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Obesity by Drbuthelezi-mlambo Definition: medical condition which excuses the body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduce life expectancy and increase health problems when body weight is more than twenty percent higher than the average for age Body mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification <18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9 class 1 obesity 35.0- 39.9 class 2 obesity (health related conditions) >40.0 class 3 obesity(morbid obesity) PREVALENCE SA is no. 3 world-wide with 50% overweight and 25,7% obese.

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Post on 26-Jul-2020




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Page 1: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9

Obesity by Drbuthelezi-mlambo

Definition: medical condition which excuses the body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduce life expectancy and increase health problems when body weight is more than twenty percent higher than the average for age

Body mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared

Body mass index classification<18.5 underweight18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight30.0-34.9 class 1 obesity35.0- 39.9 class 2 obesity (health related conditions)>40.0 class 3 obesity(morbid obesity)PREVALENCE

SA is no. 3 world-wide with 50% overweight and 25,7% obese. Sa school going boys who are overweight6% and 25% for girls mostly in rich

countries(worldwide 20 million under 5yrs are overweight) SAD facts is that overweight child is likely to grow into an overweight adult

and face life time of chronic health problem WHO by 2015 approach 23 billion adult overweight and more than 70 million

will be obese


Page 2: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9

CAUSES1. Excess food and energy intake with lack of physical activity

2. Infants who are on artificial milk more than breast feed

3. Mother who encourages infants/children to finish food don’t waste foo leads to over feeding

-make sure food in plate is healthy

-portion sizes are right for individual ages and


4. Advertisement everywhere encourage us to eat fried foods, sweets, fizzy drinks

- With parents leaving a busy lives so fast food or take-aways

are easy option

-inactivity of children who spend more time in front of TV,

Computers, phones

5. Genetic factor predisposing to obesity i.e obesity is common in children of fat parents dlt family eating pattern and environment

6. Psychological disease eg. Depression which leads to over eating

7. Medication eg. Steroids Anti-depressants

Page 3: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9


Page 4: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9

COMPLICATIONS Infancy and pre-school are prone to repeated respiratory infections,

obstructive sleep, APNOE Asthma Dlv with difficulty to see dehydration which results in adequate fluid therapy

then to death Impaired glucose tolerance test which leads to diabetes therefore to be seen

by Drs for insulin resistance test

School age and adolescence: psychological and social problems Overweight child are more likely to be teased even worse bullied, resulting

and feeling of rejection may lead to social problem of isolation, poor self-image or not good enough self-esteem and affect school work and lead to depression if tease this will propagate to over eating habit or anorexia nervosa

Long Term Health Risk1. HYPERTENSION

Signs and symptoms Severe headaches, Dizziness, Nausea, Problem with vision, Blood in urine, Irregular heartbeat

Preventative methods Maintain healthy weight, Reduce salt intake, Reduce alcohol, Reduce stress

2. Diabetes Mellitus

Page 5: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9

Signs and symptoms Frequency of urine Thirst and hunger Vision changes Tingling or numbness in hand and feet Unexplained weight loss Itchiness around genitalia/Dry vagina Wounds or cuts that heal slowly


2. High cholesterol-heart disease: pancreatitis which can lead to death

3. Orthopaedic disorder-joint problems because excess putting pressure on child skeleton resulting in bow legs or other deformities, osteoarthritis

4. Hormonal disorder in adult hood can cause infertility

5. Cholecyotisis inflammation of gall bladder6. Pseudtumour: pressure in brain can lead to loss of

Page 6: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9

WHAT IS THE SOLUTION/ TREATMENT1. Exercise and encourage kids to be more active2. Watch the plate: portion size is important-too much healthy food leads to weight gain3. Make sweets, chips, ice-cream for special treats, but give high fibre and low fat4. Psychological support- weigh less organization are very effective5. Obesity drugs- appetite and inhibit fat absorption together with suitable dietIf the above is not effective gastric ballot or surgery

Page 7: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9


Page 8: €¦ · Web viewBody mass index which is weight divided by height meter squared Body mass index classification < 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 over weight 30.0-34.9