website colour test

Website Colour Test

Upload: jordcollins111

Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Website colour test

Website Colour Test

Page 2: Website colour test

The colours I have chosen

The colours I have chosen needed to relate back to my target audience in terms of the colours connotations interlinking with my target audience’s lifestyle. My colours will be heavily influenced by warm / bright colours this is too interpolate / portray city life as there a lot going on therefore always something to do. Red is a colour associated with desire, strength and determination. I believe this colour portrays my magazines target audience as I will be targeting wealthy individuals who are categorised within the succeeders psychographic therefore their brand choice is based on self – reward and high quality. Furthermore they would work in jobs within the A / B socio – economic categories so they would be able to afford my magazine and be intrigued by the articles on my website. Red is also a colour that brings text and images to the foreground, this is why it will feature heavily on my website as it will highlight key pieces of information for my target audience. Yellow is a colour associated with intellect and energy. I believe this colour portrays my target audience as the majority of my target audience will reside in the south of England where people are well educated. Blue is a colour associated with confidence and and stability. I believe this portrays my target audience as with them being categorised within the succeeders psychographic they will be positioned within higher management jobs therefore they will need to be confident / hard working individuals who can help out their workforce. Black is a colour associated with elegance and power. I believe that this colour portrays my target audience are powerful individuals usually positioned within higher management jobs. Black will feature heavily on my website as it connotes elegance and the places that feature within my magazine / website are all high end / elegant places that would appeal to my target audience. Black will also be used to give my others colours a better depth of field.

Page 3: Website colour test

Existing ProductsThis is an existing product that I took a lot of inspiration from when it came to designing my website. GQ magazine is a men’s lifestyle magazine that targets a similar target audience to my magazine. They have carefully selected the colours in accordance to their connotations and their target audience. GQ like to keep their magazine website colourful / sleek and elegant. Black is a colour that features heavily throughout the GQ website. The colour is associated with elegance and power. I believe that this colour portrays the magazines target audience as they are powerful individuals usually positioned within higher management jobs. Black will feature heavily on my website as it connotes elegance and the places that feature within my magazine / website are all high end / elegant places that would appeal to my target audience. Black is featured heavily as it is used to give my others colours a better depth of field and make them stand out. This particular edition of the website incorporates other colours used throughout the magazine in order to keep the audiences attention, in this intense its blue. Blue is a colour associated with confidence and and stability. I believe this portrays the magazines target audience as with them being categorised within the succeeders psychographic they will be positioned within higher management jobs therefore they will need to be confident / hard working individuals who can help out their workforce.