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35 Alt-News Review Link List – Israel’s American-backed Colonial War Against Palestine ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Alt-News Review Vol. 1-2, May 31, 2021 Most recent alt-news coverage of the American-Israeli colonial war against Palestine. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 1 of 35

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Alt-News Review Link List – Israel’s American-backed Colonial War Against Palestine


Alt-News Review Vol. 1-2, May 31, 2021

Most recent alt-news coverage of the American-Israeli colonial war against Palestine.


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Recent alt-news reports of events in Palestine2021.05.29 Caitlin Johnstone: Israel narrative management is getting incredibly desperate and brazen, By Caitlin Johnstone - More people are becoming conscious of the Palestine issue and politicians and pundits can no longer get away with painting themselves as progressive-minded humanists without acknowledging the brutal nature of Israeli occupation. The National Director Emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League has announced on Twitter that he is cancelling his subscription to The New York Times, claiming that a front-page story featuring the photos of children killed in Israel’s assault on Gaza this month constitutes “blood libel” against Jews... Before the Gaza ceasefire last week Israel managed to deliberately blow up over 20 offices for Palestinian media outlets, as well as the tower hosting the international outlets AP and Al Jazeera. “The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today,” AP president and CEO Gary Pruitt said in a statement after the building was destroyed. Which, of course, is the whole idea: for the world to know less about what happens in Gaza. The Israeli government has a decades-long history of threatening and targeting journalists in order to exert control over the public narrative about what happens under its rule, and as that narrative slips from its grip we are seeing this pattern ramp up with greater and greater aggression.

2021.05.28 'My youngest son has seen nothing but violence’ – Palestinian activist on life in West Bank village where Israelis killed a child by Robert Inlakesh - …Following these protests, the early morning arrest campaigns began, of which Iyad’s family was one of the primary targets. Israeli forces stormed his home three times recently. “The first time the Israelis came was on May 17, to arrest Abdul-Khaliq (Iyad’s 21-year-old son), but he wasn’t at home at the time. They came at 3am and destroyed everything in our house, they told me that if I didn’t give him to them they would shoot and kill him, then return to my home every single night,” said Iyad. “They destroyed the chairs, they destroyed the televisions, they destroyed anything they put their hands on and were searching the entire house, they destroyed the kitchen, tables and threw our clothes everywhere. Later my son Abdul-Khaliq was forced to surrender himself to the Israeli military. “On the same night my son Mohammed was home, the soldiers took him to a separate room and beat him everywhere on his body, the blood was streaming down his face after the beating,” Iyad added. I asked him whether the Israeli military had told him what they were searching for, and he said that they gave no reply when he asked them. “We’ve had many of these invasions of our home, all are similar and we are used to it,”Iyad said. The very next day, at a demonstration in the village, young Islam Burnat was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier. Islam was a close relative of Iyad’s. I asked him

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about what he had witnessed that day. “The demonstration was to stand with the people of Gaza and demand an end to the killing, to support Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah. Islam was one of the children who were peacefully protesting. Then, suddenly, one angry soldier came and started shooting live ammunition, the soldier took aim and shot him in his head,” Iyad said. “We all knew Islam and my children grew up with him, I remember him as a baby and I remember him from very young going to the non-violent demonstrations,” he said, holding back tears. The soldiers later returned twice to Iyad’s family home, again raiding it, arresting his 17-year-old son Mohammed during the early hours of May 18. “Abdul-Khaliq and Mohammed are now in al-Moskobiya prison in Jerusalem, we didn’t hear anything from him until now, the lawyer can’t even visit him and neither can our family,” he said. Al-Moskobiya detention facility in West Jerusalem is infamous for its alleged underground holding cells and has a reputation for being the worst Israeli prison in terms of the level of torture allegedly used there during interrogations. “After they took Abdul-Khaliq and Mohammed, my wife and my daughter don’t sleep, the tears haven’t left my wife’s eyes,” says Iyad. “My youngest son Mohyaldeen is growing up seeing nothing but violence. He knows his eldest brother Majd was shot and almost died, his second-eldest brother Abdul-Khaliq was also shot many times and imprisoned when he was only 17-years-old for 13 months. He has seen nothing but violence and even though it’s normal for these things to happen now, he still gets scared, he’s just a little child.”

2021.05.27 Everyone is wrong about Israel-Palestine – here’s how the pursuit of huge gas reserves and money is fuelling the conflict by Darius Shahtahmasebi - There are trillions of tonnes of recoverable gas lying underneath the disputed waters off Gaza, Israel, Syria and Lebanon. And the Israelis want to make sure they alone control and profit from it.

24 May, 2021 Tara Reade: Joe Biden is not a folksy ‘empathy president’. None of them are. Just ask the Palestinians

25 May, 2021 Israel carries out the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and robs them of their homes, yet it pretends it’s the victim

2021.05.18 ‘No one’s safe in Palestine’: 10yo Gaza girl whose heart-rending clip went viral tells of ‘sad’ life under Israeli missile attacks - Her dream is just to be a “regular person” who doesn’t have to fear airstrikes at night or hear people’s cries the next day. Nadine Abdel-Taif from Gaza, which is being pounded by Israel, talked to RT about her daily trauma. Nadine has been branded the face of the suffering of the Palestinian children in the ongoing flare-up between Israel and the Gaza-based Hamas militant

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group since her tearful monologue went viral on social media a few days ago. Speaking in English, she shared her frustration, helplessness, and inability to understand what was going on after an Israeli missile flattened a building near her home. "I don't know what to do." A 10-year-old Palestinian girl breaks down while talking to MEE after Israeli air strikes destroyed her neighbour's house, killing 8 children and 2 women “Every day, at night or in the evening, we hear the missiles. In the mornings, we hear the cries and screams of people,” Nadine told RT, describing the cross-border attacks that began a week ago. When the strikes start, her family place two mattresses in the hallway of their home and lie down, trying to stay away from the windows and the glass door, she said. No one can sleep at night. I try to sleep, but I can’t, because of the missiles and the cries of children. I just put a pillow on top of my head. Like nothing is happening out there. Like no one is getting hurt. While Nadine says she tries to remain calm, she’s terrified about the safety of her younger brother, who she’s closest to. “I just don’t want him to see fear, like I’ve been growing up seeing fear,” she said. “If anything happens to him, I don't think I’ll be myself anymore.” Nadine can’t play in the street with her friends like before, because a missile might land nearby at any moment. In fact, she tries not to go outside at all, saying, “If you come outside, the first thing you’re going to see is people lying in the streets ... That just hurts my heart.” "I feel terrible for the people [whose homes were destroyed], I just want to… do something, but I can’t. I’m just 10." And not only is Nadine in immediate danger, but the Israeli strikes also jeopardize her future by preventing her from studying. “I dream to be a doctor. And I dream to be helping my people. But how can that happen? I’m just a kid. I don’t have the right to learn anymore. So, what do you expect me to do? I’m just crying every day,” she said. “No one is safe in Palestine. No one,” the girl said, adding, with a maturity beyond her years, that “parents don’t know how to raise their kids in this situation. It’s hard for them and hard for us.”

2021.05.18 Biden jokes about RUNNING OVER reporter after getting question about Israel (VIDEO) The White House press corps laughed and praised US President Joe Biden, after he joked about running over a reporter who asked a question about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as he tested an electric Ford pick-up truck. Video from a Ford testing site in Dearborn, Michigan, shows Biden driving the F-150 Lightning truck model on a test runway, with the White House correspondents throwing him softball questions and laughing along – except for one female reporter. “Mr. President, can I ask you a quick question on Israel before you drive away since it’s so important?” she can be heard asking. “No you can’t. Not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it,” Biden replies, to laughter from the reporters. “I’m only teasing,” he added, then drove off, ignoring the question.

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2021.05.18 - 29 US Senators call for Ceasefire; Biden Sends Israel Weapons amid Israeli attacks - A group of 29 US Senators led by Senator Jon Ossoff of Georgia and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont have issued a statement calling on the Biden administration to take immediate action to broker a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. Both Ossoff and Sanders are Jewish progressives who have criticized the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land, and the ongoing Israeli violations of international law. The letter from the Senators comes after the US representative at the United Nations vetoed Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire three separate times since the Israeli bombardment of Gaza began on May 10th. The Security Council is set to meet again on Tuesday May 18th, and several countries have vowed to continue the pressure on the US to stop blocking the other 14 Security Council members from calling for a ceasefire.

2021.05.18 Israeli airstrikes on Gaza resume as Tel Aviv thanks Biden administration for blocking UN statement calling for ceasefire - The Israeli military conducted a new series of air raids on Gaza after Israel’s defense minister expressed gratitude to the US for blocking a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire for the third time in a row. Israeli warplanes pummeled the Palestinian enclave overnight on Monday, local media reported. The strikes come amid mounting tensions between Tel Aviv and the Hamas government of Gaza, which were ratcheted up after violent clashes in Jerusalem where Palestinians protested against the eviction of several local families last week. Since then, Israel has blamed the Gaza-based group for firing some 3,350 rockets towards Israeli territory, and responded with raids of its own, which have so far claimed 212 lives, the Gaza Health Ministry reported on Monday. The bombing campaign has left some 1,400 Palestinians wounded, and forced some 40,000 families to flee their homes, according to the ministry. A recent raid that struck a building of the local health ministry has also reportedly affected the enclave’s main laboratory, bringing Covid-19 testing and vaccinations to a virtual halt. The statement, drafted jointly by China, Tunisia and Norway, was the UN body’s third attempt to advance such a document in a week – with the previous efforts also blocked by Washington. The draft, as cited by AFP, stressed the need to diffuse tensions and urged “respect for international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians, especially children.”

2021.05.18 The Canadian Parliament also voted not to call for a cease-fire in Gaza. Comment by Michael Chan. You cannot have a better US vassal than Canada. Thankfully, Canada was not voted a member of the UNSC. Yet, the same Canadian Parliament, upon orders of its lord and master, the US, voted in favour of accusing China of committing a genocide in Xinjiang without any evidence at all.

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2021.05.17 Israel kills children, doctors in horrific nighttime massacre, by Tamara Nassar, Israel in the early hours of Sunday night obliterated multiple generations of families when it bombed their homes in Gaza. Around 1 am, Israeli warplanes launched a savage bombing campaign lasting at least an hour, firing 50 missiles at the area surrounding al-Wihda street in Gaza City. Without warning, the bombs hit residential buildings, bringing them down on top of those inside. The death toll from the attack has risen to 42, including 10 children and 16 women. Fifty more were wounded. Two prominent doctors were among the dead.

2021.05.17 - Gaza in the dark after Israel bombs power lines, by Maureen Clare Murphy - Human rights groups are calling for an urgent investigation by the International Criminal Court as Israel’s merciless pounding of Gaza enters its second week. More than 200 Palestinians in the Strip have been killed since last Monday, including 60 children and 34 women, according to Al Mezan, a human rights group based in the territory. Three of the women were pregnant when they were killed, according to the UN’s human rights office. Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle

No more “goodnight daddy,” and “goodnight mommy” from these kids.

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2021.05.15 Funeral Procession and Names of Abu Hatab, Hadidi Family Victims. In one of the most gruesome and tragic scenes since the start of Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip, ten members of the same family perished on Friday night, after the Abu Hatab family’s home, in the Shati refugee camp, was targeted by Israeli warplanes. Palestine Chronicle correspondent and photojournalist in Gaza, Mahmoud Ajjour, was present at the funeral procession where the Abu Hatab and Hadidi victims – eight children, and two women – were laid to rest.


2021.05.13 Israel vows that “Gaza will burn”- Tamara Nassar Rights and Accountability 13 May 2021 - “This is just the beginning,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday as Israel’s bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip intensified on its third day. In a recorded address to Palestinians in Gaza, Israel’s defense minister Benny Gantz threatened more destruction than he ordered in Gaza in 2014. At that time, he was Israel’s chief of staff commanding the 51-day assault that killed more than 2,200 Palestinians, including 551 children. “Gaza will burn,” Gantz said in the video, a direct threat to civilians that likely constitutes evidence of premeditated intent to commit war crimes.

2021.05.13 Israeli Army Kills Many Palestinians In Gaza - On Thursday evening, the Palestinian Health Ministry said eighty-seven Palestinians, including eighteen children, have been killed and 530 have been injured due to the ongoing Israeli strikes on Gaza. The Israeli army targeted 14 residential towers with its missiles, in addition to firing missiles at 23 media centers, dozens of institutions, societies, and offices, in addition to 58 government-run centers, such as police stations, security centers, and service centers. As of about one hour before the time of this report, Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesperson of Gaza’s Health Ministry had confirmed that eighty-seven Palestinians, including eighteen children and eight women, have been killed, and more than 530 have been injured, in the ongoing Israeli offensive.

2021.05.13 Israeli Army Kills Many Palestinians In Gaza

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2021.05.13 Palestinian Muslims Mark Holy Day in Midst of Bombing; One Killed in Rafah - As the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip continued Thursday for the fourth straight day, thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank poured into the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to mark one of Islam’s most important holidays: Eid al-Fitr, which begins Thursday and will continue for five days. The holiday, which is usually celebrated with gift-giving, feasts and parties, took on a much more subdued tone this year as Palestinians in Gaza continue to be besieged by Israeli airstrikes and Palestinians in the West Bank are facing down Israeli paramilitary settler attacks and forced displacement from their homes.

2021.05.13 Israeli Soldiers Abduct Many Palestinians In Jerusalem

2021.05.13 ‘Everything lost in an eye blink’: Gaza towers targeted by Israel - Israel struck three tower blocks in the heart of Gaza City in 24 hours, flattening two and destroying parts of another. (Hanadi) "In less than 24 hours, Israel bombed more than 3 towers which host most of local and international media outlets working in Gaza. This is alarming where Israel is imposing blackout on media. This is a step to cover up more and more war crimes."

2021.05.13 IDF announces Israeli GROUND TROOPS now ‘attacking’ Gaza Strip amid fears of imminent invasion

2021.05.13 ‘Can’t even say Palestinians’: Gal Gadot takes heat after tweeting about cycle of violence between Israel & ‘neighbors’

2021.05.13 Israeli media in hot water after state TV broadcasts ‘lynching’ of ‘Arab’ by Jewish mob

2021.05.12 Netanyahu allying himself with far-right settler extremists has sparked violence in Jerusalem and risks all-out chaos, by Robert Inlakesh

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2021.05.11 Israeli Missiles Kill 27 Palestinians in Gaza Including 9 Children - As of Tuesday morning, the Palestinian Ministry of Health has confirmed that Israeli airstrikes have killed 26 Palestinians, including 9 children and one woman, and wounded at least a hundred in the Gaza Strip. Israel began its assault on Gaza Monday evening, following three weeks of Israeli settler and soldier attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem. The Israeli attacks in Jerusalem began on the first day of Ramadan on April 12th, and have continued throughout the Muslim holy month, which is set to end Wednesday, May 12th. Israel’s attacks focused on Palestinian Muslims attempting to pray at the holy al-Aqsa Mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In Gaza, reports continue to trickle in from hospitals and from survivors of the Israeli airstrikes. In addition to the nine children, including a 9-year-old girl, who were confirmed killed in the first wave of Israeli airstrikes, local sources have also confirmed that a woman and her disabled son were among those slain. In addition to those identified in the update below, five additional victims have been identified as having been killed by the two missiles that struck the home of Ibrahim Atallah al-Masri in Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza Monday night.

Ibrahim Yousef Atallah al-Masri, 10 years old Yazin Sultan Atallah al-Masri, 1-year-old Marwan Yousef Atallah al-Masri, 12 Rahaf Mohammad Atallah al-Masri, 10-year-old girl Ahmad Mohammad Atallah al-Masri, 20

Photo of Yazin al-Masri

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2021.05.11 Israeli TV reports DIRECT HIT on Tel Aviv building as Palestinians launch ‘hundreds’ of rockets from Gaza (VIDEO) Palestinian militants in Gaza have fired over 100 rockets at Israel following the destruction of a residential tower block. Israeli media reported that a building in the Tel Aviv suburb of Holon has been hit. According to regional media, at least 130 rockets have been fired from Gaza on Tuesday evening, targeting Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities. Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, launched “hundreds” of rockets, the Gaza-based Shehab news agency reported. Hamas claimed to have killed two Israelis and injured many more in rocket strikes on Ashkelon and Ashdod earlier in the day. Meanwhile, the ministry of health in Hamas-run Gaza reported that 28 people have been killed – including 10 children – and 152 were injured in Israeli bombings as of Tuesday afternoon. RT’s Paula Slier reported that the strike on Holon, a southern suburb of Tel Aviv, hit a bus. Hamas and other groups in the Gaza Strip began launching rockets after Monday’s blaze outside the Al-Aqsa mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. A tree caught fire amid clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians protesting evictions from the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

2021.05.11 Israeli Soldiers Injure 612 Palestinians In Jerusalem The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has reported, Monday, the Israeli soldiers injured, Monday, 612 Palestinians in several parts of the occupied capital, Jerusalem, especially in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and many parts of the Old City. The PRCS stated that at least 411 wounded Palestinians were rushed to its field clinic, in addition to the al-Makassed Hospital, Augusta Victorian Hospital, in addition to several other clinics. It added that the soldiers invaded the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa mosque, and broke into some of the mosques in the holy compound, causing excessive damage and many injuries, especially after the army assaulted and clubbed dozens of Palestinians, including women and children. The Israeli army and the police also assaulted dozens of Palestinians in Bab al-Amoud and abducted many of them. Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani, the director of Al-Aqsa Mosque, said the soldiers later withdrew from the hoy site compound and added that more than 3000 Palestinians remained in the mosque and its

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courtyard, determined to stay there to repel further invasions by the soldiers and the colonialist settlers. It is worth mentioning that the Red Crescent said the soldiers assaulted many medics, in addition to firing rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at them, causing many injuries.

2021.05.11 ‘Civil war’: Israeli mayor laments ‘Kristallnacht’ as Netanyahu sends troops to Lod, gripped by rioting & clashes - As IDF jets bomb Gaza and Palestinian militants fire rockets into Israel, the city of Lod has erupted in violence its mayor compared to a Nazi pogrom. PM Benjamin Netanyahu is pulling troops from the West Bank to restore order. “This is Kristallnacht in Lod,” Yair Revivo told the Times of Israel on Tuesday evening, referring to the notorious 1938 pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany, and adding, “there’s been nothing like this in the history of Israel.” Lod is a historic city about 15 kilometers southwest of Tel Aviv. About a third of its population is made up of Israeli Arabs. On Tuesday, as Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups fired rockets at Israel from Gaza and the Israeli military bombed the strip, Led descended into riots and violence.“ Every minute, a car or a synagogue or a school is going up in flames… Our new city hall was broken into and set alight,” Revivo told the outlet. “Synagogues are being burned. Hundreds of cars set alight. Hundreds of Arab thugs are roaming the streets… Civil war has erupted in Lod.” Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which control the Gaza Strip, have fired hundreds of rockets at Israel since Monday, while Israeli jets bombed the Palestinian enclave. At least two Israelis have been killed and over 30 were injured in the rocket attacks, while Palestinian officials reported almost 30 deaths and more than 150 people injured in Gaza. Just before midnight on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that border battalions from “Judea and Samaria” – Israeli term for the West Bank – will be redeployed “immediately” to “restore law and order in Lod and all parts of the country.” A state of emergency was declared in the city as well... There were reports of riots in other Israeli cities, however – from nearby Ramle to Acre, Haifa and Nazareth in the north.

2021.05.11 Gaza tower block COLLAPSES after Israeli airstrikes respond to Hamas rockets – reports (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) A 13-story tower in Gaza has been leveled to the ground, reportedly after it was hit by missile strikes from Israeli warplanes amid the ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants, according to local media. In online footage purporting to show the destruction of

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the residential block, explosions could be seen before large plumes of black smoke rose up and the tower collapsed. The Jewish Press reported that two “dummy missiles” had been fired at the Hanadi Tower in Gaza City at around 7:30pm local time in an apparent warning of an incoming strike. The newspaper also claimed those inside the building had received text message warnings from the Israel Defense Forces to evacuate. The Alquds Alarabi newspaper reported that nearby houses had been damaged by the blasts. There have been no reports of casualties. The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported 28 deaths, including of 10 children, and 152 people as having been injured, since the outbreak of violence began this week. Israeli media has said two women were killed by rocket fire in the southern city of Ashkelon.

2021.05.11 - The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet by Caitlin Johnstone - "Twenty-four people, including nine children, were killed in Gaza overnight, most of them in Israeli strikes," reads a new report from AP. Nine children, killed with the help of United States funding to the tune of $3.8 billion a year. Remember kids, the US loves Muslims and just wants to protect their human rights. The mass media are working furiously to spin this in a way that rivals my satire piece from the other day. The New York Times has been cartoonishly re-writing its own reporting in a desperate attempt to make Israel look like an innocent victim of unprovoked attacks instead of the obvious aggressor against people protesting a brutal apartheid regime backed by an entire empire. The New York Post falsely reported that the deaths on Monday were caused by "Airstrikes from Hamas militants" (when did Hamas get an air force?) when sharing an article which falsely implied that those fatalities were inflicted by both sides. DW News framed its headline in a way that suggested the nine children killed had been involved in "fighting" against Israeli forces, and the word "clashes" is being thrown about willy nilly to describe a very one-sided assault.

2021.05.11 Huge BLAZE at Israeli oil pipeline reportedly hit by rocket strike from Gaza

2021.05.11 Won’t someone think of the baby-killers? Anti-Semitism group outraged by Onion article on Israeli military, tries to doxx writer, by Graham Dockery [Ed: Censorship]

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2021.05.10 Analysis: Israel’s Celebration of Destruction, Dispossession and Desecration, by Jeremy Salt for Palestine Chronicle – [Excellent summary review of absolute hypocrisy, brutality, theft and murder inflicted by Israelis in Palestine since 1948.]

2021.05.10 Israel’s Pogroms in Jerusalem Could Spark the Destruction of al-Aqsa - There is every reason to believe the tragic (and seemingly unbelievable) scenario that one of Jerusalem’s holiest sites, and one of the world’s most revered monuments, could soon lay ruined in ashes as Zionist forces smile in satisfaction. By Miko Peled

2021.05.07 In Wake of HRW Apartheid Report, Israeli Propagandists Launch Global PR Offensive - Much of the online anger at the Human Rights Watch report was actually manufactured by an Israeli government-sponsored app, Act.IL, which organized supporters of the Jewish state to act in sync to create an artificial groundswell of opposition to it, by Alan Macleod - NEW YORK — A recently released bombshell Human Rights Watch (HRW) report has made waves around the world. For the first time, the New York-based non-governmental organization has categorized Israel as an apartheid state guilty of “crimes against humanity.” The 213-page study goes into detail about a range of racist laws and policies carried out by successive administrations, concluding that there is an “overarching Israeli government policy to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians and grave abuses committed against Palestinians living in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem.”...

2021.05.06 Violence erupts in East Jerusalem as Israeli police disperse protesters demonstrating against Palestinian evictions (VIDEO) Israeli police have stormed supporters of Palestinian families facing eviction in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The clashes happened as an Israeli high court is set to judge whether the families have a chance to stay. Dozens of Israeli officers in riot gear confronted the Palestinian protesters in East Jerusalem late on Wednesday, deploying water cannons and tear gas. Footage from RT’s video agency Ruptly shows police forcing protesters to the ground, dragging and hitting both men and women. Some needed medical assistance, as seen in the video, while others were

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blindfolded, handcuffed and surrounded by the police.

2021.05.07 Summary for April 29 – May 5, 2021 Israeli forces continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians that are mostly conducted after midnight and in the early morning hours. This week, the Israeli army’s repression against Jerusalemites in Bab al-‘Amoud (Damascus Gate), which leads to al-Aqsa Mosque; as well as the repeated assaults on Sheikh Jarrah sit-in in protest to the Israeli occupation’s attempts to evacuate several houses in a forcible deportation policy. As a result, dozens of civilians sustained wounds and dozens of others were arrested. Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties have increased, particularly in Nablus. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented 244 Israeli violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by the army and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)... (Report goes on in detail.)

2021.04.27 A Threshold Crossed - Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution… For the past 54 years, Israeli authorities have facilitated the transfer of Jewish Israelis to the OPT and granted them a superior status under the law as compared to Palestinians living in the same territory when it comes to civil rights, access to land, and freedom to move, build, and confer residency rights to close relatives. While Palestinians have a limited degree of self-rule in parts of the OPT, Israel retains primary control over borders, airspace, the movement of people and goods, security, and the registry of the entire population, which in turn dictates such matters as legal status and eligibility to receive identity cards. A number of Israeli officials have stated clearly their intent to maintain this control in perpetuity and backed it up through their actions, including continued settlement expansion over the course of the decades-long “peace process.” Unilateral annexation of additional parts of the West Bank, which the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to carry out, would formalize the reality of systematic Israeli domination and oppression that has long prevailed without changing the reality that the entire West Bank is occupied territory under the international law of occupation, including East Jerusalem, which Israel unilaterally annexed in 1967…

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2021.04.26 ‘Death to Arabs' mob of Israeli extremists evokes Palestinian rage against occupation and brings Third Intifada closer, by Robert Inlakesh - Israeli settler extremists chanting “death to Arabs” in Jerusalem sought to suppress Palestinians in the city, but instead, have sparked a nationwide uprising and a political crisis for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The events that transpired last Thursday night (April 22), after hundreds of supporters of the Israeli far-right group Lehava hunted Palestinians and attacked their properties in Jerusalem, were completely unpredicted. Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories and even in Israel itself took to the streets to confront the attacks by settlers and the Israeli policies that have emboldened them. However, the Western press has largely distorted the view of events that have taken place and not provided it with its proper context. The actions of the settler extremists worked as a catalyst for what has now been labelled by some Palestinian groups as the ‘Ramadan Intifada’, not as a standalone cause of the uprising. Since the beginning of the month of Ramadan two weeks ago, Israel had imposed restrictions on Palestinians entering the third holiest site to Muslims, the al-Aqsa Mosque compound. On the first day of Ramadan, Israeli forces entered the al-Aqsa compound and cut the power to loudspeakers, blocking the Muslim call to prayer, so Jewish Israelis at the nearby Western Wall would not be bothered during a memorial service, in what was characterised by Hamas Spokesperson Hazem Qassem as “a racist aggression against religious sanctities and a violation of freedom of worship.” Israel also placed barriers in front of the Damascus Gate entrance to the ‘Arab Quarter’ of Jerusalem’s Old City and prevented Palestinians from attending nighttime prayers in the al-Aqsa Mosque. These measures had led to clashes with Israeli police forces in the city throughout Ramadan. Then on Thursday, when Lehava took to the streets, a large group of Palestinians decided to confront the Israeli nationalist crowd and were attacked by the police, leading to 450 injuries over the course of two days, according to local media sources. / Israel’s political crisis - As pointed out by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the double standards of the Israeli police were striking: on Friday, Israeli Public Security Minister Amir Ohan solely condemned the Palestinian violence and ignored that committed by the Israelis. Lehava now feels emboldened, as if the government is behind them, with the leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudit (‘Jewish Power’) faction within the Religious Zionist Party, Itamar Ben-Gvir, having been elected to

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the Knesset. Ben-Gvir is a lawyer for Lehava’s leader and founder, Bentzi Gopstein. For a long time, far-right religious extremists were outlawed from the Knesset, but with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing corruption charges, and a political deadlock preventing him from forming a government, he is now relying on such groups. (Ed. note: The article goes on to explain a 3rd Intifada appears well underway. It appears these provocations are timed to distract Israelis from Natenyahu corruption; he has empowered and legitimized the worst of the most violent anti-Palestinian Zionists during his reign of terror in Palestine. Netanyahu undoubtedly feels emboldened by President Biden’s failures to correct any of the Trump atrocities against Palestine, and the knowledge that President Biden is just as corrupt as he is.)

2021.04.23 - Israel lobby’s “Death to the Arabs” damage control by Ali Abunimah

2021.04.16 “Israeli settlers attack Palestinians, steal land with impunity. Imagine outrage & calls for sanctions if any other state did it, by Eva Bartlett “Every aspect of their existence on occupied Palestinian land is illegal. Still, the violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers against civilians continues, propped up by Israel’s legal system and the world’s blind eyes. Periodically, we will hear in the news something about the illegal colonies (settlements), but increasingly rarely over the years, and generally without a human face: just numbers and false promises to end the expansion of these colonies choking Palestinians from their land. Recently, UN Special Rapporteurs and experts shed light on the uptick of brutality and land theft by Israeli colonists. In a new UN report, they noted: “In 2020, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) documented 771 incidents of settler violence causing injury to 133 Palestinians and damaging 9,646 trees and 184 vehicles mostly in the areas of Hebron, Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah. Already, during the first three months of 2021, more than 210 settler violent incidents were recorded, with one Palestinian fatality.”

“Stop for a moment and imagine this was a report on violent incidents by Russia, Syria, Venezuela, or any of the nations in NATO's crosshairs. Media would be howling with outrage and faked tears, with demands for heads to roll, or at least for perpetrators to face justice. But this is occupied Palestine, where the Israeli

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legal system serves continued colonist expansion and terrorism against Palestinians.

And, let's be clear, what the colonists do to Palestinians is indeed terrorism. Colonists have burned alive a Palestinian youth, shot and killed Palestinian civilians, have run people over, including children, leaving them to die. They routinely attack farmers trying to work their land or harvest their olives. They hail stones, large rocks, sewage and waste onto Palestinians walking or living below their illegally occupied homes, steal Palestinians' flocks of sheep (or poison them), even uproot and thieve their olive trees. This has been going on for decades, and the so-called international community allows it, in spite of overwhelming documentation of these crimes. Israeli rights group B'Tselem has been reporting on such attacks since 1989. A 2017 B'Tselem article noted:

“Thousands of testimonies, videos and reports, as well as many years of close monitoring by B’Tselem and other organizations, reveal that Israeli security forces not only allow settlers to harm Palestinians and their property as a matter of course – they often provide the perpetrators escort and back-up. In some cases, they even join in on the attack. After more than 25 years of this work, there is no escaping the conclusion that the authorities merely make a show of law enforcement in this context and that, with few exceptions, they have no interest in seriously investigating settler violence against Palestinians.” …

2021.04.15 Just Like in the US, Policing in Israel is Rooted in Racist Violence - In the US, policing can be traced back to nineteenth-century slave patrols. In Israel, security forces have roots in Haganah, a Zionist militia group involved in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, by Jessica Buxbaum

2021.04.15 by Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor - A Blacklist against those who oppose Israeli policies is now in effect at Fordham University, and can be expected to grow. The students’ filed the first lawsuit in the country that challenged censorship of students advocating for Palestinian rights.”

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2021.04.14 OPT: UN experts warn of rising levels of Israeli settler violence in a climate of impunity - GENEVA – Violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians in the occupied West Bank has risen markedly in recent months, with assaults and property destruction occurring in an atmosphere of impunity, UN human rights experts* said today. "We note that, in 2020, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) documented 771 incidents of settler violence causing injury to 133 Palestinians and damaging 9,646 trees and 184 vehicles mostly in the areas of Hebron, Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah,” the experts said. “Already, during the first three months of 2021, more than 210 settler violent incidents were recorded, with one Palestinian fatality. We call upon the Israeli military and police to investigate and prosecute these violent acts with vigor and resolve.” The experts said settler violence was predominantly ideologically motivated and primarily designed to take over land but also to intimidate and terrorize Palestinians. The violence and intimidation often prevents Palestinians from accessing and cultivating their land, and creates a coercive environment pressuring Palestinians to stay away from certain areas or even move. Israel/

2021.04.13 Israel Rejects ICC Investigation: What Are the Possible Future Scenarios? By Ramzy Baroud - …Despite years of legal haggling and intense pressure on the ICC’s outgoing Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, to scrap the investigation altogether, the legal proceedings have carried on, unhindered. The pressure was displayed in various forms: direct defamation by Israel, as in accusing the ICC of anti-Semitism; unprecedented American sanctions on ICC officials and constant meddling and intervention, on Israel’s behalf, by member states that are part of the ICC, and who are described as amici curiae. They did not succeed. On April 30, 2020, Bensouda consulted with the Court’s Pre-trial Chamber regarding whether the ICC had jurisdiction over the matter. Ten months later, the Chamber answered in the affirmative. Subsequently, the Prosecutor decided to formally open the investigation….

2021.03.18 As Israel plans to evict up to 550 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, Biden admin remains silent, by Robert Inlakesh

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“Igniting tensions in East Jerusalem, Israeli settler organizations are seeking to uproot up to 550 Palestinians from the city, to the complete silence of a Biden administration that claims to seek a two-State solution. In what could become one of the largest expulsions of Palestinians from East Jerusalem, Israeli settler organizations are working with the country's legal system to evict 24 families from their homes. During October, 2020, the Israeli magistrate court of Jerusalem ordered the expulsion of 12 families, out of the 24 living inside the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah. In addition to their expulsion from their homes, the Palestinian families were also ordered by the court to pay $20,000 in legal fees. The expulsion order, which is likely to be completed with the destruction of Palestinian property, after it is seized to make way for illegal Israeli settlers, is set to be enforced as early as May. As it stands, four Palestinian households – comprising 27 people – will be forced out onto the street no later than May 2, while three other families are set to be forced out in August.

“Israeli settler organizations based in the Karm al-Jaouni area are behind the expulsion orders, claiming that the land on which Palestinians live, in Sheikh Jarrah, was once owned by Jews prior to the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Despite Palestinian attempts to present their legal case that the settler organizations are lying about this and have no proof, Israeli courts refuse to see the evidence. It is also important to note that, while the Israeli legal system will recognise the claims of Jewish Israelis to land allegedly owned previously by Jews, this right is not granted to Palestinians.” …

2021.03.04 Why Biden Is Dead Wrong on the ICC and Occupied Palestine, Since Palestine as a permanent UN observer state is a member of the ICC and invited the court into its territory, the International Criminal Court has every right to investigate violations of the Rome Statute that took place in those territories by Juan Cole Informed Comment accessed via:

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2021.03.02 Occupied Palestinian territory Emergency Appeal 2021 - Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) is critical and deteriorated sharply in 2020. It is causing deep insecurity amongst Palestine refugees across Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. This Emergency Appeal lays out the responses required in 2021 to mitigate the impact of the crisis on this vulnerable community. In Gaza, Palestine refugees are struggling with high levels of poverty, food insecurity and joblessness, as the illegal blockade entered its fourteenth year in 2020. Economic indicators reflect the severity of the protracted crisis. The unemployment rate stood at 49 per cent in the third quarter of 2020.1 Though measures of poverty vary, the UN cites a rate of 80 percent, and an estimated 10 per cent increase as a result of COVID-19.

2021.02.23 “A Disgrace: Israel Sending Covid Vaccines Overseas as Occupied Palestinians Left Without Access. Deeply, deeply messed up... Honduras, 7,500 miles away, will get some but Palestinians living under Israeli control still neglected,” by Jake Johnson

2021.02.18 ‘Leaving Aside’ International Law: Democrats are as Dangerous as Republicans to Peace in Palestine - It’s easy to discredit the foreign policy agenda of Trump, Pompeo, and other Republicans as their aggressive, dismissive language and action are unmistakably objectionable. The Democratic discourse, however, cannot be as easily censured, by Ramzy Baroud

2021.02.14 Finkelstein: Palestine’s ICC victory thwarted by Israel’s apartheid reality by Aaron Maté

2021.02.13 Bought-And-Paid-For: Biden’s Long History Pandering to the Israeli Lobby - by Editors - While Democrats accused Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, they don’t seem to care that Biden is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the Israeli lobby. During the 2020 presidential election, pro-Israel Political Action

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Committees (PACs) provided Biden with $3,830,209, compared to $955,174 for Donald Trump—indicating that Biden’s vote on the Arab-Israeli conflict has indeed been bought—as it has been for many years. The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), a Jewish lobby group that promotes Democratic Party candidates, proclaimed that “no candidate for president in either party has ever run with as long and as strong of a pro-Israel record as Joe Biden.”

2020.12.16 When the People Rose: How the Intifada Changed the Political Discourse around Palestine - Very few popular movements around the world, and throughout modern history, can be compared to the First Intifada, which remains as relevant today as it was when it began thirty-three years ago, by Ramzy Baroud @RamzyBaroud

2020.10.21 Is the European Union Qualified to Broker Peace Between Israel and Palestine? While Washington is openly pro-Israel, the EU has played a more clever game: selling Palestinians empty words while selling Israel lethal weapons, by Ramzy Baroud

2020.10.13 Tik Tok removes channel of Jewish extremist group Lehava

2020.09.22 Palestine quits Arab League role in protest over Israel deals, Palestine was meant to chair Arab League meetings for next six months, but FM Riyad al-Maliki has declined the position.

2020.09.16 The ‘Desaparecidos’ of Palestine: Gantz Escalates Israel’s War on the Dead, Benny Gantz’s latest ‘achievement,’ denying dead Palestinians a proper burial, is not entirely a novel idea. In fact, in Israel, bargaining with corpses has been the modus operandi for decades, by Ramzy Baroud @RamzyBaroud

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2020.08.11 By clasping hands with Netanyahu, ‘top cop’ Kamala Harris whitewashes Israel’s racism by Hamzah Raza

2020.06.26 Palestine and Israel: Mapping an annexation - What will the maps of Palestine and Israel look like if Israel illegally annexes the Jordan Valley on July 1? by Mohammed Haddad

2016.08.24 How a violent Jewish extremist group went from the fringes to France’s mainstream right-wing, by Rob Bryan

June 2003 The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion$3-trillion.html

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A timeline of events in Palestine

Palestinian newspapershttps://www.middleeastmonitor.comhttps://www.palestinechronicle.com

The murder of innocents

WARNING: The following two internet sites contains graphic images of death – innocent victims of Israeli aggression in Palestine.

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