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A level French Vandyke Upper School Induction June 2021 Bridging tasks Contents: A level skills Introduction to the topic “La musique francophone” Introduction to the topic “Le cinéma francophone” Useful websites for A level students

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A level FrenchVandyke Upper School

Induction June 2021

Bridging tasks

Contents: A level skills Introduction to the topic “La musique

francophone” Introduction to the topic “Le cinéma francophone” Useful websites for A level students

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The Benefits of Learning French

Studying A Level French will not only enable you to learn the French language, but you will gain an in-depth insight into the cultural, social, political and artistic aspects of the French speaking country/countries you will study.

Follow these links to find out some of the benefits of learning French!

Bonjour et Bienvenue!

To help you to prepare for the study of French at A Level, we will be setting you some tasks to develop comprehension, translation and writing skills. In addition, we will point you in the direction of very useful websites and online resources you can dip into now and that will be really useful during your A level study of French.

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A Level Language Skills PracticeDecoding and understanding texts

As at GCSE, a good knowledge of the most common verbs, connectives, adjectives and adverbs will help with understanding both written and spoken French. You will also need to learn the key topic vocab for each unit so that you will be able to understand spoken and written texts, translate accurately into English and into French, as well as communicate effectively in spoken and written French. Vocab is essential knowledge.

You are not expected to understand everything you hear and read as you will be dealing with more “authentic” French at A level so do not panic when you see lots of words in a text that you are not sure about!

Rate your confidence level for each of the statements below using numbers 1 (not confident) to 12 (very confident)

Decoding textsI can recognise and understand different tenses within a text.I can recognise and understand negatives within a text.I can recognise and understand question words within a text.I can recognise and understand little words within a text.I can recognise and understand false friends within a text.I can recognise and understand idioms within a text.I can use cognates to decode the meaning of texts.I can use context to decode the meaning of texts.I can use punctuation to help me decode the meaning of texts.I can identify the purpose or genre of French texts.I can use my prior knowledge of French to decode the meaning of texts.I can use my knowledge of English to decode the meaning of texts.

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La Musique Francophone

Task 1: Read the article and answer the questions.

Task 2: Watch and listen to the different video clips provided. Pick your favourite and write a paragraph to justify your choice.

How do I tackle tasks with comprehension questions in French?

1. Read the text once, then read the questions.

2. Re-read the text and search similar words to the ones in the question.

3. You don’t have to answer in full French sentences, and you can also quote the text to answer the questions.

4. Some questions are in English. You answer in the same language as the question.

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Task 1: Read the article and answer the questions.

La Fête de la Musique

La Fête de la Musique existe depuis 1981. Normalement, elle a lieu chaque année le 21 juin. La particularité de cette fête est qu’elle se passe la plupart du temps dans la rue. Cette fête, comme son nom l’indique, a pour thème la musique et rassemble tous ceux qui veulent jouer ou écouter de la musique. Les musiciens doivent juste prévenir la mairie qu’ils ont l’intention de jouer dans la rue ce jour-là et la mairie leur proposera un lieu.

Cette fête est gratuite et réunit tout le monde en un même endroit. Selon l’heure de la journée on verra plus ou moins de jeunes, de personnes âgées, de familles. Mais tout le monde partagera un moment de convivialité.

Ce jour-là, toutes les musiques sont au rendez-vous : jazz, rap, classique, hip hop. Parfois, la Fête de la Musique a lieu le samedi suivant afin qu’un maximum de monde y assiste. C’est notamment le cas dans les petites villes et les villages qui vont organiser un concert à cette occasion. 


Example: Question : Depuis quand existe la Fête de la Musique ?Answer: « La Fête de la Musique existe depuis 1981 »

1. Quand a-t-elle lieu ? (when does it take place?)



2. Où a-t-elle lieu ? (where does it take place?)



3. Qui y participe ? (Who participates ?)



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4. What do people need to do to play music in the streets?



5. What groups of people go to the “fête de la musique”?



6. When do small villages plan the concerts?



Vrai ou Faux   :

La Fête de la Musique a lieu tous les ans.

Cette fête rassemble tout le monde.

Elle est organisée seulement dans les grandes villes.

La Fête de la Musique n’est pas gratuite.

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Task 4: Watch the video clips of each song and pick your favourite. Using your own knowledge and the vocabulary from the “Music Vocabulary sheet”, write a paragraph to justify your choice. Be ready to present your answer to the rest of the group.

Edith Piaf – La vie en rose

Renaud – Mistral gagnant

Clara Luciani – le reste

Angèle – Oui ou non

Louane – Midi sur Novembre (ft. Julien Doré)

Big flo et Oli – Promesses

Tryo – Ce que l’on s’aime

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Le cinéma français

Task 3: Watch the video and answer the questions.

Task 4: Watch and listen to the different trailers provided. Pick your favourite and write a paragraph to describe it and explain why you have chosen this one.

Extension: You can watch a movie from the list at the end of the document.

How do I tackle tasks with comprehension questions in French?

5. Read the text once, then read the questions.

6. Re-read the text and search similar words to the ones in the question.

7. You don’t have to answer in full French sentences, and you can also quote the text to answer the questions.

8. Some questions are in English. You answer in the same language as the question.

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Task 3: What the video and answer the questions.

There is a fantastic website unjouruneactu (1jour1actu) which we encourage our French A level students to consult regularly. The website is aimed at French children, which means that the French is more accessible for you, even if it is French created for native speakers. It covers news, current affairs and gives short explanations for many of the A level French course topics. This does mean that it will be more challenging than the "diluted" French you came across at GCSE. However, we do not expect you to understand everything and in fact the first time you listen you may only understand the odd word and that is absolutely fine. We would recommend that you watch the video at least twice without the support of the transcript to see what you can understand. You can pause and rewind the video and make notes in English. Then listen to the video whilst also reading the transcript. A great way to practise pronunciation would be to try to repeat some of the sentences after you hear them on the video, again using the transcript for support. Once you have done that have a go at the comprehension questions. At A level you need to answer the questions in French but if this is too challenging at the moment you can answer in English so that we can gauge your understanding of the information in the video and the transcript. 

Vidéo : 1jour1actu – Qui a inventé le cinéma ? (

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Le cinéma a été inventé en 1895 par Louis et Auguste Lumière, deux frères ingénieurs qui vivaient à Lyon en France. Ils sont les premiers à avoir projeté un film en public grâce à une machine qu’ils avaient fabriquée. Mais pour concevoir cette machine, les frères Lumière se sont inspirés du travail de beaucoup d’autres inventeurs.

Mais alors, comment le cinéma a-t-il été inventé ? Au début, le cinéma doit beaucoup à la photographie. Dans les années 1880, la première utilisation d’une pellicule souple révolutionne la photo et donne l’idée à Thomas Edison (un grand inventeur américain) de mettre au point en 1891 une caméra et un appareil pour visionner les images. Ce deuxième appareil fait défiler très vite les photos prises par la caméra et donne l’illusion du mouvement. En 1895, les frères Lumière font mieux ! Ils créent le cinématographe qui sert en même temps de caméra et de projecteur et le vingt-huit décembre ils projettent pour la première fois un film devant un public. C’est la sortie des ouvriers de l’une de leurs usines. Parmi les spectateurs se trouve George Méliès qui, éblouit par ce spectacle, va devenir l’un des premiers réalisateurs de films de fiction. Si les films des frères Lumière n’étaient pas des œuvres d’arts, leur invention a sans conteste donné naissance au cinéma moderne. Aujourd’hui le numérique, les effets spéciaux et la 3D ont beaucoup fait évoluer le cinéma mais la magie reste la même !


You can answer in English.

2. Quand le cinéma a-t-il été inventé ? (when was cinema invented?)



6. Qui l’a inventé ? (who invented it?)



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7. Quelle était le rôle de Thomas Edison dans l’invention du cinéma ?

(What was the significance of Thomas Edison’s role in the invention of the






8. Quel était le sujet du tout premier film montré au public ? (What was the

subject of the first ever film to be shown in public?)





9. Qui était Georges Méliès ? Qu’a-t-il fait ? (Who was Georges Méliès? What

did he do?)





7. Malgré tous les changements survenus dans le cinéma au fil des ans,

qu'est-ce qui est toujours resté le même, selon la vidéo ? (Despite all of

the changes in cinema over the years, what has always stayed the same,

according to the video?)




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Task 4: Watch the trailers and pick your favourite. Using your own knowledge and the vocabulary from the sheets at the end of the booklet, write a review of one of the videos.

Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain

Français : Anglais :

Un Monstre à Paris

Français : :

Le Petit NicolasFrançais : (English subtitles)

Intouchables Français : (English subtitles)

La Famille BélierFrançais : Anglais :

Astérix et Obélix – Mission CléopatreFrançais : : (English subtitles)

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Je pense que + going to future(e.g. Je pense que l’homme va + infinitive)

Ca m’a l’air….Je pense qu’il va se passer quelque chose de (+ adjective)

Ce film m’attire parce que… A mon avis… Le personnage principal va…Je pense que le film sera…L’histoire va être…J’aime ce genre de film parce que…A mon avis on dirait que c’est un film nul/un film médiocre/ un bon filmJ’irai volontiers voir ce film au cinéma Je pense que j’irai voir ce film au cinémaCe n’est pas le genre de film que j’irai voir au cinéma

Ce que j’aimeCe que je n’aime pas Le protagonisteLe jeu des acteursL’histoireLes dialoguesLa réalisation/la mise en scèneLes effets spéciauxLa bande sonoreUne lutte entre le bien et le mal L’amitié entre… et… Un super héros/Un groupe de super herosUn événement historique Un détective qui essaie de trouver l’auteur d’un homicide Un homme qui tombe amoureux d’une femme Une histoire d’espionnage Un agent secret

La bande sonore est nulleLes effets spéciaux ont l’air bienIl n’y a pas assez d’action C’est très original Ça a l’air très émouvantLes dialogues ont l’air débilesIl y a trop de scènes sanglantesIl manque d’intensité dramatique

I think that + future(e.g. I think that the man is going to + infinitive)

It appears/looks… to meI think that something (adjective) is going to happen.

This movie is appealing to me because…In my opinion…The main character is going to…I think the movie is going to be…The story is going to be…I like this kind of movie because…Sounds to me like it's a lousy movie/ a mediocre movie/ a good movie.I'd love to see this movie at the theater... I think I'll go see this movie at the theaterIt's not the kind of movie I'm going to see at the theater.

What I like…What I don’t likeThe main characterThe actingThe story The dialoguesThe directingThe special effectsThe soundtrack A fight between good and evilThe friendship between…and…

An historic eventA detective who tries to identify a murderer

man who falls in love with a woman

a spy storya secret agent

The soundtrack is very badThere are some great special effectsThere is not enough action It is very original It looks very moving The dialogues are silly There are too many bloody scenesIt lacks dramatic intensity

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Some of these movies can be found on Netflix, Amazon Prime or YouTube. Also, a good way to get used to watch French movies, is by starting with movies you already know by heart. For example, Miss Briand started learning English watching Disney movies in English with English subtitles because she already knew the story and what the characters were saying. NETFLIX: – subtitles are shown in two languages, allowing you to compare the original audio and text with a translation in your language; The extension allows you to listen to subtitles one at a time and to change the playback speed. There is also a pop-up dictionary and the extension suggest the most important words for you to listen.

10 jours en or (Netflix – All) Amélie Poulain `Astérix et le secret de la potion magique Bad seeds (Netflix – 15+)BallerinaBienvenue à Marly-Gomont (The african Doctor on Netflix – All )Bienvenue chez les ch’tisBlind date (on Netflix – guidance)Call my agent ! (on Netflix -15+)Il a déjà tes yeux (« He even has your eyes » on Netflix - guidance)IntouchablesLa MômeL’arnacoeurL’auberge espagnoleLa boumLa famille BélierLe château de ma mèreLe cœur en brailleLes choristesLe petit prince Le petit NicolasLa rafleUn sac de billes

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Useful WebsitesLook at these websites. They will be invaluable during your A Level French course. Visit each one and make notes on their usefulness

General help

Verb practice


Translator in context in context

French Pronunciation (Excellent preparation for speaking tests)

French AS and A2 Level Vocabulary

French AS and A2 Level Vocabulary

News on current events in France /World (in French)

News on current events in France /World (in French and quite advanced) on current events in France /World (in French) (about AS level) listening exercises to do online French AS / A2 Level Help