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Transportation Project Report Project Scoping Report Month 20xx [Project Title/Description (e.g., Route______over________)] Project Identification Number (PIN): _______ [Bridge Identification Number (BIN): ________] [Village/Town/City] of________ ________ County Project Locatio n

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Page 1:   · Web viewRestore the bridge condition rating to ___, or greater, for at least __ years using cost effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair


Project ReportProject Scoping ReportMonth 20xx

[Project Title/Description (e.g., Route______over________)]Project Identification Number (PIN): _______[Bridge Identification Number (BIN): ________][Village/Town/City] of________________ County


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Page 3:   · Web viewRestore the bridge condition rating to ___, or greater, for at least __ years using cost effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair

Project Approval Sheet

Milestones Signatures Dates

A. IPP Approval: The project is ready to be added to the Regional Capital Program and project scoping can begin.

The IPP was approved by            Regional Director

B. Recommendation for Scope Approval

The project cost and schedule are consistent with the Regional Capital Program.           

Regional Planning & Program Manager           

Regional Design Engineer

C. Scope Approval:

The project cost and schedule are consistent with the Regional Capital Program.           

Regional Director

           Name, Regional Program Manager Date

Name, (Select) Date

Page 4:   · Web viewRestore the bridge condition rating to ___, or greater, for at least __ years using cost effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair

Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

Table of Contents

PROJECT APPROVAL SHEET......................................................................................................i

PROJECT SCOPE........................................................................................................................11.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................11.2. Purpose and Need..................................................................................................................1

1.2.1. Where is the Project Located?......................................................................................11.2.2. Why is the Project Needed?..........................................................................................11.2.3. What are the Objectives/Purposes of the Project?.......................................................1

1.3. What Alternative(s) Are Being Considered?...........................................................................21.4 How will the Alternatives Affect the Environment?..................................................................21.5. What Are The Costs & Schedules?........................................................................................31.6. Which Alternative is Preferred?..............................................................................................41.7. What are the Opportunities for Public Involvement?..............................................................4

List of Attachments

1. Critical Design Elements2. Social, Economic and Environmental Resources Checklist


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX


(Go to end of this document for instructions on turning on/off GREEN text during document preparation and for summary of changes)1.1. Introduction

This report was prepared in accordance with the NYSDOT Project Development Manual, 17 NYCRR (New York Codes, Rules and Regulations) Part 15, and 23 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 771. Transportation needs have been identified (section 1.2), objectives established (1.2.3) to address the needs, and cost-effective alternatives developed (1.3). This project is federally funded 100% State funded.

1.2. Purpose and Need

1.2.1. Where is the Project Located?

(1) Route number(2) Route name(3) SH (state highway) number and official highway description(4) BIN (Bridge Identification Number) and feature crossed(5) City/Village/Township(6) County(7) Length(8) From RM XXXXXXXXXX To RM XXXXXXXXXX(9) Briefly describe existing conditions in terms of the no. and widths of travel lanes, turn lanes,

parking lanes and shoulders, general vertical and horizontal alignment, pavement condition, speed limit(s), known geometric deficiencies, type and age of bridge, no. and length of spans, and any other description information which is pertinent.

1.2.2. Why is the Project Needed?

1.2.3. What are the Objectives/Purposes of the Project?


(1) Restore the bridge condition rating to ___, or greater, for at least __ years using cost effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair.

(2) Improve overall traffic conditions using cost effective methods to reduce delay and to provide an acceptable level of service, for a design period of ___ years.

(3) Address geometric deficiencies to improve traffic flow and facilitate traffic operations.(4) Correct identified pavement deficiencies that will extend the useful life of the highway and

maintain it in a structurally sound condition using cost effective pavement treatments which provide low life cycle costs.

(5) Restore pavement to good condition and ride-ability using cost effective pavement treatments which provide a service life of ___ years.

(6) Correct safety deficiencies using cost effective accident reduction measures such that accident reduction benefits equal or exceed project costs attributable to safety work.


Page 6:   · Web viewRestore the bridge condition rating to ___, or greater, for at least __ years using cost effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair

Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

(7) Improve existing facilities and services using cost effective measures to eliminate the degradation of mainline level of service, and improve level of service or reduce the hours of delay at LOS E for the design year.

1.3. What Alternative(s) Are Being Considered?Choice #1: Refer to Attachment ___ for the design criteria. No nonstandard features are anticipated.

Choice #2:Refer to Attachment ___ for the design criteria. The following nonstandard features are anticipated with Alternative ___. Justifications for the nonstandard features will be prepared in preliminary design as the alternatives are refined further.

List nonstandard features.

1.4 How will the Alternatives Affect the Environment?

Exhibit 1-1Environmental Classification Summary

NEPA Classification Select One BY Select One

SEQRA Type: Select One BY Select One

Exhibit 1-2 Comparison of Alternatives

CategoryAlternatives Evaluated

No Build PreferredAlt. 1 Alt 2 Alt 3

Environmental Impacts

Wetlands None 2.81 acres 3.08 acres 3.5 acres

Cultural Resources (Section 106) None 2 sites affected

No Adverse Effect2 sites affectedAdverse Effect

3 sites affectedAdverse Effect

Section 4(f) None

Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation for

Minor Involvement with Historic Sites

Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation

Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation

Endangered/ Threatened Species None

May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect the

northern long eared bat

May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect the northern long

eared bat

May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect the northern long

eared bat

Noise None 4 Residences 4 Residences 2 residences

Social Impacts


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

Exhibit 1-2 Comparison of Alternatives

CategoryAlternatives Evaluated

No Build PreferredAlt. 1 Alt 2 Alt 3

Property/Relocations None10 acres

6 businesses1 residence

12.5 acres8 businesses2 residences

20 acres8 businesses4 residences1 relocation

Mobility (Pedestrian, bicycle, transit, etc.) No Effect Improved pedestrian

and bicycle mobilityIncreased pedestrian

crossing distances

Reduction in shoulder width used by


Environmental Justice No Effect

No disproportionate high and adverse

effects to minority or low-income populations

No disproportionate high and adverse

effects to minority or low-income populations

No disproportionate high and adverse

effects on minority or low-income populations

General Social Groups No Effect

Beneficial impacts for disabled (new

accessible sidewalks and crossings)

Increased impacts to elderly population

(noise impacts, increased pedestrian

crossing distance)

Impacts to children’s’ access to parks and


Crash Costs High Low High Low

Economic and/or Operational Impacts

Economic Impacts NoEffect

Modification to vehicular access to


Slight modification to vehicular access to


No change to vehicular access to


Temporary Detours No Effect 6 businesses affected for 2 months

6 businesses affected for 2 months

6 businesses affected for 2 months

Reduction of Parking No Effect Loss of 3 on-street parking spaces

Loss of 3 on-street spaces and loss of

off-street parking in 2 private lots.

Loss of 3 on-street spaces and loss of

off-street parking in 2 private lots.

Operation at ETC (Select) 15 min delay 4 min delay 3 min delay 1 min. delay

Utilities None Relocation required$0.2M

Relocation required$0.3M

Temporary Relocations Required

Construction Cost None $14M $15M $20M

Anticipated Permits/Certifications/Coordination:

Exhibit 1-3 Anticipated Permits/Certifications/Coordination


NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC): State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

Exhibit 1-3 Anticipated Permits/Certifications/Coordination


Article 24- Freshwater Wetlands Permit

Article 25 Tidal Wetland Permit

Water Quality Certification

Mined Land Permit

Floodplain Variance

Wild, Scenic, Recreational Rivers Permit

Construction Staging Permit

Construction Borrow Area Mining Permit

Construction Solid Waste Disposal Permit

Indirect Source Air Quality Permit

Coastal Zone Erosion Permit

Coastal Erosion Hazard Permit (Article 34)

United States Coast Guard Section 9 Permit

Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): Nationwide Permit #     

Section 404 Individual Permit

Section 10 Permit

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit

Adirondack Park Agency (APA) APA General Permit

Others Local Permits


NYSDEC (pursuant to the “NYSDEC/NYSDOT Memorandum of Understanding Regarding ECL Articles 15 & 24”)

Federal Highway Administration

New York State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)

US Fish and Wildlife Service

New York Natural Heritage Program

National Park Service

Adirondack Park Agency

Section 1424(e) review by FHWA and EPA (sole source aquifer)

Municipality(ies) -      

Metropolitan Planning Organization - (Choose)

Utility(ies) -     


NYS Department of Labor: Asbestos Variances

NYSDEC Airport Air Quality Certification

NYS Department of State Coastal Zone Consistency Certification Statement


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

Exhibit 1-3 Anticipated Permits/Certifications/Coordination


NYS Department of State Coastal Zone Local Waterfront Revitalization Certification

1.5. What Are the Costs and Schedules?

Choice #1: (no preferred alternative selected)

All reasonable alternatives are under consideration. Refer to Section 1.4 for the costs of the reasonable alternatives. Design Approval is scheduled for ___ of 20__ and Construction is scheduled to last ___ months beginning in ____ of 20__.

Exhibit 1-4 - Project Schedule

Activity Date Occurred/Tentative

Scope Approval      

Design Approval      

ROW Acquisition      

Construction Start      

Construction Complete      

Choice #2: (One preferred alternative under $100M)

Exhibit 1-5 - Cost and ScheduleBasis of Estimate Select One      Agreements Needed Select One      Betterments Select One      

Project Phase Date Estimated Cost (millions) Fund Source

Design Approval      ROW Acquisition             Select OneConstruction Start      Construction Complete             Select One

Choice #3: (Required for projects with a total estimated cost of $100 m or more)

Exhibit 1.5 - Cost and ScheduleBasis of Estimate Select One      Agreements Needed Select One      Betterments Select One      

Project Phase Phase Start

Activity Duration

Staff Months

Resource Estimated Cost

Fund Source


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX


Scoping                   Select one       Select OnePreliminary Design                   Select one       Select OneFinal Design                   Select one       Select OneROW Incidentals                   Select one       Select OneROW Acquisition                   Select one       Select OneLetting                   Select one       Select OneConstruction                   Select one       Select OneConstruction Inspection                   Select one       Select One

1.6. Which Alternative is Preferred?

Choice #1:The alternative that best meets the project objectives is Alternative ___.

Choice #2:The feasible and prudent alternative that best meets the project objectives is Alternative ___.

1.7. What are the Opportunities for Public Involvement?

Exhibit 1-6Public Involvement Plan Schedule of Milestone Dates

Activity Date Occurred/Tentative

Initial Environmental Findings      

Field Pre-Scoping Meeting (all groups)      

In-house DOT scoping meeting      

Stakeholder Meeting      

Focus Group Meeting      

Meeting with Town/Village/City Officials      

Meeting with SHPO      

Public Informational Meeting      

Current Project Letting date      

Refer to attachment __ for project correspondence.

For additional information or to provide comments, please contact:

Name, Project ManagerPlease include the six digit Project Identification Number (PIN) XXXX.XX


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

Questions or comments email: [email protected]: (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Mailing AddressNew York State Department of Transportation

Region 1 Design328 State Street

Schenectady, New York 12305


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Month 20XX Project Scoping Report PIN XXXX.XX

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