it is slightly greater than from full manHood and womanhood· youing too many trees. New York to Bankok by the way of will wan~what n9.tureonce·so boun-

I London. If the steamer were driven tifully supplied and man so thought-'R~ndall'llBills. by powerful engines. and made a lessly ~estroyed. and because of that

1I1r. ~and~1I duritlg his terr:' in ~he a continuous trip, it might complete you WIll reproach us for what we·sen~te mtrotluced the followmg ?J!ls the journey in. about fifty days. have wasted. For the nation, as forwhich Pas,d both houses and be- However, if it 'were compelled to the manor wornan and the boy orcame laws hen signed by tbe gover- make as many sto~s as fall the sha~e girl. th.el'oad to.su.cc.ess i.s th.e .r.ig. htnor. - of the average river steamer. thiS use of hat we have and the im-

S. F. NO.

t112. by Randall of Madi- time would be greatly lengthened. proveme t of present opportunity.

son-Amen, ing the laws relating to These figures are for the Missis- If you neglect to prepare yourselvessaline educ' tional lands and making sippi River and its tributaries alone. now for the duties of responsibilitiest~e statute~ conform to the general The splendid reaches of the C9!um- that will 'fall on you later. if you dorevenue law. Emergency clause. Ibia River and the mileage of scores not lear~ the things which you will

S. F. No.I,1l3. by Randall o~ Madi- of other navigable streams emptying need Et.. now w?en .your.school daysson-Redu9mg the rate of mterest, into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are q er.1 you WIll suffer the conse­on unpaid *rinciple on sale cont~l\cts and the Gulf of Mexico. are not quenc s. i So any mtion which in itsfor educatilmal OJ: saline lands from takcn into consideration. With this youth Ii~s for only thc day. ·teaps

!!!!!!!~';""!!!!!!!==="""~"""="""="""=""""""""""""=!!!!!!!";"'=====;""===""",,;,I~======,,",,=,16 to 5 per $nt. Emergency clmjse. mileage added. the navigable rivers without ~owing and must expect the--,-~--------'-- S. F. N01.~3, by Randall of ~.~di- of the United States are the wonders penalty '1f the prodigal. whoselabor

son-Empo!:'ers be~ev.olent,protj'ct- of the world. could mlh di~culty find bim theed and frat,ernalsoclCtIes of the ~tate A faint idea of the immense bare me$s of hfe.to own. hol~ and control real est~te. Volume. of water that sweepslthru "A, P~le.Wi.thout Child.ren .f.o.uldEmergenc~ ,clause. the Mississippi valley may··be gained face a h~~lessfuture; acountry'Wlth-

S. F. No, 259. by Randall of Madl· from the fact that every second the out trees, is'almost as hopelesS.. Ason-:-~iBejl the requirement fO~lthe Mississippi River pours into the Gulf true~orest isnotm~rly astorepouseadmIssIOn, to normal schools to a of Mexico 675,000 cubic feet of water. full of whod. but as ItWere. a factorytwo-year high school course or its For more than a quarter of .a of w~od.landat the same time ares·equivalent

1' . century this great volume of water "rvoir oflwater. When you help to

S, F. No 402. by Rapdall of M~di- has served little to advance the cause preserve~ur forests or to planf newson-Provi~es for sys11ms of sewer· of commerce. The' government.' in- o?~s. Y01 ~eactingth,e part o(goodage in citi~s of the second class bav- stead of harn('>,sing the great tide CItIzens... The value of forestry de­lng less than 5000 '·inhabitant~ ·and and making it bear on its· bosom serves, t*erefor. to be taught iiJ theprovides fJr their maintenance ,land fleets of frcight- carrying steamers. schools. !If your ~rb~rdayexetcisessupport, Emergency clausE'. ha., been content to fight it~ cn- help yO~ to reahze what benefits

S. F; N~f :J4:>. by Ra~dall of ~adi- croa<;hnl(:nt OJl farmil!g lamb. ~'e each,o~e'of you receive~ fro.m theson -·r rovl,des for the mcorporatton gardmg It rathcr as a destructive forests apd how by yoU!. assIstancef f . te·:ll d ' . . these benefits may contmue they

o· r" , n i or ers. " . agency than as a great factor In the may serve agopd end. •S. F. N9' 244. by Ra~d~ll of Madl- advanccment of the country's pros· "THEODORl~ ROOSEVELT"

son-Provides for bUlldmg hqmes perity. "and receiv,ng bequests for mainten- With the appointment of the In- ! ."••, .".w.p.p.....

ance for s~me. 'land Waterways Commission. and Many ~essel. of tbe 13rill.b Il~l ar_S. F. Nd,. 32~. by Randall of !'!:ladi. the passage of a big appropriation eqUipped with first rate printlng out·

son-Provides Immenant domam of b'll f . . b Ilt•• andi pltpers are issUed weekiy fotwater waYis thru cities and villages. J or waterways Impr~veme~t .Y th(> amllsenwnt or the' omeers' and

S. F. Nd. 275. by Randall of Madi- the last Congress, thIS pohc~ IS crews. ) have seen S~\'erlll of tbese.son-Prov ding fdr guarantee bonds about to be changed. The freight and tbey are cbuck fUll of wIt .ndfor the de osit of state money. I congestion that has paralyzed the hUlOor Some of the Amerlean wn.r

" 'J d d 1 v"",,els,Mso h.ve p.,pe.... to whlcb allI . . raJ roa s an las gripped the com- who pIcase mftY contribute. Not. tew

Elel1nclty ,Iln the Farm., merce of the whole United States. or the !common seam." are.'.bl._E. B. MIner. of Oriskany Falls. N. has driven the Federal government ,wt1t.~s. iRnn hee.uoe of'''the "liberty of

Y. has so Ved. the. problem Of.. ,' pro- into ta.king ste~s for the creation of ,tb. pr".•.~'...'.. t.he..Y. a.. ~e....no.. ,t. a.. hl.t.....••..f.rn... I.d.. 0.1..• .' '. ~. h .' . f .. ,COlllmlt~g, '.'le"e majes~:: A: good ,,,~l!sslve a~mgi. He h?" rna e a an?t er ?lean, 0 transportatIOn. hit tI~ t ,e,'~~m.ridl~~, G!Bcer or ODI ;'success of kld-glo~e fannmgan' <;an This d~l.slon w~ ~eached only afterl),~,!l\.I\ .,!e!:,o!:'t~l. b'1l!~l'y e!:'~t~· It;iJnow do he Ijadest work od the cQal fa~mnesduscil1hitQld sufl'ermg ;la1ljt" ~.I\nd(mlyw.'y -!If 8!luIU-Injr(',I·premises ithout a' backache." I The throughout the Northwest. and the .('('ounl~:. "TM M""'P.per ba'?'t''l'iil I I~~avy wo k on the Miner farm:ll\l)d agric~lt\1ral'states foun~ themse!ves :yn~ !"~~rslw;'t:;;~h7r:~~:~ ,tIlost.(lf t e.lighter work too. i~ done finanCIally eml1arras.'led III rhe mIdst .t....tn.~II~ 0 •.111•• n ~~nt lnblir'd.~ ,by cll:ctri ity while the farmer aj1d of plenty, beca~se of the inability 'of lIndgr.e t Rd;'lIncee call' now blI.:In.d~ , ,his good i1y stand' idly by: and the railroads t<l carry their products .tnee·th Ilnt.-oducllon of. wlrel~'te1ea' '

., h h hI' ' do<' to .. k t h'l th ft' nn!lv.-INew York PreoL 'watc t w ee sgo foun.. mAr e ,w lee manu ac urmg .'. ',. i· n ~I.I.... ..;,Thet;' ialittle creek r~nnlrill' thru states felt the :mme e?1!Jarrassment. : '. ;;Yo~r hephp.w, tbat's:';,tud.Ylntto bl. I

. 14r. MIne ~sfarm, and he has merely because ofthe ImpOSSibility of get· • <lociolJ--?" . . ':' I

.put tile.s jlllm to work and Is'doing ting delivery of raw materials. "Wel\. 'now, be .ID'thy .D~·ib""DIthe playi g ·himself. Thisstream Large creditis due to the ~ational as us<ilbs, ns yclU·dD.~i.l1'y WInk," ''I:he ha,s h nessed to run asmall dyna- Rivers & Harbors Congress for this Phll""3''hlClllly sold. hone"t~rmermo, whic in turn giv.es hiin electric belated recognitlon of the waterways Rom k. "When. he 'rom...,M~e oulight. hea .and power'· for Iiis ,home as a means for relieving transporta- a v.calon I mak~ blnt not on., killand farm buildi.ngs. A small dam tion distress. . The organization. dtbO C~tlekenlst' atsb OCC8

barSI..ODI a. rI.....d ." .. bbaU.11

. : h' h h " tJ. ' reBa • no, e I'B n; aD. Wof the 110 type was bUIlt of con· w IC as:-ren at work for five little k ow1td~~ Mha. '~IreadyJot ofcrete. T e fall is about. 6 (t•.. A; year~ bringing 'the mat~r to the ~~ aurlleryr:'~n.hle~ 41'; to :;"0 • I!1qr.~ ar- ;,!sm.all po~r.h.ousewaseqUlPpe,d. WIth. tent.. lOn of the co,untry, IS n.on-pohtt-tIatJdO I..~.h..•.n... ,~n'y,ot .. tb.... e..,... Tes.... ,t.'.0..~•.....u..~..:.,.C8...• 0....a liater h~el and a 250 volt gener- cal and lends its powerful inlluence do. IDa It~ of .11 the practice w~ib~v, ""atfjr. Th,· electricity is carried to to no individual scheme fo~. betU'rc hnd Itl . nunsc\.n~ll\e Wioy. :A..~lecethe hou~anCJbarn by cables:' ment. It stands for a general cam- oou""tl.l<1' J!lnocb, ha. Its brlll!it.alde,

At the spacious farm house' elec- paign of 'fate~ways improvement, even It! It doell ~t <!OJuI1cIerab\t."­tricity Iig tS all the rooms. heats aand has eonterided unhesitatingly .PtIC~.~•• Anro...r "MI••,•••';·

number.. of apartments; runs the that not less than $50.000,000 a year Tbe 'nov. EugeDe Velromile.' lID

sewing ml.chine and will al80beilsed should be expended by the govern- Itall.n rlrl..t.who was tbe pnlJt<>l'-farto eook t,e foOd; The ,cream: issep,: ,me!1t i~" t~is In!~rtant work' of in- many Yila.. ·~t ~.'.!POtt, ~nd ...~olw""arated b~el~ti1City andthe ~,.eaVy ternal Improvel\1ent. . ,."n kn.t.m !fOr hili ml..IM•.r.r I~..rabarrell. urn'. ill run by the same ~moo!!' tbe Prulumll<Juoddy Indian••

. . . ..,. P . E I ts and al.~ tor ,Ills OOU<!allooal ",ott. Inpower.j\:small motor drIVes .the . " otato. x~r men '.. lbeJrl~¥!I~ ,,":VI!l~eOiOOlI'l4l\~lc-buzz sawr,the grinds~ne. t~~feed. The l1l!~r/lSk~,~ic~Jtu~all<:xper-t1oll.~1Dd..~wiA~ulJhl\t.t;;~iI'e.cutters, ~hefanningrnlllandllumps ~me.n.t Stati91l ?jlS.' Just l~lJed.. B.. Ul\e~- ""t'X!'ti?.m.·iI.lf.....ron..., ... ~e;Y~t.IV.,....e.. I.'1 .•..11.n18.. t.,.the. water.· ,m No. 9T entitled "Potato Experl- t relating to. hi. chut'ch. aDd .

The c t of ~he plant was ttifling ments." .. The Bullctin gives resultavlolentJ~ OPrMel1 . to.rlythlog tllatco~ideri .. ',w~at it doe~.. It; ~u,:s !,f e~J1Cri(T)ent;s~~h ~if!ere!,~.ki!,ds~~b:<\~~Dg~:~r:tu:.e·:\'ODlP""ga1l9nnig~t an day and !"eqUlres prllCtI- M seed, olze of seed pieces. dlll'erent on"" ur . ". " . "';!'!l:bll.b a "mls-cally no tten1ion further thahoil- inetl10ds 'ofpfeparlng"· tile' 'land. 'idon"lii "'In'tira'.;r"~o'ro\l.e'iug twi . a 'week. .... . . . .. planting~ culti¥.tfjng.mUlching,arld~r.me b~ t1iell~ttli\rgtiimembers"or'the'

There .e doub~less hundreds of ·the like. It is sent free to residents church, h0l"' .plrltunl.eotldltlon thootherpl'througli(;lltthecountrY'~fN.·e.'br.:U;ka. '.lI"hests'foW ~hohjd '~N·;~'1 ~,.~II!!,,~Di,4.~I!.\fl~1!!$',,"'..,I.,;; 1;1,·,,,,,'\f'I.. . " . ., . . 0, D. bereplled.wlthbls."qu.l"t 'where all' watj!r power could be be addressed to,the.AgncultUJ;al:Ex- .ocent. "1 ~o not ~pj>rove of mlssloo", Iiutililized and a similar plant perimental Station, Lincoln. Nebr. Dey m. e; de ~xcltement. but tlIelr'e!-htstalled __Electr'ic News. .. " . raolJla b.ot,laot1ng.~· .•• .. 'i

, lIoh oared In 00 mlnn",.,b,; Wool- "Ob• .Y ,they a~r' .heJllsllltj,d.,ford'. Sanlt".,. t..o'ion. m.e' faU. "Well. In that ....e•. ,on dOD"! needSOld h7 Ed J. Raymond, drngg!.t. on.. tor G\liibad.ooe dree , ...........'.

I' '. ,,;i ."'II'.t",,~,,;,.'I'1"i '1!~~li';" I",

··f·T"·~:",!· ···::jilll·L'j


Page 5: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds


, .


Ralph RundellI I

Phone 68..... Cash Grqcer

ack t, Ca..pet ~aper

, ,-...'-....

Sprillg and., \

, Sum er\Go s \ :

We now have, ill stock II the la~st~no~.elties in dress good!! fo spring a d u •mer wear. OUir s~~rll i brim ful 0 I t e ~latest and bes~ of every hing in t e ge -'

. eral merchandise line. '~


~ are in ~~Iendishape to Fliver Axm:i,ster, Velvet, B~us·1

&el~ or I Ihg ain Rug~ I

in Rlom izes..... I


S lendid sele.ction of all wool ngrain ca:rpet~j rna e toIi your rooms.. "No Waitin~.' See what yo~ get.

P rque Oak Filling ~or around rugs (Oil Clothb not ex-p nsive, but clean au~ durabl . 1

J. p Matting in dilTeil'enj patte ns, Stair Carpets, S allR ~s, Lace Curtains, Portie s, Lou~~e Co~ers, Etc.

A new piece of Linoleum 12 f et wide, for kltche or''ning room.


1'- .'I


•'r (.

,ji'~"'=='~~~~~~*~~~~!ci~~~~~~~~~~~"'~," ... ' . I' COLL€GE NOTES. i CLUBS AND SOC~TY-, I ~

A h Sh· t f Eugene Moore of Decatur lisited I The Fortnightly Club 1~1 meet A th B · 0ff '. ,'~not :er f m,en 0 I' withhisbrotherRobertoverS nday. i~~Mrs.Chas.cullernextiTueSdllY . no er argaln ~efln"t

IDr. and Mrs. Heckert and augh- moon. I " ,

A ' ! t ter we.re the. guests of Pr<jf. and i '" RUNDt=LL'S'U.

gs,:ND arpe', Mrs. PIle at dmner Sunday. I The young ladies are planning a i ••• L •••Miss Dugger and h.er broth.er :en- i suprise party this eve;:;Jng fm one of Ii

joyed a Visit.,: from their cousi». l'(I r,Itheir friends. Nuff sed. ( +++++++++++++++++++++..r"..-:.+...K.++-t....ol".1o.;..r:.•...:4++·1o+~1++t+:;>Jo:++1

M~~~c~e~:;ene:f ~~~u;:~~s Vi~it- The U. D's. me: with Mrt Morris We realize that the bargains that have offered at this stbre r~ed his son, and daughter 'at th~, Tuesday afternoon. The ~ime was cently has resulted in bring many new customers here, hutlas weCollege FrIday. Mr. Rothleutper Ispent in reading and disctf'8ing the are ambitious and have ample facilities we are prepared tot.. andle.•of Cherry county spent Satur~ay Poem "Ibbi Ben Ezia." la "~rger volume of business and intend to offer bargains fro 'weekwith his son. • I to week that will command the attention of all.

Today occur the regUla.;' final, ex- Invatations have been iSSred for a 'amination for this term. The work card party. at the home of Mr. and Commencing Friday, April 19, (I;.nd.for thiS term has been very good m Mrs. A. T. Witter, this evening,most cases, and gOOd. resf'ts lare complimentary to their daulhter Mrs ending Thursday Event'ng, Aprt·: 25,looked for by the teachers. , W. D. Hammond of Blair.~~~~~~~ • I

enrolling the present studhnts who T'h Sh k' . h h we will offer the followingbarg lirts:'ll b . hI' t. e a espearJans met Wit t e

WI. e m 8C 00 . nex ter~. Misses Olmstead and S cking on rThIS leaves the later .par. of thIS Tuesday evening, The lub have Columbia C. 25c broom at. 1week for the enrolhng I of new f' I h d th t d f th d "Th 3. pound can Vienna brand 35c colfee 9td ts mse esuyo e ama e 3 db I t h25s u en . I Twelfth Night," and will ow begin poun ox g oss s arc, c 15A number of visitors sPe1Jt part of the study of "As You Like It". 2 three pound cans apple butter, 20c 3

last week at the College1 Among 3 pound can baked beans. , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1 ,the former students ,vho were 4 cans sweet corn. . , 2noticed are: Walter rower, Miilses Mrs. E. P. Wilson was ~ostess to 2 pound ginger snaps ,.... . 15Nellie Palmer of Bmerson, and the Monday Club, Monday fternoon. 1 bottle ~. R. ketchup, , , 111Hattie Benedict of N<lrfolk. The afternoon was spent in the disc 1 three pound can L. C. sliced peaches in heavy I

Mr. LaVelle of Sioux City. who cussion of current even and the t,', syrup, full weight, extra bargain at. . 25~installed the heating: plant, spent reading and study of th Persian 2 boxes shredded cod fish. .. .. ili5sortie time on College' hill Saturday. poem, "Rubaiyat~f Omar ~hayan." 3 pkgs. garden seed..... . .,. . 1The cold weather ofl the paBt few I 1 gal. sour pickles, solid . . . .. .. ,.weeks has made it necessary to keep One of the truly delightff'1 affairs 1 16-oz. bottle Spanish Queen olives. . .25cthe heating plant i~ operation the of the social season was hE1ld at the China Novelties, choice. .. . 'lOc'~greater part of the time now. beautiful home of Mr. arid Mrs. J. Useful Kitchen UtenBils. choice ... . 10c-5

Mrs.Chas. Beechel10f Fairfax, S. G. Mines, Tuesday evening, when ++....~-++++++.~_++++-I-H+lo-l-H++++++++++++.~++++D., visited over Sunday with her with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. ,Bister-in-Iaw. JeBSie, BeecheI. Mrs. Pile, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. \Vilson and Having received many compliments on our Chick food fhaveBeechel isthe wife of Chas. Beechell Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber the decided to extend the Special Price of 10 pounds for 25c noth~rwho was a student h~re last winter. Acme Club members and ~heir hus- -

b d t · d ~h t week in order to get this food moro extensively introduced. ~ YouM.r. Beechel now hw1, a good position an s were en ertame. e. eve~ -

~=t:=~=~===!±===t==:===t:=t==~lm a lumher and gram company: was the last of three of t e Club s will also need Bome of our chick founts whichlwefare sellin' at:·2. .....__.~._--~ Mrs. Pile and the la~B of the social meetin.gB for the yeat· Neith- for 25c. Be sure and and see them. I ....

~~ i Large Dormitory entertamed the er preparatIOn. nor eXPFnse was ~LL++LLL~L++LLLL++++++++++ •.+ -". "'," ., I ... i ladies of the New Dormitory Satur- Bpared to make It a great BlIcCeS.Q and ............ ~ ............ ,~ :·+++*++·H+++f+......

THE '~SE TL'ER" day afternoon at the President', one lo?g to be remem~er~d by th" W h j

~I \' , reBidence. The dini"g hall Saturday partlC~pants. The SpaclO~~ rooms of c e ave our own delivery, so do not hesitrte to

~• ., the Mmes home were tastllr decorat-· phone in your orders whether large or small and! th~y

OMBIN TI N T ~' L l evemg was m charge of the young ed with club colors-blueid yellow ill e . th tt f tn h l all d


: : men, who performed their duty well. -in the form of festoons, from the ~ r celve e same a en Ion as oug you c e• E t . d f C IU person. II .,'..~.. . x-coun y supermten e.nto um- chandelierB to the wall, an a profu- I -~

, l mg County, Mr. Manmng. Bpent sion of roses and carnati ns. The

M:II... .'dtt UUltMi: I i. :~e~~~~i~~ t~:s.co~~~~ I:t .:~::i ~:san~~~~6r~~~uc~~:~.l~~t~en~; more~~:aie~;~~o~~d~~Et~~:t~ o~i;d~~lin~~. I.. ' ' I ' . 'York as a profeSSIOn and .'S ~ow piece being a mound of w~te roses. method. :

;; ill I : 10cated on a ranch near RapId City. the place cards were neatly hand.,. III : S.D., M:r. Mannln!l' had not been to pllinted, those for the la ies beingAWWAAW RAH : Wayne for some time and was BUr- adorned with violets hile the

r 'i prised t~ see so many !lew buildings gentlemen. ·B.. c.ards sho~e various. " on the hill. I juvenile s"pneB. The din er, which

For working wit. wire, combines the eX,cel- : At a meetjog of the graduating was served in three cours s by. thelent qualities o· the v tous tools onJ'the I classes Satu~day afternoon, Ar~hur Mi""es Blair, Anderson an BeecheI,

k t b •d d.' t k h' h Anderson of Concord, a member of wag immense, and was m de merrymar e, eSI es Tomg 0 er wor w IC one the State Certificate Class, was elect- by.the reading of conund urns andof them can do., ,The 0 ly tool that sp~lces ed President of the classes. W. R. the answers, which had b en distri-

. a broken wire bJtween osts and leaves it ~ Schneider of Pilger was elected pre- buted' at the various plac s at the, . , , !i sident of the Scientific Class. an~ W. table. Following the' ba,quet red. -_._-"--'---'~-perfectly tight•.: It is al 0 a. wire cutter land L. Campbell of Belden has the *me roseB were handed each Ilay and to ~===============:::::===;=;::::;::;::lIIIl.·'~tretcher •. · ' office in the T.eaCher.'~. Professibnal .the gentlemen red carn'.> ons were '

Class. We were not able to I~arn given, while all joined in ames and PROGRAM I-" Inames of the other otjicers elected. charades until quite a ate hour. ••• • ••.. e'eI'y '&' -,-- ·+-When the party disperse • it was Of the entertainment to be given for the benefit of

J'. I' Methodist Meetings. with many kind reminisce*es of the I


.~ . . .The evangelistic se~vices underlwening and compliments for the en- the Rest Room, at the Opera House, Saturday, IApril, tile leadership of Rev. !Jr. McKaig tertainers. I ZO, at3 o'clock p. m. '. I '

"~.~m~~~~~j"+t"~"""~~n~~~ at the MethodiBt church will c1ose"""-- -- .S~nday night. The Suhday morn- Whooping Coug~ ;I(l.:.I~;I(l.;I(l. II

i.~gserv. iC..es will begin sit. ·.I.o:30I.an.. d I'h.ave uBed...Cha~.berlai .. 's '.Co.u.ght~eev~nin~ serviees at 7:~0. F;vaJIge- ~eme~y in my Ja!1ll)Y i . c!i"Cs'lf InsttNllental Solo Katherine f',il.J..e.. '.r..

list McK:aig 'has certainlY: e1eared whoollln~ co!'gh, ani:! wa t ~ tell ,hImself, to the people his' ethods you that It IS the best edlcm~ I Solo Mrs. orrisbi. d db'" '. have.everuse.-W. F. Gast n, Poseo,

e.mg.. commen e y rep.r.ese.nt,tatlvea Ga. ThiS. rem.edY .is safe land aure. C . t S I L BJ' kof the dilfenlnt ,churches.~h ~ork ~'or aale by Raymond's Dr g Store. OrDe 0 o. . . . . . . . . . .. ro erof the Beck famil~ is remark b e in . S 'J . B'that it showB!what the light 0 the . Sholes Items onl!' ; aml8 ,Itt(ln

gospel can d~ for' the c610~e.aree. Since we last had' any ews from Instrumental Solo , Mr4. C. man

~ra, Beck" who, is sent "',out a thia quarter quite a change as takenirac!e of missions, will, spe4k at- place in Sholes. Mr. W. . Booze. Solo. . . . .. . . . . . Hattie .ebel'

d y mght. . ~ a store keeper has gone to Wichata, I I

~-,----:c- K t I' nstrumenta Solo Mrs. J. , iller

JO,hn,S:Wllinson.Passes Aw Yfl l!Ilsas 0 Ive.D

o' d 'J h' S t h' h Mrs. Fox and daughter, Ima and Solo Mrs.Ie , . 0 n wanson, a I me L'll' h d S .

i Way~e Nebraska on Apr I 5tn I Ian ave. move to oux CIty, S I• • 'and. the hotells vacant at present. e ection. .. . . . . .. . ,Mandolin Club1 ,aged 71 years llmo?ths 2 da. Mrs. Paminter of Rand Irhwill.1The deceased was barn m Sweden, . t th h tel . .Th "b .. , Solo. . .. . Hattie erry..!'lfBY 3,1835. I Heemigrated to

S'_move In 0 e 0 .soon. e. oys

erica in 1869luid located at Om a, a~ present are ~kmg .t ree JPeals Violin Solo........................ .. .... Otto oget.Nebraska.. In 1880 he with his fa . lIy a::iaW. Shr~eder ~untlll the. hotel. . Accompanied by Pauline Vl)~et . :,moved to.his farm in Dixon Co eb. s up agam. C Ifour miles N.E. ofWayne.wh ~~ he .Mrs. C~ie. Liddle spent Sunday Solo ,. ~. . 1IaeCunninghluJ

res.'.'." ided.. u.nti.l four.. yeara ago. wen. he.. WIt.h .her.fr.lend Mrs. H.elp n.'bef~..re . " ,

~OVed to W~ll,where h i~d she left for her new ho e inMcICornetSolo L: Duf.o~.~tl;teralingeringiJInessoffoury' HIlIll'Y,N.D. , ~ I' .. 1

oH~prfil 1Iitha1

1907.. 0 • , Gd~y Rookt returned fro ' .O",aha ': I ,.11, . I I I.;

, IS' uner . was· held at t St. an la wor ing on tne secti n. Admissi()n:' Adult and hildr d 12 I beI'/lul's .Luthern church on ed. Mrs. Wolfile has been uite sick 8 C ,en un et·. years~ 1r.;

~PriI1.7th.co.. ndUCted...b,.Y. Re.. v.•. ,.•Ji..b.U.t..is'im.. prOVin

gat pre .nt'.wri.te- '. unde~1Z,yean, Sc., , " .. 1


11. ·nger. His widow and o~,son ing.a, rvive to mourn hiBloss. ,', Mi-.. Gu<!gel and 80 Glifford I~5~E"E'E~IJ"EE55:EEE~=:;:;;:~~~~~~~~~~, English Spavin Liniment re ve l'ettys went to MeadowviJI . Wis. to ,. Whit~lVY~~do'tt;;

a I Hard, Soft or Calloused r: lll!t her furni~ure. They '11 live in E E BRU'CE t. CO'S $1..00 per set.ting. See',d Blemishe.B from'h.orses, ood Sholes on'thelr return. I·'.. "",.


iavins, C'1rbs, Splints, sw~ IlY, ..', a~en~e ea n s are n w Iiveing I"D8" NickleCigar

"il'lg Bone", Stifles, ,Sprain, jUl m~~elr new house. , I ,I I I I _,

l:i ollenThroats,Couglls,etc.. ve M;r.and Mrs. J. E. K,logg of TheproofoftnePuddn~ismtheH.'r....+_.....=lo:oi....."""'=¥ilf'l'~"oby the use of one bOttle. ar- Omaha Bpent two days I t week Eatin~. Smoke'lhe "B.B.' and you

rFted the most wonderful HI ish with Mr: and Mrs. M. L Helpin. 'will get the proofand the puddingS~:. ever known. Sold by E' J They!made their last ViI ~lIfore too. AbBolutelY the best 'that can

\'.~ ...ond, druggist. I r i • movillg t!o ck.lfornia. I "00 ma!il1factli#d fo~el " ,

~, , ~' It'I~ks~thowinter h ~ena TR I

, It's a ~tubhorn an4 stitt·n I'd nIlW,s~. ~e, groqnd (' cOveTe!l·IIi-__...__'I!o1-..........;:.....:...-.I! IIrt of pnd~ that makes a man Iilk with 8I\ow ~d it illr still lII\owillg See W L, So

]hen he might as well ride. ' q!!ite~. ' ~''~·W.WI.

Ii., I' , I ,11. 1'1" I . ,I, '1"i,I ", ,I, " ",,,:11,, H',' '1"1""' ";I,,,,iII;_ ">:: I I, I I' i 'I I I, I I~;~ ; I I 'I ' \ I" I ,:' I 'I' I ~I II I ~l\

Page 6: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds

No ~ will queption the st+periorappearance of wen~painted property,The q~ion that the property~owner

~~:Scoi:t?""'Is the appea~nc~ worth

Poor Paint is for temporary appear_anceon[y. ,

Red SealPprei White. Lead

Paint is i, for, lasting appearance a.ndfor prot'ction. Iti sa.ves repairs andrePlace~ents costing many tim.e~ thepaint in est~eJ;lt,

Tbe ,ulch Boy trade mark isfoundonly on kegs containing Pure White

~:a~lt~~t~'C1):;~lF()R. .... I

SdOK ' /. . _"ATolkJnpsrnt .. ' " ~'f~ ','il:1'l'M'l'olu ble info'r. . ~<;)matlon 0 the paint 'f1uhject, Bent tl'ee All ked packtd inUPQD. t'~ etIt, ,_ ! L~01 btGr., thl. Murk.

NATI NAL LEAD COMIlANYClark A e,. a~,d ~~th;' ~~ •• St,_ ~u,l,l' _"'.., ';

Fo Sale By All Dealers

Frrd EickhoffWells, Cisterns, Caves, Ditch Worll;

All Ref8ir., Pumps, Windmills

Phone 10'... -:- ...Wayne,

timates Furnished

Calt on ;W, B. Vllil, thf' oprieif\n,_ andr,SVfl youJ flY~8 "'xalbined free by the 160.

t,Ptit· impr~v\"l'i in!~trnlllent'8.


Sta!lIion PoloI


~ea.son of 1907MondaYl Tuesday, Wednesday and

Thursray at Fi W, Vahlkamp'sp1aer 31Diles 'west and 1 1-2

mrles south of Wayne '

Lriday, S8turd~y and Sunday, atHenr ~uIi's' place oitelhalf

m Ie ,east of Winside

Polo is ,I:e¥islered in the Per­cheron St~d-Bo()kof America,/Llld hi r~cor~ numbllr is 29686Polo is a dark,steel!gray; fine

head a d Inec~. a good back,good a tion and has great qiJal­ity. e has proved 'himself a~ure f( al: getter aud a ,goodbreede. In good fleshwt.1800

H'e .~~ C. ,Ehlers


In the matter of the application ofP!'ter Thomsen for liquor license,

Notice is hereby given that PeterThomsen <lid on the 5th day ofApril, 1907, file his application tothe mayor and council of the City ofWayne, Nebraska, for license to sellmalt. spirituous and vinous liquorsiiJ' the building situated on loteleven, block twenty-one, in theFirst ward of the City of Wayne,Nebraska, for the fiscal year com­mencing on the first Tuesday in May,~967,,'If there is no objection, remon­

strance or protest tiled on or before~uesday•. May 6, 1907. t'Je saidhcense WIll be granted,

A. T. Witter, City Clerk.NOTICE -Of;---APPi.ICATION FOR


In the matter mthe application ofHerman Mildner inr liquor license.

Notice i8 herehy given that;R"rmanMildner did on the 25th day ofMarch, 1907, fEe his appHcatlon tothe mayor and council of the city ofWayne, Nebraska, for license to senmalt, spirituous and vinous liquorsin the building situated on lotTwelve, block Twenty-one, in theleirst ward of the ei ty of Wayne,Nebraska, for the fiscal year of 1907,commencing on the first Tuesday inMaY,1907, '

If there is no objection, remon­strance or protest filed on or beforeTuesday, May 6. 1907, said licensewill be granted

A. T, Witter, City Clerk.


In the matter of the ~pplication ofA. N. $toflden for liquor license.

Notire is hereby given that A. N,Stoddendidon the 26th day of March,1!)(j7. file his application to the mayorand the pouncil of the city of.Wayne.Nehraska, for a Jicensp to sell malt,spirituous and Yinous liquors in thebuilding situated on lot Seven, blocktw('nty-one, in thE' First ward of theeit..,. of \Vaym', Nebraska, for the'fiscal YPa!' i'omnH'lwing on the firstTU(':-iday ill Ma:\', 1~I07,

If tJH'rc i;::,.I\O 1l!ljl"dioll, n~rnoll­

,-;ll';lllCP or pJ'lJI.",<L Iilcd Oil or beforeTlIl',;day, J\:lay j;. 1~)1.!7, ~aid liel'nscwill Ill' ,1.~I'alltf'd,

A, '1', \\'1'1"1'1-:1', ('it)" CI"rIL

]l;otice of A!l!,lication ForDruggist's Permit.

I tl t.he maUf'l' of t1w application of.]. '1', Ll'ahy for a drug-gist's permit:

?\ot.ice is hen'by gh-en that J, T. I

IA'ahy did on the l'i clay of April, 'Hi07, flIe his application to the mayorand tity council of the city (dWayne L:- _

0Jf'bl'a::;ka, to sell malt, spirituousand vinous liquors for mechanical,medicinal, and .sacramental purposesat his place of business in the city ofWayne, for the fiscal ,year commenc­ing on the first Tuesday in May, 1907al,d ending on the first Tuesday inMay, 1908.

If there are no objections, remon­strance or protest filed within twoweeks from the date of the ,filingsaid petition, the said petition willlie gr,lIlted, A. T. Witter,

City Clerk,-----

Notice of Application ForDruggist's Permit.

In the matter of the application ofEd. ,J. Raymond for a druggist's per­mit:

Notice is hereby given that Ed. J.Raymond did on the 17,day of April,1907, file his application to the mayorand city council of the city of Wayne TEJlM :+-$15,00 to stand upNebraska, to sell malt, spirituous, and 'l'U k! 'l~he owner of the'and vinous liquors for mechanical, I·'·medicinal, chemical and sacramental mare t ~he time she is uredpurposes at his place of business in ~vill b obliged to pay, the foalthe city of Wayne, for thE/fiscal year biII if ;hl;l mate is sold or oth­commencing on the first Tuesday in erwise di~posed of, by the own­May. 1907, and ending on the first er at t Je time of service, the,Tuesday in May 1908. foal bi I shall become due at

If-there are no objections. remon- _ ,.. .strance or protest tiled within two tlme.o d'ISposltlOn. Not re-weeks from the date of the filing sponsi Ie for accidentssaid petition the said permit will begranned: A. T. Witte~', City Clerk:

To Wh'!m it May· ConcernFurther hearing Oil petitions for

naturalization will be had Oil April22nd, 1907. B. F. FEATHER,

Clerk of the District Court.

If yoU haven't time to exercise reg­ularly, Doan's,Regulets will preventThey induce a mild, easy, healthfulaction of the bowleswithoutgrippingAsk your drugg;stfor them. 25c.


Teachera' oxaminatlons will be RivEHtbil\liltd!FrIday! and Satilrllay; followlog of .soh month., A, E. LITTELL,

Opnnty Superintend.ril.

I! '

\t. \s \..oeat~'d V'¢ry N~f 6\rthf'taco ofbraham Linc:oln.

In conner: )J)J1 W}t}l tile movement torthe preRep Hon of the log cal~11J nearUodgem'Ule, Ky., (n willelt: ':,LlHc:dnwus bOI'll. It Is IIlter~tjng to n?te thattlle center' de PO[lUllltioll of tbe: UnitedStat. \8 Yt' close to th\.s SllotL Hod­genvl1le Is ot far from tbe Ob 0 river,the houudn y Hue between K~ntuckrBud IuditHUl, and just over he lJue


In the lIMSleI' Htate Is tile [O!lIt re·gardeu as the cCJllel' of, 1)()IJU~lltiou orthe rf>pllbllc.· Tlw fH'compnllylng mapBl10wR the ~(!ogrllplJlcal Hit.\lU~OI1' Asa I,wtlonnl S.l1rl~C the LlncolU.U rthL>Iuce.lR seen to be very fn \'orn bly I ted, I

Govetnpr 8wettcnham, "th~ King.Bcaidle of Bumbtedoml.:,

rill' Alex.in'lcr Swelteuhum, tbe Brit­Ish go\"eru@T of the Islund of .Jnmalca,who gll\'e I !tenr Admiral Havl!:l blswnJldng tH"ket~ after the lfi~ter had~one to Klhgston wlth his' warships toreJH1('f nl(l :to th~ earthquake sufferers,was uppoldted to hIs [Jost III 1904, Pre­vtou~ly he 'had f;eryed mostly ,In A:c;lat­Ie stntlon~. ': lIe waH 1mI'll In 18~G UIHJ isn !'lOll of .J:. 0, R,n·ttpnhum ~f Rf'lperLod~W. })~[·hy. 1I1~ g'l'liduat'f'd fmlllClare Colle~(\ Cambridge, In '1807, en"

ANO'l'Hlm ALEXAKDEU 'filE om~AT,

tercll the If'l'~'lon ('\yil ~cl'\'leh In .18118"WUH rceel 'er general of Cyprus from1884 to l~:Jl. uuditor geuen~1 of Cey­lon from ~8Ul to lHUG and lUi the l\1tt('l;yenr ":118111ppotll.ted colonial Rccretarj'at Slngul1ore, From 180S to 1900 li~was actin, gO\'eruor of the StraIts SetJtlements llIl.d during the Hucccculug fou~

years Wll~ governor und commnnoor lIi·cblef of I\rltlsh GUlntlll, The Phlludel;phlu PrcA~ hllK Cftrlc~ltur(~d him ~':ldel;

the CUPtl~n "niH .1'~xc:el~e1.H~Y-llhem!-:­Sh' Alex nuet·,. the King Beudle' orBUllilJled U1." ' . ,


.8uccenon of Jamel Frank Allee In the~ nited States Senate.

The 101Jj~ struggle In 'OeJnwore overthe QUeSllOIl of 11 SUCC(!RRor of .TulllesFrank Allee In tbe United States sen­nte re8ul~ed In the choice of Hurry A.RlchnrdHq.ll for the place. He walnomInate? by the RepubHcun majorityIn caucu~ and subseqnently elected by


!'.,,_* W' 'WW _._. wwa

'I H~lp he iGirls IIt,' , J THE ' I , _

lie HER· LD VO ING CONTEST II . -'- -- ----~-------'-'--- ..---~-------- -:., -: -- -1* OPPORTUNITY__ eekly Papers for the Pric~ of Ohe _ _

It nd the Nebraska Farmer _.. st Fanner's p~per in th~ west, FREE, •

__ . e of the girls by giving her your votes ~

I ' I


the Cdntestarts i:

1 IM::~: '::;'" ::: ~I ! IIt:l il Miss Ka e Baker 10685 'I -

,1. ~ Miss Ma gie Carro ,10900 _

'''':i~,:.ri" iii'i"-";J'i' ' ......., in. ....~,.....n ... 'ni...."'.,.,H,.~..........""~iin.. IIiIeI I ..­~­~


~~------------_i-III .'_ ~ARRY A. RICHA!OSON.

. . . d d'"'' . . the legl,lature, tbe outcome being a;rhere will be nO duplica vote .ISSU~ ~!'. :,lio vo~e~ will be counll'd or published III I the paper defeat f'lr the faetlon owing allegianceuntil they ah 11 have bee depo,lted In li~ ":ilUfot.~o~ in our office. ,After ,:,otes have,~een placed _ to ex-Senator Edward Addlcks. 'rbein the box th y cannot b cha ed or t aIl~f~V~ Ih any way~ and they will be coun~dand pub- senator elect Is a partner of his fatb,r

Bal~o ~tl bil cl\l"e ully kept, and no one except, the party _ at Dovel- In tbe canning business ande will b~~Wl~d to open or handle the ballot bOll' ,other Inl/ustrlal enlerprlses and Is tbll'

:, ~1 .e"••~._ :.-:;:n~:::::8:rt:::· e::: ~~:: ::_ __~... U!O sonato trom tHe state ot DelawllN.

, :,',1;" '!(' 11';1.1' I' '. I

Page 7: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds

. ,





ad (l::'~)­

7 times 45c"I

They are'the prettiest,At this store only


The' easy way is toput a want-ad in

and tell the people thatyour· business is for §~le

AI three line3 ;, times 25c;


Address Want-Ad Dept., Omaha Bee, O~aha,:Neb.,1'1 "-,, I I ,': ":·"11'"'' I' """'I"r',",!,'" t

....~~y•• _r.;:..n-t.a:i~~~'bOd)'"

Buy rlOn Gty lace curtains.cheapest and best.

$~.90 to $10.50

The best fitting skirt is in this

line of ~uckingham skirts which ,

we hanepe. The people who make

these skirts mllke nothing e1se­

just skirts-so they'd ought to

be good: and if you will step into

the st~re a minute and say

"SKIR'rS". You will soon be

more ihan convinced that we

have the best line,I I

Pric:e.s from



Boys' Century, 18c, garter topSaturday only, pair •• 12 l-Zc

Order Your Spring Carpets from Us. They come ma(le Ito fit the floor, Without fxtra fxpense !

Misses' lsc cotton ribbed, No. 15Saturday only, pair •• , •

Ladies' 2Sc Lisle, No. 161Saturday only, pair •

We can prove to you that Topsy

hosiery is the upst" We want more

people to know of Topsy SuperioJity. so

on Satnrday we will make three spec­

ials" 01le for the Uoys, One fur the

Misses' and' one for the Ladies.


•"'~~~~~~~~~~~..f:~M~r~s.~E~]]tB~a~n~d,~da~U~g1te~rJi:~rs~,,~c.~.H~~I~.IiJ.aJ.t.[MaJ,~MHt:_.,..(~.~~~~~~~~t;~.~~U~;:~~t;~~~~U~~~~Ud~.~~~;j I It FiBherwe epassenge;Jseast:t>!onday ltM: :Kd~rJfdU~UrlltJd~&

'I ~ " ,: =:-==l..,o='=l==I,bN=e=w=s=-=::i::;)fl

Mr. W. ' "Fleetwo6d is nhl'sing

= if ::tainfI boil on iis 1st

thi I Spe~ial Room·Size Rug Sale........++I+l~++i_++i_++++ Al How accomp:jnied hy Loui Orr & Mo,'rris CO.

D" A. lHng was in Wakefield Sat- 4iemer of oskins are Sio~.X Cit """ . ' You can save {tom $8.00 to $5.00 on a rng if you huy one at this stored ' , " . --,. - or bef,?re Moqday, t/Je22nd. Look at. these prices and if yuu neet! ... rUK

ur ay. , , ',vIsitors ay. ii', .. I not fall to co. anJI

see these.Mrs. Leisen ng was in Sioux CiTY Mrs. H. . Morris of Carr?]] was oil[ " "

~~nday. . guest at t, C :_;":~lU;' Pfrrf hqmc ;-es .... W A yiN E II ft. by 12 'ft. Btu1l8~hl Rugs", :" "" '" ."".. '"',''',''' .$151Y1 to $1900N. N" Sack rson of Wakefield w terdayan today. . I + 8 ft., 3 in. hy 14Ft., 6 in. Axmlnster Rugs,,, .. "" "" , " , ,,$11;.00 to $22,,60

. iin town on bu inessy(:gterday" Dr. Cal well retUrDf.:d to lIishomj 9 ft. by J2 ft_ Axminster Rugs, ... """"" """" ,," "" ,:lil!Jooto $22.50. J. M. Lloyd has gone to Washing- at Haskell Ind" Ty. 'I after \ severa 9 ft. by 12 ft" V~Ivet I:tu:!s. Conventional Designs, . , , ' " " , ",,$20.00ton state to Sl nd several months. weeks visi in Wayne. i . ,

Highest m rket pri~e paid for Oscar S anson and :wife, Ileft th~ !

eggs at . . H~rington's" first of th week for ~ sho~t visitl' 'A, first clas second hand six oct. at points 'i Minnesota, . , i Topsy Hiosiery Specials Here's the fit

organ for sal cheap at FI~etwood & !lir: and~Mrs" Furgeson returne<j.1 ohnson. last eveni g from theJ.. r weste.rn tri*.I M'is" Maso and d'l~ghter were and repo~ a delightf~ time". I

! passenge~s f ,r Omaha Wednesday Mrs B F smith~'S het, fro~ ILlmorning,,' Emers~~'io 'spenda w da s wit !If

Mrs. R. P illeo and Mrs, M. J. her mot~e Mrs" M" A"Spea s" IIIEpler~ere s ,?pping in, Sioux City ~ring iU~ your e!'g will pay tot !tEoSaturday. pnce. I Harrm on. ,

If you have a house orfarm to sell I The.leadin, clothier" '

I w<: can find ou a buyer inquire at Mrs,,~rring and ~aughtk Im~, Ithill office, were pot O,kland, last week tJ attel,d

The Arlin n and Jewell nurseries the fU~ r.~I of h.e.r siste.r's Iit.,.tle girl, have been m king big deliveries in who"'; el Was 4 years. . I

Wayne the p t week. Mr, 'e Icker movEjd his olr, houstEd, A. Joh son and Fted Remender ulito th J t south of the Nangle I

ar~No.rth .akota t~i. week Junk- place 1t Is week and i~ going to putIng after Ian mtel'eilU. up a n~' ne on the did lot. i I .

Mrs. C. A, Chll.ce returned from LO ' n Saturd~y, April 6t~, "Sioux City 0 Saturday mornin&" af- betwee' ain St" and~crea,"? istatioq,ter (I. few da s visit there. pocket !b ok contai ing l\b\Jut $16. II

Mrs" We returned born llinurel Finder 1<i dly report this pffice. I IWedilesday .oming after spend1lllr Fred I .bald receiV.'ed a 10~.. of rorka few days ith her son, Byron. bushes anB plum tree$ from qennw1Y

FOUND- pair of spectacles the past week and h/iB been' makingwere left at I the Herald office, Fri. deliveri~~at RandOlPh., and lj'lorfolk. ..day,' where wner can get same by Constjll!>le Soules hdlds a forclosure ..paying for t is notice. sale of dattle at the Mathen~ fonn 1

4 = 'D· r, C'h-rl s Herren of the Theo- miles so'~th and i mile westJof toWn A Snap O.n Tomatoes Saturday While five cases last we will sell good, full weight toma- ,1 OC I,' " Th ~sd A 25 t 1 'I 1>, --i toes, no more than five cans to one customer, per can" , ,. ,

I '. J Be ' f 0 aha W)·.ll next ,ay pr. ,a 0 co"'"'.' I ~oglca mary 0 m, M ' . I I • Des bulpreach in t e Presbyterian 'Church A" ,,'" "" " '" "i' Korn Kinks, I~e size,.. ' .. .., .. ' .. ,,1 t k Japan. tea, per pound"",,,,"'" '.""""'''''''''.SOc

next Sunda morning and evening, FIne sleIgh109 thlsimorn,n "SnQw III Egg.().See, 3 pa kages , ' ' , , , ,2 Three Star tea in half pound package, , ' , , , , ' , , , , ' , , ", , .35e.Mrs. Frin "was called to Inma~, n~a~ly c!fht inch,;" on the I ,v~l a*d """ Toasted Corn akes, 3 packages, , , ' , , ,25c Three Star coffee, 20c package, 6 packages for., , ", . ,,$1.00

Nebr. Satu day by'the illness of her ~tlnlfalhng, sprmg.'not OJ1 Img'1'"s:=. Dr. Prices, wheat flake celery, 3 packages, .""""", ,2St Royal M9Cha aqd Java, best bulk coffee, pound"",,,,,, ".25c,parents" H r father is past 80 yellrs ~n the lap of wl"nter, ,but .ms. fast:= Canned corn, per can, ' , , , , ,5c, lOc, IS Diamond, S. coffee, 1 pound cans, ' , , ' , , """' . ' , , ' , , , , ,,35e IIof age whil her mother is nearly ~O" m her smothermg errbrace" . I _ Canned peas, per can, , .. , , , , ' , , ",1Oc, 15c, 20c Kaiser coffee, an excellent coffee, per pound '" ,,""'" .2Oc.

,. turned fro their California trip last. Byron Barnes werj ~rrJv Is fr1~ ." 'd Mr .1' D King Marclls, ~a", . last e ,enmg f r a Vi~lt IJE B· U' Y P d It' J t th S C h '

. evemng" r. an , s" ,. "at the Naffziger home, th forllJer !If ring sour ro uce. s us e arne as as 'Iand ,Judge, emes WIll not-return tIll b" M;r N ff' t' t~E ' lillf . ...' Ine:::;~:"h IerronoftherlreSby;::!r- e~~H~I~ild:I'S~::~Si:Ob';:"frdlim I \ ORR &'MORRIS CO '

" ' . Mmn" here he hadl been to have:an I W 'i"n.lheo!ogcaISemmary,.fOm .. a, operatio forappen~icitis" IIt'w.aSa ayne....., :.tdelIvered t o. scholl/l"ly :tnnons ,at great su cess and Mr. Gil1ersleEjve , I::t;::h :~~;:~~:i~t~~~Und~y, feels res red to hisloJd ti .~ health. An ARRRA••~"R••A"R"AHHAH_"D. ' ~ th' It' f .1 iG Mrs" Lambert Rk>e rec lVed Sad I,-";"'~;';;;~~;';;~':;;"~",-=*==='i""~"';""'''''''-===''''=''''';'''''''~''''''i'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~==''''''''''''''''''''''''''='''''''='''''''=''''''==="""==""""",mem, e ecur~ 01 '" " da; d" f"l"' !Neihardt, 'n May 3. PrQceeds are news y~er y re&'o/ 109 teal eg

Wayne School otes them have returned" Ma~y are air !~'I!e'l!ee••~e~t~e~e~t~e~t~e,.t,.e:eeeeete.,e~ee.ee.e~t~.~e~.e,.t,.e,.t,.eeeeeeet.,te.te.te.t~e~e~t,.t......t.~tMi~nfo~ the' ben fit of the Wlf'oYlle Free health 0 her mother. at N oper~, , '" . sent in all the lower rooms ~ut ~here !Puhlic'LibIlTY. The ladies of the Pa", ~n left for.,that p~e ~IS Thehttleboy, Gee" Only Slxmore is one thing good about the,mu!mps; :COAl.1e In And Se~ "'11Acme Club ~ave charge <If the ar- momu1g. She" WIll be Oln~l at weeks of school. . "they need never to have them again.

, . Omahal \>y her SlSte~ Mrs. r,J. L, Mel- Prof. Davies called at the High

ran~~::~~I!~Yde Ecker :has given lick.. Ii . "hD ,I School'on busineSs. Real Estate crraosters. ..up the id ~o living in the, South, 1. WI" ,Alter goes to OmT -. ~ay The 12th. grade have commenced Real ~tate tr~fel'S for, two I' Ifi d'ng th.• "niggers" and mala.ria to atte..'1d the fune.ral. se;:r. ofJ he preparing their class program.. weeks en.dmg Aprzlleth 1906.1 He- I'.

~o ~umer lu for him, He is now late J I VanDyke, Gran M;-rter The 'pupils of Mrs. Wallace's room ported by 1. W. Alter. Bonded Ab- We have the flour that makes a big white loaf;negotiatin, for the Ponca Leader Workrj1rn of the A." O. "W"lfor have finished their May calanders. stracter, Wayne, Nebr. makes the house wife jolly. We have eigh~ '1 iand is like' take over that new&- Nebra!;lta. The servIces *re tol be Th "I f M"ss Cunningham's Martin F Boone to Chas H I brands of flour. We can please you, and the

t . held lomorrow.and Mr, Altier goes as e pUpl SOlh " te ested· Boone et aJ und i int in ne . . I·paper pro, y" , a repr~ntative of the Warne lodgE'" room are VPTY muc 10 r 10 32-26-1" , ". ", """"""""". ,,$ price is right, if you want good ~ood8 and they :

Mrs. WI Sohn.son ana baby re- U PIt k 'th to the stady of Japan. F M MEIth to R bt .1 W'l 'are the cheapest. Rye Flour,Wheat, Uraham, ' /I, 'd t' h T d y . rn' g pat onca as wee ,e wn f M' C " h ' . c ra 0 1- r -

tume .0\ a a ues" ~ ,"?O 10 marsh~1 got on a bender land then The'pupils 0 . ,'ss. un~mg am s Iiams sw of ne 8-26.2",,,,, ,,', Ii"" Rye Graham, Whole Wheat Flour, Buckwheat ,I. 'Iafter at, mOflii's V1SltpW~th ~r conceired the Idea that drlmken~ess room have been lmltatmg m water- Grant S Mears, sheriff, to A Flour, ()orn Meal ground fresh to order. See -parents, ,r, and rs, W. .' am e. should be punished in others.' In colors, stained glass" A. C. Goltz, Its 3-4-5-6 blk 3 h h dMrs. Johoo h retll~ns to? ah~tend a

fhis efforts to make the larrest he The pupils of Miss Pense's room B & P's 1st add to Winside ISO w at we ave in See ~. Corn, Oats, Hay and

atte~d a 1 n. eon~lve~lt ,,07rho b;oke!the victims leg" Nf' Ponca have completed a series of drawings Geo F Thies to Willie and Straw, Chop, Feed, Oil Meal, Tankage andher SJs~r: n~:, ISS, ~, ~Ie t ~ ~~ islikejv to entertain a d age suit indiciltive of spring. Frank Woehler, pt se 30-25-4 everythin~ kept. in '" flour and feed store. Weso~' w 0 I' , e marne i ex a - and w(tness a change it he polile The:pupils of Miss Cunninghams Willie 8< Frank Woehler to i,' buy Butter, Eggs and Poultry'- Prompt Delivery. I-Iar ay.. I J' ~ force.',' : room received a quarter holiday last, Geo. F Thies pt se 30-25-4 ", . :

'\, John G, e!hardts' 'ecture on The band boys are goin to !J.ave Friday because of no tardiness for"a' State of Nl'b" tOOt.to Fredrjck- :J "'l!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!IIl!II~~

;~~:~~vt~~~: ~:~bre ~~~s c~::~~ new t gs for dress paradr," A"'- JIlonth, . " Wsoln, SWS16G-216-d5, .... F', ': ' "B" ,1220 #~ =J PAYN. '. ' r. . resen tive of a big easter tailoring Prof" Bodwell, supermtendent of a ter 0 Ie to aIry ~ L 'Ises to be I~'rc chance to he"r some· h I H' It! S-4 5 6 blk 4 th oil! 'thi~ . fiile l ' iss Kingsb"ry of the house was here to measu e up the the :N'prfolk Public Sc 00 s, was a lSCOX, S - • nor ; '.i· • •

C Jig l' the t h. h ~. h' A th" musi "'Ins. Fridav, The" uniforms pleasl\nt visitor at the High School Add to Wayne "." 3100 :II ', 0 ege I S iYS a ~ e as e~ry· IS • ~. t '"lecture of,M "Neihardts,md believes are t he olIve drab 10 col, r, and t~e last ~ednesday" Bring your lard to us we will pay .~••••;ll;ll~"•••••, ••~••n •••••••••~~.


it to be, fto, the point o~ language ~ate ial and style of the x~ct ~tl. ElI'\ Dornberger and Roland Renk· the highest cash price for co~ntry I. ""=""'''''''''''''''''=-=-==;='''=='''===:::''''=-''==========r:F==aI/me, on\>~. the best productions ltary attcr.n, evcn to the~~lmmmgs el, whb have been attendrng the Ger· lard. ROE & FORTNER.

, she ever~'e~l~' ]" ~nd t e c~ps. They,,:re mg tq be man·s~hool, en"tered the 6th and 8th I IIII!!"C". E... ill\insoTll'a Sup erne \\tIicer swell SUI~, but pretty un forms :a.nd ,grades r.espectlvely" .' Dr" R. L" ColO.,. deDult, over IFitl~

lofTribe f nen Hur is n the city good musIc are always popular WIth Miss Stocking's pupils "are much NUiODoJB,,_D_k_.____ W,QUid you likeland Wit~hmembers of Balthlisar the ()ple. ! interested in the stoTY. of "Little For a mild, easy action of theCourt No 14 T. H. R. islopenil'g up 11 W te at Red Riding Hood," which tihey are

. f J' be1'1 A we s" a r r no pay. . d t" I bowels, a single' doBi' of Doan's to sDli11 out9Ii campal or new em ,s'. Phon '103 Ceo W sworth prepartng to rama lze" Regulel:.s is enough. Trea~rn~t ,'-'" • i.

large cI will be iniate some time ~. . 'j' r··. The pupils of Miss wallacl'S room cures habitual constipation" 25c.a)n May. box social will be given W have some bargal s m toI wn have drawn and painted i water box. Ask your druglrjst for them.l;at. nigh Apr.20, for members and pro Tty. colors the red-winged black bird as -.!vnited f .ends." All !l'em~1'S are Resolutions" a part of their 'manual labor work. Advertised .Letter ~st. Irequested to be present WIth ,Iuncb Wt. 't h I h' h The enrollment in Miss Stockings Letter' James Gibbs.'.' I d'd t' " red \,ereas, I as p ea..'iE! 1m, w 0 " .I 'ward H anboxes. ~sP en I nne IS lIII8U • rul over all to take fro our midst room for the new tenn is fifty-one. = aJI;;r-Jame6 ays,who for mOI'~r"than ~l edb·1 J J W F ThisistheJargest spring terln en- ~rs.GaleJoyl,

, "d nt ot wayne onr ov romer,. . ox. E .1 M Ih 'yearstas a resl e 't th ref IOOsoI b thO rollmlmt:in the Ward prin$ty for . . u an.

'ounty d ed at his home near Bone- I e or v, y IS I Pat O'Brain rtPel, S. . Apr. 7, 1907. The re- I~ that in the death of "ur beloved sever~ years" II Mrs. v. P~trl~k.ains we e brot toBurtcounQiNeb. brother we have jl08t a. f thful and Th1 pupils of Mrs. Phillip~'1 room ltegister&~er

or buri on Wednesday ot last honored br~ther'l that ,') ur humb~e have cOlllPleted the drawi!,&" and IV. S. Land ~ce.eek. ~ceased had r,eached his 67 and Iw<!ak way, we ex nd to hiS, watet-eolor J1Ilintings of the "several Letter J. B. Robinso .ear an has been 'a sufferer for mother and brot~ers, 0 r heartfelt groul's of states and also of IEfllCh of Mrs. Henry eichvefal ars of a weakness of the syn\P~thy. t': the c9ntinents. ,Card I Harry Wlmde .

esft an this with a stroke -of pa- Be It further : solved, that a copy Th' d b te "Resolved 'Tha~ an in- W. H,. eal,I.' b h" d' h B'd of tIIese resolutr ns be aced upon ~ e a , ..!l P MalY~ls ot IS eat. esl es a d f . I d th h heri ce tax of one per ~lfnt on . T' -H-

ife/ flv .so~ and two da~hters ~r:'J:afrhe~of tSgi:en ~ his%O~h= linea inheritance over $10,0001is just IIbeum.tlc Pains Relieved:

urv/ve Inm. Three sons C arl,:y er and that cop~ ther f be pub- in pI' nciple," was decided by,a vote B. F. Crooker, Eoq. nO" ....... 'jf ....,oh,\ an~ Beech have m"ade theIr I'hed' ehoftheWa e pape of. otooneinfavorofthenlilgative ODdfort..OD.. !r....I_o!_P~a.

tme Ore Rosebud, while Thomas IS 10 ea ". ' rs. side'l '. '. I, " 1I.......burg. Iowa. ....: "'I a.1D~.. "'.' . . W ty h CommIt . "alIIIotedlwiCla ..1e&Icr~ ill, ,!ol!;emam, m ayne coun ,as as IW'L . i1 "absen~ f ..... -....Ir'PUiIP. Iha ;.~ "

, ,so:a,da hterMrs. Ceo. ROberts. Ichas: MirlsBe~~~'s~=mlast:week= :.~=~~;.::/.=l:~ 8""~~

, Phone lOS for a Hydraulicwe~ ,Rollie acco nt of the m..~pe.." .. ~,.• ,.. ost.'.;.',., O.. f. Bt•... _'•.•.. 1. ' :.' \.1':,',.'.,."..'.

I, I 'III I' -1 11

\ :I:····I']{·, 'I :1 :"1 ··.·I,!,II,., "11'1 ",' 'I I' '. I ' ,. ""

i ! . , . - .. :ii,,; ,j,::,,!:' :'".' . .' ,II"

Page 8: WAY -,ERALD• - newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1901-1910... · Music I - Selected Summing Up'theYear'sWork Pearl Sewell School Grounds

'Ym. Piepenstock


~elJrtaska's 1II0st Popular


On CaldwellJ '






JUHt opened ror bUHlness (n west slele ofMain Htl'eet. The best qua i leH of mea'sretailed at relts,mable price. ExperIenced'tIlen In ClIllrK" will give pr mpt and care·ful attcntlun to every deta I ot the bUNI·ne"". New tlxtures and II st-elass e<)ulp.'menta In a.1I pepartments.


: I ne Donar Cheaper. I JUOGING CORN. BLOCKADED! I

Durin~ the one week of 'April 22 Seed Co,.,. .el~ctlon nt.en..e" ...." Every Household Should Know Th~i wrong wayto 27, ir,dusive, the Lincoln Daily ( P,"ol"••o," HoliJ"D. ~ HQW to Resist ItNews will accept $2 from mail sub· \ In regard to j~dglng corn and aeed . . I

• I tietedlon Pro!eilsor P. G. Holden or tl1.' The back ache. becauee tbe kldneye l

(scnber~~or a whole ~ea~ to May 1, Iowa Agricultural college at a wInter 'lITe b oak.ded.1908, 'l'lle regular pnce IS one dollar, Emr of tbe New York S~te Breeders,l Help the k,<lMy. wIth Iheir work.more thkn that.. This c~t price .is assodatfon sard, among tiber thingS,) 'Ine back Wl ,} ache nO morA

\good" ob~y durmg thlS Ba~gam ~bat he believed New YorR would grow 1 ~Ot8 of proof tha.t Doau'B KidneyIWe~k,,, and all you have t~ do 18 to }tpore corn, and :,a large pt'.oporUou of, Pl;~;; tbJII: .I mall your $2 the The Dally News,; this ' .... ould he of'the dent type because I .. McKB-Y, f>nlllnf>er at the Abf'r·ILincolh Nebr during that time' II Is " lItlle l"rg~r thaTl Ihe I\lnt type, in...h, MIg. 00., ..nd livin"., 110 D.to·

I; and Y6

J'will r~6eive the paper untii: ~·leh18 fuUy llH ""tell und lEI us good for I~~, ftree~, Leavenworth, ,Kan" a~ya:'

11::;::::=;:;===:;:========*=============1 a ' e Ilhe Allo: ('orn rnllure \9 eXlon,lIn~ I ,[hon~h I doctcre<l ~nd I,r,.d ~11 klll'1.M y 1, ~08, . I steadily l,oth llf)['lhwaru uuel (':lstwal'd. ; of tnedlClUes I 8{Jff~lred f-f'vp-rely fromThe :e:vsdoesnotr0celVeanyfree\ III jw]gillg f'()'l'1l it '1~ llPf'I_!,'4S:l/'Y to kidney tronbl~ for all of a yHflr, an I

, raIlroad: tlCk(~ts, and has cut ofF sev- ! t:ll,::C' ill IJHJJ'L' p0illtS llwll llwre l'xler- nol;hl'HI Iopemt-d to do rnA tho:; l>-!RIH bit oferal tratC'ling-soliciters. InstC'atl of k \Jul (·l};\nl('lpl':~lj(',.:, Till' ('I His (If tlle good. ThA flaiu in my hH.ck: waR If'r- J..;.. ~paying out r-ailroad fare hotel bills: ('ars til' 1'!IIl,L,' ~;hollid ,hI! \\·plt tillf~<I. riblll and th~\ f-hflrp tWln~f"8 wonfr] ( •

, , I IlIlt slich IJi.Jl:,h liS d(>IJ~lt.Y or the rrY\vs, t t th t 1 Ito rleldct harnes!'! i8 the way H.'is usuallyand I other expenHes, theBe Havmgs: 1'1'0111 ('lId tl) ('l.Id IJIn~t he rJlIsNi'<:d, cramp lIlP up fl,. ~mefl ,80 " c', ulrl 1!f1"e,! Price is jl(eueraUy t.he firSri con':"will he given to our suhscribers, '1'lIi,.; dt'llends tiVOli the IU'rJl('lc;, : hardlv mCH'~'. 'Ihf1 kJ(lrl~Y AfH retlnnA "llderq\ifJu. It thl'J,f, iJI vl-'ry' low the-(Jireet ~Y this hig hargain offer, I :UntlJ,,11y .nTi hlll)0,,10nt fulnt. r w~'r~ Irrp~~JJar awi C{Jlltalfied a ~r:f\~ ~~~',!;!.v fj"em attl"(wtiv~, rAgardJS88 'o~

M t~' b . j th' I \~ 't first t",illt Ill'llmit}' Is th(> Ill()~t dABlof MNlunf>ut that !OOKHr1 th(l brIck t '~. .Juri~1'\ our ~O(Jd8 the other

ore mgs arc emg (one lS I .t.., " , . t • '. rl ( h' . h h Wl'Y l}h',ut Examine iuto th~ qu lityyear fo , the people in Nebraska than llU\!()I't:lllt. 'I'll(' k('l'Il(ds SllOUltl. SIIOW nat., JIJe P YA1Cu.m woad tre~ttlrl of th~l' haT~lFoH; firAt" Thpn it wilr b

'r, , , they hu\'c h('('oliJe tlHJl'Oughly rlpelled. me 811H} I tJ .. d tlInflcnlnr rheUmallHom, IolAeojhl1t"" it 18 worth' almost an rioee

ev:r before. Ihe new deal seems to i They f'ho1l1<l not lie 8tarchy, am} there I but hf1 did not h~lp me After ~iviIlg Bot, Dr priCf~R are not, high? ~a1u~SUit eve~ybodywho has not had some RllOUll.1 not l){~ \vnste SPU('\':--; bel Wl'r~n up Holl hOpH of timlinlot relief I happeot-'d oou81tlered th~y are remarkably low.sort of a pull. The Lincoln News them_ COllstitution.is the next most! t.o !f-oarn f.hrouKh a frh1lld shont Doan'Bkeeps in the midst of the fight and Importnnl poln~. Alnce u1'ou II depend KIdney PillH rwd ot a box at E. C•.

. . productln~ l'ow~r unu UlJdlty 10 o\"cr- '. gwants ~very man who behves In a come dryneFls, iwetnpsR nnll coo/neRR. I Frltflchlj ~ dru~ st·ore. I fonnd bem-fitDrug Store square deal on its list, Tile Rlze HIH1 prominenC'e of the ,g-el'tll in thA f.rpatmf'nt. BDrl cc1'JniuDf'd it until

At $2 for a whole year there is not Is lUI Indlcatlon'of thlH, The ~erm con- iI had taken three boxl B I WBI'I entirelya family in the state that cannot talns nbout 50 per cellI of oil and 8 to cured of kidney Irouble ~nd have had

•••Wayn,e, Neb. afford a daily paper The News has 10 pel' cent of~ protein, It IA a, gOOlJ Ino Rl~1J or RyruptOl:ll ot it t<iJlCf;. If eV~lr.' '.. . thing to Incre~fie the pro}JortloJi of Iany IJlt'dlcille savfHI a man's life D08u1a

~~~~~~~±~~~=~:====_==~~====~~~~Ithe rep~t~tlOn, of p~mtmg the truth protein of the f'1~ed find f'onsrquently Kjrlr l'~- P,illA RBVfld mlne I have been~ _. . j'_____ and prl~tmg It plamly, no matter the conRtllutioll of the )"(!~Ultillg [llnnt. Wl:lJI fo' nearly six yearp, I\nrl know

.. III J 1111+++itoJi+++++-+++++++<tJ++++++++.+++ where It hits. It..l;j the liveliest, In an effort ,to !f.1ecl:l'C tbls it l~ not ~e. FlflvArRl p'poplA who hRve nARd D6nn'RsnapPi:tt newspaper proposition in qulreLl to golOW CUI u in oruel to 1'10· K '

__ 1: ,',,' dure n, ~oll1nCfd rlltlon, In the g-rnln, idney PIIl8 00 t,he t1treugtb ot the. AI'-',-,', S .M·I"'[' 'E" ;+.,r~ :Nebra , and~·tf.you.beaome a sub,.. hm'flURc'tt IR';'b~ttel;'t() secure t.hif4 bal- ttoadmoniiil I gli,V'A in JSan rA{~n.rnmend·v' :- ~ _, ~~- I i ,Scrihpl' f.L this cheap rate, you \vill lllH'C frolll nlfalfn, do\'('(' filii} ollwf i"g- th~'lll, I h~ve yet- f,1J hear of a cfts>,

I,,- - -' stay with it for a long' tim!' to eom(', plantH. in \',-hicll thi!'o f0tl1 l>dy fuiJed... ,I • I H<.'memhpt', ;hp h~~l'gair~ wee1< April, l:nlfo.... lty of S('~·d. ~'nr !'ll\~' hr all: d~a1r~rB, Prim", fift!


.... :' _ 1.. I.~._lIIa.IIIII_.~IIIII~IIIII~~III'III~~!I!IIflll~IIIIII:"lIIIle·IIIIIIII~@ _f_.~ + 22 to 271

,. 1he' p"W" will he $:) after Unlformlly '" llnothrr r.<sentln! qUllll- cent,. I· o,ter-Mllhurn Co. Both!o, I;., . ty of "!,,pd ('()I'll. l'l' IlIlll'Il'tant Illal If nthat WC'kIL IJtlH1H'1 of PHI'SI \\"('1'(' n..'('f'in'i.l fl'OllJ a Y .. flolf' Ug'f'Bt,M in t.hH Uuitf'd StJ\t~8


- Rl'pdslIlllll it SIIOU}I} IH-' J't'llll'IlPII ullh>ss Remi-'mber t,bf:l nam~-Do8n'B-aDd

I Order dr Hearing on Petition for the ]wrnpls as' wp.ll ns the efU'S wpre take no other.

W'I Adorns the Faces of Apphintment of Admjstrator. ot uuifol'm "rn,'o ns to size. eolol' nnd ------;..., r otlJl'r c:harrwtr~rl"til'"" l'11C'\"(:,n Rizes Good running will go a long way

, ., . Our Customers In t1i~ County Court of Wayne nlllOlI~ i.rl'lI"ls will lI"t I'rodu"" n good toward making up for a late start in!ll' I countyJ Nebraska. stantlln tll(' flp~ll. Like the Iwrnel~. tbe the race of life.

II .;.(!,.;.(j.;'.U.-~:.I..!-;.u~~1>l!o;!.Ur/.f.!.~~~~:..u.~;'.(!. State' oir Nebraska I fitnlkR will lie 1111('\'1'11. ~llIllf' will be ." --_._- ---: ~{ ~I""T 0' Count~ of Wayne: \ ,SR Iflrg'f', Otb~I"R 4mnll, f.101llP IntI" ~~'me ( Confitipa'tion eauses headache, nau-I_~ W U- Y [ ,,' . .To'!piedrick Meyer, Uncle of enrly. some pJlollllc auel .,mle hlll'l'eo. sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi-

if.";..""""."".",, ,..".~,,,.,,'. Dwdrlfk Meyer, d?ceased, and to all ;~leG~ r1::::J~~tl~I~Hi~~~'~"~O~":~~~I~:c~~: tation. Vrastic p~ysics, gripe sick-iIl.."."....r ,.nor... r perHOn~ mterest m the estate of suiIs. II IA .\!lsI liS Imllosslhle t.o feeel en, weaken the bowels and 'don't\mre

~i BECA USI~, '['he Hood gates of low Diedrick Meyer, deceased: ': tbe rorn for IthlA when plant"d IIT11l Doan'sRegulets act gentl~ and cure.prices have been .thrown open alld On :reading the petition of Kel 1111 "\"'11 eplIHlllullolI from It a9 It constipation. 25 cents. Ask your

[d ~. h Diedrick Meyer. Uncle of said de-' Is to f,'eel II pug dog In order to mnke druggest,'fe are reso ve to 0 ]Ilst olle t. illg Ji. th t th d' I hlTII grow 11110 a Newfoundlllnd 01' a~gi ve ) ou greater al ues ill Furlll- e?'''Ie ,p~aymg a e a mlstra- IOIllstlO'. wUl by·,eque•• vl>ill pIO".ture thall any oth!'r furniture store tlOn 0 saId estate be granted to him, ---- Service by Publication . telllllon&llvill this corner of the state . . • the sad Diedrick Meyer, Uncle as I POPCORN INDUSiRY. B. F. Smith will take notice that on ifi .

'I ~; Pay our store a visit and. as your admi9istrator. It is hereb,Y ordered, Crea'••' Prodnetlon I. In'he CIt"'- ~hj~;t;~eda~t~~ar~~;;e07~~.WW~~~~ ! be Boyd HOtel· at W'aYllt

~'eye rUIIH over our I"'."rge 'stoC.k, you that >Iou, and all persons mterested I merda' Corn Belt. county, Nebraska, issued an order Iwill certainly be tempted to! buy . in sa:! matter, may, and do, appear I Thelactl"e demand for popcQrn tbls of attachment for the sum of $200 1·J.le~day, April' 30

I I at t I County Court to be held in ( yenr mit)· l'f:'sult III enlarg-Ing tlle- fII'en in an action pending befote him, j

and fpr said eounty, on the 27th day; of tlIe \,opc-0fn belt. ThI9',. cro\, bll. wherin N: N. Sackerson is plaintiff, !

ON'T YOU NEED . b !I I I B F S 'tl I fIt h h " ONE DAt ONLY, : 1 of A~ril A. D, 1907; at 2 o'clock P.! eeo ~t"'l1( I Y mov ng weKtwllrtl, until anc , l ••, ml . 1 {e em an , t at t eI t M fu h 'f h b j ita nr~ll of grcuh~8t production [ij HOW property of the defendent consist~ RethrotDJiJ Every It"our \\ eeks., Oon-

I,. +: ," I S ow cause I any t ere c, r in tb~ Iwnrt fr the c()mm~rcllli ~:oru ing of , ~ f!lulc Her While sha Opportun-

An odd chair, rock11', or full dining Iwhy the prayer of the petitioncri belt. INearly IIlf the \,ollcorn eons\)Jn, One Riding "''Dandy'' cultivator l' .Ity II III Hand,

I, set, maybe a complete bed room . ShOll d not be granted, and that, ed III ,tlIi9 cnlntry I. l'Illscd in a Hingle One Moline Riding LiRter ~. Oal!lw,ellUmllB D,~r prlO9l/oe.lolhl! ,_ 'W suitf', or an irollibed, an,elegallt 'notipeofthependencyof said peii-'Icount In nothwostern [owa, nrcor", One Spring wagon .peialtr8almelllotdl••Il,eaotl'1oE7e~

'1 stand. !Jook ra~e, ~prilJ~, rlHtl res~ tion! and that the hearing .t.hereof be ,lng t Am"rl<t.,nn Cultlvl1tOl·. The... CTOP One Honnet Seeder E ., N~e, Tbroal, Lnnge, 1l'emale DI.,'

_' kit.clu'IJ cahinet" etb... Come ill allld' . k tile' . t t a' Is mostly rnioe<1 on contract, alII! fot 200 bu shell corn in bin and barn .""~" DI·saHso .0' Ohildr!ln.. and .an:

Wgl~~ n a a p~rson,s ~n eres e In sevcrnl yenr~ the average Ilrlcp bus 300 bu ear corn in the crib Ollljonio, ,N~rvOQ8,,"b~, Surg1cal.t)~'EIiaae~'"

., I' take a lool( at the [latest .and lwst. ~ sail' matter by publtshmg a copy of i been ~" "CJ1tsll'rr 100 pO\1lllls. wllh nn O,le stack of hay about 5 ton in the of j onr~l>I. natiu'e;E~rly OtioBllrliption.'• this Order in the Wayne Herald a I llverall:e 1101dl'of I1I",uI 3.000 pounds to yard, about 5 tons in the barn 8r nOhln'i Ilron"bi~l· Oa.arrh, QIUoIii,-,

_ . 'Ilf It's. New, It's Here If It's l1ere, It's New :1'+" weekly' newspaper printf'd in sai,ll ilie a~·ro. Th'i' ('r,,1' IA rr~llrdr,! as prof- Olle Sharples Cream Separator o-.~"'hh;I H··ed A,*", °1,nU8t1


,.JOd,i" I lit bl 1 11 I 1 I t One farm wagon and box Sto~O land owol ,r~nb 8S, R,_ euma--:-


cQunty, for three successive weeks U CJ pn'll Ot1 tlC l~] precrl and 0 tl.d'p.NelU'iU.gil\,_8cift.ii~. Brij(hf'BDis":_." I t.- t" • I d f h . Iowal It slrinds drouA'hl brlte,' thllr has been attached under said .~s•. KidJ,.y D"".'es.·IOI...... ·,of ,h"


'. I .'. "--. . . -------r- . ~ Pf'10~ to saH ay o. eanng. , Inrg-c ("orn n~H1 ripclll{ 11 lilt1l~ P!lI'Ii('l", order. Said eause \\'as continued to Li-Ver and. Bl~dder, DIZ.Z•. iU.eiUi'·-t"rv.01111-• I~ I Witness my hand, and seal of Said tbus eseaplng; tbe cnrly tl'osts. 1'Ielting the'lOth day df May, 1907, at 10 ·n.~. In.li~ ••liOl':, Obe.it;r,bi ITnJlte?l


. _ •.. ,I' F,.• leetw.ood ~Q.__;.{ Johnson .~, ~oilrt, this Hth clay of April A, D. lind IInSI<lIl,,1 popro"n Is <I1911A'l'eellble o'clock. N. N. Sackerson, N nlion, Slow Gto"'II, 1111. tiUdron'"


- -. ;;., i i907. E, Hunter, WOl')i:. hut I~ l~ 1ll011l~Y Illflklilg' ~oh, pid~- per his Atty, William W, Mathewson all all.Waeting DihElIll!tJ,8 in ad~~s. De~I (S I) C J d erB velng palb 15 cents ppr 100 pounus --.---'---,.----------.-- - --.----- fl')r1ni1iie~J Olut?" UJ'B~t~~,e (lit

. ,. I ea ounty u ge " . . . .h~ S.P,itl~, .. D18a.... . rat.'.·u.· ..,:',. p..1lI. ""'.=L:.. 1++-''''''''++oJj++H'+++++ +++++++++++++++++-....... I A little white lie is often the first ~~~~ ~;;~~I~~y ~rl~:::h;~ ;;~;I~Il~~ ~I;~ "encl nam.. and acJdress f'r illns, ~L'iS;j,eai:,tb~1t~~'Istich in the shroud of friend h' enouA'h IIlgher thnn tho.e pnld to west, tratt'rl CalalQg'ue o[ b.... k ..epers' P In the B ~. EjjJarll.-'! s Ip. ern producers to warrant Rome exten. r tD ntA, aDd ,"1' ton, , _~"~~~~e88eB~

"Preventl'co.'" wI'11 prompt'Iy ch~ck sfon ot. ilie rqop In the older, portloos of -urr \"S E ~LOOD 'N~ aKI,\, ,?1ll~~!!I's" .o \-' th II f' B E S ' tmple., Blotohtlll, .t;rllpt.iona,. Li".ex·!

! a cold or the Grippe when taken e cotmtry. E81w c!n y ~r the Aced ',' 3 . t,A"F"moK of t,he Hair;' ~dd" Dom'·;i. early Ot. at the "sneeze' stage" Pre- btmtdte th1ere ISIIl gOodlflCmnIlU at prlcle:-l pJ~xion"Eczema, Thro3~ Ulo~n~' Ho~~

e er 111ln tIe l'eA'U Ill' InIlI'I",t If i>e . P~." B1add~r,·rr?U~I.~,•... W.'~~J •.B•.ck'iventics are little candy cold cure com can 1Ie guaranteed free Itrom mix, B rlllDR Urln., P.....DgUrtn. "!'rotte~,~ablets, and Dr. Shoop, Raeine Wis. ture. 8ome of Ihe [lo.IOll' nn<1New 1" 0 G. CULLI EI{" Fairbury, T • eft'ool.of oon.titn\IOnI\lBiekllelUl'oJ

Englal'd rOlllml.slon merchlluls' hll'" 'II ~OraHKa. ..!I'I< ahuul our Jiber- th takiDg of too ",uilblnjtir!Olls! Dlll<tJJwill gladly mail you samples and a be"ll ad"ertlslng fill' Abll'm"l,ts of l'Op' "I pr"mium bifer.' 01 e t.r'cel"••. learoItjngl,...tm..nt~~ook on colds fr.ee, if ~on will write corll, lutllcntlng thut the !demand Is p mp,., eUef&nd.·ao.Dr.~ rorll1...•.. ; '. i :him. ·Thesam!,!aspr.ovethcir,nel'l·t. ,>tb 1 t 11 t' I I ....... of W6men,~ Melle I~ mOl" nn cqua 09UPP, 'a"l0r e. ot I .tlo/" .'l\Iliu8 otlIle. WIlDlllj'Be....-:

thCCk . Colds with Preventics and wbefe popcorn speclJlltlos are JUllnu Stops itching instantly, Cures JD~ P":T.n 1~11in'.lFenlal~ D\oP.I~w.eD.~~.·.R KARO p'r ' . t top Pneumonia. Sold in 5c and toct lred seem t.o hove hecn Incr+USlng I h L~k of,8exulLl"1'OD6, I:.eUOO1'1'he'," Stet-

~:::::::::~:::::::::::::=:::;:::::::~:' ::::,::o:p:r:l:e:o:r:'jI bUslle~s for severlll yenrs. I piles, eczema, sa t r eum, tetter. iii y ur I' DnrIenn.~a ,oOn.Iiit, Dr,.Oal'i!-", 5c boxes by Felber. Pharmacy. I itch, hives, herpes,' scabies-Doan's w .iI ••, d .0" wUllhow'lhem Ih~ "an"",!

____ lIentlnK th", Gre",nJion",.... Ointment, At any drug store. 'of!th,,'r,llronble and the wa, to bOOow8':1Ilf~1Ilf~ The man who runs so fast his feet ~.* heal In the Kreenl\ouse 6teom ou~..1.I, ,

U Y U Y u U U U UUlrllnnsnnnnnrlflflr1:l1:rJ1nrlr1:l1:rJ1nrlrl l' d 't k h ,~ J CAS';CKR, GOITBR, JrI8TUIiA., pItBB

BANK~f' WAYNE ~ IPActoioensnio" tmhea e muc progress. po...HSeS the following, ad""rlllges I It isn't always modesty that keeps a~d""'!I"r"e<lllu~nda l\'tlated . ,wllh tb""\IJ " bridge over the gllp ~~:':,~~~Ie~~.:~:~~~.!~~~!;I~:~:~ ~,~~r.~:'~1;'~ a maid from looking at a man; her i,J:;;tt:~~~~11~!~t1~~dm:'\~~~tit~~'1f';

---:...c= ~etween promise and performance. dlsl Ihutes It mO"e reaclllf and! even· mother may be along_.-- II'" drop ot blood,ls on. ot II.I 0 .....-'Iy ost. 1:; 10 20 per cent leIS ito in di . er~e., ll1ld .Is reaDy Ibe: m~tl,

H-NRY I P Id sla'l '11Ie! "nIl be ,'lsed ill I' r"er 'e",tab" Don't let the bah:.: suotrQr from I~ bod t bl' d• ,BY, rea etlt. O. A. CHAaR, Vice Pr.sldeDt. R. W. LBY, Oaabler I' D C ff d' L" " ""D. e.n,~1Udow,meelllb__•cP.'!.".tlSoe'addvbaen.r.o...•.n.rooate.••· :•.

~oes 0 ee lSagree with you? lI.b, ent.. On tbe otb.r hand, bft wa. eczema, sores 01' any Itchmg of the - - <.

IVIDUAl RESPONSIBILITY $'>00 000 ~ ~robablY it does! Then try Dr. ter Ul'pnsses sleam In Ibllt II re,<)ulre~ skin. Doa~'s Ointment gives instant .1 I. aorneot' tM largest b.,.pltiW>". ~ I h ' ~ lth C ff "H ~hi', onl th"e oonnl-. She 11.,"", .I.".,oop s Ilea 0 ee. ea t leos tue.I, breaks are less a,pt to loceur. relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe Oil r In ~eallDg_nd"dlo_-Ino dl~I'

general bankIng bualn.as. lnlereot paid on tim. dep~lt. C if .. - ....-~ .,.,I o,ee"is a elever combinlltion of III sla ionger and r9<)ul 'Ies uo\nlght ,for children. AlIdr.uggistssellit. $'1~'.ldetor\ll'.tl ••.• e19:Sb.b"'latee'IUlJlLQ.JUlJlJLQ.1Q..tJUUUUUUlIlJl~~JlJLQ.1Q..tIlJt.JUlJl.~ 'parehed celery and nuts. Not a IIrcl .Il. There Is m5l'nppreclllb,e dit- -----.p--- 11 op81.edllU.oMo6 tn 'Omaha; Nebr.•. '

11:==:=~:===::===.;:=~:~==:=:=~~lrg.rai f' 1 Cit· b" te nee, In the etreets of tbe t"1o sys· ... W er.~b.wiU.pendllpm:tlon of eaob_____ I n 0 r~~ ,~ee, ,remem er, .'n tern Qn the plant., ~nd ~ouleqpelltly Ws a stubborn and sttff-necked wl>e1r eating b~rmanr pall.n18. N.....

Dr. Shoop s Health Coffee, yet Its the answet' to the. question ot "'hethe, sort of pride that makes a man walk II1buta 1. _e.80Cilpted 'tor lreatment; ,• I [flavor and tfiSt.e matches closely old' bot Iwitte.r o.r sleam sblllli b. n~ed in when he mig-H't as well ride, ~liOJ1,e~"li~ and alInce.

COAlJ :Java. and Mocha Coffee. If your II beallng. tb.e establlsbment. d. p.ends.. o't\t'f~··19all~.':n.~r.iiI'ortl~D.toBee', .1 stomach, heart or kidneys can't upo wbether there sball! be "l'larger The News-,-No Pure Drug Cough B(illlll If; OnUiha: 'N.br!··· . ': - " . ,••• I . I· •• stand coffee drinking try H Ith co. at the start, wllh '~lIl1er outllly Laws would be needed, if all Cough ! h . ORA dALDWELL & 00.Coffee It is wholeso~e 'nourl'seh~ng tor repairl, iroanagel"ent ~n<l, tIl and Cures were lilj;e Dr. Shoop's Cough ft.,,' .,N.•IIf· ,<Jhl~.,p,..

... ,. ' I j a I IIger laatlng Iys,em o~ the ev~rs. Cure is-and has been for 20 years. I' _and sattsfymg.. It s mce even for ot ese cordillons.-Professor oore, Tlje Na\iona1 w noW requires that

Ithe y;oungest child. Sold by Ralph WI COn.ain., ' I r' . . if,ajly llqi)l r i!"w 'a cougH ;1~1 y-ZOO' II'S''51'55';,',i· 1i';':II~vIRundelL . ., , . . I' . . . mixture, It m e ptmtll~ on the ~ .. ,I ' I Ii": ,1<01, ExperIment With Apple . label or package, For t~ 'r!'ason ~ I e line of a new ., - ,

"Wh te Ii I b s ,'I\'. d~slred to.determln. ..,!bat .mothers and others s~ould inSIst on re. ,,? e~ rsere eaves aoap e- ,.X entltbeikOePlng ,qualities ofl!lp~le~ havingpr. $h'ooP's'Co)Jg", C:ljr~;NOI

hmd IS hardly a fit motto for a.we redu ed when lltta~kcd bl the po'ison-markB 'on Dr. Sho'OIN labels" ,bathroom door. . . l'wO m.1l bu bel of wormy :Wlllte~ pear,. an~ none in the medici~,else it must a. d bllltl.~.Onb'•. ° .11

". • I ,"mln:~PPI~'.was .el.ct~NdVh a~d!>iJ~W,b~otltp~lab!,I!:'A~dit'sno~' ".I~8dS~~,e.'!Fbfj;fre(!F.. <l.r Catarrh, let.,.m,e' sen.d.yo.u f.ree.'. ,.to ed.lund, r alrona..rcond Ilon~ IWlftJ' e.. ·.onlYsilf.·.e but it. lS srod!!:o~e !.bythose. d" o~ tb.. tin.d~.~,..".ft ~t MancM.·.ill.er... t. . T···' bu bel'of t Ie same vllrlct not {,.ormy; who know' it" best, 'a 'remarkable I ,+." ,. '., ,01, F\,MBBRY,

, ',1 IJUS ~pr~yemefl,t,a, :1l\lslze,Bo~'N'e'f t e apples In elth.r ~t waelc ··hremed''.· Tak" no !chance; .I11,·Ge'\.t~lImmillr.'lon,A~."*.•• ',.r!nchor' Grain "I'~; i~~ s~:~o::i~e~~;::~~,~:~~f'I"de ~~f:~~I:n~~:~~steduntil' .eb.3.',,~!,~rt~~H;,;%rouS~~~~enCOll~~~!~'·!·· !, !'.',' : '.', I: ,,"! ". ' ;'I! i,I";"!I!

Itl?r'~~i~rl.m:h~~ ~ts'l1l!~t,re-_~~ ;~~~~rm;~ni1;;:.e':.I:::li: .~~;;:;"I'~h~6·P~~k ~h~lh~~ a\..hd,~~; Ie ,!~M~.... ", ...~N.Q .. eIL~:':'~~Yi~·~"!!'I;"I!":~~;:=:~~:=~~::~::;;~:==~==~=:±~~ 't:ro~t. ;:-:theOfre~ :e.i~~d ::e~ I: ::r~~Th':~I~h:e~~r:a~eOI~rll:~·f::~~~~;!b~on the saf~~f~:lbY~~:;;li~~~.. , #EEf~nt;:~"i~~"'" ,,,','""

11'~!f~df~~' .. B5rO·.,Sh~?I?'"'~I'd~lb·nfl)Vi~:·I!'Il' '!l fl!l~!!.~,. In,.o..,t.,b..~F."I1II!!~~r,:II·"H~I".~'l' ing'p~~~!\o~I'~~t.qo1'8hl\·~tt~e 'S$II·U'P.bl~l· " • ~. _Itl•• 'our

Orge Jar~ cenus., ~ " y. II ,c numbt r or the otllCr o{ oIl y n n", refuse t;O accel' any cit eX". ' 0 u 3'

II . Fel,J>rr's rharll/~C~" W Ie (lecnied.-OhIO Stlltlon nlPo~!.,.F~!~~~~.p~. ~.".'~ac.y:..I;' II I' I I'" I , I: I ," I I,!:.. III ·f'·:!!]:1 'I:,'

,I I I I I' I 11'1 I I (I ,I" 1.1 III ';:':',,-1.,1,)' ':I!;:!,!:!:l'::,::,:;;\() ,,'/>1