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Topic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet Moon Asteroid Meteoroids Comets ________________________________________________ Understanding the solar system Page 473 The solar system consists of what? Sun, planets, their moons, and other smaller stuff What are some features of our solar system? The sun is at the center Sun’s gravity keeps other objects in orbit There is gravitational force between objects Distances in the solar system Page 474 What is an astronomical Unit (au)? Distance from the center of the sun to the center of earth What is it used for? It is used to measure and describe the vast distances in the universe. Comparing the sun and planets Page 475 What is at the center of our solar system? The sun is at the center of the solar system.

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Page 1: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

Topic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484

Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit SunPlanetMoonAsteroidMeteoroidsComets________________________________________________

Understanding the solar system Page 473

The solar system consists of what? Sun, planets, their moons, and other smaller stuff

What are some features of our solar system? The sun is at the center Sun’s gravity keeps other objects in orbit There is gravitational force between objects

Distances in the solar system Page 474

What is an astronomical Unit (au)? Distance from the center of the sun to the center of earth

What is it used for? It is used to measure and describe the vast distances in the universe.

Comparing the sun and planets Page 475

What is at the center of our solar system? The sun is at the center of the solar system.

The sun accounts for _99.85______________ % of the entire mass of the solar system.

How much bigger is it than earth? 1 million times the volume of earth

What are the three things required for a planetCleared its orbit, rounded by gravity, orbits the sun

Page 2: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

Describe the inner planets. Small rocky planets Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus

Describe the outer planets Large made of gas and liquid, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,

Smaller solar system objects Page 476

How is a dwarf planet defined? Round, orbits the sun but has not cleared its orbit

What is another name for a natural satellite? Moon

What keeps the natural satellites in orbit around the planets?

Gravity What two planets are missing moons? Mercury and Venus

What is an Asteroid? Small rocky bodies lots are found between mars and jupiter

What is a meteoroid? Chunks of rock smaller than asteroids

What is a comet? Loose collection of dust and rock that have a long narrow orbit and develop a tail as they get close to the sun

Structures of the Sun Page 477

Describe the sun. Largest thing in solar system Made of gas¾ hydrogen

Draw a picture of the sun include the convection zone, radiative zone and the core

Page 3: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

What is happening in the core? Hydrogen is being converted to helium through nuclear fusion

Why is it called the radiative zone?

Energy leaves the core and travels through the radiative zone as radiation

Convective zone is what layer of the sun?

Page 4: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

Outermost zone the the sun's interior Granular appearance from the heating and cooling of the plasma

THE Sun’s Atmosphere Page 748

What is the inner layer of Sun’s atmosphere called ? Photosphere this is the layer that we see

Describe the chromosphere. Reddish glow sometimes seen during a total solar eclipse

What is the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere called? Corona it looks like a halo around the sun

Features of the Sun page 479

What are sunspots?

Dark areas on the sun’s surface Cooler

What is the sunspot cycle? 11.5 year cycle at its peak more solar storms are recorded on earth

What are prominences? Plasma loops often linking two sunspots

Page 5: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

What is a solar flare? Plasma eruptions released into space.

List our planets in order from the sun. (page 480-1)Mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune

Solar system Formation (page 482)

When did the solar system form? 4.6 billion years ago

What is the first step in the solar system formation? Force of gravity began to pull material together in a rotating disk as more material was pull in the denser it became pressured increase as a result the center grew hot eventually getting nuclear fusion.

ON page 483 Can you number the pictures in order?

3 4

1 2

How did the solar system form?

Left over gas and dust from a supernova collected together pressures in the center build and nuclear fusion started then the left over dust and rock collected together to form the planets._____________________________________________________________

Critical Questions

Page 6: emsearthscience.weebly.comemsearthscience.weebly.com/.../key_topic_10_lesson_1_.docx · Web viewTopic 10 Lesson 1 Pages 473-484 Vocabulary Solar system Astronomical Unit Sun Planet

How do the characteristics of the planets, moons,and smaller objects in solar system compare?

What is the role of gravity in the motions of the planets, moons, smaller objects in the solar system?

What are the relationships between the sun and planets in the solar system?