wedding preparation guide


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Page 1: Wedding Preparation Guide




Page 2: Wedding Preparation Guide

City Harvest ChurchINTRODUCTION

Some Helpful Information Rev. Yong Te-Chong

Wedding Liaison MinisterTel.: 6349-1518Fax: 6737-6166Email address: [email protected]

Mr. Eric SooWedding Liaison AssistantTel.: 6349-1515Fax: 6737-6166Email address: [email protected]

There are many important decisions an individual has to make in his/her lifetime. Besides making the decision to follow Jesus, the next most important decision is the person you choose to marry.

The fact that you are reading this guide shows that you have already made that decision. The following pages are designed to help you foresee and plan ahead for your big day. All the best as you embark on this journey with your partner!

(Most couples in Singapore choose to register and solemnize their marriages before holding their Holy Matrimony in church. Therefore, this guide is separated into 2 segments.)

SECTION ONE: Church Wedding (Includes the Signing of Marriage Certificate)

SECTION TWO:Church Blessing (Holy Matrimony)

City Harvest Church2

Page 3: Wedding Preparation Guide

SECTION ONE: CHURCH WEDDING(Includes the Signing of Marriage Certificate)

The Registry of Marriages (ROM) registers and solemnizes civil marriages under the Women’s Charter. You can choose to have your Solemnization at the ROM, within church premises, in hotels or premises approved by the ROM.


Application for the Notice of Marriage is to be submitted at least 21 days and up to three months before the date of solemnization. ROM accepts only online applications via its website at Please prepare the following details before eFiling.

Singaporean: NRIC & Birth Certificate. Permanent Resident: NRIC, Birth Certificate, Passport & Re-entry

(PR) permit. Malaysian: NRIC, Birth Certificate & Passport. Divorcee: Original or Certified True copy of the Decree Nisi Absolute

in addition to the relevant identification documents. Widowed Person: Late spouse’s Death Certificate in addition to the relevant

identification documents. Witnesses: ID/Passport of 2 witnesses above the age of 21 years.


The applicant should be 21 years and above.

If an applicant is between 18 and 21 years old, he/she requires parental consent to marry. Both parents and two adult witnesses with NRICs must also be present.

If an applicant is below 18 years old, he/she will need to call at ROM to apply for a Special Marriage License.


The solemnization of marriages can take place after 21 days and within three months after the date of Notice of Marriage, subject to the availability of dates. Two witnesses above the age of 21 are required.

Church members can choose to solemnize their wedding in the church premises whereby advanced booking of venue and Officiating Pastor must be made with Mr. Eric Soo at least 6 months before the date of solemnization. You should also provide manpower for preparing the hall, such as seating arrangement, sound system, and/or decoration purposes (optional).


Page 4: Wedding Preparation Guide

4. MARRIAGE FEES (Payable to ROM)Payment is by NETS, Credit Cards or Cashcard.


Mondays to Fridays 8.30 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.2.00 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.

Saturdays 8.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.

Sundays & Public Holidays Closed

If you have any further queries, please contact:

Registry of Marriages (ROM)7 Canning Rise, Singapore 179869Tel: 1800 337-5339/6338-7808/6338-9987Fax: 6339-3328

6. CHECKLIST (Some items are optional)

Obtain marriage license from ROM. If solemnizing is to be done in City Harvest Church (CHC) premises, please obtain

and submit Marriage Registration Form to Mr. Eric Soo at least 6 months in advance.

Submit your room & equipment booking forms at least 3 months in advance through your Zone Supervisors for CHC premises, who will in turn pass it to Mr. Eric Soo.

Choose 2 witnesses (aged 21 & above). Purchase your wedding rings. Prepare appropriate solemnization attire. Make advanced booking for tea or lunch reception. Send out invitation cards to guests. Make appointment with hair-stylist, nail salon and makeover for the day. Select photographer and video personnel. Arrange for a sound system and physical arrangement team. Select a few instrumental CDs for background music. Plan your theme for decorations.


Page 5: Wedding Preparation Guide


(Holy Matrimony)

Careful planning and scheduling will enable you to truly enjoy every moment of your Wedding Day. This segment consists of 4 parts, namely:

A. Preparation Before the Wedding DayB. Actual Wedding DayC. Wedding Reception or DinnerD. After the Wedding Day


1. 9 - 18 Months Before the Wedding Day

a. Announce wedding plans to family and friends.

b. Arrange to have dinner with parents of both sides to discuss the reception and the number of guests they intend to invite.

c. Plan the budget and the theme of your wedding.

d. Compile the Guest List for both the Holy Matrimony and the Reception or Dinner. (Note: This is extremely important because every other decision you have to make later on will depend very much on the number of guests you are inviting. For instance, the venue of your Church wedding and dinner, the number of invitation cards to print, or how much food to cater.)

e. Categorize your Guest List so as to ease RSVP job (e.g. Ex-schoolmates, relatives, church staff, musicians, ushers, etc.)

f. Select the wedding date, time and venue for your Holy Matrimony and Reception/Dinner. If Solemnization is required during the Holy Matrimony, please check with ROM

if there is any restriction to the venue If you are using another church premises, check with the person-in-charge if

there are any restrictions to the way you want your wedding to be conducted (e.g. Music, reception, time, etc.)

g. Book in advance: For City Harvest Church premises. (With Mr. Eric Soo).

For crowd of 350 or lesser, the wedding hall will be at the Chinese Church Hall Level 4, and tea reception will be at the roof top garden.

For crowd of 350 or more, the wedding hall will be at the main auditorium Level B4, and tea reception will be at Level 4 Café and/or roof top garden.

For other church premises. For your restaurants/hotels (do not book the restaurants of hotels before the

wedding date has been confirmed with Mr. Eric Soo)

h. Submit your ‘Marriage Registration Form to Mr. Eric Soo.


Page 6: Wedding Preparation Guide

i. Fill in all information required and get the respective Zone Pastor or Zone Supervisor to sign.

j. Find out how to apply for a marriage license by calling ROM or visit their website at

k. Select Bridal and Photography studio.

l. Shop for wedding rings. Give time allowance for engraving and alteration of ring size.

m. Start discussing honeymoon plans with your fiancé/fiancée.

n. Discuss where you will live after the wedding.

2. 6 - 9 Months Before Wedding

a. Finalize your honeymoon plans. Discuss honeymoon plans and do a booking in advance. Apply for passports and visas (if necessary).

b. Select your Helpers (See Appendix 1 for Helpers’ List). Choose a wedding coordinator (preferably your own CGL). A good

wedding coordinator will enable you to enjoy your wedding planning. Confirm the availability of the helpers. Assign a person in-charge (IC) for each group of helpers. Get the IC to help you co-ordinate their respective teams. Have a discussion of the wedding preparation with the IC and take note of the

time each team of helpers is arriving.

c. Select your Caterer. Check if the caterer provides floral arrangements, floral arch, and decoration for

the reception table. Check if they provide Champagne-pouring and Cake-cutting services during

the Tea Reception. Check if the caterer provides VIP table for parents during tea reception. Liaise with the caterer on the desired color of tablecloth and skirting. Check if the caterer will provide tables and tablecloth for reception table (for

guests sign-in) and/or table for solemnization. Suggested amount of catered food is 75% - 85% of your actual guest list.

d. Order your wedding cake (optional).

3. 4 - 6 Months Before Wedding

a. Invitation cards. Decide who is to design your cards, where to print and how many to print.

b. Book appointment with your hair-stylist, nail salon, and facial beautician.

c. Select music. Choose your March-in and March-out songs for the Holy Matrimony. The hotel/restaurant usually provides March-in song for the dinner banquet.


Page 7: Wedding Preparation Guide

d. Decide if you will change your legal name.

e. Arrange lodging for out-of-town guests (optional).

4. 2 - 3 Months Before Wedding

a. Finalize Guest List.

b. Address your invitation cards.

c. Holy Matrimony Order of Service (See Appendix 2). Seek the help of your invitation card designer to design and print your

‘Order of Service’ handbill. Pass the handbills to your Wedding Coordinator or Usher IC who can give

them out to the guests on the wedding day.

d. Compile a list of equipment needed by the musicians and sound crew from the various ICs.

e. Do your booking with your Zone Supervisor for the equipment.

f. Confirm decoration for the venue.

g. Decide on the theme of your decorations, (e.g. elegant, country-style, floral, etc.)

h. Decide on the type of flowers and the color of ribbons.

i. Choose your decoration helpers.

j. Plan a rehearsal day for the Holy Matrimony.

k. A rehearsal should be held 1 week before the actual wedding, depending on the availability of the venue and the Officiating Minister.

l. The Groom and Bride should have their March-in and March-out songs ready in time for the wedding rehearsal.

m. People to be present at the wedding rehearsal:i) Groom and Brideii) Officiating Minister or Wedding Coordinating Pastoriii) Flower-girls and Page-boy/Ring-beareriv) Soundman (optional)v) Your Wedding Coordinator (optional)

n. Have your formal wedding album done.

o. Shop for honeymoon wardrobe and holiday accessories like quality film, sunglasses, camera, etc.

p. Purchase or arrange to borrow luggage bags for honeymoon.

q. Make sure all deposits are paid and contracts signed.


Page 8: Wedding Preparation Guide

r. Purchase or design your Guest Book.

s. Start going for facial regularly (for the Bride).

5. 1 Month Before Wedding

Distribute or mail out your invitation cards.

Purchase gift for fiancé/fiancée and in-laws.

Ensure wedding accessories are in order.

Prepare seating arrangements for reception/dinner.

Draft out your thank-you speech (optional).

Prepare an actual day itinerary (See Appendix 3).

Review your insurance policies.

Open joint savings and checking accounts (optional).

Ensure all bookings of halls & equipment have been done.

6. 2 Weeks Before Wedding

a. Finish honeymoon packing.

b. RSVP List For every category of invited guests, choose an RSVP IC. RSVP should be

done 2-3 weeks in advance, especially for staff and leaders of CHC (due to their busy schedule, some may not actually receive your invitation cards on time).

Confirm with the caterer, hotel, restaurant and Usher IC the estimated turnout so that necessary adjustments can be made to the food catered and seating arrangement.

c. Photo-taking Session Prepare a photo-taking list for the reception after Holy Matrimony. The sequence should be in order of importance.

d. Try to sleep well in these last 2 weeks.

e. Mr. Eric Soo will confirm the Chinese interpreter.

7. 1 Week before Wedding

a. Attend rehearsal.

b. Make cheque payment to City Harvest Church according to the hall/rooms that you will be using.

c. Have your hair trimmed.


Page 9: Wedding Preparation Guide

d. Make final arrangements with your Wedding Coordinator.

e. Prepare thank-you gifts for your helpers.

f. Memorize your wedding vows. (Appendix 5)

g. Prepare red packets for your Tea Ceremony.

h. Confirm time of arrival for the groom to pick up the bride.

i. Confirm time of arrival for the Wedding Entourage.

j. Confirm time of arrival for the make-up artist at the bride’s house.

k. Confirm time of arrival for the photographer & videographer.


1. Remain calm and relaxed.

2. Plan estimated time needed for each activity.

3. Provide a copy of the itinerary for your Wedding Coordinator and Best man so that they can help to keep track of time (See Appendix 3).

4. Eat a good breakfast and lunch.

5. Remember to bring your wedding rings.

6. Have fun!

7. Leave everything to your helpers and Wedding Coordinator.


Hotels and restaurants are most willing to render their services.

Some things to note are:1. Ushers: Have Ushers to show your guests to their respective tables.2. Guest Book: Remember to bring your Guest Book for dinner guests to sign.3. MC: Select your MC, choose 2 if interpretation is required.


1. Write and mail your thank you notes within 6 weeks of the wedding (optional).

2. Lastly, congratulations and enjoy being married!


Page 10: Wedding Preparation Guide

City Harvest ChurchHELPERS LIST (See Appendix 1)

Carefully select your friends to help you in the following roles …

1. Officiating MinisterCheck with Mr. Eric Soo the availability of the Pastor you would like to ask to be your officiating minister.

2. Wedding CoordinatorThis candidate should be an active and committed Cell Group member. If uncertain, please approach your Zone Pastor for advice. Select someone who will go the “extra mile” to make your wedding a success.

a. The wedding coordinator should also arrange to pick up the wedding box from Mr. Eric Soo the day before the actual wedding day. (Please make appointment 1 week in advance).

b. Accessories needed for the Holy Matrimony are:i. Communion cup and wineii. Communion plate and breadiii. Communion table (low enough for the couple to kneel down)iv. Unity Candle Standv. Unity Candles (buy 5 in case of breakage)vi. Table for the unity candle standvii. 2 cushions for kneelingviii.1 ring pillowviv. Tablecloth for the communion and unity candle tablesx. Table & tablecloth for the Signing of Marriage Certificate (if necessary).

(NOTE: Items in bold can be found in the wedding box.)

3. Wedding Entourage (helpers of the bride and groom for the actual event)

4. Master of Ceremony (MC)a. It would be most helpful to approach someone with stage experience. If uncertain,

please approach your Zone Pastor for advice. b. Have 2 MCs if the ceremony is a bilingual service.c. You may have different MCs for the Holy Matrimony and reception/dinner.

5. Chinese InterpreterIf you require a Chinese interpreter during Exhortation, please indicate clearly on the ‘Marriage Registration Form.’

6. Song Leadera. If a bilingual service is required, get a song leader who can lead in both languages.b. No amateurs are allowed.

7. Backup Singers

8. Musiciansa. Decide on the number of musicians you require for the occasion.


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b. 1 keyboard player and 1 guitarist are sufficient. (Bass guitarist and drummer are optional).

9. Usher IC and TeamLiaise with Mr. Eric Soo for the arrangement of chairs.

10. Sound Systema. If you are using a hotel or another church for your Holy Matrimony, check if they

allow you to bring in your own soundman and sound equipment.b. If not, make necessary arrangements for your soundman to view the venue and

talk to the person-in-charge before the actual day.c. Booking for physical arrangement has to be planned if there is transporting of CHC

equipment. Arrangement for the transportation of CHC equipment has to be made with Mr. Eric Soo.

11. Chorus Board and Transparency Helpera. The IC should get the Praise & Worship songs from the Song Leader.b. Bring along your laptop for the lyrics.

12. Physical Arrangement IC and TeamYou are to arrange your own transport vehicle.Suggested transport company: Spectrum Courier, Tel: 9002 8087

13. Area Cleaning IC and TeamTo do minor cleaning before and after the wedding ceremony.

14. Decoration IC and Teama. You can either engage professional service, like florists and caterers, or get

amateur help from friends.b. Arrange for them to keep the decorations after the wedding.c. Please refrain from using lighted candles along the aisle.

15. Receptionista. To save on manpower, you may get your entourage to double up as receptionists.b. You may ask the receptionists to help you buy the Guest Book.c. If the couple wants to keep a record of all monetary gifts and presents, you can

either label them with number stickers or make sure the guests write down their names on the cover of their gifts.

d. It is advisable to place extra empty red packets at the reception table for guests who may forget to bring their own.

16. Photographer and Videographera. Arrange for a photographer for the whole day’s event and the Holy Matrimony.b. Inform the photographer and videographer of the bride’s address.c. You may want to discuss with them the budget for photography and/or


17. Security Team (Optional)a. Security personnel, preferably a male, should be stationed at the reception table to

safeguard all monetary gifts and presents.b. Prepare a briefcase/bag to keep all monetary gifts (optional).

Beware of monetary loss!

18. Flower-girls


Page 12: Wedding Preparation Guide

19. Page-Boy/ Ring Bearer

20. DriversHave enough cars for your entourage.


Page 13: Wedding Preparation Guide


1. Obtain a Marriage Registration Form (MRF) online at or from Mr. Eric Soo or through your CGLs or Zone Supervisors.

2. Fill in all the information required in the form (The MRF is considered void, if it is not complete!)

3. The MRF must be submitted to Mr. Eric Soo by hand/fax or mail at least 6-9 months ahead of the scheduled date. CHC office is located at 8 Temasek Boulevard, #08-01 to 05, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988, Fax No.: 6737-6166.

4. We will inform you on the confirmation of the date within 2 weeks of submission.

5. If the events (rehearsal, actual wedding, & decoration date) are going to take place in City Harvest Church premises, please book the respective rooms/hall through your Zone Supervisor at least 3 months ahead.

6. You will need to find a Wedding Coordinator (WCO) approved by your Zone Pastor/Supervisor.

7. The WCO & the couple may be required to meet up with Rev. Yong Te-Chong 3 months before the actual wedding date to finalize the wedding plans.

8. If the wedding includes the solemnization ceremony (the signing of the Marriage Certificate), the couple is required to register online at to apply for the Notice of Marriage (NOM) at least 1 ½ month before the desired date.

9. Upon receiving the NOM, it has to be handed to Rev. Yong Te-Chong/ Mr. Eric Soo as soon as possible before the day of solemnization.

10. The couple needs to prepare a pair of wedding rings on the actual day.

11. The WCO or the couple is to find their own helpers (song leader, Master of Ceremony, Chinese interpreter; musicians, back-up singers, decoration team, sound man, ushers, receptionist, etc.)You may approach your Zone Supervisor, Rev. Yong Te-Chong or Mr. Eric Soo for help if you encounter any difficulty.

12. A wedding rehearsal date has to be set 1 month before the wedding date.

13. The couple/wedding coordinator must ensure that the wedding certificates be brought to the actual wedding venue on the wedding day.

14. Payment for the usage of rooftop garden will be at $100 for water, electricity and cleaning fees. (Applicable to ROM only)

Payment for the usage of Chinese Church Hall and rooftop garden will be at $300 for water, electricity and cleaning fees.


Page 14: Wedding Preparation Guide

Payment for the usage of Main Auditorium and B2 will be at $600 for water, electricity and cleaning fees.

15. a) Chorus Board helper must check the working condition of the lyrics on the projector in advance on the actual wedding day.

b) Lyrics may be projected using the OHP or printed on paper or wedding bulletin which are distributed to the guests on the wedding date.


Page 15: Wedding Preparation Guide


1. The MRF must be submitted to Mr. Eric Soo at least 6 months before the applied date of wedding.

2. Fill in ALL the information required on the MRF. The respective Zone Pastor or Zone Supervisor MUST sign on the MRF before submitting to the office.

3. Upon receiving the MRF, Mr. Eric Soo will contact you for the confirmation of the wedding date within 2 weeks of submission.

4. Do not book your restaurants and hotels before we confirm the date with you.

5. If the wedding involves solemnization (signing of marriage certificate), the couple must register online via at least 21 days before the wedding date to obtain the “Notice of Marriage”. Please note that ROM accepts only online applications.


Page 16: Wedding Preparation Guide


NOTE: This form is only applicable to couples who have already submitted their ‘Wedding Registration Form’ to Mr. Eric Soo.

If you are using CITY HARVEST CHURCH premises:

1. For ROM Book the necessary rooms/halls as required. (Chinese Church Hall, Level 4) Book necessary sound equipment (e.g. sound system, 1 microphone, 1 long

table). Please refer to Appendix 4 for suggested booking.

2. For Church Blessing (Holy Matrimony) Book the necessary rooms/halls as required. Book sound & music equipment.

Please refer to Appendix 4 for suggested booking.

3. For Pre-Wedding Decoration The hall can only be booked for the night before the actual wedding.

Please refer to Appendix 4 for suggested booking.

4. For Wedding Rehearsal Book the necessary rooms/halls as required. Book rehearsal date 1 month before the actual wedding day. However, the

rehearsal day will preferably be 1 week before the actual wedding day.Please refer to Appendix 4 for suggested booking.

5. For Wedding Reception Book the necessary room/halls as required. Cheques made payable to City Harvest Church should be sent to Mr. Eric Soo for

record purposes.

6. Collection of Wedding Box Collection date must be confirmed 1 week before the actual wedding. Collection

time is between 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Venue for collection: Suntec Office. The wedding box must be returned by the following Tuesday or Wednesday

between 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Suntec Office.

If you are using OTHER premises:

1. For Church Blessing (Holy Matrimony) Please book sound & music equipment (optional)

2. Collection of Wedding Box Collection date must be confirmed 1 week before the actual wedding. Collection

time is between 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Venue for collection: Suntec Office. The Wedding Box must be returned by the following Tuesday or Wednesday

between 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Suntec Office.16

Page 17: Wedding Preparation Guide


Advanced booking is necessary! Attached is the official booking form, please photocopy as many as you need. Each copy is only for ONE DAY’S booking.


Page 18: Wedding Preparation Guide

(Appendix 1)HELPERS LIST

Groom’s Name: ___________________ Bride’s Name: __________________Date of Wedding: __________________


2 Wedding Coordinator

3 Groom’s Entourage

4 Bride’s Entourage

5 Master of Ceremony (MC)

6 Chinese Interpreter

7 Song Leader

8 Backup Singer IC

9 Musician IC

10 Usher IC

11 Sound IC

12 Chorus Board IC

13 Transparency IC

14 Physical Arrangement IC

15 Area Cleaning IC

16 Decoration Team IC

17 Receptionists

18 Camera-man

19 TV Crew IC/ Video-man

20 Security IC

21 Flower Girls

22 Page-Boy

23 Drivers

24 Special Song Item IC





Page 19: Wedding Preparation Guide








7. SOLEMNIZATION (Signing of Marriage Certificates) (OPTIONAL)







Page 20: Wedding Preparation Guide


MORNING (Bride’s House)

6.30 a.m. Bride wakes up and washes up6.45 a.m. Arrival of make-up artist7.00 a.m. Arrival of photographer and videographer7.15 a.m. Arrival of Bridesmaid & Entourage8.30 a.m. Bride gets ready for arrival of Groom

MORNING (Groom’s House)

7.30 a.m. Groom wakes up and washes up8.00 a.m. Arrival of Entourage and drivers8.20 a.m. Groom and Entourage sets off to fetch the Bride8.45 a.m. Arrival at the Bride’s house9.30 a.m. Fetch Bride10.00 a.m. Return to Groom’s house10.20 a.m. Tea Ceremony at Groom’s house10.50 a.m. Bride changes to return to her house11.20 a.m. Arrival at Bride’s house11.45 a.m. Tea Ceremony at Bride’s house12.30 p.m. Prepare to leave for Church Wedding


1.00 p.m. Arrival at the venue for Holy Matrimony1.30 p.m. Groom welcomes guest while Bride gets ready1.45 p.m. Start of Holy Matrimony (See Appendix 2)2.35 p.m. End of Holy Matrimony2.45 p.m. Start of Tea Reception3.15 p.m. Photo-taking session with guests4.00 p.m. End of Tea Reception4.30 p.m. Home Sweet Home


6.00 p.m. Arrival at Dinner venue7.30 p.m. Welcoming of guests8.15 p.m. Couple march-in8.30 p.m. Start of dinner8.50 p.m. Bride leaves to change gown9.10 p.m. Couple march-in9.25 p.m. Champagne-pouring & Cake-cutting9.30 p.m. Toast for Couple (“Yum Seng”)10.30 p.m. Photo-taking with guests11.00 p.m. End of dinner11.15 p.m. Home Sweet Home

(NOTE: The above is only an estimated schedule & guide for a typical wedding. The sequence of events may vary for different couples. The actual planning of time depends largely on individuals and this list is definitely NOT exhaustive.)


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Name of Staff : Eric Soo Office extension: 515 Hp: 90903902_____

Department : PR Time: _10.00___ am / pm to __11.00___ am / pm

Date : / / Day: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun dd mm yyyy

ROOM BOOKING [Please tick the room(s) requested]

B4: Main Auditorium – Stage L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 3 – Stage (70 pp) Roof: Garden Terrace

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 1 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 2 (70 pp) Others

(Café / Artiste Room 1 / Artiste Room 2) :

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 2 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 1 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 3 (216 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 4 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 6 – Stage (70

pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 5 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 5 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 6 (166 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 4 (70 pp)

For CGM only: -Type of Meeting: Wedg Rehearsal Please get approval

from Ps. Audrey Ng

Approximate Attendance: 10 pax ______

Signature Date

EQUIPMENT BOOKINGItem Description Qty Item Description Qty

CD Player 1

FOR OFFICIAL USE (To be filled in by Facilities Operations Staff Only)

Date Received: / /

Status of booking: APPROVED / REJECTED / PENDING



Appendix 4A(For wedding at 11.30 a.m. at Chinese Church Hall)

Page 22: Wedding Preparation Guide


Name of Staff : Eric Soo Office extension: 515 Hp: 90903902_____

Department : PR Time: _10.00___ am / pm to ___11.30____ am / pm

Date : / / Day: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun dd mm yyyy

ROOM BOOKING [Please tick the room(s) requested]

B4: Main Auditorium – Stage L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 3 – Stage (70 pp) Roof: Garden Terrace

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 1 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 2 (70 pp) Others

(Café / Artiste Room 1 / Artiste Room 2) :

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 2 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 1 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 3 (216 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 4 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 6 – Stage (70

pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 5 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 5 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 6 (166 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 4 (70 pp)

For CGM only: -Type of Meeting: Wedg Decoration Please get approval

from Ps. Audrey Ng

Approximate Attendance: 20 pax ______

Signature Date

EQUIPMENT BOOKINGItem Description Qty Item Description Qty

Projector 1GS Table 2Red Carpet 1

FOR OFFICIAL USE (To be filled in by Facilities Operations Staff Only)

Date Received: / /

Status of booking: APPROVED / REJECTED / PENDING



Appendix 4B(For wedding at 11.30 a.m. at Chinese Church Hall)

Page 23: Wedding Preparation Guide


Name of Staff : Eric Soo Office extension: 515 Hp: 90903902_____

Department : PR Time: __9.30_____ am / pm to __2.00____ am / pm

Date : / / Day: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun dd mm yyyy

ROOM BOOKING [Please tick the room(s) requested]

B4: Main Auditorium – Stage L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 3 – Stage (70 pp) Roof: Garden Terrace

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 1 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 2 (70 pp) Others

(Café / Artiste Room 1 / Artiste Room 2) :

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 2 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 1 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 3 (216 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 4 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 6 – Stage (70

pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 5 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 5 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 6 (166 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 4 (70 pp)

For CGM only: -Type of Meeting: Wedg Matrimony Please get approval

from Ps. Audrey Ng

Approximate Attendance: 200 pax ______

Signature Date

EQUIPMENT BOOKINGItem Description Qty Item Description Qty

Projector 1 Guitar Amp. 1Wireless Microphone 2 Keyboard Amp. 1Wired Microphone 2 Keyboard Stand 1Microphone Stand 2 DI Box 2Sound console 1 DVD Player 1Speaker 1 setCD player 1Guitar 1Keyboard 1GS Table 2

FOR OFFICIAL USE (To be filled in by Facilities Operations Staff Only)

Date Received: / /

Status of booking: APPROVED / REJECTED / PENDING


Appendix 4C(For wedding at 11.30 a.m. at Chinese Church Hall)

Page 24: Wedding Preparation Guide



Name of Staff : Eric Soo Office extension: 515 Hp: 90903902_____

Department : PR Time: __9.30____ am / pm to __3.00_____ am / pm

Date : / / Day: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun dd mm yyyy

ROOM BOOKING [Please tick the room(s) requested]

B4: Main Auditorium – Stage L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 3 – Stage (70 pp) Roof: Garden Terrace

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 1 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 2 (70 pp) Others

(Café / Artiste Room 1 / Artiste Room 2) :

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 2 (370 pp) L4: Children’s Church Hall: Room 1 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 3 (216 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 4 (216 pp)

L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 6 – Stage (70 pp)

B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 5 (216 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 5 (70 pp) B4: Main Auditorium – Hall 6 (166 pp) L4: Chinese Church Hall: Room 4 (70 pp)

For CGM only: -Type of Meeting: Wedg Reception Please get approval

from Ps. Audrey Ng

Approximate Attendance: 200 pax ______

Signature Date

EQUIPMENT BOOKINGItem Description Qty Item Description Qty

CD Player 1Wired Microphone 1Microphone Stand 1Sound Console 1Speaker 2


Appendix 4D(For wedding at 11.30 a.m. at Chinese Church Hall)

Page 25: Wedding Preparation Guide

FOR OFFICIAL USE (To be filled in by Facilities Operations Staff Only)

Date Received: / /

Status of booking: APPROVED / REJECTED / PENDING




When Jesus, together with His disciples, were called to witness a marriage, He gladly met the call and there began His ministry and His acts of power. Thus, we are also assembled here to witness the pledges this man and this woman now make to each other, and at the same time, to set forth in their marriage, with prayers and Christian blessing.

Therefore, who gives this young lady in marriage?

Answer: Her mother and I.

Marriage was ordained of God in Eden and He confirmed that by the wedding of Cana in Galilee with the gracious presence and miraculous blessing of Christ. Its purpose is to unite two hearts and lives together; this is done by blending their interests, hopes, and future. It therefore involves mutual compromise, loving patience and holy trust.

PRAYER BEFORE MESSAGE: (Couple sits down)


TO THE COUPLE: (Couple comes back)

Dearly beloved: we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended of Apostle Paul not to come into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.

If it be your intention to take each other as husband and wife, you will manifest it by uniting your right hands.

Do you, KOH PUAY LENG, take this woman, LIM SIEW HONG , whom you now hold by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse. And forsaking all others, cleave only to her, as long as you both shall live?

Answer: I do.

Do you, LIM SIEW HONG, take this man, KOH PUAY LENG, whom you now hold by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse. And forsaking all others, cleave only to him, as long as you both shall live?

Answer: I do.


I, KOH PUAY LENG , take you, LIM SIEW HONG to be my wedded wife - to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and to obey, as long as we both live, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give you my love.

I, LIM SIEW HONG , take you, KOH PUAY LENG to be my wedded husband - to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and to obey, as long as we both live, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give you my love.

EXCHANGE OF RINGS:What do you now give that you will faithfully perform these vows?May these rings be the symbol of your love and devotion to each other. Being a single band, they show the oneness in your relationship and the everlasting love and devotion you will have for each other.

PASTOR TO SAY: I now give you this ring, KOH PUAY LENG , that you may place it on the finger of LIM SIEW HONG thus you are giving to her and she receiving of you.

With this ring I wed you - it is a token of the vows I have made to you - with it I will myself and all my worldly goods endow to you - in the sight of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

PASTOR TO SAY: I now give you this ring, LIM SIEW HONG , that you may place it on the finger of KOH PUAY LENG, thus you are giving to him and he receiving of you.


Appendix 5(For Solemnization & Church Blessing together)

Page 26: Wedding Preparation Guide

With this ring I wed you - it is a token of the vows I have made to you - with it I will myself and all my worldly goods endow to you - in the sight of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Please join your right hands again - what God has joined together, let no man nor woman put asunder.

TIME TO LIFT THE VEIL:May God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless, preserve and keep you. The Lord mercifully, with His bountiful favor look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual blessings and grace; that you may live together in this life, that in the world to come you may have life everlasting. Amen.



On behalf of KOH PUAY LENG and LIM SIEW HONG and their respective families, I would like to invite you to a simple refreshment in the hall.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, I introduce to you Mr and Mrs KOH PUAY LENG!