webform and drupal 8

Webform and Drupal 8 Phil Norton DrupalCamp London 2017

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Webform and Drupal 8Phil NortonDrupalCamp London 2017

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Phil NortonTechnical Lead at Accesswww.accessadvertising.co.uk

Helps run North West Drupal User Group(2nd Tuesday of every month, Manchester)


Creator of VladBlogs at !# codewww.hashbangcode.com

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Webform and Drupal 8


Creating Webforms


Multi-step Forms

Webform Settings



Custom Components

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• Webform is very popular form creation tool in Drupal 7 (468,218 installs)

• Drupal 8 released in November 2015

• No Drupal 8 version of Webform planned

• The YAML Form project was started December 2015 by Jacob Rockowitz (@jrockowitz)

• December 2016 YAML Form was ported over to become the Drupal 8 version of Webform

• Still maintained by Jacob Rockowitz

• Now at 6,000 installs in Drupal 8

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Core Modules

WebformEnables the creation of web forms and questionnaires.

Webform NodeProvides a Webform content type which allows webforms to be integrated into a website as nodes.

Webform UIProvides a user interface for building and maintaining webforms.

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Other Modules

Webform DevelProvides development tools for the Webform module.

Webform ExamplesProvides examples of all webform elements and functionality which can used for demonstrating and testing advanced functionality or used as cut-n-paste code snippets for creating new webforms.

Webform TemplatesProvides starter templates that can be used create new webforms.

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Webform Admin

Main Webform admin screen can be found at Structure -> Webforms

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Creating A Webform

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Creating A Webform

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Click on Add element to add elements to your form.

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60 different elements exist in a number of different categories

● Basic Elements● Advanced elements● Composite elements● Options elements● Containers● Date/time elements● Entity reference elements● Markup elements● Other elements

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Each element type has it’s own validation

Text field form validation example

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Conditional logic can be applied to all fields.

Conditional Logic

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Conditional Logic

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Conditional Logic

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Input Masks

Easily customise the format of your fields

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Multi-step Forms

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Multi-step Forms

Click on Add page to add pages to your form.

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Multi-step Forms

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Multi-step Forms

Elements can then be added into pages

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Multi-step Forms

This creates a paged Webform form with a progress bar

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Webform Settings

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Webforms have lots of configuration options, some new options include:

● Configure the access rights of a Webform and submissions● Disable autocompletion of fields● Disable client-side validation● Allow users to save a draft of the submission● Allow users to update a submission using a secure token● Restrict the number of submissions to a webform in total● Control the action of the form element● Allow you to add custom CSS classes, styles and JavaScript to the form

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The best way to get a handle on your submissions.

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Webform submissions are entities and contain all the data entered into the Webform

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Webform submissions contain lots of metadata

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Submissions can be fully exported in multiple formats

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Alter A Webform

/** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */function webform_example_form_alter (&$form, &$form_state, $id) { if ($id == 'webform_submission_contact_form' ) { $form['elements']['name']['#title'] = t('Name'); }}

/** * Implements hook_form_form-id_alter(). */function webform_example_form_webform_submission_contact_form_alter (&$form, &$form_state) { $form['elements']['name']['#title'] = t('Name');}

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YAML Configuration

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CMI Exporting

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CMI Exporting

Webforms can now be migrated between sites using CMI!


Dev Site

Export config


Prod Site


Import config

Commit Deploy

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Custom Components

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Creating Custom Elements

All elements are based upon the core Drupal Form API

Basic - Extends the basic Webform fields. Single item. ● Text field● Select list

Composite - Extends WebformCompositeBase. Used as a container for multiple elements.● Address● Credit Card

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Creating Custom Elements

Create an Element class at mymodule/src/Element/.

namespace Drupal\webform_example\Element;

use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Textfield;

/** * Provides a form element for an address element. * * @FormElement("webform_example_element" ) */class ExampleBasicElement extends Textfield{


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Creating Custom Elements

Create a Webform Element class mymodule/src/Plugin/WebformElement

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Creating Custom Elements

namespace Drupal\webform_example\Plugin\WebformElement;

use Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\TextField;use Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface ;

/** * Provides a 'example text' element. * * @WebformElement( * id = "webform_example_element" , * api = "https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core!lib!Drupal!Core!Render!Element!Textfield.php/class/Textfield" , * label = @Translation("Example field"), * description = @Translation("Provides an example form element for input of a single-line text." ), * category = @Translation("Example elements" ), * ) */class WebformExampleBasicElement extends TextField {

/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDefaultProperties() { return parent::getDefaultProperties() + [ 'multiple' => FALSE, 'multiple__header_label' => '', // Form display. 'input_mask' => '', // Form validation. 'counter_type' => '', 'counter_maximum' => '', 'counter_message' => '', ]; }

/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepare(array &$element, WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission) { $element['#maxlength'] = (!isset($element['#maxlength'])) ? 255 : $element['#maxlength']; parent::prepare($element, $webform_submission); }


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Custom Handlers

Custom handlers allow you to create classes that hook into Webform actions

Take a look at the handlers in the Webform module to see how things are put together.

BrokenWebformHandler - A class used by Webform to allow a graceful fallback when a handler is broken.

DebugWebformHandler - Prints out a message when the Webform is submitted.

EmailWebformHandler - Sends an email after the Webform submission has saved.

RemotePostWebformHandler - Sends a web request to a specified resource after the Webform submission has been saved.

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Creating Custom Handlers

namespace Drupal\webform_example\Plugin\WebformHandler;

use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;use Drupal\webform\WebformHandlerBase;use Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface;use Drupal\webform\WebformInterface;

/** * Form submission remote post handler. * * @WebformHandler( * id = "example_handler", * label = @Translation("Example Handler"), * category = @Translation("Example"), * description = @Translation("Example Webform handler."), * cardinality = \Drupal\webform\WebformHandlerInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED, * results = \Drupal\webform\WebformHandlerInterface::RESULTS_PROCESSED, * ) */class ExampleWebformHandler extends WebformHandlerBase { }

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Creating Custom Handlers

Create a hook function to tie in with what you need your handler to do.Look at WebformHandlerBase for a list of all of the hook functions

/** * {@inheritdoc} */public function postSave(WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission, $update = TRUE){ drupal_set_message (__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);}

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Creating Custom Handlers

● alterElements● alterForm● validateForm● submitForm● confirmForm● preCreate● postCreate● postLoad● preSave● postSave● preDelete● postDelete

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Compatible with the Form API


United tested


Powerful tool

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Help Get Webform A Full Release!

Webform is currently at version 5.0-beta7

Only a few bugs left, but still plenty to help out with

Apply within!

Webform Roadmaphttps://www.drupal.org/node/2843422

Project Pagehttps://www.drupal.org/project/webform

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Webform is not the only solution to creating contact forms in Drupal 8

Contact Storage - https://www.drupal.org/project/contact_storage- Enhances the Core Drupal 8 module Contact

EForm - https://www.drupal.org/project/eform- Generates entities- Uses pure Drupal 8 concepts

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Phil NortonTechnical Lead at Accesswww.accessadvertising.co.uk

Helps run North West Drupal User Group(2nd Tuesday of every month, Manchester)


Creator of VladBlogs at !# codewww.hashbangcode.com