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Acknowledgements First of all, we would like to thank our respectable lecturer, Miss Visita Bongot for her support, guidance and being helpful to us during our research. Without her, we could not complete the research writing accordingly. In this opportunity, we also want to thank our respondents for being sporting and give full cooperation during the research. We are highly appreciating all their willingness to answer our questionnaire honestly. With their help, we have success to complete the task given to us. Last but not least, to all our classmates, thanks for giving you hands to help us in doing this research.

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Page 1: file · Web viewAcknowledgements. First of all, we would like to thank our respectable lecturer, Miss Visita Bongot for her support, guidance and being helpful to us

AcknowledgementsFirst of all, we would like to thank our respectable lecturer, Miss Visita Bongot for her

support, guidance and being helpful to us during our research. Without her, we could not

complete the research writing accordingly.

In this opportunity, we also want to thank our respondents for being sporting and give

full cooperation during the research. We are highly appreciating all their willingness to

answer our questionnaire honestly. With their help, we have success to complete the task

given to us.

Last but not least, to all our classmates, thanks for giving you hands to help us in

doing this research.

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Table of contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Background of Study 1

1.2: Statement of Problems …………………………………………………………………….........1

1.3: Objectives …………………………………………………………………….…………………..2

Chapter2: Literature Review

2.1 The Cause of Stress ………………………….………………………………..………..……….3

2.2 The Effects of Stress on the Academic Performance ………………….....………………….4

2.3 Effects of Stress on Student Behaviours and Social Relationship ………………...……….5

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1: Research Sample ………………………………………………………………………………..7

3.2: Research Instrument …………………………………………………………...……………….7

3.3: Research Procedure …………………………………………………………………………….7

Chapter 4: Findings

4.1 Students’ Average Family’s Salary per Month …………….…………………………….……9

4.2 Things Students Spend Their Money The Most ….………………………………..…………10

4.3 Family Problem among Students ……………………………………..……………………….11

4.4 Students Nagging Over The Assignments Given ……………………..……………………..12

4.5 Students Percentage Of Finishing Tutorial By Copying Others …………..………...……...13

4.6 Students Manage To Concentrate Well During Lecture and Class …….………………….14

4.7 Students’ Ability to Recall Back the Topic Learnt ………………………………..…………..15

4.8 Students Consuming Alcohol and Cigarette to Soothe Themselves ……..……………….16

4.9 The Students Feel Of Hopeless, Exhausted, And Feeling Down.………………………….17

4.10 Students Have No Interest Anymore In Hobbies and Friends……………………...……..18

4.11 Students Get Irritated or Angry Easily ……….………………………………………………19

4.12 Students Isolating Themselves …………..………………………………...…………………20

Page 3: file · Web viewAcknowledgements. First of all, we would like to thank our respectable lecturer, Miss Visita Bongot for her support, guidance and being helpful to us

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1: Summary of Findings …………………………………………………………………………...21

5.2: Limitations of Research ………………………………………………………………………...21

5.3: Recommendations for Future Research ……………………………………………………...22



Page 4: file · Web viewAcknowledgements. First of all, we would like to thank our respectable lecturer, Miss Visita Bongot for her support, guidance and being helpful to us

Chapter 1


1.1 Background of study

Struggling is one of the ways to survive in a stressful and competitive world. ‘Stress’ as defined by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Third Edition with New Words Supplement (2001) is a “continuous feelings of worry about your work of personal life that prevent you from relaxing”. Helter skelter condition of an environment seems to be the factor of tension and stress that leads into unhealthy effects, deeds and consequences. For students, learning and struggling bring a head-scratching manner, adrenaline rush and the famous of them all is “stress” feelings.

1.2 Problem Statement

Stress among students is a serious problem as it results in the student’s change of behaviour. In Labuan Matriculation College (LMC) itself, the students do feel stress and it is a good thing that some ace students seek for the help from the professionals such as the counsellor and lecturer. Meanwhile, on the other side some students refuse to see the counsellor as they said they can handle stress on their own. Students who can handle stress are a great student as this shows that they are mature and sensible but what if they are unable to? The pressure experienced by the students will lead to their disturbance behaviours. Vandalism is one of the examples and is most obvious. Whenever they are tension they will find anything to kick or to write on. Some of the lockers, walls and toilet’s door in the boys’ dormitory for instance are full with harsh and ruthless sayings. The fire extinguisher is also be made a ‘toy’ to play with.

Other than that, stress students tend to skip their classes, be it lecture or tutorial or even laboratory practice. These students skip classes on purpose because of the reason that they would not be able to concentrate and digest anymore knowledge. And the result is devastating. The students will get unsatisfactory grades in the examination.

Stress among LMC students also bring about mental problems such as depression and hypertension. These problems could be severe if let astray. Students with this problem will likely to isolate themselves because of the difficulties in making friends. Some students eat a lot when they are stress while other loss their appetite.

Overspend of money is another effect of stress among students. To release tension, students will go out to town on weekends as to relax their mind by doing shopping on unnecessary things. This will later lead to financial problem and is usually experienced by girls.

1.3 Stress among students in Labuan Matriculation College (LMC)

a) To investigate the cause of stress among LMC students.b) To find out the effects of stress on the academic performance among LMC students.c) To investigate the effects of stress on the behaviours and social relationship among

LMC students.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 The cause of stress

Financial problem is one of the reasons that lead to stress. According to Scott, E. (2007) in her article “Money stress: Making smart money choices for less stress and more happiness”,

“While more money brings a momentary thrill and a few new things, people generally adjust their lifestyle in ways that do not increase the overall happiness level or decrease stress. A better goal would be to be smarter with the money you have; buy fewer thing that you do not need, get out of debt (if you’re in it) and spend your money on things that will truly make you happy and lower your stress level, include future”.

Those students who have financial problems either because they overspend it or they come from a poor family would feel stress. Students, who love to spend their money on unnecessary thing, for example, would feel the pressure when they need the money the most. This will lead to debt.

Other than that, regular old academic also lead to stress. According to Scott, E (2009) in her article “Stress in college: Common causes of stress in college”,

“Not surprisingly, the workload of college is significantly more involved than the high school workload, and it comes with less hand-holding from parents and teachers. With challenging classes, scheduling issues to coordinate, difficult test and other academics obstacles, coupled with the more independent nature of the college learning structure, many new and returning students find themselves studying long, hard hours”.

As we all know, once the students enter college life, everything would be different and new. There are a lot of things to learn or explore like the study skills, the environment and the hectic life in college. Those who do not have the strong will to face all the obstacles would surely feel very stress and lost their way.

Family also brings stress. According to Hart, A. (2007) in her article “7 Leading Cause of Stress”,

“Family, wonderful though each member may be, is also a leading cause of stress.”

Arguments erupt with a spouse or other family member. Parents divorce, children marry. The ebb and flow of family life is filled with stress. A child moves out – an aging parent moves in. Family health is also a leading cause of stress. A sick family member, a serious injuries, pregnancies, miscarriage, or abortion all cause stress. Family changes of other kinds bring stress, too. Adoption, relocation, and job changes for just one family member can cause stress for all.

“Family can be our supporter and brings comfort to us but sometimes family can also brings stress.”

For instance, family problems like a divorce parent or abusive parent. This sort of problems can bring serious impact to one’s life if the person does not know how to handle it.

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2.2 The effects of stress on the academic performance

Stress experienced by student brings about negative effect in their academic performances. Most students who are stress are likely to show poor performance in academic. Students who are stress would not be able to concentrate and remain focus in what the teacher is teaching. They are just waiting for the clock to strike the time the class end. Therefore what they learnt in class will only be stored in the brain short memory term and this is supported by Kuhn,K (2008) in her article “Student Stress and…”, saying that,

“Student who experience large amount of stress in their lives often have trouble with memory retention.” When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to forget the facts and figures presented in class and you’ll be less likely to recall the information on tests, labs and on real life application”.

Looking at the biological way, when a person is stress, his body will release chemical substance called cortisol. This chemical brings harmful effect to the memory restoration area in the brain. This is stated in a biological learning in an essay “The Human Brain-Stress” (n.d) that state that

“The trouble is that some stress hormones don’t know when to quit pulling. They remain active in the brain for too long- injuring and even killing cells in the hippocampus, the area of brain needed for memory and learning…”

Because of stressed up students are unable to concentrate well in their studies, they will eventually find themselves nagging over the assignment given. They won’t be able to do their homework and tutorial questions and up until the end copying others work is the preferred option. This of course will bring about negative effect on their academic performances. This is supported by Eliss, M (2008) in her article” How Stress Affects…”

“Students who can’t always get all of his work done or complained on work given have the tendency to have learning difficulties as well as lacking fundamental knowledge in his subjects…”

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2.3 Effects of stress on student behaviours and social relationship

The effect of spread may be widespread to individuals that are suffering from this “illness”. One of its effects is the behaviour change.

According to the article, “The Response to Stress” (2009), by Volkow. N.D,

“How a person copes with stress – by reaching for a beer or cigarette...”

Individuals tend to handle their stress by consuming alcohol which is not appropriate to do.

Moreover, according to the stated article,

“people often try to dull the pain of this 20th century “disease” by using alcohols or drugs.” “For instance, one important key of coping stress is relaxation. People with drug or alcohol do attempt to relax, but only by turning to a bottle filled with alcohol or pills.”

Tensed up individuals will try to soothe themselves by smoking or sometimes, practising excessive drinking.

On the other hand, stress will also lead to suicidal behaviours. Based on the article by Caruso, K “Suicide and Stress” (n.d),

“and too much stress can cause or exacerbate suicidal feelings.”

People who are tensed by stressful daily life will come with this conclusion. They will try to do various attempt of suicide.

This is supported by Ballas, C. in the article “Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour” (2009)

“The method of suicide can be relatively non violent (such as poisoning or overdose) or violent (such as shooting oneself.”

People with suicidal behaviour deliberate action with potentially deliberate action with potentially life- threatening. For example, they will consume excessive headache pills and hurting themselves.

Depression is another effect of stress. According to Smith, M. et. al. In the article “Understanding depression”(2009), it is stated that depression can changed our behaviours.

“Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life. But when emptiness and despair take hold and won't go away, it may be depression. More than just the temporary "blues," the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. Hobbies and friends don’t interest you like they used to; you’re exhausted all the time; and just getting through the day can be overwhelming. When you’re depressed, things may feel hopeless, but with help and support you can get better.”

Depressed people find that it’s a dull life to face everyday and does not enjoy their daily time.

Beside that, stress can affects social relationship because of the physiological changes that happens when this emotional feeling come. According to the article ‘How Stress Affects your Relationship’ by Dave and Jenna (n.d), people’s responds to stress are different. Some would be short tempered or being sensitive and some prefer to be alone.

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When stressed, people are tending to give a feedback or responds in order to reduce it. According to ‘Biology’, Eighth Edition by Campbell N.A et al (2008), stress can cause adrenaline rush in which our body are set in fight-or-flight mode. Adrenaline hormone will causes us to feel angry, nervous and short tempered which is one of the leading causes that can bring damage to a relationship. According to Dave and Jane, when we are short tempered, we will extremely sensitive about things around us and

“nagging about little things that really don’t matter but because of stress, they seem to be much more important”

than they really are. Being highly sensitive would change our perspective on others and by that the social relationship that once are good turn into an unfriendly relationship.

For some, solitude or isolating themselves from others is one of the ways they are facing stress. Apparently ‘solitude’ is reflecting a desire of someone to not to be disturbed and it’s not a good time to be friendly. According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Third Edition with New Words Supplement, (2001), solitude means “the state of being alone especially when this is what you enjoy”.

Solitude might be one of the ways to face stress but this surely will affect relationship with others as written in ‘How Stress Affects your Relationship’,

“your partner could easily take this separation as a lack of desire to be around them.” In other words, people who alienating themselves during stress will make others to

think negative about them and wouldn’t dare to make contact or have no desire to be around them. Thus, in this situation communication are cut off which is actually it is a vital part of a good relationship

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Chapter 3


3.1 Research sample

The research is done to find the effects of stress among student. Students of Labuan Matriculation College had been chosen as the target respondent. Their average age is between 18 (for one year program student) to 19 (for ex-two year program student). Most of the students are from Sabah, Sarawak, Labuan and few from Peninsular Malaysia. In this research, gender did not include as the requirement for student to be chosen as respondent, as they picked randomly during the survey. Besides, the criteria that been highlighted when looked for respondent during the survey is to find students that got different average of PNGK during PSPM 1 in order to have variation of student’s responses. The respondent were selected from three courses that provided in the college, the life science, physical and account students.

3.2 Research Instrument

In this research, the method used is questionnaire. 12 questions were provided for the respondents where the questions were done based on the objective of the research. Question 1 and 2, were based on the first objective which is to investigate the cause of stress that related to the causes listed in chapter 2, the financial problem and question 3 for the family problem. The second objective, to find the effect of stress on academic performance is related with question 4 to 7, where the respondent were ask about their study and focus during class and tutorial. These questions will help to indicate the respondent’s condition. It is then followed with the question 8 to 12 that is under the third objective, the effect of stress on their behaviors and social relationship. Question 8 and 9 are to find out their changes in behavior, whether it is toward negative or positive result and question 10 to 12 related to the social relationship of the students here.

3.3 Research Procedure

The questionnaire is distributed among students of Labuan Matriculation College randomly in every hostel to get wider result.

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Chapter 4:


4.1 Students’ average family’s salary per month




RM500 belowRM500 – RM1000RM1000 above

The figure shows the percentages of students’ average family’s salary per month. There are 65% of the students’ family’s income is above RM1000, while only 12.5% of the students’ family’s income is below RM500. This has made a big difference to about 52%. The income RM500-RM1000 marked the moderate percentage which is 22.5%. Overall, most of the students are come from a rich family and least come from a poor family.

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4.2 Things students spend their money the most






The figure shows the percentages of things students spend their money the most. There are 72.5% of students spend their money on food whereas only 5% of students spend their money on both stationary and entertainment. 17.5% students spend the money on clothing, making it the second highest percentage. Overall, majority of the students spend the money on food and minority of the students spend the money on stationary and entertainment.

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4.3 Family problem among students

The figure shows the percentages of LMC students that have family problems. Overall, 95% of LMC students are free from having any family problem, while, 5% of students are having family problems. These had gives a very big difference to about 90% between the students that do not have any family problem and those student that do have family problem. Majority of the students of 95% are free from having family problems, brings out the minority of 5% student that having problems.




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4.4 students nagging over the assignments given




The pie chart above shows the percentages of LMC students that nagging over the assignments given to them. 80% of student admit that they are nagging over the assignment given, while, 20% of the students did not nagging over their assignment given. The difference between these two responses from students is about 60%, which is almost tripled-up the smaller percentage to the bigger percentages. Overall, majority of student answer ‘yes’ brings to a percentage of 80% and minority of students answer ‘no’ which give a percentage of 20%.

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4.5 Students percentage of finishing tutorial by copying others.

52.5%47.5% yes


The pie chart shows the percentage of students in LMC that finished their tutorial by copying others’. Overall, about 52.5% of students agreed that they finish their tutorial by copying others’. Meanwhile, 47.5% of respondents stated that they did not finish their tutorial by copying others. It shows that, majority of 52.5% of the respondents copying others assignment and tutorials to submit their work. However, only a different percentage of 5% of the respondents are completing their task independently with 47.5% of the overall percentage.

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4.6 Students manage to concentrate well during lecture and class.




The pie chart shows the percentages of students in LMC manage to concentrate during lecture and class. Overall, about 47.5% of students stated “yes” that they manage to concentrate well in lecture or class. Besides, about 52.5% of the respondents did not manage to concentrate well during lecture and class. The result shows that, there are more students of 52.5% that cannot concentrate well in lecture or class compared to 47.5% of students that can concentrate very well.

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4.7 Students’ ability to recall back the topic learnt




The pie chart above shows the ability of the respondents among LMC students to recall back the lesson they have learnt. 67.5% of the respondents stated ‘yes’ that they can recall back the topic learnt in lecture or class. Meanwhile, 32.5% of the respondents disagreed that they cannot recall the topic learnt. The difference between the majority of 67.5% of students that have the ability to recall the topics learnt and 32.5% of students who cannot is 35%.

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4.8 Students consuming alcohol and cigarette to soothe themselves




The chart shows the students in LMC responds on their habit of taking alcohol and cigarette to soothe them. 12.5% of them admit that they consumed alcohol and cigarette to relieve their stress. Meanwhile, 87.5% stated ‘no’ that they don’t take alcohol and cigarette to ease their stress. Majority, 87.5% of the respondents are not taking alcohols and cigarette and only 12.5% are taking them to soothe themselves which make the difference of 75%.

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4.9 The students feel of hopeless, exhausted, and feeling down




The pie chart above shows the respondents’ answer on how they always feel when due to stressed. 67.5% says they are feeling hopeless, exhausted and feeling down but 32.5% are disagreeing about it. In total, the majority of them admit that they always feel hopeless which about 67.5% of them is. The difference between the majority and the respondents who says ‘no’ they don’t feel hopeless, exhausted and feeling down is 35%.

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4.10 students have no interest anymore in hobbies and friends




The pie chart shows the percentage of LMC students on their answer whether hobbies and friends still interest them based on the answer from 40 respondents. Overall, a total of 82.5% of LMC students felt that hobbies and friends did not interest them like they used to while the other 17.5% of students still have interest in friends and hobbies. The number of students who felt that hobbies and friends do not interest them any longer is exceptionally high that is exceeding ¾ of the students populations in LMC.

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4.11 students get irritated or angry easily



The pie chart shows the percentage of students who got irritated or angry easily over a small thing based on the answers from 40 respondents in LMC. Overall, that is 52.5% of students did get angry easily over a small matter while the other 47.5% of students did not get angry easily over a small thing. This shows that half of the students here in LMC did get angry easily.

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4.12 Students isolating themselves




The pie chart show the percentage of students who often isolate themselves from other based on the answers from 40 respondents in LMC. Overall, 30% of students often isolate themselves from other giving a total of the other 70% of students do not isolate themselves from other. This shows that majority of students, do not often keep a distance from others. The difference in percentage is exceptionally high that is 40%.

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Chapter 5:


5.1 Summary of findings

Overall, the causes of stress are not mainly the financial problem. Most of the respondents did not come from poor family and they are not overspending their money buying unnecessary things. Most of them spend their money on food. Family problem is only the minor factor of the stress among the respondents. However, we found out that assignments bring stress to most of the students. It can be said that students in Labuan Matriculation were stress because of the assignments given in college.

Furthermore, the effect of stress on the academic performances is that students were not able to do their tutorial independently. They finished it by copying others. The next cause of stress in academic performance of students is that they cannot concentrate very well during lecture or class. As a consequence, they have memory retention and cause them to have poor result in examinations.

Other than that, the effects of stress on the behaviours of students and their social relationships are also obtained. Most of the students did not change to alcoholic or turn to cigarette just because of stress problem. But somehow, stress causes them to be depressed and have emotional dilemmas. In addition, students are more likely to distance and alienating themselves from others.

5.2 Limitations

Based on the research that we have done, it can be concluded that the number of student that experience stress is extremely high but the result obtained from the research is not that accurate. This is because the number of respondents is too small compared to the total number of students in LMC. Besides, the duration given is too short, it is not sufficient to get accurate result for the research.

5.3 Recommendations

In order for the result of the research to be valid, more time should be given to complete the research. The time given should be at least 1 semester to get more accurate results. In addition, the number of respondent should cover at least 10 percent of the students of LMC. The total number of students in LMC is approximately 2323 students. Thus, at least 200 of questionnaire should be distributed among the students.

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Questionnaire:Stress among student in Labuan Matriculation College (LMC)

We are conducting a survey on stress among student in LMC. The objectives of this study are to investigate the cause of stress, to find out the effects of stress on the academic performance among LMC students, to investigate the effects of stress on the behaviours and social relationship among LMC students.

We are students of LMC in Biology course under one year program and we would really appreciate your kindness for giving us your time and cooperation.

Please tick (∕) for your answer.1. What is your average family’s salary per month?

RM 500 below RM 500 – RM 1000 RM 1000 above

2. Which of the following that you spend your money the most?Stationary Food Clothing Entertainments e.g. movies, VCDs, and other hobbies

3. Do you enjoy your time spending with your family?Yes No

4. Do you found yourself nagging over the assignment given?Yes No

5. Do you finish your tutorial by copying others?Yes No

6. Do you manage well to concentrate well in your lecture or class?Yes No

7. Is it hard for you to recall back what you have learnt during lecture?Yes No

8. Have you ever consumed alcohol or cigarette to soothe yourself?Yes No

9. Have you ever always felt hopeless, exhausted or feeling down?Yes No

10. Do you feel that hobbies and friends did not interest you any longer?Yes No

11. Do you get irritated or angry easily over a small thing?YesNo

12. Do you often isolate yourself from others? Yes

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