webinar: discovering small molecule protein-protein interaction inhibitors through computational...

COMPUTIST BIO-NANOTECH DESIGNING THE RIGHT DRUG COMPOUND FOR THE RIGHT DISEASE TARGET Live Webinar November 16 - 19, 2015 Discovering Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors through Computational Design Watch the webinar http://www.computistresearch.com/webinar.html

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Live Webinar November 16 - 19, 2015Discovering Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

through Computational Design

Watch the webinar http://www.computistresearch.com/webinar.html

Page 2: Webinar: Discovering Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors through Computational Drug Design

© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

COMPUTIST BIO-NANOTECHDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Dr Wolfgang Kissel

Strategy and Business DevelopmentA/Prof. Herbert Treutlein

Co-Founder and CEO

• Expert in developing and

implementing strategies,

organizational excellence,


• Expert in molecular

modelling and computational

drug design

Discovering Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

through Computational Design


Page 3: Webinar: Discovering Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors through Computational Drug Design

© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Highlights of this WebinarDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

• A novel solution for a non-existing problem

• The everyday Challenge of R&D

• Trend reversals and game changers

• Defining Methods

• Small molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

• Ras/Raf example

• Benefits of computational design

• Q&A

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Who benefits most from this WebinarDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Who benefits most:

• R&D decision makers who want

to accelerate drug discovery

• R&D specialists who want to

get results quickly

• R&D Finance Managers on the

lookout for productivity gains




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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Key Insights from this Webinar IDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Computational design, the future

way of drug discovery

• Small Molecule Protein-Protein-

Interaction inhibitors (smPPII) as a

new drug class → easy accessible

with computational methods

• Good computational methods are

validated and proven to work

PDB id: 3KUD

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Key Insights from this Webinar IIDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Computational methods, the future

way of smPPII discovery and design

• High speed and most cost-effective

smPPII development

• Find the needle in the haystacks –

not just another haystack

• Determination of drugability of

disease targets

• Double de-risk strategy in drug


➤ Quantum leap in R&D productivity



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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

A novel solution for a non-existing problem

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Tropomyosin InhibitorDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Our 2009 challenge

Novel fragment design method validated for protein-protein interaction

targets: Tropomyosin polymerization inhibitors (tested in vitro)

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Tropomyosin InhibitorDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Starting Point

• Tropomyosin not accepted as drug target

• Initial data showed specific isoforms in certain cancer cells (UNSW)

• Only cellular assay available to test SAR of inhibitors, no mode-of-action

• No clear way forward to establish tropomyosin as drug target

• Focus on non-muscle tropomyosin

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Tropomyosin InhibitorDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target


4 rounds of design and optimization

• Speed: 1 month/round

• Our rigorous PM applied

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Tropomyosin InhibitorDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target


• Design based on initial models as well as dynamical structures (MD simulations)

• Specificity: Access regions of sequence variability / remove of dynamin binding

• Establish SAR for compound series and mode-of-action

• Work was published and Tropomyosin accepted as drug target

• Novogen Ltd. acquired project and IP

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

The everyday Challenge of R&D

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

The Everyday Challenge for R&DHigh input, low output

Constant pressure:

• Too expensive, too slow, too risky

• Alleged productivity decline

• Small Molecule R&D unprofitable

• Ongoing fight for recognition

• Small vs. big molecules

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Rising Costs for ever more expensive cures

Trend to biologic (protein-based) drugs

• Higher prices

• Higher profitability than Small Molecules

→ increasing health-care costs

OECD Data for Health

Expenditure: e.g. 17% of

GDP in the USA, 2010.

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Finding Novel Molecules That Work

Novel Drug Compounds: The needle in the haystack

Q: How many possible drugs could be synthesized?

A: Synthesizable molecules: 1040 ≈ (number of stars)2

• Easy to handle: 1010

General Screening Libraries in HTS: 106

⇒ Unlikely that HTS or VS will find a drug/lead candidate in one single experiment

⇒ From diverse to highly focused libraries through iterative screening cycles

⇒ Computist delivers binding mode, mode of action, new compound options

Computational approach not restricted to compound libraries



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Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Trend reversals and game changers

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Trend Reversals on the Horizon

Computational Design of drug compounds

Design molecules that interact with (this is

what we are doing):

• Surfaces

• Non-standard and standard binding sites

• Reliable binding mode and mode-of action

on protein surfaces

• Drugability evaluation


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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Trend Reversals on the Horizon

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors?

• Higher R&D productivity

• Higher profitability

→ lower prices possible

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors!

• Higher success rate in later development stages

• Can replace biologic (protein-based) drugs

• Convenient application: oral delivery vs. injection

• More attractive than conventional small molecule R&D

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Game Changers for Solutions Have ArrivedDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Manifold acceleration of Discovery by Computational Design

• Compounds come with Mode-of-Action

• Optimizing good compounds to great compounds

• Up to 80% time savings

• Up to 80% cost savings

• “Impossible” projects now doable

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Prospects of Small Molecule PPIIs

Emergence of a new class of Therapeutics

De-risking: shift of development risk to early stage• Double de-risking in combination with computational design

Simplification of disease targeting

• Convenient application: oral delivery vs. injection

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors (PPII)Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

• Targeting specific ‘hot spots’ on the protein surface, a growing trend

From: Meier, C., et al. (2013). Drug Discovery Today, 18(13-14), 607–609. Study by “The

Boston Consulting Group.”

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors (PPII)Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

• PPII development considered risky in early stage but

• Computational methods de-risk PPII development through:

• Our MFMD evaluates quickly drugability of target

• Fast, reliable low cost evaluation with virtual screening

• Tailor-made design of early stage compounds.

• More projects/targets evaluated and less money spent

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors (PPII)Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Small Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors


• Chemokine receptor interactions (e.g., Pfizer’s Selzentry),

• Integrin interactions (e.g., SAR code’s Lifitegrast),

• p53-MDM2 interaction (e.g., Roche’s RG7112).

Emerging market with highly attractive prospects

• 15 projects in development (2013)

• Licensing agreements crossed $1B (2012)

From: Meier, C., et al. (2013). Drug Discovery Today, 18(13-14), 607–609. Study by “The

Boston Consulting Group.”

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Defining Methods

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Computist’s Defining Methods: Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

The heart of our method: Multiple Fragment Molecular Dynamics MFMD

Quantum Mechanics QM:

• Overcomes limitations of current force-field based methods (MM)

for small molecule ⟷ target interactions

Our Dynamical Score:

• Adds structural dynamical stability to find the right compound

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Benefits of Computational Design Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Benefits of our MFMD approach:

• Explore and determine drugability of a target’s binding site

• Determine and map out binding site features using

your preferred small fragments

• MFMD enables precision docking of molecules

• Design optimized compounds with MFMD fragment

clusters combined with docked molecules

• Design specific compounds through mapping out

differences of MFMD clusters from two targets

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Our Unique Skills and Methods AppliedDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Computational Design of Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

• Molecules designed to interact with surfaces / non-standard binding sites

• Proven success in our PPII design through experimental verification:

• Small molecules as tropomyosin polymerization inhibitors

• Novel fragments suitable for inhibitor design the Ras/Raf interaction

Small Molecule Alternatives for Protein Drugs

• Protein drugs are often used as PPIIs.

• Our technology proved successful in designing small molecules that

can replace an antibody

• All our designed PPIIs are small molecules or peptides


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Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Ras/Raf Example

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Ras/Raf Protein-Protein Interaction InhibitorDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Computational Design of Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors

• Proven success in our PPII design through experimental verification:

• Designed peptides to inhibit the Ras/Raf interaction in 1998

• Identified novel fragments suitable for inhibitor design the Ras/Raf

interaction in 2014 (collaboration with Circa Group Pty Ltd)

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

MFMD Scans

(selected fragments)


Design of Ras/Raf interaction inhibitorsDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

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MFMD Scans

(selected fragments)

Design of Ras/Raf interaction inhibitorsDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target


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MFMD Scans

(selected fragments)

Design of Ras/Raf interaction inhibitorsDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target


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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

2015: Fragment-based small molecule design

• Identified and verified fragments suitable for PPII

design leading to novel NCEs.

• Fragments are based on levoglucosenone.

• Experimentally verified

• IP is shared with Circa Group Pty. Ltd.

• Further discussions possible (NDA)

Design of Ras/Raf interaction inhibitorsDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

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Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Benefits of Computational Design

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Benefits of Computational DesignDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

• Quality of compounds

• Speed

• Cost per project

• Tailored compounds

• Mode-of-action clarified

• More projects/$$$ invested

Increased success rate of projects

Experimental FragmentScreening



















lower cost




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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

Summary and ConclusionDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

Combining Small Molecule PPII Discovery with Computational Design

• Access new class of drugs quicker, with

lower risk and at lower cost

→ higher R&D ROI

• From good PPII candidates To great PPIIs

• “Impossible” projects now doable

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

What We Do and How We Work Together Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target

Computational discovery & design of small molecule compounds• The most productive alternative to HTS

Our rigorous process leads to quicker

and better results

Our customized design cycles are clear-

cut and focused on your goals.

Together we change the way your drug candidates are discovered and developed

Computer Model:

Binding Mode & Specificity

Compound Data

(from client)

Wet Screening

performed by client

Compound Design

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

For Whom It Works BestDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

De-risking drug discovery

Existing infrastructure: Manifold optimization of drug discovery

No infrastructure: Jump start a drug discovery pipeline with

affordable infrastructure

Being stuck: Accelerating slow progressing/difficult projects

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© 2015 Computist Bio-Nanotech

The Computist DifferenceDesigning the right drug compound for the right disease target

We are Digital Accelerators of Drug Discovery

Superior Value Creation

• Quick Mode-of-Action/binding mode clarification

• Better and improved compounds

• Earlier “time to market”

• Improved IP position

Significant Cost Savings

• Minimal infrastructure cost / investment

• Less personnel and material cost

• Accelerated process

Rigorous and disciplined project execution



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“If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get

what you've always got!”

Henry Ford

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Designing the right drug compound for the right disease target


Computist Bio-Nanotech Pty Ltd

Scoresby, VIC, Australia

[email protected]

+61 412 367 935
