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P8 – IES HIPONOVA MONTEFRÍO – SPAIN The years have passed and in all of Spain there is an air of social change. The economy of the country is developed by European stability, the beginnings of tourism, the commercial opening of borders and migration. These are the first years of a very significant advance in sectors such as ours. People like Montefrío citizens struggle to have an educational infrastructure that did not exist until then. People want to learn and see education as a good possibility of progress. In September of 1969 the high school is inaugurated in Montefrío. A year later, the "La Paz" school was inaugurated. The first audiovisual methods looked timidly at the classes, although it did more the will than the very scarce means available. The centre opens up as a delegated section

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The years have passed and in all of Spain there is an air of social change. The economy of the country is developed by European stability, the beginnings of tourism, the commercial opening of borders and migration. These are the first years of a very significant advance in sectors such as ours. People like Montefrío citizens struggle to have an educational infrastructure that did not exist until then. People want to learn and see education as a good possibility of progress. In September of 1969 the high school is inaugurated in Montefrío. A year later, the "La Paz" school was inaugurated.

The first audiovisual methods looked timidly at the classes, although it did more the will than the very scarce means available. The centre opens up as a delegated section of the Padre Suárez high school in Granada, and is maintained for several years.

At the end of the decade, and after a short time as delegated section of Íllora's "Diego de Siloé", the high school becomes autonomous and takes the current name "Hiponova".

There are memories of the dictatorship but the atmosphere of freedom and, at the same time, of tranquillity and illusion begins to become general, to soak the air. First rallies, first elections, constitution in 1978, coup attempt in 1981. Everything changes rapidly and the centre is just another appendage of reality.

Since then the high enters into a fruitful period of stability, and its life is projected on the population through its curricula and its activities.

Generations of young people leave the centre year after year in search of higher education or a working life. Many of them will only return to Montefrío to visit. This is part of the price to pay.

The pages of the book "Hiponova" and "Abén Ismail" from Montefrío are repeated until, in 1992 and after many discussions, the educational authorities decided to unify the two centres and to advance the implementation of the L.O.G.S.E.

We are already in the future. The 21st century has arrived and the "Hiponova" High School of Montefrío continues its history course after course. Since 1992 the I.E.S. "Hiponova" of Montefrío advances the implementation of the L.O.G.S.E. New terms begin to become familiar for the entire educational community: diversification, curricular adaptations, educational purposes, social guarantee programs, counselor, baccalaureate modalities, itineraries, reinforcements, curricular projects, ...

Later, while other centres begin to meet this reality, ours already had some projects rolled and was working to the full.

 As a consequence of the reform, students from 12 to 14 years old were once again considered as secondary school students.

The generalization of compulsory education up to the age of sixteen and social development itself means that this fact is diluted and does not decisively influence the centre.

At the gates of a new educational structure with the entry into force of the Quality of Education Law, Montefrío has a high school that is prepared to face these new challenges. The planning of the centre will have to be touched up in the face of this new law. Also in the face of the new reality that comes out of the "globalization". New law, new building, ... It's the future!

During the courses 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 the activity of the centre moves to the block of the school complex and the residence. Let's hope the sacrifice is worth it.

The new situation has had some changes compared to what was foreseen.

The building that was projected has been built, with some remodelling. It is already working and welcomes the courses of baccalaureate, the training cycle and the P.C.P.I. It is a modern building with great spaciousness and magnificent facilities.

In recent years our centre, like almost everyone else, has been greatly affected by the economy crisis. The dream of the unified enclosure has vanished and we continue to develop our task in two different buildings with the inconveniences that this entails.

In addition, the budget cuts in education have led to a decrease of approximately 30% in the number of teachers when the number of students has dropped by only about 10%.

There have also been lost the teachings of the Medium-level Formative Cycle although the Basic Vocational Education (former PCPI, former PGS) in the branches of Administration and Electricity are maintained. The centre begins to notice the loss of population and in some levels of ESO we lost line three (depending on the year).

Some changes during the current course: Basic Vocational Education (FPB) of the branch of Electricity is being replaced by another one of Agricultural Activities. The change in 1st of said FPB has already occurred and next year will be completed with the 2nd course.

We continue to lose units. The ESO has two groups at each of the levels (from 1st course to 4th course). The 1º of Bachillerato is with a single group (mixed) in which the two modalities are integrated (Sciences and HCS).




AGE: 4 years old and on

SPACE: Outdoor / Indoor (in the classroom)

TIME: 15- 30 min


In the original game, no material is needed, but in some variations we can create different cards or posters to play.


1) Find the selected item;

2) Avoid being caught by “Arancha”;

3) Develop quickness of thinking and movement;

4) Reinforce the knowledge we have on a subject;

5) Learn new content by playing;

6) Increase interaction within the classroom;

7) Apply formative assessment;

8) Promote the ability to find and discard elements;

9) Warm up when starting a class;

10) Increase memory and fix contents;

11) Work under pressure.

TEACHING SUBJECTS: From primary school subjects to secondary school (history, foreign languages, science, maths, etc.)

TYPE OF THE LESSON: Learning and developing mind capabilities; evaluating knowledge


Original game: One player will be “Arancha” and will stand near a wall looking to it while the rest are more or less 2 metres from him / her. Then the rest of players sing a song:

“Arancha, what colour, what colour do you want it to be?”

Then “Arancha” will choose any colour and the rest of participants must run trying to find something with the colour that has been chosen and stay touching it. If “Arancha” catches someone before he or she has found something of that colour he or she will be the new “Arancha”.

Adapted version (for example in history): The teacher will stick words relating to different periods of history (Prehistory, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, etc.). One player will be “Arancha” and will stand near a wall looking to it while the rest are more or less 2 metres from him / her. Then the teacher will choose one period and the students must run trying to find a word related to the period that has been chosen and stay touching it. If “Arancha” catches someone before he or she has found a good word he or she will be the new “Arancha”.

Example words: pyramid, Homo Erectus, ziggurat, coliseum, Achilles, stone axe, Akhenaton, Tigris, Nile…


The game can be changed so that the players will search for information instead of searching for something of a colour and adapted to different subject. For example, in a Science or Technology class they can search for objects made of wood, steel, iron, etc. In language lessons students can learn the colours, but they can also learn different kinds of words as for example prepositions, verbs, nouns, etc.

In geography we can stick on the walls names of countries and the teacher can choose a continent, or stick names of different geographical features and students must find its category (rivers, mountains, etc).

In maths the teacher can stick different numbers and the teacher can say an operation so that students have to find the solution.

In science the teacher can stick different organs and the students should find the proper system (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, etc).

Every teacher could apply this game to his or her subject, and almost to every content and age.



AGE: 5 years old and on

SPACE: In the classroom

TIME: 20-30 min

MATERIALS: In the original game some cards from a deck. In the learning version we can create our own cards.


1) Collect 4 cards with something in common;

2) Think the cards you pass and which you search;

3) Develop essential skills such as concentration and memory;

4) Learn different categories;

5) Develop strategy capacity;

6) Apply formative assessment;

7) Interact with others;

8) Learn new things by playing.


From primary school subjects (mother tongue, social and science studies, maths) to middle school (mother tongue, second languages, history, geography, science, maths, physics and chemistry, etc.).


This game can be used as a learning activity, since students must be thinking of the category they are collecting and also they must recognise the categories they don’t need.


We select some cards from a deck. We select all the cards with the same number, and we select as many numbers as players there are.

For example, if there are 4 players we select from the deck the four cards with number 1, the four cards with number 2, the four cards with number 3 and the four cards with number 4.

The cards are shuffled and then we deal 4 cards to each player.

The aim of the game is to collect 4 cards with the same number. It is very difficult to get 4 cards with the same number when we deal them, and the more players in the game, the more difficult it will be. So, when all players have their 4 cards they decide which number of cards they are going to collect. The decision is usually taken according to the cards they have and logically they will try to collect those numbers they have repeated. For example, if a player gets two numbers 1, one number 2 and one number 4, he or she will surely try to collect numbers 1.

Then, all players select one card and on the count of three they pass it away to the player on his/her right and take the card the player on his/her left is passing away. This process is repeated until one of the players has collected all the cards with the same number.

When a player gets the four cards with the same number, he or she shouts “donkey” and puts one hand on the centre of the table. The rest of players must do the same, putting their hands on the other players’ hands. The last player doing so is the loser.

So, the winner gets one point and the loser loses one point.

If two or more players get the four cards with the same number at the same time, the winner will be the first saying “donkey” and obviously his/her palm will be touching the table and not another player hand.

Adapted version (for example in language): 5 players, so we must create 5 categories. For example we can create: nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs. We create then 4 words for every category:

NOUNS: cat, ball, pencil, window.

VERBS: sing, run, talk, eat.

ADJECTIVES: happy, long, big, funny.

PRONOUNS: they, she, we, you

ADVERBS: well, quickly, often, now

We shuffle the 20 cards and deal 4 to every student. They have a look and select one to pass it. They say “1, 2, 3” and pass it to the right, and taking the one coming from the left. The first student getting 4 cards of the same category will say “donkey” and put a hand in the middle of the table, getting 1 point. The last student putting a hand will lose one point.

We can create many cards for every category, and after 2 or 3 games we can change the cards so they will be constantly learning new words and relating them to their categories.


This game can be used in many subjects relating categories.

In a geography lesson we can use geographical features (rivers, countries, mountains, lakes, seas, etc.).

In a science lesson we can use different kinds of animals (mammals, fish, reptiles, insects, etc.).

In a chemistry lesson we can use different kinds of elements from the periodic table (actinoids, noble gases, lanthanoids, poor metals, etc.).

In a music lesson we can use different kinds of instruments (strings, percussion, woodwind, brass, etc.).

In an English lesson we can create vocabulary topics (family, body, classroom objects, actions, parts of a house, etc.). But we can also play in a different way if players must create logical sentences. For example, we make 4 cards with a subject, 4 cards with a verb, 4 cards with a direct object, 4 cards with a place complement and 4 with a time complement.

SUBJECTS: I, you, we, they.

VERBS: like, eat, throw, give.

DIRECT OBJECTS: chocolate, rice, bread, pasta.

PLACE COMPLEMENTS: in the garden, at school, in the street, at home.

TIME COMPLEMENTS: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, every day.

In fact, changing the categories, this game can be used in almost every subject.


AGE: From 3 years old and on


SPACE: Outdoor (playground or gym) / Indoor (in the classroom)

MATERIALS: No special materials needed.


1) Follow instructions when necessary;

2) Not to do things without thinking;

3) Increase the speed of action;

4) Promote the acceptance of rules;

5) Promote the importance of listening one another;

6) Value the importance of communication;

7) Develop essential skills such as concentration and interaction;

8) Promote learning to make decisions;

9) Learn about duality;

10) Develop control of body movements.

TEACHING SUBJECTS: From primary school subjects (mother tongue, foreign language) to middle school (mother tongue, second languages, history, geography, science, maths, physics and chemistry, etc.).

TYPE OF THE LESSON: Learning and general knowledge of different issues on several subjects. This game can be used as a warm up activity at the beginning of a week to make students remember what the previous week has been taught.


One of the players is “Simon”, and he or she is the one who directs the game.

“Simon” must command the others to do different things, but they must obey only if “Simon” starts the command with the words “Simon says…”.

For example:

SIMON: “Simon says: jump”.

Then the other players must jump.


SIMON: “Jump”.

Then, the players must stay without moving. Those who make the action when “Simon” doesn’t begin with “Simon says…” will be eliminated, and also those who are too slow to obey when “Simon” says “Simon says…”.

Obviously “Simon” cannot command impossible things, and if somebody can not perform the action, but he or she is trying to do it or acting to do it, he or she won’t be eliminated.

The winner will be the one who remains when the rest have been eliminated, and he or she can be “Simon” or will choose a new “Simon”.


This game is a very good way to improve vocabulary in foreign languages, not only to learn action words, but also you can play with your students sitting on their chairs and with a pen and paper, so you can play “Simon says: write down an irregular verb” or a comparative adjective, or a preposition.

It can also be used in this way in any other subject, for example “Simon says: write down 3 + 3” and the students must write down the result, or “Simon says: write down the capital of France”, etc.



AGE: 4 years old and on

SPACE: In the classroom

TIME: 40-60 min

MATERIALS: In the original game we only need the board, 2 dice and counters. In the variation for learning we need to create some question cards.


1) Be the first arriving the goal;

2) Answer correctly the questions;

3) Promote general knowledge on different subjects and different levels;

4) Adapt the questions to different levels;

5) Learn new knowledge by playing;

6) Apply formative assessment;

7) Evaluate the knowledge at a certain point of the learning process;

8) Facilitate the construction of knowledge.

TEACHING SUBJECTS: From primary school subjects (mother tongue, second language, social and science studies, maths) to middle school (mother tongue, second languages, history, geography, science, maths, physics and chemistry, etc.).

TYPE OF THE LESSON: Learning and general knowledge of different issues on several subjects and formative evaluation. To make progressive the learning of the contents established for each level, we can mark our cards at the back with the number of the unit we are learning. So, if we are in unit 1, we can make questions only with the cards marked with 1. And as we move forward with our book and our units, we can add more and more cards, so that at the end of the course we can have all the cards in the game.


The object of the game is to be the first person to get to the end of the journey set on the board. This game is very popular in many countries and the board of the game has plenty of variations and we can use any of them.

Players roll the dice and the one with the higher number will be the one to start the game.

He or she will roll the dice and move his/her counter one square for each spot on the dice.

If the counter lands on a Goose square he or she will move the counter to the next Goose square and then roll the dice again.

If you land on the Bridge you will miss a turn while you pay the toll.

If you land on the Inn you will miss a turn while you stop for some tasty dinner.

If you land on the Well youwill miss 3 turns. But if another player passes you before your three turns are up, you can start moving again on your next go.

If you land on the Labyrinth, square 42, you will get lost in the maze and have to move back to square 37.

If you land on the Prison, square 52, you will have to miss three turns while you are behind bars. If another player passes you before your three turns are up you can start moving again on your next go.

If you land on Dead, square 58, you have to go back to square 1 and start all over again!

Players may not share squares, so if your dice roll would land you on an occupied square you will have to stay where you are until it is your turn again (in other versions you change positions and the player who was in this `place will go to the place where you were before rolling the dice)

Original boards:

To win you must reach square 63 exactly. If your dice roll is more than you need then you move in to square 63 and then bounce back out again, each spot on the dice is still one square in this move. If you land on any of the special squares while you are doing this then you must follow the normal instructions.

When you land on square 63 exactly you are the winner!


This game can be turned into a question and answer game.

The Goose squares can be changed into a new picture showing something related to the subject we are going to apply the game to. For example, in English class it can be changed into the typical red phone boxes from England.

The rest of squares will be coloured with 4 different colours (they can be more or they can be less). Each colour will stand for a different category of questions.

For example green, blue, yellow and pink.

Green squares will be for Vocabulary questions.

Blue squares will be for Irregular verbs questions.

Yellow squares will be for grammar questions.

Pink squares will be for other kind of questions (culture, spelling, telling the time, etc.)

The important issue is that all questions will be adapted to the level of the players. This will be easily done since our students are the one who will create the cards with the questions. They will do it using the textbook and with the help of the teacher.

If you create a set of questions for every level of your school, you can use it in following years, but the making of the cards is also an important way of learning, since students will be aware of different aspects of the language.

Obviously this can be done exactly the same way in other subjects or even as a multidisciplinary game with more colours and where every colour can relate to a different subject.

Cards to play in English class made by 13 year old students:

Cards to play in English class made by a teacher:

Boards to play in English class made by 12 year old students:



AGE: 3 years old and on

SPACE: An open space (playground, gym).

TIME: 20-30 min

MATERIALS: A handkerchief or any piece of clothing


1) Take the handkerchief and go back to your team;

2) Try to catch the student before getting to the opposite team;

3) Increase the speed of action;

4) Promote the importance of listening one another;

5) Increase interaction and integration among participants

6) Value the importance of communication;

7) Develop essential skills such as concentration;

8) Develop control of body movements.

9) Facilitate team dynamics;

10) Value the importance of each in the joint activity;

11) Develop essential physical and motor abilities;

12) Develop balance.


From primary school subjects (mother tongue, maths, physical education) to middle school (mother tongue, second languages, history, geography, science, maths, physics and chemistry, etc.).

TYPE OF THE LESSON: Learning and general knowledge of different issues on several subjects and formative evaluation.


Original game: There are two teams and a “referee”. The two teams are placed at different sides, and separated at the same distance from the referee. Every member of the team must have one number (if they are teams of 3, the numbers will be 1, 2,3, etc.). The referee holds in the air the handkerchief and shouts a number. Then the person from every team with that number must run towards the referee and take the handkerchief and go back to his/her team with it.

You win if you pick the handkerchief and take it to your team.

But if you pick the handkerchief and the person from the other team catches you before reaching your team, you lose.

If you lose you are eliminated and you must pass your number to another member of your team. Then that person will have two numbers and will have to run for the handkerchief when it is named.

The game ends when all the members of a team are eliminated.

Adapted version: in English class every student will be given a vocabulary field instead of a number. So instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, they will be: food, means of transport, family, clothes, etc. When the referee shouts for instance “T-SHIRT”, each team will have a member who was assigned with clothes and he or she will be the one to run for the handkerchief.


This game can be used with different races versions. For example running on only one leg, running in pairs (holding hands, tied back to back, one carrying the other, etc).


This game can be applied to different subjects, for example when we want our students to make connections.

In a Literature, History, Music or Art lessons it could be used assigning to each student a period and the referee can shout names of important characters or important events (or works such as books, compositions, monuments, etc) of such periods. Obviously in this case it would be important that the referee know well the periods and its features.

So, this is another game that could be easily used almost in any subject just changing some aspects of the original game.