web page evaluation tutorial

Web Page Evaluation a tutorial Steve Mittendorf

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Page 1: Web Page Evaluation Tutorial

Web Page Evaluation

a tutorialSteve Mittendorf

Page 2: Web Page Evaluation Tutorial

When Comparing Websites....

there are 4 main criteria

• Authority

• Accuracy

• Currency

• Objectivity

Wolfgram Memorial Library Reference Department. (2004). How to evaluate information on the Web. Widener University. Retrieved January 6, 2011 from http://www.widener.edu/about/campus_resources/wolfgram_library/evaluate/default.aspx

Page 3: Web Page Evaluation Tutorial

I have an interest in nutrition......so I'm going to compare web site information

on the benefits of whole grains using two web sites





Page 4: Web Page Evaluation Tutorial

AuthorityWho's responsible?

What are their qualifications?

Using WHOIS, I search the domain of the two websites


EvaluationWG Guide: unusual web

address extension neither educational, commercial or organizational. No contact information.

WG Council: All contact information available (address, email and phone numbers).

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AccuracyAre there other sources and links presented within the web page?

Using Google search, I use link: before the URL in the search box to find links to the websites

ex. link:www.wholegraincouncil.org

EvaluationWG Guide: 2 sites are

linked to this web page.

WG Council: 163 sites are linked to this site. More links to other credible sources.

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CurrencyDates are written and revision dates are on the web page; no dead links.

EvaluationWG Guide: Dated 1997 but

no recent revisions and no copyright information. One active link

WG Council: Copyrighted and revised in 2011

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ObjectivityMinimum bias and information is fair and balanced

EvaluationWG Guide: Informative but

limited information. Somewhat objective but again information is dated.

WG Council: Very informative. Information has some bias but it is minimal given the amount of information and resources the page is linked to.

Page 8: Web Page Evaluation Tutorial


The "WG Council" website is clearly more informative and reliable because:

• There is an authority behind the website

• The website's links provide more accuracy

• There is currency because the website has been revised recently and copyrighted.

• The web site offers objectivity because it had minimal bias