weans ship news market h&'bulls' - library of congress

xn.r n, i»m. WEANS H&'BULLS' lon AMERICA Ship News Tides in Seattle ?ATI BOAT drum AT. jut si Ai tarrt t rir.i iiigh ride . . « *1 « m . »» ft. Mm Im TU> \u2666 «» a. m.. »l ft 'J *-! w r>e»t iM rta. .trr "h * m - K«w Tt4e High Tide II 41 p m. H ft. ? :? p m. *l.l fv e e ? Magnificent Opportunity to PGain New Markets and [ Friends Declared Open ST HKRHKRT CORKY Bi'lW YORK. July ll.?"Th* cam Hm of European financiers who \u25a0tally visited th* I'nlted State* Hit away bulls on America to Ibe la th* statement of Cohrln R. Kurt, of Washington, chief of th* RAanlaatlon eervice bureau of the Kmber of Commerce of the I). 8. \u25a0\u25a0 who accompanied them on their HoNirirrNT opporttnity \u25a0k markets open H*Yo« win leave to your grand. \u25a0Una a greater heritage than your graadfaihere left to their chll- P*" Wm* th* statement of one MBfear of th* commission. in which w fitly gummed up th* Impression gt4a won the European hantera. 4 Mltlfletnl opportunity to gain gar markets and make frlrnda la fan |a Ike United Statea. You have \u25a0tartwd upon a great game Your SWag depends upon the skill with rtitak yaa play your hand." Of Uw Mtarnatlonai altuatloo "Inif ana of the European \u25a0Mtrtea lg 'nowtlng hack ' We are MM af that. We have every Miiir BBWaaary?raw materials. our tradea, a groat Wf heritage of courage and aelf \u25a0MaMa. We know our people too rail ta doubt for a second that MaiMf, they win all be on th*lr Ml But tho a peed with which ra rafaln oar temporarily Inst laoa ta tha world will depend upon ? ntoit ta which tha I'nlted It em urcoEMTED ramn loan MM MM MR««ted a fwrthor lonn I My JDuropean country by th* \u25a0mUMgt Of the I'nlted Ktalea. KtW Mr. Brown. Not one neemed MB to think af auah a thing. They \u25a0k ft far granted that whatever \u25a0BNBctal aaatatiinco may be given Knia In tha futur* by U>* I'ntted \u25a0Ma win ba thru loan* of?er*d \u25a0 aradlcates of banker* with Ilia W af tha Aaarlcan Invest ing pub- \u25a0k hjr which thay may eerura the M BBalartala aad machinery th* \u25a0NVMg c««ntiiaa nee-1 They \u25a0H Ml taaatlop tha Amaiican a* II- >M after having taaa Ameii- [?\u25a0BM Bnanhara par ha pa doubted Aaagtoaa eocaprahanskw of tha \u25a0MpVMje thai tha world altua- aa* aafl tha world tha Dn- \u25a0M IM* tha world a aad a." aoma mk tarma aa to time a a aftaathold ta mark eta that bar* feMMwa haaa clooed to you. Or Plll***e aa you have to aoma \u25a0pejfcßl tha past, raatnot BjWttrw ta yoar domestM mar- \u25a0Mß IBi laaa your chance." pumn PRonrcnoN mimmn ctaktijno VICKSBURG TO STAY AT ISLAND Give Repair Needs as Cause for Order The n*o*aslty of making **tenslv* engine repair* on the achool ship Vlcksburg. which la now at Hono- lulu <t wall Ins instruct ions, hat can* cd th* Wellington stale nautical school director* to eliminate the rail *«-he<luled at Alaska porta by that ?kip. The ahlp haa made about half th* original fir*! iruln scheduled for the cadets. but th* acarvlty of repair *ta tlons in Alaakan watcra make* the decision advisable. ar< oiMutg to an nouncement* male yrwterday. Tha Vlck»burg may u l directly to s..»n|o or complete th* Columbia river rail scheduled before return tar Several day* ar* still remain- ing of her atay In th* Islands. GERMANY BUILDS CONCRETE SHIPS WHEAT PLUNGES TO LOWER MARK Lack of Steel Causes New Construction RERUN. July t fllr MfllV-Oer nun Ingenuity, foetered by ramptl ItnK nntMlly. It fulni forward with lh> mulriKtlon of fMiMW«r«le ?In* and freight rank development tlani these line* promuwe to be raormtua. , Bsperl merits and actual construction al reedy undertaken I rid Hut* thnt the nation will be successful In this modern *t>le of construction wlili h hu largely l»»n forced upon It >** cause Mwl and trun art short. TI)U \u25a0hnrtaft la daatlned to ha greater aa lima guea on, atnre Germany In obligated to aupply Urr> quantities for Prance's reconatructlon. Recently a oorvatantly Increasing numWr of ways have been utlllied for farrwconcrete ahlp construcil.-n And the nation la awake to lh< nwd for even hirtliw ?(fort» In this Una. since Ita freight Utla minus a merchant marina- -are stag tiering, aa for ?samtil* tta mi in tranajjprt Mil of MM,000,000 mark* In right month*. Tha a 1stria declare thai It la a fairly aiirtple matter to obtala auf flclent ftnant. irarrt, aand and Iron bara for ahlp building, but they hava baan unabla thua far to develop to their satisfaction eon at mctlon of veacela of mora Uutn three to nv« thouaand tana. There »ra it-ays along tha Rhine and on the l-'altlc for such ahlp const rue- Hon and alao mxto Inland yard* fcr building river and canal boala of thia modern type. a a a Sailing Date to Franca Advanced To comply with the request of Marehal Koch, the Knlghta of Co lurrtfeus. who will make a pilgrim uek Europe to present the statue of to Kranoa. have ad vnJa their sailing dale fivm A'i < r fl to Auguat I, It waa an m tjfd yeaterday. Tha supreme f ] of the K. of C wlll_ con I o'clock Thurtday, Juat I ho ulf before sailing Uma. The advanced dale was necessary because of tha situation In Poland, which Is so eerloua that Mtr.hnl Poch muat leave for there at an early data. a e e Steamship Staff Plans Get-Together Staff offlcera and attaches of the Paeiflo Hteam.hip company will ! hold their annual get together in the near future?probably on Au- guat It. The committee on arrangement* Includea- Joseph Mehan. purclia* trig agent: Perry Ottinnon, port ateward. Robert Hatch, dock agent; A. J. Mlckley, a»»l»tant general ' freight agent; C. Joalvn. clilaf 1 rlark to Cap! A. J. Hlnrra, tuper ; intendent of Ihe aomrmny. and John ] Carmode, chief clerk to A. P Halnea, vice prealdent and general manager of the company. ? ? ? Seattle Arrivals and Departures Arrival* letr fl?H. * la. h r mat tTla from f.'mat ilia r+rf at 1 fft a m ; etr Hawaii Maru from Tarnma at 10 a. m. . a»r Ful- ton from Hritiah Columbia porta at 7:lft a. m.. atr Duranso from Han f'sdro at 11 a m . motor hr Wakens from Hrlt- Ifh f'fllßinhl* port* at 4 a. m. July 10-d'r Argyll from Han Pfdrn at I p rn .; atr West Jossup from Kobe and Yokohama at 1:11 p rn . etr JCsetern | Twmple from Yokohama via flan Fr an- t ctaco at S 30 p. m. Ballfl i July ll?Htr Prealdent for Han Pedro ; via Han Prenetere and Victoria. B C, at noon; etr Hawaii Msru for Kobe and To- k"hsrne at noon, atr Kaatarn Importer | for Manila and Bast ln<lla ports via Han Francisco at S 10 a m.. motor aehr IJoo- | byalla for Port Hlakely at fl;lft a m I July 10 Htr f.'-ealie Mahony Francisco at f It p m.; etr AlsaltV for Taroma at midnight; yacht Aquilo for Tecum* at I p. rn. see Vessels in Port at Seattle Today Smith Cove terminal?Bge Henry Tll- lard Union Oil terminal ~H»r Arsrll. Hmith Core terminal Htr Mllkeaan Mam, atr K»«f»rn ft w porter. Pier 14- Htr Fulton. Heil st. terminal Htr Admiral Wataoa. J'ler 7 Motnr eehr Oimo. Pa« tflc ''oast bunkers?U. 0. H. T. Heather. Pl**r I* Htr President, motor schr Wa- kens. Weet Hesttle sleeetor?Htr Otho. A KUdy yards?Btr Itobla Good- fellow. !fanf'»r4 St. terminal?flitr Eastern Tera- pt«. Dptlile yards?Htr Weatbore. Kaet Waterway terminal- Htr Weet Kins* rod. etr rtolarlan, atr West Jen*. Todd drydmks Htr Hpokaoa. str I con l- um, str Knatern Holdlsr. Aeries yards- Htr Rooeovelt Uks I'nlon ?H'illa llroston. fßndjr- mlon. Fort .ia- kaon, Addison, iiouah* ton, liowrernont, Hournevllle, Allen- hurst. A Mile, Adrla, Caprarla, Rles* tia, Oeieria, Abydoa, As Stm- Other Grains Drop Sharply in Chicago Pit rmrAOO, July II - Wh*at future* continued their aenaatlonal down- ward course today on th* Chicago b'tard of trad*. In Ihe abort Satur- day aeaalon fiecer tier wheat fell lie and March wheat dropped llHe. Other futurea. Including prevlelona. ware lower, alao Heavy wheat r*c*lpt* aad a lower cash market were In evidence, while In the wheat pit there waa the aam* reluctan.e tn buy noted at the re- sumption of trading The grain trad* looked up'-n the wheat boat- men aa In the readjuatment period wuh th* market hardly functioning aa yet There wa* abeence of Ihe uaoal hedging trade July wrn ami .>als wars eharply lower, due m part to the cloalng of July contracta Kavorable weather reports and heavy reeeipia were among the Important beariah fac- to ra. July provlslona were aetlva, due to the cloelng of contracta Decambar wheat ..pened at II I" down Ic. and cloeed at till, down ?c; March wheat doa n It%c on opening at II31. loet 10c before the cloee. July corn waa off at the "pening. IIIT. ani loet «r in laur trading, closing at II II; fteptemher eorn opened late at II U*a. d-wn |t»c. later regaining t*c. I>ecember ««rn, off IHe at the opening. II lit*, closed I%* d- wn at II l«S July oate opened le down at T7Hc. and cloeed at It*; September oata. down Wc at the opening. Iltte. later dropped Sa; December oata opened at M%c. dowa tiV*uha«iu*nilylya- ing lSac. a a * Chicago Live Stock micAOO. i«ir ti ~Hor>- (.!?! I)»i4 m«rta*t «»*4; Mutli ?/ Ml**. !'I«!t*l«. fcutclun IHVIIK p*ckitt«. Ultfil 11. »«»t fll#tt 11. I I. ? 111 ?? rnuThm llltftl «? ('?tiu I.»0t h»td m»rk*l lie lo lie hf«h»r M ill! till ? Minn rennere and ctiflM«k It Ik 91. ?tcM»h»r« ?'» Tlfl SI. m»». HdllM,MltN, |tl SI #17.14. R»r«ipt«. t ti*«4: It low*f. Umbs, |l Sfflt.tl. II 119 til. IMatlty production of the Mataa waa almost *tartlinf P* l>"u. At Kanaaa City, Flori- PN' Hanfcar. director of the Ka- BM Sftnk of Belgium ana pnel af the Syndicated Havings ao- DM« «f that country, watched the HtawaUons In one of tha packing open eyea. He aw jli \u25a0Nn * minute being killed/ \u25a0|M chliled and placed In re- \u25a0Mparatar car* to be aent to aU the \u25a0 _*T«e aaa hardly comprehend what Bpt* H*m (0 me." aaid he. "In Bel- * H>» two men all day to kill \u25a0taMMnaa » (Ingle steer We make a BT Al Oa Ferd plant In Detroit'they \u25a0NT IW Malarial go in at one end \u25a0tad MM ears roll out at the other \u25a0?*r their own power each day. \u25a0 Too oaa pay the highest eaiw lew fltvee labor and compete with \u25a0ttoTCrM," «u the statement of one after watching operation* (he ooal mining country, *nld: Irkt prod net per miner per day In \u25a0d* Called Mates la three time* the yprwlw-t par man-day In England. I Mat lipill your men are better but because they uaa mv LaMasa. la Great Britain we stick to \u25a0hi ftek and shovel. We have not |niVMd to substitute mechanical pow- I ar far the human muscle." I WPT* \u25a0UTCTRICKNOIVKS [ un m MU.WAI KKKD L Marahsll Steven* of London la tha af the Trafford Hstates. |ka tha greatest owners of nail- BMBti docks, warehouses and the like tfM world. Me doubted our eleo- r tll< engines until he saw them In op- avatlon pulling long trains over the I awuntains on the Chicago, Mllwau- : kae A ML Paul. Being convinced, he kfsfht three such engines at Pltta- IVf far 1141.000 each. ti, Qtaartlerl. who represented Italy M the commission, spoke of these en- (ttMO lit connection with the water paw«r Mil ensded by the recent con- jm, which will make hitherto waste Kreas In the West Into manufacture \%lg centers by utilizing the power of I the mountain stream*. do not' produce a pound of ! aoal In Italy." *ald he. "American owl laid down In Italy costs us 170 a tan, at the prevailing rate of ex- \u25a0hang*. We can not compete at that oaat. But If we can buy American- > awda electrical machinery we have | enough water power In the Apen- I alnns to enable us to rebuild our- i mlias nationally We nan hoy and | jay |f you will only give u* time." I Ha Mint spoke of the vast of I ggetnp land which will become farms, f and of mining land which Is un 1 touched and the swamp* snd the apiil*rt J land which only await de- >aKipmmt as national asset* that \u25a0 A 11*11'*"* hardly seem to realise hut aba*e all It was th«nnstlonal energy an 4 ability In using machine* that f ti #*rn the United fltatea had but ships of more than 1 000 ton* In flUaraees trade," sold M. He la Touche | |)jjiu France "The necessl'v arose E tr A todav you are carrying 14.i per mat of tha world's trade In your hot- 20 PER CENT IS COAL MINE RAISE Day Laborers to Get $1 Increase A wag* col* for coal miners thai allow* an Increase of approximately 10 per rent for contract leborera *n<l 11 a day for day laborer* over tha ar-ala of October, till, was r*<-oin- mended by the federal roe I comml* \u25a0lon at a meeting with r*nresenta tire* of the miner* and tha cnal op- erator* here late yesterday. If accepted, the new working agreement will become effective Au gust 1. The oiwrator*' committee U apparently ready to accept the rec orruriendatlons. and If the miner*' convention, which meet* in the I.S- b>ir temple Tuesday. receive* them fnvorsbly, It I* considered practical- ly ceruin that the new scale will be adopted. . About 8,000 men In Washington will be affected by the Increase He cau*e of the numerous clasnifii'-a Uon», the full achedule of wngen prob- ably w||| not be worked out before Monday, SCHOOL BOARD TO ISSUE BONDS Plan $1,000,000 Issue for Building Preparation* for th» floating of ? 11.000,000 bond limue for building purpose* are bring made by the Se- attle achool board. Vh* flnanoe committee of the board waa directed to arrange for the advertlelng of «ueh an Ixaue at th» meeting Friday Union bricklayer* thru their sec- retary, F. H. Pike, protested ngalnnt the enforcement of the five nnd one hiilf day working week for their trade on con*l ruction work. The union bricklayer* could not conform to the provision. I'lke declared, be rauao *uch a week In not In keeping with the rule* of the International body. The brick layer*' union call* for a five-day week. If k man 1* «m»rC he ran ntway* catch on, and If he I* wine be will alwaya know when to let go. Pemta. tll*rk Wolf, nirklnnll, niaaford, A(ran. Anthnn, Fori ffarrleon. Kort gteuwlt, Imurka. Klein, Ixiotl. lilonn, rn,nicin, Coxlao. rineyraa, Cardie, KlUhk, eohra Henry Wllaon, flalvntor, Alice, motor *chr (tregen. Piik-. i H'Mind Hrlilg* A Dredging work*? (I. H H. Pattereon. Ileffernin drydoek* Motor K-hr Cooleh*. \u25a0lf Hl-.«*(tw*y THE SEATTLE STAR Activity in Rails Develops in Early New York Trading ' NEW TOIIK. July It Price* w*r* Irregular at th* opening of th* New Tofk (lock exchange today. Activity developed In th* railroad Hat during th* ftrat hmir. trader* y*r* HI lioula Houthweetcrn rommon. which toad* a n*w high for th* year at lljMlnneapoll* * HI. l>oul*, which touched HH. up %. and Heading, IIV waa up It*. Industrial* were at a standstill In early trad- ing Tli* activity In rallroada waa believed du* to lh* forthcoming tat* decision which tradera enpected early next week. Th* market closed Irregular. Th* market continued to be a. thin proposition on either buying ar calling sld* of Industrial* right up to th* eloa*. Th* rally tn demand aterlms had llttl* effect on th* stock market. Italia retained practically all of their gain* of the flrat hour Closing prices; I'nlted Hlatea Hteel, it I, off H; Crucible, 1 «T. off IH: Halltwln. Il#H. unchanged; Masican Petroleum. I«0, off H: Piudebaker. 18*%. unchanged: I'nlted Htate* Hub- ber. IT 14. up Hi Corn Products. »0. unchanged. American Woolen. 10%, off IH; Heading, mS. up %; Central leather, (IT*, off %. e e * e NEW TOnK. July ll.?Th* Evening Bun financial review thla after- noon eald: "Confusion of arntlment and highly varied eipreaalon of opinion In weekly review! of the aerurltlee market poaltl«n and the general out- look tended further to leaaen public Intereat In stock prices In today's \u25a0 hurt aeaalon. The tone was one of uqdarlylng ilrength. neither preaaur* nor buying Initiative being In evidence to turn the sluggish tlda. "The outstanding feature today waa the absenoa of all but the moat perfSnctory concern In the trading "There waa quiet atrengtk in the railroad llat. gains In aeveral cases being a point or more. Tli* second hour law snma yielding In Industrial valuaa. while th* faHs rather more than held their own. In neither llat. however, waa there the slightest Indication of Initiate In any direction. Aa far aa any significance In the trading In the half seaaion went, the market might aa well h%re cloeed yeaterday for (lie week. ~e e a New York Coffee and Sugar Quotations Nim TOIIK, Julr II ?Toffee 1 m<>. Ittliu per tp. Se. « Heelea, ttlt a 11f per Ik Nu«er line. II Ite per lb: grenulaud. Stall',t* per lb Foreign Exchange KIW T"HK, Julr II rerrlge e* -han<« Mae At Ihe of»*>ntng M>V Qii"Utk>nei Kißrltiig, d«men«l |ITI%. fran. a. 4eiren<S T lie. lire, 4em and l.9tc. Canadian 4e>lara, 4amaa4 IU«, MM* eMae»e4. K*rtl«| »I*h4 ?! II ** U Ml, m«rki 4«man4 I lie; <tolUr«. |f I Of. frame. 4*»nifi4 I fI«J tyr+m. UMitftml t lie, *«k>lee » I?* URGE COUNCIL TO ECONOMIZE Chamber Wants Budget ? Held Down Indorsing 'he report of th* taxa Hon bureau »f th* Chamber of Ouro- m»rr*. the member** (jpunoll of th* chamber ur«*d th* city council Fri- day to k"*p th* Itll budget wlthW th* figure* of th* I*lo budget. Rpraker* C H killer, WofflQ WW- ?on, Charles K fit** and Oroevanor Folaom unlt*d in condemning th« present municipal. oounty and stale government* a* extravagant They urgvd retrenchment la ail field* of administration. a BANK ( IJURLNU* Clearing* Balance, lJtt.7«l.W TlCOfRi Clearing* ?»«««? I Balance* tO.ITtOt 1 flpohsnr Clearing* MtT.IIT 00 ' Balv<-e* 410.2?0.0« I Rupp Choaen Head of Bar Association AJMEIUIKKN. July II -Otto B Itupp «u el*ctrd by acclamation to th* prraldcnry of the Wwhlnifrn ?State lur aaaoclallon, at tha final aeaalon of Iha leaal aorlrty yral*rday. Hupp la a 8«»U1* lawyer, a member of th* firm of Chadwlck. M' Mi« keti Ramaay A Rupp H*l"*alra nwnnl to attend th* Atn*r|ian liar aaaocla lion convention. In Ht I .on la. n**t month, wcra Clark P Ulaaett. of th* I'nlveralty of Waahlngton la* arhool, B. C Oroowup and C. * Hhepard. Sell Booze Boat for $ll6 at Auction The |p»i»«lln* launch for frltwt to tha |or<tnm«nl whan lt« ownera wara arrcated for amuCKMna whlnky fn.m Canada, brought |U« ? t a rualoma aala Friday Th* launch waa aomewhat damac-d by fire. atarted wh*n the boom* nm firm beached their "raft and at- tempted to burn It whan cloaely pur ait"d by a coaat eu.ird cutter, a*v eral work" ago. rPublic Markets | m ?? * VrVEHTMRK Puaer I»»al1 Weal lake and Hold pond flour IMO. r>nt*nnlal Hoot flour 11 II Pit«ll 1 IT. two rani ro-operatlee milk tmill HI, I*eilm<rro coffee lb *oe. the** earn. Me: eorn flak#*, thr<n# parkifN. Zte. bath eoap. fl*l bare Ifte; two rim 'omatooa lie, ?mail bottle ittiiup. ll# f*l aI !? 14 17 1 lb ground ihoenlat* II#; 1 Ih eeeporafed poo#h*a. jae; lhr#o #ene Von ('«mpi pork and b»ena. 10c; ?'* roll* toilet paper, He; four boaeo f<e*r#h!lgbt mat#hea. tlf HUll 10*. new potato**, t Iba, lie; green and wo* b»one. I lb*, lie; aweet com, ?Is for He. rrei pi.at* null It. pur# AmirleM #ane «nf*r f Ibo . 41c. 4 H». tor at all |«. toll ran ''amotion milk. 12 Htall It. pur# frr.li milk, quart, 12e H»ol! lies. Flak* White, lb. He; two Poat Toaatleo. Wr; ehredfled cocoonut, lb. ?|r; large cono good aalmnn. two for lie; llogere baking powder, 1 lb tine. 15c. Htall 1501. 10-lb tlna Koro eyrup. t»C. CrU< o, I .e. 62#. II 00. |l.t&, |2.«tS. M ONOMt PtoM ««. auiror. I Iba . 46#.. 4 Iba. to# gtolla 17 11. 1 lb l.l|»«OP'a yollow lob«l to a. 71c. thr#a oat»a Old Dutch I'loonM-r, |6c; llllla red con #off##. 10c; 41c rona aor nod bf»#f. J6c. I»# bottla tnaynnnolao, lie. 2 Iba. chplce prunra. II#; 40r pura or co««»a. 10c; 60c can Inatont poaturn. lie; four bora Koyal White e<»ap. 21c, t lb. con M J H. coffaa. 4uo. HAMTARV Ptalla 14 11. Maaola oil. IS#. «00, 11.11. 12 20; J'% Iba llllla r#d con coffo*. Il.lt. 1 Iba M J D coff##. II T»0. <Mtrue pow- dar, po'-koa#. I7e. Stall 4S, Flak#* Whtta. lb, Ilr; « lb. con f'rlaco. |1 t&; heavy Jar rln«a. 8 doe.. 26#; flu bora. l*c. 2 Iba. I fee. eodo cra#k«re, lb, 20i Htolta 11-11, red ellver eolmon for conning, lb., 14c, amtikt-d wblto Kin* aolruon, lb, 20c I IIKNK.R Ptoll 102. fr#ali p*>onut butter lb. tOr; Co-operative milk, four cane. 4tc; fraali ranch egga, 2 do*, l&c; full rfcoiti or rr#am brick eh««»ae, lb. |tc; Floka Whit#, lb , 2fc#: bulk c<Tffi»a, apr< 101. lb., 31c. I Iba. t/'C. Hiall" 94 II I'lke *at. \u25a0 hoiilder of mutton, lb. tc; mutton chopa, lb., He, laga of mutton, lb , lie; bn<'>n. lb . lOo; bomburgar, lb, 10c; boiling beof, ll»., 7c. MARKET ROW IS BRISK SATURDAY Cantaloupes Arrive From Toppenish An nnumiany brbik morning aea- alon. even for the week-end, waa re- ported In the produce market ntong Wnatern ava. Muturday. The only novelly along tha row waa a couple of cnjiea of runtaloupee from Top- penlfih, the flrpt of tha aeajton. They brought It a crate. Watermelon! lire iirarre, and were Boon cleaned up at I to S'4 renla a pound. Hwee\ mm la down a little, aelllng for tl to $S 60 for a atwk or crate of ?even and eight docen Mm. Pu»a- toca record no change. Outdoor cu- cumliero from Yakima are begin nlng to cut in on the local hothouac varletlna at 7J cent* a docen. Local Market* , Mm re 14 Wtielaeale Dee leva for Vegetablee ead frail 4e*aeag«e- Waehtngtna .11 He»le 119 I* Cebbage 119 MS ferrate Per eark tl* ' anllfteeer Per Hu 4?? Celerp t.»«-el. par d..a ........ Tt Carambere tloth.uee. p** il«i I 1191 w Yekime ,T4 K«« Pleal?Pie. per tb .!? f.| It fierlle .p? it. t!9 »? I'W'U IW» Per n. .., I*9 II trreee Pee» Ijvil I* I,rem IVpp,,. Per 1t.,,,,.,.. '* l etter* I eeal tll9*l* Upton. Red. u.r lt> .*1 H Telletr till re'etaee per lb New ll* US .149 »4H Yakima llama per ll* ** Mabert Per » .#»? M Malebaaee Per lark If* a*aeeti t-ream per |b ?' ?'Hai n.eea per Ik tIH «a«er I'rate Per lb " a»eet t'nrn Per d"a ' Yakima Per rrele I *9l ?? Taeialnaa Imperial Taller. ert* I " I - -el ketbeoee I 11 ? » »' rerelpe? Uo-al per aacfe ...... I*' Waa Maaae?Par lb rniTi et ere Waebteffne I Mfl !? ilreen per half be* IJial M nra*enetetna Cat. per boa. ..4*19' 4 t Aerleete Pair lua t?? Iteeeaee per lb .11* Itlaehkeevtee Per eaee It* I enlel.Mipee Nten4a>ea IllVtl* ? rnelea Per tb ?? ( tierrtre It* »? ferreele- Per trale R. 4 I _ tuark I 't "eeeeaeeatee *e«e (Irepea Malaaa. par crate ...» ' ' Ur.ee yrall?PWMl _? ** Oei ... I ???« »? Ptae Oreen. per bee 11* ItMHI fuel per tra1e....... It* leieee per b»f *??! ** I eeeelieirlae per arete Ilt|l II ilrwtee I'er caee Ill#!« Pre a bee Cel . . j. I** P.eafere Waabtnclin Peeea Varflelt IMflll Pleeapple < Vale It* Plume _ Callferala. !#??! Tl Keei.rn Weeblnflee "}' ?? \u25a0eipkerrlae -Heit. per arate... .1 >?* Hiaek. pet arete.. 1 etrm-ln iitae ??? Terkl.b awkae -Per lb ?! Wet. wel.ee fee lb ?? H Ire Creaa Vtlaae-Per lb lilt NBTB rateee raid a* Wl gnili . 41taea4e Per It. *.e 41 rtlbeete fee lb J* Weleele -Meerburtee ...* .11 Peeeele - Vlrgtete Kerateea, ». .tl ieeeeaee, per lb .11 fteaaa Par ib M DAIRY PRfIDITT® Prlree raM te Mum ?eWaefat \u25a0age anirtir freeb .11 Mnk -Per «»t til DAIRY PRODI CT« Frteee Paid Wkalneli II eel era ?tetter Ureal craataarr, aatee. ,11 Itriebe * * -If Rtae. - freeh raaib pullet a 11l It Mr irtplele ll# II aiHKMIa rtetn brtck .11 I.lmb4tter .11 Touer America .ft tlort awlee .11 \v triplet* I*9 II POI I.TRY Prlree raM br belaaai* B*al»ra te ahlrpere IbaHw . .11 Hr**~r>4er * lba J* t lb* end up JT ItnHlree .»! Mi iba Jl a,cetera 119 .11 (.rear Uve . .11 ftetgbaa llarea Ut* per lb ... .11 POI'I.TRY Prtree Pill Wheteeeleee Parke?Praaea M Preaaea .11 Itmiiera Dreeeei Ilf <? llena ttreeeed 119 II tteeee .*? Tare ere?Draeee4 119 II MRAT Prlree Pelt te gkigpeea Iteaa-Tenet I*9 II laal Panrr I*9 It M»4lutn 119 .It geel all aaa at ateekpar^p l*.l*9ll II Medium te rkelc* ItlltllII R<iU|h beevf ll**Vlt>* riaa Itn9ii.li Celile ? liaal aleera II **9tl I* M>.Hum te rbolee *lo9l*lo ll'.uih haatr T **9 ll* Iteet noaa and halfera Ill* I »? Bull* I t«f I II * 119U.11 eheep?- rrlme aprlnc 1am1.a...11 **ffHto Vearllnaa I**# I ** Wether* I T t* Keea I *«9 I SO HAY, (iKAIN AND FEED Wheleeele Prtee Pet Tea. City Prtee Itarlr) Whole Ill* Boiled til* flipped ** Oale Hulled Id** Whole '*oo Cera Whole *2*o Cracked MOO Chop 710* t.reaed Itoae *1 II till.. Melee Till Mill Kite t* 00 < Alfelfe It 0* Alfalfa Meet 10 ll* trretrtl I'etrd *0 01 ttbaet »* ?? hi raw »» o* ( Itlek teed 100 0* tepre till Cotton a red Meal .., II 01 t leh Meal UT *1 llrll* Ull l.laeeed Meal It II Kgl 1111 Mral and ttoae 11l ll Meet He rape 111.11 a bet I Meal it II Orater It II ?eye litem Mral It.II It aomrtlmoa hafiprna that a [aw atud*nt Klvea up thn law hualnaii* to ?iißane In th* aon In law hunlnraa. i. . " ' BOATS LEAVE COLMAN DOCI 7, a. 11 A.*M? i, a. a. 7. a P. M. ICVICHV OAT. Tka brat aad . abaapaat way fa gm. J. A Ruaaell, rocanlly convlctnd In tha federal court of attempting to brihn a government offlicr, huH Jllrd a hill denylnK tcatlmony iik tlnwt lilin In the Unltad Sfal*a dlatrlct court. ICuaaell la at praaent aervliiK 'a three montha term In tho county Jail, liavlnit beein nentenced July 7 by iJj'tiUuiU Ju%u K. U. Cualauun. HERE'S MORE ABOUT BRIDEGROOM STARTS dN PAGE ONE FAGF 13 him on atatloncry of the Mitchell imti i, i .i. 11. "Ihw iMh, I came here, Ifimkn and v\ try thing. In i mr frmn Monroe. lam waiting here for Ui« hank often, and then Hip rw* IIHI U oil "My mind In O. K. an 4 my moral, are fairly good. "I'crhape yrni will learn before the mil of >our Ufa that you lutie 111 nil) a mIaUU "I would like atop In to ami you fure i go. Hut wlutt'a lba tur! "Vonra lovingly. floadkjre." Tlie letter win atgned «J W. How* On June 22. about S o'clock In the afternoon, Mlaa FMahman aaya, liowo phoned har that ha contem- plated a trip to Auatralla, and waa 'leaving the city at tl p. m. "I told him to coma and aaa ma," ahe aaid, "becauae I wanted to tJtlk with him. but ha didn't come. Two daya Inter the card came from Port- land, addreaaed In hla handwriting. There waa no meeaage on It. only a pi-'t ura of the L'nloo depot at I'ort* land." Howe waa wetl known among un- dertaken here, having been Inti- mately acquainted with C- C. Km mona, of the Itonney Wataon Co , for 15 yeara. He formerly waa employed by Uutt company. At the time of hla dtaappe*ranrc he waa having an au- tomobile Iranafortned into ft lieaiee MOORE NAMED BY RETAILERS Write Letters by Dozens on Howling Dogs C M. Scott. assistant city clerk, will hav* to conatnict additional flllns riuMM If Ilia letter* praising iiml denouncing th* "bowling dog ordinance" continue Ui pour Into III* office. STEAL SUITS TO OBTAIN "DOPE" Morgan Selected as State Trustee Harold N. Moore I* county secre- tary of th* King count/ unit of th* Washington State Retailers associa- tion, cluiwn at a meeting at th* Chamber of Commerce last nlghl Fred n. Morgan, of Frederick k Nel s*n's, wam nominated for state trua- -I*4*. th* election to take place In Hpukan* Auguat (. A county execu- tive oummitiM in named aa fol low*; Mr !taas of Renton, J. W, Para naugh of Auburn. O. Krlckaen of Bothell, A. N Berlin of K*nt. C. 0. Mers* of th* frtMr Pstereon com- pany, If. A. Ernst of Kriul Hard- ware company, K. B. Klnn* of I'nb reraltp Pharmael**. O H Htorrn of Oetonek Knitting company and (-'rank J. Victor. 50 Outfits Disappear Each Month T>rlv*n desperate by thdr efWIM for dO[>a, hophead* are turning to »ult *tenllng a* tha e*aie*t method of grttlng m«n«y to buy narcotlca, uncording to l*leut. J. C. Wickman, heart Of the police pawn shop detail. Morn than £0 eulta a month ajt \u25a0tolen in H' itl|e, moetly from room* In downtown hotel*. IJecau** of high price*, barrnla ?eeker* don't *t«p to o*k «|u**tlona when they are offered a «ult cheap, and *o hophead* find them eaey to \u25a0ell. I,l*ut. Wlclinun *aya. Moat of the MoUen aulia eventually find their way to Houth Knd pawn *hopa. and the majority of them ara recovered when police hart a report of tb* theft. Lieut. Wl'kman claim*. V. Hrrnnan, Kwlng hotel, waa th* only man in lie victimized by '*ult thP-ve a Friday night. Hla *ult waa blue, with a light ' f?r«tan atrip*, and win of Kngll*h cut. Th* lateat communication on th* \u25a0ilbject declared that men and worn ? n Hliould Im conal4«r*d l.'fore 4a*a. "I do not dliiltk* dog»," y* V. 1.. Comlo, 433 10th av*. H, th* writer. "but day after day, I am unfit for my work, l«caun« of u barking, yelping dog, keeping me awake ut night," "K. J. B." IS CLUE LEFT BY CROOK Drops Handkerchief * While Prowling Here **. J. 8.." the Initial* written In black Ink on a blue arid white polka dot hiiiwll i M hl-f. left behind by a burglar who attempted to open tha *afe of Renton Hill Fuel Co., 1122 K. I'nlon *t , wm* the only cluo police had Haturday to hi* Identity. After gaining entrance to th* of flea by boring a hnl* In th* back door arid turning th* lock, the lhl*f attempted to knock open the *af« by hammering on th* lock. He evi- dently placed the handkercblrf over th* lock to deaden the ring of th* blowa. Motorcycle Officer A. J. Hill fonnd th* handkerchief when he Inveati gated the burglary. Hill aaya th* lhi*f waa probably a buy. aa the hole In the door thru which he reached hi* hand to turn the lock, waa A veiy small on*. The would be \u25a0afecrgcker wa* frightened away, polio* b*ll*ve, aa he look nothing. Rev. Murphy Want* Boy Choir Stopped Drop Phonograph When Copt Appear Surprised in an alley aa they wero carting away In a wheelbarrow 4 Vlo> trola atolen from the home of S. O. Sunde, ]f,o> Tenth av*. W., ? man and woman dropped their loot and fled Friday night. R. H. Bergstrom, 1114 lith av*. W, waa driving hla auto out of th* alley when he met the pair. The Vlctrole waa returned, to the Hunde home. Bund*, who la affiliated with Hunde t D'Evers ahlp ? handler*, la on a trip to Norway. Find Stolen Car in Fresno, CaL A man Hiring tha nam* of P. G. Tlra haa been arrested la Fi'WH California, in poeseasloa of a Fori rar stolen from J. N. Ef|l> R- F. f>. No. t, niympia. accord tn* to word *«jr J. F. McAulej^ chief of the bureau of laTwtlgaUoa In Heattle. P.eaaaurances that the member* of the Whitney Boy Choir are well <ar»d for and having an enjoyable experience were wlrr<l by W. K Too- mey, mayor of freeno, Cal.. Hatur- day. The teleifram, addreaaed u> Mayor Caldwell, waa in reply to a re- fluent of the Rev. U- O. Murphy, prominent Jap sympathlaer, that the California authorities detain the boys, on the around that their par rnta were deceived when ( the young chorister* were taken on' their tour of the gouth. Two Dentist* Are Declared Guilty Bnire. Idaho. Ju'r »I.?Dr. V. A. ntag*raid and Dr. W. A. My*ra were found guilty In district court lata Friday nlglit of conspiracy to de- fraud in Myers* caaa for receiving bribe* while a member of U>* slat* board of dental examiners* A man mar W a hopeless Idiot, but no warnsn will admit tt after 'he haa proposed to her. PmdmMtrian* 11A Hit by Autoa fl I \ Thit Year lW Pilfering Ice from tha rear of lea wnwona It becoming danger oua poalima for boya. Ben E. Johnaon, of Tamhill elation, re- ported to police Saturday that he had knocked down a boy who wm running away from an Ira wagon driver at 14th ava and E. Hpruce et Friday afternoon. Tl>e boy gave hla |a«t name aa Davis. Two wreka ago a boy waa killed when atruck by an auto aa he jumped off the rear of an lea wagon. IbsrtDgtness Oiaractertaaa eur iMthoii hi every transaction. and our aus- t'lmer* are accorded every cour- tesy eonsletent with Bound kud- dm« JadgmeaL 4% A?p?U to CIMI Al» Q»> ftlailjr lav*U4 Peoples Saving* Bank NDCOXB m i»RD|K mm k y aXp rax LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS W# say New Tor* awliM prise ead latereet. dedaetlnf for brokerage OKI PER CENT on ll* sad III* deaeartasUons and ONE-HALT OW ON\u25a0 fll CINT ea terser doßeralnatleas. Tea can flrure the cr.RRK T RlXim TiLCI of year beada ky dad act- mi the brokerage from Ike market price and tddla| tka latereet. an Mafia eueleUeaa below; let tad Ist tad M «tk tUHniWiHB ? H*e 4-s «'e «V» <H'e JH*e iH'e l*s l«'s Market -...111 H 111 .M |i< 41 111 tt 111 it Hill lis.it lH.it l»I.T» Intareat .... .41 .11 .11 .11 II lit 111 .«? .U T0ta1...... |lt. II 111 It |ll.lt Mill ill ll lit It Htll UtM mil MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. ? CTWTRAL miIJMNO ((iBOI'NU rUMI), HUTIU The flsalw MaaMpal Bead Hows* Capital Owe wmtea Mm EXoHloksd t>»«e e (IwHef tentsry Tetepliewee: glUett WW, Mala Ttt^ Going East? Travel through the wonderful CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES To All Middle West and Eastern DaaUnationa la CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES <1 \u25a0 1 " \u25a0\u25a0 FOUR TRANS-CONTINENTAL TRAINS DAILY Canadian Pacific Ry. SCENERY I SPEED! SERVICE I B. F. Ll STURDEB, OeaeraJ A*ent, Paaeernei r>pt. Mr Second Avenue, Seattle Phone I lain IIM mTTe <\u25a0 !.i« n own I V \u25a0a m daily ta»i»|>l Mundar). «ua- g \u25a0liM ? a. m . callia* at all Man Juan g \u25a0laiand p«Hila and arrlvla* Mellla« g \u25a0 t,am I It p m. \u25a0 I Call, at lllrhardaoa, Friday Har- g \u25a0kor. AaarartM d*r Wmi g \u25a0?ouad. Or« aa, Tuaaday. Thuradaf. g \u25a0aalu"tar Kaat Hound. OI(a. Wed- \u25a0 J"»adav. rrjdey. Sunday. _ J Sunday, August I, to Wood Canal lloiaad irl, farr. Ih|«II«( war lai. Ml ChlMrra, B to IX, Vk far* Jul mualc will be furniahi-d all Thr way by llruokr'a Whangdoodla Eutertalnara \u25a0 UANCINti \u25a0 AM UIrDAI TKir KIUIJCU WITH TIKAITT Oat your tlrkrtk aarly Btatfroonia on H I. Whatcom only \u25a0 PICNIC AT KINGSTON BKACH SI'NDAY H. S. I'UKrt for Klng«ti>n and Tort l.udlow Qrounda and K<">d pirnle beach, fine for private and club plenlca I>anrlnK pavilion for u*e of partie* . a^^H |H Hound Trip. Kluaotan and Jtrtura, HO Onta I ||^^H Caliaaa Daak t'M A. M. Arrlv* l.adlaw 11:4 a A.M. I.*a«* Ktaarataa..... ItMP. M. I ll^^H Arrive Klnaatwi ..»>:»> A. M. L*av» l.udlaw I:ia P.M. Arrive Healtl, ? ;ja P. M. \u25a0 TO T|IK SAN JI'AN f|H &. B. Flow* l*av*a Colinan liork t A M . arrlvea back It P. M. aj \u25a0s HOVNP THII» KAIIK, IX<°l<rniM» tt'AH TAX. MM I)KT vorit TICKBTB tAHLI MKt "N/X Colman Dock Mmfyill ill \u25a0 li Wwn* a twiiini?W^l?. o

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Page 1: WEANS Ship News MARKET H&'BULLS' - Library of Congress

xn.r n, i»m.


Ship NewsTides in Seattle

?ATI BOAT drum AT.jut si Ai tarrt t

rir.i iiigh ride.


« *1 « m . » » ft.Mm Im TU> \u2666 «» a. m.. »l ft

'J *-! w r>e»t iM rta.

.trr "h * m-

K«w Tt4e High TideII 41 p m. H ft. ? :? p m. *l.l fv

e e ?

Magnificent Opportunity toPGain New Markets and[ Friends Declared Open

R§ ST HKRHKRT CORKYBi'lW YORK. July ll.?"Th* camHm of European financiers who\u25a0tally visited th* I'nlted State*Hit away bulls on America to Ibe

la th* statement of Cohrln R.Kurt, of Washington, chief of th*RAanlaatlon eervice bureau of theKmber of Commerce of the I). 8.\u25a0\u25a0 who accompanied them on their

HoNirirrNT opporttnity\u25a0k markets open

H*Yo« win leave to your grand.\u25a0Una a greater heritage than your

graadfaihere left to their chll-

P*" Wm* th* statement of oneMBfear of th* commission. in whichw fitly gummed up th* Impressiongt4a won the European hantera.4 Mltlfletnl opportunity to gaingar markets and make frlrnda lafan |a Ike United Statea. You have\u25a0tartwd upon a great game YourSWag depends upon the skill withrtitak yaa play your hand."

Of Uw Mtarnatlonai altuatloo

"Inif ana of the European

\u25a0Mtrtea lg 'nowtlng hack ' We areMM af that. We have everyMiiir BBWaaary?raw materials.

our tradea, a groat

Wf heritage of courage and aelf\u25a0MaMa. We know our people toorail ta doubt for a second thatMaiMf, they win all be on th*lrMl But tho apeed with whichra rafaln oar temporarily Instlaoa ta tha world will depend upon? ntoit ta which tha I'nlted

Item urcoEMTEDramn loan

MM MM MR««ted a fwrthor lonnI My JDuropean country by th*

\u25a0mUMgt Of the I'nlted Ktalea.KtW Mr. Brown. Not one neemed

MB to think af auah a thing. They

\u25a0k ft far granted that whatever\u25a0BNBctal aaatatiinco may be given

Knia In tha futur* by U>* I'ntted\u25a0Ma win ba thru loan* of?er*d\u25a0 aradlcates of banker* with IliaW af tha Aaarlcan Invest ing pub-

\u25a0k hjr which thay may eerura theM BBalartala aad machinery th*\u25a0NVMg c««ntiiaa nee-1 They\u25a0H Ml taaatlop tha Amaiican a* II-i» >M after having taaa Ameii-

[?\u25a0BM Bnanhara par ha pa doubtedP» Aaagtoaa eocaprahanskw of tha

\u25a0MpVMje thai tha world altua-

aa* aafl tha world tha Dn-\u25a0M IM*tha world a aad a." aoma

mk tarma aa to time a a

p» aftaathold ta mark eta that bar*feMMwa haaa clooed to you. OrPlll***eaa you have to aoma\u25a0pejfcßl l« tha past, raatnotBjWttrw ta yoar domestM mar-\u25a0Mß IBi laaa your chance."pumn PRonrcnoNmimmn ctaktijno


Give Repair Needs as Causefor Order

The n*o*aslty of making **tenslv*engine repair* on the achool shipVlcksburg. which la now at Hono-lulu <twall Ins instruct ions, hat can*

cd th* Wellington stale nauticalschool director* to eliminate the rail*«-he<luled at Alaska porta by that?kip.

The ahlp haa made about half th*original fir*! iruln scheduled for thecadets. but th* acarvlty of repair *tatlons in Alaakan watcra make* thedecision advisable. ar< oiMutg to announcement* male yrwterday.

Tha Vlck»burg may u l directlyto s..»n|o or complete th* Columbiariver rail scheduled before returntar Several day* ar* still remain-ing of her atay In th* Islands.



Lack of Steel Causes NewConstruction

RERUN. July t fllr MfllV-Oernun Ingenuity, foetered by ramptlItnK nntMlly.It fulni forward withlh> mulriKtlon of fMiMW«r«le

?In* and freight rank

development tlani these line*promuwe to be raormtua. ,


merits and actual construction alreedy undertaken I rid Hut* thnt thenation will be successful In thismodern *t>le of construction wlili hhu largely l»»n forced upon It >**

cause Mwl and trun art short. TI)U

\u25a0hnrtaft la daatlned to ha greateraa lima guea on, atnre Germany Inobligated to aupply Urr> quantitiesfor Prance's reconatructlon.

Recently a oorvatantly Increasing

numWr of ways have been utllliedfor farrwconcrete ahlp construcil.-nAnd the nation la awake to lh<nwd for even hirtliw ?(fort» Inthis Una. since Ita freight Utlaminus a merchant marina- -are stag

tiering, aa for ?samtil* tta mi in

tranajjprt Mil of MM,000,000 mark*In right month*.

Tha a 1stria declare thai It la afairly aiirtple matter to obtala aufflclent ftnant. irarrt, aand andIron bara for ahlp building, butthey hava baan unabla thua far todevelop to their satisfaction eonat mctlon of veacela of mora Uutnthree to nv« thouaand tana. There»ra it-ays along tha Rhine and onthe l-'altlc for such ahlp const rue-Hon and alao mxto Inland yard*fcr building river and canal boalaof thia modern type.

a a a

Sailing Date toFranca Advanced

To comply with the request ofMarehal Koch, the Knlghta of Colurrtfeus. who will make a pilgrim

uek Europe to present the statueof to Kranoa. have advnJa their sailing dale fivm A'i< r fl to Auguat I, It waa anm tjfd yeaterday. Tha supreme

f ] of the K. of C wlll_ conI o'clock Thurtday, Juat I

ho ulfbefore sailing Uma.The advanced dale was necessary

because of tha situation In Poland,which Is so eerloua that Mtr.hnlPoch muat leave for there at anearly data.

a e e

Steamship StaffPlans Get-Together

Staff offlcera and attaches of thePaeiflo Hteam.hip company will

! hold their annual get together inthe near future?probably on Au-guat It.

The committee on arrangement*

Includea- Joseph Mehan. purclia*trig agent: Perry Ottinnon, portateward. Robert Hatch, dock agent;

A. J. Mlckley, a»»l»tant general' freight agent; L» C. Joalvn. clilaf

1 rlark to Cap! A. J. Hlnrra, tuper

; intendent of Ihe aomrmny. and John] Carmode, chief clerk to A. PHalnea, vice prealdent and generalmanager of the company.

? ? ?

Seattle Arrivals andDepartures

Arrival*letr fl?H. * la. h rmat tTla from

f.'mat ilia r+rf at 1 fft a m ; etr HawaiiMaru from Tarnma at 10 a. m. . a»r Ful-ton from Hritiah Columbia porta at 7:lfta. m.. atr Duranso from Han f'sdro at11 a m . motor s« hr Wakens from Hrlt-Ifh f'fllßinhl* port* at 4 a. m.

July 10-d'r Argyll from Han Pfdrn atI p rn .; atr West Jossup from Kobe andYokohama at 1:11 p rn . etr JCsetern

| Twmple from Yokohama via flan Fr an-

t ctaco at S 30 p. m.

Ballfli July ll?Htr Prealdent for Han Pedro

; via Han Prenetere and Victoria. B C, atnoon; etr Hawaii Msru for Kobe and To-

k"hsrne at noon, atr Kaatarn Importer

| for Manila and Bast ln<lla ports via HanFrancisco at S 10 a m.. motor aehr IJoo-

| byalla for Port Hlakely at fl;lft a mI July 10 Htr f.'-ealie MahonyFrancisco at f It p m.; etr AlsaltV forTaroma at midnight; yacht Aquilo forTecum* at I p. rn.


Vessels in Port atSeattle Today

Smith Cove terminal?Bge Henry Tll-lard

Union Oil terminal ~H»r Arsrll.Hmith Core terminal Htr Mllkeaan Mam,

atr K»«f»rn ft w porter.Pier 14- Htr Fulton.Heil st. terminal Htr Admiral Wataoa.J'ler 7 Motnr eehr Oimo.Pa« tflc ''oast bunkers?U. 0. L» H. T.

Heather.Pl**r I* Htr President, motor schr Wa-

kens.Weet Hesttle sleeetor?Htr Otho.

A KUdy yards?Btr Itobla Good-fellow.

!fanf'»r4 St. terminal?flitr Eastern Tera-pt«.

Dptlile yards?Htr Weatbore.Kaet Waterway terminal- Htr Weet Kins*

rod. etr rtolarlan, atr West Jen*.Todd drydmks Htr Hpokaoa. str I con l-

um, str Knatern Holdlsr.Aeries yards- Htr RooeoveltUks I'nlon ?H'illa llroston. fßndjr-

mlon. Fort .ia- kaon, Addison, iiouah*ton, liowrernont, Hournevllle, Allen-hurst. A Mile, Adrla, Caprarla, Rles*tia, Oeieria, Abydoa, As Stm-

Other Grains Drop Sharplyin Chicago Pit

rmrAOO, July II - Wh*at future*continued their aenaatlonal down-ward course today on th* Chicagob'tard of trad*. In Ihe abort Satur-day aeaalon fiecer tier wheat fell lieand March wheat dropped llHe.Other futurea. Including prevlelona.ware lower, alao

Heavy wheat r*c*lpt* aad a lowercash market were In evidence, whileIn the wheat pit there waa the aam*reluctan.e tn buy noted at the re-sumption of trading The graintrad* looked up'-n the wheat boat-men aa In the readjuatment periodwuh th* market hardly functioningaa yet There wa* abeence of Iheuaoal hedging trade

July wrn ami .>als wars eharplylower, due m part to the cloalng ofJuly contracta Kavorable weatherreports and heavy reeeipia wereamong the Important beariah fac-to ra.

July provlslona were aetlva, due tothe cloelng of contracta

Decambar wheat ..pened at III"down Ic. and cloeed at till, down?c; March wheat doa n It%c onopening at II31. loet 10c before thecloee.

July corn waa off at the"pening. IIIT. ani loet «r in laurtrading, closing at II II; fteptemhereorn opened late at IIU*a. d-wn|t»c. later regaining t*c. I>ecember««rn, off IHe at the opening.II lit*, closed I%* d- wn at IIl«S

July oate opened le down at T7Hc.and cloeed at It*; September oata.down Wc at the opening. Iltte. laterdropped Sa; December oata openedat M%c. dowa tiV*uha«iu*nilylya-ing lSac. a a *

Chicago Live StockmicAOO. i«ir ti ~Hor>-

(.!?! I)»i4 m«rta*t «»*4; Mutli ?/ Ml**.!'I«!t*l«. fcutclun IHVIIK p*ckitt«.Ultfil 11. »«»t fll#tt 11. I I. ?

111 ?? rnuThm llltftl «?

('?tiu I.»0t h»td m»rk*l l«

lie lo lie hf«h»r M ill! till? Minn rennere and

ctiflM«k It Ik 91. ?tcM»h»r«?'» Tlfl SI. m»». HdllM,MltN,|tl SI

#17.14.R»r«ipt«. t M« ti*«4: It

low*f. Umbs, |l Sfflt.tl. II119til.

IMatlty production of theMataa waa almost *tartlinf

P* l>"u. At Kanaaa City, Flori-PN' Hanfcar. director of the Ka-BM Sftnk of Belgium ana pnel

af the Syndicated Havings ao-DM« «f that country, watched theHtawaUons In one of tha packing

open eyea. He aw jli

\u25a0Nn * minute being killed/\u25a0|M chliled and placed In re-\u25a0Mparatar car* to be aent to aU the

\u25a0 _*T«e aaa hardly comprehend whatBpt* H*m (0 me." aaid he. "In Bel-

*H>» two men all day to kill\u25a0taMMnaa » (Ingle steer We make a

BT Al Oa Ferd plant In Detroit'they\u25a0NT IW Malarial go in at one end\u25a0tad MM ears roll out at the other\u25a0?*r their own power each day.\u25a0 Too oaa pay the highest eaiwlew fltvee labor and compete with\u25a0ttoTCrM," «u the statement of one

after watching operation*(he ooal mining country, *nld:

Irkt prod net per miner per day In\u25a0d* Called Mates la three time* theyprwlw-t par man-day In England.

I Mat lipill your men are betterbut because they uaa mv

LaMasa. la Great Britain we stick to\u25a0hi ftek and shovel. We have not|niVMd to substitute mechanical pow-I ar far the human muscle."

I WPT* \u25a0UTCTRICKNOIVKS[ un m MU.WAIKKKDL Marahsll Steven* of London la tha

af the Trafford Hstates.|ka tha greatest owners of nail-BMBtidocks, warehouses and the like

tfM world. Me doubted our eleo-

r tll< engines until he saw them In op-

avatlon pulling long trains over the

I awuntains on the Chicago, Mllwau-: kae A ML Paul. Being convinced, he

kfsfht three such engines at Pltta-IVffar 1141.000 each.

ti,Qtaartlerl. who represented ItalyM the commission, spoke of these en-

(ttMO lit connection with the water

paw«r Mil ensded by the recent con-jm,which will make hitherto waste

Kreas In the West Into manufacture\%lg centers by utilizing the power of

I the mountain stream*.do not' produce a pound of

! aoal In Italy." *ald he. "American

owl laid down In Italy costs us 170a tan, at the prevailing rate of ex-\u25a0hang*. We can not compete at thatoaat. But If we can buy American-

> awda electrical machinery we have| enough water power In the Apen-

I alnns to enable us to rebuild our-

i mlias nationally We nan hoy and| jay |f you will only give u* time."

I Ha Mint spoke of the vast ofI ggetnp land which will become farms,

f and of mining land which Is un

1 touched and the swamp* snd theapiil*rt J land which only await de->aKipmmt as national asset* that

\u25a0 A 11*11'*"*hardly seem to realise hut

aba*e all It was th«nnstlonal energy

an 4 ability In using machine* thatfti #*rn

the United fltatea had butships of more than 1 000 ton* In

flUaraees trade," sold M. He la Touche| |)jjiu France "The necessl'v arose

E trA todav you are carrying 14.i per

mat of tha world's trade In your hot-

20 PER CENT ISCOAL MINE RAISEDay Laborers to Get $1

IncreaseA wag* col* for coal miners thai

allow* an Increase of approximately10 per rent for contract leborera *n<l11 a day for day laborer* over thaar-ala of October, till, was r*<-oin-

mended by the federal roe I comml*\u25a0lon at a meeting with r*nresentatire* of the miner* and tha cnal op-erator* here late yesterday.

If accepted, the new workingagreement will become effective August 1. The oiwrator*' committee Uapparently ready to accept the recorruriendatlons. and If the miner*'convention, which meet* in the I.S-b>ir temple Tuesday. receive* themfnvorsbly, It I* considered practical-ly ceruin that the new scale will beadopted.


About 8,000 men In Washington

will be affected by the Increase Hecau*e of the numerous clasnifii'-aUon», the full achedule of wngen prob-ably w||| not be worked out beforeMonday,


Plan $1,000,000 Issue forBuilding

Preparation* for th» floating of ?

11.000,000 bond limue for building

purpose* are bring made by the Se-attle achool board. Vh* flnanoe

committee of the board waa directedto arrange for the advertlelng of«ueh an Ixaue at th» meeting Friday

Union bricklayer* thru their sec-retary, F. H. Pike, protested ngalnnt

the enforcement of the five nnd onehiilf day working week for their

trade on con*lruction work. Theunion bricklayer* could not conform

to the provision. I'lke declared, berauao *uch a week In not In keeping

with the rule* of the Internationalbody. The brick layer*' union call*

for a five-day week.

If k man 1* «m»rC he ran ntway*catch on, and If he I* wine be willalwaya know when to let go.

Pemta. tll*rk Wolf, nirklnnll,niaaford, A(ran. Anthnn,

Fori ffarrleon. Kort gteuwlt, Imurka.Klein, Ixiotl. lilonn, rn,nicin, Coxlao.rineyraa, Cardie, KlUhk, eohra HenryWllaon, flalvntor, Alice, motor *chr(tregen.

Piik-. i H'Mind Hrlilg* A Dredging work*?(I. H H. Pattereon.

Ileffernin drydoek* Motor K-hr Cooleh*.\u25a0lf Hl-.«*(tw*y


Activity in RailsDevelops in Early

New YorkTrading' NEW TOIIK. July It Price* w*r* Irregular at th* opening of th*

New Tofk (lock exchange today.

Activity developed In th* railroad Hat during th* ftrat hmir. trader*

y*r* HI lioula Houthweetcrn rommon. which toad* a n*w high for th*

year at lljMlnneapoll* * HI. l>oul*, which touched HH. up %. andHeading, IIV waa up It*. Industrial* were at a standstill In early trad-ing Tli* activity In rallroada waa believed du* to lh* forthcoming tat*

decision which tradera enpected early next week.Th* market closed Irregular.Th* market continued to be a. thin proposition on either buying ar

calling sld* of Industrial* right up to th* eloa*. Th* rally tn demand

aterlms had llttl* effect on th* stock market. Italia retained practically

all of their gain* of the flrat hour Closing prices; I'nlted Hlatea Hteel,

itI, off H; Crucible, 1 «T. off IH: Halltwln. Il#H. unchanged; Masican

Petroleum. I«0, off H: Piudebaker. 18*%. unchanged: I'nlted Htate* Hub-

ber. IT 14. up Hi Corn Products. »0. unchanged. American Woolen. 10%,off IH; Heading, mS. up %; Central leather, (IT*, off %.

e e * e

NEW TOnK. July ll.?Th* Evening Bun financial review thla after-noon eald:

"Confusion of arntlment and highly varied eipreaalon of opinion In

weekly review! of the aerurltlee market poaltl«n and the general out-

look tended further to leaaen public Intereat In stock prices In today's

\u25a0 hurt aeaalon. The tone was one of uqdarlylng ilrength. neither preaaur*

nor buying Initiative being In evidence to turn the sluggish tlda.

"The outstanding feature today waa the absenoa of all but the moatperfSnctory concern In the trading

"There waa quiet atrengtk in the railroad llat. gains In aeveral casesbeing a point or more.

Tli* second hour law snma yielding In Industrial valuaa. while th*

faHs rather more than held their own. In neither llat. however, waathere the slightest Indication of Initiate In any direction. Aa far aaany significance In the trading In the half seaaion went, the marketmight aa well h%re cloeed yeaterday for (lie week.

~e e a

New York Coffee andSugar Quotations

Nim TOIIK, Julr II ?Toffee K« 1m<>. Ittliu per tp. Se. « Heelea, ttlta 11f per Ik

Nu«er line. IIIte per lb: grenulaud.Stall',t* per lb

Foreign ExchangeKIW T"HK, Julr II rerrlge e*

-han<« Mae At Ihe of»*>ntng M>VQii"Utk>nei Kißrltiig, d«men«l |ITI%.fran. a. 4eiren<S T lie. lire, 4em and l.9tc.Canadian 4e>lara, 4amaa4 IU«, MM*eMae»e4.

K*rtl«| »I*h4 ?! II **

U Ml, m«rki 4«man4 I lie;<tolUr«. |f I Of. frame. 4*»nifi4 I fI«Jtyr+m. UMitftml t lie, *«k>lee » I?*


Chamber Wants Budget? Held DownIndorsing 'he report of th* taxa

Hon bureau »f th* Chamber of Ouro-

m»rr*. the member** (jpunoll of th*chamber ur«*d th* city council Fri-day to k"*p th* Itll budget wlthWth* figure* of th* I*lo budget.

Rpraker* C H killer, WofflQ WW-

?on, Charles K fit**and OroevanorFolaom unlt*d in condemning th«present municipal. oounty and stalegovernment* a* extravagant Theyurgvd retrenchment la ail field* ofadministration.


Clearing*Balance, lJtt.7«l.W

TlCOfRiClearing* ?»«««? ?« IBalance* tO.ITtOt 1

flpohsnrClearing* MtT.IIT 00 'Balv<-e* 410.2?0.0« I

Rupp Choaen Headof Bar Association

AJMEIUIKKN. July II -Otto BItupp «u el*ctrd by acclamation toth* prraldcnry of the Wwhlnifrn?State lur aaaoclallon, at tha finalaeaalon of Iha leaal aorlrty yral*rday.Hupp la a 8«»U1* lawyer, a member

of th* firm of Chadwlck. M' Mi« ketiRamaay A Rupp H*l"*alra nwnnlto attend th* Atn*r|ian liar aaaocla

lion convention. In Ht I.on la. n**tmonth, wcra Clark P Ulaaett. of th*I'nlveralty of Waahlngton la* arhool,

B. C Oroowup and C. * Hhepard.

Sell Booze Boatfor $ll6 at Auction

The |p»i»«lln* launch for

frltwt to tha |or<tnm«nl whan lt«

ownera wara arrcated for amuCKMnawhlnky fn.m Canada, brought |U«? t a rualoma aala Friday

Th* launch waa aomewhat damac-dby fire. atarted wh*n the boom* nmfirm beached their "raft and at-tempted to burn It whan cloaely purait"d by a coaat eu.ird cutter, a*v

eral work" ago.

rPublic Markets |m ??


Puaer I»»al1 Weal lake and Holdpond flour IMO. r>nt*nnlal Hoot flour

11 II Pit«ll 1 IT. two rani ro-operatleemilk tmill HI, I*eilm<rro coffeelb *oe. the** earn. Me: eorn flak#*,

thr<n# parkifN. Zte. bath eoap. fl*l bare

Ifte; two rim 'omatooa lie, ?mail bottleittiiup. ll# f*laI !? 14 17 1 lb ground

ihoenlat* II#; 1 Ih eeeporafed poo#h*a.

jae; lhr#o #ene Von ('«mpi pork andb»ena. 10c; ?'* roll* toilet paper, He;four boaeo f<e*r#h!lgbt mat#hea. tlf

HUll 10*. new potato**, t Iba, lie; greenand wo* b»one. I lb*, lie; aweet com,?Is for He.

rrei pi.at*

null It. pur# AmirleM #ane «nf*r fIbo . 41c. 4 H». tor at all |«. toll ran

''amotion milk. 12 Htall It. pur#

frr.li milk, quart, 12e H»ol! lies. Flak*White, lb. He; two PoatToaatleo. Wr; ehredfled cocoonut, lb.?|r; large cono good aalmnn. two for

lie; llogere baking powder, 1 lb tine.15c. Htall 1501. 10-lb tlna Koro eyrup.

t»C. CrU< o, I .e. 62#. II 00. |l.t&, |2.«tS.M ONOMt

PtoM ««. auiror. I Iba . 46#.. 4 Iba. to#gtolla 17 11. 1 lb l.l|»«OP'a yollow lob«lto a. 71c. thr#a oat»a Old Dutch I'loonM-r,|6c; llllla red con #off##. 10c; 41c rona

aor nod bf»#f. J6c. I»# bottla tnaynnnolao,

lie. 2 Iba. chplce prunra. II#; 40r puraor co««»a. 10c; 60c can Inatont

poaturn. lie; four bora Koyal White e<»ap.21c, t lb. con M J H. coffaa. 4uo.

HAMTARVPtalla 14 11. Maaola oil. IS#. «00, 11.11.

12 20; J'% Iba llllla r#d con coffo*. Il.lt.1 Iba M J D coff##. II T»0. <Mtrue pow-

dar, po'-koa#. I7e. Stall 4S, Flak#* Whtta.lb, Ilr; « lb. con f'rlaco. |1 t&; heavy

Jar rln«a. 8 doe.. 26#; flu bora. l*c. 2

Iba. Ifee. eodo cra#k«re, lb, 20i Htolta11-11, red ellver eolmon for conning, lb.,14c, amtikt-d wblto Kin* aolruon, lb, 20c


Ptoll 102. fr#ali p*>onut butter lb. tOr;Co-operative milk, four cane. 4tc; fraaliranch egga, 2 do*, l&c; full rfcoiti or

rr#am brick eh««»ae, lb. |tc; FlokaWhit#, lb , 2fc#: bulk c<Tffi»a, apr< 101. lb.,31c. I Iba. t/'C. Hiall" 94 II I'lke *at.\u25a0 hoiilder of mutton, lb. tc; mutton chopa,lb., He, laga of mutton, lb , lie; bn<'>n.lb . lOo; bomburgar, lb, 10c; boilingbeof, ll»., 7c.


Cantaloupes Arrive FromToppenish

An nnumiany brbik morning aea-alon. even for the week-end, waa re-ported In the produce market ntong

Wnatern ava. Muturday. The onlynovelly along tha row waa a couple

of cnjiea of runtaloupee from Top-penlfih, the flrpt of tha aeajton. Theybrought It a crate. Watermelon!lire iirarre, and were Boon cleanedup at I to S'4 renla a pound.

Hwee\ mm la down a little, aelllng

for tl to $S 60 for a atwk or crate of?even and eight docen Mm. Pu»a-toca record no change. Outdoor cu-cumliero from Yakima are beginnlng to cut in on the local hothouacvarletlna at 7J cent* a docen.

Local Market*,

Mm re 14 Wtielaeale Dee levafor Vegetablee ead frail

4e*aeag«e- Waehtngtna .11He»le 119 I*Cebbage 119 MSferrate Per eark tl*' anllfteeer Per Hu 4??Celerp t.»«-el. par d..a ........ TtCarambere tloth.uee. p** il«i I 1191 w

Yekime ,T4K«« Pleal?Pie. per tb .!?f.| It

fierlle .p? it. t!9 »?

I'W'U IW» Per n. .., I*9 IItrreee Pee» Ijvil I*I,rem IVpp,,. Per 1t.,,,,.,.. '*

l etter* I eeal tll9*l*Upton. Red. u.r lt> .*1 H

Telletr tillre'etaee per lb

New ll* US.149 »4H

Yakima llama per ll***

Mabert Per » .#»? MMalebaaee Per lark If*a*aeeti t-ream per |b ?'

?'Hai n.eea per Ik tIH«a«er I'rate Per lb "

a»eet t'nrn Per d"a '

Yakima Per rrele I*9l??

Taeialnaa Imperial Taller. ert* I "

I - -el ketbeoee I 11 ? » »'

rerelpe? Uo-al per aacfe ...... I*'Waa Maaae?Par lb I»

rniTiP» et ere Waebteffne I Mfl!?

ilreen per half be* IJial Mnra*enetetna Cat. per boa. ..4*19' 4t

Aerleete Pair lua t??Iteeeaee per lb .11*Itlaehkeevtee Per eaee It*Ienlel.Mipee Nten4a>ea IllVtl*


rnelea Per tb ??

( tierrtre It* »?

ferreele- Per traleR. 4 I


tuark I 't"eeeeaeeatee *e«e(Irepea Malaaa. par crate ...»

' '

Ur.ee yrall?PWMl _? **

Oei ... I ???« »?

Ptae Oreen. per bee 11*ItMHI fuel per tra1e....... It*leieee per b»f *??! **

I eeeelieirlae per arete Ilt|l IIilrwtee I'er caee Ill#!«Pre abee Cel . . j. I**

P.eafere WaabtnclinPeeea Varflelt IMflllPleeapple < Vale It*Plume _ Callferala. !#??! Tl

Keei.rn Weeblnflee "}'??

\u25a0eipkerrlae -Heit. per arate... .1 >?*

Hiaek. pet arete.. 1etrm-ln iitae ???

Terkl.b awkae -Per lb ?!

Wet. wel.ee fee lb ?? HIre Creaa Vtlaae-Per lb lilt

NBTBrateee raid a* Wl gnili .

41taea4e Per It. *.e 41rtlbeete fee lb J*Weleele -Meerburtee ...* .11Peeeele - Vlrgtete Kerateea, ». .tl

ieeeeaee, per lb .11fteaaa Par ib M

DAIRY PRfIDITT®Prlree raM te Mum

?eWaefat\u25a0age anirtir freeb .11Mnk -Per «»t til

DAIRY PRODI CT«Frteee Paid Wkalneli IIeel era

?tetter Ureal craataarr, aatee. ,11Itriebe * * -If

Rtae. - freeh raaibpullet a 11l It

Mr irtplele ll# IIaiHKMIa rtetn brtck .11I.lmb4tter .11Touer America .fttlort awlee .11\v triplet* I*9 II

POI I.TRYPrlree raM br t» belaaai* B*al»ra

te ahlrpereIbaHw . .11Hr**~r>4er * lba J*

t lb* end up JTItnHlree .»!

Mi iba a» Jla,cetera 119 .11(.rear Uve . .11ftetgbaa llarea Ut* per lb ... .11

POI'I.TRYPrtree Pill Wheteeeleee

Parke?Praaea MPreaaea .11

Itmiiera Dreeeei Ilf <?llena ttreeeed 119 IItteeee .*?

Tare ere?Draeee4 119 IIMRAT

Prlree Pelt te gkigpeeaIteaa-Tenet I*9 IIlaal Panrr I*9 It

M»4lutn 119 .Itgeel all aaa at ateekpar^p

l*.l*9llIIMedium te rkelc* ItlltllIIR<iU|h beevf ll**Vlt>*riaa Itn9ii.li

Celile ?

liaal aleera II**9tl I*M>.Hum te rbolee *lo9l*loll'.uih haatr T **9 ll*Iteet noaa and halfera Ill*I»?

Bull* I t«f I II* 119U.11

eheep?-rrlme aprlnc 1am1.a...11 **ffHtoVearllnaa I**# I **

Wether* I T t*Keea I*«9 I SO

HAY, (iKAIN AND FEEDWheleeele Prtee Pet Tea. City Prtee

Itarlr) Whole Ill*Boiled til*flipped !» **

Oale Hulled Id**Whole '*oo

Cera Whole *2*oCracked MOO

Chop 710*t.reaed Itoae *1 IItill.. Melee TillMill Kite t* 00

< Alfelfe It 0*Alfalfa Meet 10 ll*trretrtl I'etrd *0 01

ttbaet »* ??

hi raw »» o*( Itlek teed 100 0*tepre tillCotton a red Meal .., II 01t leh Meal UT *1llrll* Ulll.laeeed Meal It IIKgl 1111Mral and ttoae 11l llMeet He rape 111.11a bet I Meal it II

Orater ItII?eye litem Mral It.II

It aomrtlmoa hafiprna that a [awatud*nt Klvea up thn law hualnaii*to ?iißane In th* aon In law hunlnraa.

i. ."

' BOATS LEAVE COLMAN DOCI7, a. 11 A.*M? i, a. a. 7. a P. M.ICVICHV OAT. Tka brat aad

. abaapaat way fa gm.J. A Ruaaell, rocanlly convlctnd Intha federal court of attempting tobrihn a government offlicr, huH Jllrda hill denylnK tcatlmony iiktlnwt lilinIn the Unltad Sfal*a dlatrlct court.

ICuaaell la at praaent aervliiK 'a

three montha term In tho county Jail,liavlnit beein nentenced July 7 byiJj'tiUuiU Ju%u K. U. Cualauun.




him on atatloncry of the Mitchellimti i, i .i. 11.

"Ihw iMh, I came here,Ifimkn and v\try thing. In i mrfrmn Monroe. lam waiting herefor Ui« hank l« often, and thenHip rw* l« IIHI U oil

"My mind In O. K. an 4 mymoral, are fairly good.

"I'crhape yrni will learn beforethe mil of >our Ufa that youlutie 111 nil) a mIaUU

"I would like t« atop In to ami

you l» fure i go. Hut wlutt'a lbatur!

"Vonra lovingly. floadkjre."Tlie letter win atgned «J W. How*On June 22. about S o'clock In the

afternoon, Mlaa FMahman aaya,liowo phoned har that ha contem-plated a trip to Auatralla, and waa'leaving the city at tl p. m.

"I told him to coma and aaa ma,"ahe aaid, "becauae I wanted to tJtlkwith him. but ha didn't come. Twodaya Inter the card came from Port-land, addreaaed In hla handwriting.There waa no meeaage on It. only api-'tura of the L'nloo depot at I'ort*land."

Howe waa wetl known among un-dertaken here, having been Inti-mately acquainted with C- C. Kmmona, of the Itonney Wataon Co , for15 yeara. He formerly waa employed

by Uutt company. At the time of hladtaappe*ranrc he waa having an au-tomobile Iranafortned into ft lieaiee


Write Lettersby Dozens on

Howling DogsC M. Scott. assistant city clerk,

will hav* to conatnict additional

flllns riuMM If Ilia letter* praising

iiml denouncing th* "bowling dog

ordinance" continue Ui pour Into

III* office.


Morgan Selected as StateTrustee

Harold N. Moore I* county secre-tary of th* King count/ unit of th*Washington State Retailers associa-tion, cluiwn at a meeting at th*Chamber of Commerce last nlghl

Fred n. Morgan, of Frederick k Nels*n's, wam nominated for state trua--I*4*. th* election to take place InHpukan* Auguat (. A county execu-tive oummitiM in named aa follow*;

Mr !taas of Renton, J. W, Paranaugh of Auburn. O. Krlckaen ofBothell, A. N Berlin of K*nt. C. 0.Mers* of th* frtMr Pstereon com-pany, If. A. Ernst of Kriul Hard-ware company, K. B. Klnn* of I'nbreraltp Pharmael**. O H Htorrn ofOetonek Knitting company and(-'rank J. Victor.

50 Outfits Disappear EachMonth

T>rlv*n desperate by thdr efWIMfor dO[>a, hophead* are turning to»ult *tenllng a* tha e*aie*t methodof grttlng m«n«y to buy narcotlca,uncording to l*leut. J. C. Wickman,heart Of the police pawn shop detail.

Morn than £0 eulta a month ajt

\u25a0tolen in H' itl|e, moetly from room*In downtown hotel*.

IJecau** of high price*, barrnla?eeker* don't *t«p to o*k «|u**tlonawhen they are offered a «ult cheap,and *o hophead* find them eaey to\u25a0ell. I,l*ut. Wlclinun *aya. Moat ofthe MoUen aulia eventually find theirway to Houth Knd pawn *hopa. andthe majority of them ara recoveredwhen police hart a report of tb*theft. Lieut. Wl'kman claim*.

V. Hrrnnan, Kwlng hotel, waa th*only man in lie victimized by '*ultthP-ve a Friday night. Hla *ult waablue, with a light ' f?r«tan atrip*, andwin of Kngll*h cut.

Th* lateat communication on th*

\u25a0ilbject declared that men and worn? n Hliould Im conal4«r*d l.'fore

4a*a."I do not dliiltk* dog»," *« y* V.

1.. Comlo, 433 10th av*. H, th*writer. "but day after day, I amunfit for my work, l«caun« of ubarking, yelping dog, keeping meawake ut night,"


Drops Handkerchief*

WhileProwling Here

**. J. 8.." the Initial* written Inblack Ink on a blue arid white polkadot hiiiwll i M hl-f. left behind by aburglar who attempted to open tha*afe of Renton HillFuel Co., 1122 K.I'nlon *t , wm* the only cluo policehad Haturday to hi* Identity.

After gaining entrance to th* offlea by boring a hnl* In th* backdoor arid turning th* lock, the lhl*fattempted to knock open the *af« byhammering on th* lock. He evi-dently placed the handkercblrf overth* lock to deaden the ring of th*blowa.

Motorcycle Officer A. J. Hill fonndth* handkerchief when he Inveatigated the burglary. Hill aaya th*lhi*f waa probably a buy. aa thehole In the door thru which hereached hi* hand to turn the lock,waa A veiy small on*. The would be\u25a0afecrgcker wa* frightened away,polio* b*ll*ve, aa he look nothing.

Rev. Murphy Want*Boy Choir Stopped

Drop PhonographWhen Copt Appear

Surprised in an alley aa they werocarting away In a wheelbarrow 4 Vlo>trola atolen from the home of S. O.Sunde, ]f,o> Tenth av*. W., ? manand woman dropped their loot andfled Friday night. R. H. Bergstrom,1114 lith av*. W, waa driving hlaauto out of th* alley when he metthe pair. The Vlctrole waa returned,to the Hunde home. Bund*, who laaffiliated with Hunde t D'Evers ahlp? handler*, la on a trip to Norway.

Find Stolen Carin Fresno, CaL

A man Hiring tha nam* of P. G.Tlra haa been arrested la Fi'WHCalifornia, in poeseasloa of a Forirar stolen from J. N. Ef|l> R- F.f>. No. t, niympia. accord tn* toword *«jr J. F. McAulej^chief of the bureau of laTwtlgaUoaIn Heattle.

P.eaaaurances that the member* ofthe Whitney Boy Choir are well<ar»d for and having an enjoyableexperience were wlrr<l by W. K Too-mey, mayor of freeno, Cal.. Hatur-day. The teleifram, addreaaed u>Mayor Caldwell, waa in reply to a re-fluent of the Rev. U- O. Murphy,prominent Jap sympathlaer, that theCalifornia authorities detain theboys, on the around that their parrnta were deceived when

(the young

chorister* were taken on' their tourof the gouth.Two Dentist* Are

Declared GuiltyBnire. Idaho. Ju'r »I.?Dr. V. A.

ntag*raid and Dr. W. A. My*rawere found guilty In district courtlata Friday nlglit of conspiracy to de-fraud in Myers* caaa for receivingbribe* while a member of U>* slat*board of dental examiners*

A man mar W a hopeless Idiot,but no warnsn will admit tt after'he haa proposed to her.

PmdmMtrian* 11AHit by Autoa fl I \Thit Year lW

Pilfering Ice from tha rear oflea wnwona It becoming dangeroua poalima for boya. Ben E.Johnaon, of Tamhill elation, re-ported to police Saturday that hehad knocked down a boy who wmrunning away from an Ira wagondriver at 14th ava and E. Hpruceet Friday afternoon. Tl>e boygave hla |a«t name aa Davis. Twowreka ago a boy waa killed whenatruck by an auto aa he jumpedoff the rear of an lea wagon.

IbsrtDgtnessOiaractertaaa eur iMthoii hievery transaction. and our aus-t'lmer* are accorded every cour-tesy eonsletent with Bound kud-dm« JadgmeaL

4%A?p?U to CIMI Al» Q»>

ftlailjr lav*U4

Peoples Saving* BankNDCOXB m i»RD|K


W# say New Tor* awliM prise ead latereet. dedaetlnf for brokerage OKIPER CENT on ll* sad III* deaeartasUons and ONE-HALT OW ON\u25a0 fllCINT ea terser doßeralnatleas.

Tea can flrure the cr.RRKT RlXim TiLCIof year beada ky dad act-mi the brokerage from Ike market price and tddla| tka latereet. an MafiaeueleUeaa below;

let tad Ist tad M «tk tUHniWiHB? H*e 4-s «'e «V» <H'e JH*e iH'e l*s l«'s

Market -...111 H 111.M |i< 41 111 tt 111 it Hill lis.it lH.it l»I.T»Intareat .... .41 .11 .11 .11 II lit 111 .«? .U

T0ta1...... |lt.II 111 It |ll.lt Mill illll lit It Htll UtM mil


The flsalw MaaMpal Bead Hows* Capital Owe wmtea MmEXoHloksd t>»«e e (IwHef tentsry Tetepliewee: glUett WW, Mala Ttt^

Going East?Travel through the wonderful

CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIESTo All Middle West and Eastern DaaUnationa la

CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES<1 \u25a0 1 " \u25a0\u25a0




B. F. Ll STURDEB, OeaeraJ A*ent, Paaeernei r>pt.

Mr Second Avenue, Seattle Phone Ilain IIM

mTTe <\u25a0 !.i«n own I V\u25a0a m daily ta»i»|>l Mundar). «ua- g\u25a0liM ? a. m

. callia* at all Man Juan g\u25a0laiand p«Hila and arrlvla* Mellla« g\u25a0 t,am I It p m. \u25a0

I Call, at lllrhardaoa, Friday Har- g\u25a0kor. AaarartM d*r Wmi g\u25a0?ouad. Or« aa, Tuaaday. Thuradaf. g\u25a0aalu"tar Kaat Hound. OI(a. Wed- \u25a0J"»adav. rrjdey. Sunday. _ J

Sunday, August I, to Wood Canallloiaad irl, farr. Ih|«II«( war lai. Ml ChlMrra, B to IX, Vk far*

Jul mualc will be furniahi-d all Thr way by llruokr'a Whangdoodla Eutertalnara\u25a0 UANCINti \u25a0

AM UIrDAI TKir KIUIJCU WITH TIKAITTOat your tlrkrtk aarly Btatfroonia on H I. Whatcom only

\u25a0 PICNIC AT KINGSTON BKACH SI'NDAYH. S. I'UKrt for Klng«ti>n and Tort l.udlow

Qrounda and K<">d pirnle beach, fine for private and club plenlcaI>anrlnK pavilion for u*e of partie* . a^^H|H Hound Trip. Kluaotan and Jtrtura, HO Onta I ||^^H

Caliaaa Daak t'M A. M. Arrlv* l.adlaw 11:4 a A.M. I.*a«* Ktaarataa..... ItMP. M. I ll^^HArrive Klnaatwi ..»>:»> A. M. L*av» l.udlaw I:ia P.M. Arrive Healtl, ? ;ja P. M.

\u25a0 TO T|IK SAN JI'AN f|H&. B. Flow* l*av*a Colinan liork t A M . arrlvea back It P. M. aj

\u25a0s HOVNP THII» KAIIK, IX<°l<rniM» tt'AH TAX. MMI)KT vorit TICKBTB tAHLI MKt

"N/X Colman Dock

Mmfyill ill \u25a0 liWwn* a twiiini?W^l?.o