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The Link Alsager and Congleton United Reformed Churches

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The Link

Alsager and Congleton

United Reformed Churches


Linked through the love of Christ


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Dear Friends,

A very warm welcome to the first edition of the new joint magazine for Alsager and Congleton – as yet unnamed! We hope to have a title for the magazine for the next issue. There have been a few suggestions: ‘United Together,’ ‘The Link’ and ‘The Connection’. It is up to you to decide which of these titles you prefer and then vote for the one you would most like. See below for details.

Whatever name we decide on, I hope you will find much that is familiar and valued, and a little that is new and exciting.

One difference is that you will be able to see what is going on in each church at a glance. Please feel free to go along to any of the events or speak to the contact person if you wish to know more beforehand.

One thing you will not find is the Duty Rotas which will now be given to the people concerned and displayed on notice boards in each church.

There are of course the usual regular features such as the prayer page and the Minister’s letter, and as always I will be reliant on you to let me know what is happening and to share things that are of interest and amusement to you. It is your contributions that made the Messenger and Contact magazines what they were and will make this new Joint magazine what it will be.

The deadline for contributions for the next edition can be found on the last page together with the various ways you can submit articles, notices etc.

Please circle or underline your preferred choice of magazine title on the tear-off slip below, and hand it to Rev. Murray or one of the Elders by the end of June. The most popular title will grace the cover page of our next edition!

Would you like to be one of the first to receive each edition of the magazine, in glorious Technicolor and always know where you can lay your hands on it? If so and you have a computer you can opt to receive your magazine electronically.

Simply email your request to receive it electronically to me at [email protected] and I will ensure your magazine is sent to you in this way every time. If you wish to come off the list at any time just email me again and your name and contact details will be removed.

I look forward to hearing from you with your contributions, requests and votes. Best wishes

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My preferred Magazine title is:Simply circle or underline your preferred title, tear off the slip and hand it to the minister or an elder by the end of June

United Together The Link The Connection

Dear friends,

Talking to a friend with teenage children recently I was reminded that for many children and young people the exam season has started. Some have been doing their S.A.T.S, GCSEs or A levels, and some are doing exams that are part of their degree courses. It can be a difficult time of year, with many young people spending their time worrying about one exam recently completed, sitting one and contemplating the next; brains are stretched to the limit, as is patience, as exam stress can spread throughout families.

It can be important at such times to have something to look forward to, and many (parents included) I suspect are already beginning to think about their summer holidays. Now most of us will have decided, booked, paid for and planned this year’s holiday. However, if you are looking for somewhere a little different, you can book your space break. One company at least is advertising space flights from as little as $250,000. For budding astronauts or those who have always dreamt of traveling in space, this could apparently soon be a reality for some of the thousands who have already paid their $25,000 deposit.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure it’s for me. Although I love looking up at the sky at night, I have never felt the urge to go into space. I don’t like flying that much and I have a feeling my vertigo could be a bit of an issue. The thought of being cooped up

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in a space plane, travelling at unimaginably high speeds miles into the sky, just leaves me cold.

However, there are those who are willing to pay significant amounts of money to see the curvature of the earth at first hand, see the moon at closer quarters and experience weightlessness. Yet even those who see and experience these things will only be touching the surface of the vastness of outer space.

For space is quite literally mind-bogglingly vast. For example, our nearest galactic neighbour is a place called Andromeda. The light from there takes about two million years to reach us. That is an incredibly long time and distance – and that’s our nearest neighbour! There are also large dust clouds in space. One of the world’s largest telescopes, the Hubble telescope, has measured many of them and found that some would take a light year to travel through. That is a large amount of dust! Can you imagine that? I’m not sure I can; it is so big it is almost incomprehensible to me, and a short day-trip to the edges of space will not bring any of these things closer to us – they will still be concepts almost beyond our imagination.

When we stop and think about space and the vastness of it, one thing becomes all too clear, however. That is that we are very small. One might be tempted to say that we are almost insignificant. What are we in comparison to dust clouds measuring light years across, stars light years away, galaxies so far away they appear as a grain of dust even with the most powerful telescopes? Yet, according to our faith, we are uniquely formed by our Creator God, and we are uniquely loved by our gracious God.

Sometimes, like space, our Creator may appear to be awesome and overwhelming, untouchable and unknowable. But this same God revealed himself to us in human form, in Jesus Christ, and in him we experience a God who is not distant or remote but who is near, who knows us, who doesn’t see us as insignificant but loves each one of us as we are. Psalm 8 says, ‘When I look up at the heavens, the work of your fingers, at the moon and the stars you have set in place, what is frail mortal, that you should be mindful of him, a human being that you should notice him? Yet you have made

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him little less than a god, crowning his head with glory and honour.’

I may not be the first person in the queue to book my ticket for a trip into space, but that won’t stop me looking up into the sky and pondering the vastness of it all, and then remembering those wonderful words of the psalmist in Psalm 8.

Happy stargazing!


A poem/prayer to ponder

This is the beginning of a new day.God has given me this day,To use it as I will.I can waste it,Or use it for good.What I do today is important,Because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,Leaving something I have traded for it.I want it to be gain not loss,Good not evil,Success not failure,In order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it.


PRAYER PAGE:I begin by reproducing an article which came from my Bible Reading Notes a while ago. Its title: HOPE FOR WORRIERS! Everyone worries occasionally, but I was once one of those people you

might call a “professional worrier”. My daily preoccupation was mulling over my worries, one by one.Then one day I had to face an uncomfortable medical test, and I was frantic with fear. Finally I decided that during

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the test I would focus on the first five words of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd.”This exercise in meditation not only calmed me, but I gained several fresh insights. Later, as I slowly meditated through the entire Psalm, the Lord gave me more insights. Eventually I was able to share at conferences what the Lord had taught me. If you are a worrier, there’s hope for you too! Rick Warren, author of The Purpose – Driven Life, wrote: “when you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that’s called worry. When you think about God’s Word over and over in your mind, that’s meditation. If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate!”The more we meditate on God’s Word, the less we need to worry. In Psalm 23, David meditated on the Great Shepherd instead of worrying. Later, God chose him to be the shepherd of God’s people. God uses those who can honestly say, “The Lord is my shepherd.” (Joanie Yoder ODB)The French Philosopher, Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662), wrote: “all human unhappiness comes from not knowing how to stay quietly in a room.”So then a few tips to help you meditate instead of worrying:


1. Find a quiet place free from distraction.2. Sit with your limbs uncrossed and with a straight back, hands in your lap.3. Simply breathe at regular speed but breathe deeply and relax.4. Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene from the natural world.5. Take a simple phrase and repeat it continuously in time with your breathing.

FIVE MEDITATION PHRASES:1.Come and illumine my darkness.2. Be still and know that I am God.3. God be in my head and in my understanding.4. Come Holy Spirit and inflame my heart.5. Come Lord Jesus (Maranatha).Every blessingJohn

Stop! in the name of GodOn Wednesday 18th June 2014From 2.00-6.00pm at Alsager URC.A quiet afternoon giving an opportunity to spend some time with God in Church – maybe just for a few minutes, perhaps longer. Stay for as long or as little as you like but please just be quiet on entering and leaving. Quiet reflective music will be played and a sheet with devotional thoughts will be available.

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This replaces our usual monthly Meditative Prayer Group for June. (Next meeting is on July 16th from 7.30pm -8.30pm).

Further details from Jan (01270 879374) or John (01782 771288

Alsager Thursday Afternoon Fellowship

At the commencement of this report let me first of all thank Bob and Ria Harrison and Rev. Murray most sincerely for hosting the April meetings, while Lynne and I were ‘enjoying the rays’ in Tenerife.

We returned home in time to host the Fellowship’s 43rd Anniversary on May 8th when Ray Stafford MBE was our guest speaker. Ray has visited our Fellowship on several occasions and he worships at Haslington and Crewe URC. On visits to Leighton Hospital many of us have stopped in the main foyer to look and to purchase from the ‘Ray of Hope’ fundraising stalls and the amount raised from this amazing charity is in the hundreds of thousands, all for the neonatal unit. This is just one of the many initiatives which Ray has championed over the years, all running alongside his church work, council/mayoral offices, school governor and youth worker, in fact a very special voluntary worker.

Thirty five people attended the meeting and initially enjoyed hearing Kath Selbourne read a potted history of the TAF, followed by a jolly good sing during the devotional time before listening to Ray reciting a selection of new and familiar poems. Memories came flooding back of hours spent in the classroom years ago of learning poetry off by heart! Some of his choices of verse even had members saying the words along with him and occasionally laughing out loud at the humorous ones.

As usual our Anniversary offertory was for Christian Aid and as Ray waived his fee we added that to the total and were able to donate £75 to this worthy cause.

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Our programme of meetings is shortly coming to a close for the summer recess but there are still interesting events to enjoy as stated below.

June 12 Revd David Spence

June 26 Coach Trip Out (TBC)

July 10 Annual Garden Party


A simple prayer. That can be shared with someone or said quietly in heart and mind.

Dear God,May you meet me/…………….. at my/their point of needIn Jesus’ name. Amen

On the street where I lived… by Pat Averill

I have never actually lived on a street, but I have lived in a close, on a road and in an Avenue. The one that brings back happiest memories is a particular road in Alsager called Audley Road, which is situated on the south side of the railway station.

When I met my late husband Harry he was a grocer in a family business on Audley Road which dated back to the 1800’s and was once a Post Office. After our marriage he became owner of the shop that was particularly ‘olde worlde’ with two bay windows, separated by a door with a bell which alerted us to when someone entered. Harry also had a mobile shop and delivered to customers off the beaten track and one or two delivery boys also used the old shop bicycle with a large basket at the front. I even delivered on it myself but more often I was in the shop serving customers. I was always very shy but meeting people in the shop brought me out of my shell. The business was a thriving concern and we had a good standard of life. We had lots of lovely interesting customers and as in those days business people traded with other business people.

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Ours wasn’t the only business in Audley Road, it also had a butcher’s shop, Post Office, hairdresser, fish and chip shop, a garage, a blacksmith and a public house, known then as the Railway Inn. Of course we had a regular steam train service at the station which won prizes for the Best Kept Station and also had a newsagent’s kiosk on the platform. On the other side of the station crossing there was also Bands Ironmongers so you can see that part of Alsager was served by every business you required. Audley Road was an immaculate road with well-kept houses with hedges fronting neat gardens and at the back of our shop was a huge open field. Much has changed since our time there in 1957. The field is full of houses and bungalows and Audley Road is very often looking like a car park! I wish I’d taken a photograph of our shop in that year because on one Sunday we returned home to find a car had smashed the front of the shop windows, and following the repairs it never looked the same.

Harry and I ran the business until 1972 as supermarkets were being built and people had cars to shop elsewhere. We converted the shop into a house and I returned to nursing for another 23 years.

In 1982 I left Audley Road after 25 years where I’d made lots of friends and met some nice people on a road which was truly self-sufficient. In fact we even had a midwife living opposite our shop and of course we had a nurse –that was me!

Happy days!



Invites you to join them on a coach trip to a Peak Shopping Village in the beautiful countryside of Derbyshire


Coach only £9.00 (leaving Alsager at 9.30 a.m. and returning for about 4.30 p.m.)

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A wide variety of food is available to purchase from the restaurant on site

Contact Phillip and Lynne 01270 877861

Calling All Men!

I am exploring a suggestion that we should consider the possibility of starting a Men’s Meal once a month, a time when we could get together and enjoy some social time and some food and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. If you would be interested in this, or know someone who you think you would like to invite to such an activity, could you please complete the form below and return it to me. Please fill in your name and cross out the answers which are not applicable.


Men’s Meal Reply Slip

I (Name)………………………………………………would be interested in attending a men’s meal once a month

I would/would not like to bring friend/friends to the meal

I would like to know more (Yes/No)

I would prefer the meal to be on a:

Weekday lunchtime Weekday evening Saturday breakfast

We do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words

Romans 8:26

Queen Street United Reformed Church, Middlewich

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Celebrating Children’s Books

Saturday 14 June, 10 a.m. – 4p.m. Sunday 15 June 12 noon- 4 p.m. Refreshments will be on sale: drinks 50p, cakes 50p, snacks £1.00

On Arranging Flowers

Someone else planted these flowers, Lord.Someone else grew them, gave them the attention they needed.

I have done nothing,but take them and place them here.That is my response to their beauty:

the beauty you have bestowed on them.That is my worship of you who created them.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, who has made flowers to grow from the earth.

Lord of the world, you have lavished such splendour on such transient things,

how great must bethe splendour of the things which stand for ever.

A big thank you

East Cheshire Hospice thanks everyone for their kind donations in lieu of funeral flowers, wedding, anniversary or birthday presents. Over 80% of Hospice funding comes from voluntary donations including legacies. These gifts help to provide high quality, compassionate care free of charge to so many local people.

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Church meeting notes

Here are some notes from the last Alsager Church Meeting from the 7th May and the Congleton Church AGM which was held during their morning service on Palm Sunday.The Alsager Treasurer’s report is also included.As each meeting is also an act of worship, every Church or Elders Meeting at Alsager and Congleton begins with devotional time. One of the priorities of each church is sharing news (good or challenging, sad and difficult) of members of the respective church families, and our concerns, joys, thanks and petitions are then given to God in prayer. At the end of each meeting those present bless each other as they share The Grace.

Alsager Church Meeting 7th May 2014

Communion - Gluten free breadWe decided that we should use this at Communion services

along with non-alcoholic wine, so that as many people as possible could partake as fully as they wish to.

Fabric MattersQuotes are awaited for repairs to the ladies cloakroom.

Repairs were in hand to the floor board in the church porch. Children had again been discovered on the roof. It is hoped that with the new Fire Station being undertaken that this problem will be dealt with during its construction.

Finance MattersThe latest Alsager financial report is included after this

summary for your interest and information

CorrespondenceWe heard that our New Mersey Synod Moderator has been

appointed. She is Rev. Jacky Embrey and will take up her position on September 1st. The Revd John Proctor has been nominated to be the URC’s next General Secretary. His appointment will be confirmed (hopefully) at General Assembly in July. (Please pray for Jacky and John and their families together with our outgoing General Secretary Rev. Roberta Rominger and Synod Moderator Rev. Howard Sharp and their families at this time of change)

Wider Church

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Churches Together in Alsager are hoping to begin a` Schools Initiative’ working on a regular basis in our local schools. Pete Howard is leading a training day on 9th June for anyone wishing to be part of this initiative. (NB: This is great news and a number of folk from the church have already indicated that they would like to be involved - if you would like to get involved as well please speak to Murray)

Good Grief ExhibitionThere was positive feedback about this from the meeting. It

was felt that there were good links to the Lent course. The presence of Jean Parker added an excellent dimension as did Howard Sharp’s reflections. The poets liked the church and stated it could be a suitable venue for them. There has been a request from the U3A orchestra member for holding crosses & links with the Chaplain from St. Luke’s Hospice.

Considering the FutureRevd. Murray presented to the meeting a letter he received

from a member reflecting concern for the future viability of the church. This generated discussion within the meeting as to the future of Alsager URC. Therefore a special service/meeting will take place on Pentecost Sunday June 8th. This will be a café type service where these issues will be discussed with our wider congregation. Please come along and share your ideas!

Any Other BusinessCongleton URC has purchased a colour photocopier. They

have therefore a black & white copier for sale which after some discussion it was agreed that Alsager URC should purchase.

Date of the next Church Meetings8th June Open Meeting of the Church Family9th July Church Meeting

Alsager URC Treasurer’s Report for the June magazine

Monthly Offertory March £1640, April £1526,

We wish to record thanks to the members of the Card Making Group, and to all who are supporting it by purchasing greetings cards. A further £100 has been contributed to Church funds from the sale of cards in this period.

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As the Good Grief Bald Statements exhibition and events have ended we can now advise that the Church and the other two nominated charities will each receive £180. This money was raised from the sale of tickets plus donations, and profits on the sale of related material.

As we are writing this note we are also counting the money collected for Christian Aid through the street collection in Alsager. This year our Church was only able to field two collecting teams, perhaps another indication of the average age of our membership. Thanks are due to the Thursday Fellowship which has also made a donation to the Alsager Christian Aid collection. Wilson and I were joined by friends from the Rotary Club of Alsager on a dull and wet morning for a sponsored walk around Tittesworth Reservoir on 5th April. With your kind donations I was able to raise over £200 in sponsorship money.

A special donation of £200 has been made to the URC Retired Ministers’ Housing Association. It is this association which ensures that retired ministers who spent their lives in the service of the Church have a home where they can live out their retirement comfortably and not find themselves on the Housing List as once they might have. The Association is always grateful to receive donations and offers of bequests to support this good cause.


And now some notes from the Congleton AGM

As this was the Church Annual General Meeting the Church Secretary reported on ‘The past year’ and Annual reports were given by representatives of our various organisations. These were accepted with thanks.

Finance. The treasurer went through the financial statements for year ending 31st December, 2013. These were accepted with thanks and a copy can be found in the Minutes book.

FeesSmall increases in the fees we charge for Weddings, Funerals etc. and those we pay to Lay Preachers and visiting Ministers were agreed and come into effect from the 1st May, 2014.

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Budgets. The meeting agreed that different groups within the church be allocated budgets and that a designated member of the group be responsible to keep a record of receipts and monies spent.

InternetThe meeting agreed to purchase a new Laptop, projector and software package for the approximate cost of £998. 98p for use in worship and by groups such as Junior Church and The God Squad.

Election of Officials for 2014. These were circulated and the members were asked to inform the Secretary of any changes from last year.

Election of Elders. Standing for re-election were Margaret Bourner, Muriel Fraser, Barbara Farrington, Nigel Browne and Pauline McKeown Standing to election as an elder for the first time was Adrian Browne who is to be ordained and inducted in July, 2014. All were elected.

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 24th June, 2014 at 7.15pm in the Foyer. Please come along and get involved if you can!

Conscientious Responses

I began this article the day I heard BBC’s ‘Sunday Church News’ slot highlight ‘International Conscientious Objectors Day’. They went on to describe how difficult it was for those whose conscience would not allow them to go to war during 1914-18. They were called weaklings, even traitors, were shunned, threatened, person and property injured and many sent to prison. However it became clear that they showed great courage, took on demanding responsibilities, served on the front carrying wounded soldiers, served in the Friend’s Ambulance Unit, worked on the land and helped needy families, undertaking a variety of services wherever they were needed. Indeed they were very aware of the distress and hardship which the war was causing back home.

One person mentioned was a Harold Bing who went to a conscience objectors (CO) tribunal but was not yet 18 and was

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refused. The officer said, “You’re too young to have a conscience” – but not too young to go to war! He was arrested, sentenced to 6 months hard labour, sent to France and spent 3 years in prison. While there he helped a warden’s daughter with her school work. With other prisoners he produced a Prisoners newspaper – written on toilet paper and widely circulated. He taught himself French and German. When teachers were urgently required a notice read “No C.O.’s need apply”. Eventually he was accepted by a sympathetic headmaster. In 1916 the govern- ment accepted the rights of C. O.s but they had to ‘prove’ that their conscience would not allow them to kill. It did not remove the stigma that was felt or the overt way they were targeted as unpatriotic or frauds. In Richmond Castle Prison in Yorkshire you can still see the scrawled messages on the cell walls written by CO.s who expected to be executed. More than 80 CO’s died in prison as a result of their experience there. A CO memorial plaque can be found in Tavistock Square, London. From the CO manifesto, “we believe in the value and sacredness of human personality and are prepared to sacrifice as much in the way of the world’s peace as our fellows are sacrificing in the cause of the nation’s war”.

But are there not modern ‘conscientious objectors’ who stand up to the realities of present day threats to people’s lives and livelihoods? An Ethiopian friend’s family lived in Gambela region, close to the Sudan border. He said they had never been hungry; the soil was very productive. Sadly they and the entire population have been moved off it. Reason: An Indian Agro Company have taken a 50-year lease on an area the size of Dorset and it’s CEO was filmed by a Guardian newspaper team and quoted him saying “This land is 5 times more fertile than anything we have in India.” They have masses of huge machinery ready to produce food that will be shipped directly to India. Our JPIC asked our MP (who is on an Aid Committee & visited the Ethiopian government) why our Aid money had never been spent on developing agriculture and infrastructure in this region - millions who starved could have been fed by their own. We even supplied photos of Indians with their equipment in Gambela. Perhaps the sad part is that not enough of us are ‘Objectors’ because not enough of us are aware of the true situations which we would like to have changed. But it is not too

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late to recognize other ‘conscientious objectors’ – many work through well respected NGO’s to highlight what our conscience might want to respond to. To list a few: The World Development’s (WDM) “Who Controls the Seed System” Campaign. Several NGO’s are making us aware in their Campaigns to highlight the truth about replacing TRIDENT – its complete ineffectiveness in present conflict; its crippling expense, wasted tax payers’ money that could fund schools, hospitals & health care. Many others are objecting to issues involved in Climate Change, including the recent IF Campaign by a consortium of NGO’s. The list is not exhausted but stops to ask ‘what better way to counter the media’s unrelenting bad news?’ Campaigns are Good News! What issues make you a Conscience Objector? - Bernice Halson for JPIC

Alsager Coffee and Chat

The Coffee and Chat on June 7th is combined with our Summer Fair so come and enjoy all the fun refreshments and stalls as well as the

wonderful company and relaxed atmosphere!

In July it is back to normal but there will still be great company and service, wonderful refreshments and a charity stall so come

and enjoy!

Your hosts will be

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June 7th Lynne Eardley and Jacquie McCollough

July 5th Tom and Janet Beamon

August 2nd Audrey Dawber and Marie Riley

Alsager PRE- TEENS

I have always said how lucky we are each week to have such a wonderful group of youngsters attending the Preteens, and we truly are! Though while I sit to write this article, my mind is still buzzing with the noise, clatter, laughter, etc. of last evening. 34 attended – some new faces – new families – new names to remember, (which will be a struggle) but all wanting to be part of our club.At our church Annual Summer Fair on 7 th June. The club members have been set a challenge by Mrs Audrey Dawber. She has arranged 3 categories for a BAKING COMPETITION – according to their ages. They need to produce, 6 Crispy Cakes or 6 Fairy Cakes or 6 Fruit Scones, and they must be exactly as their age range requires. The entries will arrive on Friday evening 6th and their entry slip will be put under their plate of cakes, so that it is really judged fairly. The winners will all receive a prize and the results will be announced at the summer fair sometime between 10 am and 12 noon. The children will also be running stalls along with an adult, so it should be great fun.I say again we are very blessed with our children, but also with our adult helpers! Without these stalwarts the club could not continue and so Carolynne, Faye, Gill, Mary, Murray, Gordon and Louise, Philip and I plus all the children say a huge thank you for everything that you do. God bless you all, Lynne.

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Come and be fed

atAlsager Worship and Buffet Lunch On the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 12 noon

The worship lasts about 35 minutes and is followed by lunch at approx. 12.40pm

June 17th and July 15th

“Let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12: 1-3

Alsager Messy Church

Easter Sunday Messy Church began with an Easter Egg Hunt which was enjoyed by everyone, followed by a family service and powerful songs of praise at this wondrous time.During our Pre-teens devotional time a few weeks ago, I asked the children two questions, “What does Jesus do for you?” and “What do you do for Jesus?” After several answers being shouted out, I asked them to write them down and then invited them to the Sunday morning Worship being led by the Worship team. Some of them came along and were thrilled to see “Pre-teens” printed on the order of service. It all went very well indeed.

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Over the next two sessions of Messy Church we shall be looking at the correct way to go in life and enjoying craft sessions to illustrate this. With love, Lynne

Congleton URC Library

Over the past few months Anna Spencer has sent time refreshing the Congleton URC library which you can find at the back of the worship area. Much sorting and organising has gone on alongside some pruning.There are quite a few books new to the library that have been donated to us and are now on display, all available to be read.Thanks to everyone who has donated items and a big thank you to Anna for taking this job on and quietly developing this resource for all.Go on- have look, borrow something and if you like it why not write a review of it for the magazine! You may encourage someone else to pick it up when you have finished it.

A chance to chat with the Minister

If you would like to have a chat with me at any time for any reason, you can of course catch me when you see me or ring me at any time; my door is always open. However, I am also going to be at Congleton on the 2nd Tuesday morning of the month and at Alsager on the 3rd Tuesday morning from 9.30 until 11.30. If you fancy a cup of tea or coffee and a chat and you have the time please drop by; I will be delighted to see you. Murray

Congleton: June 10th, July 8th 09.30 - 11.30

Alsager: June 17th, July 15th 09.30 – 11.30

An appeal for help and a letter of thanks…

Congleton Rainbows need your help

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Can you help to find a new leader for the Rainbow Guides, who meet at URC, Congleton? Louise Graham has ably led the unit for four years, but is having to finish as she starts an intense teacher training course in September. The girls are aged 5-7 years and they meet once a week during term time. They follow a programme called Look, Learn, Laugh, Love and do all sorts of activities, including craft, singing, and games. There is training for the role and help is available on a weekly basis.Could you publicise this opportunity to work with the Rainbows? Leaders enjoy themselves as much as the girls and volunteering with guiding looks great on a CV. The unit has been in existence for over 25 years and it would be a shame if it should close. For further information please contact Pauline McKeown, 01260 275947, [email protected]

Following the Christian Aid Concert at St Mary’s Alsager, Bernard Moss writes…

Dear Friends,

I am writing to thank you all for your support for the Christian Aid concert with Jonathan Veira on May 10th.We have had a hugely appreciative email from Jonathan and his wife Susan. They loved the venue and the welcome they received from everyone present, and Jonathan was genuinely surprised and moved by the spontaneous standing ovation he received at the end … his closing song How great thou art somehow summed up a brilliant evening. One person said it was the best £15 she had ever spent, with others suggesting that it was the best concert ever at St Mary’s.

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We have been able as a result to send a cheque for £400 to the Alsager Christian Aid fund.With every blessing  Bernard MossA reflective prayer and meditation from a service at Alsager taken by Graham Harrison.

It was the usual customIt was the usual custom – nothing special, nothing fancy.

Two young pigeons, the minimum requirement, they weren’t rich.A baby to be dedicated – the formalities at the Temple.Get the baby done, and we’ll be on our way.But God made it special.

It was the usual custom – nothing special, nothing fancy.

Bar-mitzvah boy, a trip to Jerusalem.The age of Adulthood- some prayers and a family celebration.Move past another milestone and get on with our lives.But God made it special.

It was the usual custom – nothing special, nothing fancy.

Cousin John with his wild shaggy beard,dunking the crowds – they queued for miles - into the water.Join the new movement - the latest hot preacher.But God made it special.

It was the usual custom – nothing special, nothing fancy.

A wedding in the village.A family occasion -laughter and singing – far too much drinking – the wine has run out, what a disaster!But God made it special.

It was the usual custom – nothing special, nothing fancy.

A Roman Crucifixion – whip and nails,taunting crowds,

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left hanging to die.But God made it special.

Lord – such ordinary things, a dedication, a coming of age, a baptism, a wedding, a death – but you filled each one with hope and promise.So in the ordinary things of our lives – may we see you,And in seeing you – may the ordinary things in our lives become heavenly encounters,Special moments, not to be missed. Amen

“Ours to Share”

Congleton Bible Weekend 20 th , 21st and 22 nd June 2014

Guest Speaker Rev. Paul Wilson.

Friday 20 th June 7-30pm St Stephen’s Church

“Anointed Ambassadors”(Acts 2:1-41)

Saturday 21 st June 9 am – 11 am Breakfast meeting at the

United Reformed Church“Why me?”

(Responding to Jesus after bereavement at the age of 7, Paul Wilson shares his story of discovering the Father’s heart for all people).

We need to know whether you are coming to this particular event by June 19 th so we can organise the catering so could you please contact

Rev. M. George 01260 273873 or Rev. K. F. Jarvis 01260 289373 by that date at the latest

4-00 pm – 5-30pm Open session and fellowship atWellspring Methodist Church“Compassionate Community”

(Acts 2:42-47)

7-30 pm Worship and praise followed by speaker atPentecostal Church“Marginal Ministry”

(Acts 8:26-40).

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Sunday 22 nd June 6-30 pm Trinity Methodist Church

“Congleton’s Commission”(Matthew 28:16-20)

Alsager Thursday Afternoon Fellowship....

With Philip and Lynn away for a short break, resting and relaxing on the warm sunny sands of the Spanish coast we found ourselves a little bereft of their leadership, fellowship and entertainment, but we know they deserve a good break away from their very busy schedule and hope that they have come back renewed and invigorated for the next few weeks at least!

It’s at times like this that we realise what an enormous help both Gwyn and Denis are to the Thursday Fellowship group and .. what would we do without them.. wonderful music to refresh the soul and endless cups of tea to quench the thirst, thank you both for all that you do for us.

Our speakers in April were Bob and Ria Harrison who shared a little of their life in South Africa and some of their “walks on the wild side” with the cheetahs, elephants and Rhino’s to name but a few.

We then had Rev Murray George regale us with snippets of his life, work and ministry. One of the topics was “The woman, the boxer and the cliff”... good laugh indeed.

Mr Ray Stafford enthralled us with verse and poem, some well known to us all, Wordsworth’s Daffodils.. some funny.. some poignant.. some that brought back memories of our school days.. some that made us think. A wonderful afternoon enjoyed by us all whilst we celebrated our anniversary with lovely tea and cakes.

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We were really pleased to see some new faces and a very warm welcome to you all. We also remember, in our prayers, all who have been ill, in hospital and away on holiday.

Our programme for the next while include, amongst others, a visit from ‘Simon the Clown’ and ending the season with a Garden Party Afternoon Tea on 10th July. Please feel free to come and join us we do have a good laugh, wonderful worship and teaching and a good time to catch up with each other and a great cup of tea.


I know this may seem a little premature but as part of our celebration of Christmas, Congleton URC is planning a Community Nativity Scene Celebration. We are holding an exhibition of nativity scenes from Friday 28th November to Monday 1st December 2014. Do you have your own favourite nativity scene or would you like to make create one for display in the church during this part of the Advent season? As part of our seasonal outreach to the local community, we will also be inviting local primary and secondary schools if they would like to make and contribute scenes.

The scenes may be traditional or modern, and made of any media; drawings, paintings and three-D models are all acceptable, as are poems and descriptive written pieces, explaining why the scene is important to its owner or maker, to mount alongside the nativity scenes. We will find a place for every scene that you can give us. Size is no object; our exhibits will range from a nativity scene carved in a walnut shell to a live tableau in the church grounds, hopefully including a real donkey! We are hoping to include a range of scenes that originate in different parts of the world.

The nativity scenes may be left at the church during the evening of Thursday 27th November or between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00p.m. on Friday 28th November. The exhibition will opened by the Town Mayor. We will be asking contributors to collect their nativity scenes on Monday 1st December.

If you would like to make or already have a nativity scene you would like to be part of the exhibition or if you have any other questions please contact

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Marion McGuinness Telephone: 01260 281314 email: [email protected] orRev. Murray George Telephone: 01260 273873 email: [email protected]


Alsager and Congleton Worship information

Date Time Place Details Leader


1st 10.30 Alsager Worship with HCRev. Bill Far-


on All age WorshipRev. Murray

George4.00 pm

Mid-dlewich SC Group Celebration

Rev. Howard Sharp

6.30 pm


Ecumenical worship/Trinity

8th 10.30 AlsagerPentecost/Family Wor-

shipRev. Murray



on Family Worship Worship Group6.30 pm


Ecumenical Worship with HC

Rev. Murray George

15th 10.30 Alsager

Trinity Sunday/Father’s DayMessy Church

Rev. Bob Parker


on Worship with HCRev. Murray

George6.30 pm Alsager

Ecumenical Worship with HC

Rev. Murray George

6.30 pm


Ecumenical worship/Wellspring


Mid-day Alsager

Midweek service & Lunch

Rev. Murray George

22nd 10.30 Alsager Family Worship

Rev. Murray George


on Family Worship6.30 Conglet Churches Together/ Paul Wilson

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pm on Trinity29th 10.30 Alsager Family Worship

Mrs Carol Booth


on Family WorshipMrs Margaret


6.30 pm

Congleton Evening Worship

Rev. Murray George


6th 10.30 Alsager Worship with HCRev. John Keel-


on All age WorshipMrs Carol

Booth6.30 pm

Congleton Evening Worship

13th 10.30 Alsager Family Worship Mr Ian white


on Worship with HCRev. Murray

George6.30 pm

Congleton Evening Worship


Mid-day Alsager

Midweek service & Lunch

Rev. Murray George

20th 10.30 Alsager Messy Church

Miss Val Atkin-son


onAll age Worship &

ChristeningRev. Murray

George6.30 pm Alsager

Ecumenical Service with HC

Rev. Murray George

6.30 pm

Congleton Evening Worship

27th 10.30 Alsager Family Worship

Rev. Murray George


on Family WorshipRev. Bob Parker

6.30 pm

Congleton Evening Worship


3rd 10.30 Alsager Worship with HC

Rev. Murray George


on All age Worship6.30 Conglet Evening Worship

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pm on

Alsager Sunday Duty Rotas

These no longer appear in the Magazine but can be found on the board in the Hall and in the Kitchen. Please check the rota to check when your duty is.As usual if you are unable to fulfil your commitment please contact others on the list to change dates etc. Thank You Murray

Regular Weekly Activities

Day Time Place Activity Contact

Monday 5.15 pm


1st Congleton Rainbows

Pauline McK-eown 01260

2759476.15 pm


4th Congleton Brownies

Pauline McK-eown 01260

2759472nd Mon

2.00 pm Alsager Photographic


3rd Mon 7-9 pm Alsager Card Making


Tuesday10 am- mid-day

Congleton Café in foyer Jean Cook

01260 276513

1.30 Congleto Keep fit for Pauline McK-

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pm n the not-so-fit

eown 01260 275947

7.30 pm


Bible Explor-ation

Marion McGuinness

01260 2813142nd Tues

Mid-day Alsager

Lunchtime service and Buffet meal


10.00 am


Mums and Tots

Christine Astil 01260 273027

2.00 pm

Congleton Bible Study Carol Booth

01260 2725802nd &

4th Wednes-


2.00 pm Alsager Bible Explor-


3rd Wednes-

day7.30 pm Alsager Meditative



8.00 am


Morning Prayer

Ruth Hughes 01260 272606


Congleton Chat & Make Lisa Spencer

01260 2751712nd &

4th Thursda


2.30 pm Alsager Afternoon

FellowshipPhilip &

Lynne Eardley 01270 877861

Thursdays in term time

6-7 pm Alsager Pre-Teens Philip &

Lynne Eardley 01270 877861

Day Time Place Activity Contact

7.30 pm

Congleton Bible Study Bob Booth

01260 2737723rd

Thurs in June

2.30 pm Alsager Alsager

Court service

Day Time Place Activity Contact

Friday 10.00 am

Congleton Café Jean Cook

01260 276513

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1st Sat-urday

10am -12 Alsager Coffee and


urday10am -12

Congleton Café

Jean Cook 01260 276513


10. am


Music Prac-tice

Jean Cook 01260 276513

God’s constant presence Ever present God,I pray to you in the busy hours of the day, and in the quiet hours of the night.I thank you for sustaining my family and me; every evening I praise you for keeping us alive and healthy for another day. When I walk through the fields or the streets, I know you walk with me. When I lie down to sleep in my bed, I know you lie beside me. When I sit to eat my meals in the morning, at mid-day and in the evening, I know it is you who have provided the food.You are constantly present, and I am constantly aware of your presence.I praise you and pray to you every day of my life.Constant presence, faithful friend. Amen.

Dates For the Diary

Date Time Place Details


1st4.00 pm

Middlewich URC SC Group Celebration family event

2nd7.15 pm Congleton Elders Meeting (vestry)

3rd7.30 pm Alsager Worship Group Meeting

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n Alsager Church Summer Fair


am AlsagerInto the future with God' special

Church family service

9th7.15 pm Congleton Social Group Meeting (venue TBC)


7.30 pm Alsager Elders Meeting

18th 2-6 pm Alsager Stop in the name of God'

18th Congleton

Trip to the National Memorial Arbor-etum

20th Congleton

Bible weekend event (see detailed info )

21st Congleton

Bible weekend events (see detailed info)

22nd Congleton

Bible weekend event (see detailed info)


7.30 pm Congleton Church Meeting


9am-1pm Alsager SCG Fresh Expressions event


1st7.30 pm Congleton Property Group (vestry)

7th7.15 pm Congleton Elders meeting (vestry)

9th7.30 pm Alsager Church Meeting


6.15 pm

Chester Rd URC Summer Synod



Astbury Mere Church BBQ



Cross Lane UC Summer Synod

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The deadline forthe next Magazine:

July 13thThe next issue will coverAugust & September

E-mailKaren George at:

[email protected]

Or ring on:01260 273873

AlsagerPlease give paper

information to Murray George or leave in the

folder in the vestry

CongletonPlease give paper

information to Murray George, Barbara Farrington

or any Elder


Place item inthe labelled folder on the bookcase at the back of

churchAlsager URC

Congleton URCTelephone: 01260 274969

Email: [email protected]


Rev. Murray George01260 273873

[email protected] the Moorings

Congleton CW12 3RF

Alsager EldersCorrespondence SecretaryChristine Roache 01270


Gordon Stockton 01270 878421

Chris Keeling 01782 771288

David Keeling 01562 747377

Philip Eardley 01270 877861

Congleton EldersSecretary

Barbara Farrington 01260 273901

Bob Booth  01260 273772

Carol Booth 01260 272580

Margaret Bourner  01260 281045

Alan Bowers 01477 533467

Adrian Browne 01260 270628

Nigel Browne  01260 279974

Muriel Fraser 01260