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VESTRY MEETING — OCTOBER 2015 1.VESTRY MEETING AGENDA OCTOBER 2015 2.SEPTEMBER 2015 VESTRY MINUTES 3.SENIOR WARDEN UPDATE _ OCTOBER 2015 4.JUNIOR WARDEN VESTRY REPORT OCTOBER 2015 5.PROPOSED JW PROJECTS FOR 2016_REV 6.FUNDRAISER COMMITTEE UPDATES_OCT 2015 7.NOVEMBER STEWARDSHIP SCHEDULE The following documents can be reviewed in the Parish Office Proposed Rewording for Cemetery Operations St. James Financials_SEP 2015 Update from Rev. Canon Amy Coultas Worship Survey_2012

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OpeningPrayerConsentAgendaNote:Treasurer’sfinancialswillbeincludedinthe“read-a-heads”fortoday’sAgenda.However,allfinancialinformationwillbediscussedinNewBusiness.Bylawsarearead-aheadandwillbepreparedforapproval.Surveyfrom2012isaread-aheadandwillbeusedfordiscussioninNewBusiness• MinutesfromSeptember2015• SeniorWarden’sReport• JuniorWarden’sReport• JuniorWardenProjects2016• CemeteryOperations(Bylawsrevision)• 2012WorshipSurvey• RecapofmeetingwithRev.CanonAmyCoultasre:InterimPriestOld(orUnfinished)Business• BylawsvoteNewBusiness• FollowuponRev.AmyCoultas’recapofmeetingwithSeniorWardenanddiscussion• ANeedtoSurveyCongregationontimesofServices?(reviewlastsurvey)• StewardshipUpdate—CorkyWebb• PlanforAnnualMeeting• VestryNominatingCommitteefor2016• UpdateonJuniorWardenstatusandotherVestrymembers• BudgetYTD• NewItemstobediscussed

o importanceofIn-ReachCommitteeduringperiodoftimewe’rewithoutaRectororDeacon


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St. James Episcopal Church Pewee Valley, Ky Vestry Minutes

September 15, 2016

There was a Vestry Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, at St. James. In attendance were Joe John, Corky Webb, David Gleason, Skip Bentley, Ed Heymann, Susan Hinkel, Gabi Keemer, Tim Beamer, and Ann Schatzinger. Absent: Shane Ball. Joe John, Senior Warden, called the meeting to order at 6:30, followed by an opening prayer. Kudos to Corky, Beth, Nicole, Tom and Sherry, for putting together and hosting such a great fundraiser, Taste of St. James! Word is that we made more than $6,500 for the evening. Consent Agenda • Minutes from August 2015 • Rector’s Report • Senior Warden’s Report • Ed Heymann’s Report re: Search Committee Input, and Campus Trees There was an addition to the Rector’s Report (included in the Senior Warden Report): YTD attendance 3,231 compared to 3,338 this time last year, which is a 3% drop in attendance. That is really encouraging, considering the time of year and the fact that we typically lose some people when a Rector leaves. Skip made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, Corky seconded, vote taken, and the motion passed. Old Business BYLAWS The Church Bylaws are ready to vote on for approval and, after a final editing, will be ready for our Annual Meeting in November. They are effective 2015. They follow all canons of the church and will be signed by all Vestry members and attached to the September minutes. Section 8 of Article III under Meetings of the Vestry was discussed. The number of allowed absences was discussed and the motion made that the allowed

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absences be 4. There was no second to the motion so the motion did not pass and will remain at 6. Section 3 of Article VIII, the “Cemetery” was discussed. It was decided to get clarification by the next meeting on the process of operation of the cemetery. A Cemetery Committee, in fact, does not exist now. In Article III, Section 9. (b) Building and Grounds Committee, #2. will be edited to read “The Care of the grounds, including the cemetery.” Skip made the motion to approve the Bylaws as presented and edited in this Vestry meeting, seconded by Susan, vote taken, and the motion passed. PRE-SCHOOL UPDATE Beth Webb will be sitting with pre-school director, Nazz Casebier to develop a simple, written contract that spells out her compensation, vacation, and objectives. New Business RESOLUTIONS FROM NORTHEAST DEANERY In the read-aheads for the meeting there were memorandums from the Northeast Deanery and The Peace and Justice Division with the subjects, “Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence” and “Responding to Racial Injustice”. There was some confusion as to whether the Vestry was voting on the resolutions, or voting that we support the Bishop opening a dialogue on these two subjects at the National Convention. A motion was discussed pertaining to the Gun Violence issue stating that the Vestry at St. James can’t accept the resolutions until we get further clarification; but, as reflected in the last paragraph of the memorandum, we are being asked to vote on whether or not we approve our Bishop pursuing the dialogue at the 187th Convention of our diocese. Therefore, Tim Beamer made the motion that we approve the bishop beginning a dialogue, noting that we are not voting on the resolutions as they are written, and the motion passed. DIOCESAN COMMITMENT 2016 The Diocese needs to have all the pledges from its churches by 9/30/15 so we discussed what our pledge will be. Currently we are at the 7.5% level and have

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indicated in our meeting with Karl Lusk and the Trustees and Council that we could raise our pledge to 9% for 2016. The Diocese asks for 15-20% of the parochial report. 9% would be $21,299.04 or approximately $1,700 a month. We agreed to 9% before Fr. Jim resigned which has put us into a different risk profile financially. David provided us with a financial report with projections that indicate that we could commit at the 9% level. Not everyone felt as though we get enough guidance and support from our diocese. It seems that they have been slow to respond to our need for a new rector. The Diocese did help us in our “Day of Listening” which will be one of the foundations to work from as we search for a new rector. We probably don’t realize yet just how much help they will be as the search begins. Since 9% seems to be financially possible and we have made a verbal commitment, Ed made the motion that we increase our pledge to 9% for 2016, which was seconded by David, and the motion passed with two nays. AUDIT FINDINGS The Audit Committee findings were included in the read-aheads for this meeting. All in all, we have vastly improved over the past couple of years, thanks to our Parish Administrator, Angel Morrow, whose oversight and good record-keeping have helped us immensely. Susan made the motion that we approve the findings, Skip seconded, vote taken, and the motion passed. The congregation does not have to vote to approve them. They will be sent to the diocese as a matter of course. JUNIOR WARDEN STATUS Shane Ball has resigned as Junior Warden. Joe made the motion that Ed Heymann be the Junior Warden, and that Corky Webb be in charge of Stewardship. It was seconded by Susan, vote taken, and the motion passed. INTERIM PRIEST We re-opened the discussion of whether or not we need to hire an interim priest. There has been concern expressed from the diocese and from some of our parishioners about our decision to not have a priest at St. James during the search process, but rather rely on “supply priests”. We will not have our deacon, Mary, from November through March. The status of Rev. Jerry is still questionable as he considers applying for our rector position; if he does do so, it would not be appropriate for him to serve as

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the priest in charge during the interim period. In Joe’s meeting with Amy, which was documented in Amy’s 9/4 email to Joe and was in the read-aheads for this meeting, she made some valid points for having an interim priest. Joe pointed out that the worship schedule has not been established beyond November because we need a priest to make decisions about it. Joe read a letter from parishioner Mary Palmer-Ball. She writes that she is reflecting her thoughts and the thoughts of fellow parishioners that she has spoken with and they feel strongly that we need to have a priest during our search for a new rector. There are visitations to be made, ceremonies to perform, people to counsel, schedules to make, and that to have an “empty building” does not reflect well on us as a church. There is a gap between what we need and what we actually can do. We would consider a part-time or full-time interim. We need guidance from Amy and the diocese on how much to pay an interim. We would need to include in their contract the provision that after we hire a permanent rector we would pay one month’s severance pay and the contracts ends. Joe will call Amy and tell her that we want to hire an interim and need guidance on the salary. SEARCH COMMITTEE Next week we will have a joint meeting of the Vestry and of the Search Committee along with Rev. Canon Amy Coultas. At that time we plan to give the Search Committee a flexible template to work from as their search begins. We will not meet with them again until they report to us that they have several candidates for us to choose from. We feel they have a good foundation to work from. Ed suggested that in the area of salary we first give the amount that we paid our last rector, and we want regular performance evaluations tied in with any raise in salary. Everyone was in agreement with a regular performance schedule for the new rector. VESTRY NOMINATING COMMITTEE Skip reported that Cherish Joostberns is interested in joining the Vestry and has written a bio for us [attached to minutes, though it was not a read-ahead for this meeting]. We are looking for three people, and if Shane resigns from the Vestry that will be another 2 year term that is vacant. Skip got some ideas of some people to approach and he will report back to us at the next meeting.

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Per Diocesan Audit, Rector’s base salary is $49,224, and the housing allowance is $18,576. Due to the departure of our rector, our last payment was the August 15th payroll. Joe John led the members in closing prayer. Respectfully submitted, _____________________ ________________________ Joe John Gabriela Keemer Senior Warden Secretary CHERISHJOOSTBERNSCherishgrewupinGrandLedge,MI,andhaslivedinCrestwood,KY,forthepastthreeyearswithherhusband,Clint,theirtwochildren,Amelie(5)andElodie(8),andtheirpets.CherishattendedtheUniversityofMichigan,whereshestudiedRussianandEastEuropeanStudiesandwasamemberoftherowingandrugbyteams.Aftergraduation,shewascommissionedasa2ndLieutenantintheUnitedStatesMarineCorps.Cherishservedasalogisticsofficer,transportationofficerandrecruitingprogramsspecialistfor20years.Duringthattime,shelivedinavarietyofplaces,toincludeJapan,Hawaii,PennsylvaniaandVirginia.ItwasduringhertimeinPhiladelphia,PA,thatsheattendedChristChurchregularly(inthesamepewsasWilliamPenn,BenjaminFranklinandBetsyRoss!)andbecameamemberoftheEpiscopalianchurch.ClintandCherishwerelatermarriedatChristChurchandenjoyedthecitytouristswhopeekedinthroughouttheceremony.CherishalsoenjoyedopportunitiestodeployinsupportofmilitaryexercisesinJapan,SouthKorea,Australia,andThailand.Shespecializedinoperationallogisticsplanningandlifesupport.HerlasttourofdutywasastheCommanderoftheMilitaryEntranceProcessingStationinLouisville,KY,enablingyoungadultstojoinallbranchesoftheU.S.military.CherishretiredfromtheactivedutyMarineCorpsin2015.Sheplanstocontinuerunninginhernewfreetime,tryingoutsomenewhobbiesandsupportinghergirlsintheiractivities.

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1. ConferencecallwithRev.CanonAmyonWednesday,October14.Purposewasanupdate



2. ExpectinganupdateonSafeguardingGod’sChildrenfromMarysincethecomputerglitches

apparentlyhavebeenfixedandwecannowproceedtogeteveryonecertified.3. AngelprovideddocumentsregardingCemeteryOperations.Priceshavechangedandwe


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4. Developed“AllSoulsRemembrance”cardforcongregationtocompletewithnamesof

deceased.Planistohavethecards“bundled”andonthealtarforthemonthofNovember.5. MetwithDavidregardingFinancialsfor2016andplanningfortheAnnualMeeting.6. MetwithDavidandCorkyregardingStewardshipandplannedgivingprogramthatCorkywill

developandpresenttotheVestryintheOctobermeeting.7. MetwithJerryandMaryregardingtheformatoftheAnnualMeetinganditwillbea


8. VestryapprovedthefindingsoftheAuditintheSeptembermeetingandourresponsesto


9. VestryapprovedincreasingDiocesanpledgeto9%for2016.Vestryagreedthat15%istoo


10. EdHeymann,inhisprojectsfor2016,willbeconductinganappraisalofitemswiththeassistanceofScottNussbaum,acertifiedappraiser.IwillbeworkingwiththeAltarGuildtoinventoryandphotographalloftheitemsinourSacristythatareusedforworship.Aform,providedbyChurchInsurance,providesanexcellentguidelineforustoinventoryourvaluables.WewillalsobecomplyingwiththeAuditCommittee’scommentthataninventoryofvaluablesneedstobecompleted.


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October 2015 Jr. Warden Report Gleason Hall tile floor was cleaned and polished by Jan Abrams. Jan was so gracious in doing the job bringing back a shine to the floor. Exit light lithium batteries were replaced in Gleason Hall. New Riccar vacuum cleaner with attached tools was purchased. Oz Electric completed many projects on our campus. Repaired two lights in back of Gleason Hall that lights up the ramp Installed new light over door to church that required rewiring thru 12” stone Changed spot lights in church ceiling that light up the altar Repaired ceiling fans in church Installed new wiring in Bell Tower Replaced ceiling fan in Rector Office Interviewing companies for securing building. This covers our school for providing surveillance of entry doors including video and audio. Will have report at our November meeting. Have quote for stone maintenance on the church. Will talk further on this matter Painting and repair by John Wieland Painting Repaired and painted front windows in Board Hall Repaired and painted front window in Bell Tower (window sill wood was totally rotten) Red Doors to church were painted, door to Board Hall was repaired and painted, doors in Gleason Hall were painted. Inventory of altar supplies in sacristy and candle sticks. The inventory appraisal would be conducted by Scott Nussbaum a certified appraiser. Our findings would then be available for our insurance provider of coverage. St. James’ does not have an inventory nor value of our valuables.

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Proposed Projects from Junior Warden for 2016 October 14, 2015 Here are several projects I plan to pursue in 2016. Some I have cost for at this time others are awaiting costs. Church The stone on church is in need of attention. This is the type of project that can be put off and let others handle down the road but in my opinion that is not in the best interest of our church. I have had several meetings with Jack Hurd and he is of the opinion we need to get on with protecting the church. I am also concerned that down the road how many certified stone masons will there be, and will they understand preservation of a 150 + year old stone structure. Having said all of that here are my findings and pricing. 1. Entrance to the church Remove loose mortar, clean mortar, tuck-point, and one coat of water sealant Construct scaffolding 2. Left side of entrance towards the cemetery Clean, tuck point and water sealant 3. East Side of church Clean, tuck point and water sealant 4. Southside of church Clean, tuck point and water sealant This does not include the chimney top as we will not know the work until scaffolding is constructed. We can see at this time stone at top of chimney is broken away and needs reinforcing. 5. West Side of church the walk way to water fountain entrance Clean, tuck point and water sealant At this time there are parts unknown and cannot be determined until getting into the work. We have to have understanding additional charges could be experienced as the work progresses. Carpet in church To correct ripples in carpet pews would be removed and carpet stretched. Pews would be stored in a Pod during the procedure. This project would be done in spring of 2016. Estimated time would be one week.

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If we find carpet damaged after removing the pews installing new carpet would be necessary. I do not have an estimated cost at this time. Security System I am currently talking with Tyco security and Willis Klein on cost for securing our building. This would include our pre-school, all entrances to Gleason Hall. System would include cameras, audio, and remote door openers at certain location. The system includes keyless entry and time released door locks. I expect to receive written quotes in coming days. Parking Lot Seal parking lot, cost to be determined. Green Space Green Have Tree Care 3rd year maintenance

• Sycamore L front remove two lowest 4”-8” dead stubs remove sprouts • Maple 32” prune R front next to light post major visible deadwood &

stubs thin for wind penetration & raise off light post • Treat for Emerald Ash Borer Tree injection

Appraisal of items in scarcity for insurance coverage. This would be conducted by Scott Nussbaum a certified appraiser located at 2036 Frankort Ave 40206. Cost is $150 hr for pictures, and written appraisal. Not sure total time but budget cost at $500

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• Dinner With St. James: o Gustavo’s: $98.00 o Wick’s: $110.52 o Johnny Brusco’s: $187.00 o Chili’s: $109.00 o Selena’s: $440.00 o Johnny Brusco’s: $100.00 o BJ’s: Waiting on check o Village Anchor: October 19th o TBD; November

• Ladies’ Tea (Gabi Keemer): $350

• March Gladness (Shane Ball): $300

• Oldham County Garbage Pickup: On waiting list, will most likely be in 2016

• Ladies for Liberty Performance (June Creek): A few members might possibly

donate the cost of this performance ($500). Date has been postponed until spring. Tickets will be $50 per person.

• Taste of St. James: September 12th (New date) o Sponsorship targets: Meeting with fundraising team (completed); $1,600 o Event cost (see attached): ~$1,500 o Goal: $5000 o Estimated profit: $6,700

• Christmas at Waldeck: TBD

• TOTAL YEAR TO DATE: $8,394.00

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1. November 1st: Handwritten letter to every member of the church

(Corky will supply the language of the letter but Vestry members will hand-write them)

2. Starting November 1st: A weekly email will be sent out to all members regarding pledge cards.

3. There will be a poster placed in the church foyer (with Larry

Profancik’s help). The poster will have a thermometer with a goal for 10% more giving than last year.

4. Weekly announcements will include reminder about pledge cards.

5. November 15th: Sermon will incorporate stewardship (Catherine Day)

6. November 22: “Stewardship Day” will have one service at 9:30 with

breakfast provided by the choir, vestry and DOK afterwards. There will be three speakers during the breakfast presenting on time, talent, and treasures.

7. November 29th: Pledge cards to be turned in.