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Copyrights and Creative Commons GPA 1035 Prepared and Presented by Dr. Haggen So Released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong Licence

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Copyrights andCreative Commons

GPA 1035

Prepared and Presented by Dr. Haggen So

Released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong Licence

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Introduction to Copyright in HK



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Other Systems forLegal Use without Clearance

Fair Use – Non-exhaustive Model

Fair Dealing – Exhaustive Model

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Fair Use

• Applicable in the US

• Purpose and character of use• Nature of work• Amount of work being copied• Effect on market for work

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Fair Dealing• UK, Commonwealth, HK• Prescribed in Hong Kong Copyright


– Research and private study– Criticism, review and news reporting– Incidental inclusion of copyright

material– Provisions for disabilities– Fair dealing for purposes instruction and

examination– Legal or Governmental Use

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Fair Dealing (Cont')• Within the prescribed categories, 4 points

for considerations in Education within HKCO

– the purpose and nature of the dealing– the nature of the work– the amount and substantiality of the

portion dealt with in relation to whole work

– the effect on the potential market value of the work

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Guidelines for Photocopying of Printed Works by Not-for-profit

Educational Establishments• Fair Dealing prescribed in HKCO in the

2007 amendment ultimately depends on the interpretation of the courts

• Guidelines developed by a group of users and copyright owners under the coordination of Intellectual Property Department

• Updated 2004

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Guidelines (Cont.)• Articles in newspapers or periodicals - a

complete article of any length• Poems - not more than 250 words• Stories or essays - not more than 2,500

words• Textbook - not more than 2% of the

number of pages of a textbook in one month, not more than 5% in an academic year

• For articles in periodicals, poems, stories or essays - not more than 3 works from the same author for one course in an academic year

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Copyright Clearance

• Use beyond Fair Dealing – Clearance Required

– Ask Author– Hong Kong Reprographic Rights

Licensing Society (HKRRLS)– Hong Kong Copyright Licensing

Association (HKCLA)– Composers and Authors Society of Hong

Kong (CASH)

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CC Video

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All Rights Reserved

No Rights Reserved




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Limitation on Creativity

To stimulate more Creativity

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"Copyright Clause" in US Constitution, 1787

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right

to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

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1710Statute of Anna 14+14 yr


1998Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act

(Mickey Mouse Protection Act) 95 yr

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Prof. Lawrence Lessig

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Raised in a Republican Family

Turn Democrat with Outside Exposure

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A Passionate father who wished to encourage reading by putting

Classics on the Web

Mickey Mouse Protection Actwas a show stopper

Became a Test Case

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History of Creative Commons

2001 Kick-Off2002 Six Licences

(Six Contracts)

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licence elements:

Attribution 署名

Non-Commercial 非商業性

No Derivative Works 禁止衍生

Share Alike 相同方式共享

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Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

Attribution Non-commercial (by-nc)

Attribution No Derivatives (by-nd)

Attribution Share Alike(by-sa)


6 variationsthe licences

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署名 非商業性 禁止衍生(by-nc-nd)

署名 非商業性 相同方式共享(by-nc-sa)

署名 非商業性(by-nc)

署名 禁止衍生(by-nd)

署名 相同方式共享(by-sa)


6 個不同條款授權條款

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three expressions:

Human-Readable: Commons Deed

Lawyer-Readable: Legal Code

Machine-Readable: Digital Code, Metadata

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Common Deed 法律條款的摘要

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Legal Code 授權條款全文

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Digital Code 數碼源碼

<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/hk/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/hk/88x31.png" /></a><br />&#26412; &#33879;&#20316; &#20418;&#25505;&#29992;<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/hk/">&#20849;&#20139;&#21109;&#24847; &#32626;&#21517;-&#38750;&#21830;&#26989;&#24615;-&#30456;&#21516;&#26041;&#24335;&#20849;&#20139; 3.0 &#39321;&#28207; &#25480;&#27402;&#26781;&#27454;</a>&#25480;&#27402;.

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History of Creative Commons

2001 Kick-Off2002 Six Licences2004台灣創用 CC

2006中国大陆知识共享2008 香港共享創意

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It all began when the Journalism and Media Studies

Centre was willing to take the lead

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The first informal meeting was held on 30 July 2007

when Dr. Catharina Maracke, Director of CC International,

was in Hong Kong

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Localization of Licences

The Legal Lead completed Two rounds public consultations CCi approved the localization of

six CC licences

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Community Outreach

CC presentations at different occasions

Production of CC Education Kit

with interviews from renowned

artist, composer, writer and IT expert

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Pre-Launch Event"Free Culture and Free Society:

Can the West Love Both?" The Inaugural Lee Shu Pui

Leung Wai Hing Distinguished Lecture in Digital MediaA lecture hosted by JMSC, HKU

held on 24 Oct. with Lessig giving a lecture to

the general public

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Launch on 25 Oct ! !HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of


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Media Coverage

More than 20 Articles in various Newspapers

Several Radio interviewsLessig's interview was broadcast on TV

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Highlights of Adoption


Kwun Tong Culture and HistoriesRTHK

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Kwun Tong Culture and Histories

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RTHK Video

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Queensland Example

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• The author still own the copyright even after licensed under a CC licence

• Can negotiate other terms with any parties

• Successful example: Magnatune http://magnatune.com/

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Local Adoption Language Type Usage: 30 Apr Usage: 13 Aug % ChgEnglish by 13,620 15,479 13.65%English by-nc 40,259 42,628 5.88%English by-nc-nd 72,466 87,679 20.99%English by-nc-sa 70,488 81,117 15.08%English by-nd 11,053 14,259 29.01%English by-sa 7,927 10,739 35.47%Chinese by 71 73 2.82%Chinese by-nc 2,834 3,635 28.26%Chinese by-nc-nd 1,488 1,952 31.18%Chinese by-nc-sa 1,393 2,920 109.62%Chinese by-nd 91 143 57.14%Chinese by-sa 98 93 -5.10%  Total 221,788 260,717 17.55%

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Growth of CC Works Worldwide

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Search CC Licensed Works


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Search CC Licensed Works


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License Your Works in CC


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• Practical – InMediaHK

• Philosophical – What is the Commons?

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Philosophical – What is the Commons?

• Compatibility between Licences - Commons without Commonality

• Problems highlighted in Wikipedia

• Resolution

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• The current copyright system– Over-developed and Complicated– Probably biased towards the


• Creative Commons – Simplify the System– Encourage the Respect of Copyright– Encourage Creativity

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Image Credits

OpenRadio Screen Capture, from http://openradiohk.com/, released under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative 3.0 HK Licence

MySinaBlog Screen Capture from http://mysinablog.com/, used by permission

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Image Credits

Kwun Tong Culture and Histories Screen Capture, from http://www.kwuntongculture.hk/, permission through fair dealing

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Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance, from http://www.hklii.org/hk/legis/en/ord/528/

Director of Intellectual Property (2004) Guidelines for Photocopying of Printed Works by Not-for-profit Educational Establishments, from http://www.ipd.gov.hk/eng/intellectual_property/copyright/workshop/clarifying/Eng_guidelines_2_Aug_04.pdf

Other Credits

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Rebecca McKinnon (2008). Creative Commons: Copyright in the digital age for Greater China and Hong Kong, from http://www.slideshare.net/rmackinnon/cc-hku-129484, released under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Unported Licence

Other Credits

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Queensland Spatial Information Council, 2008, Presentation - CC Tech Summit Government Information Licensing Framework - a multidisciplinary project improving access to Public Sector Information, Queensland Government, Brisbanehttp://www.gilf.gov.au/files/file/Resources/CC_Tech_Presentation.pdf

Other Credits