wayne county spring guide 2015

SPRING GUIDE 2015 Advertising supplement for the week of April 19, 2015 Lyons-Clyde-Savannah Shopping Guide Newark Pennysaver Sodus-Williamson Pennysaver Timesaver Wayne Post MESSENGER POST MEDIA Your Annual Springtime Guide to Wayne County W elcome Spring!

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welcome spring!hello honey, invite bees for a lush gardenchoosing the right fountain for your spaceseeing red - four ways to grow tomatoesspring valley greenhouse - 40th anniversarymake your home look & smell wonderful!pruning trees and shrubslocal advertising


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Advertising supplement for the week of April 19, 2015

Lyons-Clyde-Savannah Shopping Guide

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Your Annual Springtime Guide to Wayne County

Welcome Spring!

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if you’re looking forward to an early summer tomato or a bumper crop of snap peas, you’ll need to attract pollinators to your garden. Bees are one of your best bets.

“Bees are as important to a garden as they are to any other habitat,” said Matthew shepherd, spokesman for the Xerces society for invertebrate conservation. “yes, i do refer to gardens as habitat. They provide food and shelter to all sorts of wildlife, and how they are maintained can profoundly infl uence the diversity and abundance of wildlife. Bees will provide pollination of fl owers, which can lead to seed for birds, a good harvest of orchard fruit and berries, lots of tomatoes or squash. The benefi t varies with the type of garden and style of gardening.” “although there are many diff erent pollinators on earth, bees do the vast majority of pollination,” said rusty Burlew, a beekeeper living in western Washington and founder of HoneyBeesuite.com, which is dedicated to honey bees, beekeeping, wild bees, other pollinators and pollination ecology.

how to startin the garden, bees are looking for nectar and pollen to take home to feed their young. “In the act of collecting these materials, they inadvertently transfer pollen from fl ower to fl ower, which results in pollination … it is a mutualism: the plants benefi t from the bees and the bees benefi t from the plants.”Bees need three basic things: food (fl owers), water and shelter. “Having a steady supply of fl owers is the fi rst thing. something has to be in bloom at all times during spring and summer. think of it this way: when you’re feeding your kids, you can’t skip a week now and then. the same goes for bees,” Burlew said.Choosing the best fl owers for pollinators is a great fi rst step

in attracting bees. “Native plants are often better for native bees, though there are some non-native plants that provide a rich source of nectar,” shepherd said. Heirloom varieties that have not undergone intensive breeding are ideal for attracting bees, Burlew said. “also, bees see a diff erent portion of the spectrum than humans. their vision favors shorter wavelengths, so they can see ultraviolet light and the blue/purple colors very well. things that we see as red, they see as black, so when in doubt plant fl owers that are blue and purple. yellow and white work, too,” Burlew said.Here are some plants that will help bring pollinators to your garden:■ phacelia (phacelia)■ Lupine (Lupinus)■ penstemon, beardtongue (penstemon)■ Milkweed (asclepias)■ Bergamot, dotted mint (Monarda)■ giant hyssop (agastache)■ Blazing star (Liatris)■ rattlesnake master (eryngium)■ ironweed (Vernonia)■ prairie clover (dalea)■ wingstem (Verbesina)■ sunfl ower (Helianthus)■ aster (symphotrichum)■ goldenrod (solidago)■ redbud (cercis)■ california lilac, new Jersey tea (ceanothus)Continued on next page ...


invite bees for a lush gardenBy meLiSSA eRiCkSoN | moRe CoNTeNT NoW

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plants, and a diverse garden supports many beneficial insects that will help control pest species,” shepherd said.since many gardeners rely on chemicals, “only apply when pest is present at damaging levels. Only spray at night or when bees are not active on the plants though be aware that the males of some native species will sleep on vegetation. only the females make a nest, so males have nowhere to return to at night,” shepherd said.“if you must use pesticide for some reason, apply them only when plants are not in flower,” Burlew said. “pesticide on an open flower is death to a bee.”while many people are afraid of bee stings, here’s a curious fact: “wasps are much more likely to sting than bees, but bees frequently get blamed,” Burlew said. “what is the difference between a wasp and a bee? a bee is a vegetarian that eats pollen and nectar, but a wasp is an omnivore that eats meat, including other insects or your ham sandwich. A bee hanging around your picnic table and bothering the guests is most likely a wasp, and not a bee at all.”

Other tips“we think of bees as living in hives, but there are 4,000 species of bees living in north america. Most of these are solitary (which means one female lives in a nest by herself) and most of these (about 70 percent) live underground,” Burlew said. “the other 30 percent live in cavities such as hollow reeds and beetle holes in trees. Honey bees and bumble bees live in large colonies, but colony life is an exception in the bee world.”The best thing you can do for wild bees is to leave some bare ground near your garden, she said. Bare earth allows ground-dwellers a place to dig homes and it gives cavity dwellers a place to collect mud for sealing up their homes. “A wild area near your garden where you never dig, and where you let weeds and native plants thrive, provides ideal bee habitat. You can always arrange your garden so the wild part is out of view, if you prefer,” Burlew said.then, there are pesticides. “pesticides, more specifically, insecticides, are maybe the most tricky thing to address in garden situations. We recommend that gardeners avoid them. Healthy soil leads to healthy

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s panish explorer ponce de Leon spent many years and covered many miles searching for the fabled “fountain of youth.” Fortunately, you don’t have to go to those lengths

to fi nd a special fountain that will transform your backyard into a private oasis. You only need to make a trip to the local garden store.Water’s ability to relax the human soul is virtually unmatched in the natural world. The gentle sounds of fl owing water can wash stress from our lives, restoring and relaxing us. that universal appeal is making fountains more popular than ever with homeowners dealing with the stresses of modern life, including the economy and the need to hold on to and improve the homes they have.The demand for fountains has led to the widespread availability of traditional designs, and some inspired modern creations by enterprising fountain makers.“our fountain category continues to grow,” says designer peter c. cilio, creative director of campania international, a purveyor of garden accessories. “Customers want cast stone fountains, glazed, terra cotta and even light-weight - all types of fountains to bring the sight and sound of water into the garden in an easy, low-maintenance way.”Jon carloftis, renowned garden designer, agrees. “water in the garden is an essential element,” he says. “adding a fountain to your garden, even a small fountain, is a great investment.”

Here are some simple guidelines from the experts to help you choose the perfect fountain for your garden space:

What’s your style?The most important consideration to keep in mind when choosing the right fountain is the overall style of your home

and garden.“People who love a beautiful garden are becoming more experienced and comfortable with their own styles and tastes outside,” says cilio. “whether you have an urban, contemporary or country garden, the fountain should be compatible with your personal style and the aesthetics of your house and garden.”Today’s selection of fountains appeals to the broadest of palates, with choices available ranging from traditional european designs to more modern Zen-inspired pieces.Carloftis reminds homeowners to keep proportion in mind. “it is everything in the garden,” he says. “choose a fountain that will fi t and feel good. and if you go big, be sure to keep it simple.”

Consider your spacewhether it graces a patio or the landscape, a free-standing fountain can be a mesmerizing focal point. The size of the fountain that you choose will depend on the size of your garden space.“you could have a 4-by-6-foot pocket garden and put a small, beautiful fountain at the end, and you’ve really made an incredible statement,” says carloftis.although fountains can take center stage in the landscape, you might also consider nestling your fountain in a secluded corner of your garden. tucked away among the plantings, the fountain will not distract from the overall composition.What’s your desired outcome? Dramatic or Zen?if creating a highly dramatic eff ect is your desire, the classic choice is a larger two or three-tiered fountain as a focal

Continued on next page ...

fountainchoosing the right

For your space

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point for your landscape. Carloftis suggests Campania’s elegant newport Fountain, which is a beautiful tiered composition made of cast stone with a lightweight basin for better maneuverability.if you want something Zen, look for a more soothing effect in water gently cascading over a cast stone ball. Discover the allure of dancing water from a fountain lit at night, while you entertain on the patio or deck. Look for freestanding wall fountains, which include lighting components for dramatic nighttime illumination.Low or high maintenanceKeeping your fountain clean and free of debris to prevent algae growth and clogging is something to consider when purchasing a fountain. Smaller fountains don’t require as much maintenance as larger fountains. And remember to protect your fountain in winter with a water resistant cover to prolong its life.whether simple or ornate, you can create your own private oasis by introducing your own fountain of youth into your landscape or garden.To view a wide selection of cast stone, glazed and lightweight fountains, visit www.campaniainternational.com. [BPT]

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there are several principles to keep in mind when growing tomatoes. The University of Illinois Extension suggests these growing basics:

n Full sunlight is needed.n Keep plants above 50°, but not too hot.n A tomato cage or a teepee for the vine to grow around is helpful.n trim one-third of all branches every month or so. This keeps the plant strong.n trim one-third of all blooms for larger individual tomatoes.n Never let the tomato plant sit in water; it needs drainage.n Let the plant dry out between waterings.n use good, loose, organic potting soil with lots of nutrition.n Feed with a good-quality vegetable garden fertilizer.n when harvesting tomatoes, twist tomatoes off the vine while supporting the plant with your hand to avoid damaging the plant and ensure continued growth.

tomatoes in a pot Container gardening is all the rage because of its manageable size, ease of growing and portability. a lightweight, inexpensive plastic container about three gallons or larger is the perfect home for growing a tomato seedling into a healthy fruit-bearing plant. Place the pot in a sunny spot or relocate to various sunny spots during the day. If you have a lot of shade and only partial sun, the container tomato is perfect for you.

tomatoes en masseA small family garden is an ideal way to introduce children to the art of gardening and teach them about horticultural science without them knowing it. Tomatoes are a great plant to start, with as they grow relatively quickly. you will need a well-drained area that gets full sun most of the day to grow your plants to maturity. Skip the boring

square garden design for a naturalized amoeba-like shape that enhances the plants’ shapes and growth patterns with largest plants toward the center, graduating outward to the smallest plants at the border. Build up the soil with nutritious, organic soil. This method is beneficial as it controls the soil quality and enhances drainage.

Growing tomatoes indoorsif you have a sunny window, atrium, aero garden or an artificial light source, you can grow tomatoes indoors. starting tomatoes inside in spring parallels the natural growing season, but the harvest can last into the holiday season and beyond. growing tomatoes in winter is possible, but an artificial lighting source will be necessary. The simplest way to try this method is by starting in spring with seedlings, a container at least 3 gallons, slightly acidic organic potting soil (moisture control mixes are great for indoor gardening) and a tomato cage to support the vines.

small-space gardeningthe edge of a patio, side of the house or any tight spot that gets sun is a fine spot for a few well-placed tomato plants. small-space gardening is just like any other form of outdoor gardening. Limit companion plants like lettuce and other fast growers, as they can crowd out the tomato plant. Basil and chrysanthemums grow well with the tomato plant and may even prevent insects from coming around naturally. Keep soil well-drained and fertilize regularly.

seeing4 ways to grow tomatoesBy RANdALL STokeS | AmeRiCAN PRofiLe


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celebrates 40th anniversaryspring valley greenhouse

Forty years ago Jim and irene VanLaeken opened the doors of spring Valley

Greenhouse for the first time. They pledged to offer the healthiest, top quality plants available that are best suited for this area’s growing climate. In addition, they wanted to create shopping excitement by offering unique, interesting varieties from around the world coupled with an enjoyable shopping experience for the novice as well as the serious gardener. The public quickly responded with increased sales and the VanLaekens outgrew their original Macedon location and moved to Walworth to expand their operations.A lot of changes have taken place in the nursery/garden business throughout this time span; most notably the surging development of the “big box store” mentality; the lack of personalized care given to the plants, as well as unknowledgeable sales staff. the VanLaekens have maintained the highest standards over the decades. Loyal

customers appreciate the painstaking care they give to the plants they purchase, as well as the in-depth advice they receive. spring Valley features a large, modern growing facility with a two-acre test garden. the pristine VanLaeken reputation for quality is a cherished trait handed down throughout generations of the VanLaeken family. in 2002, they expanded again to a second retail location in canandaigua at 3100 county

road 10, just off routes 5 and 20, open april through october. The Walworth location is open April through summer. the 40th annual open House Festival celebration will take place in walworth on May 2 and 3, and in canandaigua on May 9 and 10. educational seminars and specials will be offered throughout the season. For further details call 315-597-9816 or 585-396-1460 or visit www.springvalleygreenhouse.com.

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the three r’s aren’t just reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmatic. they refer to “reorganizing,” “restyling” and “reviving” your home. spring is the perfect time to bring a fresh,

comfortable feeling to your home’s interior. Luckily, you don’t need to redo every room or throw out all your furniture to get a wonderful seasonal change. Spend a weekend giving your living spaces a lighter feel.

Home and lifestyle expert evette rios has some simple suggestions that can make powerful impressions in your home.

reorganizeBoost the excitement in your rooms by moving a few things around. You’ll be amazed at the new look you can create. Something as simple as changing the angle of your couch and voila — new room! try this scuff-proof method for moving heavy pieces: Fold two clean towels (dirty ones can scratch floors), place one under each end of the furniture piece, and then slide it across the floor. This might also be the time to incorporate a few white wicker pieces, which will add a spring touch.Take some time to sort through your linen closet and remove unwanted items. put old or unused linens into a “giveaway” bag. store bed linen sets inside one of the pillowcases, and you’ll never have to hunt through piles looking for a match. Want a closet full of freshness? Place a few dryer sheets in with your folded sheets to keep them smelling great.

restyleFresh new accessories can help to brighten up any room. Turn plain lampshades into fabulous ones by adding bright or printed linings that come to life when you flip the switch. you might even want to swap out the art on your walls, adding more colorful pieces. if you’re feeling really ambitious, consider painting a few walls adding a clean, fresh look. get creative and try bold colors you’ve never had before.Want to get the kids involved? Turn plain kitchen aprons into fun “cleaning armor.” give each child their own apron to decorate with markers or sticker, and send them off on a mission to dust, clean windows, organize, etc. they’ll love wearing something they decorated themselves. Don’t forget to ask for their opinion on the changes you’re making — you might be surprised at how great their suggestions are.

reviveMake your laundry room a place you’re not afraid to enter. de-clutter the room by installing a tension rod to hang spray bottles, cleaning supplies and more. you can also decorate the room with your kids’ artwork to make it a happier space.Your spring home makeover doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming. ambitious projects might take a little longer, but you’ll be pleased at how simple it is to transform some of your rooms from drab to wonderful. Just don’t wait too long — spring doesn’t last forever! For more inspiration, visit ilovegain.com. [BPT]

make your homelook and smell wonderful!

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the best time to prune trees and shrubs is in the spring, when they are dormant. without leaves, it is easy to see the plant’s framework. complete the pruning before the buds break. For general pruning, remove dead or diseased branches and all

water sprouts (stems that grow at right angles to the branches) and suckers (growing from the base of the tree.) prune out crossing or rubbing branches, always cutting back to a bud or a branch. — University of Illinois Extension

pruning trees and shrubs

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