week 21 day 2- canada govt

Good Morning 1/15/13 EQ: How do Canadians participate in EQ: How do Canadians participate in their government? their government? HW: Study Guide #1-5. Test on Friday HW: Study Guide #1-5. Test on Friday Sponge #1. Turn in Canadian historical #1. Turn in Canadian historical marker marker #2. Answer the question. How have #2. Answer the question. How have the actions of Canadians changed the the actions of Canadians changed the natural environment of Canada? natural environment of Canada?

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Page 1: Week 21  day 2- canada govt

Good Morning 1/15/13

EQ: How do Canadians participate in their EQ: How do Canadians participate in their government?government?

HW: Study Guide #1-5. Test on FridayHW: Study Guide #1-5. Test on Friday


#1. Turn in Canadian historical marker#1. Turn in Canadian historical marker

#2. Answer the question. How have the #2. Answer the question. How have the actions of Canadians changed the natural actions of Canadians changed the natural environment of Canada?environment of Canada?

Page 2: Week 21  day 2- canada govt

DirectionsUsing pg 64 in the Using pg 64 in the Coachbook to complete Coachbook to complete your foldableyour foldable

Right side- something to Right side- something to help you rememberhelp you remember

Left side- definition/ how Left side- definition/ how it apply to Canadait apply to Canada

If you finish early, work If you finish early, work on study guide in purple on study guide in purple traytray

Something to help you remember:- Picture- Rhyme- acronym- in your own words

Definition/ Why is important to Canada?

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Canada’s GovernmentUnit 5 Notes

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Government Systems --Who’s Got the Power?Unitary--power is held by one central authorityConfederation--association of independent states that agree to certain limitations on their freedoms by joining togetherFederal--power is divided between central authority & several regional authorities

Which system does Canada have?

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Government Types --How Do Citizens

Participate?Autocratic-- 1 person possesses unlimited power & citizens have limited role in governmentOligarchic-- small group exercises control & citizens have limited role in government Democratic--supreme power is vested in the people & exercised by them directly or indirectly though a system of representation involving free elections

Which type does Canada have?

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Canada’s Branches of Government• Canada has 3 Branches of Government just

like any other Democratic Country.• Executive Branch – this is the Prime Minister.• In America, it is the President• Legislative Branch – this is Parliament.• Parliament is made up of two groups:

The House of Commons and the Senate• Judicial Branch – made up of all the courts in


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Canada’s Government

Federation (federal system)Parliamentary Democracy Constitutional Monarchy

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Canada’s Federal System

Power is divided (shared) between Power is divided (shared) between central authority and 10 provincescentral authority and 10 provinces

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Two Types of Democratic

GovernmentsParliamentary-- a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet composed of members of the legislature who elect the leader

Leader works with or through the legislature

Presidential--system of government in which the leader is constitutionally independent of the legislature

Leader works separate from legislature*Which type of democracy does Canada have?

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Canada’s Parliamentary

Citizens elect Members of Parliament (MP’s)

MP’s elect Prime Minister (PM)

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Constitutional Monarchy

Constitution limits powers of king/queen

Monarch has little power

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Leadership1. Head of State: Monarch of the

United Kingdom (presently, Queen Elizabeth II); little political power

2. Prime Minister: holds the most political power; works closely with the legislature

3. Premier- elected to each province government

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

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His Excellency The Right Honorable

David Johnston (Governor General)

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The Right Honorable Stephen Harper

(Prime Minister)

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Legislature• Legislature- the central

authority of a government.

• Canada’s Legislature is Parliament

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Canada’s Parliament

The Citizens of Canada vote for members of Parliament.Members of Parliament belong to many different Political Parties.

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Canada’s Parliament Whatever political party has the most

members in the legislature (or Parliament) select the Prime Minister:

This is the major difference between a Presidential Democracy and a Parliamentary Democracy!!

Presidential Democracy – citizens choose the Head of Government (Executive Leader)

Parliamentary Democracy – legislature (Parliament) chooses Head of Government (Executive Leader) Citizens vote for members of Parliament,

members choose the Prime Minister

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Canada’s Citizens Canada is a democracy. As a democracy, its citizens must

participate in voting and elections. They elect members of Parliament. They elect regional government officials.

(provincial governor) They also vote on issues like whether or

not Quebec should be an independent country.

Separatists are people who want Quebec to be its own country

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Class Activity!!!

We will split the class up into two Political Parties

The “Boy” Party The “Girl” Party

Whichever group has the majority gets to vote on a Prime MinisterThe Prime Minister (Executive) gets to make a rule for tomorrow.