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Senate Minutes Associated Students 16 May 2018 Flying A Room in the UCen Minutes/Actions recorded by: Melissa Powell & Sophia King CALL TO ORDER 6:46PM by Jasmine Sandhu , INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT A) MEETING BUSINESS A-1) Roll Call

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Senate Minutes

Associated Students

16 May 2018

Flying A Room in the UCen Minutes/Actions recorded by: Melissa Powell & Sophia King



A-1) Roll Call



absent (excused/not excused)

arrived late (time)

departed early (time)

proxy (full name)



absent (excused/not excused)

arrived late (time)

departed early (time)

proxy (full name)

Micah Almas


Kian Maalizadeh


Kristen Armellini

Absent (Excused) (Proxy: Aaron Hendizadeh)

Vanessa Maldonado


Adham Btaddini

Absent (Excused) (Proxy: Luvia Solis)

Adnan Mansur

Present (Excused from 8:00-9:00pm) (Proxy: Michelle Mayas from 8:00-9:00pm)

Stoddy Carey


Grecia Martinez


Sam Cook

Absent (Excused) (Proxy: Gabriella Shofet)

Brandon Mora


Sophia Dycaico


Ilene Ochoa


Alexandra Gessesse


Anthony Pimentel


Alexa Hernandez


Andrea Reyes


Grayson Hernandez


Kia Sadeghi

Present (Excused after 7:30pm) (Proxy: Lia Toubian after 7:30pm)

Steven Ho


Jorge Santos


Dhishal Jayasinghe


Alison Sir


Sami Kaayal

Absent (Excused) (Proxy: Mayela Morales *Removed as proxy at 7:17pm) (Proxy: Rafael Cornejo starting at 7:17pm)

Sophia Uemura

Absent (Proxy: Justice Dumlao)

Brooke Kopel


A-2) Excused Absences  

Senator Sadeghi after 7:30pm

Senator Cook

Senator Kaayal

Senator Btaddini

Senator Armellini


Motion language: motion to add Senator Mansur to excused absences from 8-9pm


Vote Taken: 6:48PM


Motion language: motion to bundle and approve excused absences


Vote Taken: 6:49PM

A-3) Acceptance of Proxies

Justice Dumlao for Senator Uemura

Lea Toubian for Senator Sadeghi after 7:30pm

Gabriella Shofet for Senator Cook

Mayela Morales for Senator Kaayal

Luvia Solis for Senator Btaddini

Aaron Hendizadeh for Senator Armellini

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ G. Hernandez

Motion language: motion to add Michelle Mayas as a proxy for Senator Mansur from 8-9pm



Vote Taken: 6:49PM

MOTION/SECOND: Dycaico/ Kopel

Motion language: motion to bundle and approve all proxies


*Motion Rescinded

MOTION/SECOND: Gessesse/ Kopel

Motion language: motion to add Dallin Mello at 11pm for Senator Ochoa


Vote Taken: 6:50PM

MOTION/SECOND: G. Hernandez/ Kopel

Motion language: motion to bundle and approve all proxies



One of the proxies is not in the same constituent group as the one they are taking over


It comes to our attention that there was an student option to replace them in their position but they objected


I spoke with the senator and approved it


I do not think we have ever crossed referenced proxies in the past

It is ridiculous to put this precedent to play now when we haven’t done it before



Vote Taken: Hand Vote: 15-3-2 PASS 6:54PM

*Moved here at 7:16pm


Motion language: motion to add Rafael Cornejo as a proxy for Senator Kaayal


Vote Taken: 7:17PM


Motion language: motion to remove Mayela Morales as a proxy for Senator Kaayal


Vote Taken: 7:17PM

MOTION/SECOND: Martinez/ Almas

Motion language: motion to approve Rafael Cornejo as a proxy for Senator Kaayal


Vote Taken: 7:18PM


Can we see what the resolution up on the screen?

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ Maalizadeh

Motion language: motion to resume the orders of the day


Vote Taken: 7:18PM

B) External Reports

B-1) Chancellor’s Representative-

B-2) UCPD Representative-

B-3) GSA Representative-

B-4) University Center Governance Board Representative-

B-5) IVCSD Representative-

C) New Business

021418-64 A Bill to Update Lobby Corps Legal Code



These are basic legal code changes to clarify ambiguity


The changes are straightforward

MOTION/SECOND: G. Hernandez/ Carey

Motion language: motion to table this bill for a week


Vote Taken: 6:55PM

021418-65 A Bill to Update the AS Environmental Affairs Board Legal CodeDycaico-Kaayal


This is for EAB to change their mission statement

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ Martinez

Motion language: motion to table this bill for a week


Vote Taken: 6:56PM

021418-66 A Bill to Update the Legal Code of the Public and Mental Health CommissionKayaal-Martinez


Given that we were only given a small fraction of the budget we are fine

We are adjusting the budget and combined positions so that we can keep going through hiring process

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ G. Hernandez

Motion language: motion to table this bill for a week


Vote Taken: 6:57PM

021418-67 A Bill to Update Article V of the By-Laws



This bill goes over moving over the President’s chief of staff and moving it over to the cabinet

Charles Neumann:

The main goal is to reorganize this so it can be better interpreted

It is re-arranged now so it is more organized

MOTION/SECOND: Maalizadeh/ Almas

Motion language: motion to send this bill to internal committee



Why is it going to internal?


Because it is a 60 page bill and it should be checked for consistency


Not that I disagree, but this bill was written by one of the members of internal so sending it back would be redundant


It was sent out with an adequate amount of time to look through


Looking at the bill is the job of internal


Vote Taken: 7:03PM

021418-68 A Resolution to Support Partnership Between the AS Food Bank and Miramar Pantry



This bill is a partnership with the Miramar pantry

Food insecurity is a serious issue that affects many UCSB students

With the request of the food bank committee, they requested and want our support as the Senate of UCSB to partner with UCSB housing to ensure that food is purchased at a low cost

I will let Thao speak about it


This partnership allows for it not to be competitive with futures state funds so students can be secure

Thao Phan Student Sponsor:

The Foodbank would like to bring in this partnership

As advocate for the student body we would like to make this partnership

We want to end food security at UCSB

We want to be supportive of the students

MOTION/SECOND: Maalizadeh/ Gessesse

Motion language: motion to send this resolution to immediate consideration


Vote Taken: 7:07PM

021418-69 A Bill to Update the Legal Code of AS Zero Waste Committee



This is really outdated

This is to clarify legal code

Student Sponsor: Navpreet

Bill is restructuring our board

We are defining what zero waste committee is doing

We are trying to shift our focus to waste reduction

This is clarifying a lot of technical stuff

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ Martinez

Motion language: motion to table this bill for a week


Vote Taken: 7:09PM

Spring 2018 A.S Elections Results

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ Maalizadeh

Motion language: motion to send this to immediate consideration


Vote Taken: 7:09PM

021418-70 A Resolution to Outline Socially-Responsible Investments and to Divest from Companies that Profit from Human Rights Violations in Israel/Palestine



The UC has committed itself to make sure that all students feel comfortable where their money is going

“Hello everyone! I want to bring this resolution first and foremost with a clear message: The UC has committed itself to socially-responsible investments to make sure ALL students on campus are comfortable with where their money is going. The UC has been slow in implementing these changes, but in recent years, student initiatives towards divestment have led the UC to pull money from its investments in South African apartheid, private prison complexes, and fossil fuels. In every campaign, UC students researched the specific investments that contributed to irresponsible activity that does not fall in line with the university’s mission, and campaigned the Regents to end those specific investments. Today, we are introducing a resolution demanding that the UC Regents remove their financial holdings and investments from a series of international corporations that are directly invested in human rights violations occurring in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These companies, whose investments are listed in the resolution and I can provide direct detail on to any of you, profit from violating UN-chartered human rights which have been condemned time and time again. We believe that, just like UC student did not want to be invested in South Africa, Turkey, or Fossil Fuels, they do not want it to be invested in human rights violations occurring in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. We recognize that this is a multi-faceted conflict that is not simple, and we do not wish to take sides on it in any way. Rather, we seek to condemn those companies that use UC student money to perpetuate human rights violations.”


“Thank you for that Brandon! A lot of what needs to be said has been covered by Brandon, but I wanted to reiterate to everyone that this resolution is strictly about companies. It would be amazing if we all kept with the spirit of the resolution during this discussion, which is not a discussion of politics, religion, communities, but rather just specific investments in specific companies. Thank you!”

MOTION/SECOND: Hendizadeh/ Ho

Motion language: motion to send this to immediate consideration


Vote Taken: 7:12PM

Moved Here at 3:23 PM

MOTION/SECOND:  Dycaico/Gessesse


Motion language: motion to more Zero Waste Committee’s reallocation to immediate consideration



Vote Taken: 3:24 AM



Motion language: motion to resume the orders of the day



Vote Taken: 3:24 AM


Allen Stephan: AS Controller

There is a bill to restructure the office of the controller

There are changes made within the office so if you have any questions let me know


Motion language: motion to set public forum speaker’s time for 2 minutes with no extensions


Vote Taken: 7:15PM

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ A. Hernandez

Motion language: motion to suspend the orders of the day and move back to Acceptance of Proxies


Vote Taken: 7:16PM

*Moved here at 7:18pm

Adriana Munoz: CALPIRG

Vice Chair from CALPIRG

This is an end of the year update

This year in total we got 2,000 students for our pledge system

We did great with our campaigns

Next year we are going to continue with these efforts

We want UCSB to be 100% renewable energy

I wanted to thank you all for supporting our past campaigns

Jane Diep: TBTN Report

I am one of the co-chairs for TBTN

We did the slut walk earlier this quarter

We held an annual spring rally

Our application for next years exec board is currently out

Navpreet K. Khabra & Nico Fuller: ZeWC Report

I want to talk more about the conference

We are restructuring this so we can get the honoraria correct

We are asking to reallocate money from our rollover to fund some more projects this year such as the zero waste festival

ZWC Request for Reallocation: (For Full Request Refer to Exhibit A)


Is this from your current budget?



We haven’t used all of our rollover so we are taking from there

We have quite a bit in rollover

Charles Neumann:

I want to report on the advisory committee that we funded on Monday


Do you mind sharing with the senate the bill that you brought forward?


The reason that it is so long is because it is moving things around and not really adding anything

It is long because 15 pages of it are crossed out

It is very identical to the original

Steven Poro: Divestment Resolution

I want to speak on the movement

I cannot fathom the pain of people affected by this

Outright violence can never be condoned

How can we hope to bring both sides to peace when we are missing the big picture

To make peace you have to work with your opposition

For as much as it may hurt us no ones hands are clean in this

For this reason I urge you to vote against divestment

Justice Proxy:

Where in the resolution that you see the BDS movement?


I did not have time to read the resolution


You are talking about the BDS movement not the resolution?



Samantha Spurgin: Divestment Resolution

You cannot justify divestment unless you are certain that all accusations are true

Palestinian leaders are putting their civilians in harms way

Real truth and justice is needed

Olivia Hornstein: Divestment Resolution

I stand against the divestment resolution

This conflict is not an abstraction on the other side of the world

To go for this resolution is to deny our lived experiences

Please vote no

Jamie Kern: Divestment Resolution

I am speaking to you as a student supporter of Israel who promotes peace

I oppose this resolution

Divestment will not help the conflict

What is the real purpose of this resolution?

This resolution is being made into a black and white issue to frame a one sided debate

This resolution will not foster peace

Its underlying message is that Israel is in the wrong

Vote with a roll call vote and vote no

Davis Quan: Elections

I want to remind you that if senate denies the results it will be as if the elections didn’t even happen


Regarding one candidate appealing, was that followed up by legal code before presenting that to us?


A lot of the stuff is confidential

As of last Friday all our complaints went to judicial council


Are there any discrepancies compared to what you submitted and elections night?


Mayela Morales was disqualified

Can you elaborate?


That is confidential


I was wondering that since the EVPSA candidate was disqualified, will the runner up to take that place or a special election?


We will have to discuss it

Justice (Proxy):

Was the appeal process, through legal code, followed through? And if not why is it here today?


The appeal process is open

The appeal to the elections board is confidential

Was there an appeal before it was closed? The candidate should get 24 hours before that happens.


Our process did follow legal code


Is there an exact date by which the senate has to approve the elections results?


We prefer that it is before week 8 before the swearing in occurs

We can approve this week 8?


Well the swearing in is supposed to happen during week 8 during your last meeting


If we did an email vote before the swearing in would you be ok with that?



Rafael (Proxy):

Legal code says that if someone is disqualified it wouldn’t go to a runner up but a special election. Why is it that we are finding out just now?


It took some time to go through and get everything together

We followed our process


Was there equal cooperation between elections board and the candidate before it went to judicial affairs?


That is confidential

There is a process in which elections board has to follow up and contact the candidate? Did that happen? Because we are being notified late.


Yes we did do it by legal code

We followed up with the person and let them know


Was the disqualification from a complaint basis or a special circumstance? Elections board has to allow the person time to appeal it, and then after that come to a decision after it has been a comprehensive effort. Was that all done or was that jumped straight to judicial affairs?


We have addressed all of the complaints

You are saying that it is a complaint issue, and I am saying is that it wasn’t. Because it was a special circumstance, did you meet with the candidate who is being disqualified before sending it to judicial affairs?


We followed legal code

Zachary Blumenstein: Divestment Resolution

As a Jewish American I am deeply concerned about Israel and the role the US plays

Because of how I was raised, maintaining justice for people and safety and a place to live in peace is important

That is why it pains me to see how the University of California participates financially to continue abuses of justice in Palestine and Israel

I think that it is essential that AS does everything in its power for the UC not to bolster violations of rights in any way


Would you be willing to support divestment from any conflicts that we are involved in?


It depends on whether they are in violation of rights or by a power that is supported by higher institutions

So if there was another country with human rights violations you would have the same discourse?



Hendizadeh (Proxy):

Do you know what corporation was mentioned in the resolution that participates in building this?


There is a range of different violations

All of these things are illegal under international law


Would you be in support of adding all corporations to the resolution that commits human rights violations in all countries?



We have to do it one step at a time

Gabriella (Proxy):

You mentioned the security wall. Can you elaborate?


There is a wall where on many places it is a concrete that separates Israel and Palestine

The wall separates Palestinian farmers from the land so they would have to go around it which would take hours

The movement is incredibly restricted for Palestine

Mahal Sarafian: Divestment Resolution

This is the time I feel the most unwelcome at UCSB

There was no escaping the Anti Semitic propaganda last year

It frightens me that I am experiencing similar things my parents experienced

I do not feel safe because facts are being twisted

Any innocent death is a tragedy

Look into the whole research

Does storming the boarder of Israel sound like a peaceful petition to you?

Megan Brossman: Divestment Resolution

This resolution oversimplifies the problem at hand

It limits the conversation to just a few senators

The state of Israel does not commit discrimination based on religion

Those in Israel have the full right to vote

Please do your research

I employ you to vote against this legislation

Yumiko Ioki: Divestment Resolution

I am an exchange student from Japan

The students I met here have become my closest friends

It was evident the pain some of my friends are experiencing

I came to this school excited and looking forward to the diversity

This is causing me to feel uncomfortable

I hope at the end of the night that you vote no

Jaret LaRocco: Divestment Resolution

I am a concerned student about this divide on campus

I came here last year

I am not going to pretend that I know everything about this but what I know is that divestment is choosing a winner or loser in a black and white issue which is oversimplified

I urge you to vote no on this resolution

No student should feel targeted on this campus

I urge you to vote by roll call

Thao Phan: Food Bank Report

These contributions that will be made will benefit the Food Bank


The donations will be made to AS and not the Food Bank?

Yes to AS

Dana Avgil: Divestment Resolution

Stop divestment and vote against it

Vote no based on roll call to protect people on our campus

Gabi Hacker: Divestment Resolution

It is crucial to be accepting of all individuals

This is an attack on my identity as a Jew and on students at UCSB

I want to discuss the importance of transparency

Vote in a roll call to follow through on your platforms


Have you had a chance to look at the resolution?



Are you aware of the companies we are trying to divest from?




Can you tell me what the D in BDS stands for?



Justice (Proxy):

In the resolution does it mention anything about the BDS movement specifically?


Not that I saw

Best Djavadi: Divestment Resolution

As a Jewish daughter, these Palestinian conflicts affect my family deeply

Divestment does not address many challenges in the conflict

It is an attempt to turn the complex issue into a black and white issue

I believe in peace and justice

Divestment will not achieve this

The resolution will divide us more

I urge you all to vote no and be transparent

Justice (Proxy):

Have you had a chance to read the resolution?




What do you think that divestment does accomplish on this campus?


I think that it demonizes people


What do you think is the main purpose of other forms of divestment?


I think this divestment is closing the conversations that can be had

Olivia Bernheimer: Divestment Resolution

No matter what a person’s religious belief’s are no one should be targeted

Divestment does not have the best interest of anyone on its side

Divestment is destructive not constructive

Sarah Mehrnia: Divestment Resolution

The divestment movement seeks to eliminate a state for those who did seek refuge

With a 0 sum approach the divestment movement does not address any reconciliation

This resolution creates discord

I urge you all to vote no and vote by roll call

Elora Cohen: Divestment Resolution

I want you to vote no

I once shared personal stories about my family

If this passes I feel that these feelings will intensify

I have been a victim of Anti Semitism in France

Jews are being targeted

I can see this happening here

I urge you all to vote no

Noah Fleishman: Divestment Resolution

I am standing before you as a Jewish student dedicated to peace

My goal is peace

Does passing this resolution help promote peace in the Middle East?

This is a BDS resolution

This is about sanctioning Israel and attacking Jewish students on this campus

I trust that all of you will vote your conscious

Go for a roll call vote and not a secret ballot

Molly Scott: Divestment Resolution

This resolution offers misleading information

Divestment is Anti Semitic

This divestment resolution keeps being brought up even though it fails

I feel that my existence as a Jew is being threatened on this campus

I have done a lot of research

Voting for this resolution is voting for hate

Sarah Eizner: Divestment Resolution

I was born in Israel

My family moved to Israel for a safe haven and a better life

As a Jewish Zionist I am against this resolution

As a Jew I believe in equality and justice for all

I advocate for students to speak up for what they believe in

This resolution does not get us any closer to equality and justice

This resolution shuts off dialogue

It would be difficult for me to be a proud UCSB student knowing these sentiments are being supported by the senators

I value freedom and justice

This divestment is not the solution

I urge you to vote through a roll call vote

Nawar Nemeh: Divestment Resolution

I want to talk to you as a senator

No one came to our meetings and called us Anti Turkish senators when I was a senator

This resolution targets specific companies

Justice (Proxy):

Where in this resolution and in the Turkish resolution does it talk about the specific companies?


Both address the specific companies and where the investments are in


Since you’re saying that this resolution is only talking about divestments with human rights violations, is it not like that for past resolutions?


I will not comment on past resolutions

Gabriella (Proxy):

Is this resolution about divesting from Israeli companies?


No, companies that profit off of specific violations of human rights

How do they profit?


The resolution states each company and how it does

Lockheed Martin for instance makes specific missiles that are of human rights violations

We don’t think UC money should be invested in that

Hendizadeh (Proxy):

If this resolution is only to divest from those companies, why has there not been a resolution that divests from companies that are violating human rights all over the world and not just one community?


When we passed the divestment from turkey no one asked for my senate to do that


We had a lot of constituents talk about transparency and democracy. Do you feel like voting in roll call is the most democratic?


No because before I was a senator, I was opposed to the secret ballot

After I was a senator I was largely for it

I believe that you should all vote by secret ballot because you shouldn’t have to fear harm you’re your professional and personal lives


Why should senators be afraid to express their voice publically on their resolution?


It is more about supporting the divestment


If this resolution is about the divestment only and not Israel, why should senate be afraid of the repercussions?


Because those who target people can be unreasonable

Do you believe that Zionist students are targeted on this campus?




This resolution is specific to Israel?


Specific to corporations


Would you say that Divestment is apart of the BDS movement?




How much time have you had to look at this resolution?



Do you feel that you have a better understanding than senators that have received it?


I am confused about the BDS thing

I did not see the words BDS not once

Proxy (Gabriella):

This resolution is about divesting from companies that profit from human rights violations in Israel-Palestine. Is this talking about Israelis that are affected by the human rights violations?


It is all the UC investments towards those companies that result in human rights violations


Can you name any specific human rights violations that the resolution has stated in the past?




Do you know any fellow UCSB students that have been targeted from their views?


I do not want to share those stories


Is this specific just to UCSB for the resolution?


Specifically UCSB investments


If this resolution is not BDS why should senators be afraid to be targeted?


People are racist are not always reasonable

Many people came today speaking about BDS even though it is not in the resolution but it is an assumption made by many people

Gabriella (Proxy):

What distinguishes this from BDS?


If you compare this it is a different resolution

G. Hernandez:

Even though BDS is not explicitly stated do you think this resolution does more harm than good?




Did you play a role writing resolutions in the past?


No I gave advice in the past

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ Martinez

Motion language: motion for a 6 minute recess


Vote Taken: 9:03PM

*Meeting resumed at 9:14pm

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/ G. Hernandez

Motion language: motion to suspend the orders of the day and move into Boards and Commissions Reports


Vote Taken: 9:14PM

*Moved here at 9:19pm

Sydney Karnes-Wainer: Divestment Resolution

Last time I was up here I spoke on the Anti Semitism resolution that passed

I am here on the behalf of my Jewish community

This resolution is directed at Israel and no other resolution

By voting for this resolution you are participating on an Anti-Semitism issue

I say no to Anti-Semitism and no to BDS

Dylan Fussman: Divestment Resolution

My family was killed for being Jewish

My great-grandfather left for a better life in America

In 2015, on the 10th day of my trip to Israel, a missile blew over my head

I found myself in the war zone

Help us and don’t hurt us

Shir Klainman: Divestment Resolution

I want to thank the senators to be here today

I urge you all to uphold promises of transparency to vote no and vote via roll call vote

This resolution isolates and marginalizes Jewish students

This resolution silences voices of students in interest of scoring political points

Justice (Proxy):

The speaker said that the resolution targets Israel directly, it does not target them directly, but specific companies

Nima Bencohen: Divestment Resolution

I am speaking on the behalf of another student

For the first time as a student I do not feel safe

This resolution is discriminatory and it is wrong and I urge you to vote no and by roll call

Dean Secharia: Divestment Resolution

I am a graduate student here

I would like to point out that there is something actually crazy

Every year, this happens every single time

This resolution divides us and puts us in two different sections

If someone is going to come up here and say it doesn’t divide us then they are lying to you

I am proud to stand for Israel today


Have you made contact with the organizations that endorse this resolution?




The resolution references groups that have supported this resolution in the past. Are you aware that GSA supports it?


No I am not aware of that

Proxy Justice:

How do Palestinian students on this campus feel about attending the institution that invests in human rights violations?


I feel they don’t feel comfortable for that

I would never throw out that opinion


You mentioned that this resolution makes you feel unsafe. When voting do you feel that the senators should prioritize the safety for their constituents over their own?


I am not targeting Palestinians

Do you feel like constituents are being targeted only or senators as well?


I cannot speak on the behalf of the senators

Gabby (Proxy):

You mentioned women rights and LGBTQ rights in Israel. Can you elaborate?


My dad is from Tel Aviv

I myself have been there 10 or more summers

For me I have never seen a more inclusive country in my life based on my experience

For my experience in Israel I have seen only inclusivity


What do you think is the intention of this resolution?


To divide us

Do you see any differences between past BDS resolutions and this unrelated resolution?


That is a great question

I have been in here for 5 years and each one has been the same as this

You can call it something else but it is the same

Rafael (Proxy):

Can you elaborate how the UN is Anti-Semitic?


You can always see cases in which it does not make sense

The 2014 war and the fact that the country is defending itself

There are things that UN has done overtime to be Anti Semitic


Can you tell me what entity created the state of Israel?


I don’t know all of the information

Esther Levitt: Divestment Resolution

I am a transfer student

I am proud to be a Gaucho and a Jew

I am here to speak out against the Divestment resolution

It is clear that this resolution focuses solely on Israel

Do your research and vote no on this campus

Vote through a roll call vote and be transparent


The clause that you mentioned is not apart of this resolution.

It is not in it and it has been dropped


So the clause was dropped today

We have edits before and even during senate


It still shows that it says Israel I can see it

G. Hernandez:

This is the most updated one shown


When and how did you receive the resolution?


I know someone who said that there is the resolution that was given to them


The clause that you are referring to, is it possible to read the rest of the clause?


Yes I will read it out loud

Gabby (Proxy):

Do you think that by voting a certain way that senate will be taking a stance?


These are the individuals that we elected to represent

Taking a stance marginalizes a group of students on this campus


The line you read out loud was the line that was removed


Yes that was today at 4pm


Can we get the newly updated printed for the audience to see?

Lia Proxy:

Is there any certain rule about how late a resolution can be edited?


I have set the precedent that I will accept changes up to an hour ahead and senators can make edits within the meetings but they have to clarify that there are edits

It is not that they vote on the amendment, but that the edited version is what is being looked at

Gabby (Proxy):

How is divesting from Israel different than from other countries like from South Africa?


So I think that the difference is, is that there is another discussion for this

I think what is important to mention is that the divestment resolution being brought up today was parallel to the BDS Sanction Resolutions that have been brought up

I am a normal personal as well and I don’t know all of the answers

Ariel Dankner: Divestment Resolution

I am a fourth year student and I stand before you to share my story

This resolution is aimed at Israel and demonizes anyone who supports it

I urge you all to hear your classmates concerns and vote no

Jonathan Aminpour: Divestment Resolution

I am a third year here at UCSB

I come from an Israeli background

Supporting Divestment supports the marginalization of these students

This is not who we are as a campus community

We want meaningful dialogues

MOTION/SECOND: Almas/ Pimentel

Motion language: motion for a 5 minute recess


Vote Taken: 10:01PM

Hannah Ellenhorn:

· The resolution states the mission statement commitment to public service mission, which is why we should not pass this resolution. The UC’s goal is to stimulate independent thought. We have seen variations of this before, and this is part of a tactic to wipe Israel off the map. Doesn’t stimulate critical thinking, presents one sided examples to a two-sided argument. The resolution was submitted this less than 10 years before the meeting. This is not a creative way to solve the Palestine conflict ,but makes a huge political statement and collectively punishes Jews and Israeli people.

· Dycaico: You were an as senator last year, do you see this resolution to be any different than last years?

· Now it’s not refereed to BDS but its divestment

· Mission and intent is the same

· Gabby: Can you talk about the vote count on the BDS form last years senate?

· Didn’t pass

· Justice: has this resolution changed than he one last year?

· Wording yes intent and mission no

· Carey: Roll call or secret ballot?

· Transparency is important and you guys should all be proud of the way you vote so vote by roll call

· Aaron: Did this senate get anti-Semitism training

· No but I encourage you all to!

· Gessesse: Was there ever a need for you to have a secret ballot?

· I never supported

· What about for the Ben Schapiro voting?

· I don’t believe in secret ballot

· Reyes: Opinion of divestment in Turkey and South Africa?

· I am not well versed in that

· What makes this specific resolution different than pervious passed one?

· Title, targets people of Israel and the people of Palestine

Noam Shalom:

· My family lives in Israel. I keeping on hearing that these are peaceful protests and Israeli are killing innocent people. My brother was stationed at the border of Gazzi. This is not a peaceful protest but a tactic that masks violence

Mariel Islas

· They have displaced me and separates my family. Students are investing in the desolation of homes and humans like us. I am with this resolution because it protects people against violence and death. We must assure the UC system stops profiting from dead bodies. This resolution is a way to make you take a stance. We need to represent our voices and student fees, I stand for human lives

Tess Temmins:

· I am a 3rd year commutation’s student.

· This is not an issue that can be solved by the people in this room

· This has damaged the morals for students on the campus

· Urging you to vote no on a resolution that has nothing that you can deal with

· This resolution makes the conflict out to be simple

· It is ludicrous to expect college students after ten hours of looking at the bill

· Taking attention away from our education on an issue we have no voice on

· Vote by roll call we deserve to know how you are voting

Amit Azulay:

· My professor refused to talk to me because he said he didn’t want to talk about Israel

· they should not shut down dialogue if they don’t see eye to eye

· vote no keep dialogue open

Maya Rosen:

· The divide in this room is shows how divided our campus would be by passing this resolution

· this issue is not black and white

· there are truths from both side of the room

· we have to find a place where we understand every side and I don’t believe that this resolution promotes that

· in a toxic and polarized society, this doesn’t not help it shows one side

· I can’t see how this resolution is going to help solve this conflict

· We need to use this forum to come together and have a dialogue

· Ochoa: So you say that this resolution makes a pass why is it divided?

· The nature of this conflict is very polarizing

· Have you been in conflict of communicated with students associated themselves with Palestine’s?

· It didn’t really go anywhere my 2nd year

· I helped create the coexistence league

· Santos: On creating dialogue how do you recommend we do so?

· It’s really important that there’s a respect amongst more of the orgs

· The orgs need to start reaching out more

· You have to be open to understand

· How would you go about having a viewpoint?

· It’s about standing true to your core ideals

· Looking at just two ends of the spectrum won’t help

· Gabby: Do you think someone could be both pro Israel and pro Palestine?

· Yes I lived in Israel and my roommate was pro Palestine

· Living helped me understand more

· The average person on the street there are issues on both sides and people want to talk about it

· Maldonado: This resolution calls for the divestment in specific companies support university investing arms and weapons?

· I am not really thinking about the arms manufactures every contrary has the right to defend themselves

· Justice: what do you think UCSB role should be in this conflict?

· Foster more dialogue

· It’s not in our place to say which truth is correct

· Talk to connecting more orgs

· How do you think the university investments how does that effect UCSB status as a dialogue creator?

· I have not seen a dialogue over these issues outside the divestment forum

· Placing on one country bans conversation

· Gabby sentiments about investing in these companies

· Singles out Israel

· There are plenty of other countries to be discussed

· Maldonado: future senate bring more countries and companies to the table including this

· Invite everyone in this room to discuss a resolution that talks about all the rights violations going on

· You’re not against us divesting in these countries but not the civil liberties refuting companies

· I am against this resolution

Hannah Green

· 2nd year

· I love this school it’s a place one can embrace their individual identity

· I am asked if divestment has passed

· Jewish student will be encouraged to not enroll here

· Or hide their identity when divestment came out

· Students have brought up the loss of human life

· Hamas is a terrorist group not grass roots

· Peace does not come without discussions

· Ensure transparency vote no in a roll call

Shahryar Mooraj:

· When we bring up a bill around divesting companies I want to make it clear that tonight that you don’t to speak because they are in fear

· Think about those people this is something that affects them

· This is asking you to pull money out of cooperation’s that profit off of human right violations in the Israeli Palestine region

· We shouldn’t be making money off the deaths

· We still make money off of this complicated issue

Walid Afiffi:

· Several hundred thousand people fled Palestine

· Serval years later occupied west bank and Gazzi

· Peace accords nonviolent protest

· Past 5 weeks 111 have been killed

· Life is not getting better but worst

· This resolution takes money out of cooperates that support the occupation

· this takes million and millions of dollars out of companies that kill us

· Jayasinghe: Could you speak to who controlled the lands?

· Every respectable international lawyer says it is occupied

· They will let almost no one into Gazzi

· To suggest that anyone but Israel controls that area is false

· With this control would it been possible for the people of Gazzi to flourish?

· They list everything that Israel allows in and out

· To suggest that a population can flourish under those conditions is ridiculous

· Pimentel how do you facilitate constructive dialogue:

· I teach in the communication department

· These issues doesn’t come up

· Trying to create a space about both Palestinian students can feel comfortable

· Co-taught a course with a rabbi that showed both perspective

· Ochoa: This issue is too big for us is to too big to divest should we divestment from companies?

· The resolution is very specific companies violating international laws and rights

· Unique about Israel is it is an occupying force

· I don’t think it’s beyond your curvier to speak to that

· Aaron: So you said it’s a violation of specific people of companies, who is violating?

· Companies are profiting off of Israel violations of international law and human rights

· So the action is how are the violating them through Israeli action

· Reyes: What is your opinion on this senate voting on a secret ballot versus roll call?

· I am aware of the way public expression of any opinion comes with tremendous risk

· Pressure to succumb to what us “correct”

· Secret ballot would climate with hindrance of public expression

· Gabby: how do we advance the life of Palestinians?

· So there is a specific sort of request

· Companies that profit off our killing no be supported by our money

· Resolution that directly address Palestinian individual rights

· Aaron: have you been to Gazzi?

· No I have never

· Can you to speak how you would not feel comfortable?

· Saw Israeli forces drive down my streets familiar with death and violence

· Maalizadeh: what is peace in this situation?

· There are many proposals to what peace looks like my opinion even changes from moment to moment

· What’s the closest to come to a resolution to consensus?

· In the 90s seems there was an agreement between then since then Palestine lives have gotten much worse there have been negotiations and efforts

· Martinez: do you feel like the presentation of this is the appropriate way to go about that?

· There is a lot of fear for the Palestinian

· Anti-sematic silencing is determining dialogue

· There a long way to go in the UC system besides this resolution

· Bringing in speakers would that help from both?

· This specific resolution will more adequately impact change the Palestine people the speakers will promote dialogue

· Reyes: Can you speak on the Canary commission?

· Highlights folks who support Palestine people as anti-Semitic

· Creates fear

· Silencing mechanism

· Rafael: do you think this resolution aligns with our mission statement

· To the extent of the occupied people is consistent with that last clause

· Maldonado: a lot of people coming to public forum is bringing this resolution is divisive?

· If support a resolution that that supports taking money away is divisive I don’t see

· Maalizadeh: What in the resolution differs from the ones brought before

· Consults the authors

· Justice: mutual dialogue many people have spoken about people feel uncomfortable about divestment?

· Palestine communities have felt under attack for a long tome

· Speaks to the climate of the Palestinians, many people that feel like they do not feel safe on this campus focus on the specifics of the resolution protecting the rights of these occupied people

Rose Ettleson

· Come to speak to you I am a proud gaucho and Israel student

· I traveled to Israel main messages was the idea was that we should put this conflict onto the

· There is no reason that this shouldn’t be a pro peace issue

· This resolution only explicitly mentions on country and that is a double standard

· You passed a resolution commanding a double standard in anti-sematic

· Pass one that encourage dialogue

Omar Zahzah

· I am tired of watching my people get slaughter time and time again I am tired of human used as subjects and are shoved aside as something that is too controversial to talk about

· Palestinians deserve to live free from suffering just as everyone else

· Tonight you are not taking a stand on what to call the state of Israel tonight you are voting on whether you want to keep you money in companies have evidence that continues to support violations of human rights

Rabbi Evan Goodman:

· two weeks ago I was in Israel and Palestine

· I go there often

· I take many of you there I hear a lot about this subject

· I walked through the refugee camp

· Met with a lot of people

· Invest in us don’t inflict the conflict onto the campus

· This resolution divided

· Winter quarter I taught the course of the history of anti-Semitism Jews one it is not black in white many sides

· Do not support this resolution

· Kopel: heard students say this resolution is anti-sematic and not tolerating Jewish student right of the minority for minority to express what anti-Semitism them?

· Very few is told what discrimination is too their group

· Treating Israel differently creates a double standard and that’s anti-Semitic

· No one in the world is calling for the destruction and wiping off the map in turkey BDS movement is anti-Semitic doesn’t mean people who support this resolution is anti-Semitic don’t understand what BDS is trying to do to make Israel a pariah

· Arron: have you seen any increase in anti-Semitism?

· The anti-deformation league has tracked what happens in campus in each of those cases anti-Semitism spikes it divides people and I would much rather bring the people together

· You also spoke about how this is a lot like the BDS resolution?

· It’s been born out of the BDS resolution and this one has been cleaned up so you feel its innocuous trying to ostracized the Jewish people

· Ochoa: what is your opinion on UCSB being the only school that has not divested

· I think it’s awesome

· Most of the campus nationally bring this resolution until it has success

· We have been successful most of the time for building cross culturally collaboration across these campus

· Resolutions like this polarize other campuses

· Justice: what do you think the role UC system play in this conflict?

· We are overstating our own ability to create change in the world, there are things we can do

· Around the word we don’t know how this is going to be used

· Do things that cooperate don’t that divide

· Leah: would this help those refugees?

· I do not I understand the symbolic value towards both perspectives, the actual impact there has been no divestment on the campus where it has been passed

· Do you have an alternation solution?

· Fact finders trip we do it every year shows a lot of realities and the shades of grey that is in this issue

· Dycaico: I was wondering you opinion as rabbi is there a way people can be critical of these actions without being anti-Semitic

· There is nothing wrong with criticizing the Israeli government, this situation requires you to be critical of both authorities. It’s not about the political critic it’s the unique singling out

· Pimentel: associated divestment with anti-Semitists would it be hypothetical to vote yes on this than the resolution before

· Question your understanding of what anti-Semitism really is.. there are many people who don’t understand the Jewish experience I would worry that the full implications is not understood

· Gessesse: you have seen the resolution at 10 am how did you receive it

· Saw the copy and students were talking about it

· We didn’t receive it until after 12 pm could you help us on how that conversation started?

· I was in la all day and I got back here to come to the meeting

· Reyes: can you get your opinions on cannery mission?

· I heard about it a year ago when students asked about it. I’m not supportive of it. taking a principle stand is challenging you need to be willing to put your name into it, I don’t like the idea of what cannery mission does or associated with it

· Wondering if you were given a heads up about a post that was made at 10 am?

· I am not knowledgeable about

· I was hearing rumors that this might come up

· Gabby: How do you feel about the lack of mention about Humas with the statement of companies in support of human rights violations

· I see f16 in the skies we were told that Iran was about to target where we were Israel f16 retaliated and took out the that this situation so I disagree the characterization that these are just human rights violation the idea of an imbalanced resolution

· Maldonado is it universities place to invest in these companies

· it’s not for me to say if I know you are singling out Israel then I say you are being disingenuous on what your concerns are

· In the past senate has passed resolution how is this different than turkey

· No one is saying turkey shouldn’t exist and it’s not there as a haven



Motion language: motion to go into an 8 minutes recess



Vote Taken: 11:54 PM

· IVP: We have this room until 4 am and it is 12:08 and I want everyone to be mindful of the fact we have less than four hours left

Dycacio motion add zwc honoriaria reallocation to new business ho 1209



Motion language: motion to add Zero Waste Committee honoraria reallocation to new business



Vote Taken: 12:09 AM

MOTION/SECOND:  Maalizadeh/G. Hernandez


Motion language: motion to add AS Office of the Controller Bill to old bussiness



Vote Taken: 12:09 AM

Abire Sabbagh

· 1st year grad student

· focus on what this means for you all as students

· we are not going to solve the conflict the conversation needs to shift into what does this all means

· no one is invested in Palestine

· you are becoming neutral

· divisiveness the minute Palestine students human rights are not abstract we have to talk about who is committing these volitions

Sophia Armen

· People who look like me don’t exist in this UC system

· I created the as human rights boards

· I sat here sitting for hours listening to people speak and I say enough UCSB is the only to not pass this resolution

· Justice: can you tell us about your experience at the senate table on divestment?

· We past divestment in 2012 our IVP at the time decided to change how we vote and so UCSB past when I was here this is not controversial you are controversial

· The conversation has been so distorted it’s about tell you all that you shouldn’t touch this

· This is our money and this is American companies

· We are putting our tuition money into this

· You should be able to talk about your own tuition money

· My experience was obvious to me the kind of racial language that are thrown out in this space

· We will not let states get away with mass murder

· In terms of safety violence is structural not interpersonal it happens by states

· It happens by the dehumanization over time

· American cooperation’s would not be killing people all over the world

· Can you speak to the difference when you were here versus this resolution?

· Every nation in the world besides of the us knows the human rights violations

· One sided against justice

· A senator it’s a hard discussion but everything worth it us at this table is hard

· You have the responsibility to care about where your constitutes put their money

· Gessesse: have you had any safety concern after sitting at this table?

· You have the ability to do something important and that what makes it important

· In the struggle for justice we need courage

· Let you names be one record you do not stand for this

· let’s have a conversation about something real

· I believe you will not be scared

· Maldonado: what the potential of the resolution?

· If you don’t believe in your resolutions you shouldn’t be there

· They have an effect in organizing

· People really own up their intentions and are transparent on what’s going on

· It’s obviously the oppressive forces are present in the us this is about power it is a military occupation and it’s about displacement and dispossession

· Jayasinghe: how o you feel about the purpose in specifying in Israel?

· The specificity is basic

· If we are not allowed to talk about American cooperation who is

· This is our presence in the world.

· Maldonado: you mentioned you founded the HRB would you experience play a part in that consideration?

· At the time senate was a afraid HRB would put forth a divestment conversation

· It was blocked twice because we might talk about these issues

· You are not alone in talking about this it’s time to get your shit together

· Carney mission is a black list of black and brown students at the UC its racial profiling and its awful

· Reyes tell us more about the human rights violations

· Everyone in the UC system has to know about it

· These are weapons companies in my opinion those companies would not exist

· There are checkpoints that grants access based on their race, ethnicity or religious experiences

· These cooperation’s are involved with the communications of different parts of settlements

Robert Gardner:

· people asking for equal rights are not terrorist

· divestment is not for discrimination

· Palestine n have the right to call out any company that is assisting their oppressors

Mason Foster

· fact finders

· my days in Palestine all the Palestinian activists were skeptical of divestment

· when I stayed with a family they encouraged me to talk about divestment on our campus

· I personally watched the violence first hand

Kevin Sabellico:

· Here to oppose the resolution

· Harmful to foreign policy goals

· We can debate the actions of la coup government but cannot say that Israel does not have the right t exist

· Do not vote under secret ballot you need to accountable

· Justice: what is the relation between tuition and human rights violation?

· It has been establish by the authors of this resolution

· Country defending itself from terrorists is not a human rights violation

· How is raising tuition comparable to human rights violations

· Any vote taken by a legislative agency should be public that’s how they comparable doesn’t matter the subject

· Maldonado: right to defend themselves from what terrorist?

· Humas

· Gessesse: how did you obtain the resolution

· It was emailed

Jack Tanenabaum

· Right on any minority group to define the hate against them is

· You have an obligation to show how you vote and I implore you to vote with a roll call

· Your students and your constituents have an obligation to show you how you vote

· Gessesse: how do you see your safety in your position coming into play

· it’s my job to make sure that student voices are heard and represented

· justice: how is our safety different from those who come to your confidential office

· people come to my office to seek confidential advice on a legal issue, in choosing to run for office, represent students, to be a proxy you are choosing to represent them and they should have a right to know what you are

· is secret ballot a part of Robert rules of order not part of being elected

· regardless of if the option exists you are obligated to be transparent and held accountable

Martinez: if a senator expressed they did not feel safe would you advocate them?

· No representative has come to me asking to speak for me

· When you decide to have constituents you have the obligation to be transparency and I hope you all bring that as well as leader

MOTION/SECOND:  Carey/Gessesse


Motion language: motion to cut off questions in public forum


Motion language: motion to amend the motion to limit one minute responses for public forum questions



Vote Taken: 1:09 AM


Motion language: motion to close the speakers list at 1:20 AM



Vote Taken: 1:10 AM

Ali Suebert:

· attorney general

· elections results all the decisions were made by legal code

· we have come to good terms with the issue we think it’s fair to the student body

· I think it is fully support of legal code that it is a positional resolution that requires 2/3 of the resolution

· This is about a student about not you all

· There is only one country that is involved in this resolution

· Martinez: what dictates this as positional

· It specifically says the vestment of companies that have human rights violations

· It is a political position

· In the case where we had the directional with lgbtq?

· You would have to look at the two resolutions at hand

· Justice: how do you recommend the resolutions to be passed?

· That is not my job

· Gessesse: if the candidate was contacted?

· Yes, there was multiple meetings where the candidate was asked to be there and they were not

· What efforts were made to follow up?

· When you are ineligible for an election you need to produce paperwork, we contacted out of courtesy

· Jayasinghe: who do you think gets to decide it is directional or positional

· In legal code IVP

· Dycaico: in terms of elections results what’s the process who will be the replacement and what’s the timeline?

· My office judicial office and elections will work together

· We will wait off on that

· Rafael: there has to be a 24 hour period candidate needs to be contacted, was that process met?

· There have been multiple meetings where the person didn’t show up and legal code state candidate has two weeks to provide documents

· The decision was too be sent out 24 hours?

· That would be directed for elections

· I wrote the ask me resolution that was directional and it demanded chancellor yang be in supports of that this is directional because it requires a form of action. Would you mind elaborating the difference?

· I think its directional and positional,

· Rafael in legal code if a candidate is disqualified there will be a special elections would it undermine transiency if elections board does something else?

· candidates has not been sworn in

· Martinez: what experience do you have given decisions regarding legal code?

· You appointed me in the beginning of the year

· Why have you not attended internal committee

· I meet with senators and the execs all the time

· It’s impossible for 4 people to attend every committee when I am an non-voting voting member of every committee

· Reyes: is the last clause positional or directional

· The last one is positional

· Ho: Do you know if last year senate had to ratify the elections results

· Yes

· Dycaico: 2012 candidate who won quit so it was given to the runner up will we follow this precedent

· We are looking into it

· Reyes hoes it state anywhere that elections results have to be approve week 7

· Swearing in happens in week 7 specifically

MOTION/SECOND:  G. Hernandez/Kopel

Motion language: motion to limit each senator with one question and one follow up per speaker



Vote Taken: 1:31 AM

Christiana Ornelas:

· I read in the daily nexus the first time a resolution involving the Israeli conflict was 6 years ago and was brought up 5 times

· if we continue to foster dialogue we are letting whatever happens happen it won’t really end dialogue

· human rights board is taking applications for next year

Maria Mendez

· we did not enforce any larger organization

· I have seen communities of color come together in solidarity

· I strongly support this resolution

Justin Deckard:

· this senate has the opportunity to divest in corporations that have the power to murder people

· our university is investing in the business of war

· UC is profiting off of pain

· show us that you stand for students and life

· Gabby: elaborate on standing with lives

· yes these companies are propagating death

· regents are making money off of the deaths of people are making money off of this conflict and that is not right

· Aaron: have any other the other UCs that have passed the divestment resolution pulled their investments

· I do not have knowledge of that

· Jayasinghe: symbolic gesture of passing the resolution? Did the south Africa happen overnight?

· It took an extremely long time blood sweat and tears

Hannah Kagan Moore

· this moment Israel is bombing Gaza

· Jewish values do not stand with murder

· I would never claim to speak for all Jews ever but Israel does not speak for me

· we are implicated for this shame it is time to end it

· we have heard people say it won’t change anything it is why you are here today

Cyndi Silverman:

· regional direction SB county ADL

· in your legal code it is required you have a training ADL training. So your questions we would have been able to go into in a deeper level

· call for the destruction of Israeli at its core is anti-sematic

· Kopel: do you feel like this senate should be able to vote on this resolution because we haven’t had a training?

· I highly recommend you have this training for next year

· Jayasinghe: do you feel the resolution calls for the destruction of Israel

· Yes I don’t think you can have divestment that doesn’t go to the core to BDS

· Luvia: whose responsibly to schedule the trainings?

· The senate we reached out twice

Unique Vance:

· we are the only UC that has not passed for divestment in human rights violations

· we are out fighting for justice

· Gessesse: was your safety ever a point of concern

· yes it was the back of my mind

· have you received or felt personal threatened

· I have had close friends who have

· Dycacico: how does this resolution compare to the one last year?

· They are very similar that is a question for the authors

Gefen Laredo:

· the Armenian was mast murders because of their ethnicity

· Palestinian serve on the Israeli supreme court and own land

· the compliancy and lack of facts is disheartening

· one side has accused if you do not agree with this you are complicit with human rights violations

· guilt’s you into choosing on side

· Maalizadeh: do you feel any animosity against you as an Israeli?

· Yes the one sidedness leads to divisiveness

· How do we work as a campus to facilitate this type of conversation?

· Inclusive meeting, open mindedness

· Santos: does that weapon company used conflict between both sides?

· To my knowledge Lockheed Martin has contact with Israel

· Dycaico: how do you feel with a resolution about Palestine and Israeli people coming together

· I think that’s a good idea

· When we start admitting fault on both sides

Ben Revving:

· these companies are used by the military

Nadav Kempinski:

· highlight an article wrote in 2013 after BDS didn’t pass

· this resolution created a lot of passionate response

· instead of focusing human right resolutions urge to choose a side

· a yes or no vote made students feel like their voices did not matter

· I hope every students feels this is the beginning for appropriate dialogue

· We must have an open dialogue

Yusef Ebrahim

· Remembering those who passed away in Israel over the past week

Mordi Shadpour:

· Ask you to vote no

· Boycotts that deliberately martingale the state of Israel make progress far more difficult

· The focus has been attacking the state of Israel

Alex Giolito:

· We applaud your inclusion of the investment advisory committee

· We were not contacted in any way

· It is common curtsey to contact the organization

· Why did you include us without doing research

· Gessesse: could you mention times which you shared your minutes in senate?

· I became chair 2 weeks ago

· We have been in contact with our liaison

· The pervious chair was Sankeet Sysai we only send in our minutes when we buy or selling anything

· Anything bought or sold is bought on by senate

· Reyes: you were said that goes to senate, I haven’t seen anything in senate?

· We having bought or sold anything

· I’m confused why our name is in it

· Do you have access to UC regents holding

· No I don’t, our org was handpick included in the resolution

· Martinez: what experience do you have to be the chair of committee

· Appointment process

· Justice: to my knowledge you contact an entity in a whereas if they are included are you aware?

· Yes but it common curtsey putting our name into the resolution

· Dycaico: it mentions in this clause that IAC to withdraw investment in security, is your org invested in any of those companies

· None of those companies or any located in the region

· Kopel: would you mind explaining if it is student fees or tuition that you invest

· To provide an educational resource for students interested in investments

· Uses student fees and that money is put back into AS

· Do you know if the students tuition in general is used to be invested in companies ?

· I cannot speak to that

· Maalizadeh: can you justify why IAC is asked to do?

· Withdraw would mean they are taking something away that existed in the first place

· But we never had anything

MOTION/SECOND:  Gessesse/Justice

Motion language: motion to go into a five minute recess



Vote Taken: 2:21 AM

***Resumed from recess at 2:34 AM***

Daniel Renteria:

· This is no longer an anti-sematic issue but a human rights issues

· Please reflect is it more confusion

· Instead we would take a stronger stance by continuing to invest in companies that violate human rights

· Kopel: wondering if Jewish student interpret this resolution as anti-sematic

· Depends on the dialogue

· This is a human rights issue because this is being called to by the UN

Logan Clement

· I believe that it’s not motivated by anti-Semitism the BDS movement has issues with that but I don’t believe this document is motivated by anti-Semitism

· The scope is not to wipe out Israel

· Dycaico: is there any particular reason you changed your mind?

· There are larger campus wide dialogue that needs to be had

· But my opinion is off the words written on this document

· Gabby: why you came in originally anti divestment

· The BDS movement at large has problems with anti-Semitism

Kristen Hsu:

· Our budget have been the same since march

· Voted on the ask of 105 million dollars was granted

· Student initiative works

· Please register by Monday to register to vote

· Dycaico: if a student wanted to register how would they go about doing it?

· Contact me

Greshon Klein:

· It’s clear there’s a precedent to hate Jewish people

· Divestment is a form that is being taken today

· Characterizing Israel as a uniquely blood thirsty people

· Please reject divestment

Eidan Shalom:

· I came to speak to support

· I stand before you as a primarily source I can tell you what I saw through my experience

· I can highlight the lies you have heard tonight

· In Tulane I have had dialogue with people for SJP which doesn’t compare to what I experienced here

· Here year after year one side creates resolutions that discriminates one party and polarizes the issue

· We are better than and I hoping your decision reflects on that

Pegah Lavain:

· I was the only Jewish student at my school for 5 year and I stood as an outsiders

· Due to my experiences growing up I know what anti-Semitism looks like

· Call this divestment or DS the name does not change what it is

· No life deserves more value than another

Joey Penn:

· We were in Germany as Jewish students were we had Neo Nazis eat lunch next to us as they wished us dead

· This is the reality there is very few places that Jewish people feel accepted and Israel is the flagship

· The conflict is complicated and there is death on both sides

· I sympathize with both sides

· The peace will come from dialogue and not one sided resolutions

Melanie Ross:

· This resolution is taken the form as divestment

· This resolution is not new

· Why are we running on the fact that this resolutions specifically targets Israel

· It is anti Israel at its core

· It will take both sides coming together

· The resolution does none of these things

· Does nothing to bring groups together

· Please reject by roll call

Shirel Benji:

· Tonight we ignore the vast human rights violations and point fingers at a single county. This is anti-Semitism. The authors chose to focus only on Israel.

· Last month as UCSB passed a resolution unanimously on anti-Semitism and this resolution contradicts that

· Urge you to vote no

Rachel Greenberg:

· Stress the lack of honestly and respect of the resolution that was presented this morning

· Why is an issue of this magnitude not given the same treatment as the student government budget which you complained you received without enough time

· How can you make our voices heard when you gave us no time to create our thoughts on this resolution

· I ask you say no and uphold your promise of transparency and vote by roll call

David Hoskins:

· This is an anti-sematic movement not to say supporter are anti sematic

· The double standard is anti-sematic

· I think it’s this misconception that Jewish people are people of color

· Maalizadeh: how do you feel about senate voting non transparently?

· Not support of democracy using a secret ballot

Alex Hoskins:

· It is clear that every time this has past anti-Semitism has followed

Michelle May

· There is no narrative or personal story that is more important than another

· This resolution and others have contributed to the rising levels of anti-Semitism

· BDS is unethical to what UCSB represents

· I hope you join these leaders and choose to stand on the right side of this issue

Ashley Selki:

· I urge you to vote no and do so transparently

· Take responsibilities for your choices

· I am against injustice of all people regardless of how people vote tonight everyone is pro peace and this resolution is not the answer

· To support efforts to help a conflict without hurting innocent people

· Be the ones to set an example

· Dycacico: having a resolution of working with both sides did anyone reach out to you?

· I was not reached too and did not reached out myself

MOTION/SECOND:  Gessesse/Kopel

Motion language: motion to go into an 8 minute recess



Vote Taken: 3:11 AM

*** Resumed from recess at 3:23 AM ****

E) Acceptance of Agenda

MOTION/SECOND: G. Hernandez/Dyaico

Motion language: motion to suspend the orders of the day


· Vote Taken: 3:23 AM


MOTION/SECOND: Dyaico/Gessesse

Motion language: motion to reallocate Zero Waste Committee Honoria into immediate business


· Vote Taken: 3:24 AM


MOTION/SECOND: Hendizadeh/Kopel

Motion language: motion to resume order


· Vote Taken: 3:24 AM

MOTION/SECOND: Kopel/Pimentel

Motion language: motion to accept the agenda


· ACTION: Vote to Vote: 12-13-0


Jayasinghe: Point of clarification, if it is a positional resolution the voting threshold is a 2/3 vote

MOTION/SECOND: Jayasinghe/Dumlao

Motion language: motion to change divestment resolution from positional to directional


· ACTION: Vote to Vote: 14-11-0


Motion language: motion to accept the agenda


· ACTION: Vote to Vote: 12-13-0

Martinez: Can the chair please explain how she got to switching the viewpoint to positional?

Sandhu: With the UC Regents, it is taking a stance on their position, it can be interrupted as positional as well as directional

Reyes: First when I was asking Ali and she said everything was directional except one, that is just random words, not positional. That argument does not understand, though that the first and second of this resolution submitted it as directional with a voting threshold of 50% plus one. Because of the UC clause that made it positional, authors took it into account, sent a new resolution to the groupme sent out the new resolution to the Daily Nexus, execs, everyone and from what I just found out, me believing that this resolution is directional, the chair comes to tell us that the acceptance of the agenda is in order but the chair changed it to positional without consulting the authors

Kopel: Considering the chair made her decision that this resolution will remain in the positional we should move on and accept the agenda

Carey: I reserve my right, we should respect the decision of our IVP


Motion language: motion to accept the agenda


· ACTION: Vote to Vote: 12-13-0


Martinez: As internal affairs chair I want to respect the time and effort of IVP and the student sponsors. They have been putting into a lot of time and effort and you as the IVP from working with you and seeing your actions have been broken legal code many times, to when it serves you.

G. Hernandez: I just want to point out to not make slanderous statements to support our arguments

Maalizadeh: We are not respecting the time. The vote has been done and it failed so many times.

Ho: Senate has passed many resolutions with the 50 plus one statement with the interpretation, so I don’t see why there is a double standard for this resolution

Dyaico: Please respect everyone at the table

Reyes: Yes, it is 3:40 am. 15 minutes ago we found out it was changed to positional when it was brought out as directional I am very confused by this

Martinez: Respect goes both ways, if we want to argue on respect today I had to intervene when I felt like the student sponsor was not being respected in Jasmine’s office. It is clearly defined that positional has to support or define something but key terms in the resolution to support something was not a discussion that was facilitated respectfully. It is disrespectable for the chair to feel she can supersede that, that is disrespectful to the students.

Dumlao: In past resolution, RCSGD, it was a directional bill and it could be conflated as positional. Someone talked about that the senate has not had any training in anti-Semitic and RCSGD training. The precedent that has been set before this meeting the bill and resolution have been directional, if it was positional it would have different language

Pimentel: As co-chair of internal committee, I would like to point out that the chair has changed the resolution to a positional resolution, so nothing can be done at this point

Gessesse: I am echoing the sentiments heard before, but I do want to give this meeting the due diligence it deserves. Please give mutual respect to one another and we should have set the precedent beforehand.

Hendizadeh: Point of clarification whenever it comes to resolution determining directional or positional is up to the discretion of the chair

Carey: The discourse around this table I would appreciate if it was PG. People reading this current draft, it has come to my attention that people keep referring to it as direct, I would like to say that these statements, just adding the word direct does not change the meaning, you can look at the other version

Jayasinghe: Tensions are high, and it is unfair how last minute this was to all of us, but we still have a very long meeting ahead. I know the resolution was last minute. It was told to us so recently and part of the issue is that we are trying to change it again. We have considered motions before and we had to reconsider the motion we made, I have a prediction that this will just keep going.

Martinez: Senator Pimentel you are the vice chair of internal, he made up a position. He is the vice chair not the co-chair please do not co-op the work of women of color, I have been directed by the pro temp and those are the one of the authors that changed the clause and retracted the clause. I would also like to add that I did not receive any senate trainings.

Maalizadeh: All the voting we did is through legal code, the IVP makes a decision and the IVP made a decision it failed to change a vote, we cannot motion legal code, this is procedure, and this is how it goes, it is not just

Pimentel: I think that it is important to make clear the UC regents are not going to divest despite this resolution so technically it is just taking a position, making a statement

Shofet: The AG came up here and said that even if you have a few words in there, the word direct, the intent still lies there. Can someone clarify that we keep voting on it even though it was approved by the IVP Legal code, we’ve been doing it and we keep voting on this.

Kopel: Point of personal preference, dilatory means that motions or debates that is just for the purposes of stalling,

Dumlao: This is also part of legal code, us discussing this is part of legal code, precedence was set with past bills at meetings as directional that can be conflated as positional why is there a double standard only because the AG came to one meeting and not the RCSGD meeting. What does this need to say, what changes need to be made to make this a directional bill?

Reyes: First off, we are not the UC Regents they are going to do what they are going to do, this is UCSB not the regents so I’m sorry, but the argument does not stand, like Stoddy was staying the bill itself was examined. In second clause, we direct AS, we demand that the UC reaffirm its commitment (directional), sorry we made it simpler with. The Senate has the power to make changes to our bill and resolutions who are supposed to be impartial in her decision as they were not consensual by the authors.

Kopel: The fact that you are asking to do whatever it takes to do to change it to directional when the authors of this resolution sent in the final updates, UCSB SJP Divestment resolution, SJP was not a previous sponsor nor are they right now, positions in general this is addressing policy issues. This is about intent and idea not matter if it is talking about and we are taking a stance on a political issue.

Carey: Stress the intention behind the resolution as a whole, trying to get senate to take a position on the bill, it will not happen soon


Motion language: motion to accept the agenda


· ACTION: Vote to Vote: 12-13-0


Gessesse: We condemn police brutality, that was directional ASFMCE 3299 was directional, both asked for a statement they were directional. Within the two resolutions I am just echoing that sentiment, my senate term has shown me that directional bills have given more leniency

Maldonado: The full intent was to be directional, not to determine a political decision or cast a moral judgement, we do not to create. A positional first change I heard through a student sponsor who was upset, we work with student sponsors to drop those clauses, the word direct was put in there and it did not change it. We need to ensure that people understand that this is a directional bill it does not make sense that I was not consulted I still do not understand what part is positional.

Dumlao: No one has addressed the statement I made on how to make it just directional. No argument about the precedent such as RCGSD and ASFCME speculation is something that is not admissible in court. My speculation is keeping respect and intention of the authors with specific wording that was chosen. We did not put in specific words because we did not want to be positional. Why are we not following the precedent and suddenly changing in week 7 at 4:10 in the morning in spring quarter with no edits on how to change it.

Shofet: I want everyone to take one second to remember why everyone is sitting here today. Senators are supposed to represent their constituents. Due to lack of clarity and transparency, when students come up here we are this far into the conversation, how many times are you going to change it? And when will it be represented to our constituents. We are doing this for the transparency of our constituents even though we have already voted on it, and I don’t want to speculate your intentions (Dumlao). The number of students who have left, how many times are we going to flip flop?

G. Hernandez: In regard to the question of what we can do to change it, the undertones are positional. The resolution condemning anti-Semitism was positional, and it stated in the definition which is why this was positional.

Hendizadeh: Many students came up here, how are we not moving forward?

Ho: Previous directional resolutions have been stated and there are clauses that have been stated on both sides. Why have people who called this positional not called other directional bills as positional?
