we the city who sell the smithr ltfe to if cost...

t e- e WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2 1904 THE PADUOAH EVENING SUN v PAGE 7 jff Hearts L 1 f t rr w h IJM H TIC COM f ANT i I j Aniinnd Encnpcil from Dnnmoir clnlchra pare I Hhc wnnlnl to cry to hint that slid land tlonn the best she to fulfill her prnuils at last nut what did ho with Jarrntt For tlm Intlcrnnld As bravely trimmed BI ever Tit the drc i of n prince Mr coal l rilomo IIAS the host of taste On Arnand taro was n cozrnnl him I doubt not he npocls from lido king Sly king corrected Anaand lOW Keep It up Unshod Jarrnt TIM never furffvlllns tunkcs a goal play actor rallh It minds me of tho oU Virginia days Then you posed as only n marquis ttrTtU In the world Ycs lenlny In n prlnoit cell al Halifax to- day this Illllo plan release and presto behold Ixjuls rvcret envoy Writ you nro near in the purchase of your pnr don Tim him la almost hero A hall hour moro and you will enter the state house You lack not niraraucp Hero Is the letter jou will deliver to I Iho con cress Anuaod took Ihc paper he handed l y him and put It In lilt brrnst Tla algttd filth flu Vergennes nifmr of mane went on Jnrrat am tla a lover enough forgery to trick even Poor Ilichard for till time loin Aid In return for territorial coiupensa tlonnotr It twere only loul XV Ttvoutd l lit like till old skinflint Me Ixi n wet blanket lo nllay for n I tla thou Twill stiinen to tide over till thrs patriot nddl pates cotiltt lo I their acmes Annes mind was In a clamor n hide 4 ono unmeaning clamor of surprlttx from which a slnglo fact mood out with I the cleatncM of n black silhouette etch tai on wit Slot I tilHy hilt rrl ts I lie fore the consrvws with n lying mesMEC a motsan of going now tills very hour and the plot was Jnrrnts It was for a tingle heart bent as It the sun were ditrktned as If all joy WITH blotted from the universe Tticn peer till out she saw his ryes and tbe bit in roft to her lIke a rtslou Klip saw him dragged nway and with the vision she felt strong triumphant the terrible joyful rvMlloit of her own belief In him that wonld notdotilit I could not have derlscd It better myself Jnrrat was speaking again There Ii not a soul In emigre who could recognize you as lie Ixjuls Ar ins in selzeil l ut Luckily Henry Is In lilt Virginia convention The devil holds cards with us And this S4ld Armnnd ns It to f himself liar been the levllp deal dyed Ilut tis time for us to start Illnrne Tlllllt l there by now Ho con sulted lilt watch Ten minute to ride tlilllxr I have hornea at the door I shall go with you as ono of your suit Luckily I shall not be known I mud not mlm the delight of recounting this liitrtrstlne event In detail In Virginia Can you guess with a malign smile to whom In especial monselgneur A red flush lcatcd Into Armanda clicck and his teethe clinched convut slvcly It was as It a greet wave or malneil ns low fierce You houndr he said You prowl- Ing wolf of the dark who know n i t tnith no irrupt no faith who liclliit Tile think nil t11I vile Ibo same Tirana < Iod that IP that onrto heriuy honir was olnrnyt unstnlnotll Bbo belles you Not Never I go alone to the congress You go no farther with mel A facial contortion drew Jnrrnts bpi from his teeth He stonl In a leaning posture 118 knuckle flat upon the ta ble between them n thriving suspicion In his look A Rt of shuddering seized Anne ns the tutor this look change swift ¬ I ly to convfcllon certainty In which i rii go and ahaiiio nnd hate were black I go no farther he repeated What Met you Oh fool fool that I wisp to trust yotll You have tricked me You never Intended to do Itl You will not go aye you wquld co but wherefonK Hit voice btdsunk toh metallic 11111I ncs mill he eyed the other breathing hard Now his lobe leaped again 1 knots I The Trench king had him own inlndl Ho sent your master n message to utn vcy n message 5feomfort Ah yoiir face snys AyeP terns In the packet you gave to Mlstrcsn Tlllotimii at ibid den Hull Cur 6 thirst Imndwonninl I You have got It Sow that you are falso to uitts Unit mea I The last words were n sort of horrible rasping whisper and as ho spoko ho l camo slowly around tho table his fire gciu clawing Us edgy Ilut you shall not You double trai I Youilmll never leave this room said Armand Crouched low holding the thallonn edges Anno saw It nil tho breath fro ¬ zen In her throat saw liotu blade rlaiig out with h single iiinvemiiit MW Jnrrnt burl lilnisdf forwards heard tire i i ti suss ERMINIERIVES LTfe Coutageous ll llG- Fyelaht ll- r BOWCNHtUULL tjMifs1 llIelhlJhllnelJphla conlc1hnliIUlO atrnugeatnlleYoui hcnullfiiliv reimbursement qtthlnkstwill dopertnuaud lrclMMilplnB discouragement icciiffatOIadiirtrirhll Villlaiiuburjr hullotense messagethat lOlIlnllIlI youIt PfOclllltI HALLIE uu 1dnne anti eotI blmlct clany nut- s1iTTUiif JIIIeU1 3 1 nun iTutinr Iced hrrMho understood He land cherished Ida masters purt ose all along pursuit by treachery meeting cunning with cunning constrained to deception It was the true tnessagc of the French king that she clasped nt that uiornout under her cloak To carry this he had won hla we from the hands of ids en iiile and fooled Jarrut to Isis purpose tad now without the packet his DIM would give the message to tbo congtws the land brought It Just In time All this sure to her at onco In a our evasion of pictures vivid ns patches of night landscape seen by violet llghlulng and ut an Instant when horror over rolled her joy The street tbe taproom were so near Would tone come to stop them rtbc feared to declare hersolf for n start n I trgm oro C the hntlnlgbt iurait death to Her lover Bhe MW the quick end jionrerless to utter a dry Aruinnd HtltTcncd sudden 1 ly his left hand fallen low Ills blade passel 1 like n necdlo In sailcloth through the others body and Jnrrat slipped In n huddle to the floor and lay still tune trial to scream but her throat only are forth n whisper Not till Armnnd had sheathed Ida wet sword and the door luid closed upon nlm did site find strength to part the curtains She looked upon the proslrntb tints In a terror She must summon help and then take the packet lo > Annani She realized suddenly that Jnrrat was not dead that ifls eyes were upon her that he was struggling to a silting io ture Yon Mwyon bcardT he gapped lurI Yetiuse breathed You brought him the packet My Rod To think I never suipecjedl And he hits gone goje To his honor He stared at her a slow ghastly mile coming to wreathe hit llpt lion orJ Say you 07 Wnltl lie made an attempt to unbutton his wnlntmit The paier In thus pocket he groaned Take It and read Quick Quirk Say call no one Men hired tint to death no soon She unfolded the scroll with shaking Augers full rend I Louis Armand releured from duranc In llatlfitx under special Instruction from his muJtslV government touehlnc the Continental congress do agree that In the event that I dnot terry out this mission as ordered I hot my fife forfeit and pledge my honor within one month this hereafter to deliver myself to Lord Chetwjrnd whose custody 1 now lease- ABMAND She caught tier breath Do pledge my honor to deliver myself to hold lay life forfeit lie bad chosen to give his life to tarry the true message Ills llfel How dear that Will to heel He must not do 111 Oh If Oodwollll1I only help her to think He insist not do It Kile heard Jarrat breathlii through It full cud felt Isle eyes liming iinon her To De Continued Best Liniment oniEirth Henry U llaldwln Supt City Water Wofki tllratlsliiirg WIs writer I hero tried ninny kind of liniment hilt I have near rrcelveil much hcncllt until 1 used lluUanls Snow llnlincnt for rliriinmtl ni and pulns 1 think It till best linluirnt on earth 23e 6V e100 Sold by liili il 8 Kolb k Co WORLDS FAIR RATES Oommonolng September 18tb and until Novjombor SOIb round trip MoieUto St Lout will bo lold for 1531 good ratnrnlag 7 dayi after date of lalov These tickets will be onored only in coaches and will not I be good in sleeping carI J T DONOVAN Agent IiOR R Co I 0 C WARPKLD T A Union Depot r e iw ttlz We Risk It Druggists Who Sell Dr Miles Nervine Agree If It Fails To Refund Cost Of course we reimburse the drugclt Tou know hm end trust him Dr llllca1 Ktrvlna la medicine fur your nerves It cure dlienscs of the Internal or runs by giving tone to tho nerves which make these organs work It I Is a novel theory not of anatomy but of treatment first discovered by Dr Miles and slnco made use of by many wldeawako plijsjclans who ap predate Its value In treating the tick If you art sick we oiler you a way to be mode wellUr llllea Nervine This medicine la a aclentltlo cure for Neuralgiallcaslache ness Spasms Pncknch 6t Vltus Dance lipllcpiy or nil Venous Pros ration etc By toning tip the nerves Dr Mile Restorative Nervine will also cure those diseases of the Internal organs due to a disordered nervous system Bom of these lire Indigestion Bil ¬ ious Headache Kidney Trouble Chronic Constipation Dropsy Catarrh nhcuma > turn etc Aroalrsnnnand LylesItntorsttve hasfully you Imw It saved my life a few years tan when 1 hAd nurvous trouble I ttEYM FREE Wrtl u ami wwill ri IT orOr Nwr your nnd tell you and how to rlcht ft Atmutelywrong Addmn DR MILE MKPICAf CO LA1JOJIAT01UE8 ELIU1AIIT UO ATTENDED A FUNERAL Ur 0 E WhltoslacH bm returned from Colombo and Indianapolis Ind whero be went ten day ego au account of the illness of a close friend Dr Daniel A Thompson who was Dr Wbltesldoa belt friend at collfgt Dr Thompson died from abHcrps of the lifer and tbo funeral took place t Indianapolis home of tbe deceased NEURALGIA PAINS Illiruntnliiin lumbago anti sciatic pain yield to the ixMirtrntin influence of h Hal lards Snow Liniment U prmtrulcs to the nerves and Ixxie and liflg slwoibcd Into the blood Its hralitiK iropcrtirs are conveyed to every part of tlic holy and effect cane wonderful cures 2V 50c 4100 Sold by Dullois I Kolb 4 Co ro HAS GREATLY IiIPROVEQ- Cllftoit Cedtar tlao ieatbefwblke- who suddenly a tow month ego toil oil mind and was tent to the asylum II better and his rehttifot have ten nollQed that they can safely bring him home and will go after him In a four daysA SCALE INSPECTOR nERE e Fred Scbllnkert of Centralla IlL chief icah indictor for the Illinois Central It In tho city today on a regular trip of inspecting the railroad scale The railroad has many men who do nothing but look after tho scales and Mr Sohllnkert has been coming to Iaducab for several years NEW- TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS List of new subscribers added by the Hast Tennessee Telephone company today- 1602Bordeaux J B Reitdtnco 1010 Jefferson NMO NIcklcB MfisOlara Residence 1006 South Sixth 184 r Icoplei Home Porcbailng Corn > piny Fraternity BnlVllog 63 r Wllhelm Ferrlman Cigar Tobacco and Newt Dealers 311 Broadway lOll rOullor J V Clock S w- Ing Machine Repairer 603 South Third- 090Siegel Louis Residence 090 South Twelfth Remember we give free country son vice complete lcng distance oonneo tloni and a list ot crer 9100 tab scrlbon for the limo price our corn petltort charge for less titan half the local lonloenORRUCTHDDAILY Ask for carload price + at the mines or by bushel delived in your coal house PARHAM CASH COAL COI Pnone 176 I > We Sell and Rent The rem1P r The Worlds Best Typewriter ° carry a complete stock of Typewriter WE Desks Ribbons Papers Carbons and aU supplies for all makes of machines i Competent stenographers who can operate any make of machine furnished without charge < to either party i Send for our booklet or a ulnnun to eipliln just why the 11 South Premkr It the most perfect sad f tactical ef ill writing Igimachines L E6o Smith Premier Typewriter Co I 321 PINE ST ST LOUIS MO L5 1 I Use Shoffners Sure Cure The Oreat Tonic and Blood PurifierCures Indigestion j j Dyspepsia and Catarrh It is a trite and true saying that the blood is the life Now where does the blood come from Everybody knows or should know that it comes from the nutritive elements extracted by the Stomach I from the lood we eat If the digestive organs do not perform their functions by reason of disease perms there is no nutrition extracted and the food might better be thrown in the dump to decay and breed I germs in the open air than to remain In the stomach Bud become a rotten putrid mass as it naturally does if there is no digestion No I disease germ can live and find lodgment in a human body that uses the Shoffners Sure Cure Price IOO What People Soy of the Sholfner I j Sure Cure J9CJTo This Is to Certify that I wee a sufferer wilD indigestion for five years lad could trl Mlid until I bought one bottle I of jheffrt Sure Cure and it helped me 10 match t tat I took six bottle and it hiscunl me sound end well thanks to the Sboffner Sure Cure MRS JOHN SMEDLKV 806 S Third St AFTER 1 t Smith P This is to certify that I believe the Shoffner Sara Cure saved my life I Will not able to tit op in bed when I began taking the remedy I bad iuc h a severe cough I thought I had con sumption Physicians had given me to die After taking one bottle I table to sit npome After using bottles I vully re < tored to health wonjderlul If after using one bottle according to directions you arc not bene ¬ fited your money will be refun- dedSHOFFNEFWES MEDICINE COMPANY For Sale by All Druggists INCORPORATED PiOUIAH KENTUCKY r = o l It isnt necessary to have money to burn to bu- ySTURGIS t l COAL Even if it is thebest coal you can buy for your money A little of it goes a long way y Sturgis coal burns 15 per cent longer than any other coalbecause it contains no carbon Its the purest of soft coal being mined in the famous Sturgis coal vein regionr It is screened three separate and distinct times before it enters your coal bin I e I Charles R Mason Phone 359 1011 Jefferson St e 1rESTAB- LISHED 1874 R ASHBROOK < INSURANCE AGENCYO- ld and reliable companies Prompt attention to all bual i ness Can place all kinds of Insurance Office 109 Fraternity Building to 00 USIKP HEA Lye AiO r 2ZiIMQTT9a- gIax VEnLV V3TALST rXXLr- Tho treat remix j tor iterroa proatnLim aril ai > d iutc of the refer lantIlmpotellc of TobaccoorOpIIlDlIUllcl1led to tnsIIDlItIn aid InsanitT WIII1 C r3 order w s raaraQtea tO cu o or rotund lase men 0o1J at 1Oo per- ObolesfOlas ou DIta10LDM Cillp ii10Cleeeland 01 For Sale Hv DiiHots Kolh Comnanr PadtieahV Kv d I COAL COAL Parley Coal Company hat Just established a larie Toteand well equipped coal yard on Meyert street Its office I It at hQDQMechaolesbnrg 1804 MEYERS STREET No Where orders may be left for any ktnd of the best 64Red Kentucky Coal and procrpt dtllvety will be made Clippings for tale at tame place t r 1 ESTABLISHED lira The City National Bank N KY Capital Snrpln and Undivided Profits 40000000- i B Huongs President iOi L FRIEDMAN VlcePrnldent- I C UnuTiurx Cashier- C H RICHAUWIV rent OshU Accounts of Banks Bankers Cono itions and Individuals soUcltwl naranteed every accommo istent with prudent banking Interest paid on time deposits DIRECTORS D tlnonaa W It SLACK C UrrxKBACK J L FEIKDIUH Da J 0 BROOKS A i EANSPACUER BRACE OWED srs TRY OUR IMPORTED Blur And Black and Green MIXED TEAR 65c and 75c a oound BEST TEA ON EARTH CHINESE LAUNDRY- Work vwnerw MIOM Natoi COLLARS oftAot OUR GaarlnleedlI I ss asssese a n B B 6RIFFITB Ma DI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence looo Jefferson street tele Sz3Broadway 7 to 9am1to37to9Pm EDENn = U7 South Fourth Street CG WARNER MDC VeterinarySurgeon Veterinary Ilosp al Cor Third and Jackson Streets Both Phones J31 Paducah Ky + DR L D SANDERS SPCCIALIST ON oiatAat or EYE EAR NOSE ANJ THROAT EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED Office Hourt 609 Broadway 8 am to 4 pm Paducah Ky ABRAM Ln WElL CAMPBELL BLOCK Telephones Office 369 Residence 726 INSURANCE Dr A M Ashcraft DENTIST Office Up Stair Fraternity Building Front j Thot E Mall J B MOM Moss Moss LAWYERSRo- om no Fraternity Building Paducah Ky DR B T HALL Office wltbJDrs Rivers R tee I2ONorthlIftt Both phones 355 Residence t 141 Clay oldohonc 1691 City Foundry and Stove RepairShops Grey Iron Castings Stove Carr logs and repairs Expert men furnished to set up and black stoves with short notice All guaranteedR MUll Old Phone SIG Red NeW Phone 625 1114 S Third St NEW STATE BOTEl rJ A Bailey Pro- pMETROPOLIS ILL fewest and best hotel in the city Rates 200 Two large sample rooms Bath rooms Electric lights The only centrally located hotel In the city- Commecllli Patronage Solicited lLAxFos Cures Constipation nlltomacbtI i

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Page 1: We The City Who Sell The Smithr LTfe To If Cost Prem1Pnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g325v/data/0860.pdf · t e-e WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2 1904 THE PADUOAH EVENING SUN v PAGE 7 jff Hearts L





jff HeartsL

1 f

t rr w h IJM H TIC COM fANTiI jAniinnd Encnpcil from Dnnmoir

clnlchra pare I Hhcwnnlnl to cry tohint that slid land tlonn the best she

to fulfill her prnuilsat last nut what did ho with Jarrntt

For tlm Intlcrnnld As bravelytrimmed BI ever Tit the drc i of nprince

Mr coall rilomo IIAS the host oftaste On Arnand taro was n

cozrnnl himI doubt not he npoclsfrom lido king

Sly king corrected Anaand lOWKeep It up Unshod Jarrnt TIM

never furffvlllns tunkcs a goal playactor rallh It minds me of tho oUVirginia days Then you posed as onlyn marquis ttrTtU In the world Ycslenlny In n prlnoit cell al Halifax to-day this Illllo plan release and prestobehold Ixjuls rvcret envoy Writ younro near in the purchase of your pnrdon Tim him la almost hero A hallhour moro and you will enter the statehouse You lack not niraraucp Hero Isthe letter jou will deliver to IIho concress

Anuaod took Ihc paper he handedl

y him and put It In lilt brrnstTla algttd filth flu Vergennes

nifmr of mane went on Jnrrat amtla a lover enough forgery to trick

even Poor Ilichard for till time loinAid In return for territorial coiupensatlonnotr It twere only loul XVTtvoutd llit like till old skinflint Me

Ixi n wet blanket lo nllayfor n Itla thou Twill

stiinen to tide over till thrs patriotnddl pates cotiltt lo Itheir acmes

Annes mind was In a clamor n hide4 ono unmeaning clamor of surprlttx

from which a slnglo fact mood out withI

the cleatncM of n black silhouette etchtai on wit Slot ItilHy hilt rrl ts Iliefore the consrvws with n lying mesMECa motsan of goingnow tills very hour and the plot wasJnrrnts

It was for a tingle heart bent as Itthe sun were ditrktned as If all joy WITHblotted from the universe Tticn peertill out she saw his ryes and tbe bitin roft to herlIke a rtslou Klip saw him draggednway and with the vision she feltstrong triumphant the terrible joyfulrvMlloit of her own belief In him thatwonld notdotilit

I could not have derlscd It bettermyself Jnrrat was speaking againThere Ii not a soul In emigre who

could recognize you as lie Ixjuls Arins in selzeill ut LuckilyHenry Is In lilt Virginia conventionThe devil holds cards with us

And this S4ld Armnnd ns It to

f himself liar been the levllp dealdyed Ilut tis time for us to start

Illnrne Tllllltl there by now Ho consulted lilt watch Ten minute toride tlilllxr I have hornea at the doorI shall go with you as ono of your suitLuckily I shall not be known I mudnot mlm the delight of recounting thisliitrtrstlne event In detail In VirginiaCan you guess with a malign smile

to whom In especial monselgneurA red flush lcatcd Into Armanda

clicck and his teethe clinched convutslvcly It was as It a greet wave or

malneil ns low fierceYou houndr he said You prowl-

Ing wolf of the dark who know n i

t tnith no irrupt no faith who liclliitTile think nil t11I vile Ibo same Tirana< Iod that IP that onrto heriuy honirwas olnrnyt unstnlnotll Bbo bellesyou Not Never I go alone to thecongress You go no farther with mel

A facial contortion drew Jnrrnts bpifrom his teeth He stonl In a leaningposture 118 knuckle flat upon the table between them n thriving suspicionIn his look A Rt of shuddering seizedAnne ns the tutor this look change swift ¬

Ily to convfcllon certainty In whichi rii go and ahaiiio nnd hate were black

I go no farther he repeated WhatMet you Oh fool fool that I wisp totrust yotll You have tricked me Younever Intended to do Itl You will notgo aye you wquld co but wherefonKHit voice btdsunk toh metallic 11111Incs mill he eyed the other breathinghard

Now his lobe leaped again 1 knotsI

The Trench king had him own inlndlHo sent your master n message to utnvcy n message 5feomfort Ah yoiirface snys AyeP terns In the packetyou gave to Mlstrcsn Tlllotimii at ibidden Hull Cur6 thirst ImndwonninlIYou have got It Sow that you arefalso to uitts Unit mea

IThe last words were n sort of horrible

rasping whisper and as ho spoko hol camo slowly around tho table his fire

gciu clawing Us edgyIlut you shall not You double trai


Youilmll never leave this roomsaid Armand

Crouched low holding the thallonnedges Anno saw It nil tho breath fro ¬

zen In her throat saw liotu bladerlaiig out with h single iiinvemiiit MWJnrrnt burl lilnisdf forwards heard tire

ii ti


LTfe Coutageous llllG-

















uu1dnne anti eotI blmlct clany nut-

s1iTTUiif JIIIeU131 nun iTutinr Iced

hrrMhounderstood He land cherished

Ida masters purt ose all along pursuitby treachery meeting cunning withcunning constrained to deception Itwas the true tnessagc of the Frenchking that she clasped nt that uiornoutunder her cloak To carry this he hadwon hla we from the hands of ids eniiile and fooled Jarrut to Isis purposetad now without the packet his DIMwould give the message to tbo congtwsthe land brought It Just In time

All this sure to her at onco In a ourevasion of pictures vivid ns patches ofnight landscape seen by violet llghlulngand ut an Instant when horror overrolled her joy

The street tbe taproom were so nearWould tone come to stop them rtbcfeared to declare hersolf for n start n I

trgm oro C the hntlnlgbt iurait deathto Her lover

Bhe MW the quick end jionrerless toutter a dry Aruinnd HtltTcncd sudden1ly his left hand fallen low Ills bladepassel1 like n necdlo In sailcloth throughthe others body and Jnrrat slipped Inn huddle to the floor and lay still

tune trial to scream but her throatonly are forth n whisper Not tillArmnnd had sheathed Ida wet swordand the door luid closed upon nlm didsite find strength to part the curtains

She looked upon the proslrntb tints Ina terror She must summon help andthen take the packet lo > Annani Sherealized suddenly that Jnrrat was notdead that ifls eyes were upon herthat he was struggling to a siltingio ture

Yon Mwyon bcardT he gappedlurIYetiuse breathedYou brought him the packet My

Rod To think I never suipecjedl Andhe hits gone goje

To his honorHe stared at her a slow ghastly

mile coming to wreathe hit llpt lionorJ Say you 07 Wnltl

lie made an attempt to unbutton hiswnlntmit The paier In thus pockethe groaned Take It and read QuickQuirk Say call no one Men hiredtint to death no soon

She unfolded the scroll with shakingAugers full rend

I Louis Armand releured from durancIn llatlfitx under special Instruction fromhis muJtslV government touehlnc theContinental congress do agree that Inthe event that I dnot terry out thismission as ordered I hot my fife forfeitand pledge my honor within one monththis hereafter to deliver myself to LordChetwjrnd whose custody 1 now lease-

ABMANDShe caught tier breath Do pledge

my honor to deliver myself to holdlay life forfeit lie bad chosen togive his life to tarry the true messageIlls llfel How dear that Will to heelHe must not do 111 Oh If Oodwollll1Ionly help her to think He insist notdo It Kile heard Jarrat breathliithrough It full cud felt Isle eyes limingiinon her

To De Continued

Best Liniment oniEirthHenry U llaldwln Supt City Water

Wofki tllratlsliiirg WIs writer I

hero tried ninny kind of linimenthilt I have near rrcelveil much hcncllt

until 1 used lluUanls Snow llnlincntfor rliriinmtl ni and pulns 1 think It

till best linluirnt on earth 23e 6Ve100 Sold by liili il 8 Kolb k Co

WORLDS FAIR RATESOommonolng September 18tb and

until Novjombor SOIb round tripMoieUto St Lout will bo lold for

1531 good ratnrnlag 7 dayi afterdate of lalov These tickets will be

onored only in coaches and will not I

be good in sleeping carIJ T DONOVANAgent IiOR R Co I

0 C WARPKLDT A Union Depot

re iw ttlz

We Risk ItDruggists Who SellDr Miles NervineAgree If It FailsTo Refund Cost

Of course we reimburse the drugcltTou know hm end trust himDr llllca1 Ktrvlna la medicine fur your

nervesIt cure dlienscs of the Internal or

runs by giving tone to tho nerves whichmake these organs work

It IIs a novel theory not of anatomybut of treatment first discovered byDr Miles and slnco made use of bymany wldeawako plijsjclans who appredate Its value In treating the tick

If you art sick we oiler you a way tobe mode wellUr llllea Nervine

This medicine la a aclentltlo cure for

Neuralgiallcaslacheness Spasms Pncknch 6t VltusDance lipllcpiy or nil Venous Prosration etc

By toning tip the nerves Dr MileRestorative Nervine will also cure thosediseases of the Internal organs due toa disordered nervous system

Bom of these lire Indigestion Bil ¬

ious Headache Kidney Trouble ChronicConstipation Dropsy Catarrh nhcuma >

turn etc

AroalrsnnnandLylesItntorsttvehasfullyyou Imw It saved my life a few yearstan when 1 hAd nurvous trouble IttEYMFREE Wrtl u ami wwill ri ITorOrNwryour nnd tell youand how to rlcht ft AtmutelywrongAddmn DR MILE MKPICAf COLA1JOJIAT01UE8 ELIU1AIIT UO

ATTENDED A FUNERALUr 0 E WhltoslacH bm returned

from Colombo and IndianapolisInd whero be went ten day ego auaccount of the illness of a close friendDr Daniel A Thompson who was DrWbltesldoa belt friend at collfgtDr Thompson died from abHcrps ofthe lifer and tbo funeral took place tIndianapolis home of tbe deceased

NEURALGIA PAINSIlliruntnliiin lumbago anti sciatic painyield to the ixMirtrntin influence of hHallards Snow Liniment U prmtrulcs tothe nerves and Ixxie and liflg slwoibcdInto the blood Its hralitiK iropcrtirs areconveyed to every part of tlic holy andeffect cane wonderful cures 2V 50c

4100 Sold by Dullois IKolb 4 Coro

HAS GREATLY IiIPROVEQ-Cllftoit Cedtar tlao ieatbefwblke-

who suddenly a tow month ego toiloil mind and was tent to the asylumII better and his rehttifot have tennollQed that they can safely bringhim home and will go after him In afour daysA


Fred Scbllnkert of Centralla IlLchief icah indictor for the IllinoisCentral It In tho city today on aregular trip of inspecting the railroadscale The railroad has many menwho do nothing but look after thoscales and Mr Sohllnkert has beencoming to Iaducab for several years



List of new subscribers added bythe Hast Tennessee Telephonecompany today-

1602Bordeaux J B Reitdtnco1010 Jefferson

NMO NIcklcB MfisOlara Residence1006 South Sixth

184 r Icoplei Home Porcbailng Corn >

piny Fraternity BnlVllog63 r Wllhelm Ferrlman Cigar

Tobacco and Newt Dealers 311Broadway

lOll rOullor J V Clock S w-

Ing Machine Repairer 603 SouthThird-

090Siegel Louis Residence 090

South TwelfthRemember we give free country son

vice complete lcng distance oonneo

tloni and a list ot crer 9100 tabscrlbon for the limo price our corn

petltort charge for less titan half thelocal


Ask for carload price + at themines or by bushel delived inyour coal house


Pnone 176I

> We Sell and Rent


The Worlds Best Typewriter °

carry a complete stock of TypewriterWEDesks Ribbons Papers Carbons andaU supplies for all makes of machines


Competent stenographers who can operateany make of machine furnished without charge

< to either partyi Send for our booklet or a ulnnun to eipliln just why the

11 South Premkr It the most perfect sad ftactical ef ill writing

IgimachinesL E6o Smith Premier Typewriter CoI 321 PINE ST ST LOUIS MOL5


Use Shoffners Sure CureThe Oreat Tonic and Blood PurifierCures Indigestion j


Dyspepsia and CatarrhIt is a trite and true saying that the blood is the life Now

where does the blood come from Everybody knows or should knowthat it comes from the nutritive elements extracted by the Stomach I

from the lood we eat If the digestive organs do not perform theirfunctions by reason of disease perms there is no nutrition extractedand the food might better be thrown in the dump to decay and breedI

germs in the open air than to remain In the stomach Bud become arotten putrid mass as it naturally does if there is no digestion NoI

disease germ can live and find lodgment in a human body that usesthe Shoffners Sure Cure Price IOO

What People Soy of the Sholfner Ij

Sure Cure

J9CJToThis Is to Certify that I wee a suffererwilD indigestion for five years lad couldtrl Mlid until I bought one bottleI ofjheffrt Sure Cure and it helped me10 match t tat I took six bottle and ithiscunl me sound end well thanksto the Sboffner Sure Cure






This is to certify that I believe theShoffner Sara Cure saved my life IWill not able to tit op in bed when Ibegan taking the remedy I bad iuc ha severe cough I thought I had consumption Physicians had given meto die After taking one bottle I

table to sit npome After usingbottles I vully re < tored to health

wonjderlulIf after using one bottle according to directions you arc not bene ¬

fited your money will be refun-


For Sale by All DruggistsINCORPORATED


lIt isnt necessary to havemoney to burn to bu-



COALEven if it is thebest coalyou can buy for your money

A little of it goes a long way ySturgis coal burns 15 per cent longer than any

other coalbecause it contains no carbon

Its the purest of soft coal being mined in thefamous Sturgis coal vein regionr

It is screened three separate and distinct timesbefore it enters your coal bin I


I Charles R MasonPhone 359 1011 Jefferson St




ld and reliable companies Prompt attention to all buali

ness Can place all kinds of Insurance

Office 109 Fraternity Building to 0 0




Tho treat remix j tor iterroa proatnLim aril ai > d iutc of the referlantIlmpotellcof TobaccoorOpIIlDlIUllcl1led to tnsIIDlItIn aid InsanitT WIII1 C

r3 order w s raaraQtea tO cu o or rotund lase men 0o1J at 1Oo per-ObolesfOlas ou DIta10LDM Cillp ii10Cleeeland 01

For Sale Hv DiiHots Kolh Comnanr PadtieahV Kvd

I COAL COALParley Coal Company hat Just established a larie

Toteand well equipped coal yard on Meyert streetIts office IIt athQDQMechaolesbnrg

1804 MEYERS STREETNo Where orders may be left for any ktnd of the best64Red Kentucky Coal and procrpt dtllvety will be made

Clippings for tale at tame place



ESTABLISHED liraThe City National Bank


Capital Snrpln and UndividedProfits 40000000-

i B Huongs PresidentiOi L FRIEDMAN VlcePrnldent-II C UnuTiurx Cashier-C H RICHAUWIV rent OshU

Accounts of Banks Bankers Conoitions and Individuals soUcltwlnaranteed every accommoistent with prudent banking

Interest paid on time deposits





Blur And Black and GreenMIXED TEAR65c and 75c a oound







ss asssese a



Residence looo Jefferson street tele

Sz3Broadway7 to 9am1to37to9Pm

EDENn=U7 South Fourth Street

CG WARNER MDCVeterinarySurgeon

Veterinary Ilosp al Cor Third andJackson Streets

Both Phones J31 Paducah Ky+



Office Hourt 609 Broadway8 am to 4 pm Paducah Ky


Telephones Office 369 Residence 726


Dr A M AshcraftDENTIST

Office Up StairFraternity Building Front

jThot E Mall J B MOM


om no FraternityBuilding Paducah Ky

DR B T HALLOffice wltbJDrs Rivers R teeI2ONorthlIftt Both phones 355

Residence t 141 Clay oldohonc 1691

City Foundry and

Stove RepairShopsGrey Iron Castings Stove Carrlogs and repairs Expert menfurnished to set up and blackstoves with short notice All


Old Phone SIG Red NeW Phone 6251114 S Third St



fewest and best hotel in the cityRates 200 Two large samplerooms Bath rooms Electriclights The only centrally locatedhotel In the city-

Commecllli Patronage Solicited

lLAxFos Cures Constipation

