web searching and graph similarity vincent blondel and paul van dooren* cesame, universite...


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Web searching and graph similarityVincent Blondel and Paul Van Dooren*

CESAME, Universite Catholique de Louvainhttp://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/

* Thanks to P. Sennelart GAMM, 2003

The web graph

Nodes = web pages, Edges = hyperlinks between pages

3 billion (Google searched 3,083,324,625 webpages in 2002)

Average of 7 outgoing links

The web graph

Nodes = web pages, Edges = hyperlinks between pages

3 billion (Google searched 3,083,324,625 webpages in 2002)

Average of 7 outgoing links

Growth of a few %

every month


1. Structure of the web

2. Methods for searching the web

(Google PageRank and Kleinberg Hits)

3. Similarity in graphs

4. Application to synonym extraction (Blondel-Sennelart)

Structure of the web

Experiments : two crawls over 200 million pages in 1999

found a giant strongly connected component (core)

• Contains most prominent sites• It contains 30% of all pages• Average distance between nodes is 16• Small world

Ref : Broder et al., Graph structure in the web, WWW9, 2000

The web is a bowtie

Ref : The web is a bowtie, Nature, May 11, 2000

In- and out-degree distributions

Power law distribution : number of pages of in-degree n is

proportional to 1/n2.1 (Zipf law)

A score for every page

The score of a page is high if the page has many incoming

links coming from pages with high page score

One browses from page to page by following outgoing links

with equal probability. Score = frequency a page is visited.

A score for every page

The score of a page is high if the page has many incoming

links coming from pages with high page score

One browses from page to page by following outgoing links

with equal probability. Score = frequency a page is visited.

… some pages may have no outgoing links

… many pages have zero frequency

PageRank : teleporting random score

The surfer follows a path by choosing an outgoing link with probability p/dout(i) or teleports to a random web page with probability 0<1-p <1.

Put the transition probability of i to j in a matrix M (bij=1 if i→j)

mij = p bij /dout(i) + (1-p)/n

then the vector x of probability distribution on the nodes of the graph

is the steady state vector of the iteration xk+1=Mxk i.e. the dominanteigenvector of the matrix M (unique because of Perron-Frobenius)

PageRank of node i is the (relative) size of element i of this vector

Matlab News and Notes, October 2002

and my own page rank ?use Google toolbar

some top pages :PageRank In-degree

1 http://www.yahoo.com 10 654,000 2 http://www.adobe.com 10 646,000

5 http://www.google.com 10 252,000 8 http://www.microsoft.com 10 129,00012 http://www.nasa.gov 10 93,90020 http://mit.edu 10 47,60023 http://www.nsf.gov 10 39,40026 http://www.inria.fr 10 17,40072 http://www.stanford.edu 9 36,300

Kleinberg’s structure graph

The score of a page is high if the page has

many incoming links

The score is high if the incoming links are

from pages that have high scores

Kleinberg’s structure graph

The score of a page is high if the page has

many incoming links

The score is high if the incoming links are

from pages that have high scores

This inspired Kleinberg’s “structure graph”

hub authority

Good authorities for “University Belgium”

A good hub for “University Belgium”

Hub and authority scores

Web pages have a hub score hj and an authority score aj which are

mutually reinforcing :

pages with large hj point to pages with high aj

pages with large aj are pointed to by pages with high hj

hj ← Σ i:(j→i) ai

aj ← Σ i:(i→j) hi

or, using the adjacency matrix B of the graph (bij=1 if j→i is an edge)

h 0 B h h 1

a k+1 BT 0 a k a 0 1

Use limiting vector a (dominant eigenvector of BTB) to rank pages

= =

Extension to another structure graph

Give three scores to each web page : begin b, center c, end e

b c e

Use again mutual reinforcement to define the iteration

bj ← Σ i:(j→i) ci

cj ← Σ i:(i→j) bi + Σ i:(j→i) ei

ej ← Σ i:(i→j) ci

Defines a limiting vector for the iteration

b 0 B 0

xk+1 = M xk, x0= 1 where x = c , M = BT 0 B e 0 BT 0

Towards arbitrary graphs

For the graph • → • A = and M =

For the graph •→ • → • A = and M =

Formula for M for two arbitrary graphs GA and GB :

M= A B + AT BT

With xk =vec(Xk) iteration xk+1 = M xk is equivalent to Xk+1 = BXk AT+BT Xk A

0 1

0 0

0 B

BT 0

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 0 0

0 B 0

BT 0 B

0 BT 0

Convergence ?

The (normalized) sequence

Zk+1 = (BZk AT+BT Zk A)/ ||BZk AT+BT

Zk A||2

has two fixed points Zeven and Zodd for every Z0>0

Similarity matrix S = lim k→∞ Z2k , Z0 =1

Si,j is the similarity score between Vj (A) and Vi (B)


• ρS=BSAT+BTSA, ρ=||BSAT+BTSA||2• Fixed point of largest 1-norm• Robust fixed point for M+ε1• Linear convergence (power method for sparse M)

Bow tie example

S= S=

if m>n if n>m

not satisfactory

ρ 0

0 0

: :

0 0

0 1

: :

0 1

0 ρ

1 0

: :

1 0

0 0

: :

0 0 graph B 2


n+1 n+m+1

graph A

1 • → • 2

Bow tie example


central score is good

graph B 2


n+1 n+m+1

graph A

1 • → • → • 3


0 ρ 0

1 0 0

: : :

1 0 0

0 0 1

: : :

0 0 1

Other properties

• Central score is a dominant eigenvector of BBT+BTB

(cfr. hub score of BBT and authority score of BTB)

• Similarity matrix of a graph with itself is square and semi-definite.

Path graph • → • → • Cycle graph

.4 0 0

0 .8 0

0 0 .4

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

The dictionary graph

OPTED, based on Webster’s unabridged dictionary


Nodes = words present in the dictionary : 112,169 nodes

Edge (u,v) if v appears in the definition of u : 1,398,424 edges

Average of 12 edges per node

In and out degree distribution

Very similar to web (power law)

Words with highest in degree :

of, a, the, or, to, in …

Words with null out degree :

14159, Fe3O4, Aaron,

and some undefined or misspelled words

Neighborhood graph

is the subset of vertices used for finding synonyms : it contains all parents and children of the node

neighborhood graph of likely

“Central” uses this sub-graph to rank automatically synonyms

Comparison with Vectors, ArcRank (automatic) Wordnet, Microsoft Word (manual)


Vectors Central ArcRanc Wordnet Microsoft

1 vanish vanish epidemic vanish vanish

2 wear pass disappearing go away cease to exist

3 die die port end fade away

4 sail wear dissipate finish die out

5 faint faint cease terminate go

6 light fade eat cease evaporate

7 port sail gradually wane

8 absorb light instrumental expire

9 appear dissipate darkness withdraw

10 cease cease efface pass away

Mark 3.6 6.3 1.2 7.5 8.6

Std Dev 1.8 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.3


Vectors Central ArcRanc Wordnet Microsoft

1 square square quadrilateral quadrilateral diamond

2 parallel rhomb gnomon quadrangle lozenge

3 rhomb parallel right-lined tetragon rhomb

4 prism figure rectangle

5 figure prism consequently

6 equal equal parallelopiped

7 quadrilateral opposite parallel

8 opposite angles cylinder

9 altitude quadrilateral popular

10 parallelopiped rectangle prism

Mark 4.6 4.8 3.3 6.3 5.3

Std Dev 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.6


Vectors Central ArcRanc Wordnet Microsoft

1 art art formulate knowledge domain discipline

2 branch branch arithmetic knowledge base knowledge

3 nature law systematize discipline skill

4 law study scientific subject art

5 knowledge practice knowledge subject area

6 principle natural geometry subject field

7 life knowledge philosophical field

8 natural learning learning field of study

9 electricity theory expertness ability

10 biology principle mathematics power

Mark 3.6 4.4 3.2 7.1 6.5

Std Dev 2.0 2.5 2.9 2.6 2.4


Vectors Central ArcRanc Wordnet Microsoft

1 juice cane granulation sweetening darling

2 starch starch shrub sweetener baby

3 cane sucrose sucrose carbohydrate honey

4 milk milk preserve saccharide dear

5 molasses sweet honeyed organic compound love

6 sucrose dextrose property saccarify dearest

7 wax molasses sorghum sweeten beloved

8 root juice grocer dulcify precious

9 crystalline glucose acetate edulcorate pet

10 confection lactose saccharine dulcorate babe

Mark 3.9 6.3 4.3 6.2 4.7

Std Dev 2.0 2.4 2.3 2.9 2.7


• New notion of similarity between vertices of a graph

• Easy to compute : start from X0 = 1 and take even normalizediterates of Xk+1=BXkAT+BTXkA

• Potential use for data-mining, classification, clustering

• Successful implementation for the french dictionary “Le petit Robert”

• Applications in texts, internet, reference lists, telephone networks, bipartite graphs… (Melnik, Widom, …)

• Different from sub-graph problems !