wordpress.com  · web view2020-06-12 · as you are going to be p7s soon, you will be given the...

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS Reading-L.I: To use strategies while and after reading to develop and demonstrate understanding of a text. Try to complete the comprehension tasks provided. Choose whether you would think you should complete the Mild, Spicy or Hot version. You are very welcome to try more than one. While you are reading, do a ‘Connect 4’ in your mind to make a link with current events going on in the world Writing-L.I: To write an informative letter. As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be different from previous years due to the current changes we will encounter in the coming year. However, this job may be more important than ever, as it may be an unusual start to school life for our P1s and any help they can get from you will be very significant. Therefore, your first task as a P1 buddy carries great importance as it is your first chance to make the P1s feel welcome, help them look forward to their start and make them look forward to meeting you. You will be writing a short letter introducing yourself and Craiglockhart school life to a P1. Things you could include: A short introduction about yourself. General comments about all the good things about being a pupil at Craiglockhart and some things that make it special. General comments about the staff and how they are there to help in their different roles. A comment about you being there to help in any way you can. (We are still not sure what your interaction with your buddies is going to look like, so you will not be able to promise certain 1

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Post on 17-Jul-2020




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Page 1: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Reading-L.I: To use strategies while and after reading to develop and demonstrate understanding of a text.

Try to complete the comprehension tasks provided.Choose whether you would think you should complete the Mild, Spicy or Hot version.You are very welcome to try more than one.

While you are reading, do a ‘Connect 4’ in your mind to make a link with current events going on in the world

Writing-L.I: To write an informative letter.

As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be different from previous years due to the current changes we will encounter in the coming year. However, this job may be more important than ever, as it may be an unusual start to school life for our P1s and any help they can get from you will be very significant.Therefore, your first task as a P1 buddy carries great importance as it is your first chance to make the P1s feel welcome, help them look forward to their start and make them look forward to meeting you.You will be writing a short letter introducing yourself and Craiglockhart school life to a P1.

Things you could include:A short introduction about yourself.General comments about all the good things about being a pupil at Craiglockhart and some things that make it special.General comments about the staff and how they are there to help in their different roles.A comment about you being there to help in any way you can.

(We are still not sure what your interaction with your buddies is going to look like, so you will not be able to promise certain things like being with them at breaks or paired reading until we know, for sure, if these things are possible)

Remember your job is to try to help the P1s look forward to starting P1 at Craiglockhart so keep your information positive and the tone of your writing cheerful and friendly.

Please type the letter, if possible, and send it as an email, or attach it to an email to your teacher – then we can forward them easily to your buddy.

Spelling-L.I: To know and apply spelling rules for prefixes/suffixes. To know meanings of different prefixes


Page 2: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

and effects of suffixes.You can change the meaning of a root word by adding letters before or after it. The letters you add on are called affixes. There are two kinds of affixes: prefixes and suffixes.

Make sure you remember what nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are before looking at this week’s list.

A root word is the basic word from which other words are formed – enjoyment = joy

This week’s list is based on suffixes.

Identify what the root word is.

Can you work out the effect of adding each suffix?

Can you work out rules that apply to adding suffixes?

Go through the spelling activities on TEAMS for each word.

For further practice, use the spelling activities on the P6 class page (About Us section of the school website). Remember to think about the spelling rules that apply when carrying out the activities. Can you think of more words that fit each pattern? How many new words can you make by adding suffixes or even more prefixes to the list words? Did you have to change the list word in order to add something?  Spelling Words governor woollen hostage neighbourhood beautifuldramatise manufacture generously signature criticisegrateful likelihood shrinkage strengthen incinerator Spelling Rules  When you add a suffix to a word it can change it from one part of speech to another. For example:

Dreamer - (noun)Dreamless - (adjective)Dreaming - (verb)Dreamily - (adverb)

You may have to make changes to the root word when you add a suffix.The spelling of the rest of the word does not change when you add a prefix to it. This is true even when the last letter of the prefix and the first letter of the word are the same.There are exceptions to this rule.

Suffix effector – makes nouns ure – makes verbs or nouns en – makes adjectives or verbs hood – makes nounsful – makes adjectives ise – makes verbsly – makes adverbs (or adjectives) age – makes nouns

Talking and Listening-L.I- I am learning to express my own views and show that I value and respect other’s contributions


Page 3: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

BLACK LIVES MATTER - Discussion task

*Please complete your social studies work before you do this task.

October is Black History Month in the UK and it’s been celebrated nationwide every year for nearly 40 years. The site below will take you into Black History Month 2019 on CBBC. Click on each of the videos to watch and listen to all the contributions. You will hear young people talking about what it’s like to be black in Britain, why Black History Month is important to them and more about the famous people who have been fighting against racial injustice. This includes Mary Seacole, who set up a hospital to help wounded soldiers during the Crimean war in Victorian times.


Last week you were working on sharing your thoughts and opinions on various topics and the type of language and skills you use to do this well. This week, based on what you have found out about the continuing struggles for racial justice, we’d like you to have another discussion with some of your family members about racism and discrimination. You will find two other videos below to help, a Newsround special about racism in response to the death of George Floyd and a news report about the removal of certain statues.



Some questions to consider:

What aspects/examples of racism in Britain are you aware of? (consider all races) Should statues of those involved in slavery be removed? What should the governments of the UK or Scotland do to stop racism? How could you contribute to stop racism and racial injustice?

Numeracy and Maths-


Page 4: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

**************************************Check your maths set’s section on the school website for this week’s tasks.


Keep up your mental maths practise.You can try the assessment on TEAMS that is at the correct level for you. We will provide the answers for

you next Monday.

Modern Languages-L.I: M - To say how old you are. To ask how old someone else is

To say numbers up to 999. F - To know seasons and months.

French – Watch the following videos and try to remember the seasons and months in French.



Try to complete the worksheet where you are asked to put the months in the correct order and match them

to the seasons. Then can you try to translate the passage below that? Remember, you don’t need to

recognise every word to do it. Just use what you do know and work it out.

Mandarin -

Remember to make numbers higher than 10, you just combine the words 1 –

10. So:

99 – nine – ten – nine

Hundred - 百 – bǎi (bye)

155 – one-hundred –-- five-ten---five

Practise the numbers to 99:

Take all the number cards from a pack of cards.

(If you don’t have cards, you could make 4 sets of cards with numbers 1 – 10 on them)

Mix them and split them into two piles of twenty cards.

Turn over the top two cards and multiply the numbers together.

Say the answer in Mandarin.

How fast can you get through all the cards?

Try teaching the numbers to someone at home then have a competition with the cards.

Practise the numbers to 999:

Pick 3 random cards and lay them out to make a 3-digit number.

Try to say this number in Mandarin.

Repeat this until you are confident you can do all numbers up to 999.


Page 5: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

How many personal information questions and answers can you remember?

Check the list on Teams.

There are translations included for those you may have forgotten.

Health and Wellbeing-L.I- I am learning to develop physical and mental wellbeing by taking part in activities which promote a healthy lifestyle

This week, after all your sporting activities, we thought it would be a good idea to have some peaceful and mindfulness time. Rainbow Yoga! The perfect 17-minute practice to brighten your day.

Yoga and mindfulness offer great benefits for us all. Yoga is great for your physical health, enhancing flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. As well as this, a growing body of research has also shown that yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance and can even reduce anxiety and stress. Amazing!

Try to practise the routine below each day to feel the benefits. 😊


Social Studies- L.I I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence

BLACK LIVES MATTER1. You may already be aware of the protests around the world after the shocking death of

George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died in police custody on 25th May in Minneapolis, USA. Not surprisingly, this has rekindled a centuries-long struggle for racial justice and reawakened deep anger. In America, there has been a long history of civil


Page 6: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

rights abuse towards African Americans and in the UK during the 1950s and 60s civil rights were also lacking. To help you to understand more about this struggle, it is helpful to look at the history of people’s rights in America.

2. Visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcpcwmn/video and watch the film about the Civil Rights Movement in America

3. Then read the information and look carefully at the photographs on the first four pages of this website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcpcwmn/revision/1

4. Use what you have discovered to complete the following tasks First, find the important events that happened in each of these years and make a table to create your own timeline:

Year Event1865











Next, investigate why the lives of black Americans continued to be hard, even after slavery was abolished (between 1865 and the 1950s). Create three drawings that show the three things you think made life difficult and add a caption, explaining what your drawing shows.

Expressive Art (Drama/Music/Art)-L.I. - I am learning to create images which show developing skill in using the visual elements (line, colour, shape, texture...)


Page 7: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Have a look at this drawing by Scottish artist, Clare Arbuthnot, ‘Washing Up in the Sink’. Clare Arbuthnot’s drawing shows that you can make art from anything around you.

Also, have a good look at the Joan Eardley’s drawing, ‘Kitchen Sink and Cupboard’.

This week’s challenge is to draw your kitchen sink area. Keep it simple, use either pen or pencil and see that you can be inspired from the ordinary and the everyday!

RME/Science/Technology- L.I -to understand how certain characteristics are inherited through


Page 8: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

our genes Following on from last week’s work I thought you might like to try your hand at flying the Space X Dragon spaceship and docking it with the International Space Station with the simulator fromSpace.https://iss-sim.spacex.com/ (it’s not as easy as it looks!)

This week we are looking at genetics, a fascinating but complex branch of science.Read over the information on genes and DNA. You could try making your own DNA using sweets (follow the link). Scroll to the bottom of the newspaper article, you do not need to read it! If you keep in your mind each colour of Jelly Baby represents a base (adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine), this is a great way to see how DNA is constructed. If you would like to explore your own inherited characteristics try the worksheet. If you are interested, try comparing your characteristics with you family and friends. Do you get the results you expect?Please follow the following link below and look at Activity 7 – Genes and Genetics.https://www.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/body-bits-week

The STEM challenge this week – Kite MakingThis is the last challenge I will be setting you for this term. I really hope you have enjoyed the challenges. I have loved seeing your results, thank you for sharing them with me.This week’s challenge is to make a kite using a plastic bag. Follow the link for instructions (Activity 2).https://www.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/flight-weekTry using what you have around the house, not all of us will have the wood they suggest, I’m going to use tightly rolled paper. When trying to fly your kite, REMEMBER to follow the safety advice.

Now all we need is a windy day!

A Message from my TeacherDear primary 6,Hope you are all well and you managed to have some fun doing your Sports Day activities. We look forward to checking out any photos you may have sent.

It has been great seeing the Craiglockhart Caterpillar growing in length around the school. There are some fantastic painted stones on the wall and such a variety of ideas. Some even have hair and legs!! If you haven’t managed to add one maybe you could try this week.

Good news about the virus too, especially in Scotland, where there are now far less cases. Being able to see more of our friends outdoors and seeing more shops opening for take away foods has been a welcome treat, especially ice cream! We still need to be careful, but we continue to move in the right direction and hopefully we will be able to move into Phase 2 soon.

This week, you will see that we are asking you to write a letter to your P1 buddy. Supporting them in their first year at school is such a lovely job to have although we know, at the moment, it’s harder for us to say what it will look like. However, hopefully by August, we will have moved on from more of the restrictions due to the virus and it won’t be long before we’re able to do all our usual activities. So, please make sure that you give a lot of good thought to your letter this week and email them back to us promptly (also, please READ OVER and CHECK!!! 😊 ) These letters are going to be even more important than usual as the new primary ones have had so little contact with the school because of the virus.

Have a good week, everyone. As always, do what you can from the grid, there is no pressure to do everything and remember to get in touch if you need more support.


Page 9: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Take care, Ms Hart and Mr Sweet 😊

[email protected]

[email protected] photos of your work and successes to [email protected] to be loaded onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning Journal

Mandarin personal information


How are you? I’m fine, thank you, and you?

What is your name? My name is _______, and you?

How many people are there in your family? There are _____ people in my family, and you?

How old are you? I am ___ years old, and you?

Where do you live? I live in _______, _______

Goodbye Goodbye

Mandarin personal information  

你好Nǐ hǎo

你好吗Nǐ hǎo ma

我很好,谢谢,你呢Wǒ hěn hǎo, xièxiè, nǐ ne

你叫什么Nǐ jiào shénme

我叫_____,你呢Wǒ jiào _____, nǐ ne

你家有几口人?Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén?

我家有四口人, 你呢Wǒ jiā yǒu sì kǒu rén, nǐ ne


Page 10: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

你几岁Nǐ jǐ suì

我_____岁, 你呢Wǒ _____ suì, nǐ ne

你住在哪里?Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ?

我住在 _____,_____,你呢Wǒ zhù zài _____, _____, nǐ ne



Mandarin -

Remember to make numbers higher than 10, you just combine the words 1 – 10.


99 – nine – ten – nine

Hundred - 百 – bǎi (bye)

155 – one-hundred –-- five-ten---five

Practise the numbers to 99:

Take all the number cards from a pack of cards.

(If you don’t have cards, you could make 4 sets of cards with numbers 1 – 10 on them)

Mix them and split them into two piles of twenty cards.

Turn over the top two cards and multiply the numbers together.

Say the answer in Mandarin.

How fast can you get through all the cards?

Try teaching the numbers to someone at home then have a competition with the cards.

Practise the numbers to 999:

Pick 3 random cards and lay them out to make a 3-digit number.

Try to say this number in Mandarin.

Repeat this until you are confident you can do all numbers up to 999.


Page 11: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

LI: Identify the four seasons of the year in French

Watch the following videos and try to remember the seasons and months in French.



Put the months in the correct order and write them into the box of the correct season.

Then, can you translate the passage below?

le printemps l’été


Page 12: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

l’automne l’hiver




Page 13: WordPress.com  · Web view2020-06-12 · As you are going to be P7s soon, you will be given the responsibility of helping our new P1s settle into Craiglockhart. This job will be

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B …..Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Anne. Mon anniversaire es ten juillet. Juillet est en été. Normalement, il fait assez beau et chaud et quelquefois, il fait du soleil. L’ été, c’est ma saison préférée!