week 8: fiber week 8 presentation (v.5) © financial success system llc welcome to the weight loss...

Week 8: Week 8: Fiber Fiber Week 8 Presentation (v.5) www.WeightLossChallenge.com © Financial Success System LLC Welcome to the Welcome to the Weight Loss Challenge Weight Loss Challenge

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Week 8: Week 8: FiberFiber

Week 8 Presentation (v.5) www.WeightLossChallenge.com

© Financial Success System LLC

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Found mainly in… fruits vegetables

whole grains and legumes

Dietary FiberDietary Fiber

Prevents and relieves constipation,lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease

Flushes out calories

35 grams of fiber is recommended = 225 calories flushed

Fiber binds the fat – each gram of fiber can flush about 7 calories

Dietary FiberDietary Fiber

Remember from last week? What can you do to burn 225 calories?

If you walk 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn approximately 305 calories.*

Dietary FiberDietary Fiber

Why Fiber is Good for YOU!Why Fiber is Good for YOU! Fights heart disease and diabetes High fiber foods keep you “regular” Remove harmful toxins from y body Decrease your risk of hemorrhoids, colon

cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood sugar, diabetes, and obesity

For Diabetes – normalizes blood sugar by slowing absorption so that glucose enters the bloodstream more slowly

Good Choices Good Choices of Fiberof Fiber Grains and whole-grain

products Fruits Vegetables Beans, peas and other legumes Nuts and seeds

Eat Fruit at Every MealEat Fruit at Every MealCalorie burn without exercise!Good Sources of Fiber: Apples Bananas Oranges Pears Berries

Why the comparison?

Whole Fruit Whole Fruit vs. Juicevs. Juice

“New USDA nutrition guidelines recommend eating more produce than you could possibly stuff down in a day. CAN JUICE DO THE JOB? It comes close, if you pick the right ingredients.”


Juice vs. Juice vs. Whole FruitWhole Fruit

Anytime you put a certain type of food through processing you will lose nutrients. Most of the nutrients are found in the skin of fruits and vegetables. This is why it is better to eat the whole fruit (including the skin) compared to the juice. Juice also contains a lot of sugar and more calories most of the time.

Does apple juice have still enough fiber comparing the whole apple? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?


Apple (with skin)calories-80fat-.3 gsodium-2 mgtotal carbohydrates- 21.3 gramsdietary fiber-3.7 gramssugars-16 gramsprotein-.4 gramscalcium-9.2 mgpotassium-164.8 mg

"Mott's" apple juice 1 cup, (8.1 fl oz)calories- 120fat-0sodium- 10 mgtotal carbohydrates- 29 gramsdietary fiber-0sugars-28 gramsprotein-0calcium- 20 mgpotassium- 240 mg

Source(s): I'm an Exercise Science Major and Nutrition Minor several years of research http://www.calorieking.comc

“Minute Maid" apple juice 100% Apple 1 cup (8.1 fl oz)calories- 110fat-0sodium- 24 mgtotal carbohydrates- 28 gramsdietary fiber-0sugars-25 gramsprotein-0calcium- 119 mgpotassium- 238 mg

Note: 200 ml is 6.8 oz In order to compare, the figures were converted for 1 cup.

Apples vs. JuiceApples vs. Juice

High water content Have soluble fiber – helps prevent blood

sugar spikes that lead to cravings Have insoluble fiber – helps you fill up A medium apple is about 85% water with 5

grams of soluble fiber Tip – organic is better (commercial apples

retain more pesticide residue than fruits you peel), the peel contains half the fiber and most of the iron, magnesium, and vitamin C


Under 100 calories Chockfull of antioxidants Prevents cholesterol build up Stops blood clots from forming

in the body Improves eyesight and prevents

age related loss of vision Keeps urinary tract healthy by

stopping bacteria from lining the bladder walls


Make snacks count Fresh and dried fruit, raw


Fiber helps you feel fuller longer For those that are hungry – good

for elimination

Each fiber particle absorbs water from your intestines and colon.

Be sure to take in half your body weight in OZ of water

Drink Lots Of Drink Lots Of WaterWater

Go Slowly• If you’re not used to eating whole grains,

beans, vegetables or fruit, your body needs time to adjust (too much too fast can cause gas and bloating)

Be patient• Don’t expect results overnight. It could take

several days or even weeks for your system to adjust to your new way of eating


Product FocusProduct Focus

Formula 1 Shake Active Fiber

Featured Featured ProductsProducts

Formula 1 ShakeFormula 1 Shake– A healthy meal with up

to 19 vitamins minerals and essential nutrients

– 9 grams of protein and healthy fiber

– Nourishes your body with Cellular Nutrition

Active FiberActive Fiber– Support regularity and

digestive health– Promotes satiety with

5g of fiber per serving– Encourages growth of

friendly intestinal bacteria

– Can be mixed with shakes, sauces, & soups

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