weebly teacher page basics

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  • 8/10/2019 Weebly Teacher Page Basics


    Teacher Web Page Basics

    Alex Reyes

  • 8/10/2019 Weebly Teacher Page Basics


    LESSON 1

    Create A Free Account

    Weebly is a web based, it can be accessed by either Windows

    or Mac computers. Open your favorite browser and go to


    On the Weebly home page you will be prompted to create a

    free account. Fill in the information beginning with your full

    name, district email address and a password of your choice.

    Use your district email, Weebly will use this for the contact

    information in the contact form, which we will be creating


    Use any password you like, but we recommend using your

    district password. We do not manage Weebly, so if you forget

    the password you will need to retrieve it through Weebly.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Once youve entered the required information, click the get

    started button.

    When you return to Weebly the next time, click Login in in the

    upper right corner.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    After clicking the get started button, a page will display where

    you will be prompted to select a pricing plan. We will be using

    the free version, so click choose on the free version.

    The next page will prompt for the type of site you will be

    creating. Click on the first option to create a basic site. We will

    learn more about creating blogs in other lessons.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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  • 8/10/2019 Weebly Teacher Page Basics


    A page will display and prompt you to select a domain for

    your web site. A domain is a site name likewww.yisd.netor

    www.apple.com. These are domain names. Domain names

    arent free.

    Weebly provides subdomains for free. Subdomains are like

    the ones we use in the district. For example,eduphoria.yisd.net or my.yisd.net. In each of these examples

    eduphoria and my are subdomains of yisd.net.

    Create your free subdomain in Weebly. This is the link you

    will provide to others for the site.

    When creating your subdomain, the district wants you to use

    your district account. This is the same account used when

    logging into your computer, email and other services in the

    district. My email address is [email protected] my district

    account name is lreyes1. Enter your district account for the



    Weebly Teacher Page

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.apple.com/http://www.apple.com/http://www.yisd.net/http://www.yisd.net/
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    Weebly is not a district purchased service and it is used by

    people around the world. Chances are good that your

    subdomain name might already be taken. If this happens, you

    will need to provide a number after your current account. This

    is fine for district purposes, we understand the limitations of

    the system.

    Update your subdomain name if needed until you see the

    available check mark on the right.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Click the continue button in the lower right corner. A box will open with a video introduction to Weebly. To begin

    building the site, click the build my site button on the bottom

    of this box.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    LESSON 2

    Update The Landing Page

    Weebly creates your site with what it calls a landing page. A

    landing page is like a welcome page or and introductory page.

    The first thing we need to do is change the home page from alanding page to a regular page.

    On the menu above your page, click the Pages option.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    The home page settings will display. The current page layout

    is set to Landing Page. This selection is highlighted in blue on

    the right.

    We can select one of three other options. We can select a page

    layout with a tall header, short header or no header.

    What is a header? A header is a banner image at the top of the

    page. Tall header images take up too much space in my

    opinion but I think my home page needs a header, so I will

    select a short header layout.

    The header image banner is a great way to highlight events

    with pictures.

    Select the short header page layout and click the save & edit



    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Your home page now has a short header.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    LESSON 3

    Your Site Name

    Weebly provides a generic name to your site. Lets update this

    with your personal site name. Click once on the site title after

    the E in SITE.

    You might have to click a couple of times, but eventually the

    cursor will appear.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Erase the generic title and enter your own title. Use what

    every you like, but make sure to keep it professional and

    education related.

    When editing your site name, a menu displays with the

    options to use the text on your home page, to turn off the site

    heading or to use a logo.

    Currently, the district wants teachers to use the district logo

    on their web site pages. We will learn how to place the logo on

    your site in the next part of this lesson. The Logo will replaceyour site name.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    LESSON 4

    District Centennial Logo

    To place the district logo on your Weebly site, you need a copy

    of the official district logo. Go our our district site ate


    Scroll down to the bottom of the home page and find the other

    resources section. In the other resources section, click on the

    For Employees link.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Find the links section and click on the Branding Resources


    The branding resources are stored in our district SharePoint

    site. This site is only accessible by district employees. Enter

    your district user name and password and click the OK



    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Click on the District Logos folder. Click on the YISD Centennial Logo folder.


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    We need the logo titled YISD_Centennial_Logo_PNG. Hover your mouse over the file and you will see a check box

    next to the file icon.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    When you place a check mark on the file, the SharePoint

    Ribbon will display with several options. Click on the

    Download a Copy option.

    Depending on the browser youre using, the file will

    automatically download to your download folder or you will

    be prompted to save the file. If prompted, click save file. In

    either case, the file is saved to your download folder.


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  • 8/10/2019 Weebly Teacher Page Basics


    A window will open with the option to drag and drop the

    image onto the window or to select the file from your

    computer. Ill chose the upload option from my computer.

    The image should be in your download folder. Select the

    image and click the choose button.


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    The image will upload and automatically be placed as the logo

    to your site.


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    LESSON 5

    Basic Site Information

    Weebly uses what it calls elements to help build your site.

    Scroll down a little on your home page below the header

    image. You will see instructions to drag elements here.

    The elements we can use are located on the left panel.

    Teachers are required to provide some minimal information

    on their site. To provide this information we need a text

    element. Drag and drop a text element onto the home page.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    When dragging an element onto a page, look for the element

    to change to a blue color and a blue line. This blue line will be

    useful in future lessons for positioning content. When you see

    the blue line and blue element, release the element.

    The text box element will display a helpful click here to edit.

    Click here to edit.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    You will see a cursor and a contextual menu for formatting


    The minimum information required is...

    1. Your name

    2. Grade level or content

    3. Email address

    4. Classroom phone number


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    To change the size of the text, select the text and click the plus

    button to increase the text size.

    There is no save button because your changes are

    automatically being saved.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    L 6

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    LESSON 6

    Contact Form

    Weebly automatically creates three pages when it creates a

    site. Weve entered basic information on the home page. Now

    we need to create a contact for visitors to your site. Thesevisitors are typically parents or students. One of the pages is a

    contact page. Click on the contact menu link.

    Weebly has a contact form element. Drag and drop this

    element onto your contact page.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    bl h

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    A basic contact form is automatically created. This contact

    form will send email to the email used when creating the

    Weebly account. If you used the district email to create the

    account, this form will send the information on this form to

    that email.

    Lets edit a few things on this form.

    Click on the area that reads, click here to edit.


    Weebly Teacher Page

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    The text box will activate. Erase the text and enter your own. The next thing you might want to change is the fields that are

    required. The form automatically requires visitors to provide

    an email address. Most people have an email address today,

    but some of your parents may not. It would be a good idea to

    remove this requirement.

    Click on the email box once.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    W bl T h P

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    A field box will appear around the email field. Click again on

    the email box.

    The email field configuration panel will display. The panel is

    showing that this field information is required. Move the

    slider from Yes to No.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    Weebly Teacher Page

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    When you change the requirement from Yes to No, the

    required asterisk is removed from the email field.

    Forms are different from text boxes in that changes to forms

    need to be manually saved. Click on the orange save button.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    LESSON 7 Weebly Teacher Page

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    LESSON 7

    Schedule Page

    The last item we will add to our site in this basics lesson, is a

    class schedule page. We already have an about page. We can

    repurpose this page for our schedule or create a new page for

    our class schedule. Click on Pages in the menu.

    If you want to repurpose the About page, click the about page

    selector in the left panel.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Lets change the page name to Schedule. After changing the page name, you can select a page layout for

    the schedule page. Ill leave mine with a short header.


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    Click the save and edit button to begin working on your class


    If you dont want to repurpose your About page, you can add

    another page. Click on the Add Page button.


    Weebly Teacher Page

    Weebly Teacher Page

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    Click on the Standard Page option. The page will be created and placed at the bottom of the

    pages. Click on the page name field and give your page a



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    Ive named my page Schedule and selected the no header page


    If you dont want the schedule page to be the last menu item,

    drag and drop the page up the menu list.


    y g

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    Drag and drop the page button to your desired location. Click the save and edit button.


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    Drag a text element onto the schedule page. Click to edit the text box with your schedule information.


    LESSON 8 Weebly Teacher Page

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    None of what you have created thus far is viewable to the

    world. You must publish changes for them to be viewable by


    Click the publish button.

    Click the link to your site to view the published information.

    The page opens in a separate window or tab.

    Dont provide information for the .com option. This will try to

    sell you a .com domain name.


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    Return to the previous window or tab and click the close

    button to edit, update or add content.



  • 8/10/2019 Weebly Teacher Page Basics





    Copyright 2014 by Alex Reyes

    Cover design by Alex ReyesBook design by Alex Reyes

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of

    this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/. Every effort has been

    made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in

    this book is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied. Neither the author, nor any distributors will be held liable forany damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.The author has endeavored to provide trademark

    information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, the author

    cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
