· web viewthe school were awarded the bronze award of the siarter iaith in september 2018. the...

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys Yng Nghymru Rhaeadr Gwy Rhayader Church in Wales School Development Plan 2019 – 2020 This document is based on the Welsh Government regulations 155/2014 Contents Page Contextual information 2 School’s three-year priorities 2019– 2022 4 Priorities 2019 – 2020 6 Checklist 30 Appendix A. Evaluation of SDP Priorities: 2018 -2019 31 Appendix B. Target Setting 34 1 | Page

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Page 1:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Ysgol Gynradd Eglwys Yng Nghymru Rhaeadr GwyRhayader Church in Wales School

Development Plan

2019 – 2020

This document is based on the Welsh Government regulations 155/2014

Contents Page

Contextual information 2

School’s three-year priorities 2019– 2022 4

Priorities 2019 – 2020 6

Checklist 30

Appendix A. Evaluation of SDP Priorities: 2018 -2019 31

Appendix B. Target Setting 34

Contextual Information

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Page 2:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Current National Category 2

Strategic Overview 2019-2020

Workforce Planning: number of fte TEACHERS 9.2 (including headteacher)

Workforce Planning: number of fte SUPPORT STAFF Foundation Phase: 3 Other: 10 TA (FTE) 1 Clerical support

Grant Finance 2017-2018

Source of Funding Purpose Sum

Education Improvement Grant Ensure each pupil profits from excellent teaching and learning, focusing on • Improving Literacy • Improving Numeracy • Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment

£ 17,058

Pupil Deprivation Grant Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment £ 21,850

Other Rural and Small Schools Grant (Cluster) Pastoral Support Manager

Creative Lead Schools – Round 3 – School to School Support

£ need information from Marianne

£ 8,000

2019 – 2020 Reception Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 TotalEligible for Free School Meals 1 7 2 4 5 7 5 31

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Page 3:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Children in Need 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 3Looked After Children 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

English as an Additional Language 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4

Number of latecomers to Welsh 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2

Special Educational Needs

School Action 3 1 8 5 7 7 1 32School Action Plus 2 2 0 2 1 2 0 9Statement 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3

Three-Year Priorities 2019 – 2021

Inspection Area 1 Inspection Area 2 Inspection Area 3 Inspection Area 4 Inspection Area 5

2019-2020 1.Further develop Welsh language skills.

2. Ensure groups of learners make good

3. Embed Understanding Christianity across school and develop pupil voice in RE

1. Further develop provision for Welsh language Skills.

5. To develop

2.Ensure that all MAT pupils are appropriately challenged.School to develop

5. Pupil voice involvement in School Improvement Plan Priorities – New Curriculum

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Page 4:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

progress and More able and talented achieve higher levels/outcomes

lessons planning in preparation for the New Curriculum in 2021.

training and courses for parents.To offer more opportunities for competitive sports events.3. To embed Understanding Christianity across school and develop pupil voice in RE lessons and Collective Worship

Preparation.Develop effective appraisal for non-teaching staff.4. Develop an effective nurture program to provide vulnerable pupils with a calm space to improve their emotional well-being

2020-2021(high level priorities)

Further develop planning and delivery of new curriculum requirement across school.

Review behaviour and ALN policies procedure in line with new curriculum and ALN bill.

Review all responsibilities of all staff to ensure everyone understands the accountability of their role in improving pupil standards/outcomes

To further develop enterprise focus for school.

Rights Respecting School Accreditation

Further develop Christian values

Continue to work with others and ensure school provides good value for money.

Develop role of governors/Governor champions, training shared.

2021- 2022 Develop new curriculum across the school. Share good practice with other schools

Monitor ALN and behavior procedures

Develop teachers/develop leadership opportunities

Tracking of pupils with ALN including BESD and Emotional needs

Cluster working and/or link with partner schools

Aspiring headship training for identified staff

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Page 5:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Priorities for 2019 – 2020

Priority 1: To further develop the pupils’ welsh oracy, reading and writing skills across the school by implementing the Siarter Iaith Campus Cymraeg and Siater Iaith.

Inspection Area:

1.1 – Standards and progress overall

1.2 – Standards and progress of specific groups

1.3 – Standards and Progress in skills

Related to the Post Estyn Inspection Plan: No

Success criteria in terms of standards or quality:

Questionnaire – Summer 2020 to show that most pupils are enthusiastic about learning Welsh. Target of 3 levels increase set by Criw Cymraeg in September 2019

Criw Cymraeg is having a positive impact on promoting Welsh during playtimes and a range of activities across the school. Silver Award achieved by July 2020 for Siarter Iaith and Campus Cymraeg.

Internal Accountability:

Literacy Team Leaders – Linda Crockett

Criw Cymraeg Leaders – Emma Evans and

Accountability to the Governing Body:

Headteacher – Linda Crockett

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Page 6:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Liz Dingle School has good links with Menter Brycheiniog and Maesyfed and the Urdd and offers Welsh events throughout the school year.

Very good progress

Strong progress Satisfactory progress

Limited progress

Actions Who? Milestone Term 1

Milestone Term 2

Milestone Term 3

Professional Development Needs

Source of Finance and Cost

1.1 To develop the use of Welsh across the curriculum (English Stream). Ensure pupils have at least 1 topic based Welsh activity in English medium KS2 classes.


Criw Cymraeg

All staff

Learning walk and listening to learners – Oct and Dec 2019

Welsh action plan – impact assessment Feb 2020

Campus Cymraeg Silver award achieved by Summer Term 2020

Welsh Sabbatical for teachers/teaching assistants

Training days with ERW

Non-contact time

Staff meeting/Team time

1.2 Ensure all questionnaires are completed for Criw Cymraeg and Siartr Iaith. Ensure Silver targets are displayed.


Criw Cymraeg

Learning walk and

listening to learners –

Oct and Dec 2019

Welsh action plan – impact assessment Feb 2020

Impact assessment report – June 2020

Staff Meeting

Team Meetings


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Page 7:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

All staff

1.3 Pupils are encouraged to speak Welsh within their classrooms in other subjects than Welsh (W2L). Ensure there is a bank of resources for Welsh use outside their classroom ie. In corridor, on playground (whole school).

Welsh games and music on the playground. Mercher Mamwlad each week led by Criw Cymraeg.


Criw Cymraeg

All staff

Learning walk and

listening to learners –

Oct and Dec 2019

Welsh action plan – impact assessment Feb 2020

Impact assessment report – June 2020

Criw Cymraeg meetings (weekly)


1.4 Termly enrichment activities/immersion days to develop pupils use and enjoyment of Welsh e.g. whole school Welsh day, Christmas activities and Carolau Cymraeg. Mwsig ar y Maes in the Summer term.

All staff

Criw Cymraeg

Evidence in Welsh folder.

Listening to learners – Oct 2019

Evidence in Welsh folder.

Listening to learners – March - 2020

Evidence in Welsh folder.

Listening to learners – June 2020

Urdd membership – materials etc

Membership parents

Materials and resources from PTFA £150

1.5 Develop staff Welsh skills through in school training and sabbatical courses. LSA summer term 2020

KO Identify and arrange training needed

More welsh spoken around the school

Welsh embedded and higher level of written and spoken welsh across school – lesson

Staff meeting time No cost – in house training

WA to cover cost of sabbatical

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Page 8:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

observation/learning walk

1.8 Criw Cymraeg to write a feature for newsletter to parents and to meet with governors to discuss their work and promote Welsh ethos of school. To lead Welsh assembly each Wednesday and introduce a Welsh question to the school. Phrases for each class shared in the Wednesday assembly.

EE LD Evidence in welsh folder. Listening to learners – Oct 2019 – Jane Davies

Listening to learners – March – 2020 Visit Jane Davies

Listening to learners – June 2020 monitoring visit Jane Davies

No additional cost – meetings each Tuesday

No additional cost

1.9 Clwb Yr Urdd to meet regularly and pupils participate in local eisteddfods, activities in the community and Urdd Eisteddfod

EE LD Clwb Yr Urdd register and photos

Awards from Eisteddfod

Governors listening to learners.Competition entries for Urdd

Impact Assessment report – June 2020

Extra- curricular club No cost

How can the wider community of the school enrich the priority?

Governors and Leadership Team to monitor standards through lesson observation, listening to learners and book scrutiny.

Parents encourage to attend Welsh classes and activities

Out of school welsh activities eg. Listening to welsh radio and TV

Competing in local events eg Eisteddfod, whole school Welsh days

Trips and visits to places of interest in Wales, visitors and events in school through the medium of Welsh

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Page 9:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Priority 2: To ensure all groups are learners are challenged/supported appropriately and More Able and Talented achieve higher Levels/Outcomes at the end of Key Stage AssessmentsInspection Area: 1.1 – Standards and progress overall1.2 Standards and progress of specific groups2.1 – Wellbeing3.2 – The breadth, balance and appropriateness of the curriculum

3.3 – Provision for skills

Related to the Post Estyn Inspection Plan: No

Success criteria in terms of standards or quality:

40.7% of Year 6 pupils to achieve L5 in Teacher Assessment June 2020

85% of pupils identified as More Able and Talented to show good or better progress in INCERTS tracking

Enrichment activities offered for More Able and Talented pupils.

Resources and information shared with parents/carers of indentified More Able and Talented Pupils.

Internal Accountability: Sian Protheroe – Well- being Leader/ALNCoWell-being Team

Accountability to the Governing BodyHeadteacher – Linda Crockett

Governors – Dr John Buchan

Very good progress

Strong progress Satisfactory progress

Limited progress

Actions Who? Milestone Term 1

Milestone Term 2

Milestone Term 3

Professional Development Needs

Source of Finance and Cost

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Page 10:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

2.1 Identify pupils that are More Able and Talented. Update the MAT register

Lesson observations to observe challenge in each class

Y6 MAT language and maths pupils selected to work with MAT Y2 pupils to improve skills

All teachers


October 2019

By half-term 2019

Listening to learners, learning walk, work scrutiny

Feb 2020

Pupil progress meetings - March 2020

Listening to learners, learning walk, work scrutiny

May 2020

Pupil progress meetings - May 2020

Non-contact time - EIG – supply costs


2.2 Differentiation training by ERW – Sian Protheroe to attend and lead

Feedback – key messages and resources to all staff

Action Plan agreed following training and lesson observation findings

SP November 2019

Staff meeting Nov - Dec

Review meeting – Feb - 2020

Impact assessment – May 2020

ERW training

INSET/Staff meeting to feedback to staff

None – Funded by ERW

2.3 Consult with parents of identified pupils and run information sessions. Build a bank of resources to help parents support pupils out of school.

Create links with other organisations and local schools to develop MAT out of school/enrichment activities


All staff

Identify activities and have dates in diary by end of Autumn term 2019

Feedback of information workshops/activities

March 2020

Impact assessment sheet – May 2020

Non contact time to allow SP to meet/contact others and arrange parent days

EIG – Non -contact time

2.4 Track group of learners using INCERTS and set challenging higher level targets for pupils.

All staff Tracking of pupils INCERTS –

Learning walk - impact assessment

Impact assessment sheet –

INSET days EIG – Non -contact

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Page 11:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

set up group – Nov 2019

March 2020

Tracking of pupils INCERTS

May 2020

Tracking of pupils INCERTS

Whole school open day to show projects to education officers, parents and cluster teachers


Training INCERTS – SP - £180 plus supply cost - EIG

How can the wider community of the school enrich the priority?

Information for parents about how to help More Able and Talented Pupils

Use motivational initiatives such as 500 words, national competitions and Blue Peter badges

Link with other schools for More Able and Talented extension groups

Priority 3: To embed Understanding Christianity across school and develop pupil voice in Related to the Post Estyn Inspection Plan: No

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Page 12:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

RE lessons and Collective Worship

Inspection Area:

1.3 – Standards and progress in skills

2.1. – Well-being

3.2 – The breadth, balance and appropriateness of the curriculum

3.3 – Provision for skills

4.2 – Personal Development

Success criteria in terms of standards or quality:

Staff training provided by Diocese Education Officer

Understanding Christianity and Pupil Voice embedded across the school to make RE curriculum more creative and engaging for pupils

Questionnaires completed to improve parent, governor and pupil understanding of ‘What is a Church School?’

Internal Accountability:

Linda Crockett – Leader of Humanities

Accountability to the Governing Body:

Linda Crockett – Headteacher

Governors – Rev’d Lance Sharpe

Very good progress

Strong progress Satisfactory progress

Limited progress

Actions Who? Milestone Term 1

Milestone Term 2

Milestone Term 3

Professional Development Needs

Source of Finance and Cost

3.1 To implement Understanding Christianity across the school

INSET training provided by Diocese Officer – John Meredith


Expressive Arts/Litera

Training for all

Staff – Oct

impact assessment Feb 2020

Impact assessment sheet based on INCERTS

Non-contact time Resource Costs – EIG -


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Page 13:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Update website to reflect Christian character of school

In school visits and training from Diocese

Staff Meetings to share good practice across the school

cy/Humanities Team

All staff


John Meredith visits Nov 19

Learning walk governors and SLT – Nov/Dec

value added and tracking data

Staff meeting/Team time

Resources/Teaching manuals purchased

Non-contact – EIG - £500

3.2 Attend RE Coordinator meetings for Church Schools and visit Church schools identified with good standards of RE and Collective Worship and implement Understanding Christianity frieze and learning


Expressive Arts/Literacy/Humanities Team

All staff

Training for staff

Church Meetings – Nov 19

Headteacher to purchase resources by half-term

Visits to

impact assessment Feb 2020

Learning walk governors and SLT – Feb

Impact assessment sheet based on INCERTS value added and tracking data

Learning walk governors

Non-contact time

Visits to other schools

Diocese meetings

Supply Costs for RE coordinator meetings/viewing good practice in other schools

PLG - £1200.00

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Page 14:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

other schools by Dec 19

Learning walk governors and SLT – Nov/Dec

and SLT – May

How can the wider community of the school enrich the priority?

Links with Church

Immersion day to show parents/community RE work

Values shared at home through newsletter/activity sheets

Priority 4: To develop an effective nurture programme to provide vulnerable pupils with a calm space to improve their emotional well-being.

Inspection Area: 1.2 Standards and progress of specific groups2.1 – Wellbeing2.2 - Attitudes to learning4.2 – Personal Development

Related to the Post Estyn Inspection Plan: No

Success criteria in terms of standards or quality:

To increase pupils’ attitudes to learning and well-being by reducing anxiety and behaviour incidents (behavior and incident records can be used to measure improvement)

To ensure pupils understand how to be responsible citizens and in control of their own decisions.

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Page 15:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

To increase pupils’ attitudes to learning and well-being by reducing anxiety and behaviour incidents (behavior and incident records can be used to measure improvement)

To ensure pupils understand how to be responsible citizens and in control of their own decisions.

Internal Accountability:

Sian Protheroe – ALNCo and Leader of Well-being

Well-being Team

Accountability to the Governing Body:

Headteacher – Linda Crockett

ALN Governor – Dr J Buchan

LAC Governor – Mr G Taylor

Well-being – Rev’d Lance Sharpe

Very good progress

Strong progress Satisfactory progress

Limited progress

Actions Who? Milestone Term 1

Milestone Term 2

Milestone Term 3

Professional Development Needs

Source of Finance and Cost

4.1 To develop a safe and secure nurture space where pupils can have ‘mindfulness’ and ‘emotional wellbeing support’ to develop pupils emotional wellbeing and mental health.




Space sourced and developed – October half-term

Listening to learners

Learning walk – Feb 2020

Impact Assessment Sheet -

May 2020


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Page 16:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Autumn Term 2020

KS2 children lessons completed and certificates

Spring Term 2020

4.2 To ensure all staff, governors and Key Stage 2 children have completed the Autism Awareness.

4.3 Growth Mindset and habits of minds training.

Staff training and staff to work with Nathan Meredith (Pastoral Support Manager for Cluster)

SP Staff training – Nov 19

Evidence collated from pastoral Support Manager


Evidence collated from pupils – listening to learners

Learning walk

Evidence collated from pupils – listening to learners

Learning walk

Well-being Impact assessment report May 2020

Staff meeting time – LSA and teachers

Well-being team time

No cost

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Page 17:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during


4.4 Pupils with emotional needs identified and consent sourced from Parents to work with Pastoral support Officer. Use Emotion coaching to enable pupils to deal with difficult situations

SP Identify and arrange meetings – Atutumn 2019

Records of sessions/listening to learners - evaluations

Behaviour records

lesson observation/learning walk

Behaviour records

Staff meeting time

4.5 To carry out THRIVE assessments on all pupils as class profiling and identify teaching assistant for Thrive Training at school (Host school for training 2019 – 2020)


All teachers

Autumn term – baseline lass THRIVE

Case study on THRIVE action plans and tracking

Impact assessment sheet – Well being team

Non contact time for THRIVE practitioner and class teacher


THRIVE costs - £800 and supply £ 260 - EIG

4.6 To run Emotional Well-being After School Club sessions for Key Stage 2 pupils/ Yoga and mindfulness sessions each term.

LC Autumn Term – Evaluation by pupils

Spring Term – Listening to learners and evaluation of impact

Impact assessment sheet – Well being team

Funding by parents/PTFA top up if not enough to run sessions

4.7 To create a BSL friendly school. Develop signage across the SP Audit of Continue Impact Staff training and Grant funding

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Page 18:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

school and give training for staff and pupils.

To create a more acoustic friendly hall.

Well-being team

skills and building

Create signs

Start training for staff

training assessment sheet – Well being team

assembly time needed for Sound clouds - £4000

Sign costs and training – in house no additional costs

4.8 To develop a culture of Restorative Justice and all staff and pupils to use the restorative approach for conflict management and to manage their own emotions/actions.



Wellbeing team

Whole staff twilight training – Oct – 2019

2 staff trained on 3 day conference – Nov 2019

Listening to learners

Learning walks

Peer mentors

Feb 2019

Impact assessment sheet – Well being team

Pupil Voice feedback

Staff training and assembly time

2 staff for 3 days training

Supply costs - £500

4.9 Disability awareness for all and cultural diversity explored with pupils.

As many people have disabilities and cultural differences we



Well-being team

Workshop for hearing dog

Hearing loss

Disability sportperson into school

Impact assessment sheet – Well being team

Staff training and assembly time


Although fundraising for charity may be

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Page 19:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

aim to hold workshops and assemblies to explore this i.e hearing dogs assembly, multicultural workshop, autism training etc.

Link to KiVa and Peace Mala work to prevent bullying and treating others differently.


Cultural diversity

Autumn Term

KiVa day for KS2

incorporated to this target

How can the wider community of the school enrich the priority?

Educate parent about autism through sharing ‘information’ on social media

Emotion coaching techniques shared with community

KiVa day – invite governors and parents to an information session

Growth Mindset – share with parents through leaflets and displays

Mindfulness awareness for community

Priority 5: To increase pupil voice involvement in School Improvement Plan Priorities and develop planning for the new curriculum

Related to the Post Estyn Inspection Plan: No

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Page 20:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Inspection Area:

2.1 – Well-being

2.2 – Attitudes to learning

4.2 – Personal development

3.1 – Quality of teaching and learning

3.2 – The breadth, balance and appropriateness of the curriculum

Internal Accountability:

Senior Leadership Team – Linda Crockett, Sian Protheroe and David Lewis

Pupil Voice Leaders – Sian Protheroe and Rebecca Unsworth

Curriculum Teams

Success criteria in terms of standards or quality:

Pupil voice evidence of SDP development

Pupils feel valued and make well-informed decisions about their learning

Teachers have clear understanding of skills needed to be taught in each age range and progression of skills is mapped

Accountability to the Governing Body:

Headteacher - Linda Crockett

Pupil Voice Link Governor – Graham Taylor

Very Good Progress

Strong progress Satisfactory progress

Limited progress

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Page 21:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

Actions Who? Milestone Term 1

Milestone Term 2

Milestone Term 3

Professional Development Needs

Source of Finance and Cost

5.1 Pupil Voice committee to look at SDP and choose 1 priority each term to look at and develop.

SP and RU

SDP discussed and shared October ½ term – Priority decided on and action plan prepared

Meeting with governors

Listening to learners

Pupil voice meeting with governors & SLT

Monitoring – Feb 20

Listening to learners

Pupil voice meeting with governors & SLT

Impact assessment sheet – June 2020

Meetings in school time – staff covered in house


5.2 Set up a pupil voice folder for staff and pupil voice committee members to work on shared documents and projects through hwb.


Hwb set up – Oct ½ term

Listening to learners

Pupil voice meeting with governors & SLT

Monitoring –

Listening to learners

Pupil voice meeting with governors & SLT


Meeting times in school No additional cost

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Feb 20 assessment sheet – June 2020

5.3 Ensure all staff and governors have training and understand the implications of the new curriculum planned for 2021



All staff

Training and INSET

Staff meetings to cascade information

Learning walk to see ICT around school and listening to learners’ interviews,


Team review – April 2020

Impact assessment sheet – June 2020

Meetings in school time – staff covered in house

Team leaders to be trained on AoLE

Professional Learning Grant for courses - £5,000

Non-contact time to develop planning/view pioneer schools and good practice

£2,500 - PLG

5.4 To develop rich experiences that ignite pupils’ interests and passions to deepen learning in real life contexts.

School to think about the range of experiences already available to learners in each school community – conduct an audit to prepare for next stage of new curriculum change.

SLT Planning with pupils. Pupils feedback.


Impact assessment report following listening to learners and learning walk

Impact assessment report following listening to learners and learning walk

No cost??

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Sept 19 – Dec 19

Feb 2020 June 2020

5.5 To develop ICT tools such as use of google skype etc to aid staff and governors wo share information and learning opportunities effectively.

To give training on Office 365, Hwb and google

LC Establish collaborative folders for staff and governors -half-term 2019

Monitor use and feedback from staff and governors.

Training for all

Impact assessment report – June 2020

School support for categorization

Non-contact/training time

PLG - £500

School support for categorisation

5.6 To continue working with Arts Council for Wales in Round 3 School to school working to share good practice with Llanbister School.

LC Network day – training – Sept 19

INSET Nov 4th

Monitor impact in both schools

Case study/evaluation – Feb 20

Impact assessment report – June 2020

School to school work – Llanbister, Llanilar, Ysgol Plascrug

£8,000 for supply and practitioner time

How can the wider community of the school enrich the priority?

Pupil voice to link with governors

Pupil voice to share information/leaflet etc with parents and carers

Pupil voice to link with local council, organisations (Co-op, Spar)

Celebration days to share new curriculum development with parents and community

Policy Reviews

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2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022

Statutory Statutory Statutory

Annual policies –

Child Protection

Health and Safety

Pay Review Policy

Data Protection

Performance Management


Feedback Policy

Complaints policy

Curriculum Policy – Teams


Annual policies –

Child Protection

Health and Safety

Pay Review Policy

Data Protection

Performance Management


Feedback Policy

Complaints policy

Curriculum Policy – Teams


Annual policies –

Child Protection

Health and Safety

Pay Review Policy

Data Protection

Performance Management


Feedback Policy

Complaints policy

Curriculum Policy - Teams

Strategic Equality Plan and ALN

Non-statutory Non-statutory Non-statutory

Behaviour and discipline Visitors Staffing (Conduct & Capability)

More Able and Talented Toilet Grievance

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Soft Touch/Restraint ESDGC Disciplinary/ Suspension

Anti-Bullying Governor Expenses Inclement Weather

Privacy CCTV Sickness Absence management

Other Continuing Aspects to be Improved

(e.g., Eco Schools, Healthy Schools, buildings…)

Aspect Resources / personnel Target Date and Evaluation

Peace Mala Gold Award (ongoing throughout daily work)

Linda Crockett Award by September 2020

Creative Lead School to School Work (ongoing throughout daily work)

Linda Crockett

Llanbister School, Llanilar School, Ysgol Plascrug

(Jenny Dingle, Rosie McConnell)

November 2019 - May 2020

Priorities from SER

- Develop non-teaching staff appraisal procedure

- Provide more opportunities for competitive sports

- Provide opportunities for training and courses for parents and carers

See individual action plans July 2020

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Staff Development Plan

Priority Focus of Improvement Staff Resources, Cost Evaluation

P 1 Cymraeg Campus/Siarter Iaith Emma Evans

Liz Dingle


Supply - £200




Drawing and Talking

Creating independent learners

Sian Protheroe

Rebecca Unsworth

Course - £1200

Supply - £360

P3 Understanding Christianity

RE Coordinators meetings/ Church training

All staff

Linda Crockett

Non-contact - £400

Training by Diocese officer

P4 Differentiation David Lewis Courses - £1200

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Maximising pupils’ learning

Peer and self assessment to enhance learning

Creating independent learners

Sian Protheroe

Rebecca Unsworth

Supply - £600

P5 Creative Schools non-contact time – Developing pupil voice and outdoor leaning

Habits of Mind Inset

Linda Crockett

David Lewis

Megan Jones

Menna Davies

All Staff

Supply Cost - £3500 – Creative Schools

Jenny Dingle – Practitioner - £1000

P5 New Curriculum AoLE

- Expressive Arts - 2/10/2019- Maximising Learner Progress –

22/2/19- Peer and self assessment –

23/10/19- Creating independent Learners –

24/10/19- KS2 Donaldson – 25/10/19- Mathematics and numeracy –

12/11/19 – 2/10/19- LLC – 19/11/19- Health and well-being – 17/10/19

Linda Crockett

David Lewis

Sian Protheroe

Rebecca Unsworth

Menna Davies

Megan Jones

Supply - £2,000

Course Costs - £2,500

Non – contact for good practice visits

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- Science and technology – 21/11/19

- Developing Middle leadership skills – 6/11/19, 4/3/20, 10/6/20

Sports coaching

other Child Protection

and Fora

All staff

Angela Davies

Sian Protheroe

Linda Crockett

Supply - £140


Raising standards in Literacy

Raising standards in Numeracy

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Focus on minimising the effect of poverty on attainment

3-year plan

SDP approved by the Governing Body

Copy of SDP distributed to all staff and governors

Summary copy of SDP available through the school Governors Annual Report to parents

SDP monitored in each meeting of the full governing body

GB have reviewed and updated the SDP where appropriate

SC clear and quantifiable

Attention given to leadership development

Accountability noted clearer

Financial resources clearly recorded

Workforce development clearly noted

Development Needs of all staff clearly noted

Review of the previous SIP

REVIEW OF SDP 2018 – 2019

PRIORITY 1 - To further develop the pupils’ welsh oracy, reading and writing skills across the school by implementing the Siarter Iaith Campus Cymraeg and Siarter Iaith.

The school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during April 2019. The school has an active ‘Criw Cymraeg’ who have effectively raised the profile of the Welsh language throughout the school. The ‘Criw’ are proud of their role, they display positive attitudes towards the language and culture of Wales and they clearly understand the advantages of being able to speak Welsh. The ‘Criw’ meet regularly and implement

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Page 30:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

initiatives that promote the use of Welsh inside and outside the classroom and they take responsibility for distributing rewards. The ‘Criw’ have looked at the spider diagram created following the 2nd questionnaire completion by all key stage 2 pupils. They compared this to the initial spider diagram and were all extremely pleased with the progress they had made, as all targets showed significant improvement. Evidence shows that they are able to explain which targets needed the most improvement and how they were achieved. For example, pupils across the school have had the opportunity to use a number of Welsh apps and this has added to their enjoyment of the language. Members of the ‘Criw Cymraeg’ have also ensured that the relevant ‘Cymraeg Campus’ targets have been ticked off on the display board. The ‘Criw’ meet regularly and implement initiatives that promote the use of Welsh inside and outside the classroom and they take responsibility for distributing rewards. The Athrawes Fro has worked with the pupils of Years 3 and 4 in introducing them to subject specific vocabulary linked to their topic on Diasters. Evidence shows that nearly all pupils correctly labelled a diagram of a volcano using the vocabulary ‘llosgfynydd’ and ‘sianel magma.’ The majority of Year 2 pupils recognise the sounds from the yellow band of the ‘Tric a Chlic’ scheme. Many pupils read the story ‘Yn y Car’ successfully although a minority initially found the word ‘mae’ tricky. The Athrawes Fro has successfully introduced Welsh yard games to the pupils including ‘Goleuadau Traffig’, ‘Faint o’r gloch Mr.Blaidd?’ and Ble Very Good 3/6 mae’r bêl? As a result, most pupils are encouraged to play games regularly with other pupils in order to develop the use of Welsh outside the classroom and develop pupils’ oral skills. The school ensures that all enrichment activities develop pupils’ Welsh language skills as well as developing their understanding of Welsh culture. A school Eisteddfod is held annually where pupils sing Welsh songs and recite Welsh poems. The school celebrated ‘Dydd Santes Dwynwen’, ‘Dydd Gwyl Ddewi’, ‘Dydd Miwsig Cymru’ and ‘Diwrnod Shwmae’. They have organised a Welsh trip to Llangrannog and pupils from both streams had the opportunity to see a ‘Candelas’ gig. The school has also taken advantage of ‘Menter Iaith Brycheiniog’ services to support the pupils in developing their Welsh language skills and a Welsh Urdd club is held weekly. Nearly all staff contribute to a strong Welsh ethos by successfully implementing all the new initiatives and strategies throughout the school.


PRIORITY 2: To improve pupils’ skills and standards in Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 through pupil voice in Creative Schools

The school has reviewed its planning systems to ensure that all teachers now plan with pupils from the core purposes of the new curriculum in Wales. All teachers and pupils now produce an overview of all topics and themes, which includes the four purposes and the areas of learning and experience (AOLEs). Nearly all pupils have been involved in a Lead Creative Schools project entitled ‘Can child led enquiry lead to improved learning outcomes?’ The school have focused on developing three areas for development as part of this project – the development of staff to prepare them for the new curriculum, creative ways of teaching numeracy both inside and outside the classroom and the facilitation of pupil voice. During the project all staff have planned and recognised spontaneous learning outdoor hands-on learning opportunities. As a result, nearly all pupils have greater ownership of their learning which has led to higher levels of pupil engagement and improved learning outcomes. Pupil voice is crucial to the delivery of the curriculum in all classes. All teachers encourage and involve pupils in planning their own learning on a half termly basis. As a result, teachers are able to use the information from the pupils to inform the direction of learning with professional expertise. There are highly effective working relationships with all pupils and expectations are high. As a direct result of these pupil centred practices, nearly all pupils across the school work purposefully, independently and collaboratively. This in turn leads to nearly all pupils, consistently making informed choices about what and how they learn. Nearly all teachers ensure that forest school activities further develop pupils’ understanding of the new curriculum, through the coverage of all AOLEs. For example, teachers encourage pupils to develop as ambitious capable learners through designing and creating a ‘woodland workout’ to support pupils’ health and wellbeing.

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Priority 3: To develop pupils’ mathematical development skills by embedded numicon across the school and developing opportunities for numeracy across the curriculum.

The whole school staff have received numicon training and the school has invested finances in purchasing numicon books, guides and equipment to implement throughout the school. The school has continued to make pleasing progress in addressing this recommendation. Most pupils in the foundation phase are developing their measuring skills well for example in measuring heights of parts of the body. In key stage 2 most pupils are developing their data handling skills effectively as evidenced in the pupils' topic books where, for example, a line graph was used to record the effect of exercise on heart rates. Evidence from the work scrutiny in the foundation phase indicates that there is a developing range of good quality numeracy across the curriculum in all year groups. For example, most pupils use simple pictograms and bar charts accurately to record their favourite milkshakes and favourite fruits. During the May 2019, national tests many pupils in Years 2 and 3 drew Numicon shapes on their reasoning test papers to support them with calculating their answers. Internal monitoring reports also evidence that staff feel that most pupils are able to use numbers effectively and accurately to support them with understanding concepts. Numicon packs have been sent home to support learners in the Reception class. As a result, nearly all parents when questioned feel that the ‘Numicon home kits’ have supported their child’s understanding of number ideas well.


PRIORITY 4 - To develop pupils’ wellbeing through improving attendance, ALN provision, Autism Aware School award and further embed KiVa

The school has focused on weekly awards for classes to celebrate attendance. The headteacher works closely with the EWO to target persistent absenteeism. Monitoring shows that families that have been contacted by the Headteacher have improved attendance following the discussions about the importance of good attendance. The whole school attendance for 2018/2019 was 95.46%. Key Stage 2 children continue to have lessons on autism and KiVa. The KiVa survey results are due in September. As the BSL and well-being focus has been very broad and needs whole school focus the priority has many areas left to develop for staff and pupils.


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Page 32:   · Web viewThe school were awarded the Bronze Award of the Siarter Iaith in September 2018. The school are to be commended on receiving the Bronze Award of the Cymraeg Campus during

PRIORITY 5 - To develop new policies and teaching and learning focus in preparation for the New Curriculum in 2021.

The school has reviewed its Senior Leadership Structure and there are three Leaders responsible for the Areas of Learning Experiences. All teaching and teaching assistants are allocated a group focus for AoLEs. Policies have been rewritten to reflect the four core purposes and the AoLEs. The pupil voice in teaching and learning has developed extremely well over the year and is a strength of the school. Staff and pupils know the 4 core purposes well and plan using the 6 AoLE effectively. Governors have attended governor briefings and had whole governing body training on the new curriculum and new Inspection Arrangements from Estyn.


FPh  2020


 Current Year 2


Current Year 1

    Boys Girls Pupils   Boys Girls Pupils  

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ort Full Cohort

 15 11 26   21 12 33  

Number of FSM 

1  1 2   4 2 6  


O5+ O6+ O5+ O6+ O5+ O6+Targ



O6+  O5+ O6+ O5+ O6+ O5+ O6+






ber a





d LCE  

6 3 3 1 13 4 76.5%


8 2 7 2 16 1 80% 20%


4 0  1 3  8 3 88.9%


4 1 1 2  7 3 66.6%



9  5 5 4 23 9 85.2%


10 6 8  2 24 8 72.7%



 4 10   0 9 2 19 92.5%


 19 10 3 7 28 17 84.8%








Key Stage 2 Targets

KS2 2020 – Current Year 6 2021 – Current Year 5 2022 – Current Year 4

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Boys Girls Pupils Boys Girls Pupils Boys Girls Pupils

Cohort Full 12 14 26 11 13 24 13 19 32

Welsh Medium 2 5 7 4 5 9 2 6 8







Target L4+









Target L4+

Target L5+







Target L4+

Target L5+

Number achieving expected level

English 12 5 13 6 25 11 96.1% 42.3% 9 3 10 4 19 7 79.1% 29.2% 10 3 17 6 27 9 84.3% 28.1%

Welsh 2 0 5 1 7 1 100% 14.2% 3 2 4 2 7 4 77.7% 44.4% 1 0 6 1 7 1 87.5% 12.5%

Mathematics 13 6 12 6 25 11 96.1% 42.3% 10 4 10 2 20 6 83.3% 25.0% 10 4 17 6 27 10 84.3% 31.3%

Science 13 6 12 5 25 11 92.5% 42.3% 10 4 10 3 20 7 83.3% 29.1% 10 4 17 6 27 10 84.3% 31.3%

CSI 13 12 18 96.1% 9 10 19 79.1% 27 84.3%

Key Stage 2 targets – pupils in receipt of Free School Meals

CA2 2020 – Current Year 6 2021 – Current Year 5 2022 – Current Year 4

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FSM Non FSM pupils FSM Non

FSM pupils FSM Non FSM pupils


Full 5 21 26 7 17 24 5 27 32

Welsh Medium 2 5 7 FSM Non

FSM 2 7 6 FSM Non FSM 1 7 8 FSM Non



L5+ L4+L5

+ L4+ L5+Targ

et L4+








L5+ L4+L5

+ L4+ L5+Target L4+










L5+ L4+ L5+









Number achieving expected level

English 5 2 20 4 25 11 100 40 95.2 52.3 6 1 13 6 19 7 85.7 14.2 81.8 18.2 3 1 25 8 27 9 66.6 20 92.5 28.1

Welsh 2 0 5 1 100

14.2 100 0 100 20 2 0 5 4 7 4 100 0 85.

744.4 1 0 6 1 7 1 20 0 10


Mathematics 5 2 20 5 20 7 100 40 95.2 52.3 6 1 14 6 20 7 85.7 14.2 81.8 18.2 3 1 2

5 9 27 10 66.6 20 90 31.3

Science 5 2 20 5 20 7 100- 40 95.2 52.3 6 1 14 6 20 7 85.7 14.2 81.8 18.2 3 1 2

5 9 27 10 66.6 20 90 31.3

CSI 5 20 20 100 95.2 6 19 85.7 81.8 3 25 27 66.6 90

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