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Golf's "Secret Agent" Finally Talks! How a Mild-Mannered Golf Pro Parlayed These Tips To Live Like a King For a Week...and Is Now Making Them Available TO YOU! Dear Average Golfer, Flights under cover of darkness to the highest peaks of Scandinavia... Five star accommodations...meals with spreads that would've made Caligula blush... Hobnobbing with some of Europe's most important movers and shakers...the kinds of guys who spend more on wine in a day than most of their workers make in a year... ...and one man finding himself squarely in the middle of a dire situation with little time and less margin for error. The plot of the next Bond movie? The memoirs of a CIA spook finally writing that "tell all" about the cloak-and-dagger politics going on behind the scenes? Not even close! When "Cloak & Dagger" Is More Like "Cloak & Putter"... No, this wasn't something out of a Tom Clancy novel...

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Post on 30-Aug-2019




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Golf's "Secret Agent" Finally Talks!

How a Mild-Mannered Golf Pro Parlayed These Tips To Live Like a King For a Week...and Is Now Making Them Available TO YOU!

Dear Average Golfer,

Flights under cover of darkness to the highest peaks of Scandinavia...

Five star accommodations...meals with spreads that would've made Caligula blush...

Hobnobbing with some of Europe's most important movers and shakers...the kinds of guys who spend more on wine in a day than most of their workers make in a year...

...and one man finding himself squarely in the middle of a dire   situation  with little time and less margin for error.

The plot of the next Bond movie? The memoirs of a CIA spook finally writing that "tell all" about the cloak-and-dagger politics going on behind the scenes?

Not even close!

When "Cloak & Dagger" Is More Like "Cloak & Putter"...

No, this wasn't something out of a Tom Clancy novel...

Rather it was what golf swing guru (and my good friend) Bobby Eldridge got to experience a few years back.

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You see, Bobby is ordinary in pretty much every way--like you and me both, he's just an average guy. He mows his lawn. He pays his taxes. And he struggles to find time for everything in his life: work...


The list goes on and on...

But one thing that he's most certainly not average at is golf. Bobby is quietly one of the foremost golf instructors in the world. He's been featured in a variety of golf improvement videos and materials (including my very own set of DVDs) that have helped hundreds of thousands of golfers get better through the years...

...and have led him to have some pretty great adventures along the way, too!

That's why Bobby was just taking out the trash one day when his phone rang with an unrecognizable number...way longer than usual.

When he picked it up, he was surprised to find that it was a European business tycoon!

He wanted to fly Bobby to Sweden to personally coach him on his golf swing for a week!

He had seen Bobby on one of his many DVDs and had admired Bobby's down-to-earth, plain-spoken way of breaking a complex golf swing into simple parts.

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It's part of the reason why Bobby's become such an international sensation I suppose--even non-native English speakers have no trouble understanding him...

...And little does everyone know the true value of the secrets that this humble golf pro is holding onto! But more on that in a minute...

Of course, Bobby said he'd do it--I mean, who wouldn't?! Being able to see another part of the treated like a king while over some of its best golf courses...and help a major player get better at golf?

"Do you need my email address so you can send me the tickets?"

The Key Realization That Nearly Killed Bobby's Buzz...

But after the initial high died down a bit, Bobby realized that he had a problem:

For what this tycoon was paying, Bobby absolutely had to give him his absolute best golf tips and secrets...

There really was no room for error. Now, don't get me wrong--Bobby had been helping thousands of people get better at golf for decades--this wasn't like Joe Amateur jockeying his bright orange putter down at the windmill of the mini golf course trying to help someone out.

Bobby absolutely knows his stuff. But he only had a week with this guy, and Bobby knew that he needed more than that to completely remake this guy's golf swing into something consistent...

Something workable for any course conditions...

Something that would give him the ability to hit every single club in his bag better...

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...and that would give him a step-by-step roadmap to follow long after Bobby had left.

A complete system that would improve his drives, irons, chipping, putting, and a whole lot more (yes, even HOW TO SHAPE SHOTS & SPIN THE BALL AT WILL!).

How a Humble Golf Pro Became Golf's Super Spy

So in the month-or-so before Bobby was scheduled to get on that evening flight over to Sweden, he worked many, many long nights...

...plunging into the depths of his mind--already jam-packed with golf knowledge, mind you--for the nuggets that had consistently proven to lead to the best results in a short amount of time.

He thought about all of the incredible secrets he had learned from pros through the years...every single one of them that had improved his own game, and the games of his students.

Not only that, but Bobby knew this tycoon didn't have that much time on his hands. After all, this week soaking up all of Bobby's secrets was going to be his vacation for the year. Most of the time, he was, you know, working. Rounds of golf were for making business deals...and make deals he did!

So Bobby wanted to make it so that his system would be easy-to-follow and implement in just 15 minutes per day (or less). With simple, understandable lessons and materials to help his client improve his game AND stay on track whenever "life got in the way."

He slaved away compiling all of this knowledge into a comprehensive system designed to revolutionize the European kingpin's game...and before he knew it, it was time to hop on that plane.

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When he arrived, aside from picking his jaw up off the floor at all of the beautiful sights, peaceful Scandinavian sounds, and mouth-watering smells, Bobby realized he had a problem:

Our Hero Meets His Match...

This guy, who had flown Bobby over to Europe...paid his way...put him up amid all the opulence and fanfare...

...needed a lot more help with his game than Bobby thought!

I mean, we're talking hooking drives, chunking chips, yanking putts--you name it, this guy did it.

Instead of panicking, Bobby only chuckled to himself.


Because now he'd see how his new system worked in the real world!

Bobby put his benefactor to work. He went through all of the lessons he had prepared...

...all of the drills...

...laid all of the secrets he had accumulated through the years on the table.

And an amazing thing happened:

His client started to get better.

A lot better.

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And really quickly, too.

The strokes just started melting off this guy's game, day-after-day...

...first in his approach game...

...then his putts...

...and finally off the tee.

Not only that, but when Bobby checked in with this client a few months later, the client told him that he had set a new personal low score by a bunch of strokes! Just by following this great new system that Bobby had developed.

In fact, it went so well that Bobby was invited to spend the rest of the season in Sweden as a pro at one of the top country clubs in the nation.

More importantly, Bobby realized he was on to something big.

A system that could take even the worst golfers and make them pretty damned good quickly...and really good after a few months of dedicated practice for just 15 minutes a day.

Golf's James Bond Becomes...Golf's Prometheus?

Of course, being the regular guy that he is, Bobby didn't just want this system to be limited to the rich and famous.

After all, even though Bobby took on a lot more clients from around the world, and he could make a great living taking these types of clients on exclusively, that's just not his thing. Bobby enjoys helping tons of regular folks, like you and me, get a lot better at golf, really quickly.

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So when he was looking for a partner to work with to bring this system to you, the working golfer, I was a natural fit.

We had already worked on our How to Break 80 DVDs together very successfully--we have helped thousands of golfers in the process.

I knew that Bobby was just the guy to put together a system like this: plain fluff...just friendly, easy-to-understand golf advice that can help you improve your game in just minutes per day...

And now, for a limited time, you can enjoy the exact same system Bobby used to help and impress his wealthy Swedish client who just threw buckets of money at him for an incredibly low price! (More on that in a minute)...

After years of work, we finally finished up what we like to call the:

Over two years worth of unique, focused material that you won't find anywhere else.

We're talking both video (yes, they're fully downloadable) and written instruction covering your entire golf game, with weekly, easy-to-follow "to-do" checklists that guide you through each week of the program, and help you stay "on-track," even if you miss a day or two.

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Featuring all of the same lessons, drills, and other materials above Bobby has used with his European friends (and plenty of other clients since then) the Fast Track program is a one-stop solution to all of the problems that ail your golf swing.

These are drills that take about 15 minutes per day covering every possible part of the golf swing, starting with an entirely new way to remake your chipping stroke...

...and continuing on to getting explosive distance on your drives, making "impossible" putts, and yes, even shaping shots and making the golf ball do your bidding.

What Does It Feel Like To Conquer a Golf Course?

Can you imagine it now? Being able to step up to the tee...visualize your shot...and imposing your will on the golf ball so that it does exactly what you want it to?

Wouldn't it be great to have bragging rights among your group of friends? To watch their slack-jawed gazes as you hit shot...after shot...after shot...right on target?

To hear their cries of "How'd he do that?" and be able to chuckle to yourself and nod?

And we're not just talking about fully-downloadable videos, either. That's just one part of the Fast Track system, which also includes:

Dozens of weekly, easy-to-follow, fully downloadable video drills that each last about five minutes or less; 

A weekly, step-by-step checklist of worksheets and assignments designed to keep you (and your game) on track;

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Access to my Fast Track Private Forum, an exclusive area where members compare notes and progress, and where I'll drop by occasionally to lend a hand;

Forms to track your progress and make sure that you're making the gains you want to make each and every week;

Comprehensive recaps after each video lesson to internalize the information, so that it's there without thinking when you hit the course.

Bobby and I make it so easy for you that you can do most of the work in your backyard, or even your garage if you have a piece of turf.

No more wasting time lugging your clubs to the range, then buying a bucket, setting up, and then, finally getting down to work.

All for one unbeatable low price!

Speaking of Price...(Here's a Hint: It's REALLY LOW!)

In honor of the end of the Open Championship (or British Open--whatever you like--by the way, how about that Zach Johnson?), I'm happy to offer you an absolutely crazy deal on the Fast Track program.

Well...two deals actually!

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Like I've said before, my staff thought I had completely lost it when I first mentioned what I wanted to do...

...but fortunately for you, I was able to persuade them that we could do it...

...and we did!

First, let me ask you a question: what do you think that two full years worth of golf lessons is worth?

Two full years of easy-to-follow lessons, tips, and tricks...with simple, 15-minute-or-less drills...and a bunch of worksheets and tools to keep you on-track...

What do you think Bobby's European client paid for this kind of instruction? Here's a hint: it was well into the four figures!

More importantly, what do you think this should cost you? After all, lessons with top teaching pros cost hundreds of dollars per lesson, and generally try to force you to adopt the pro's way of doing things--you have no choice in the matter.

But what about a complete system that guides you practically effortlessly toward a better golf game?

With plenty of materials to keep you on track (and get you back on track if you fall "off the wagon") without any pain with only 15 minutes per day of effort?

You'd have to think it's in the thousands, right? At least.

If not, then certainly in the hundreds...

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And true, the How to Break 80 Fast Track program usually costs $14.99 per month. Multiply that out over 24 months, and you're certainly well into the hundreds of dollars...

But for a very limited time...I have two great pricing options designed to meet the needs of different golfers:

Option 1: For Those Who Want Supreme Guidance...

Some folks prefer a monthly payment option, and to complete each lesson in order in the way I designed the program.

There's absolutely value to this; it can keep you on track and prevent those costly lapses from the program that so often de-rail your training.

If you're one of these golfers, then I have a great deal for you:

Sign up now and get Monthly Access to my Fast Track Program for only $9.99 per month!

That's an initial charge of just $9.99. You'll then be charged $9.99 monthly for 21 months unless, at any time, you decide to cancel.

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That's over 33% off the normal price of $14.99/month with the exact same content, presented in the same order, unlocked week-by-week.

Let Bobby and me guide you by the hand and take you through, lesson-by-lesson, and really dig into your game. No shortcuts here--you work on the lessons each week, and improve your entire game piece-by-piece, as we designed the program.

Option 2: For Ultimate Freedom (and an Incredible Price)!

Of course, like I said earlier, you're busy. I get that completely. I'm in the same boat.

Maybe you already know what parts of your game need work, and would like to address those first before refining the finer points of your game later on.

Or maybe you just want to have the freedom to skip around at will, working on different parts of your game as you have trouble from round-to-round.

So for the first time ever, I'm going to make an amazingly special offer:

I'm going to give FULL, UNLIMITED, IMMEDIATE ACCESS to my entire Fast Track Library from day one for a ONE-TIME PAYMENT of only: $99

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It gave my tech team fits to make this happen, but somehow, they worked miracles and got everything together (thanks team!).

That's 72% off the usual monthly price...but in one low, one-time payment of $99 and you get full, immediate access FOR LIFE!

It doesn't get much better than that--for less than a dollar a week, you get complete, total, and immediate access to Fast Track, and never pay a dime again after your one-time fee!

Skip around from month-to-month, working on all of the areas included in the program, including:

A secret about chipping that few, if any, club pros teach. When you hear it, you'll shake your head since it makes so much sense...but few have ever even heard of it (Month 1)!

A comprehensive breakdown of the successful golf swing, from backswing to follow-through, with Bobby breaking it down, piece by piece, and remaking your trouble areas--this is so important, it takes two months to fully implement it (Months 2-3).

An entire month on proper putting that will fix your putting stroke, and get you in the proper state of mind--are you a bold putter, or a lag putter (Month 5)?

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How to stretch your way to 10 extra yards, and how to strengthen your way to 10 extra yards. That's twenty extra yards of distance if you're keeping score at home, all without picking up a club (Month 6)!

Picking out the perfect equipment for you--too many golfers "make do" with the wrong set of clubs. With some simple, inexpensive adjustments and replacements, you'll feel like your clubs are an extension of yourself in no time (Month 7).

How to practice all of the different shots you'll find on the course. How to maximize your practice efficiency and spend the least possible amount of time at a range or putting green, even when you have to practice something like sand shots (Month 9).

An entire month dedicated to the driver--get much longer off the tee with a few simple adjustments, and learn how to hit this tough club a lot more consistently in the fairway--your friends' jaws will literally drop after you're done with this month (Month 10).

How to become an expert in the sand--no longer will you fear those pesky bunkers, leaving you feeling confident and free to attack surrounded greens without worrying about how to get out if you mishit (Month 11).

Shape your shots and conquer any course--yes, I included an entire month on this. This is one of the most requested things I'm asked about, but this is the only place where you'll find all of my and Bobby's info on shot shaping together, all at once.

And that's all just in the first year! I haven't even begun to touch Year 2 yet, which includes topics like:

Faults & Cures (Month 13)

Distance (Month 14)

Posture & Positioning (Months 15-16)

Recovering From Troublesome Shots (Month 17)

How to Make a Perfect Impact, Each and Every Time (Month 18)

Fixing Your Swing Plane (& Fixing Your Slice/Hook) (Month 19)

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Inside 100 Yards (Month 22)

And an entire month dedicated to issues for Senior Golfers! (Month 24)

Plus more great months dealing with precision putting, and a couple months dedicated to those fantastic, short, easy-to-do drills.

I mean, can it get much better than that for a one-time payment of less than $100?

For something that others have literally paid thousands for?

But don't just take my word for it...see what real Fast Track subscribers have said about the program:

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All you have to do to enjoy this same level of improvement...

This same level of simple, weekly, easy-to-implement lessons and drills...

This same level of consistent lessons and materials to ensure that you stay on track in your improvement efforts...

Even more customization than many of these already-satisfied subscribers enjoy at a much-lower, one-time price...

All you have to do is click the button below before the cart closes...

You absolutely don't want to miss out on this incredible pricing!

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Like I said, my staff thought I had really lost my marbles when I came up with this idea--"But Jack, you're crazy! How can we make this happen?"

Don't you worry about that--the bottom line is that I did make it happen! And now, you get to reap the benefits of this insanely low pricing--but only for a limited time!

You see, that's the catch, folks--in order to get this price so low, we have to limit it to a select group of people. Namely, this special offer goes away at NOON PACIFIC TIME this THURSDAY, JULY 23. That's when we're closing the cart, and I'm not sure when we'll be able to open it again--my staff might revolt if we do!

So click one of the buttons below to take advantage of either of these insane pricing offers before then--once they're gone, you'll just get a "sorry, cart's closed!" message, and I'd hate for that to happen to you.

100% Money-Back Guarantee--No Risk For You!

I'll even go a step further: if you take advantage of this special offer, and within the first 60 days don't feel like you're seeing the results you want...

I'm happy to offer you a prompt and full refund. No questions asked, no hard feelings. Just a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Granted, as with any product I've released, I don't plan on giving out many refunds at all: customers are so overwhelmingly satisfied with Fast Track, issuing a refund would be a rare event indeed:

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But if it helps give you that extra peace of mind that you're looking for before you "take the plunge" and immerse yourself into a world-class golf instruction and improvement program with a very low time commitment (and even lower price)...

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Then I'm happy to offer you that option...even though I'm supremely confident that you'll absolutely be satisfied with the results, like so many Fast Track subscribers before you...

Will You Take Control of Your Game In Only Minutes Per Day?

So now it's up to you. Your golf game's destiny is, quite literally, in your hands.

Do you want to continue on the same path you've been going along? Content to play the same level of "meh" golf you always have? Struggling to make any real progress?

What would that feel like? Just being "average" or "below average" as a golfer? Doesn't feel great to chunk an iron shot, sail a chip, or shank a drive into the woods, does it?

So why keep struggling with it? Especially when you have world-class golf instruction available at your fingertips, whenever you need it, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in less than 15 minutes a session...

...for an unbelievably low price (for the next few hours only)

Just go ahead and click one of the buttons below and I'll get you on the path to improving your game, immediately and effortlessly.

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P.S. - Remember, this is an incredibly limited-time offer. We're turning the cart off at noon pacific time on Thursday, and I don't know if my staff will ever let me run this promo again. Click here to take advantage of this lifetime access to my Fast Track Program and start getting a lot better at golf in just 15 minutes per day!

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