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AP® SPANISH LANGUAGE & CULTURE Course Syllabus Course Overview The AP® Spanish Language & Culture course will follow the Common Core State Standards which are aligned to and supported by the current National Standards of Learning Languages. The Five standards which are integrated are Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Communities, and Communication. The Communication Standard incorporates the three Modes of Interpretive; which is comprised of the Listening, Viewing and Reading Skills, Interpersonal; which contains Speaking and Writing, and Presentational; consisting of Speaking and Writing as well. These standards throughout the previous levels have reinforced the goal of progressing through Novice, Intermediate, Advance, and Proficiency by Language Learners and to substantiate students to be ready for the AP® Spanish Language Exam. Course Objective In this course, students will develop their proficiency in performance of the Spanish Language. The course will be conducted customarily in Spanish and will use high-quality and authentic material of native speakers’ products, perspectives and practices. Students will be exposed to and assessed on the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing simultaneously as well as individually. Spanish will be the target language of all materials used within this course and will be used by the teacher and encouraged to be used by the students at all times with instructions and assignments. In cases where comprehension idles then English may be used as a contingency. Upon conclusion of this course, it is the goal of instructor and student to obtain a level of Intermediate-Mid to Advanced-low

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Page 1:€¦  · Web viewListening & Viewing skills materials will come from news clips, televisions shows, movies, and textbook provided CDs and videos. Students


Course Syllabus

Course Overview

The AP® Spanish Language & Culture course will follow the Common Core State Standards which are aligned to and supported by the current National Standards of Learning Languages. The Five standards which are integrated are Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Communities, and Communication. The Communication Standard incorporates the three Modes of Interpretive; which is comprised of the Listening, Viewing and Reading Skills, Interpersonal; which contains Speaking and Writing, and Presentational; consisting of Speaking and Writing as well. These standards throughout the previous levels have reinforced the goal of progressing through Novice, Intermediate, Advance, and Proficiency by Language Learners and to substantiate students to be ready for the AP® Spanish Language Exam.

Course Objective

In this course, students will develop their proficiency in performance of the Spanish Language. The course will be conducted customarily in Spanish and will use high-quality and authentic material of native speakers’ products, perspectives and practices. Students will be exposed to and assessed on the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing simultaneously as well as individually.

Spanish will be the target language of all materials used within this course and will be used by the teacher and encouraged to be used by the students at all times with instructions and assignments. In cases where comprehension idles then English may be used as a contingency.

Upon conclusion of this course, it is the goal of instructor and student to obtain a level of Intermediate-Mid to Advanced-low proficiency, according to ACTFL guidelines. Materials will be equivalent and appropriate in order that students may be able to receive collegiate placement within or above the third-year intermediate courses upon entrance to a college or university.

I. Listening & Viewing skills materials will come from news clips, televisions shows, movies, and textbook provided CDs and videos.

II. Students will perform informal and formal Speaking Skills within the classroom through interactive activities and collaborative projects. Students will have the opportunity for target language practice via

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewListening & Viewing skills materials will come from news clips, televisions shows, movies, and textbook provided CDs and videos. Students

community events and on-line experiences. Spanish will be spoken almost exclusively within the class.

III. Reading material will be provided for students to build skills using native language newspapers, magazines, and literature books; as well as textbooks. Students will reflect upon literary and cultural themes within the readings plus personal involvements.

IV. Students will express in writing both formally and informally within and outside of the classroom. Writing Skills will focus on weekly journal entries, informal and formal email and traditional letters, evaluative writings over pieces viewed or read, and presentational writing of researched papers.

V. Students will be part of a class blog where a question is posed by the instructor and students will upload their answers; then all will be able to see each others responses to continue discussion.

VI. Vocabulary will be included within each lesson to enrich and augment the student’s understanding of the target language. Correctly translating and usage of words will be a focus in addition to understanding word origins and families. Students will be provided a list of required vocabulary, but will explore expressions used only in the target language which is difficult to translate.

VII. Students will be exposed to and required to understand and use a variety of grammatical uses and all verb tenses. Correct utilization of the mechanics of sentences and superior management of the language will be implemented.

VIII. Each lesson will culminate with a Project that the student must complete. All grammar, verb tenses, and vocabulary within the lesson will be employed in creating each project.

IX. Assessments will consist of graded entries from any of the sections listed above; as well as three major exams within the fall semester which will resemble the AP® Spanish Language format. During the spring semester there will only be two as the actual AP® exam will be administered during the end of the semester.

Course Outline

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Two AP® themes will be explored during each quarter in the school year: (below is the outline routine for the course, followed by recurrent significant activities that are for all chapters and their themes, and finally strategic distinctive projects contained for each explicit chapter)

First Quarter Overview to the course

o Explanation of the syllabus for College Board and syllabus for class/school policies and procedures

o Illustration of class website, google classroom, and upcoming activities

o Geography review and assessment followed by each student will be able to choose one Spanish speaking country with which they will base their research and presentation of each chapter themes.

o Online placement assessment to determine each student’s level of ability to know strengths and weaknesses

Families and Communitieso Customs and Values and Comparison to World Viewso Communities in Education and Individual Contributionso Familiar Structure and Dynamicso Human and Physical Geography o Volunteerism: Challenges and Charitieso Social Networking

Contemporary Lifeo Careers: Educational Paths and Job-Marketo Travel & Leisure: Comparisons of Views relating to Sports/Leisureo Entertainment: Performing Arts; and influences on daily lifeo Lifestyles: Influences of Products, Practices, and Perspectiveso Social Customs and Values, Quality of Life

Second Quarter Beauty and Aesthetics

o Architectureo Defining Beauty and Creativity; Influences on Daily Life; How

Challenge and Reflect Cultural Perspectiveso Fashion and Designo Language and Literature

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o Gourmet Foods: Innovative v. Extravagant Science and Technology

o Access to Technologyo Effects of Technology on Self and Societyo Health Care and Medicineo Innovations – Factors of Discoveryo Natural Phenomenao Ethics of Science on Advancement and Use

Third Quarter Global Challenges

o Economic Issues o Environmental Issues o Philosophical Thought and Religiono Population and Demographicso Social Welfareo Social Conscience

How issues pose challenges to societies throughout the world

Origins and possible solutions to these challenges Personal and Public Identities

o Alienation and Assimilationo Heroes and Historical Figureso National and Ethnic Identities – Influences of Language and

Culture and in Various Situations and how develops over timeo Personal Beliefso Personal Interestso Self-Image

Fourth Quarter

Final Preparation for Exam Administration of AP Spanish Language Exam Wrap-up of Final Project

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Course PlannerRecurrent Chapter Activities:

Banco de Vocabulario – Students have to complete a google spreadsheet by finding at least 100 words they have never seen before. Then they complete a word family chart by filling in the adjoining categories of noun, verb (their new words will fall into these many times), adjectives, similar words, synonyms, antonyms, and the definition of the original word.

Preguntas Esenciales – every chapter contains three essential questions which are presented in their google classroom question on the first day of the chapter lesson. This is an initial assessment of what they already know of the upcoming subject. We will return at least two times to reflect and revise before the final submission. Once the chapter and themes are completed, students will review and improve on their original answers (they cannot change them but this is an additional submission for final assessing) and this will be part of the Socratic Circle discussion time which is a free-speak moment where students talk about the theme without fear of being graded on mistakes.

Presentation Project – Students have chosen a different Spanish speaking country which they will investigate the themes and specific points of interest for their project. Students create a detailed outline complete with the biographical information used, compile an essay summarizing their findings, and then create a visual presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi) which they will report to the class. All of this is done in the target language.

LOGS – Students are given a blank form to fill in during each thematic lesson. In addition to assigned activities, students are to explore the popular Hispanic media through television, cinema, news publication, radio broadcasts, and literature. Students will note which activity they choose and must complete a total of ten hours before the assigned deadline. Furthermore, they will include any facts or opinions in the “comentarios” section. (see screenshot)

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Strategic Thematic Activities:

Theme: Families and CommunitiesSubtema: El Hogar / La Estructura de la Familia y Las Relaciones Personales / La Educación / La Geografía / Las Tradiciones y Los valoresPreguntas Esenciales: ¿cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades? ¿cómo contribuyen los individuos y las familias al bienestar de las comunidades? ¿cuáles son las diferencias en los papeles que asumen las comunidades y las familias en las diferentes sociedades del mundo?

Example lesson:

Students will first discuss (interpersonal speaking) about common rebellious actions and typical parental reactions, then they will read (interpretive reading) a play by Rodolfo Usigli called El Niño y La Niebla about traditions and values, followed by a podcast (interpretive listening) from (podcast#95: adopciones). Each table group will discuss how rules, values, and customs form families.

Final Project:

Students will research the Spanish speaking country of their choice on the following areas: Describe and demonstrate the family structure (who lives together and what their dwellings look like). Investigate and impart what challenges are facing families regarding their basic needs, living quarters, educational and work opportunities. Speak about and show how the towns/cities are designed to accommodate for the needs of the families living in their community. Find newspaper articles as examples of families in the community and what is happening positively and negatively. Find artwork by artists from your country displaying what families look like and how they act.

Theme: Contemporary LifeSubtemas: La Educación y Las Carreras, El Trabajo Voluntario, Arte y Entretenimiento (Escénicas), los Viajes y el OcioPreguntas Esenciales: ¿cómo definen los individuos y las sociedades su propia calidad de vida? ¿Cómo influyen los productos culturales, las prácticas, y las perspectivas de la gente en la vida contemporánea? ¿Cuáles son los desafíos de la vida cotidiana?

Example lesson plan:

Students will identify abilities necessary for jobs from a list provided by the teacher (interpretive reading/writing). With a partner, students will use their list of professions and discuss various challenges that will develop in the future (interpersonal speaking). Students will individually write a comparison of requirements necessary for their chosen career in reference to past, present, and future (presentational writing).

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Final Project:

Students will watch a cooking video: Vamos a Concinar con José Andrés. Students will research food that is native to their country and chose one to investigate and report on for their project. They must find the botanical and culinary information about that one chosen native ingredient. Then choose one authentic dish containing the native ingredient. Students will create a detailed outline, biographical source page using MLA or APA style of referencing and compiled in their presentational writing. Additionally, they will create a visually exciting electronic presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc) and bring the dish for the class to taste test.

Theme: Beauty and Aesthetics Subtemas: Arquitectura, El Arte, La Moda y El Diseño, La Literatura, La Comida GourmetPreguntas Esenciales: ¿Cómo se establecen las percepciones de la belleza? ¿Cómo influyen los ideales de la belleza? ¿Cómo reflejan las perspectivas culturales en las personas de la comunidad?

Example Lesson:

This chapter contains several mini-lessons which focus on each of the genres of Visual Art; painting, sculpture, fashion, architecture, museums, literary references, and perspectives of beauty utilizing materials from textbook and authentic real-life art.

Some examples of group discussion topics: ¿Qué importancia tienen las instituciones culturales en la vitalidad de tu comunidad? ¿Qué importancia tienen las artes en tu comunidad? ¿Cuál es la importancia de la música como expresión de la identidad cultural de tu comunidad? ¿Cómo contribuye la arquitectura al carácter de tu comunidad? ¿Qué papel juega la literatura en la vida de las personas de tu comunidad? ¿Cómo ha cambiado con el tiempo el concepto de la belleza en tu comunidad? ¿Cómo se refleja la identidad de tu comunidad en el modo de vestir de la gente?

Final Project:Below are the two rubric checklist provided for the students. The first checklist is for their written presentation while the second is for their presentational speaking portion of the project.

RUBRICSEvidencia de Planear/ antes de escribir

You must write up a hand-written draft (borrador) outlining the art and artists representing your country.Show stages of a paper: borrador, redacción/revisión, publicación/versión final. Uploaded to Google Classroom!

Información Personal

Give a brief explanation of each type of art genre; the artists and the works of art as examples.Can describe artist’s date & place of birth (lugar y fecha de nacimiento), their family life (vida familiar), daily life (vida cotidiana), where studied (estudios), where studios (talleres) are, any accomplishments (logros)Country history, economy, government that was happening which influenced the art.

Estructura y

Paper must be written on a collegiate level (un principio, un cuerpo, un final)Font: Times or similar, Size: title-16, subtitle-14, body-12,

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double space typed, and 2-3 pages of information.Must create a title page.Must cite within the actual research paper.MUST have a works cited page; in MLA or APA format

Due Date

RUBRICSEvidencia de Planear

Outline how you plan to showcase art genres and artists with their works and life story.


Género: give a brief explanation of the type of genre chosenPersona(s): show amazing artists in the categoryInformación Personal: describe date & place of birth (lugar y fecha de nacimiento), their family life (vida familiar), daily life (vida cotidiana), where studied (estudios), where studios are (talleres), any accomplishments (logros)Obras: show their worksPresencia: your attention to your manner when presenting and explanation of your project to class will be graded


MUST have lots of artwork – they will be displayed in classroom to look like our own MUSEO

Estructura y fuentes

PowerPoint or equivalentReferences MUST be cited

Due Date MUST submit to Google Classroom.

MUST present to the class.MUST have artwork formatted for display.

Theme: Science and Technology Subtemas: El Acceso a la Tecnología, la Sociedad con Tecnología, La Salud y La Medicina, Los Fenómenos Naturales y Hechos Por Seres HumanosPreguntas Esenciales: ¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas? ¿Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología? ¿Qué es el papel de la ética en los avances científicos?

Example Lesson:

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Students will have a review of body parts; internally and externally, with additional time for building missing vocabulary. Students listen to a radio broadcast interview with a doctor about contrast of popular beliefs concerning alternative medicines, then have a discussion about various treatments they will research, efficacy of these procedures, adverse effects, and other advantages or disadvantages.

Final Project:(a screenshot of the instruction and checklist for the Project)

Theme: Global Challenges SubTema: El Medio Ambiente, Los Temas económicos, Los Animales en Peligro de Extinción, El Pensamiento Filosófico, La Religión, El Bienestar SocialPreguntas Esenciales: ¿cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos, y del medio ambiente que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo? ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de esos desafíos? ¿Cuáles son algunas soluciones posibles a esos desafíos?

Example Lesson:

Since this chapter has copious global matters available for discussion, this lesson has the flexibility to allow students to decide which issue to discuss.

Students are presented the following questions - ¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medio ambiente que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo? ¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos? – regarding their chosen country. They will investigate to find the answers, as well as discover the following sub-topics which they will report on utilizing a presentational digital format (google slides, powerpoint, prezi) and present to the class.1. los temas económicos2. los temas del medio ambiente3. la población y la demografía4. el bienestar social

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5. el pensamiento filosófico y la religión6. la conciencia social

Theme: Personal and Public Identities SubTema: Los Derechos y la Responsabilidad, los Héroes y la Historia, La Identidad Nacional y Étnica, Las Creencias PersonalesPreguntas Esenciales: ¿cómo se expresan los distintos aspectos de la identidad en diversas situaciones? ¿Cómo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de una persona? ¿Cómo se desarrolla la identidad de una personal a lo largo del tiempo?

Example Lessons:The class will learn about an historical event called “Operación Pedro Pan”. They will visit read articles and search websites containing information, which can be found at, and and . Then, they will use their notes taken from the investigation and have a table discussion over the following aspects: el principio, las razones, los resultados, ¿qué opinas? Each group will submit their findings and comparisons on the google classroom so we can create a class info graph

This screenshot is a document given to students halfway through the lesson to get students to think about how governments and citizens’ rights differ from one country to another. Students will present their findings through written discussion board

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Instructional Setting

School: Jonesboro High School301 Hurricane DrJonesboro, AR, 72401JHS is part of the Jonesboro Public School District serving an economically and ethnically diverse population. Fixed district boundaries and community stability allow the district to enjoy a low rate of student mobility. Enrollment for the 2013-2014 is 1100 students in grades 10-12.• 62 percent Caucasian• 34.1 percent African American• 2.3 percent Hispanic• 1.4 percent Native American• 0.3 percent Asian/Pacific Islander23 percent of the students are economically disadvantaged.94 percent of graduates attend college; 74 percent attend four-year institutions.

Instructional Time

The course meets for 90 minutes on alternate block schedule throughout the 180-day school year. One week per semester is set aside for midterm and final exams. School begins in mid to late August and ends in late May to early June.

Student Preparation

Students in the AP Spanish Language and Culture course vary widely in their prior language study, leading to differing levels of proficiency in and

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knowledge about the language. Many students are seniors who come to the AP course after three years of language study. A number of native speakers enter the program at level three or four via a placement process.


Resources consist of the actual textbook required of the course as well as anciliaries that supplement instructions, activities, and projects of every lesson during the course.


Temas AP® Spanish Language and Culture. Draggett, Parthena, Cole Conlin, Max Ehrsam, Elizabeth Millán. (2014). Vista Higher Learning. Boston, Massachusetts.

Temas AP® Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation. Frisancho, Jorge, María T Redmon, Marta Lucía Restrepo Bravo. (2014) Vista Higher Learning. Boston, Massachusetts.


Una Vez Más. Segunda Edición. (1993). Couch, James H., Rebecca D. McCann, Carmel Rodríguez-Walter, Angel Rubio-Maroto. Longman Publishing Group. (Basic Grammar & Verbs)

Abriendo Paso: Gramatica. (2012). Diaz, Jose M. and Maria F Nadel. Pearson Publishing.


Abriendo Paso: Lectura. Second Edition. (2014) Diaz, Jose, Maria Nadel, and Stephen Collins. Pearson Prentice Hall.


AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination, Third Ed. (2014) Díaz, José M. Pearson Prentice Hall.

The 2007 AP Spanish Language Released Exam. College Board Advanced Placement Program.

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People en Español (or )


España or oréxico or or Puerto Rico La República Dominicana Cuba or Guatemala or El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua or Costa Rica or Argentina Colombia or Venezuela Chile Peru Ecuador

ON-LINE NEWSCASTS reading and audio-visual material available from the BBC from around the world in Spanish. on-line tools for developing and advancing students’ abilities in languages. Links to additional news websites are available. CNN en español – news reports online) ESPNDeportes en línea noticias, deportes, shows, entretenimiento y más. noticias, shows, deportes, novelas, videos, y mucho más para ver y leer.

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Technology will be integrated throughout instructions, activities, and projects of every lesson during the course.

ON-LINE GRAMMAR WEBSITES herramientos del lenguaje: resource for grammar and verb practice resources for practicing grammar Informational website for research and verification of language UNICEF website learn about travel, life, and culture in Spain

ON-LINE EXAMINATION HELP AP Central informational pages on-line for students to access


Great viewing with grammar / vocab / themes and different native speakers found at

Spanish Audio Gazette – various native speakers (can read what say) various themes found at News footage by Univision for viewing Audio recordings by Univision for listening Audio-Visual recordings of news footage from Spain by the Corporación Radiotelevisión Española

Page 15:€¦  · Web viewListening & Viewing skills materials will come from news clips, televisions shows, movies, and textbook provided CDs and videos. Students TV azteca. Resources include videos. Kiosco Latino Virtual Maria Nuzzi’s interactive website with listening & reading activities and games

Podcasts (listening) and songs by Gloria Estefan or Mi Tierra CD released 1998. songs and videos by Santana songs and videos by Juanes


PUBLISHED AND ON-LINE HELP provides Spanish-English or English-Spanish translation and contains examples. contains various gramar help.

The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition:Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Inglés-Español, Sexta EdiciónEdited by David A. Pharies 626 pages | 5½×8½ | ©2012

Breve historia de la lengua española. David A. Pharies. Available in both English and Spanish editions, A Brief History of the Spanish Language provides a truly outstanding introduction to the exciting story of one of the world’s great languages. © 2007 provides several features for vocabulary and can register for free for more access

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Authentic movies have been filmed in a foreign country and are presented in the target language. These are options that will be integrated throughout instructions of every lesson during the course.