webmaster wisdom

Webmaster Wisdom!

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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Words from your District Webmaster!


Page 1: Webmaster Wisdom

Webmaster Wisdom!

Page 2: Webmaster Wisdom

Table of Contents

Pg. 3 Words From Your Webmaster

Pg. 4 Greetings From Your International Trustee

Pg. 5-6 Why Attend DCON /It’s Time for DCON!

Pg. 7 7 Must Do’s On the District Website!

Pg. 8 Did You Know ….?

Pg. 9-10 The Success of Websites In WIUM!

Pg. 11 Social Media Usage 101

Pg. 12 Finding Change Within Your Key Club

Pg. 2

Page 3: Webmaster Wisdom

A Few Words From Your Webmaster

Hi WIUM Ke} Clvbbers,

M} oame is Braodqo Li, aod I haxe the hqoqr qf seryiog WIUM as }qvr 2012-2013 District Webmaster! I’xe beeo bvs} the

last fez mqoths frqm reoqxatiog the District Website, tq dexelqriog oez resqvrces fqr clvbs tq vtili�e, tq ioteractiog zith

}qvr Lievteoaot Gqxerpqrs. This rast svmmer, I had the rrixilege qf meetiog zith oatixe Ke} Clvbbers io Taizao, aod

learped a lqt abqvt Ke} Clvb aod all the xqlvoteeriog qrrqruwoities the} e|serieoce io Asia. As a Ke} Clvbber, }qv’re a

member qf the Kizaois Famil}, aod I vrge }qv tq e|saod }qvr hqri�qos aod meet qther Kizaois famil} members.

Utili�iog sqcial media aod techoqlqg~ is the rerfect za} tq dq sq! Whether it’s srreadiog azareoess zithio }qvr cqmmv-

oit~ abqvt Ke} Clvb thrqvgh a clvb zebsite, tq rrqmqtiog a fwodraiser zithio }qvr schqql thrqvgh xideq adxeruisemeots,

tq meetiog qther Ke} Clvbbers thrqvgh Facebqqk qr t{itter, I eocqvrage cqmmvoicatiqo amqogst qoe aoqther. Exeo

better, seod me ao e-mail qr Facebqqk message sqmetime! I’d lqxe tq get tq koqz }qv! As the March is tvickl}

arrrqachiog, I hqre all qf }qv rlao qo atteodiog District Leadershir Cqofereoce. I cao’t zait tq meet all qf }qv!

Tqgether io Seryice,

Braodqo Li

Pg. 3

Page 4: Webmaster Wisdom

Greetings From Your Trustee

Hellq exer~qoe,

M} oame is Yeio Ha, aod I feel xer~ rrixileged tq serye as }qvr 2012-2013 Ioterpatiqoal Trwstee! As I am abqvt tq eoter the secqod

half qf m} tern as Trwstee, I caooqt tell hqz lvck} I am tq be able tq zqrk zith }qvr hardzqrkiog district qfficers. These rast fez

mqoths haxe beeo trwl} iocredible as I am lqqkiog fqr{ard tq meetiog all qf }qv at the WI-UM District Cqofereoce 2013! With the

oez zebsite that the WI-UM district has lavoched, I zqvld like cqogratwlate Webmaster Braodqo Li aod the bqard fqr a faotastic

zqrk fqr rvttiog this tqgether. That beiog said, I zqvld like tq eocqvrage clvbs aod members tq check qvt bqth the district aod

ioterpatiqoal zebsite tq fiod all kiods qf helrfwl resqvrces! Yqv zill oqt qol} fiod details aod iofqrnatiqo abqvt qvr differeot

seryice rarupers, bvt }qv zill discqxer iofqrnatiqo abqvt district/ioterpatiqoal exeots as zell as zqoderfwl oezsletters aod vrdates

frqm }qvr district qfficers! The rest qf the Ioterpatiqoal Bqard members aod I haxe beeo zqrkiog hard tq create aod vrdate

resqvrces, researchiog better za}s tq cqmmvoicate qvr differeot seryice rarupers aod rrqgrams, aod qf cqvrse, tq becqme aoqther

resqvrce tq qvr members! If }qv haxe ao} tvestiqos, adxises, qr cqmmeots abqvt qvr Ioterpatiqoal rrqgress, rlease feel free tq

cqotact me at ao} time thrqvghqvt the }ear! See }qv at DCON!

Io cariog, seryice, aod frieodshir,

Ioterpatiqoal Trwstee Yeio Ha

Pg. 4

Cqotact Me!


trwstee.}[email protected]

Page 5: Webmaster Wisdom

Why Attend DCON?

Atteod ioteractixe zqrkshqrs qo a xariet~ qf svbjects that

zill helr tq edvcate }qv abqvt Ke} Clvb.

Meet qxer 700 qther Ke} Clvbbers frqm WIUM !

Grqz as leaders frqm qvr iosriratiqoal ke}pqte sreaker!

Get recqgpi�ed after a }ear qf great seryice!

Haxe fwo!

“The best za} tq fiod }qvrself is tq lqse }qvrself io the seryice qf qthers. “ - Ghaodi

Pg. 5

Page 6: Webmaster Wisdom

It’s Time for DCON!

We better see

}qv qo March

1st at DCON!

It’s gqiog tq be a

Sevssical Paru~!

Talk to your club’s advisor

for more information!

Dqo’t fqrget tq svrrqru the Elimioate Prqject!

Pg.. 6

Page 7: Webmaster Wisdom

1) Graots - Helr kick qff a great seryice rrqject zith sqme helr frqm the District!

2) Gqxerpqr’s Blqg - Learp zhat }qvr ama�iog gqxerpqr is dqiog fqr Ke} Clvb!

3) Fvodraiser & Seryice Prqject Ideas - Need sqme ideas fqr }qvr Ke} Clvb?

4) Clvb Officer Resqvrces - Take sqme adxice aod tirs regardiog }qvr rqsitiqo!

5) Seryice Parupers - Lqqk aod learp abqvt qvr srectacvlar seryice rarupers!

6) Nezsletters - Sta} vrdated zith all the seryice that’s harreoiog io qvr district!

7) DCON - Get e|cited fqr the vrcqmiog

srectacvlar zeekeod io March!!!

7 Must Do’s

On the District Website

Pg. 7

Page 8: Webmaster Wisdom

Did You Know …?

Key Club Project Eliminate

Social Media Interesting Facts!

Every minute 72 hours of video are

uploaded onto You-tube!

Over 44,000 tweets are sent per minute!

WIUM has raised over $15,000 for MNT!

A child dies every 9 minutes

We already saved over 8000 lives!

Let’s reach our district goal of $25,000!

Everyday 20% of Google searches have

never been searched before!

Key Club has over 265,456 members!

There’s over 5,000 clubs in 30 nations!

Caring is our way of life!

Brad Pitt, Elvis Presley, and Bill Clinton

were once all Key Clubbers!

Did you know Walt Disney

was afraid of mice?

Pg. 8

Page 9: Webmaster Wisdom

The Success of Websites in WIUM

"After looking at the district website, we

realized we wanted to have an online re-

source for our members. We included their

individual services hours and points so

they could keep track of their participation.

In addition, we have a place for them to see

what events they have signed up for, and

what events we have coming up. Our web-

site is all about keeping our members up-

dated and involved."

- Colleen, Menominee Falls Secretary

“The Kimberly Key Club website is both

user-friendly and visually appealing.

Any information one would need about

upcoming events or the weekly meetings

can be easily accessed. The website is kept

updated and current so all members can

utilize it, and the Kimberly Key Club is

lucky to have such a valuable tool!”

- Elly, Kimberly High Key Clubber

Pg. 9

“Be the chaoge that }qv zish tq see io the zqrld.”

Page 10: Webmaster Wisdom

“As the division 8 LTG, I created a website

for the clubs in my division. I post

resources including fundraising and

service project ideas, icebreaker ideas,

district newsletters, and more! I also post

each club's total service hours and the

money we have raised as a division for the

Eliminate Project. The website helps to keep

division 8 organized and informed.

Overall, it's a great resources for the clubs.”

- Julie, Division 8 Lieutenant Governor

“The International website was

instrumental in helping me use the

membership update center and handling

Key Club dues. The District website has also

been very useful in helping our club in

preparing for District Leadership

Conference, upcoming events, and resources

for the club. Both have been very helpful in

keeping us updated with what is going on

the club, district, and international level.”

- Ms. Stevens, De Pere Key Club Advisor

Pg. 10

The Success of Websites in WIUM

Ioterested io Becqmiog WIUM’s oe|u Directqr qf Techoqlqg~? Click here fqr mqre iofqrnatiqo. If }qv haxe ao} tvestiqos, feel free tq

e -mail me at zebmaster@zivmke}clvb.cqm!

Page 11: Webmaster Wisdom

Social Media Usage 101

Mqre resqvrces cao be fqvod belqz: Webmaster~ 101 - Learp The Basics Uoder 10 Miovtes!

Sqcial Media 101 - What Is There Besides Websites?

3 Simrle Sters tq Svccess!

Sqcial media is vtili�ed as a tvick, effectixe fqrn qf cqmmvoicatiqo. Whether

it’s srreadiog iofqrnatiqo regardiog xqlvoteeriog exeots, tq rqstiog the oe|u

Ke} Clvb meetiog time, vtili�iog sqcial media zill haxe a rqsitixe imract qo

}qvr clvb. Frqm creatiog a Face-bqqk grqvr, tq rqstiog a zeekl} blqg vrdate

abqvt }qvr hqme clvb, tq creatiog a Yqv-Tvbe xideq chaooel fqr

aooqvocemeots aod Ke} Clvb xideqs. Thvs, haxiog either a zebmaster qr

rvblicit~ chair at }qvr schqql is esseotial. Nqt qol} Ke} Clvbbers io }qvr schqql

shqvld be koqzledgeable abqvt all the great acts qf seryice that are beiog dqoe,

bvt alsq }qvr cqmmvoit~. Beiog qoe qf the cqre xalves, ioclvsixeoess dqeso’t

jvst ioclvde exer~qoe io the schqql, bvt exer~qoe io the cqmmvoit~.

Pg. 11

Page 12: Webmaster Wisdom

Finding Change in Your Key Club

Pg. 12

1). Create a clvb zebsite A clvb zebsite is ao e|celleot resqvrce fqr members tq vtili�e zheo

qbtaioiog iofqrnatiqo. Frqm checkiog xqlvoteeriog dates, tq srecific

vrcqmiog fwodraisers, the clvb zebsites cao becqme a ceotral

headtvaruers fqr qbtaioiog iofqrnatiqo aod qther resqvrces .

2). Utili�e qther sqcial media tqqls Frqm vsiog Facebqqk grqvrs, tq a clvb t{itter, sqcial media rlatfqrns

cao rrqxide a tvick, efficieot, aod ioe|seosixe za} qf cqmmvoicatiog

zith members.

3). Haxe a rvblic relatiqos cqmmittee This cqmmittee zill helr srread azareoess amqog the schqql aod cqm-

mvoit~ frqm jvst creatiog mqre azareoess abqvt Ke} Clvb, tq rrqmqtiog

differeot exeots qr fwodraisers. Frqm rqsters, tq xideq aooqvocemeots,

this cqmmittee cao xar~ greatl} frqm clvb tq clvb. It sqmetimes ma} alsq

be the sqcial media cqmmittee.

Cqosisteoc} is the ke} tq svccess!