webinar: how to use web analytics to improve website conversions

How to Use Web Analytics to Improve Website Conversions

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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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Today we had our webinar on this subject. You can view the recorded presentation by visiting http://www.seo.com/webinars/webinar-web-analytics-improve-conversion/


Page 1: Webinar: How To Use Web Analytics To Improve Website Conversions

How to Use Web Analytics to Improve

Website Conversions

Page 2: Webinar: How To Use Web Analytics To Improve Website Conversions

Comments & Questions During Webinar

• GoToWebinar Chat Room• Twitter – Tweet @SEOcom • Use #SEOwebinar hashtag

• We are recording today’s webinar• Slides will be online tomorrow• Recording early next week

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About SEO.com

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Page 4: Webinar: How To Use Web Analytics To Improve Website Conversions

Claye Stokes


Director of SEO

Page 5: Webinar: How To Use Web Analytics To Improve Website Conversions

High Level First, Then Drilling Down

• Can’t track what we’re not measuring!• Make sure you’re tracking all of the following with

event tracking:– Form submissions (lead generation, newsletters, etc.)– Downloads– Wishlists– Reviews– Comments– Step completion (in multi-step forms and checkout


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High Level

• If a dollar sign can be attributed to any action on your site, then use ecommerce tracking!– Transactions (default)

• Even if users don’t actually pay, use ecommerce tracking to quantify:– Product inquiries– Samples– Offline orders (Nissan)

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Event Tracking

• First, locate a meaningful action to track

• The code looks like this: <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Post Comment“ onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'comment', 'submit', ‘title of post“ />

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Event Tracking

• The report will look like this:

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This Won’t Help Improve Conversion

• Visits• Pageviews• Pages/visit• Another website’s conversion rate

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What Will

• Knowing your current conversion rate, in context– How it has fluctuated in the past, and why– How does it vary among channels?

• Landing page analysis: top vs worst converting• Site speed• The lifetime of a sale• Meaningful touch points that lead to sales• The usual

– Bounce rate– Exit rate on key landing pages

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Current Conversion Rate

PLEASE don’t pay (much) attention to your global conversion rate

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Current Conversion Rate

• Segment!– How do new visitors convert, vs current visitors?– Blog readers, vs visitors that land on your

services/product pages?– Branded, vs non-branded terms?

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Segment Channels

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Then Ask Questions

• What landing pages rank so well in Yahoo? Why do they convert well?

• Why aren’t our CPC visitors converting at a higher rate?

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Landing Page Analysis

• Compare top converting vs worst converting pages

• Rely on percentages, not volume• Segment content so that you’re comparing apples

to apples– PPC landing pages– Blog pages– Product pages– Category pages– Service pages

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Landing Page Analysis

1. Go to the Content->Landing Pages report2. Click “Advanced Filter”3. Segment your landing pages in a useful way4. Consider entering a minimum # of visits, to keep the

data statistically relevant5. Sort by Goal Conversion Rate (or Revenue)

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Landing Page Analysis

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Landing Page Analysis

• Takeaways– Inspect and record best practices shared among

top converting pages• What does that page convert? Quality of content?

Strong calls to action? Strong testimonials and proof of your value?

– Pay attention to the nature of badly performing landing pages, why aren’t they performing? How can they be fixed?

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Site Speed

• “For every second slower your site loads, conversion rate drops 7 percent” – Avinash Kaushik

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Site Speed

• SEO.com bounce rate for page loads greater than 5 seconds is 16% greater than the bounce rate for pages that load in fewer than 5 seconds

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Site Speed

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The Lifetime of a Sale

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The Lifetime of a Sale

• Takeaways– Need long (adequate) cookie life for returning

visitors– Give users an interactive experience by reminding

them where they left off last time (items in the cart, previous items viewed, etc.)

– Watch the behavior and touchpoints of users that take more than a few days to make a purchase. Was social/PPC/email involved? Etc.

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Meaningful Touchpoints

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Meaningful Touchpoints

• Takeaways– Consider putting more focus on paid search,

organic search, email, or any other channel that is contributing to sales but may not be a current area of focus

– Most impactful for customers that take more than a day to purchase

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Page 27: Webinar: How To Use Web Analytics To Improve Website Conversions

Claye Stokes


Director of SEO

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