web application architecture (based j2ee 1.4 tutorial)krunapon/courses/178375/... · web...

Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial) Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 1 1 Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial) Dr. Kanda Runapongsa ([email protected]) Department of Computer Engineering Khon Kaen University 2 Agenda Web application, components and Web application, components and Web application, components and Web application, components and container container container container Web application development and deployment steps Web Application Archive (*.WAR file) *.WAR directory structure WEB-INF directory Configuring Web application Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml file)

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Page 1: Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)krunapon/courses/178375/... · Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial) Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer

Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 1


Web Application Architecture

(based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa ([email protected])

Department of Computer Engineering

Khon Kaen University



�Web application, components and Web application, components and Web application, components and Web application, components and containercontainercontainercontainer

�Web application development and deployment steps

�Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)� *.WAR directory structure

�WEB-INF directory

�Configuring Web application�Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml file)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 2


What is a Web Application?�A Web application is a dynamic extension of a Web or application server

�There are two types of Web applications� Presentation-oriented: Generates interactive Web pages containing various types of markup language and dynamic content in response to requests

� Service-oriented: A service-oriented Web application implements the endpoint of a Web service. Presentation-oriented applications are often clients of service-oriented Web applications


Web Components & Container

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 3


Web Components

�Web components provide the dynamic

extension capabilities for a Web server

�Web components are either Java servlets,

JSP pages, or Web service endpoints

�Servlets are Java programming language

classes that dynamically process requests and construct responses

� JSP pages are text-based documents that

execute as servlets but allow a more

natural approach to creating static content



�Servlets are best suited for �Service-oriented applications (Web service endpoints are implemented as servlets)

�The control functions of a presentation-oriented application, such as dispatching requests and handling non-textual data

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 4



�JSP pages are more appropriate for

generating text-based markup


�Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG),

�Wireless Markup Language (WML)



Web Components

�Web components are supported by

the services of a runtime platform

called a Web container

�A Web container provides services

such as request dispatching, security,

concurrency, and life-cycle


�It also gives Web components access

to APIs such as naming, transactions,

and email

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 5


Web Components & Container

�Web components are in the form of either Servlet or JSP (along with Java Beans and custom tags)

�Web components run in a Web container�Tomcat and Resin are popular web containers

�Web container provides system services to Web components�Request dispatching, security, and life cycle management


Web Application & Components

�Web Application is a deployable package

� Web components

� Static resource files such as images

� Helper classes

� Libraries

� Deployment descriptor (web.xml file)

�Web Application can be represented as

� A hierarchy of directories and files (unpacked form) or

� *.WAR file reflecting the same hierarchy (packed form)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 6


Web Modules (1/2)

�In the J2EE architecture, Web

components and static Web content

files such as images are called Web


�A Web module is the smallest

deployable and usable unit of Web


�A J2EE Web module corresponds to

a Web application as defined in the

Java Servlet specification


Web Modules (2/2)� In addition to Web components and Web resources, a Web module can contain other files:� Server-side utility classes (database beans, shopping carts, and so on). Often these classes conform to the JavaBeans component architecture

� Client-side classes (applets and utility classes)

�A Web module has a specific structure

�The top-level directory of a Web module is the document root of the application

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 7


The Document Root�The document root contains a subdirectory named /WEB-INF/, which contains the following files and directories� web.xml: The Web application deployment descriptor

� classes: A directory that contains server-side classes: servlets, utility classes, and JavaBeans components

� tags: A directory that contains tag files, which are implementations of tag libraries

� lib: A directory that contains JAR archives of libraries called by server-side classes


Web Modules Deployment�A Web module can be deployed as an unpacked file structure or can be packaged in a JAR file known as a Web archive (WAR) file

�Because the contents and use of WAR files differ from those of JAR files, WAR file names use a .war extension

�The Web module just described is portable; you can deploy it to any Web container that conforms to the Java ServletSpecification

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 8


Deploy a WAR

�To deploy a WAR on the Application

Server, the file must also contain a

runtime deployment descriptor

�The runtime deployment descriptor is

an XML file that contains information

such as

�The context root of the Web application

�The mapping of the portable names of

an application’s resources to the

Application Server’s resources


Packaging Web Modules

�A Web module must be packaged into a

WAR in certain deployment scenarios and

whenever you want to distribute the Web


�You package a Web module into a WAR


� the Application Server deploytool utility,

� by executing the jar command in a directory laid out in the format of a Web module, or

� By using the asant utility

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 9



�Web application, components and container

�Web application development and Web application development and Web application development and Web application development and deployment stepsdeployment stepsdeployment stepsdeployment steps

�Configuring Web application

�Web application building tools


Web Application Development and Deployment Steps

1. Write (and compile) the Web component code (Servlet or JSP) and help classes referenced by the web component code

2. Create any static resources (for example, images or HTML pages)

3. Create deployment descriptor

4. Build the Web application (*.war file or deployment-ready directory)

5. Deploy the web application into a Web container

� Web clients are now ready to access them via URL

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 10


1. Write and compile the Web component code

�Create development tree structure

�Write either servlet code or JSP

pages along with related helper code

�Create build.xml for Ant-based build

(and other application development

life-cycle management) process

�IDE handles all these chores


Development Tree Structure

�Keep Web application source

separate from compiled files

�Facilitate iterative development

�Root directory (example from hello2

sample code from J2EE 1.4 tutorial)

�build.xml: Ant build file

�src: Java source servlets and

JavaBeans component

�web: JSP pages and HTML pages

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 11


Example: hello2 Tree structure (before “ant build” command)



� GreetingServlet.java

� ResponseServlet.java





2. Create any static resources

�HTML pages

�Custom pages

�Login pages

�Error pages

�Image files that are used by HTML

pages or JSP pages

�Example: duke.waving.gif

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 12


3. Create deployment descriptor (web.xml)

�Deployment descriptor contains

deployment time runtime instructions

to the Web container

�URN that the client uses to access the

web component

�Every web application has to have it


4. Build the Web Application

�Either *.WAR file or unpacked form of *.WAR file

�Build process is made of�Create build directory (if it is not present) and its subdirectories

�Compile Java code into build/WEB-INF/classes directory

�Copy web.xml file into build/WEB-INFdirectory

�Copy images file into build directory

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 13


Build the “hello2” application1. In a terminal window, go to


2. Set j2ee.home variable in file <INSTALL_DIR>/j2eetutorial14/examples/common

3. Run “asant build” This target will spawn any necessary compilations and will copy files to the <INSTALL_DIR>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello2/build/ directory


5. Deploy Web Application

�Deploy the application over

deployment platform such as Sun

Java System App Server or Tomcat

�3 ways to deploy to Sun Java System

App server

�Use asant comand

�Use App serv admin console

�Use NetBeans

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 14


Packaging Web App Using asant

�To package the application into a WAR named hello1.war using asant, use the following command:“asant create-war”

“asant deploy-war”

�These commands use web.xml and sun-web.xml files into the <INSTALL_DIR>/j2eetutorial4/examples/web/hello2 directory


6. Perform Client Access to Web Application

�From a browser, go to URN of the

Web application

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 15




Running hello2 Web Application (1/2)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 16


Running hello2 Web Application (2/2)


Listing Deployed Web Modules�The Application Server provides three

ways to view the deployed Web modules

� deploytool

�Select localhost:4848 from the Servers list

�View the Deployed Objects list in the General tab

� Admin Console

�Open the URL http://localhost:4848/asadmin in a browser

�Expand the nodes Applications � Web


� asadmin

�Execute asadmin list-components

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 17


Using Deploytool


View Deployed Web Modules

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 18


Using Admin Console


Using asadmin Command

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 19



�Web application, components and container

�Web application development and deployment steps

�Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)� *.WAR directory structure*.WAR directory structure*.WAR directory structure*.WAR directory structure

�WEBWEBWEBWEB----INF directoryINF directoryINF directoryINF directory

�Configuring Web application�Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml file)


Web Application

�Web application can be deployed in

two different forms

�A *.war file or

�An unpacked directory laid out in the

same format as a *.war file (build


�Use *.war file when you have to

deploy on a remote machine

�asant deploy-war command

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 20


What is *.WAR File?

�Ready to deploy’able package over web


�Similar to *.jar file

�Contain things to be deployed

� Web components (servlets or JSP’s)

� Server-side utility classes

� Static Web presentation content (HTML,

image, etc)

� Client-side classes (applets and utility classes)


Document Root & Context

�Document Root of the Web application

� Top-level directory of WAR

� Contains JSP pages, client-side classes and archieves, and static Web resources are stored

�A context is a name that gets mapped to the

document root of a Web application

� /hello2 is context for hello2 example

� A way to distinguish Web application in a single Web container

� Has to be specified as part of client URN

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 21


How to Create *.WAR File?

�Three different ways

�Use IDE (NetBeans)

�Use ant tool after putting proper

build instruction in build.xml

�“asant create-war”

�Use “jar cvf <filename>.war”

command under build directory


WEB-INF Directory

�Subdirectory of Document root

�Contains� web.xml: Web application deployment descriptor

� JSP tag library descriptor files

� classes: A directory that contains server-side classes: servlets, utitlity classes, and JavaBeans components

� lib: A directory that contains JAR archieves of libraries (tag libraries and any utility libraries called by server-side classes)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 22


HTTP Request URL & Web Compoennt URN (alias) & Context

�Request URL: User specified access point of a web resource� http://[host]:[port]/[request path]?[query string]

� [request path] is made of context and web component’s URN

� http://localhost:8080/hello2/greeting?username=Manee

�Context: Name of the root document of a web application – Identifies a particular application on that server� /hello2 is context


Undeploying Web Modules

� You can undeploy Web modules in four


� deploytool

� Admin Console

� asadmin

� Asant

� Using deploytool

a) Select localhsot:4848 from the Servers list

b) Select the Web module in the Deployed

Objects list of the General tab

c) Click the Undeployed button

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 23


Undeploying using deploytool


Undeploying Web Modules

�Admin Console

�a) Open the URL

http://localhost:4848/asadmin in a


�b) Expand the Applications node

�c) Select Web Applications

�d) Click the checkbox next to the module

you wish to undeploy

�E) Click the Undeploy button

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 24


Undeploying using Admin Console


Undeploying Web Modules


�In the directory where you built and

packaged the WAR, execute ‘asant


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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 25



�Web application, components and container

�Web application development and deployment steps

�Web Application Archive (*.WAR file)� *.WAR directory structure

�WEB-INF directory

�Configuring Web applicationConfiguring Web applicationConfiguring Web applicationConfiguring Web application�Web application deployment descriptor Web application deployment descriptor Web application deployment descriptor Web application deployment descriptor ((((web.xmlweb.xmlweb.xmlweb.xml file)file)file)file)


Configuring Web Application �Configuration information is specified in web.xml (Web Application Deployment Descriptor)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 26


Web Applications Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)

�Alias Paths

�Context and Initialization Parameters

�Event Listeners

�Error Mappings

�Reference to Environment Entries,

Resource environment entries, or



Web Applications Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)

�Case sensitive

�Order sensitive (in the following order)

� icon, display-name, description, distributable

� context-param, filter, filter-mapping

� listener, servlet, servlet-mapping, session-config

� mime-mapping, welcome-file-list

� error-page, taglib, resource-env-ref, resource-ref

� security-constraint, login-config, security-role

� env-entry, ejb-ref, ejb-local-ref

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 27


Alias paths (of web.xml) (1/2)

�When a request is received by Servlet

container, it must determine which

Web component in which web

application should handle the request

�It does by mapping the URL path

contained in the request to a Web



Alias paths (of web.xml) (2/2)

�A URL path contains the context root

and alias path


�Alias path can be in the form of either

� /alias-string (for servlet) or

� /*.jsp (for JSP)

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 28


Alias Paths Example


Context and Initialization Parameters (of web.xml)

� Represents application context

� Can be shared among Web components in a WAR file








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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 29


Event Listeners (of web.xml)

�Receives servlet life-cycle events







Error Mappings (of web.xml)

�Maps status code returned in an HTTP response to a Java programming language exception returned by any Web component and a Web resource







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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 30


References (of web.xml)� Need when web components make references to environment entries, resource environment entries, or resources such as databases

� Example: declare a reference to a data source







Example web.xml of hello2<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" version="2.4"

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">










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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 31


Ant Build Tool

�Ant is a make tool that is portable

across platforms

�Open source project under Apache

�Operates under the control of a build

file, normally called build.xml

�build.xml is stored in the top-level

directory of your source code



Ant Environment in Application Server

� In the Ant environment, build.xml files are analogous to Makefile. A build.xml file can define various targets that are used to compile and assemble a J2EE application

�A simple wrapper script named asant(.bat) is located in directory <J2EE_INSTALL_DIR>/bin

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 32


build.xml File

�Contains several targets for�Compiling the appliction

�A temporary ./build directory is created beneath the root

�./build directory contains an exact image of the binary distribution for your Web application

� Installing the application on a running server

�Reloading the modified application onto the running server

�Removing old copies of the application to regenerate their content


Targets in build.xml (1/2)

Compiles all sources, builds stubs/skeletons and assembles EJB JAR, WAR, and EAR files

This is the default target for all build.xml


Assembles the EAR file in <sample_dir>/assemble/ear/


Assembles the WAR file in <sample_dir>/assemble/war/


Compiles all Java source codecompile


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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 33


Targets in build.xml (2/2)

Removes the deployed sample

from application server


Remove <appname>/build/ and

<appname>/assemble/ content


Register resources, deploys app,

but does not install Javadocs


Builds both core and javadocs,

verifies, registers resources and

deploys app.


Creates Java docs in





Common Commands

�Build codes

�asant build

�Create a *.WAR file

�asant create-war

�Deploy/undeploy, use

�asant deploy-war

�Can accomplish all of tasks by


�asant all

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Web Application Architecture (based J2EE 1.4 Tutorial)

Dr. Kanda Runapongsa, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University 34


References� Java Web Services Developer Pack




� Java Web Services Developer Pack Tutorial



� J2EE 1.4 Tutorial
