webex group_v2

1 SHINAWATRA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IT522) SEMESTER II/2012 WebEx Group Decision Support System Assignment Team members Akarajit Tanjana, ID: 55312005-6 Ta Hoang Tha ng, ID: 55312 003- 1  March 3, 2013

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WebEx Group Decision

Support System Assignment

Team members

Akarajit Tanjana, ID: 55312005-6

Ta Hoang Thang, ID: 55312003-1

 March 3, 2013

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1. Introduction

Nowadays, the enterprises

technologies. Human can be able t

effectively, many meetings or con

staff or partners throughout the In

other ones on telecommunication

Therefore, human can save time

quality of meetings and work e

Communications Inc. is a sub co

online meeting, web conferencing

The telecommunications system m

following: audio, video, data servic

television. To establish a teleconfer

Host and attendees

Electronic devices have Int

Teleconferencing software

Service providers

Firstly, the organizers (host) set an

to the attendees by email or other

meeting with certain duration. On

entrance web-based gateway (suc

will hold the meetings by using so

other attendees. Figure 1 shows th


achieve more enormous development scales in ap

o do more jobs with less time. To improve the wo

erences which are called teleconferences are org

ernet environment. Teleconferences can link from

s system to execute the live exchange and mass

and travel expenses for interacting directly while

fficiency. In this report, our research object i

pany of Cisco Corporation that provides on-dem

nd videoconferencing applications services.

y also advocate the teleconferences by supplying

es such as telephone, computer, telegraph, teletyp

ence, the organizers need these crucial component

rnet connections, sound recorder and webcam


appointment on their server or third parties and s

means. The attendees must confirm about their pr

right time of meeting day, the attendees will us

as Cisco WebEx) to connect to the meeting. At l

me functions which simulate the real meeting to

e teleconference communication process of WebE

ure 1: WebEx communication model 



plying the modern

king performance

anized by internal

several persons to


still maintain the

s WebEx. WebEx

  and collaboration,


ne or more of the

writer, radio, and

s such as:


nd the invitations

esence before the

e the software or

st, the organizers

ommunicate with



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2. Using WebEx as collaborative tool

Cisco provides collaborative tools called WebEx to offer synchronous

system that facilitate people to work from different place at the

same time. http://www.webex.com/

2.1 Price plan and features

There are four options depending on difference tools and number of participant that subscribers prefer.

(Price at March 3, 2013),

Basic Premium 8 Premium 25 Premium 100

Free $24 per host, per


$49 per host, per


$89 per host, per


$19/month annual plan $39/month annual plan $69/month annual planGood for small teams Priced affordably Most popular package Good for large


3 people per meeting

1 host license

Standard-quality video

8 people per meeting

1 host license

High-definition video

25 people per meeting

Up to 9 host licenses

High-definition video

100 people per meeting

Up to 9 host licenses

High-definition video


VoIP (Internet)


VoIP (Internet)

Phone call-in

Call Me/Toll-free call-in



VoIP (Internet)

Phone call-in

Call Me/Toll-free call-in



VoIP (Internet)

Phone call-in

Call Me/Toll-free call-in









Remote Control





Remote Control





Remote Control


User Guides, Help


and FAQs


User Guides, Help


and FAQs

Live 24/7 Support


User Guides, Help


and FAQs

Live 24/7 Support


User Guides, Help


and FAQs

Live 24/7 Support


250 MB


1 GB


1 GB


1 GB

Each of four plans shared same collaborative feature.


Mobility: Meet on your Smartphone or tablet

Meeting Spaces: A centralized place for files, meeting notes, and comments

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Meeting Recordings: Share with colleagues and view any time

Instant Messaging: See who's online and chat

Drawing Tools: Mark up or draw on shared documents and applications


Windows, Mac, LinuxSecurity

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption

Enterprise grade reliability, scalability, and security

Outlook Integration

Schedule and start meetings right from Microsoft Outlook

2.2 Register WebEx: New subscriber able to register for Free Plan of WebEx following this URL:

http://signup.webex.com/webexmeetings/US/meetings-plans-basic.html and fill-in First Name, Last

Name, Email Access , Company and Country ( may leave it default) as present on Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Fill-in basic information

After filled-in information subscriber needs to choose password, verify CAPTCHA text then click check

box to accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before continue to sign-up as illustrate on Figure 2.2.

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Figure 2.2: Verify account

Next, WebEx will send an Email to activate account as figure 2.3. And, after new subscriber click

“Activate” button, the link will appear password verify screen as figure 2.4. Lastly, adjust some

information such as Time Zone, Locale, Language, Display Name, Job Title, and Company Name and

upload picture to change profile picture, then finish by click “Done”. (Figure 2.5)

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Figure 2.3: Activate by Email

Figure 2.4: Fill password to sign in

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Figure 2.5: Adjust profile

2.2 Using WebEx: After complete registration process, we are ready to remote meeting.

To be host, we can start by click “Meet Now” as figure 2.6 and fill-in subject of meeting on “What:” and

invite participant by add known email of registered WebEx’s subscriber on “Who”. For this session, we

invite Teddy to join the meeting.

Figure 2.6: Start Meeting

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On the Teddy’s side, an Email will deliver to Teddy mailbox (Figure 2.7). If Teddy needs to join the

meeting, he can accept invitation by click “Join”. Now, Teddy and Akarajit able to join meeting by

facilitate of WebEx that provides video, audio, whiteboard and messaging to achieve objective of the

meeting (Figure 2.8).

Figure 2.7: Teddy’s mailbox

Akarajit side (Host) Teddy Side

Figure 2.8: Teddy and Akarajit join WebEx

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2.3 Feature WebEx:

WebEx provides many features to facilitate decision making on meeting. For free plan, host and

participant able to:

Video: By this feature, host and participants able to see action and reaction of each other in real-time.

Audio: Host and participant able to make conference call instantly.

Messaging: Host and participant able to read and send broadcast message to all participants or just send

secret message to specific person.

Whiteboard: WebEx also provide share drawing board to help participant’s understandable and focus

what is current subject and topic of the meeting as Figure: 2.9 and whiteboard will be saved as JPEG

format into WebEx space after finish the meeting (Figure 2.10) that host and participants able to

download it later.

Figure 2.9: Whiteboard and message

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Figure 2.10: Whiteboard uploaded to WebEx space automatically.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of teleconference

Teleconference contains some advantages such as:

The best advantage of teleconference is to mitigate the cost of group meeting. The companies

can mainly save the travel expenses. The attendees and the host can communicate each other

on network environment without having a directly meeting.

Teleconferences permit everyone to engage the meetings anywhere and anytime. It means

executives can have more flexible time, especially in international companies with various time

zones to manage their staff and working processes.

The organizers can set the meeting schedule exactly the minutes and hours instead of days or


Stronger communication and coordination between headquarters and branches, as

teleconference allows them to get in touch with each other closely and rapidly.

Teleconference contains some disadvantages such as:

The result of meeting may expose if some participants not aware on security such as simple

email password or WebEx account. Conclusion of meeting may be led by influencer who familiar on the system.

The result of the meeting may incomplete because of limitation of time and no adequate

evidence to support proposed ideas. Wiki website may better for session that requires team for

doing research.

Someone on meeting session may be ignored and hard for host person to notice that person via


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Quality of conference relay on reliable of the Internet that hard to guarantee its quality from

start to end without any lacking of video, audio or message. All of participates in meeting may

be halted because someone loss connection.

Teleconference may less lively than face-to-face communication. Host person may not able

motivate people on brainstorming session effectively.

Can’t share success feeling after meeting had ended. For example, hand shaking or celebrating

party. This feeling is necessary to fasten relationship.