ways to get students in an institute


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Post on 21-Mar-2017




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In this Presentation Vidya Bharti Educational Institutions going to show you how to get lots of new students. As many, or maybe even more, than you’ll ever need.A lot of teachers tend to focus a real lot on lessons, and rightly so. But many teachers also neglect their “Marketing” ( i.e. the image they present to the world. ) maybe just thinking about a few fliers or events here and there.What We like you to think about today is this important business phrase:

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All the success of your School/Institutions is down to the marketing, the presentation and sales, you do. Even if you have the most amazing lessons in the world, if nobody knows about them you won’t last long!But the other way to read it is that every activity you do and every decision you make is actually marketing. So we might as well make the most of it.

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INTERNAL MARKETING It is absolutely important to leverage the power given be the internet for free or low-cost advertising. Advertising on Google or Face book is an excellent way to gain brand exposure and bring qualified visitors to your website and convert website “visitors” into prospects. Google maps are great places to get visibility of your coaching center. You can list your coaching center and advertise on online marketplaces like OLX and Quikr to get free visibility.

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The Innovative and Most Demanding Mode of Marketing to Make Anything Popular.

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Social Media Marketing has become a platform – easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Being an inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns. It is truly a next big thing and a powerful fad that brings numerous added benefits of let any Institute or School move on the track of success.

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Educational Events Attracts Students and Parents Altogether to Create Awareness about Education Environment.


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Educational event are one of the most powerful tool of drawing attention of students, parents and guardians. Different conferences, congresses, webinars and webcasts, are very helpful in making your institution’s presence on front page of different newspapers and educational magazines. These events offer a variety of opportunities for professional development, encompassing webinars, seminars, workshops, roundtables and annual conferences that provide with a flexible means of advance, change, focusing on your career and future growth. Such events are also helpful for your existing students to move on the track of success and better career.

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Parent Interaction Is another Essential Point to Make Your Educational Institution Popular. t is one of the essential steps that always play an important role in making your institution popular. Parents and guardians always try to know the progress graph of their children.


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Parent Interaction is the right step that help them in stay with the institution; while provide them a better way of focusing on their children’s growth and academic career. Organizing such meetings at least once in a month or sending them emails at a regular intervals will help parents to track their children in collage in the right way.

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BANNERS In spite of the internet and social media, banners are still a great way to advertise your coaching classes. Firstly, you need to do some research and choose your words wisely. The most important thing is to find the right place for them. You can have ads on trains, buses, stations, walls, etc. Remember “You don’t need more banners; you just need more views.”

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PAMPHLETS Marketing through Pamphlets involves many key aspects. First of all, the pamphlet should be carefully designed with your target audience in mind. Pamphlet distribution should be targeted. Do some research about the demographics of your target audience and distribute it where you will find them. Time it right. Also, be prepared to pick up dropped leaflets since you’ll do more damage to your campaign by littering the streets with your pamphlets.

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FREE SEMINARS Marketing also includes conducting activities such as free workshops or counseling sessions where you give away free specialty items like key chains, hats, pens, etc. With your company’s logo on it. This would also be a good time to distribute pamphlets as your audience would keep it along with the specialty item. These activities allow you to subtly promote your product or company because the focus is on the event or specialty item. Your company’s name is simply associated with the event or specialty item.

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No matter how much you market your coaching classes, the ultimate advertisement is your teaching material and quality of education. Because when your student does well, you have something to brag about in the local press and to parents. RESULTS ATTRACT MORE THAN ADS

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•Make your lessons interesting. •Run the highest level courses you can. Low level courses attract low-level students by encouraging them to see it as an easy option. Raise the game by running courses that are challenging and which also have a practical payoff, like better job prospects or better grades in the next education phase, whether that is the high school the child goes to or the university course a student chooses.


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•Never say "If you take this subject at a higher level...": only ever say "when". That's right: make sure your language reflects the expectations you'd like it to reflect (because it always will reflect them whether you like it or not). •Always display kids' work, not posters from magazines. That way, you show that you're interested and committed. •Make it easy for them to do the things they want to, anywhere, not just in your lessons.

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•Have plenty of information available for students who are thinking of taking it further. Oh yeah, and when I say "available", I mean at their convenience, not yours. •Be helpful, pleasant and reliable. Students often select courses based on what they think of the teacher. I'm not saying you should try and be their best buddies and bribe them with cookies, just that it doesn't cost anything to behave like a decent human being.

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