websites updated trends

1 Websites updated trends Websites updated trends Yahoo!Maktoob Yahoo!Maktoob Ashwaq Abu Aisheh

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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Why you should keep your Web knowledge up to date and How to keep your Web knowledge up to date? facebook,gadgets,market share,newsletter,rss,technology,trend,twitter,websites trends,widgets


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Websites updated trendsWebsites updated trendsYahoo!MaktoobYahoo!Maktoob

Ashwaq Abu Aisheh

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Why you should keep your Web knowledge up to date

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Meet user expectation coping new trends Hot topics

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How to keep your Web knowledge up to date

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Web industry is changing rapidly and each day there is something new and things come doable after being impossible ,also new  solutions may come into reality for a big serious problems ,So we as individuals  work in this industry and work for a leading internet company Yahoo! , we should be updated by any new thing day by day and we should not miss a day without learning or knowing new things and by this way only we can take our products quality  to the highest level and to produce as much perfect products as possible  ..There are a lot of sites that collect Web , internet technology news  ,,Digg ( ( ( ( (

 but actually it is maybe bit boring surfing those sites each day one by one so I am representing  some different ways in keeping up to date with latest technology news from the technology sites ...

Keeping your technology up to date

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Email Newsletter

• newsletters are those email messages sent to the clients or customers containing latest news about the organization.

• (daily, weekly, monthly ) as you prefer.

Digg newsletter…. >


Follow on FacebookFollow on TwitterFollow via RssFollow on BuzzGet daily email

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Facebook and twitter


Facebook and Twitter become sites that we use every day or for some every couple of minutes , and almost there is no site on the net do not have a page on Facebook or an account on Twitter , if you are a Facebook fan and use it always then you can just like for example "Mashable" page on Facebook and you will get the latest technology news in your Facebook homepage .. but if you prefer twitter then you follow "Mashable" on twitter and also will get the latest technology news in your twitter homepage 

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Examples on Facebook and Twitter


Like - join Mashable in Facebook

Follow Mashable in Twitter to update you in technologies news

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Web Gadgets (Widgets)


A web widget is a piece of code that can be used to enhance a personal web site, and to update your knowledge by technology web gadget.

There are now many sites that provides a users pages , each user has his own customizable page in which he/she can have all his toys in single page , these toys  called widgets , like "" , , 

in those sites you can find a lot of widgets also a lot of widgets that provides technology news and that can keep you updated and you can have many technology news widgets in a single page so you can read them all together ...also if you make on of those pages your homepage , each morning once you open your browser you will get the latest technology news without surfing the sites one by one.

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Examples on Web Widgets on my Yahoo!

Digg updated on My Yahoo

TechCrunch updated on My Yahoo

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A desktop gadgets widget is a mini-application that accesses the Internet to provide you with information.

There are many types of desktop gadgets and the most commonly used are Windows Vista and Google desktop gadgets , each type has many gadgets that can keep you always updated with the latest technology news with visiting the sites like twitter  , Digg  gadgets , and if you can not find a specific gadget for you preferred technology news sites you can add an rss reader gadget and this gadget can read the Rss of your preferred sites like Mashble and TechCrunsh and displays a headlines of the latest news ...

1. You should install google desktop

2. Then add Gadgets.

3. If you have Windows vista no need to install Google desktop you can add Vista Gadgets

Desktop Gadgets (widgets)

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Examples on Gadgets desktop


Digg updating


RSS For Mashable

or …

Twitter updating


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RSS (Rich Site Summary)

RSS An XML format for distributing updated information such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video on the Web.

You can follow via RSS reader for all websites technologies to update you on technology news.

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Share Knowledge


Each one of us will choose his preferred way to be up to dated with technology news but how can we have a team benefit of each team player knowledge??

We should share this knowledge among the team not only between 2 or 3 , so I suggest that each one of  us who read something useful or learn something new or hear about valuable technology news to send the link with some description to our ilist so we all can make useful of it.

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The End