web services. the human-centric web http get or post http response

Web Services

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Page 1: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

Web Services

Page 2: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

The human-centric web



Page 3: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

machine-centric web



Page 4: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

machine-centric web

• machine-initiated– automated transactions– intelligent agents

• process bound– most time spent by machines processing


• common language– high interoperability between machines

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• online ordering system

• machine-centric approach

• intelligent agent searches for companies selling a required product

• agent negotiates with another intelligent agent belonging to the company– interrogate catalogue and check prices– place order (or recommend placement)– track order progress

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web services

• available over the Internet

• uses XML as a messaging technique– receive data and perform functions

• platform independent– any machine can talk to any other

• self-describing– published service protocol

• discoverable

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web service roles






Discover services

Invoke service

universally-accessible catalogue of available web services

a consumer of services

provider implements services on the Internet

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web service protocol stack




XML messaging





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• Remote Procedure Call– encodes commands for the web service

• request encoded in (very simple) XML

• sent via http POST

• web service– reads XML– executes commands– returns result as body of http response

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Example - call

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “ISO-8859-1” ?><!-- simple XML-RPC call of the getWeather method from a weather web service -->


<methodName> weather.getWeather </methodName>


<value>Aberdeen AB25</value></param>


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Example - response

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “ISO-8859-1” ?><!-- The web service generates a response --><!-- This is appended to the http response in the normal way after the header information-->


<param><value>Horrible and Wet</value>



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• Simple Object Access Protocol

• XML-based messaging protocol– general message format– transport through http, ftp, …

• normal use is RPCs through http

• more complex than XML-RPC, and heavier overhead

• self-describing

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Example - call<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “ISO-8859-1” ?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://..wc3.../soap-envelope/ xmlns:xsi=http://..wc3.../XMLSchema-instance xmlns:xsd=http://..wc3.../XMLSchema <SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:getWeather xmlns:ns1 = “urn:weatherweb” SOAP-ENV:encoding-style=“http:..w3c..soap-encoding”> <address xsi-type=“xsd:string”>Aberdeen AB25

</address> </ns1:getWeather></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:envelope>

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Example - response<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “ISO-8859-1” ?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://..wc3.../soap-envelope/ xmlns:xsi=http://..wc3.../XMLSchema-instance xmlns:xsd=http://..wc3.../XMLSchema <SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:getWeatherResponse

xmlns:ns1 = “urn:weatherweb” SOAP-ENV:encoding-style=“…soap-encoding”> <return xsi-type=“xsd:string”>Horrible and Wet</return>


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Description of Web Services

• web services need to be self-describing– what functions are available?– what input do they require?– what output will they provide?

• WSDL– Web Service Description Language– allows automatic invocation of a web service– allows clients to be designed independently

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<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “ISO-8859-1” ?><definitions name = “weatherweb” <!-- namespace definitions here --> > <message name = “getWeatherRequest”> <part name = “address” type = “xsd:string” />

</message> <message name = “getWeatherResponse”> <part name = “desc” type = “xsd:string” />

</message> <!-- other aspects of definition here --></definitions>

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Discovery of Web Services

• UDDI– Universal Description, Discovery and

Integration– technical specification for a distributed

directory of businesses and web services

• UDDI Business Registry– Microsoft/IBM joint venture– implements UDDI– open for all to register web services

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UDDI Business Registry

• white pages– general information about a company– name, address, business description

• yellow pages– business classification data– industry, product, geographical, …

• green pages– technical information about the web service– location, pointer to a specification

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Page 20: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

Web Service Transport

• http– simple, stable , widely deployed– gets through most firewalls easily

• good for integration• bad for security

– not sufficiently reliable for some purposes

• beep– blocks extensible exchange protocol– more efficient and reliable for RPC purposes

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web services security issues

• confidentiality– is the request/response content secure?– over http can use SSL

• secure encryption• may break down with redirection

– W3C XML Encryption Standards• encrypt XML content• toolkits available from vendors, eg IBM

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web services security issues

• authentication– who is using a web service?– are they authorised to do so?– W3C digital signature standard

• network security– http was not designed for RPC– RPC over http breaks through firewalls– similar risks to CGI

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developing a web service

• toolkits available– Java Web Services Developer Pack (WSDP)– .NET Framework 2.0 SDK

• MVC architecture still relevant

• select service wrapper– XML-RPC or SOAP– interface to the model

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developing a web service

• create a service description– WSDL for SOAP services– human-readable instructions for XML-RPC

• deploy on a server– existing web server or dedicated server

• publish the service– register with UDDI– private intranet UDDI

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using a web service

• discover services of interest– use UDDI

• locate a service description– WSDL for SOAP– documentation for XML-RPC

• create a client application– for SOAP, can use WSDL invocation tool

• automatically create a client for the described service

• run the client to invoke the service

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• Huygen’s probe competition

• Best algorithm for solving problem– Black box problem– Limited number of samplings of a lunar

surface– Find lowest point

• Web services:– allow different algorithms to compete– simple monitoring of results

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Page 28: Web Services. The human-centric web HTTP GET or POST HTTP RESPONSE

Case Study: OncoServe

Diane Campbell Honours project 2003-4

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The Oncology Workbench

• Component-based architecture

• Web-based treatment design system to assist oncologists to design improved cancer chemotherapy

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Oncologists not restricted to using simulations they have developed themselves.

Easier integration of new simulations.

Allows the Oncology Workbench to continue to develop as a loosely-coupled system.

Benefits of ProjectBenefits of Project

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tumour models as web services

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Client Application

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Web Service

Treatment File

<< XML >>

Drug File

<< XML >>

Treatment File

<< XML >>

Web Service

Calculates tumour sizes

after treatment.

Requests Simulation based on treatment data in Treatment File

Drug infoReturns Simulation comprising tumour sizes