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Page 1:   · Web viewor they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith



Page 2:   · Web viewor they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith


1 Thessalonians 5: 1-9“But of the times and seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.”

IntroductionLearning about fulfilled Biblical prophecy is what made me a believer in 1973. Hal Lindsay’s book, The Late Great Planet

Earth, started me on the path that led me to Christ. In the years that followed, my faith continued to grow and I was called to the ministry. Not only was fulfilled prophecy of interest to me, but also prophecy that was yet to be fulfilled. One evening in 1991, as I sought the Lord about His second coming, a wondrous sense of His presence overwhelmed me. I was reading Daniel 12 at the time. The Spirit spoke clearly to me about the meaning of the three lengths of time described there. It was a simple revelation; all three lengths of time mentioned in Daniel 12 start at the same point, the Abomination of Desolation. This revelation brought profound insights to other portions of scripture. The most important one was that the end of the Great Tribulation occurs on the Day of Atonement. Over the years, the Lord added stone upon stone to this foundation. What was built was a chronological pattern that was harmonious with the scriptures. Over the years, I received understanding from the Lord and I learned from men wiser than myself. The chronologies found in the scriptures and the fulfillment of the Feasts of Israel form the framework upon which this presentation is built.

The wording at the beginning of 1 Thessalonians 5:1 inspired the title and theme of this presentation. As it makes clear, we can and should know many things about the coming of Christ. This is a detailed outline of my oral presentation of end-time chronology. Naturally, there is more that is said in the oral presentation, but this outline covers the ground well. Revelation 19:10 tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. We know that Jesus is coming again and though there is no prophecy of the day or hour Jesus will return, the chronological pattern of other significant events is revealed in the prophecy of the scriptures.

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Only end-time events that are related to scriptural references of specific lengths of time, seasons, or cosmic phenomena will be part of this presentation. As you will later see, there is a consistent chronological pattern that applies to end-time events, in whatever year they might begin. The first timeline will show the chronological pattern without specific dates included. The dates used in the next two timelines relate to the chronological pattern if those events begin in this calendar year (2014). Choosing that year should not be misconstrued as a prediction of when the last seven years will start. I do this only so that you can see the pattern in action. If the events don’t begin this year, they would occur on different dates in future years, but the pattern of the times and seasons would not change. I should add here, that there is some bias and hope on my part that the events do begin sooner rather than later. I look forward to the end of this age and to be ever with the Lord.

Before examining the timelines and their explanations, it is important to understand the foundational principles that form the basis of this investigation of end-time chronology.

Foundational Truths1-God has secrets, but He is also a “revealer of mysteries”.

Deuteronomy 29:29 states that the secret things belong to God, but the things revealed are for us. This means we have the ability to search out and find revealed knowledge. Proverbs 25:2 says that, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter”. It is God’s prerogative to keep something secret. He can keep a secret as long as He wants, and He can reveal it to whomever He wants, whenever He wants. For example, Ephesians 3: 4-6 expressly states, “Whereby when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit, that the gentiles should be fellow-heirs and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel.” As seen by that scripture, God may withhold insight from one generation of people but reveal it to a future generation.

The things that are revealed are found in the Old and New Testaments. Both testaments are God’s revelation to man. Sometimes the Lord reveals information in scripture but does not give the understanding of it until later. The prophet Daniel was told specific chronological information about the end-times, but in the same passage of scripture, God tells Daniel that it would be sealed until the time of the end when it would be understood. Daniel 12:10 says that the wicked will not understand, but the wise will. Whatever is recorded in scripture is there for us to search out and know. But, it will be only the wise who shall find understanding, and only when it is in God’s timing to make it known. If we are kings and priests unto the Lord, is it not to our glory to search out these mysteries that have been hidden since the time of Daniel?2-The scriptures harmonize; there is no contradiction or confusion.

Since the Bible is the Word of God, everything found there is true. A literal, common sense interpretation of the Bible provides the best way to understand what the scriptures are saying. The apostle Peter put it this way, “…no prophecy of scripture is

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of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Peter 1:20-21). The best rule of thumb is, whenever possible, to let the scriptures interpret the scriptures. The plain meaning of words should be applied unless there is an obvious metaphor. You can be confident of the truth of the interpretation of a passage of prophetic scripture when there are no glaring contradictions and all related scriptures harmonize. Paul emphasized to Timothy the necessity of handling accurately the Word of Truth. This is particularly important when there could be numerous interpretations of prophecies both allegorical and literal. Those who teach should only be searching for the intent of the Holy Spirit’s meaning, not promulgating their own fanciful, new revelation.3-Jesus knows when He is coming back.

This statement is not unscriptural. At the time Jesus spoke about His second coming in Matthew 24, He did not know when He would return, only the Father did. Everything the Son did and said, He heard from the Father. In His earthly ministry, the Son gave up His equality with God to take the position of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. The Son limited Himself to rely on the Spirit of God to lead Him, just as we are to do. But after the resurrection and ascension, we find a different Jesus. His divine attributes and powers (including full knowledge) and the glory He had shared with the Father before the world was created were restored to Him. It was Jesus who revealed the end time events to the apostle John, who then wrote the Book of Revelation. Jesus described many of the end-time events, including His return. Jesus also said that “All things that the Father has are mine.” God gave us important chronological prophecies. Jesus knows what these mean now, since He sits at the right hand of the Father. He can reveal what He wants us to know at any time. If we are seeking, at the right time, He will give us the understanding we need.4-“Surely, God will do nothing unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”

Do we believe that this scripture found in the Book of Amos was inspired by God as much as any other scripture? It looks as though God loves to reveal what He is about to do before it happens. If it is written down in the Word, it is something God wants us to know. If He does not reveal something, it will be kept secret. Not to be redundant, but it is worth repeating: It is in God’s power to withhold a secret for a certain period of time, but then to reveal it at a later period of time. Jesus states in Acts 1:7, “It is not for you to know the times and seasons that the Father has put into His own power.” While it is certainly possible that this comment to the disciples of that time was meant to apply to all believers throughout time, it is also possible that Jesus was withholding that information from them at the time they asked because God was not ready to reveal those secrets just yet. By the time Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, however, there seems to have been a revelation about times and seasons. Otherwise, why would Paul have said we should know the times and seasons of the Lord’s return in 1 Thessalonians 5? If we interpret Acts 1:7 to mean that Jesus did not reveal the requested information at that time, but did reveal it at a later time of His choosing, then there is harmony with 1 Thessalonians 5. There is no harmony if we interpret Act 1:7 to include all believers of all generations. If we who are living at the end of the age can’t know the timing of events, then 1 Thessalonians 5, Daniel 12, and Amos 3:7 don’t make sense. We must logically conclude that God was not ruling out generations of believers from understanding the times and seasons of Jesus’ return.

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What seems to me that has happened is that what could be known has been robbed by a faulty understanding of one scripture. When it comes to any mention of timing when applied to end-time events, many Christians dismiss discussion of it with one phrase, “we can’t know the day or hour”. Thus stops any pursuance of the timing of other events besides the day and hour of His second coming. Also, the failed attempts of claiming the exact day of Jesus’ return have made any discussion of the timing of events “verboten”. Yet the scriptures reveal a surprising amount of chronological information about crucial events of the end-time.5-God is a date-setter and keeps His appointments.

The Father has set appointed times for many events. Many Biblical scholars feel that the Fall Feasts of Israel are the sign- posts of the times and seasons of the Lord’s return. The Lord revealed to Moses that the Jews were to keep certain days as holy convocations. God, in His foreknowledge, knew when certain events would take place in the end time and He wanted to reveal that secret to His people. God declared in Isaiah 46:9-10, “Remember the former things of old, for I am God and there is none else. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…” Some of the Feasts of Israel have already met their complete fulfillment in Christ, others have yet to be fulfilled. The scriptures are full of evidence that God established appointed times for things to happen, and He tells us about them ahead of time. “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.” (Isaiah 42:9) To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) “For the vision is yet for its appointed time…” (Habakkuk 2:3) “…Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation, for at the time appointed the end shall be.” (Daniel 8:19).

Messiah’s First ComingThe day the Messiah would be presented to Israel was appointed by God and foretold by Daniel. It was a very precise

prophecy. If the Jews in Jesus’ day had simply applied the literal interpretation of that prophecy, they could have figured out the exact day the Messiah would be presented to the nation of Israel. The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey to the cries of “Hosanna to the Son of David” (a messianic title) was exactly 69 “weeks” of years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem by the Persian king, Artaxerxes. It was a literal fulfillment of Daniel 9:24-26, to the very day! Anyone studying that scripture should understand that Jesus is the Messiah. An excellent book to read for more details is The Coming Prince, by Sir Robert Anderson.

Jesus and the Spring Feasts of IsraelAt the close of Jesus’ earthly ministry, significant prophetic fulfillments occurred on some of the spring feast days. God gave

the Jews symbols and portents of the reality of the Messiah through the timing and rituals of the feasts. There were three major feasts in the spring and three in the fall. In His first coming, Jesus fulfilled the symbolism of the spring feasts.

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The PassoverThe Passover’s symbolism was that of sacrificial death. On the eve of the first Passover, and for all the other Passovers that

followed, the Jews were instructed to kill the Passover lamb. The gospel accounts are very clear that Jesus was arrested and crucified on the eve of the Passover, at the same time that many other Jews were killing their Passover lambs. He needed to be taken down from the cross and buried before the Passover began at sundown. 1 Corinthians 5:7 states directly that, “…Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” The death of Jesus was the very fulfillment of the Passover. He is the “lamb” that was slain, and we are covered by the blood of the lamb. What is remarkable is that Jesus died at the exact time of the Passover sacrifice. God planned this event before the foundation of the world. He knew what day Jesus would die for the sins of the world and gave the Jews a memorial feast in honor of the Son’s sacrifice.The Feast of Unleavened Bread & the Feast of First Fruits

Passover begins a week-long celebration called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. During that time there is a special day known as the Feast of First Fruits. It celebrates the first fruits of the barley harvest. This day occurs on the first day after the Sabbath of that week. Jesus’ resurrection was on Sunday, the day after the Jewish Sabbath, thereby fulfilling the symbolism of another feast on its appointed day. 1Corinthians 15:20 says, “But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first-fruits of those who have died.” Pentecost

Fifty days later the third of the spring feasts occurs. Pentecost is a Jewish feast that Christians now celebrate. We celebrate that day, because it was the day the church was born. Three thousand souls came to Christ on the Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection. To the Jews, Pentecost was a celebration of the wheat harvest. Jesus tells us that the fields are white for harvest, referring to wheat and symbolizing the harvest of the souls of those who would believe in Him. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit manifested God’s blessing on the first harvest of souls for Christ, on the exact day of the Jewish feast.Logical Conclusion

These three feasts were grouped in the spring of the year. Each feast represented a future event in God’s plan that would happen on those exact days of the year. The Lord fulfilled all of these appointed times on time, to their very day and hour. The logical conclusion is that the fall feasts will also be fulfilled on their specific feast days. The expanse of time between the spring and fall feasts seems to signify that God had planned a long space of time between the fulfillments of those two groups of feasts. It has been approximately 2000 years since the last fulfillment. We are now poised for the fulfillment of the last three feasts. Those feasts are: Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles. In a later section of this presentation their significance and possible fulfillment will be described.

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A Plausible Starting Point for the Last Seven Years of This AgeThe feasts, as we have seen, are signs given by God that illuminate His plan. God tells us that the sun and the moon

will also be “signs” for us, not just sources of light. God meant those heavenly signs to mark significant events of the apocalypse. That God only meant the moon to mark the beginnings of months seems to overlook His greater intent. This presentation makes the assumption that the course of end-time events will begin this year, but not in a predictive sense. I am using the year 2014 as the starting point since we have a tetrad of blood moons occurring this year and next. A “blood moon” is a special kind of lunar eclipse which makes the moon look deep red. A tetrad is four of them, two occurring in two successive years. A further significance of the 2014-2015 blood moon tetrad is that in both years of the tetrad, the blood moons occur on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. That particular phenomena does not happen again for over 500 years. There are other tetrads over the next several hundred years, but none that occur on Jewish feast days. Since feast days were given by the Lord as commemorative sign posts, having the tetrad occur on those days carries a greater significance and plausibility in end-time prophecy. All of the dates shown for the blood moons and solar eclipses were taken from data collected by NASA. A fascinating book to read on this subject is John Hagee’s, Four Blood Moons.

Within a fifteen day period on either side of a blood moon, a solar eclipse always occurs. So, when the Book of Revelation describes the sun becoming black as sackcloth and the moon becoming as blood, the solar eclipse in tandem with the blood moon provides the most plausible explanation as to what is occurring in the Revelation account. The darkening of the sun and the moon turning blood red could be caused by other phenomena such as nuclear war or volcanic activity. I’ve chosen to base these timelines on the significance of a blood moon occurring on a Jewish feast day because momentous events have taken place in Israel in the past when that happened. Blood moon tetrads coinciding with Passover and Tabernacles took place at the time of the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948-49 (tetrad 1949-1950) and at the time Israel regained Jerusalem in 1967 (tetrad 1967-1968). It does not strain credulity to assume that significant events concerning Israel will occur in the years 2014-2015. What those events might be are still unknown, but might have something to do with the Jewish Temple, or possibly with a significant war, as the two previous tetrads did.

Blood moons do occur on non-feast days in the future. Significant end-time events could occur in those years as well. The same is true for years that have no tetrads at all. Man-made or natural phenomena could cause the blackening of the sun and the red moon in any year. Even if the blood moons are not connected with the last seven years of this age, the chronological pattern established by Daniel’s fixed lengths of time and the timing of the fall feasts remain reliable. If it is God’s intent that blood moons occurring on Passover and Tabernacles are the signs that begin the last seven years of this age, then the fall of 2014 will be its starting point.

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The dates in the timeline below are based on one of the following: the timing of the blood moon tetrad, the significance and timing of the Feasts of Israel, or the chronologies given in the scriptures. The seasonal timing of the feasts and the scriptural chronologies reveal the chronological pattern of end-time events; the blood moons give us a possible starting point as to the year.

Another reason for the choice of 2014 as the starting point of Daniel’s 70th “Week” is that it lies within a generation of the birth of the State of Israel. Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 24 that the generation that sees all the signs He described there will see His return. The parable of the fig tree is one of the signs and is symbolic of the re-birth of the nation of Israel. Israel was declared a nation in 1948 and won their war of independence in 1949.

Significance of the Seventy Weeks ProphecyIt is obvious that a gap of time exists between the 69th and 70th “weeks” of Daniel’s prophecy. The Jews were set aside during

the church age, because they rejected Jesus as Messiah. This is the reason for the gap. The last seven year period (the 70 th Week) will conclude His dealings with His chosen people as promised in Daniel’s prophecy. At the end of that time, the Jews will have been atoned for and will be ready to receive their true Messiah, Jesus. The last seven years of the age begins with a particular event, the signing of a treaty that involves Israel. The treaty will apparently allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple since the verse goes on to say that in the middle of the seven years, the Temple will be desecrated (Daniel 9:27). The treaty is the milestone signifying the beginning of the apocalypse.

TimelinesThe following three pages contain timelines showing important events in chronological order. The first shows only the

chronological pattern. The next two timelines include dates beginning in 2014. These events are shown with either a specific date or with the season in which they will occur.

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1290 DAYS


1335 DAYS


295 DAYS 2300 DAYS


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1260 DAYS TIME, TIMES, ½ TIME = 3 ½ YRS = 1260 DAYS = 42 MONTHS Daniel 12:1-7



1290 DAYSDaniel 12:7-11

10/16/2021 SIXTH VIAL



1335 DAYS Daniel 12:12


Middle of the “Week”

295 8/14/2015 DAYS 2300 DAYS

Daniel 8:9-1410/23/2014 TEMPLE FINISHED 11/30/2021


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Blood Blood Solar Solar Moon Moon Eclipse Eclipse 4/15/2014 10/8/2014 3/20/2015 9/13/2015Passover Tabernacles SIXTH TRUMPET

JUDGMENT BEGINS Solar Solar Blood Blood Eclipse Eclipse Moon Moon Ministry of the 144,000 begins 4/29/2014 10/23/2014 4/4/2015 9/28/2015 ABOMINATION



21 months silence in heaven “1/2 hour”

Gog-Magog October 2015-June 2017 WarWar Dan. 11:36-45Fall 2014 Feast of & Rev. 9:13-21Ezek. 38-39 Trumpets

9/14/20153rd Temple SIXTH SEALCompleted JUDGMENTDaily DAY OF WRATHsacrifices BEGINSbegin 8/14/2015 295 days afterTreaty is signed


Antichrist strengthens an existing treaty with Israel. Antichrist breaks treaty with Israel Antichrist consolidates power. after defeating his enemies.FIRST SEAL JUDGMENT Occurs at the middle of the “week”.The beginning of Daniel’s 70th “Week”. The Great Tribulation begins-

The time of Jacob’s Trouble

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Daniel 9:27THE TREATY

Because of this verse’s connection to Matthew 24, it becomes evident that the last seven year period of Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy occurs at the end of the age. We also see from Daniel 9:27 that the seven years is divided in half with the abomination of desolation as the event that marks the division. The 70th “week” begins when a coming world leader strengthens an existing Arab-Israeli treaty. This prophecy also states that this “prince” will double-cross Israel in the middle of the seven year period and set up what is called the abomination of desolation. Jesus refers to this prophecy in Matthew 24:15. This coming prince who sets up the abomination is known as the antichrist. It is also important to note that an abomination of desolation can only occur at the Jewish Temple. The Jewish Temple can only be built in Jerusalem. This prophecy, therefore, implies that there will be another Temple built in Jerusalem. As unbelievable as that may sound currently, it will come to pass. It appears as though the treaty that begins the 70 th week will be the instrument that allows the Jews to rebuild their Temple. It should be pointed out that the Jews already have every stone, timber, and priestly garment needed to rebuild the Temple and reinstate Temple worship. Because of the certainty of outright war, the Jews would not try to build their Temple without some official agreement with their Arab neighbors. A treaty involving the Arabs and Israel is a must if peace is to be maintained. The future antichrist is involved in the signing of this treaty. Just prior to and during this period of time, he will be consolidating his power. Revelation 6:2 refers to him as the first horseman of the apocalypse, the rider on the white horse who goes forth to conquer. Revelation 8:25 states the antichrist destroys many by peace. He is conquering through guile and intrigue, not by war, at least not at first.


In 1991, the Lord revealed to me the key to understanding Daniel 12: the starting point for each of the given lengths of time is the abomination of desolation. It is clear from Daniel 12:1 that what is being described in this chapter occurs during the time of Jacob’s Trouble, also known as the Great Tribulation. This time is also mentioned in Jeremiah 30:7 and Matthew 24:21.

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The 1260 Days: Abomination to the End of the Tribulation A question was asked in Daniel 12: 6 concerning how long the time of trouble would last. The response in verse 7 is “for a

time, times, and half a time”. In Hebrew word usage this meant one year plus two years plus half a year which equals 3 ½ years. In Biblical chronology, this is the same as 42 months or 1260 days. Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6, and Revelation 13:5 corroborate this length of time. Twelve hundred sixty days is the exact amount of days there are from the abomination of desolation until the end of Daniel’s last seven year period. It is clear that the Great Tribulation period, when the antichrist rules over Israel, is a period of 1260 days, no more and no less. The 1290 Days: Abomination to the Beginning of Armageddon

However, the answer given in Daniel 12:7 gives further information about what happens after the tribulation period is over. The angel tells of the power of the holy people being broken. This is a direct reference to Israel’s power being broken in the Battle of Armageddon. Zechariah 14:2 describes Israel’s near-total defeat. When the angel finishes his answer, Daniel does not understand the second part of it. The angel clarifies to Daniel in verse 11 that the power of the holy people is not broken at the end of the 1260 days, but after 1290 days from the time the Temple sacrifices are stopped and the abomination is set up. This means that there is a 30 day length of time between the end of the tribulation and the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon. Most Christians believe that Jesus comes back at the exact end of the tribulation, assuming Armageddon ends the Great Tribulation, but that is not so. Jesus, Himself, says in Matthew 24:29, “after the tribulation of those days…you will see the sign of the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven…” At some unknown time during the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will return and save the Jews from complete annihilation (Zechariah 14:3). It is not determined how long the battle will last, perhaps two or three days. Many modern-day battles have lasted that long or longer. Revelation 16:13-16 says that the antichrist will convince the armies of the world to come against Israel. The antichrist’s ouster by the Jews at the end of the 1260 days infuriates him and he mobilizes the nations’ armies. This will take some time, 30 days, according to the scriptures.The 1335 Days: Abomination to the Beginning of the Millennial Kingdom

The last length of time is 1335 days. This is 45 days after the beginning of the Battle of Armageddon and 75 days after the end of Daniel’s 70th week. The scripture says that for those who make it to that point in time, a blessing awaits them. For the Jews, this is their long-awaited day when the Messiah begins His reign. One of the early Christian fathers, Irenaeus, said when speaking of Christ’s return, “The predicted blessing, therefore, belongs unquestionably to the times of the kingdom, when the righteous shall bear rule…” Other scriptures to consider are Genesis 26:4, Malachi 3:12, Mark 11:7-10, Titus 2:13, Zechariah 8:13, and Deuteronomy 28:1, 2, and 13. The fact that the Millennial Kingdom is not set up right after the Lord returns is corroborated by the following passages of scripture: Isaiah 2:1-4 says the Lord is here on earth during the last days, judging. The last days are the last days of this age, not the Kingdom Age. Matthew 25:31-34 also supports this by saying Christ will separate the nations before the Kingdom begins, only allowing those who pass judgment to enter into it.

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Daniel 8:13-14THE TEMPLE

Daniel 8:13-14 describes events surrounding the Temple’s desecration and cleansing. The wording seems a bit clumsy, but this is the essence of it: from the time the daily sacrifices begin through the time of the abomination and Israel being trodden down by the antichrist until the time the sanctuary (Temple) is cleansed is 2300 days. The beginning of the 2300 days is the day the Jews begin sacrificing at the Temple. The end of the 2300 days is when the Temple is cleansed. Most likely, the day the Temple is cleansed will be the very day that the Millennial Kingdom will commence. This is that same day of blessedness described in Daniel 12:12. The last day of the 2300 days of Daniel 8 is also the last day of the 1335 days of Daniel 12. Their starting points occur on different days, but they both end on the same day. If we count backward in time 2300 days from that endpoint, we will be at the day the daily sacrifices begin. The Jews will certainly begin sacrificing on the very day the Temple is completed. A little bit of math shows that the Temple will be completed 295 days after the treaty, further supporting the idea that the treaty is the instrument that allows the Jews to build their Temple.

Brief ReviewBelow is a chronological listing of what has been discussed so far.

A-The future antichrist orchestrates a peace treaty with Israel, which marks the beginning of the last seven years of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy.B-The Third Temple will be completed 295 days after the treaty. Animal sacrifices will commence, thus starting the 2300 days of Daniel 8:13-14 prophecy.C-The antichrist breaks the treaty in the middle of the seven year period and commits an abomination of desolation in the Temple. This begins the Great Tribulation period.D-The antichrist rules over Israel; it is the time of Jacob’s Trouble (same as the Great Tribulation). This lasts for 1260 days.E-The Battle of Armageddon begins 30 days after the antichrist no longer controls Israel. This is 1290 days after the abomination of desolation.F-Jesus returns sometime during Armageddon, saves the Jewish nation, and judges the nations prior to the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom.G-The cleansing of the Temple is completed 45 days after the beginning of Armageddon and 75 days after the Day of Atonement. The completion of the cleansing is also 1335 days after the abomination of desolation and 2300 days after the Temple was first rebuilt and the sacrifices began.

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The Middle of the “Week”Events immediately preceding the abomination of desolation

Daniel 12:1 describes the Great Tribulation. We know that it begins when the antichrist turns on the Jews in the exact middle of the seven year period. There are 1260 days from the treaty to the abomination of desolation and there are 1260 days from the abomination to the end of the seven year period. Daniel 11:36-45 are the verses just preceding Daniel 12:1 and these verses are describing the period of time just preceding the abomination. Daniel 12:1 says “at that time”, referring back to what had just been recorded in Daniel 11:36-45 which concludes with the description of a war between the forces of the antichrist and the kings of the north and south. The earlier part of Daniel 11 also talks of the kings of the north and south. It is known that this was referring to Egypt and Syria. The antichrist will have no problems subduing those armies. He discovers that armies from the east are also mobilizing and he convincingly defeats them as well. In the process, he enters Israel. After his victories, he is so full of pride that he exalts himself above everything and desires to be worshipped (Revelation 13:4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). This is when he negates the treaty and puts the Jews under his control and desecrates the Temple. The time of Jacob’s Trouble is the result. Another scripture, Revelation 9:13-21, is a parallel narrative describing a war that takes place just prior to the antichrist entering Israel and ruling over it for 42 months (Revelation 11:2). That prophecy also contains armies coming from the east. This sounds like it is describing the same event. The war described in Revelation 9:13-21 is the first part of the Sixth Trumpet Judgment. We can then say with certainty that the Sixth Trumpet occurs just prior to the middle of the “week”. When does it end? Revelation 11:15 records that the Seventh Trumpet sounds at the end of antichrist’s reign over Israel, which is 1260 days after the abomination of desolation. Therefore, the Sixth Trumpet lasts from just before the middle of the “week” until the very end of the tribulation period. This means that all of the Seal Judgments and the first five Trumpet Judgments take place in the first half of the seven years and the Vial Judgments all take place just after the tribulation period.

The Beginning of the 70 th “Week” The Peace Treaty and Gog

The future antichrist is involved in the signing of a peace treaty. Just prior to and during this period of time, he will be consolidating his power. He is represented doing this in Revelation 6:2 as the first horseman of the apocalypse, the rider on the white horse. Revelation 8:25 states the antichrist destroys many by peace. He is conquering, but not by war at the beginning. He conquers through guile and intrigue. This is the first Seal Judgment. The peace treaty that marks the beginning of Daniel’s 70th “week” must bring a sense of peace and security to the Jews. I believe the antichrist will be a Hashemite Muslim who will have much sway with the Muslims of the region. The Hashemite family is the Muslim guardian of the Temple mount. Allowing the Jews the right to build their Temple on a Muslim holy site can only come through the authority of the Hashemite leader.

But deep animosities prevail. Many Muslims have second thoughts about the Jews building their Temple, as pharaoh did after letting Moses and the Hebrews leave Egypt. With the prompting and help of the Russians, Muslim armies will launch an

Page 16:   · Web viewor they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith

invasion of Israel. This invasion is recorded in Ezekiel 38-39. Gog is a reference to the leaders of Russia. Ezekiel 38:8-11 says that the Jews are living in peace and security at the time this invasion takes place. The new peace treaty would bring that. The rider of the red horse (Second Seal-Second Horseman of the Apocalypse) brings war. I believe this war will occur soon after the treaty. The timing of the autumn bird migration lasts from June to mid-December. Israel is a center of bird migration with over one billion birds that fly over it during a year’s time. There will need to be many birds to eat the carcasses of the dead invading soldiers. Ezekiel 39:17 specifically states that God calls for the birds to come and feed on the flesh of the carcasses left in Israel at the end of the invasion. This places the timing of the war in late autumn when the migration is at its peak. Another possible timing is in the spring when a similar migration takes place. The Gog-Magog War is not the same one that is mentioned near the middle of the “week”. There are no armies from the east listed for the countries who fight during the Gog-Magog War, whereas the army of the east is the main army at the middle of the “week”. Some have said that the Gog-Magog War is the same as the final rebellion mentioned in Revelation 20 since the name Gog appears there too. However, the war narrative in Ezekiel 38-39 does not mention the Kingdom of the Messiah or the presence of the Messiah ruling in Israel. The only logical time for this war is near the beginning of the 70 th “Week”, after the signing of the peace treaty. Seal Judgments 3-5

The next two horsemen of the apocalypse bring economic ruin, famine, pestilence, and more death. Because Ezekiel 38-39 describes fire raining down on the nations, we can rightly conclude there will be some sort of nuclear exchange. This war occurs in the Middle East. Oil fields and the Suez Canal will most likely be destroyed. This would certainly cause economic instability, lack of food, poor sanitary conditions, and fear that leads to looting and killing: all listed in the Revelation 6 account. Because God will supernaturally help Israel during this battle, there will be little damage to its infrastructure. The rebuilding of the Temple will continue after this war is done. The Temple is completed 295 days after the building of it commences.

The fifth Seal describes people who have been martyred for the faith. Persecutions have taken place in many parts of the world since the Church was founded. Christian persecutions are currently growing at an alarming rate. The martyrs are asked to be patient, judgment will come. Perhaps this is significant in that a wider, more pervasive persecution will occur at that time.

The Day of God’s Wrath BeginsThe Sixth Seal brings with it, among other things, the wrath of the Lamb. The beginning of this time period is marked by the

sun becoming as black as sackcloth and the moon becoming as blood. (Revelation 6:12-17) Though there are other possibilities, the solar eclipse-blood moon scenario fits well here. Since we know the timing of the solar eclipse and blood moon, we can pinpoint the timing of the Sixth Seal Judgment. The absolute limit for the day the church would be raptured would be at this point, since the church is not appointed for wrath, and this is the time the wrath of God begins. It should be pointed out that the rapture could occur at any time prior to this prophetic limit. The church has suffered the wrath of man since its inception. We should not suppose

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that suffering will ever stop until the Lord’s return. Since the words “not appointed for wrath” are used in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, this gives strong indication that there is an appointed time when the wrath of God begins and that God will keep us from that time.

The 144,000When the natural disasters of the Sixth Seal are over, God anoints 144,000 Jews who have become believers in Jesus as their

Messiah. These evangelists will spread the glorious gospel of Christ during the rest of the seven year period. A great multitude of people come to the Lord because of their testimony. The reason these people are chosen to spread the gospel is that the church has been raptured at some point in time before or during the Sixth Seal.

Silence in HeavenRevelation 8:1 states that when the Seventh Seal was opened there was silence in heaven for a half an hour. A half hour is a

very short amount of time. Should we assume that this is a literal half hour of time? If we let the language and symbolism of another passage of scripture in Revelation help us to interpret its meaning (let scripture interpret scripture), we will get a clear picture of what is meant by that statement. Revelation 17:12 reveals to us that 10 kings receive power with the beast for “one hour”. Revelation 13:5 states the beast has power for 42 months. In the language being used, “one hour” is symbolic of 42 months. If there is silence in heaven for half an hour, then its equivalent period of time would be 21 months or 630 days. God is revealing that there is a calm time period of 21 months between the end of the Seal Judgments and the beginning of the Trumpet Judgments. He is giving mankind an opportunity to consider the judgments already poured out before the next round of ever-increasing judgments begin.

The Trumpet JudgmentsThe first five Trumpet Judgments must occur between the end of the silence in heaven until the 6th Trumpet, which we

already know is somewhere close to the middle of the 70th “Week”.Two prophets are anointed by God during the Sixth Trumpet. They will prophesy for 1260 days. Most likely this will closely

correspond to the 1260 days (42 months) that the antichrist will rule over Israel. They will be killed at the end of that time and God will miraculously raise them from the dead and bring them up to heaven before the eyes of the whole world. I believe it is this miracle that emboldens the Jews to throw off the antichrist’s rule right at the end of the 1260 days. The Seventh Trumpet sounds, bringing in the final outpouring of wrath upon a rebellious world.

Page 18:   · Web viewor they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith

The Vial JudgmentsWe already know that Armageddon begins 30 days after the end of the tribulation period. Armageddon occurs at the time of

the Sixth and Seventh Vials. This means that all of the Vial Judgments occur in a little over a month of time.

THE FALL FEASTSThe rituals God gave for the celebration of these feasts helps us to understand what would be the ultimate fulfillment of

them. We know the ultimate fulfillment of the spring feasts because they have already been fulfilled and we need just look at the proof. While there may be some prognosticating, the picture should still be clear what events will fulfill the fall feasts. The spring feasts focused on Jesus and the church. The fall feasts focus on the nation of Israel.

Feast of TrumpetsThis day is called Rosh Hashana in Hebrew. Blowing of trumpets takes place on the first day of the seventh Jewish month.

This is to be a time of great personal and national contemplation of sin and rededication to the Lord. It is also a day to seek a spiritual awakening.

The fulfillment of this day will take place close to the end of the reign of antichrist over Israel. The Jews will recognize their own waywardness from the God of their fathers. A great spiritual awakening will occur. The Jews will begin to understand that Jesus was, and is, their Messiah.

Rosh Hashana begins what the Israelis call the 10 “days of awe”, which ends on the Day of Atonement. These 10 days are also known as the “Days of Repentance” and the “Days of Returning”.

The fulfillment of the Days of Awe will be accomplished by the death and resurrection of the two witnesses. Their resurrection is the final proof to the Jewish nation that Jesus is the Messiah. By the end of the Days of Awe, the Jews will be ready to receive Jesus as their Messiah.Day of Atonement

This day is called Yom Kippur in Hebrew. Traditionally, the Day of Atonement is the day the sins of the nation of Israel are atoned for through ritualistic sacrifice. It ends the Days of Awe. It is the most solemn day of the Jewish year. At the end of the day a shofar is blown. The blowing of that trumpet is a symbolic heralding of the coming of the Messiah.

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most probable day for the end of the 1260 days. It was told to Daniel in chapter 9:24 that when the end of the 70 “weeks” was done, the Jews would be atoned for. The 1260 days therefore end on the ultimate day of that fulfillment, the Day of Atonement. As Jesus became the fulfillment of the slain Passover lamb on the very day of the eve of the Passover, so too will the Jews fulfill their atonement on that exact feast day. This day will mark the end of the 6th Trumpet Judgment and the beginning of the 7th Trumpet.

Page 19:   · Web viewor they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith

Feast of TabernaclesThe Hebrew word for this feast is Succoth. Besides its agricultural character (fall harvest), it commemorates God’s

deliverance of Israel from Egypt. During the feast a priest fills a golden pitcher with water which is poured into a basin. The symbolism was two-fold, one being related to the coming of the Messiah. On the last day of the feast, the pouring of water takes place amidst the blowing of trumpets. This is the day of the Great Hosanna. The people sing the Hallel, Psalms 113-118. The closing words of Psalm 118 are the following: “Save Now, I beseech thee, O Lord. O Lord, I beseech thee, send prosperity. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.” This is messianic in nature. It is a cry for the Messiah to come and save them.

By the time of this feast, after the antichrist loses his power over Israel, the world’s armies will already be mobilizing to destroy Israel. Seeing the coming storm, Israelis will be crying out to their new-found Messiah. This is the ultimate fulfillment of this feast’s Great Hosanna.The Feast of Dedication

This feast is not one of the fall feasts, but is important to include. The Millennial Temple will be a focal point of the Messiah’s reign. Since the Jewish Temple will have been desecrated by the antichrist during the tribulation period, it will necessarily need to be cleansed. The same need for cleansing took place after the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Jewish Temple at the time of the Maccabees (about 165 BC). The celebration of that Temple’s cleansing and miraculous burning of the menorah was commemorated in the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) which the Jews have continuously celebrated from the time of the Maccabees. It is recorded that Jesus attended the Feast of Dedication in John 10:22. The Feast of Hanukkah is exactly 75 days after the Day of Atonement; so, too, are there 75 days from the conclusion of the 1260 days to the conclusion of the 1335 days (1335-1260=75).

ConclusionGod is a revealer of mysteries. He takes delight in telling us beforehand what He plans to do. But, it is up to us to search out

the matter. I hope that you will look over this presentation many times and seek to understand what God has already proclaimed and revealed to us through the scriptures. There is a scripturally-revealed chronological pattern of end-time events. He tells us ahead of time so that we can believe in its veracity when those events begin to unfold. Finally, Jesus is coming back and He wants us to be ready for His coming. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!