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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA SAN CRISTÓBAL “Liderando Procesos de Crecimiento Humano” TALLER VIRTUAL ESTUDIANTES CON INTERNET EMERGENCIA SANITARIA COVID 19 - 2021 DOCENTE: RAFAEL REINA T ÁREA/ASIGNATURA: INGLÉS GRADO: DECIMO GRUPOS: 10º3, 10º4 PERIODO:1 FECHA:FEB 1 TALLER #:1 NOMBRE ESTUDIANTE: _________________________________________ GRUPO: _________ Si tiene dudas con respecto al taller comuníquese con el docente del área al WhatsApp: 301 6 11 20 65 [email protected] Realiza cada taller con su letra y en su cuaderno, (MARCA CADA HOJA con su nombre y grado) CIBERGRAFÍA: Top 10 Extreme Sports https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WDKc6z4LRgQ TOPIC: EXTREME SPORTS 1. Answer the following questions about you a. What extreme sports do you know? What are they? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ b. Are you interested in any of them? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ c. Do you practice any extreme sport? Why? Why not?

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“Liderando Procesos de Crecimiento Humano”





NOMBRE ESTUDIANTE: _________________________________________ GRUPO: _________

Si tiene dudas con respecto al taller comuníquese con el docente del área al WhatsApp: 301 6 11 20 65 [email protected]

Realiza cada taller con su letra y en su cuaderno, (MARCA CADA HOJA con su nombre y grado)

CIBERGRAFÍA: Top 10 Extreme Sports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDKc6z4LRgQ


1. Answer the following questions about you

a. What extreme sports do you know? What are they?


b. Are you interested in any of them?


c. Do you practice any extreme sport? Why? Why not?


d. Why are extreme sports becoming more popular and people are getting interested in them more than in usual sports?


e. Why do people take reasonable risk even if they know about the consequences of doing them?


2. Match the definitions to the names given below.

a. _____________ to glide down iced walls from a high altitude.

b. _____________ to go down dangerous waters and jump from over 15 meters-high waterfalls

c. _____________ to jump off high mountains

d. _____________ fifteen second free falls at 120km per hour from a helicopter or a balloon

e. _____________ considered the riskiest sport in the world, jumpers choose high cliffs and throw themselves off, then wait until the last moment to open the parachute.

f. _____________ to climb high walls, sometimes higher than 200 meters

g. _____________ to go down dangerous rivers with nothing but a small board.

h. _____________ to climb waterfalls which have become frozen because the extreme cold.

i. _____________ to climb high buildings or monuments in cities, besides the danger of falling, there’s always the risk of getting arrested, as it is illegal.

Skiing extreme canoeing big jumpCascade climbing

hydro speedbuildingbase jump paragliding big wall

3. Read each story about the extreme sport


I’ve been really interested in surfing for more than fifteen years. I started learning in England, then I began going on surfing holidays abroad with my mates -we went to Bali in Indonesia and also South Africa.

After that I started wanting bigger challenges, so five years ago I decide to try the really big waves in Hawaii. Of course, they can be dangerous and you have to concentrate one hundred percent, but it’s worth it for the thrill you get when you’re riding them. It’s magical feeling, like flying above the ocean, and for those few seconds you totally forget every else in your life.


Part of me had always wanted to try skydiving, but I was really scared the first time. The worst bit was just before I jumped out of the plane -I wanted to be back on the ground, not 4.000 meters up in the air. Of course, as a beginner you don’t do it on your own- you’re attached to the instructor who opens the parachute for you. Falling through the air at 180 kilometers per hour is a massive adrenaline rush. That first time was five years ago, and since then I’ve done more than twenty solo jumps.


Mountains offer a challenge I find impossible to ignore. I started climbing about twenty years ago, and I’ve now climbed three of the highest five peaks in Europe. Of course, it can be dangerous, and I’ve had some scary moments, but the sense of achievement when you reach the top is amazing. When you’re pulling yourself up that wall of rock it feels like you’re in a battle against nature -it’s not a feeling you can get from anything else in everyday life.


I became hooked on snowboarding the first time I tried it. I soon realized I had a natural talent for it, and it wasn’t long before I was winning competitions and getting a bit of prize money. My dream is to be able to make my living just from boarding, so I now take three months off work every winter and concentrate on improving my technique. I’d recommend boarding to anyone. The exhilaration of going down the mountain, plus the beauty of the scenery – it’s just fantastic.

4. Underline the extreme sports in the previous texts.

5. For each character: James, Susan, Mike and Teresa. Make a draw that describe their stories.





6. Answer the questions about the previous text

a. How long has Mike been climbing mountains?


b. Why did James decide to go surfing in Hawaii?


c. How has Teresa already earned money from snowboarding?


d. Who opened the parachute during Susan’s first skydive?


7. Now decide whether the following statements are true or if there isn’t information given.

a. Teresa doesn’t have job.


b. Susan has done more than ten skydives without an instructor


c. Mike has climbed more than twenty mountains in Europe


d. Teresa gives snowboarding lessons.


e. Mike has climbed the highest mountain in Europe.


f. James surfed in Bali before he went to Hawaii.


g. Susan has always felt relaxed before jumping out of the plane.


h. James doesn’t think about anything else when he’s riding big waves in Hawaii.


i. Mike has sometimes been frightened while mountain climbing.


j. Teresa is trying to get even better at snowboarding.


8. Find the words in the text that mean the opposite of the following.

a. Tiny _________________

b. Ugliness _________________

c. In your own country _________________

d. Learner _________________

9. Fill in the following sentences with words from the text.

a. Big waves can be _______________

b. Beginner skydivers are __________________ to their instructor

c. While snowboarding, you can admire the beauty of the ______________

d. Mike finds impossible to ignore the ________________ that mountain offer

10. Make a little Pictionary with DRAWS with the following extreme sports:

a. Motocross

b. Skiing

c. Scuba diving

d. Base jumping

e. Bungee jumping

f. Sand kiting

g. Parachutes

h. Water skiing

i. Skateboarding

j. Skydiving