weekly advisory for april 27,2013

East Jamaica Conference Communication Department 74 Constant Spring Road ▪ P.O. Box 181▪ Kingston 10 ▪ Jamaica W.I. Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, Fax (876) 924-0263. E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://ejcsda.com April 27, 2013 To All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members Dear Brethren: Sincere Christian greetings ! Please see important dates and events of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists below. (1) District Dialogue - Hagley Park District - April 27-2013 District # 9 which consists of the Hagley Park and Oak Glades SDA Churches will have the opportunity to dialogue with the leadership of the church in East Jamaica Conference as the Administrators and Directors of the Conference will be at the church on April 27, 2013 to speak with the church leadership and members. The dialogue will begin at 4:00pm with a meeting with both church boards District Dialogue offers the unique opportunity of giving the Conference Administrators direct access to the leadership of the local church while at the same time providing an avenue for the local membership to ask questions of the Conference leaders. (2) EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III begins on April 28, 2013 The EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III commences on April 28, 2013 at the Constant Spring SDA Church from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. Please accept our sincere apology for the change in date of this event which was previously announced for April 21, 2o13. All Sabbath School, Personal Ministries & Community Services personnel, elders, pastors and past students of the School are invited to join us. - 1 - Item # Page # District Dialogue - Hagley Park District - April 27, 2013 EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III begins - April 28, 2013 EJC Elders' Association General Meeting - April 28, 2013 Notices from The Sab. School / Personal Ministries/ Comm. Services Department Notices From The Youth Ministries Department Notices From The Women's Ministries Department Notices From The Children's Ministries Department Andrews Memorial SDA Church Invites You to an Evening of Excellence - May 12, 2013 Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

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Weekly Advisory For April 27,2013


Page 1: Weekly Advisory For April 27,2013

East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department 74 Constant Spring Road ▪ P.O. Box 181▪ Kingston 10 ▪ Jamaica W.I.

Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, Fax (876) 924-0263. E-Mail: [email protected]

website: http://ejcsda.com

April 27, 2013

To All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members

Dear Brethren:

Sincere Christian greetings !

Please see important dates and events of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists below.

(1) District Dialogue - Hagley Park District - April 27-2013 District # 9 which consists of the Hagley Park and Oak Glades SDA Churches will have the opportunity to

dialogue with the leadership of the church in East Jamaica Conference as the Administrators and Directors of

the Conference will be at the church on April 27, 2013 to speak with the church leadership and members. The

dialogue will begin at 4:00pm with a meeting with both church boards

District Dialogue offers the unique opportunity of giving the Conference Administrators direct access to the

leadership of the local church while at the same time providing an avenue for the local membership to ask

questions of the Conference leaders.

(2) EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III begins on April 28, 2013 The EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III commences on April 28, 2013 at the Constant Spring SDA

Church from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. Please accept our sincere apology for the change in date of this event which

was previously announced for April 21, 2o13.

All Sabbath School, Personal Ministries & Community Services personnel, elders, pastors and past students of

the School are invited to join us.

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Item #

Page #

District Dialogue - Hagley Park District - April 27, 2013

EJC School of Evangelism 2013 Module III begins - April 28, 2013

EJC Elders' Association General Meeting - April 28, 2013

Notices from The Sab. School / Personal Ministries/ Comm. Services Department

Notices From The Youth Ministries Department

Notices From The Women's Ministries Department

Notices From The Children's Ministries Department

Andrews Memorial SDA Church Invites You to an Evening of Excellence - May 12, 2013

Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

Page 2: Weekly Advisory For April 27,2013

(3) EJC Elders' Association General Meeting - April 28, 2013 All Elders are invited to attend the next meeting of the East Jamaica Conference Elder's meeting on April 28,

2013 at the Andrews Memorial SDA Church in the Youth Room upstairs. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am

and is scheduled to end by 1:00pm.

All Ordained Elders and Elders in Training are invited to attend this very important meeting which will be the

first meeting since the installation of the new Elders' Association Administration. Please be on time.

(4 ) Notices From The Sab. School / Personal Ministries/ Comm. Services Department

Hello Sabbath School friends!

Please be reminded that as at January 5, 2013, and by now all our Sabbath Schools should be on the new or renewed


6-8 members in each class

Interactive reading/learning strategy for the bible study/review

Vertical meditation for each unit member

Horizontal sharing of thoughts, etc.

Please be reminded/take note of the following:

1. The Ambassador Search for 2013 continues, why wait? Registration forms are available on line - registration

fee, $200 (this is your last chance to be in).

2. May 4, Vision One Million Day - each member is asked to take at least one visitor to church.

N.B. Thanks to the 21 Sabbath School superintendents and Personal Ministries leaders who sent their Sabbath

School end of quarter report on time. Reports are due on the 10th of each month following the end of the quarter,

report form & explanation sheets are available on line) . However, we are still awaiting the weekly evangelistic

reports from the church. (Small Groups updates are still needed).

(5 ) Notices From The Youth Ministries Department

1. Special Meeting of Master Guides in EJC- All invested Master Guides are invited to a special called

meeting with the Youth Director on Sabbath May 4, 2013 at 5:30 pm in the Conference boardroom. Please

inform a friend and make every attempt to attend.

2. Day of Prayer for Youth: On May 11, 2013 the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Youth Ministries Department will have a “special day of prayer” for its youth with the settled confidence

that “prayer changes things.” We invite not only our youth but also our more experienced and spiritually

mature members to join us in intercession on behalf our youth and the challenges they grapple with. Let’s

Pray Until Something Happens (P.U.S.H). Please see document at this link.

3. Honours Day for Zones 2 & 3 is Sunday, May 5, 2013.

1. The Registration Form should be submitted to [email protected] by Sunday, April 28. It is

important for clubs to register on time so adequate preparations can be made.

2. Booklets may be obtained in one of three ways:

a) Downloading and printing from www.ejcyouth.webs.com or www.ejctrains.webs.com free

of cost; or

b) Some booklets are at EJC and can be purchased at cost of $50 each. Please call Sis

Polly Wiggan in advance and ensure the booklets you need are in stock. Payment

should be made on receipt of booklets; or

c) Collection at the Registration Desk on the Honours Day at cost of $50 each.

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Please note that although some booklets are in stock, generally, booklets being ordered for collection

from EJC must be ordered at least two (2) weeks in advance.

4. The Uniform Handbook from IAD is now available at the Conference. It’s a must have as the changes/new

format will be mandatory for Pathfinder Festival in November. Cost is $500.00 per copy.

5. Sports Evangelism kicks off on May 18, 2013 with a dress parade and rally. The completion itself begins on

May 25, 2013. These events will commence at 7:30pm SHARP! Registration cost per team $5,000.00 (to be

paid at the EJC Office by May 13, 2013). Please check the youth website at ejcyouth.webs.com for flyer and

further details.

6. Summer Camp: The annual summer camp will be held from August 13-20, 2013 at Robin’s Bay. Cost

has been reduced to $6, 000 (includes a T-Shirt). Groups of five will enjoy a further 5% discount. Each

church is being asked to send a delegate. Youth start planning to be there. Last year was great but this year

promises to be greater, more fun, fellowship and spiritual nurture. Summer Camp is for everyone not just

members. Registration closes on July 26, 2013. Forms can be accessed from the EJC website.


7. Bible Boom: Keep promoting the Bible Boom and make plans to conduct your church and district play offs

scheduled for June and July respectively. For further details please see the Bible Boom flyer on the EJC

website or contact the Bible Boom Coordinator, Angela Bernard at [email protected]

8. Labour Day Projects: If you haven’t started planning your district and zonal projects you are late. Catch the

moving train and let’s go!!!

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible and achieve it, generation after generation.” Pearl Buck

(6) Notices From The Women's Ministries Department

1. Hats off to all our GEMS anniversary attendees. Kindly visit the website www.ejcsda.com for a breath

taking scene of your GEMS. Let’s continue to work with our young females as they aspire to become

Girls of Eloquence Morals and Standards.

2. Retreat 2013 plans are in full gear. The office is now accepting deposits. Book early and save.

Mentors your place is reserved. Fun loving adults who are not mentors, come for a full package of

physical rejuvenation from October 24 -27, 2013.

3. Coming soon will be our ‘Mother Daughter’ Conference. Watch the site for further information and

details. Our coordinator is Sis. Cynthia Thompson.

4. EJC I.M.A.P. launch will be held on June 15, 2013. Our coordinators are Sisters Heather Morgan and

Dolsie Allen. The speaker will be Dr. Eric Nathan. This is your opportunity to come learn how to build

lasting relationships. You are asked to bring a visitor with you.

5. 5K Health Run/Walk and Children’s fun day is a big affair that no one should miss. This will be held on

June 5, 2013. Come join in the fun. Meals will be provided. See application form and flyer for details.

6. Women’s Ministries team leaders, God is counting on us to help to populate His Kingdom. 2013 is the

year of special reaping. It is going home time.

7. Visit the Andrews SDA Church ‘Moms in Touch’ prayer session every fourth Wednesday in each

month on the church grounds from 5:30 p.m. – 7: 00 p.m.

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8. Moms in Touch is the initiative that is aimed at caregivers spending time in prayer. WMD’s please

ensure that this is an active programme under your leadership. More than ever, Moms especially need to

be praying together.

Tips For Parents

1. Parents, we beg you to accept us and make positive comments about us. We want our

family members, aunties and uncles to know about the positive things we have done.

So celebrate our accomplishments with them. Remember, “If we live with

encouragement, we will learn confidence”.

(7) Notices From The Children's Ministries Department 1. All preachers for Convention 2013 are asked to meet at the EJC Board Room at 1 p.m. this Sunday, April 28,


2. Convention 2013 will be held at the Stadium Community Church on May 4, 2013. The dress code is white

dresses with pink and blue accessories and dark bottom pants and white, blue or pink shirts

3. 5K Health Run/Walk and Children’s fun day is a big affair that no one should miss. This will be held June 2,

2013. Come join in the fun. Meals will be provided. See application form and flyer for details.

4. Kindly make your order for the FIT4Jesus tops. You can also take your shirts to Logo Stitch. These shirts will

be needed for many other activities like our Child Preachers’ Graduation (September), 5K Health Run and

Children’s Fun Day (June 5) and the Botanical Retreat in June.

5. The song ‘Fit With Jesus’ is our theme song for 2013. CMD’s please teach it to the children.

6. ASI Missionaries to Costa Rica please take in your valid passports to the office immediately. ALL stakeholders

and or representatives of the ten sites as well as interested persons are invited. Conditions apply.

7. St. Thomas CMDs, kindly send us the names of all children that are to be trained in the Child Preachers’

Training, immediately. Your facilitators are ready to begin. The training will be done in St. Thomas.

8. Children’s ministries team leaders, let’s pray and plan to reap at least one soul per quarter per church. May is

the month of special reaping for our department. Since our mandate is soul reaping, this is a reminder that all

CMDs are expected to engage our children in their own crusades or the crusades in their churches as well as


9. Child Preachers' Training is one of the requirements of every church. CMDs ensure that at least 1 child is

engaged in this activity. This training can be done at your church. Kindly solicit assistance from your Pastor

and Elder. Our mission is to- under the guidance of the Holy Spirit enable each child to become a disciple for

Jesus’. Our objective is to enhance growth and consolidation by:

a) Providing appropriate doctrinal programmes to keep our children actively engaged in the 'Word' lead

children to becoming loyal to God and His Church

b) Increasing the number of child preachers

c) Training more children to participate in the programmes of the church


10. Child Preachers’ Training session will continue on Sunday, May 5, 2013, from 9 a.m. – 12 noon at the EJC

Board Room.

11. Child Preachers’ Training can also be conducted in your church. Kindly inform the office if you have

conducted or is conducting or will conduct this training in your church.

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12. Women’s Ministries / GEMS Retreat will be held at the Holiday Inn Resort from October 24 -27, 2013.

The office is now accepting payments. Book early and save. Be content to act and leave the talking to others. - Baltasar Gracian

(8) Andrews Memorial SDA Church Invites You to an Evening of Excellence - May 12-2013 The Northern Caribbean University Chamber Choir will be the featured performer at the 14th annual Evening

of Excellence concert for charity, scheduled for Mothers Day, May 12 at 5:00p.m at the University Chapel,


The 2013 Evening of Excellence, titled Everlasting Peace, is organized by the Andrews Memorial Seventh Day

Adventist Church. This special concert emphasizes classical and inspirational music with instrumental, choral

and solo performers. The line-up includes the Andrews Memorial Church Choir and Male Chorale, Lori Burnett

(soprano), Mickel Gordon (piano), Nikki Davis (vocals), Ann McNamee (organ and piano) and Jade May


Held under the patronage of Pastor Everett Brown, President of the Jamaica Union of Seventh-day Adventists,

the Evening of Excellence, is an outreach initiative of the Andrews Memorial SDA Church. Proceeds from the

event are donated to several charities and scholarships are also awarded to needy students. The 2013 concert is

set to benefit the Golden Age Home, The Women’s Centre and Kingsway High School.

Other beneficiaries of past concerts have included the Maxfield Park Children’s Home, Good Samaritan Inn, Sir

John Golding Centre, Jamaica Society for the Blind, Jamaica AIDS Support and the Young Men’s Christian

Association (YMCA).

Tickets for the Evening of Excellence are available at the East Jamaica Conference (EJC) Book Shop, Monarch

Pharmacy, Music Mart and the Andrews Memorial SDA Church.

(9) Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

Phillip E. L. Castell

Communication Director

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Dates -2013 Event Location April 27 District Dialogue - Hagley Park SDA Church

April 28 Launch of 2013 School of Evangelism Constant Spring SDA Church

April 28 General EJC Elders' Association Meeting (Youth Room) Andrews Memorial SDA Ch.

April 28 Church Clerk Seminar EJC Board Room

May 4 Vision One Million Celebration Everywhere

May 4 Children's Convention Stadium Community

May 4 Day of SDA Books (Publishing Department) Everywhere

May 6 - 11 Education Week May 11 Youth Day of Prayer Everywhere

May 11 Publishing Day Celebrations and Symposium Kings Chapel

May 23 Labour Day Project (Zonal & National Projects) Everywhere

June 2 5 K Health Run / Walk Kencot SDA Church

June 8 Women's Ministry Emphasis Day Everywhere

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