weidenhammer mobile application development practice

Mobile App Development Application Development Group

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Mobile App Development Application Development Group

Page 2: Weidenhammer Mobile Application Development Practice

Why Should I Be Concerned With Mobile Apps?A view into how and when Consumers and Businesses are using mobile devices:

• Consumers have an array of device choices – tablets, computers, TV, mobile phones• Consumers spend almost 5 hours each day “on-line”, with the majority of that time spent

on a mobile phone (151 Minutes)• Analysts predict that in 2015, 85% of all Internet usage will come from mobile devices• Tablets are growing at a rate of 52% a year, a faster rate of growth than computers had at any time in history• Smartphones are growing at a rate of 4 to 5 times that of TVs and PCs• Mobile isn’t just for Consumers – Business Executives report that:

•14% made a direct business purchase from a mobile site – with 37% of those purchases between $5,000 and $100,000 in value.• 90% used smartphones to research business purchases

• 66% say a mobile site makes them more likely to engage with a vendor• 34% didn’t purchase because of a non-mobile friendly interface / experience• 11% of the purchases researched were in $1 million+• 32% of phone users, 15% of tablet users researched for in excess of 30 minutes

Mobile App Development Practice

Sources: Milwood Brown AdReaction, 2014

GoogleThink Research

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Lessons Learned and StrategiesFocus on the Phone First

• For Retailers, it is not uncommon for customers to be on a mobile device while browsing in a brick and mortar store. This makes smartphones critically important to delivering a streamlined brand and purchase experience. Developing a mobile focused strategy can drive new revenues, build customer engagement, and turn the smartphone into a powerful conversion tool.

Deliver Device Specific Content• Provide a consistent overall brand and engagement experience, tailored to each specific device. Simplification is key – examine what can be removed and resist the urge to add more content and images. The mobile site should not be the desktop site in a smaller size. Focusing on the basic elements will result in more visits, less network issues, a cleaner design that works with a smaller screen, and ultimately more conversions. Best in class brands with mobile specific content and outreach increase the conversion rate from less than 1% to 40%.• Phone conversions are growing at a faster rate than any other devices – 4X fast than tablets, 14X faster than desktops. Mobile-focused design should accelerate these rates.

Mobile App Development Practice

Source: SeeWhy, an SAP Company

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Lessons Learned and StrategiesNot All Devices are Created Equal

• Research shows that the screen size of a devices determines the rate of conversions. Larger screens elicit a higher rate of conversions.

• However, screen size is not the only determination of conversion rate. It is a combination of screen size and cost of device that determines the conversion rate. Consumers with more expensive Android phones are almost 3 times likely to purchase using their smartphone then consumers with less expensive Android phones. Apple iOS devices convert more customers than Android devices.

Mobile App Development Practice

Source: SeeWhy, an SAP CompanyBased on 150m web transactions in December 2013

85% < 10%VSiOS Converts BetterApple users represent a different demographic. Younger, more affluent, better educated = buy more.

of mobile commerce revenues

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Weidenhammer’s ApproachUser-Centric Approach

• Our partnership starts with understanding your business, your customers, and your technology.

Mobile App Development Practice

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Weidenhammer’s ApproachMobile App Development Process

Mobile App Development Practice

WorkshopsMarket Research

UX ResearchRequirements


User ExperienceDesign


Creative &Visual Design


App Development

Test / QAWorking, clickable prototype Competitive

AnalysisTarget Audience Research

Use Cases, Target Audience, Supported Devices, Languages, Data Sources, GPS Capabilties, Location Based Services, Maps, eMail Integration, Phone Call Integration, Security User Interface

Design / Comps

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Weidenhammer’s ApproachMobile App Development Process

Mobile App Development Practice



Use Cases, Target Audience, Supported Devices, Languages, Data Sources, GPS Capabilties, Location Based Services, Maps, eMail Integration, Phone Call Integration, Security

Don’t Forget Security

• Weidenhammer will make sure your application addresses security items such as: Authentication, Authorization, Input Validation, Configuration Management, Sensitive Data Protection, Session Management, Exception Management, Auditing and Logging.

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Why Partner with Weidenhammer

• A Leader in Business Strategy – We Can Help You Refine Your Ideas to Deliver Real Business Value Quickly

• Focused on User Experience – Ensuring App Adoption and Increased Conversions• Talented, Incredible Team of Creative Designers - will Develop a User Interface and

Creative Design to will Engage and Delight Your Users• Large Development Team – Faster to Market, Faster to Return• Technology Agnostic – Develop for Multiple Platforms (iOS, Android, Responsive

Design)• Experience – We Have Done It Before

Mobile App Development Practice

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Why Partner with Weidenhammer

Mobile App Development Practice

Best in Class Team Integrating Best in Class


The Team Can Deliver On All Aspects of IT Requirements – Short Term and Long Term – Tactical and Strategic

35+ Years of Experience Across Many Industries

Expertise – Deep Bench of

Consulting, Development,

Engineering and Creative Talent

Long Term Trusted

Advisor for Many Clients

Financially Strong –

Sustained Growth

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How Can We Help YouMobile App Development Practice




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