wcms evaluation tips

slate + tips for evaluating a wcms Dave Olsen, WVU Web Services September 30 2008

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This is a very old presentation providing some tips on how to evaluate a web content management system (WCMS) along with some details on our in-house WCMS.


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slate + tips for evaluating a wcms

Dave Olsen, WVU Web ServicesSeptember 30 2008

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What We’ll Talk About

• Defining CMS

• About slate

• Tips for Evaluating a WCMS

• A Quick Tour

• Questions or Comments

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Defining CMS

"A CMS is a tool that enables a variety of (centralised) technical and (de-centralised) non technical staff to create, edit, manage and finally publish (in a number of formats) a variety of content (such as text, graphics, video, documents etc), whilst being constrained by a centralised set of rules, process and workflows that ensure coherent, validated electronic content."

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Defining CMS

Simplified: It’s a system that manages content.The not so simple part? Defining “content.”

also realize that once you have a “system” you’re locked into it’s way of thinking about content (e.g. organization, types)

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Flavors of CMS by Content

• Document Management (PDFs or Word docs)

• Records Management (student recs.)

• Web Content Management (slate)

• Portal (MIX)

• Digital Asset Management (photos)

• Enterprise Content Management

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What is slate?

• A web content management system focused on rapid production of traditional web sites at WVU

• Developed to “scratch an itch” in our unit

• Under on-again off-again development for 3 years

• Hosting 150+ production sites

• Managing 500+ users

• Handling 300,000+ page views a month (very old data)

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Some Technical Details

• Ruby on Rails Framework

• Apache 2.2 w/ mod_proxy_balancer

• Microsoft SQL Server

• F5 load-balanced 2-server cluster

• Subversion

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Why did we develop a WCMS in-house?

• NIHS: Not Invented Here Syndrome

• The ability to build a product that addressed our goals more directly

• It started as a small project (e.g. no funding) that has mushroomed

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Initial Goals for slate

• Limit the disruption to the current process of creating templates for sites

• Allow broad design flexibility

• One install of a WCMS to deliver multiple sites

• Try new technologies

• Work with centralized services where possible

• Make it simple to publish content

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Evolution of Goals

• Making it easier to use (e.g. WYSIWYG)

• Better documentation.

• Need lots of training.

• Focus. Focus. Focus.

• Faster release cycles of new features and fixes

• Trying to take advantage of being a WCMS. Especially where content can be shared across web sites

aka What We’ve Learned

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Tips for Evaluatinga WCMS

• Figure out what you’re open to:

• Homegrown: evaluate just like a vendor

• Commercial: need lots of hand holding?

• High-end: got big demands?

• Open Source: want a customized solution?

• What are the licensing terms? Pay by seat, site or install?

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Tips for Evaluatinga WCMS

• One product will not fit your entire organization.

• Identify things that you like from your current process. You don’t want to change it too much because no one wants more work.

• Don’t underestimate the ease of customizing and managing templates. It’s not all about content.

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Tips for Evaluatinga WCMS

• It’s not about the features. It’s about the process.

• Ask for full demo’s that you can prep content for yourself (e.g. don’t accept just the sales pitch)

• Get referrals and try to visit organizations that are using the product. Real feedback is what you’ll need.

• Thoroughly evaluate examples provided and ask vendor if anything was custom

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Tips for Evaluatinga WCMS

• A good product will not be simple. Evaluate:

• community

• documentation

• support & training

• evolution (e.g. how often their are new releases)

• maturity

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Other things to consider...

• Is there a solution that helps manage content based on guidelines you have to follow? e.g. HIPAA

• What are the security threats for both the application and platform?

• What about versatility? Can it deliver blogs, image galleries, other?

• There may be some hidden costs to take into account (migrating content, electricity)

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Demo Time

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Questions or Comments?